THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1000. PULL1AM TAKES VACATION President of National League Given Indefinite Leave of Absence. UMPIRE BRIBERY IS REFERRED All Evidence la Hands of Leagae la Tiriifl Over National Cnw . mission for Ita Coaald , . emtlon. CHICAGO, PVb. la-Facticma! strife in the National league was relieved at the closing arairion of tha magnates yesterday when President Hurry C. Pulttam waa grant d an Indefinite leave of absence at Ma own request that" ha may recover from tha nervous atraln to which h haa been subjected for aome time past. John A. Heydler, secretary and treasurer, will act aa president during Pulllam'a absence. Tha disagreement of President Pulllam wMh certain National league magnates pro vldod material for moat of tha discussion during the cloning hour and while tha league president lived up to the propoaed intention of remaining away from the meet ing because he was wearied of the con fHet, the league rr presents I vee spoke of him aa an efficient executive and voted Unanimously to grant Mm an Indefinite leave of absence. Harmony All A.rnann'. In order to leave nothing lacking in the way of good feeling which marked tha last day of the big meeting President Charles W. Murphy of the Chicago National league club apologised In open meeting to PreaV dent Ban Johnaoa of thn American league, who waa pi escnt at the session on Invita tion for the purpose of telling what he knew of the attempted orlblng of Umpires Klem and Johnstone during the - closing aerlea In Chicago between tha home team and the Ictrolt Americana. The entire bribery problem proved to be ao difficult of handling that tt was decided that the statements of the umplrea and ail evidence in tha hands of the special com mittees be turned over to tha national com mission fur auch action aa It may de termine. Chairman Hermann of tha commission may call a meeting of the commanding powers of base ball tomorrow to get to the bottom of the scandal, but he expreased himself aa undecided. The Information presented by Ban John ton to the National league magnate waa kept secret for the time being, the matter being of such' vital Importance In tha af (alra of tha "National game that It waa con sidered desirable to withhold rumors and allegations until ' the National commission M ready to report. It waa after Mr. Johnson had addressed BE SPECIAL CUT PRICES FOR SATURDAY 435 Odd Suits and Overcoats left from our regular stock, worth up to $22.50, en sale to' morrow aW 0T.. Come early please 48 Top Coats made of tan covert cloth, Venetian lined, QCftQft worth $10. tcv Azl morrow . . FANCY VESTS at a Great Reduction Men's Fancy Vests worth up to $7.50, on sale ft A tomorrow at S3.9S, $3.25, $250, $L25 &utr Qaturday 'pcclals $L50 Sweater Coats ... 59c $125 Wool Underwear . 49c 50c Ribbed Underwear 35c 75c & $1 Negligee Shirts . 39c 35c Preferable Suspenders 15c $150 Worsted Pants . . 75c $3.50 13.00 Pants . . . $1.45 $4.00 Peg Top Corduroy PanU t . 92.50 rtOHID KK90KTS. UATttl ONCf DC UON . . . ' ") ........ bt Auiuatine ommono. . . Ontoad-ea-thvBali(sa THI MIAMfNg PaloiKMck HOVAl PALM Z3 THt COLONIAL. Nassaa, Banana Ula. J w l',H soul o Miami, baa km hiaaa aa klaal Ashing amp. with avary comfort. 1 IT Hll.( MIAMI. CUB. Tha new mil line along t lorida kurs is aomvUiad to K nu h u K v.eoniwct iua wita ainnhnia fur iiaana and JkeyUest. For htfonuatloa relative to tickets, hotel r mhuh. alanm ai n-rU.r aa atMuuara, apply to FLORIDA atABT COIST ST. . saia nrtt evg. CHtcase ma vesa a . awauanat. sta. I jT CLorniNfi compaai pouch .. the National leaani magnate that Presl- dent Murphy apologised for whatever ha had aald In tha past oonoernlng tha Amer kan league exscutlva. While tha formality of handshaking waa dispensed trtth Johnson bowed hla acknowl edgements and ha waa voted tha thanka of tha nmgnatea for his efforts rn behalf of tha national game. Ticket Confutation l. Tha ticket complication during tha cham pionship aeries In Chicago between trie home team and New Tork waa con Into at soma lentth and It waa decided that tha matter bo Investigated mora fully by Presi dent Murphy and tha chairman of tha Na tlonal commission. In handling tha problem of ticketa the magnates brought woo t tha players by adopting a rule that no paasea be Issued to tha latter either to tha borne grounda or while they are at other cities. Provision will be made for the lasuaxioa of paaaea to tha wives of players, but hereafter tha choaen frlonda of tha diamond stars will be obliged to dlapensa with free admls1 alone. Tha directors alao decided to do away wtlh the practice of giving "free ladles' days" in any of tha National league parka. National Agreeaaeat