Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Our Best Offering of Shirt Waists
Values tin to $1.B0,
at saeh .
Special Sale of Raffled Swiss Curtains
, Saturday.
la this special sale 'we Include all the new styles
that have arrived np to this time. The satIdkb are
considerable and it will pay you to attend.
Our Se ts-lnch Ruffled Swiss Curtains, pair . . . . J5o
Our 65e 13-inch Ruffled Swiss Curtains. pair.. ltd
Our SOc 82-inch Ruffled 8w1m Curtains, palr...5c
Our $1.10 37-ln. Ruffled Swiss Curtains, pair..S3o
Our $1.5 89-ln. Ruffled Swiss Curtains, pair....lSo
Our 11.50 Ifr-ln. Ruffled Swiss Curtains, pair. II. II
Our 2.00 41-Inch Ruffled Swiss Curtains, pair. 1.48
Our 2.7B 48-inch Ruffled Swiss Curtains, pair. $1.78
Extension Curtain Rods with silver or brass ends,
brackets complete, at, each ...Se
Remnants of drapery materials at greatly reduced
prices. ;
Grand Clearing Sale of Women's Hose Saturday
Commencing at 9 A. M.
This final clearing sale includes all the broken lines and odd lots of women's and chil
dren's hosiery in plain blacks and fancies; some sizes missing. The qualities are so fine and
the price so small that there is good reason for stocking up with hosiery for a long time
ahead.. These are real values,
Included Are
Woman's fancy hose, out size, worth
Women's lisle and cotton nose 39c
Children's BOc, SBc and 25c hose
Also women's gaiters in colors, 8 Be
All Included for Saturday, in one
Be here at 9 A. M. if you
Come SaturdayDon't Miss These Petticoats to Tour Special Measure.
It surely will pay every woman to get a new Petticoat while we are making them to your special meas
ure. We make them from any material or color you may choose. See model at dress goods department
All Remnants of
White Goods on
sale In oar Econ
omy basement
during this Febru
ary White Sale.
sursncs companies to furnlah a Uat ef their
policy holders, and fraternal organisations
a Hat of their secretaries. Auditor Barton
Mid tha critics ef these Mils do not under-
stsnd tneir purport, me oiiis, n mu. uu
not contemplate that an orsanlsation shall
(11 thee Hats each year with their re
ports, as they are only required to furnlah
thla list when tha department makes an
order for same. '
Tha Intention of the Mil la to have these
addreaaea for tha purpose of taking; up with
the Members the irregularities of the com
pany, which are not controlled by law, and
that under no clrcumstancee should tbess
Hats ba uaed for any other purpose.
Taylor May Retaliate.
The defeat' In the senate of H. R. 82 by
Taylor of Cuater, giving tha atata canvas
slng board the right to canvaaa votes on
constitutional amendmente and definitely
ae tiling tha statua of the question on which
the legislature divided early In tha ses
sion, la likely to have a fatal effect upon
tha Omaha charter. Representative Taylor,
one of the house loaders, has up till today
evinoed some Interest in the measures of
tha Douglas county delegation, but after
pending (wo hours In tha senate Interview.
, Ing the aenators for the canvaaalng bill,
he heard Senator Ransom move to post
pone his pet measure Indefinitely, and
New spring hosiery now being ar
ranged in hosiery section; stronger lines than
ever greater variety than before.
Our large orders on all numbers are executed by the oldest and
best mills In this and foreign countries, insuring superior material
and workmanship.
' We mention three of our forty big numbers: ,
PONV STOCKINGS-A Boon to .Tired Mothers
, Iff vV cashmere hose, stlk heel
sjkT toe In bias. pink. Un. red.
black or white, at, pair. . . .5
Splendid Assortment Half IIoso vwaYVt'm
I Ota rtoM uan AU Pavtehtaa.
" Valnes np to $3. SB,
at each
Values up to
at each-
Our last great ealef of -waists was such a grand success that our
it rnirpr. xcVin in nnw in Npw YnrV. rliinlirftterl the nrfivirius. order
and nad tnem nurnea on, bo nere iney are ior ssaturaay a spienaia
group of White Lingerie Waists with their spring - time reductions.
