e REAL ESTATF CITT PnorivRTY FOB BALB (Continued.) FINE LARGE SEVEN-BOOM UOUSK A flAS fenm ... .1 i i. . . . . " , - .....w, ;upi iiriinni"Q, on narney ' inrn nisiriet; very nice I ation. Owner will sell at low pries. The World Investment Co., 1-4 N. T. L. Bid.. Omaha, Nsb. A-4263, 09) 149 19 PER CENT hM,,m"1'! sain in omane, 11 feYl?' i"- messed brick, ground floor J" J rooms each, on northwest cor- r Ma and Nlrhnlaa, 170x149 feet $22,GO. D. C. PATTERSON, PATTERSON HLK. 19)-MR30 20 ir rov hath Cits property, farms rsncn landa or mer chandise to sell or trade, lint tham with me. It coat a you not hint unless i effect a sets W. W. Mitchell. d board f Trad Bid.-. U M4U SUBURBAN SITE I have on of tha choicest pieces of acre age for a suburban linma that can ba found In Keystone Park; consisting of a beautiful view. f re from dust, as all boulevards ara oiled and parked. Being outside of town tha taxea ara low, yet you hsvs the sdvsntage of being dose nough to work In Omaha. Thia property &io n,1 ,ncT,-" I" value each year. Will I aril I this reasonable and glva terma, if desired. Address N 81. care Be. 19)-M9 21 FOR 8 A LB On installment plan nine room, all modem houee. near high achool giounds. for horn or rooming, will con alder change for other Income proDert in park Addreaa O 47. care Be. U9)-MS8 LIST your property with Chiia Bovar. 3d and Cuming eta ij-r V West Farnam Home On tSth Ave., Just north of Farnam, a 16- iV2'Vi 'Lm.Tn hou". "rge living room IM feet Bai-rn'P tC' " tn" 0t 7 riD.Jrn,Tx 8L- n'V S4th w- outh r"t. trim modern. I""1, oalc floors, birch SELBY, 18th and Farnam. 496 Bd. of Td. Bids. (IS) -138 li HURRY Thla one won't be on the market long- at the price. Nearly new, erven-room houee, modern except heat, good location on North tf'th nreet. It will be aold cheap. The World Investment Co., Ida., Omi l5. im 1)-140 il HOME BUYERS Sea ua at once wa have a number of real bargains offered for quick aale. Reason able terms. - The World Investment Co., 801-1 N. Y. L. Bid., Omaha, Web. A -4283, D. 1930. , .. -, . ysyou REAL ESTATE FARM AND MAM CM LAND FOR SALB ' . , California. TOU can aecura en eaay terma California farm land that will yield 1100 per acre each year. Write the Colonial Realty Co., tax 493, San Bernardino, Cal. a M57 ax ' ' Colorado. - v FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Dsnvsr-Greelcy district, under Irrigation; augar beets, alfalfa, general farming and fruit, rslslng; low price, eaay payment. tea National Investment Co., 6S2 Biandtia ROL'TX COL'NTT ranchea. Improved and unimproved, for aale by C. 8. McCandlee at Co,, Craig, Colo. (20) M36 McUia Mlweerl. CORN LANDS Write for atate map, book let and weather report, aent free. Bazel J. Meek. Chlllicothe, Mo. (30) MiM Max Krika. BEET LAND f0twnierh.y: b- town that ahlpa the moat beeU; 680 acres, lava valley land round town; 160 par acre. Real estate agents, attention. IX C. Pattereon, Umaha. () Miai so FOR BALE A bargain. Bay State farm one and one-half miles west of North Bend, Dodge county, Nebrajjka, on main Una af Union Pact No Railroad. Tib acres all choice corn land. Grain elevator 60.000 bushela cap., largo dwelling barns, erica, sheds and other farm build ings. A choice grain and stock farm VNell equipped for handling grain and feeding stock. Addreaa A. L. Norrls, North Bend, Nab. (20) M9S4 a A SNAP. "Mlllcrest" JeO-aore fruit and atock farm; 5.2iO; eaay terms; send for Illustrated description. J. T. Campbell. Lltchrleld. Neb. (20)-M7 ix atk Dakota. A DAKOTA bargain. 