Amended. The propoaed amendment to the national agreement was ratified by the league. Cluba will be limited In the major leagues to twenty-five players between May 16 and Auguat 30 and thirty-five ptayera after the latter data mentioned. Tha claaa A leaguea will be limited to aixteen and twenty-five In the same arrangement aa regards dates. After considerable discussion it waa deolded that the dates of poatponed gamea a hall be fixed by the home team on tha day of postponement. When "double headers" are arranged according to thia plan tha umpires must be notified by the home cluba in order that they may be on hand without delay of being assigned by the headquarters of the league. In the resolution granting President Pul llam a leave of absence the magnates ex preaaed the hope that he would return to hla duties fully restored in health. "During his absence," the resolution aet forth, "ha will be relieved of all respon sibility and John A. Heydler. now aecre- tary and treaaurer, la hereby appointed acting president withfull authority In the office which carries representation on the national commission." In tha atatement issued by President Pulllam before the meeting ha expreased tha hope that baae ball would not meet the fate which has overtaken horse r&clns throughout the country and announced that name at the magnates "were inclined to kill tha goose that laid the golden egg." It was when this atatement waa made publlo and President Pulllam failed to ap pear that a conference waa held and the president asked that he be granted a leave of absence. It la probable that he will go to California Monday next. Kiraky'i Premtaed Boaaja. The National commission . at Its next meeting will act on tha requeat of Pres ident Murphy to be permitted to pay a $10,000 bonus to his players, as per the promise made before the cloae of laat season' a championship aeries. President Murphy eays ha sent a letter to the National commlaalon laat Tueaday asking permission to make good his prom ise, but up to tha present time no action haa been taken. Chairman Herman de clined to dlscusa 'the matter; and Presi dent Murphy Instate ha is willing to pay over the money providing ha la given official sanction. The American league officials, aa well as the executives of tha cluba rapreaented In the American association and Western league, were not in evidence during the closing hours of tha National league meeting and trading waa not active. President Comlskey announced that Fred Parent, tha Chicago American league short stop, had signed a contract for the season of 1901 and plana are almost completed for tha California training trip. The Chicago National league olub tonight traded Pitcher Durbln and Third Baseman Downey to Cincinnati for Outfielder Kane. PalUasa la St. Laala. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb, 19. Harry Pulllam, president of the National League of Baae Ball clubs, arrived In St. Louis this morn ing, accompanied by Stanley Roblaon, prea Idtnt of the St Louie club, Mr. Pulllam arrived without baggage, and the attempt of hla fellow magnates of tha National league to keep him In Chicago was confirmed by friends, who cams down on tha aame train. Pulllam refused to dlacuse tha Indefinite leave of absence granted him by tha league, of which ha is the titular head. "I'm hare for my health," said Pulllam. "I'm going to Cincinnati thia afternoon or tonight." "I'm not going to realgn. I'll stick to the last ditch. They can fire me, but I won't realgn. That'a all I have got to say. I'm tired and my nerves are a wreck, and, besides, I'm through talking." ICH1PKE TO RBPLACK ttUILLIIt Taat la tha Dove at the San ok Hemea ava4 Other H oases. There Is a growing belief at the Smoke houae and In other sporting quarters of Omaha that Bill Schlpke will play third base for Minneapolis thia season. Mike Cantlllon, manager of the Millers, lias let Lee Qulllln go to Dea Moines; Joe Cantlllon, manager of Washington, has Hooght Wld Omroy from the Highlanders; Hohipke played a great third for tha Sen ators last year, but lacked in batting, hanca tha conclusion that Skipper BUI will be replaced In Washington by Conroy and Qulllln In Minneapolis by Schipke. Incidentally Qulllln will play in tha out field at Dos Molnea, according to present plana Qulllln is one of the disappointments of base ball. No young player promises mora than he, but whan ha went to the White Sox ha eeemed unable to keep his head and conaequeot'y soon became worthless to Comiitkey, who promptly slid him on to Minneapolis and now Minneapolis is through vlth him. Oonroy's sale to Washington Is taken by aome good authorltiee to mean that Kid Hlberfteld will, after all, be retained by