Dainty, refined, correct in style, beautiful surely no woman will be
able to resist their attractiveness and the low prices.
This great sale of waists commences at 9 a. m., at the New Base
ment Bargain Square, directly in front of elevator entrance.
j Bargain Square Basement, Saturday.
Remnants of 12Vifec Ginghams at, a yard 8c,
Remnants of 15c Gingams at, a yard. .10c
Remnants of 25c Ginghams at, a yard .".15c
New style, all desirable lengths. "
Quick Selling Prices on Needed Toilet Articles
Rubber complexion brushes, Saturday 10c
Good tooth brushes, Saturday Be. ;
Rose cold creejn, Saturday 10c.
Colgate' Perfumes, very fine, Saturday an os. 2 So
Regular 7 Be bottles ot Headache cologne, Satur
day BOc.
Toilet pumice stent, Saturday 7 Ho.
Lavender smelling salts. Saturday 19c
Special Combination toilet book, Ideal for trav
eling; consists of face powder, nail polish, toilet soaa
nail file, emeryboard and chamois skin. To Intro
duce this handy little contrivance, we will sell them
Saturday at lie.
If you see them yon will wast one. Come Saturday.
such as are seldom found outside
up to 11.25 a pair.'
rin up 10 91. zo a pair '
a and 59c qualities..
c and BOc qualities.
grand clearing sale at, a pair
and 59c qualities
expect to share in this sale.
watched It go down without recourse. Ha
left tha senate with a fixed determination
to return the compliment on the measure
about which Omaha members are in a tur
moil. Sears Before Committee.
Judge W. O. Bears, who appeared before
tha judiciary committee of the house Thurs
day night, with evidence relating to tha
conduct of the office of state treasurer
during the Incumbenoy of Treasuer Stueter.
waa asked by tha oommlttea to leave hl
evidence before them. Thla Is regarded as
an Indication tha democrats Intend at least
to look into the matter ha has again
brought up.
Hotel Mta la Evlaeaee
Hotel men reached Lincoln In force to
night to work against tha Sink I-foot bed
aheets bill. Ilie mens ure was recommended
for general file last night by a aenata com
mittee, but a number of senators gave an
audience to the landlorda at tha Undell
hotel. Among tha visitors went., many
heeds of Omaha hostelries.
Copies af Bask Gaaraaty Bills Or
dered Printed.
LdNCOLN. Feb. 19.-SpeteA) Senate
standing committees reported for indefin
ite postponement 8. F. SB, by King" of Polk,
nlrtrtn Tfnrrjr. fnAm Hosiery Dept.
vi.iugj iiiuo ii unl East Roen
vs-s e ey Muitfuuvvi
boys and girls are made to
withstand the hardest wear that
Tom, Pick and Harriet -can give,
and you know how hard that ia.
We've been Selling PONT STOCK
INGS for a good many yeara, and
haven't rat found a dlaaatlsflad
mother. Tou'll be aurprteed to
find how long they last and how
little mending they need. Triple
kneea, heels and toes, perfect dyea,
auperlor yarn-glvtng elasticity
fit end strength all go to make
Just the Blocking lively boys and
girls can wear without being a
constant worry to the mother
at BSe tae Fair
Boys' "Onyx" hose ia medium,
l!sht or heavy rib, a great stock
ing for romping boys. pair.. JJ5
I pairs for $1.00
of this store.
r- ir
Next Monday
The great special
sale of finished
sofa pillows. 8ee
our 16th St. win
dow. providing for tha forfeiture of principal
and interest in caaoa of usury.
H, R. 201, for the levy of tha 1-mlll ta
for tha benefit of tha 8taJe university,
waa placed on general file, and H. R. to,
making an appropriation for tha Alaska-
Yukon-Paclflo axpoaitlon, was returned t
the houaa because the record showed that
It did not aecure enough votes In the houaa
to carry with the emergency clause, which
tha bill contained.