1M acres, two miles from Huron; luo acrea tilled, 10 acres fine frove; a number of large, bearing plum reea; $ acrea oC asparagus that produces about 1600 worth a year; new 6-room lioure iixH. new barn UxM; another build ing kHx&i; a large root cellar; a new S-lnoh flowing wcil, (lows 40 gallons per minute. 1 Vegetables and grain touk fcil worth of J. rises at the Mouth Dakota state fair la . Soli la a deep aandy loam, with clay eubsoll. If taken soon 1 will aWl for ILL. fro; w.vOD cash and 15,000 on time at oer cent. D E). N Mi Mod tea, Huron, S. D. mum MlaoeUaaaaaa. . CORN farm T Clover farm? Blufgrasa farm? Home Speculation? Kree pH'ket map of MtxMiurl if you write nie. Kd. H. Smith t'nllhcothe. Mo. Bua man knows my resi- dent0- l)-Mlt(i iix REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aael Kaara Laada. FOR RENT. FAR Uf 130 arre on paved road. ;oth and Center streets, Qmaha. See owner, C E Wilk Ins, Dewey hotel. il)-'MMl a REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loana and warraata. W. Fainaiu Smith Co., ISM amain St. tg)-48 PAYNE. B06TWICK CO.. N. T. Ufa. Private money; $6W to 16,000; low rate. C:)-W4 lOO TO $3,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Kerfe Real EataU Co., KlU N. V. Life. Dong, or A-UU. ta)-s 8KCOND MORTQAOB loana negotiated. Apniy Room !MS Fliat Nafl Bank l'ldg. Bell 'phone Dougtaa 231a. tl?) sa MONET TO LOAN-Payne Invaatment Co. Itt) iU WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Co. FIVE PER CENT MONKT lo It an on Omaha Buainese Property THOMAS UhJCNN AN, Boom I New York Life Bidg L : LOWEST RATES Be ml a, Paaton block. ta-ii in TO flO.W made promptly. F. D. Wead, Weed bids , lath and Farnam. (22) 2 MONET TO BUILD. F"fl ta IJeg.ouO at currant rate. ' W. VL 1U0MAX M ruat bank Bllg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET New ecord Prices in Wheat, Corn and OaU. HIGHER OUTSIDE OPTIONS CAUSE Shorts la Wheat Rash to Caver aaa Valaea Maaat t Slaallar Artlve lly 1ft fa Other Urataa Friday Merala. OMAHA, Feb. l. Higher opilona In Chicago and outalda markets sent tha local grain markets up for new record 'prices In wheat, corn and ats. Light offerlnet and a rush to cover by liorta started the bulge and atop Iocs or dera helped to booet valuea mill higher. Tha cIom was strong In all futurea and they were held at tha highest level for the net-sent crop year. Wheat atarted nervouely And somewhat easier due to a change or sentlnwrt on the floor. Later offering dried up and shorts covered freely, which etarted a rush to buy wheat.. Values advnnced quicklv and established m new high point for all option. May wheat opened at $1.014 and oloaed at l. out. Corn was allghtly lower aarty on a weaker wheat market, but recovered later wMh re ports of continued wet weather and the In ability of farmera to deliver corn over tha Impossible mads. Prices were strong at the clone, gaining strength on the advanc ing wheat market. May corn opened and closed at ao. Primary wheat recelpla were. KMflno bushels and shipments were ZTI.on) bushel against receipts last , year of 317,000 buabela and shipments of 332,000 bushels. Com receipts were 67B.OHO buehels and shipments were tfltJ.OOO bushels, against re ceipts last year of 90,000 bushela and ship ments of 276.000 bushels. Cloarancea were 67.000 bushels of corn, l.flno bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to IWVtKiO bushels. Liverpool closed Vtd higher on wheat and litrHd higher on corn. Local range ot options: Articles. Open. HI!)- Low. Close. Tea'. 1 0W4 1 wr 1 (V, 1 wr4 96 M M M 0 K K Wheat I May.. 1 0fi July... no REAL ESTATE .. . (Continued.) PRIVATE money to loan. (If Brandela Bldg. J. H. Bherwood, (22)-4S6 CHOICB LOANS ON IMPROVED OMAHA PROPB7RTT OR FAKMS; low rate, no delay- L Blbbernsen, Old Boston Store Bd. PRIVATE MONET-NO DELAT. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. (22)-047 WILL loan liono on new Omaha residence. H 60. Omaha Bee. r22 170 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Bnape In farma or ranches; give full particulars. Bloux Realty Com pany, and 7 Schuleln Bidg., gloux City, la. 23 M77 tOx. WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, oat pels, clothes and aboea. TeU Doug. ?t BEST price paid for secondhand furnltnra, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red 64L (2o)-7 WHAT HAVE TOU IN A BRICK STORE BUILDING? Want desirable location in south part of city for moving picture show; Will gtvs long lease for good location. Give loca tion and price In first letter. Address G-S9, care Bee. - (M) 164 22x WANTED SITUATIONS- MARRIED couple dealra situation on stock farm. . Addless J. J., 207 S. 24th. (27)-Ml tlx WANTED A position, April L In general atore, by experienced clerk, thoroughly . competent, perfectly reliable, with the beat of references; capable of managing, keeping books and writing ads. Address Y I, cars Bee. (27) M161 i2x STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam and hot water rspalra; j. nermosiaie ana oiner neat regulators; new furnaces and hot water combination beating, omana - move Kepalr Works, y 1206-1208 Douglas St. 'Phonast Ind. A-3iSlj REAL ESTATE TRANSFEFjS Mary FX Putney and husband to John p. nniey, lots I and 4. block 12. Central Park I K0 jonn M. Anderson and wife to Mar garet Davla, lot 11. block Y. Sh Inn's d ald 2,900 Anna u. canson to John O. Anderson, tract tOxtC feet. 23d and Vinton street a Ann K. ErVkson. administrator, to John O. Anderson, same 1,300 Kon iimonn ana husband to Charles U Thomas, lots 2, 18, 17, 1. block 41, Orandvlew William H. Tu Praia and wife to Rob erta Tlmblin. lots 2, H. 17. 1, blook 481; lots 16 and 17. block 471, Grand view, and part lots 13 and 14, block 1, Lake's add Sophia H. Barton to Prank E. Clark, part lot 4, block . Lowe's 2d add... 1 r-aunna w. uavia to J. M. Bwet wH of lot 4. block 1. Patrick's add; aV4 lot 16, Mock, C, Horbaoh'a sub Joseph B. Fradenburg, trustee, to D. O. Hopir, kit 8, and n94 feat lot 7. block U, Waterloo 1 Bryan B. Hopper et al to same j itii&m r . fiaasinger ana wire to I. N. Watson, undlv. H interest In v Graves Park 21 1. in. w at son ana wire to Reed Bros., undlv. 4 lft 2, Gravea Park Meliora W. Fairfield and husband to G. N. Nelson, lot 14. block 2, Oak- hurst Park , 100 rranK b. i-usey ana wire to O. M. Dodire, wl2 feet lot I and all lot 4. and 20-foot atrip weat of lot 4, block 7, Omaha j naainiKe at jieyaen to e redone K Schmiis. lot 4, block 2, Monmouth Park .J M LiUtner Knuntse ana wire to Ideal Cement Stone Co., lots 9. 3. 4. 17. W. 19. 20, 31. block 7. Druid Hill ... lino t lyde . tnmiclc and wire to Ben jamin C. HrookfMd, lot 7, block S3, Kountse Place 4.100 nyrc.n k. Hastings, trustee, to A. A KclMim, lot 3, block 5. Military add., 300 llnrriet K. unman et al. to Roy tt. Homnn. lot 2i, block 2. HaaUngs A Heydtna add r....... 1,00 IxiuiMit I . stengcr and husband to Htephen K. Wait. nC feet aS4 feet of el()7.83 feet of lot I08, (linos add.... 2300 Biaie naiionai Dana to l"mnK Hi. Harris, lot I'M, supplementary sub. of hJliatone I'ark Place , 236 Allied cornlan to I.uclle M. Callahan, lot a, blm k X la V eta Place i.fmtr n. reader ana wire to Howard I.. Yeager, lot 2, block 2, C. B. Wayne lot atd 675 A. M vait and nusband to lulsa B. Stenger. lot , block 3. Rose Hill; lot 8. blook I, OiiMha View 300 a lira 1.. . Minia and nusbana to Thoa. Dohan, w3o feet vt ell) feet of lot . block 30, South Omaha I,40ft Total .321.136 