Kt&lllnga aa regular third baseman for New York Americana and Ward will play short. If thia dope provea correct and un less tha rantankeroua Kid takes a wonder ful brace In himself, things look better than ever for Jimmy Austin. If he can't put a tuck or too In El ber field at this third corner It will be a surprise to many fan a Kvldently Stalllnga meana to hang onto Austin. He wouldn't dare talk of letting him go- Not a team would waive on him. Ha would be grabbed up tha moment Naw York raised Ita finger. BOSTOM REVOLTS AT CTS SALB Kama Tkreatrsa ta Bares Taylea Tamaa Thia Seasea. Devoteea of Cy Young In Boston threaten to boycott tha Boston American league team because President Taylor has sold old Cy Young, their Idol, to Cleveland. Young could draw a larger crowd than all the rest of the team put together, and ha won lila share of gamea, too, and would have won many more had he. a team of hla caliber back at him. Soma of the alrongest baae ball nten in Boston are up In arms and decsara that they will show Taylor before this season ia over that ha made the error of hla Ufa la letting out the Grand Old Man. When Lou Crlger, Young's old-time pal and catcher, waa ald to tit. Louis It be came evident that Taylor might let Young go, too. But Young and Crlger both hoped they might be aold to tha aame team, ao that they could continue their association of a score ot yeara. Kicks and protests sre pouring in like an avalanche upon President Taylor, who per hapa is unable now to undo whet be has dons. Jimmy McAleer, manager of tha Browns, and bia chief. President Hedges, still are wondering how they oama to lose out on Cy Young. When Lou Crlger was traded to St. Louis, Young expreased his dissatis faction with the dl. He waa aoeuatomed to have Loula catch him and said ha would not know how to act with any one else be hind the bet. Knowing this. MnAleer and Hedjree ma1n overturea to rresldnt Taylor for Young's relrasn. Taylor told McAlrer ha would trade Toung for Rube WaddHI J naturally balked at this. Inasmuch aa the ttiiDe la quite aa good a drawing card aa Cy and la not aa old. Taylor thin asked MoAleer for an offor. Jimmy made him one and John I. aald he would ronalder it and let him know in the morning. Jimmy would not eay what ptayera he offered In exchange for the veteran, but volunteered the Information after the Cleveland rtal had been made that the athletes the Browns had promised to provide outclassed tha ones the Napa turned over. And the Cleveland exchange came off a few minutes after McAleer and Taylor had their talk. "We wanted Young." aald Preaident Hedgea yesterday, "and thought we would be given the call, aa Cy wanted to Join Crlgvr. But you never can tell." WHISTERS FROM MANY TOWNS Players Are Y.ataerlna; Fast and Cen tral West Toaraey la la Swlaar, Whist players from all over the middle weat have arrived to participate in the fifteenth annual meeting of the Centra! Whlat association. The towns already represented at the tournament which is held at the Rome today and Saturday are; Harlan, Sioux City. Elk Point. St. Joaenh. York, Grand Island, Bloux Falla. Pleasant valley, Omaha and Council Bluffs, and J. J. She from Oklahoma City. The whist players took possession of the banquet roam at tha Roma as soon as the hardward men gave way and a business meeting waa started at 1:30 p. m. with regular play acheduled for 2 o'clock. Tha program: FRIDAY. X TV fn Vfrat nlau fnaa , V, T, I V . Challenge Trophy, for teams, of four. Only 1 1 win viiu diud eiigioie. J p. m. First play of the pair contest for the Hp. Milfnoa Tmnhv In uklnk " . number of pairs from any club may enter. ( p. m. Second play for . the Richards Challenge Trophy. X r m. Apnnnii nlatr fn. i,m. Ti- Trophy. SATURDAY. 11 a. m. Business meeting. 3 n. m ThtrA anil final nlair - IV. . Richards Challenge Trophy. 1 n. m Thlrri MnA final nlau n T- - " - a" - J v waa wa Molnea Trophy. 8 p.- m. -Free-for-all pair contest for Bcfrmelser Trophy, under the Mitchell Pro gressive system. Pairs many be arranged without regard to club membership. Presentation of trophies and prises. . Oregons Defeat Prra Normal. PERU, Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.) The Normal boys' basket ball team met the Oregon team here last evening In a gam of ball which resulted In a store of 31 to 11 In favor of the Oregon team. The game was by far the hardest fought of any ever played in the. Normal gymnasium.