After' some discussion and numerous
votes tha senate ordered S.O0O copies of
the majority party banking bill printed and
also 1009 copies of tha guaranty bill In
troduced by Senator Myers of Rock, a re
publican. Myers secured tha order for print-
ma; his bill after a hard fight on tha
An effort to set salde an hour on Feb
ruary 22 for Washington exerclaea was
made In tha form of a resolution by Buck
of Otoe, but waa put over a day.
The following bills wars passed on third
8. F. 124, by Buhrman of Hall To provide
arunage ana tree wateroourses tnrougn
private lands.
8. F. 117. by Buhrman of Hall To nre-
vent taking pension money of aoldlera by
sisie institutions.
8. F. 136. by Ransom of Douarlaa To nrn
vide' for the registration of municipal
& F. 1ST, by Ollla ef Velley-Olvlna county
boards the right to appropriate txo for
aeea com experiments under the direction
of the experiment station.
8. F. 8ft, by Wiltae of Dixon Damage
claims against railroads not pad! In sixty
and ninety days shall draw Intereat. and
attorneys feea when collected bv antt.
8. F. 143. by Bartoa of Saline Requiring
railroad companies to furnlah adequate
telephone service from their depots.
B. F. 1, by Myers of Rock Amending
the military code.
. F. ua Pensioning Omaha fireman after
iwemy-one year s service.
The following bills were Introduced In tha
8. F. tOS, by Rsrtos ef Saline For an
act to regulate life Inauratioa corporations
ana to proviae ins manner In which com
panies shall give Information to parsons
i'i'.?'"a iur iiiw insurance.
8. F. 304. by Brown of Laneaetee m.
mlttlng addition of sdlaoent territory t
school districts in villages in same manner
as in ci'ies.
8. F. Su6. by Ransom of Dnne-laa Tit ao,
cure lha levy of taxes necessary to par
the principal and Interest on dulv registered
municipal bonrte of cities and villages. Aud
itor certifies to oounty clerks amounts due
on municipal bonds and same are to be
piarra oy ciems on tax Hats and collected
as taxes. J
8. F. atsj. bv Ransom of Doualaa Foe an
an aot requiring the heada of certain state
Institutions for the faithful performance of
their dutiea Heada of Heat rice Inetltutea
and aarlums shall clve lli.noo bond: at.w.
sn.t: omer neada of other InstUu
Mons, 11010; Geneva chrw. Mil ford Iri
dostiial home. Home for Frlenrilxsa K Ann
In committee of the whole ths sonata
acted upon the following bills:
8. F. a, by Fuller of Seward, requiring
telegraph, telephone and expreaa companies
iv eimuii oooae to assessors. Kecom
mended to Dsea.
8. F. 161, by lAverty of Saunders, to
prohibit the wearing of uniforms of the
army or nary or National Guard by persons
not auwioruea to So so. Recommended to
8. F. 161, by Ketchum of Thayer, to pro
hibit the beedlng of animala within tha
corporate limit a of cities snd to prohlUJt
the posting of breeding advertisements
witnin who leet or sny school or chusc.
inaenniteiy postponed.
6. V. 210. by Brown of Lancaster, to com
pel owners of hotels to provide a rope
aaaer or similar means of escape rroin
higher atorlvs of a hotel la addition to
the regular fire escape. Recommended to
pass. -
S. F. 174. by Miller of Lancaster, convey
ing to tlie city of Lincoln title to the
market aquare in return for a alia for the
Historical society building. Reeonuneaded
to pass.
H. U. 12, by Taylor of Custer, conveying
poer to the state ranvaselug board to
canvass rotes on constitutional amend
csnta. Indefinitely postponed by a strict
party vote.