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ing. The regular annual meeting of atock holdera In Ths Bea Publishing company will ba held In tha office of the company tu Ths Boa building, corner 17th and Farnam streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday March, 1. Ii9. at 4 o'clock p. m. By order of ths president. HENRY A. HAHKELL, Becistary. - MAEFl&dlut NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notlcs Is hereby given thai ths regular annual meeting of tha stockholders of the South Platta Land company wlil be held at tha office of said company at Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. in., on ths third day of March, A. D., 1IU9. C. H. MORMLJ., Pre.idanC A. B. MINOR. iMcrstary. Lincoln.' Jiltiaka, Fsbruary t, ii. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1909. Oats- 1 J May...f 6AI fcn. 6.1.1 6?! " fask Prlees. WHBAT-Nu.' 3 hard. f!.Wl.WH; N nro. .no. t bard. 8l.ouo4.os; Nr. aprtna. 1.6KI.07. CORN No. 2. 6HH;; No. 8. tiKc; No. I yeuow. n'Atttnw ; .No. S white, SJo. OATS-No. 3 mixed, 61f61Vi No. I yel low, 61Siflr,2r; No, wnlei siSlc; No. 4 white, UaiHo; standard, UWtVr RTK No. 2, Tie; No. 3. To. . tarla Metta. Wheat. Com. Oat a Chicago a ta 119 Minneapolis 2M ... , Omaha ... M 108 8 uuiutn 2S ... , CHICAGO GRAIX AJD PROVlBIO.It Featare ot tha Trad la mud CIoiIbsj Prlees Baard at Trad. CHIOAOO, Fen. 19.-Oraln prea stored tf new high record marks cm tha Board of Trad today, wheat for May delivery ad vancing to 81.16. The hbrhest point for ?"r" May delivery was reached at W'ksJWre. while tha best mar tar oals for tha same option waa (c. Wheat held tha advance and oloaed strong at net gains H'qSo to IV. but coarse grain weakened under proflt-taktn- sales and clrmed hea-y. Provisions closed steady. Freah Ufa was Infused Into tha bull cam paign In wheat which, during the laat few oays, had degenerated Into a stste of eiegrn with tha bears apparently occupying tha potnt of vantagA A vigorous onU.uht by tha leading bulls resulted in prices being advanced from Qc to lWo above tha low. point rf the day, with tha May de livery leading In the gtn. The sharp up turn occurred toward tha middle of tha rty, following a period marked by a Con siderable dullness during which prices were, inclined to dnur. The bulge was chleflv dta to the active support given the market by prominent bulla and the revival of de mand from that source was said to have been based on s 1c sdvanoe at Kansas City. The market displayed decided strength during the remainder of the session. Un. u"ially liberal shipments for tha week from Argentina, the total exports being 6,912,000 oiwhela, were mainly responalbla for the early weakneaa. The ran ire for tha day for inn kn ar tlaHiiaium i . . , ' wan Deiween tLigedSS SJid 31.16. Closing quotatlona were at the top notch. July sold between tLOO l.4 and 31.01, and closed at 37.01. .V" I"0 the top marks of the day u. i .rmt "w "nlnutea of trade, after wnich the market developed considerable weakness. Continued wet weather through out the corn belt brought rmt an active demand at the atari, which resulted In l.Vi1 Jf'"- of "naae He. compared W rLhe.prrv,ou" clo"- Prices advanced .tr'n higher In the first five jnlnutes. ,!leIL,i!5 w100 m!lrk for th" seaann. i" r "i"""r, inspired nnerai sales for Short lenuinf arkui. n i . . ,, A 7 iorti holders, soon caused a an increased movement helped - to weaken the market. Tha low DOlnt foe the Aar 4 WMH . . ic, . 