- It started out at a lively pace, neither side gaining any advantage for aome minutes. Peru gained three points before the Ore gonlane acored. Here the game turned and the opposing team began a steady, but slow gain which lasted more or less evenly throughout the entire game. The score at the end of the first half waa 19 to 8 In favor of the Oregons. The manager of the 'Oregon team praised the teachers very highly. Baying that in many respects they were equal to any team against which they had ever played. The lineup was as follows: " PERU. OREOONS. Brhott Wrltht R.F. L.r. c. R.i. R.F... L, F... C R.O... ronton . . . Tan .K. akaw . Morton Bw.naoo Bark ... Lm .... .uo. uu. C. Shaw Referee: Rice. I'mnlre? C w. Knr.ll The Oregon team is Just finishing a transcontinental tour in which they have played many of the strongest teams of the country. Out of the sixty gamea played thus far by they they have been de feated In but five. The sophomores defeated the seniors in sn Indoor game of base ball yeatnrday by acore of 3 to 1. This was the game for the pennant among the classes and gives tha pennant to the aophoroorea for this - a ' Jfs Mors Oolf for Egaa. CHICAGO.- Feb. 19.-H. Chandler Efcan, winner of tht national amateur golf cham pionship in 04 and 1906. and four-times winner of the western championship, an nounces his permanent retirement from Spring Fabrics Are On Display t IT YOU'RE seeking something in the line of garment a little more nobby little more individual than the average tailor shows you'll find It at NicoU's. We want you to know and feel that its not merely our business but also our pleasure to show and discuss the nobby Spring and Summer fabrics with you. If you want to be absolutely sure of the style of your garments of the fitting of the proper trimmings of the general workmanship see that NicoU's name Is In your coat. It Is a guarantee for full and complete satis faction. Troujin 56 to:i2. Suits $25 tt $50 WILLIAM JERRKM8' SONS. 200-11 Boath IStb 81 Ho Question as to tho Superiority. of CALUMET Daklng Powder, RMairaa KlfWt AswJ WerU's Par Fees E.sesitiss Cskag. 1M7. 0 ' HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH 1 1 Wlnfrm roorfesMaJ by nflworti catch e-ery stain and look hopelessly dirty. If and Saps Ho removes not only Che dirt, trat alas the looasasd, lajur-4 carkia, and (aslam tbe tlag t ihrtr mmtmni bmty. , OMTIM AND DHOOOXZITfl pUMrf t!irnsmnt pley In a letter from lioiils vle, made nubile bv his father. V. C Kaan, today. Prrtmure of business la given ine reason. SOMH . ItOVEl. 'HOOTna IS DOIH Professionals Rest Amateara til Rlghta Defeat Soathaawa. A ehootina? carnival wsa held at the Town send (hin park Thursday afternoon In the face of a hard north wind, whli'h would make the targeta shoot for the ground or else dart thirty feet In the air, and which mane, gooo scores out or the question. The main ahoot wsa among the profes aionaia and the amateurs and was won by the representatives of the big houses by mr-i i-vrgeis. Anoiner snoot or consld ore Me Interest was that between the ln. handed shooters and the right-handed boys "r in- iirire oi a supper, i ne rignts won Townsend break Ina 54 and Hartlv 2.1 whii. the southpaws. Barber and farter, broke 2i aim a, respectively, in. scores: Exuerts Carter Burkner Barber , Gross Hardy Total A mateura Lewis Light Townsend . 14 !4 4A . 18 21-39 . 21 23-44 , XI 1R-J9 23 21-44 Ill S 2141 'S iW 43 20 i2- Cunningham a 2144 Hooker .., 19 1938 Total Practice) Shoot 208 Carter 24 19 22 19-M riurs.ner m 33 19 1881 naroer 11 2a ai w Jwls 21 21 18 20 HO 1-.1K ni y:i :ri tb aa Townsend 22 2 a 22 R9 Cunningham 23 23 19 21 KH Hardy 21 23 23 23-9.) ross 14 1 5 20 2170 nooKer i: g 19 Kerr 20 22 2 Nordstrom 1 is ,. Mitchell 16 19 .. Sharp 20 .. ., Oiauomlni 18 13 .. Hooker 17 .. .. OMAHA RIFLES WIJI THE MATCH Beat the Coaaell BlatTa Team la See oad of Series. The Omaha rifle shots won the second of a series of matches which Is being shot with the boys from Council Bluffs when they hit 2,407 bulls-eyes Thursday night 10 lor ine council Miuns shooters. The third and deciding contest will be shot next Thursday night at Council uiuirs. ine acore: OMAHA TRAM. . Bowman at Boyle 239 j ay lor 241 Bltney Burns 239 Williams 246 Yost ass Llmbert 246 Townsend JH5 LeBron 244 Total 2,407 COUNCIL BLUFFS TEAM. Peterson 239 Clarke 237 S... Hardin , 232 Bryant ., 233 nianspurger 242 Hardin 341 Davis 238 Crlppln ; . 244 Hardy 1, 240 mm 244 Ttt ...-t .2388 WITH THE BOWLERS. The Chancellors won two gamea from the Triumphs last night. Walena had high single game and West high total. Tonight the On i mods will play tha Gold Tops. Score: TRIUMPHS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. .. 172 1R3 1 77 532 . . 204 172 127 603 .. 106 132 166 . 463 .. 178 1) 172 540 .. 182 167 , 152 481 Frltcher , Walens Zimmerman .... C. J. Francisco Anderson , Totals 881 844 CHANCELLORS. 