The senate adjoureed net 11 Monday after-
eoon at t oH;l. ck. -
Invliations were received by ths membars
to sttend a reception given tha members
af tha legislature by ths Nebraska His
torlcal aotcety Wedneeday evening. Febru
ary 14, at the library building of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. ,
RaTart Faree Metlaej ef the Ceaa
aalttee Falla.
r (From a ftatf Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Feb. M. -(Special.) The fight
betwren members of the Douglas delegation
over their charter, started last night before
ths committee on cities and townS. was re
sumed en the floor of the house this after
noon and a lot more "Let ths People Rule"
and "Home Rule" linen was wsshed out for
ths edification of tha legislators.
It all cams about because Thomas, chair
man of tha committee en cities snd towns,
refused to call a meeting of tha committee
for tonight.
This stirred up ths Jlmocrsts and they
got buay and secured the signatures of nine
members of the committee to a petition ask
ing for a meeting. Those who signed, the
petition were fltoecker. Leldigh. Holmes,
West, McColl. Sink, Howard, Wilson snd
Connolly. When ths petition was banded
to Thomas, he aaid:
"Tou may meet If you want to, but I will
not turn over the records of the committee
to you and you cannot make a report on
tha bill."
Then Holmes proceeded to get busy. To
the house hs mads a motion that ths com
mittee be requested to meet.
Instantly Thomas objected. He Informed
tha hsuse that a whole lot of Omaha people
were yet to be heard on that charter and
that tha committee was about to take snap
judgment and amend the bill to provide for
an appointive board.
Holmes replied that a lobby was being
maintained down here to secure that elec
tive police commission; that the people ot
Omsha should have argued for or against
the bill wben It waa before the senste; that
It had been discussed ' three months In
Omaha and six weeks down here and that
was long enough.
Connolly got In with the sstatement that
under the pharter filings for nominations
for office must be made by February J7 and
the bill must be hustled snd there should
be a meeting tonight.
Jerry Howard got Insulted some way
about thla time, jumped up and demanded
that his name be taken from the call, for
he wanted tha "people to rule." Wllsort
and eldlgh then asked that their names be
taken rfom tha call for the meeting, be
cause they . did not know there waa so
muoh feeling between the Omaha bunch.
The motion by Holmes waa then voted
down almost unanimously. v
Connolly charged Thomas' action to Lea
Lee Herdmara
"I told Lee Herd man about wanting ths
meeting tonight and that we would havs
one and he objected. Then he got busy
and called up Gottlieb Stors or some one
else and this is the result. We will have
tha anti-lobby law on him the first' thing
he knows. , Tes, this delegation believes
In letting the people rule, all right, if one
man Is to do the ruling."
' During the harmony exhibition Howard
got to boiling over and he and Boland came
very near mixing up. Howard's under jaw
flew out like a fly trap
"Kape away from me; kape away 'from
me," he aald In a stage whisper as Boland
was trying to tell htm something. And the
more the legislators heard of ths sorap
the more apparent became tha aentlment
to kill tha charter bill unless the delegation
can agree upon It.
. '. '
FlsTht Devslspe Over Revert ef Hlst
, . v ', Scheel . Bill. ,
1 (Frem a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb l.-8peclal.)-The
house today, at ths suggestion ot Represen
tative Brown of Sherman, who had prevl
ously amended his bill, H. R. 350 giving the
land commissioner power to determine ths
value of leases of gravel pita on state
land, killed the bill on third resdlng. Prev
iously ths house eliminated from the bill
ths portion relating to lease of pumice stone
quarries on state land.
The fight of the morning session took
place ever the committee report on H. R
tH by Soheele of Seward, repealing tha frse
high school law passed by the last legis
lature, giving permission to nonresident
students Of high school districts to have
Instruction st the public expense. Thers
was a majority and a minority report, tha
latter being In favor of Indefinite postpone
ment. After- ths subject of education was
gons ever and It was declared the people of
tha atate would be held tip to contumely If
the democratic legislature want on record
against repealing such a law, tha measure
to kill It failed by 66 to ft and tha bill wss
left on general file.
H. R. M0, by Evans of Hamilton, a phgl
cat connection telephone bill, was reported
by tha committee on telegraphs and tele
phones for Indefinite postponement, but
when It wss reported to tha houss ths
members objected and tha bill was placed
en general file.