7 ' " T waw re(Tiiea at 5Tc. Tha market closed rather weak, with K "T" aia o below yesterday's final nuriiiiiiui. u... .a -- , - . July at "l "W-O' ron :ar oe'lvery touched a new high record mark for the season at 66c, which The advance, however, brought out Hbaral Vi T" fit a bin Me J . .,, lnB mnraet soon weak ened and continued heavy the balance of the session. Th mHaAmAU . sto!kB In store was the reason for the . .i. uciimnu, wnicn causea the bulge i " ?Ftn,"'c- wurlnir the day May sold ofT to 6oo. The market closed easy, with prlcea a shade higher to Bc lower, with May at 0040 Provisions were quiet sod stead v. There was soma buying at the start owlag to tha bulge In rdwrsa grain, but later some or these holdings were sold at the decline In Cfira .nil m , a 1 - . , ' i" iiiw viww pncri were unchanged to 2H lower. leaping tutures ranged as follows: AftJcles.l Open. I High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat v May July Sept. Corn May July N Sent 1 ltHH 1 16! 1 13 1 16 1 14 I 01 1 004 !95!af 1 m 95 I 1 til 1 ornfi' OSS fiB(iys 86T, 66I6 66 mm 66 66 1 06i& 5 66&-)S && Oats- May July Sept. , July Lard May July Rlrs May July 6B 66 66 ift 49 41!41 19 1 1 97 17 06 41-4I ! 17 08 17 OS 17 10 1 96 17 06 U 96 17 06 17 10 72 9 83 721 67 9 67 9 70 9 82 82 a 8 96 9 at) 8 92 8 96 8 92 3 92 07 1Z 9 12 9 07 No. 1 Cash quotatlona were as follows:, FLOUR Firm. RYE No. 2. 78c. BARLEY Feed or mixing. 6366&c; fair to choice malting, 644i6c. SEEDS nax. No, 1 southwestern. 31.60; No. 1 northwestern, $1.70. Timothy, 33.7a, viuver, PROVISIONS-Pork. mess, per bbl.. 3R76 C18.80. Lard, per IOO lbs., 39.60. Short ribs, sides (loose), 3H.2fWr8.76. Short clear sides (bjxed), 38.87.12. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 2228c: dairies. 212oc. ' EGGS Weak: at mark, cases Included. 383'2dc; flrstsi26c; prime firsts, 27c. CHEESE Firm; daisies, 15loc; twins HVoloc; young Americas, 16U16c; long horns. 16G16c. " POTATOES Stesdyt choice to fanov m, 90o: fair to good. 8687c. POULTRY Steady; turkeys, 17c; chick ens. 14c; springs, 16c. VEAL Steady; 60 to 80 lbs., 74ic; 80 to 85 lbs., fcc; 8s to 110 lbs., 9jUc. Total clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to 18,000 bu. Exports for the week, ts shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 2, 273.000 bu. Primary receipts were 52,000 bu., compared with 817,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 26 cara; corn, 856 cars; oats, 164 cars; hogs. 20,000 head. St. Lea Is General Market. ST. LOUI8. Feb. 19. WHEAT Higher; track. No. 2 red, cash, 31.27&H.28; No. 1 hard. Lllea.l4; May, M.llHl.llK; July, CORN Firm ; caah, hleTher: track. No. 2 cash, 834J4c; No. 8 whits, 6SW7o: May. 4c; July, 64c ' OATS-Hlgher; track. No. t caah, 63o: No. 2 white. 55c; May, 64o; July, 48o. RYB-Hlg-her; 77c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 6.toru6.76; axtra fancy and straight, 34.90 b6.H5; bard winter clears, 83.76414.10, 8KE1D Timothy, I3.00tf3.46. CORNMEAL-83.20. E RAN Higher; sacked, east track. 31.19 6121 HAY Active; timothy, 31O.OOI&12.0O; prai rie, .noi 10.50. "IRON COTTON TIES-ll'.OO. BAGGING c. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, 31445. Lard, steady; prime steam, 39.3:'' 9.43. Dry salt meats, unchanged: boxed extra shorts, 99.12; clear ribs. 3fl.26; short clears, 3960. Bacon, unchanged: boxed extra aliorts, 310.37; clear ribs, $10.25; short clears. 310.60. POULTRY-Oulat; chickens, 13c; springs I9c; turkeys, 19c; ducks, ISc; geese. 7c. BUTTER Higher: creamery, 32'o30c. EGGS Higher, 23c, cans count. 1 Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls S.ooti t on) Wheat, bu 4i.0i O 87 000 Corn, bu IKUHW) ' 85.000 Oats. bu. sl.OOO 33.VU0 Kansas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 19.