74 2,509 1st. Jd. Jd. Total. Dudley West : Goff m 184 159 , 14 17S lt2 m 166 178 174 171 631 173 176 ll 151 645 401 490 498 Coughlin ... Frush Totals......... SOO 86S 537 X.655 In tha Association league last night the Swifts took two games from the Signal Corpa and lost the laat by one pin. The new man, Kuncl. rolled the high total, averaging 192, and tied up with Booth for high single game. This Is an excellent showing, as thia la hla first league game. Tonight the Malonya play the Cudahya. feccie; SIGNAL CORPS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Strldrr 117 167 161 4i I'erklna 1M 137 141 444 Bcoth 12 154 ZA M Totals. 4 SWIFTS. 1st. 18 165 166 448 530 1,447 Id. 171 228 a Id. Total. 176 613 193 676 180 618 Fagan , Kuncl . Hur.ter Totala..... 477 601 629 1,607 The Grain Brokera slipped a cog last night by letting the Borshelra Jewelera win two gamea from them. Bpetman had high total, with 490, and Latey high alngle game, with SOD. Score: GRAIN BROKERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Weeka 161 13 131 45 Wldsturp 117 163 150 420 Kerr 15 135 143 443 Totals 443 4S1 424 1.148 BOR8HE1M JEWELS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Latey ... Morrison Spetoign 146 143 176 119 168 139 202 187 176 467 4iW Totals.... 461 416 (45 l,42o The Omaha Bicycle Company took three games from the Chabot Shoe Companys last night on the Metropolitan alleys. The Bikes are getting bark In form again. Battling Nelson waav again high man for the Shoe Company, with &2 total, and Lahecka had high alngle game for the aame team, with 193. Hull was high man for the Bikes, with 697 total, and Sam Boord a cloae aec ond with 696. Tonight the L,uxua and Hus sle's Acorns will kill a few pins. Score: OMAHA BICYCLES. 1st. Zd. d. Total. Boord 230 170 206 695 Hlnrlcha 171 173 154 498 Palmer 167 1W 16 &5 Gllhreath 203 170 158 Ml Hull 196 176 2-'S &)? Totala 57 866 933 2.780 CHABOT SHOE COMPANY. 1st. 2d. Id. Total. Grotte 164 196 174 i24 Sutton lti 19 179 616 Nelson 1S5 174 174 tJ9 Lahecka 147 1M 133 491 Prenieau, C 128 143 111 HI Totala S2 Uo M 2,606 The Borshelms won two gamea from the Bungalowa on the basement alleys last night. All three gamea were close and ex citing and the Bungalows almost took tho aeries. Ward waa high on total, with 473, while Gwynne had high alngle game of 19. Latey had high total for the Borshelms, with 601, while Spetman had high game of 196. Score: BUNGALOWS. 1st. Id. Id. Total. Gwynne 124 m m 463 Sohaeffer iss i7 17, 4;. Ward io3 174 144 ;3 Totala 410 63 4&2 1,401 BORSHEIM JEWELS. . 1st. 2d. Latey 153 kj Smith 122 I67 Spetman 13 i; Id. Total. 16 1 601 14 V 476 1S 497 Totala. 427 616 640 1,471 THREE-1 LKAGIIS SCIIEDTJLB OUT Meutsa Opeats May ss4 E.ast Gaasee Take rimes teptesaber X. ROCK ISLAND. Keb. 19.-The Three-1 leaarue schedule of base ball gamea for the coming eeaeon waa made publlo today by M. H. Sexton, president of tha league. The aoason all! be opened Msy 6. with the Dubuque team at lHverixrt, Kock Isl and at Cedar Rapids, Peoria at Biooiiilng ton and Decatur at Springfield. Final gamea Will P played September 26. Pes-awra a4 C4taspbll. Tsddy Peppers of Kansas City an4 Teainir Campbell will sMtle old boot as this evening ia South Omaha vrhea thay meet in a tea-round bout at fcartos a ball. Twentieth and Q streets. These lads mot in Omaha two years ago and the resultant nraw wsa not aHtlsrarturv to all comwrrvaad and they have been anxious for a return match ever since. The preliminary go Is oeiwren i aany McMillan and Kid Wick. EVENTS OX TUB Rt ln TRACKS ilia Private Wiaa Derby Trial at Emeryville from Tom llayvrara OAKlaAND. Cel., FVh. 19.-A good card waa offered at Kmeryvllle todsy, with the '""'T irisi, at a nine and a sixteenth, as in- ipaiunp. High i'rlvate and Fanatic, from the For v the stshlfs. miaul fivnrliM After Lighthouse and Madman tired. High Private drew away and won from Tom Hayward, whllo Fanatic was third. Fine weather favored the raring, but the track waa sloppy owing the rain of the early morning. Favorites and well plaved horsea nu i i-nniui. Dumniarics: First rare, three and a half fnrinna purse: Jack lenncr1en (112, 8-ovI!!p. 7 to 1) iig imick un, Mctarthv. 11 to 2) rrd' A,,,l'r u,rh m- Taplin. 7 to 1) h,r'- Time: 0.44. Judg. Henderson. Father kugene, Matrliem. Clan, Sixteen. Orahame and Bay Streak finished aa named. Becond race, six furlongs, selling: Argo naut (10R, Mentry. 2 to 1) won. Osorlnn (101. Hark, 9 to 2) second, Doscotnneta (107. Ke ogh, to 1) third. Time: 1:17V Algness B-renad-. Mttle Jane. Matrhtulla. Charles Siaf' Ij18"' '"i1 8k,r" ni Nun finished aa named. .JT.,.llrd L"r' one m"' an1 twenty yards. S-?,;rF,Jil.UJ VI' T8plln' won ?.t.n,,tr-C:,"r." V 51 ond. Nebnlo: , " owrfj, n lo li tmrd. Time: 1-47V Import and Hunky finished as named, h mirth race, one mile and a sixteenth. Queen and Madam finish a. 1j !r?rlr.I,?la0",ml, p''ln': Painty Bell. 002, Taplin. 