S. F. 4. Buck's purs seen hill, was re
ported from the standing committee to be
Indefinitely postponed, but it was placed on
general file by the bouse.
H. R. SM. by Groves of Lancaster, pro
hibiting minors from smoking clgsrettes or
using tobacco in any form, wss Indefinitely
In oommlttse of ths whole the house
recommended for passage H. R. 156, by
Kuhl, amending the primary law providing
tor Ute selection ef ths county oommlt
tea by the county oonvenUon Instead of
by the -candidates and for the selection of
the Stats delegates at ths oounty -convention,
but not changing the method of nomi
The following bills were introduced In
the house todsy:
H. R. 434, by Taylor of Cuater Providing
the state normal board ahall tdealgnate
ths high schools In which normal training
shall be taught.
H. R. 456. by Taylor of Custer Providing
railroads ahall furnish stock ysrd facilities.
H. R. 43, by Killen of Gage Providing
for the Incorporation of mutual insurance
K. R. 437, by Stoecker of Douglas Drug
gists shall pay no license fee to sell liquor
for usa In compounding physiclsn prescrip
tions. H. R. 4tt, by Thomas of Douglas To
regulate, the loan of money with salary as
H. R. 489. by Bushes ef TClmball Re
enacting the law providing for tha election
of otficera in new counties.
EaTert mi Deeapltatlea Kspeetesl te
Brlaaj a Fight.
' (Front a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 1! (Special.) The big
gest flgbt yet pulled off this session Is
scheduled to occur when about ' a dosen
committee clerks and other employee are
to be given their walking papere. Notice
to vacate ths jobs will be served probably
Saturday Bight and probably It will be tha
first ot ths week before the' discharged
patriots will be sble to get their represent
atlvea lined up to the full significance of
tha action. Then, of couree, -will coma the
efforts to save the "b'ys."-
Ths banking committee has practically
cofiipletsd Its work and doea not need? a
clerk, the committee on claims is about
through with lis clerk and after the first
forty days of tbs session tbs hill room may
be eut down ty letting out several clerks.
Every person who holds a job under this
legislature doea so because of some political
pull, rather thaa for any special qualifica
tion for ths pi site, so It can be Imagined
hat Will happen when Trenmore Cone,
chief clerk, wields ths sx.
Under a resolution adopted by tha houee
all ef tha employee are placed under the
direction of the chief clerk and tha speaker,
and each has the right te discharge any
one ef them. Cone has decreed that super
fluous hangers on must go, snd go they
must, unless the hens rescinds Its action
In giving hm authority, and that la not
Discharging extra employes st this time
still help to offset the fact that the em
ployes In the engrossing room went to work
drawing salaries weeks before they had any
other work to do.
But no one has been fired yet.
IadlTlaaal Banker et Senatar Ste-
phenson Tells ef Handling;
Caanpala Faads.
MADISON, Wis., Feb. ll.-The banking
methods used In handling the campaign
expenditures of United States Benator Isaac
Stephenson, through J. H. Puellcher. a Mil
waukee banker, took up the attention ot
the Wisconsin legislative committee in
vestigating the senatorial primary today.
Mr. Puellcher explained the manner In
which the deposits were mads snd told ef
receiving amounts aggregating $101,400
through J. A. Van Cleave of Marinette, a
friend of Mr. Stephenson, for paying cam
paign bills. The money, he said, was paid
on what Is known as ths "envelope plan."
Mr. Puellcher had no vouchers or receipts
to show whst money had been paid eut,
but had cashier's checks. Which hs premised
to send to the committee next week.
The method df handling the funds, hs
acknowledged, wss unususl. Mr, puellcher
stated that "never again" Would hs act in
the capacity of "Individual banker" in a
political campaign. Ths committee spent
the afternoon wrangling ever tha proposi
tion Of summoning Senstor Blaine, the man
who made the long Hat of specific charges
ot alleged bribery sgslnst Senator Stephen
son. It was finally decided to call the sens
tor on Tuesday next, to which time the
hearing adjourned.