9 to 1 won, Dollle Dollars (in. Keogh. 16 to 61 sonnnri T i. hert. 9 to H third. Tlrne: 1:4 Mhi Pe Sr,P"S C Km "nd K"5' Priceless named Blancha C and hara ffnlshed as Sixth mCP- fttv fnrlnrttrs. T-,.J.ts im U .eeLW,"'t.Mliy A2ell '". Gilbert g to Sammarles at I.oa Aaaelea LOS ANGELEB. Feb 10 ' . ... ummarlee: Anua aviTLr; ",e,i'nf' fur,": Milpltas P.e vre"' 2 to 5 "on. Third Rail (101 . ' l) third. Time: 1:1:'. pllon Henrv . .! Ught Comldy. ArenTn' Saint Kilda also ran, Second race, sellina- nu . i . a ho- ,,.,::. a-jra.-umj, inree ana i w . S ' oepuiveaa (107, fch lling, 9 -.....a. o. jnao, noward, 4 to 1) third ?imv:ps;tTir1 BrinK Llf'' Fred Stone; I.ady Paret, G. A. R., Mary a Lamb, Mary Van Buren and El Perfertn .i-r, IV.' Mary Third race, selling, five and a half fur longs: Lady Irma HikS ki,iik-. a "n. Diiiy uooemer (104H. HowHrd, 9 to 11 . , , , . ' . n, a iv ivi 7k i '!,B dwiii tnet Kennedy, 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:kSt ...i di Alone, Uncle Jim, Free Knight the Bear and Bemproni also ran. ,f.ou, race' ,lllnS. fve furlongs: Calves (109. Powers. 4 tn 11 wnn li.n i itr,?,' . V cona- K,"S of th Mist (HO. Shilling, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:28. Kerry Entre Nous, Skyo, Financier and Charley Paine also ran. Fifth race, mile' Plnta nun Bi,nnn. , 10 lu, MPuee, to 1) aecond, Otilo (109, Goldstein, 11 to 2) third. Time; 1:39H. Donatus, Nasmerito and Barton also run. Sixth race, seven furlonirs: Prnn-reaa nra Aubuchon, 6 to 2) won, Rey Del Mundo Uira, Hutwell. 10 to 11 aecond Ten Hoo.h (101, Page, 6 to 1) third. Time: l:2b. Sad- lr. 1)RV Star Jnmim. V Hrlfla-nK U....nA a Korosilanly, Bye Bye II, Friar of Elgin and nniljmv hiso ran. Seventh race, selling, five and a half fur longs: Creston (110. Shllllns. 8 to 4) wnn Inclement (1I6. McGee. 4 to 1) second. Garter iixiit (no, iiowara, it, to l) third. Time: 1:06. Semuroelle, Carasco. Senator Rarree Charles Rosaemore, Jane Laurel and Ben Stone also ran. Snmnarlea at Tampa'. TAMPA, Fla..- Feb. 19.-Summariee: First race, six furlonars and alrtv vnr-Ha- Roaeboro (109, Burton, 4 to 1) won. Malvlna (102. Crowley, 8 to 6 second, Rexall (104, Callahan, 12 to 1) tliird. Time: 1:21. Rulloha, Mlsa Perigord.' Battleax. Mv Lanv. nriiHu and French also ran. , Second race,! five furlongs: Kiamessa II. (111. Pendergaet, 4 to 5) won, Anna Smith (110, McCarthy, 2 to 1) second. Dew of Dawn (106, Hannan, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:04. Katie Gleason, Clolsteress, Maaks and Facea and Emily Almanac also ran. Third race, five furlongs: Momentum 004, Lovell, 5 to 1) won, Ray Thompson (111. Pendergast, 8 to 6) aecond. Roseburs- II. (104, Hannan, 5 to 1) third. Time: V.0S. Dolly Bullman. gunfire, Sally Preston and Grlfton alao ran. Fourth race, seven furlongs: Merlse (102, Brannon, 8 to J) won, Elyeium (107. Smith, 6 to 1) aecond, Plmpante (97, Crowley, 6 to 2 third. Time: l:36Vi. Rose Arkle, Maleoon, She Wolf. Hawk a Flight, M. L. Dawson and Camel also ran. Fifth race, five furlongs: Aunt Tabitha (106, Redd. 10 to 6) won. Bird Slayer (108, Brannon, 6 to 4) second. Dverv r. Irwin. 20 to 1) third. Time: lr041i. Amador. W. G. wiuiama, miss rudrten, Kate Carney, Tomlchle and Carrie Elder also ran. Sixth race, aix furlongs and sixty yards: Carraugh (106. Smith, 6 to 1) won, Minne- nana (lui, itannan, lo tl second. Airship (109. 11 to 6) third. Time: 1:30. Precedence. Miss Topsy, Calabash. Charley Ijislr Clifton and Forge alao ran. ROD AND GUN CLCB EXPANDING Liberal Subscriptions Toward Pro. Jected Improvements. Bright DrosDCcts for an un-tn-date an4 thoroughly wide-awake outdoor and lake- tiae club were reccinted and given a big boost at the annual meeting of the Rod and Gun club Thiirf.i'nv nls-ht at Prelirhinn Institute hall. Subscriptlrns making a total of 7.210 were pledged toward the purchase of grounds and the building of the pro- poaea new club buildings upon and near ne present site of the club, and the Initia tion feea and membershlD dues were dou bled to help pay for the extensive outlay pli rt.ed ftr. Electing officers and dlrectora for the riming year was an in.porU.nt item of busir.-"s, the results being aa follows; Present offlcera re-elected for another term: John A. Scott, prcaldent; W. 8. Sheldon, vice president ; A. F. Hloom, secretary: A. P. Whltmore, treasurer; Dlrectora: K. T Goodrich, T. H. Weirlck. J. C. Younga, 8. W. Smith, J. E. Prentiss, F. B. Holbrook and J. J. Davey. Annual reports from the secretary and treaaurer were read and showed most en couraging conditions in the organisation. President Scott made a lengthy address, which summed up the work of the. club since It was Incorporated last April and told of the Improvements that are being planned and will be realised If sufficient money is forthcoming. Among the things that are proposed are additional grounds, a carload of steel boats, large c lull, boat and bath houses, pretentious sanitary and water systeme, a catering department and exlenslona and additions in the list of tporls, both on land and water, for the members. MISSOIHI CI.OSKa WITH A WIN Washington t'alrrraltr Gives Them a Hard Pall. COLUMBIA, Mo.. Feb. 19 (Special Tele gram.) Missouri ended ita 1909 banket ball season tonight by again defeating Washing ton univeralty of St. I-ouls. 2 to 21. The game waa harder for the Ylgera to win than the one last night, and the first half waa even most of the time, ending 19 to 15 In favor of Missouri. Washington he roically tried to even up matters in the last five minutes of play, but could not over come the big lead Missouri had gained early In the half. Skaer was the Plkeway star, acorlng twelve of their points, while Captain Ris ti ne checked up aixteen for the Tigers, and wound hla Missouri basket ball career up trllllantly. The lineup: Misaoi'Rl M. I RIMIss r. P. WASHINGTON SI. flktrr Cohan P. P Hanlaf ,. C. 0 Uardnar , O O Jtamat 0. O Referee: Barnea of Kansas City, Bell of Illinois university ... Hanger Rodenberg ... MadSoi . Builngar Umpire: MARATHON Rl'Tf OH THE PROGRAM Race In from Florence Feat are of V. M. C. A.'a Celebration. The Young Men's Christian aajoelatlon has prepared an elaborate program for Washington birthday, which will Include athhrtlo and patriotic events. A 10 in the morning the long distance runners will go to the end of the Florence car line and then run back. They will try to beat ttut record of forty-twe minutea made Janu ary 1 by J. Fred Balthaser. A mass meetlig will be held at I r. m. in the Young Men'a Christian association auditorium, whaa Pr. F. I laovelaaa will ru.'rm,: "'Si Private (118. Ie. u to 20) won, Tom Hayward (lit!. Gilbert. 9 to 1 sec ond. Fanatic (105. McCarthy. 11 to 20) tlilrd Time: 1:50U Palo Aim t " A "' Only Seven ping Days oi Our Grffil February Clearing $ale Every day from now on till its close we wif offer &t ill greater inducements throughout the store tXu Furniture. Carpets, Rugs, Lino leum, Lace Curtains, Snowflake Curtains, Portieres, Draperies, Window Shades, Shirt Waist Boxes In fact our entire stock of houscfurrfishings will be still greater reduced to insure a positive clearance. We offer some extra specials for Saturday Only. We are offering one of the best quality Cocoa Torch Poor Mats, size 10x27, regular $1.10 quality ftCft Saturday only, each .' Out Here is a very useful article at a bargain, 25c rug 4 A -beaters, like cut, Saturday only, each.- llli $12.50 Mattress," made up in fine quality of colored art tick ing, guaranteed to be of better value than the $15 A A Ostermoor mattress, on sale Saturday only, each.. VvUv $25.00 Mahogany Finished Divan, fitted with fine quality silk plush, loose cushions, with silk tassels and Cf 1 CA cord; only 12 of these left; Saturday only, each. . VlsWVl OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 9. Miller, Stewart & Beaton 413-15-17 South 16th StntL ; lecture on "Tho Father of Our Country. The Omaha High school band will play a concert tn frrmt of the Young Men's Chris tian association building at 7:30 and hvter will play In the lecture room. The Omaha High School Glee club will sing patriotlo songs and the umaha ltlgn school ttooaters club will turn out en masse, A general In vita Ion Is extended. IOWA VICTOR OVER GOPHERS Game m Decidedly Rough Affair All Arosadi IOWA CITY,' Li., Feb. 19IBpeclal Tele gram.) Iowa State university defeated Minnesota here tonight In basket ball by the decisive score of 37 to 18. The Hawk- eyes gained a lead at the start and were never headed. Captain Perry of Iowa was the star of the game, making ten basketa. The score at the end of the first half was 20 to 8. iowa easily excelled the Oophera in team work. The game waa rough. Brown of Iowa making- five fouls. lie was ruled out. Thomaa taking his place. Mencke, by roughing HVland, caused such a demonstra tion from the crowd that Manager catnn stopped the game and quieted the students Hansen waa hit in the eye and cook re moved him. The lineup: IOWA. Rrdsn H. r. gtawsrt L. F. Hyisnd C. Brows, Thotbu U O. MINNESOTA. R. r Pttterson L. r... Hanson. Krltchflsld O Manrks L O Qulton. Walkor, llanchtntrr Psrrlns R. G. R. G Anderson Goals from field: Rlden, 4: ' Stewart. Z; Hyland, 1; Pcrrine, 10;- Hansen, 1: Mencke, Anderson, l. ree throws: Hansen, s; iHydcn, 