New Art In Kanaaa Prehlblta All Sales
Except Wlne for Comiaaalom
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 19. When Governor
Stubbs signs the sntl-llquor bill passed by
both the house sod sensfe Kansas will
have a prohibition law which Is absolutely
"air tight," even providing that physicians
shall hot prescribe liquor for the use of
patients. The senate today accepted the
house amendment barring physicians' pre
scriptions. This bill Is the outgrowth et
the crusade against the "joints" Vy At
torney Oensral Jackson. - It provides that
"any person who shall manufacture, sell
or bsrter any spirituous, malt," vinous,
fermented or ether Intoxicating liquors,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall
be punished ss hereafter provided." The
punishment Is a fins for each offense ef
$104 to $600 and imprisonment of from thirty
to ninety days In jail. There Is just ens
exception mads In the act. the sale of wins
for oommunlon purposes. The new act also
doea away entirely with the drug store
permits to sell liquor, ss ths eld law pro
viding for this Is repealed. This act la
one of the most stringent prohibition meas
ures in existence.
Participants la Disorder Refaae .
Give , JsaasV. for Coe
LONDON. Feb. lS.-ixteen suffragettes
who were arrested yesterday during ths dis
orders that followed the efforts te reach
Premier Asqultb to present to htm a reso
lution sdopted by the Woman's Freedom
league In favor of the continuation of ths
militant propaganda for auffrage came up
for trial today in the Bow street police
court Then ot them were sentenced te
terms of Imprisonment vsrylng from one
month to six weeks after having refused to
give security for their good behavior for
six months. Two of ths prisoners gave the
required sureties and the other four were
discharged, as there waa some question
whether they actually participated in the
attack on the police or not.
Caahlrv of Northern PaelSe Lead
Department Leaves Note Explaining-
ST. PAUL, Minn., Feb. W.-HoIder Bray-
ton, cashier In ths offices of ths Northern
Pacific railroad land department, died to
day Sa the result of a shot fired by him
self last evening In his cottage on White
Bear lake. Brayton waa short several hun
dred dollars In bis accounts. Before com
mittlng suicide, Brayton penned the fol
lowing notet .
"Tills Is the end of a misspent life. At
tech no blame te anyone."
On a card ha had written:
"To whom It may concern: Thla will
serve to exonerate Mr. J. M. Hughes snd all
others. "H. BRATTON."
J. M. Hughes is the chief clerk who
served under Brayton.
Five HasAred Children F.ndnngered
by Bxplontesi la Gas
BALTIMORE, Feb. J.-Fivs hundred
school children were thrown Into a panic
by an explosion In a gaa stove in the public
school building st Ramssy and Scott streets
todsy, but although numbers of the pupils
jumped from windows or were jammed to
gether In doorways, no fatalities were re
ported and none were seriously hurt. Pass.
Ing pedestrians aaalsted the children In their
efforts to eacape. and aided In helping to
quell tha panic. The building has previously
been condemned ss unsafe.
Ml sew art Seaat Ceaaaslttee
Frlaea Is Disgrace te
JEFFERSON CITT. Mo., Feb. It-Follow
ing sn official Investigation the senste com
mlttee on penltentlsry and reform sohools
declared today that tha sanitary conditions
srs a disgrace to the state. It was found
thst at least 74 per cent of the deaths
within the prison walls ars caused by con
Ths committee was accompanied by Dr
Frank J. Luts. who says ths legislature
must make a liberal sppropriatlon to pro
vide suitable quarters for tbs convicts.
President Raoaavelt Will Invite For.
ty-Flve Natlaas te Dleeaae
Aetaral Resesrrei,
WASHINGTON, Fb. Is. President
Roosevelt announced today that a call
would be issued st ones for a world's eoa
ference en the conservation of natural re
sources, to be held at The Hague next
September. Forty-five oslions represent
big at Ths ti-igue are Invited te paitlcipals.
OYD'S cundT; FEB. 21st gfe.
sUJtw a sat,NOKR's MAsstva
rmtoast , eoa, , si,
Fepalac Wed. Mai, S5e te 1.00
Pkonsei Doug lees: lad A-lsss
auaeee Tassday, Thursday, a atari ay
Ths New Leading woman
atAvsa Lnoaa a
fcAU-cr-A-e:trioaw rwo&f
area wwfc'sirso."
Btrtra Matinee Meat Monde, W ashlar
tea's Blrthiay,
Corporation Commissioner Beriewi
Formation Blf Combmation.
Beads et Consolidated Company ON
fared far Stock ef Old Coaeera,
Giving proOts te Baaatl
Ceteris at Head.
WASHINGTON, Feb. ll.-ln a report
transmitted to President Roosevelt today,
Herbert Knox Smith, commtsajoner of
corporations, presents some highly inter
esting nlstory of ths organisation of ths
"Tobacco combination," which In ths mag
nitude of Its business operations, Is one
ot the greatest orgsnlsatlona in America.
The report la a result. In part, of an ex
tensive Investigation Into the tobacco la
dustry mads by ths bureau of corporations.
Subsequent reports will deal with the con
trol ot the tobacoo Industry, with prices
and profits, and with competitive methods.
Today's report set forth the rise of one
of the great combinations Of the country.
In hla letter of transmittal, Commissioner
Smith says that It "deals with the history,
from the standpoint of its organisation, of
the great Tobacoo combination. Starting
In 1M0 as the American Tobacco company,
a manufacturer of cigarettes., with a capital
of 126.000.000. the combination has now a
net capitalisation (excluding Inter-company
holdings) of S3la,34.82l. It has absorbed
about separate concerns snd now con-
IsVs Substantially four-fifths of the output
of each Important kind or tobacco manu
factured in the United Btetes, with the ex
ception ot cigars.
Ring Ceatrels Steclt.
"Its history slso presents Important fea
turee ef stook manipulation. The financial
transactions centering around the organ
isation ef the Consolldsted Tobacco com.
pany In 101 are especially noteworthy. At
that time a small body of dlrsotors and
stockholders In the combination believed
that the profits of the combination could
be greatly Increased In tha Immediate fu
ture. They organised tha Consolidated To
bacco company and offered its bonds In ex
change tor the common stock of the Amer
ican and the Continental In order thus to
secure for tnemselves most of the Increased
profits about to accrue. The profits accru
ing to ths common stock ot tha American
snd the Continental after Its acquisition by
the Consolidated Increased greatly and the
small body of men controlling tha last
named company so small, In fact, that six
of them held a majority ef Its stock end
thus controlled the entire combination be
came entitled to sajalions ef dollars whloh
hsd It not been for ffee Consolidated trans
action would have ayne to the original
common stock holder,
Commissioner Smith, says that In fairness
It should be sdded that thla offer of ex
chsnge was mads with no concealment of
tha fact that that 6ffer came from the
principal officers and directors of ths two
companies, but he adds;
ftsalta CrttleUee Orsraalser.
"Tha conduct of this group of men Is a
proper subject for criticism, however, be
cause they could foresee much betteV then
outside stockholders the large proflta about
to accrue. They occupied a fiduciary rela
tion te the outalde stockholders and should
have shared with them squally the special
knowledge aoqulred by their poaltlon."
The report discusses st tsnglh ths nnffS
eds by which tbs tobacco combination bej
been dsvsloped. Including the "bogus In
dependent concerns" ef the combination.
It points out clearly that "ths leading pur
pose ef the men who have controlled It
has been to dominate the tobacco Industry.
Ths report contains not only ths detsils ef
ths financial operations of ths combina
tion In Its rise, but also many Interesting
sidelights on tha schemes employed to make
the combination paramount In the tobacco
Illlaola Coart Holda It Cannot Cei
Celcaaa Maya te Baforee
laasaf Law.