3; Anderson, 1. Umpire: Finger of Cornell. Maaretanla Makes New Record. NEW YORK. Feb. 18. The steamer Mauretanla, which arrived off the Am brose channel lightship last night, having established a new Trans-Atlantic record over the long course, reached quarantine station at 7:16 a. iu. today. Wasrm Waits a Match. BHATKICK, Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.) Oscar Wasem, the wreatler, la located at Belleville. Kan., and writes to a friend in this city thu.t he Is anxious to meet some good man. Brief (4 port y Talk. One Dusty Miller has signed with the Outlaws at Stockton, And he's lucky at that. ' What does Downs' going to the White Sox mean? Isbell haa signed up. Where's Jiggs? Cleveland with Cy Young added to the staff ia being picked to win the American league, penart this year. Danny Dreamer Durbln haa refused" to sign a Cub contract because of mistreat ment on and oif the field laat acason. Breanahan evidently Is thinking of some It la a generally recoffiiked truth that medicines made from vegetable Inpedienteareaffreatdeal letter adapted to the delicate human system, and safer in every way, than those composed of strong mineral mixtures and compounds.. Mercury, potash, arsenic, etc.,-which are used In the manuiac tare of most blood medicines, are too. violent in their action, and frequently derange the system by disturbing the "stomach and digestion, affecting the Dowels and when used for a prolonged period often cause Rheumatism, b. S. b. is the only blood medicine guaranteed absolutely and purely vreta- i Vt 7 " " ing and healing qualiUes. 8. S. a Ulcers. Sr-rrfii1 Cr.ntatrir..,a Tllt , ----- , --e, - au.suu, can it omer Diooa diseases. because it cleanses and purifies the blood, and at the same time builds up the enure system by its fine vegetable tonic effects. S. S. S. may Ibe taken by young and old with absolute safety, and with the assurance that it will vuiv ui5 .uu uisuruers aue loan impure and poisoned blood supnlv even reaching down and removms- hereditary Uinta. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., t ATLATfTA, WE CURE MEN FOR Dr. fiearle. U Searles, 119 & lith, More Shop aSSssa- aaSSsassaaaa. -Sr m "sssaaaaiaaaMMSstf radical changes with those Cardinals, for thus far only himself and First Basoman Konetchy are sure of their Jobs. Dick Cooley Is quoted by the Wltchlta Beienn aa saying that Topeka la too good a ball town to play In Pueblo, Lincoln and Dee Moines. Richard, did you say that? Foxey Jimmy McAloer let slow old Cleve land get Cy Young from under his very nose, or snoot, If you please. My, that must make Cy and Ixm Crlger feei good. Pulllam says Chsnce told him Murphy called the Peerless Deader a fat head when Chance asked for more than 17,600 a acason for salary. Geo, don't you wish you Wer a fat bead? Hav. kaa vaaaa mm. In. 4. PAbs left ovair Which he wnlllat lllca tn swap for some good, fence lumber. He and Pa are going to put the whole team at work rebuilding that fence tho storm blew down. , Manager Otllan of the Auditorium haa aworne off on handicaps. Bo has ' Jops Westergaard. If Gillian can't Induce the Turk to come to Omaha and meet Woster-ei gaaxd he will got Charley Ilaon of Chi cago, one of the beat. '' DR. SELLS GUILTY OF ASSAULT Prominent lew Physician Coaricted on Testimony of Vtiag Womaa Patient. OSCEOLA, la.. Feb. ll-Dr. F. W. Sella, leading physician and surgeon Iq southern Iowa and president of the Osceola hospital, was convicted here by a Jury today in the district court of assault upon Miss Stella Hortman, aged 23, a patient. Mies Hort man testified that she was drugged and chloroformed while In one of the rooms of tho hospital on July L 1908. Sentence will be pronounced on Saturday. PROMINENT PACKER DEAD Slaraaand Grabenhelmer Expires Sod dealr In New York of Heart Disease. NEW YORK, Feb. 18. Slgmund Graben helmer, treasurer of the firm of Sohwars child & Bulshcrger, and well known in the beef trade, fell dead In the arms of his brother, Nathan, tonight, while walking near, the Grand Central station. Heart disease was the cause. Bigger, Better, Busier That's what ad vertising In The Bee does for your buslneaa. JPWSELW. au oarKs, seiectea lor their purify, cures Rheumatism. Catarrh. Snr -H r.; j .'" .w"c VQ) By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles. fi!!;h,1 ,n m5 Vrs. The many thous--dr;u.cykUO ,U" "h" "-.W-- We Cure You, Then You Pay Us 'Our Fee. We make no misleading Jor false statements or offer you cheap, worthless trsutment. Our repuiation and fains are too favorably knowu; every ess. T trHt , eputauon I. at sl.ka. vour ''J tf? hllln "i th".frSwVi2 lebUlty, Blooa folson, k.niaeaaig i 5m ail m,Vi' Oor. 11th and Douglas, Omahv