CHICAGO, Fb. lJ.-The crussde to oloae
Chloago aaJoons on Sunday received a
severe setback today when the supreme
court at Springfield handed down a de
cision holding that It baa . not the power
to compel Msyr Busse to close ths grog
Shops on the first day Of ths week. The
ease was Instituted two years ago by Rev,
William A. Bartlett and others, who sought
a writ of mandamus to force the mayor
to enforce the so-called Sunday closing
law. The appellate court ruled against them
and Ita decision was upheld today."
, Bes Wsnt Ads Are business Boosters.
Oaly One "BBOMO tUI.IWB.'
That t a Laxative Brome Quinine. Look
for ths signature of E. W. Grove Used the
world ever to Cure a Cold In Oae bey. Jba.
Tabl dIIots Dinner SLGO. every evening 6 to A
good iviunic
Tonight and Saturday Matinee Cat.
Ths Stirring Southern War Drama
tail M m aa a a ansa
in. rauuLt
KU1 la title Bole. rOFTOASi rati CSS.
The araie-Us" Isn't se a alose et Ms
aaeetasotar Isstana, each ss Us crest battle, for
Instasee, It seuMn't sat 'em la as It's Saee la
Ne Terk, Besusi aea Calcaae a salt rear 81
asek '" slmsUr ea the streasth af these, if s
S S stury a traajsaSoaa story of woman's love
an stas'S eacrltlea Taste's last eaoeirh Bathes
Is It te aielstas your eras eosaaunalls and plenty
et bboS. elaaa. heaest ma to sees res la a rear
et Mushier the test ot the Mm. The his. lelly,
hrsve Sheriff la the sleee. SllnP Boevse-ataelrs
Arbaehle plays ths part, by the war says aoboo
laves s ait awn." Maybe so, hut a goeS wear
sns ta ths aaSleace will eavy him for the slick
way he rolls a etsarette with eae hint.
watch re
RUARY 21st.
Reserved Bent Sale Onena Fridav.
February lWh.
PRICES: 60c. 7 5c and $1.00
A. O. U. W. No..153
fed. 22
Prlsss st Black, ths Hatter's
Stat. Every 2a- a us. Svery Mica ang
Bandofs Miniature Circus, Adeline Dun
lap, Frank MoCormack and Company.
Madge Fox. A. O. Duncan. LieClalr and
Bampaon. Frank White and Lew Simmons.
Joe La Fleur, Klhodrome.
Prices 10c, 26o and 6O0.
Tha thrilling malo-drama,
bund at loss, nmn nuauM.
. Saturday Afternoon and Evening
Admission 10c. :: Skites 20c
Ssturday we will sell all the leading
perfumea, toilet waters and toilet articles
at prices that will pieajte you.
Here are a few of them:
fl.OU Roger A Gallet Vera Violet
extract, per ounce , jq
1.00 Roger A Uallet Peon Pe Bpagne.-
oer ounce
f 1.00 Rower Gallet Indian Hay,
per ounce ,
11,00 Uuerlaln Jlckey, per ounce..,.
11.00 Essence Ideal, per ounce ......
11.00 Allen's Janice, per ounce
eOo Allen's Rose, per ounce ;
10a June Roses, per ounce 29o
SOo Allen's American Besuty, per o...2o
lOo lole Ia Trefle, per ounce....! Ao
lOe Lole Golf King, per ounce ...9o
tOc Colgate's, any odor, per ounce. ....20
lOo Perrln's Toilet Water t0
tOo Locust Bloom Toilet Water ....... I5o
Tic June Roses Toilet Wster Ha
15th and Farnarn Sts., Omaha
Table d'Hote Dinner
.( . ' . i .
AT THE , .
FROM U A. M. To I F. U.
Music by Mr. Hangauer, pianist and
sluger. Sunday Mr. Taylor assists with
Ksal Tickets Frea at Hanson's
Bvsry person who takes a mesl at Tolf
Hanson's basement restaurant may gusaS
the number who visit there during the
day. Every day the neareat guess wias a
mesl book.
Toll Bansei's Loach Boom
The moat attractive, brigheet, airiest
and moat economical lunch room in Omaha
Meal Book Free at
Table dllote Dinner
Every Sunday snd Holiday '