-WHEAT-Un-changed: No. 2 hard, $1.18iti'l 2; No 3 hard, 31 .0Sr! J; No. 3 red, 3134tl.2; No. 8 red. tl.2iral.26. CORN Unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 83c; No 3 mixed, Sl&tic; No. 3 white, 63c; No. 3 white. 3o. OATS Unchanged; No. I whits. 5i3S4c; sso. a inixea, oijoc. RTF! 76fflOE. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 39. tiffiio on- choice prairie, 38.S0m.76; choice alfalfa, 316O1) BUTTER Creamery extras. Sic; firsts, 27c; seconda, 36c; packing stock, 17c. KOttS- Kxlraa, 2Sc; current receipts flat, 33c; seconds and dirties. &c. t Receipts. Blilpments. Wheat, bu. M.f0 ("Vl forn, bu U.nns 3u.ono Oats, bu 4,(M liOuO Options at Kansas City. Artldea I Open. Hlgk. Law. Close. Wheat May.. July.. H A4A.tsl 1 Of Ai 83S 1 88,B rs Corn- I 83 May.. July.. asked. B bid. Lot Ths Hee Want Ads do tha work (or you. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS DeTelopment in Steel Trade BeivJt in Confusion of Opinion. MARKET '.ft DULL ' AND LOWES Terats at Issae af ' saatker ParlUa Bands t'aase Flrsaarea lag Har rlraaaa Reads Ara Irrraalar. NBW YORK. Feb. 19. -The latest Avmt opments In the Iron and steal trade hava '7"""' in grnat conrufion of opinion over what consequences are to follow. This state of confustnn was resnonslhl fn ih. k.i. In speculative a-tvMy In the stock market tats today, rather than any conviction that tiie market had adjusted Itself to the new conditions In the sharp fall In prices. Tha belief Is common that a large wart lrg requirement exists In the steel trade which will come out with signs of revival In Industry. The statement was current that the leading steel makers had can vassed the railroads of the country thor oughly with a view to ascertain what vol ume of orders for steel rails would be brought out by a cut from 328 to 326 per ton. Ths result wa reported to show a failure to bring out the amount of orders deemed necessary to Justify ths action. In this case the greatest deterrent to present action in placing orders Is said to be ths iirxvertalntles of the tariff changes' and ths likelihood that a new adjustment of prices must bo made anyhow when the new duties :!?... f'K'- The realisation that the same difficulty must apply In greater or lees de gree to the market for all steel products complicates the whole problem. That ths recently maintained level of values of the steel Industries was an artificial one In view of the state of trade waa the opinion expressed with sufficient exnllcltnens by trie price movement which has followed rne knowledge of the new move by ths lending authorities In the steel trade. The liquidation of ITnlted States Bteel continued today on a large scale, both for home and for fnrelan rrnnnl Th. hi. I market was affected, hut in varying de Lgreea. The copper Industries showed mors sympathy with United States Steel today ...... jmrriwy, i nis was partly accounted for by reportts of another drastic reduction In the price at which leading producers were offering refined copper. On the other hand there were points or reslstanca In the railroad list. The Southern Pacific bond icsue, although expected in an Indefinite way, came as a surprise m manv of Its de tails. The 382.0O0.0on to he nfftiwl lorger than generally looked for. The deci sion to offer the issue to stockholders at a prlos designed to form a privilege seemed to be taken In ft a favor and the fact that 1 the portions thus to be allotted to the Union PRdflc Interest In Its capacity of stockholder would meet the sum in ha neiH to that company In Its capacity as creditor iur aovances to its subsidiary promises to facilitate the financing of new bonds and lessen the strain on the money market. The two Harrlman stocks were Inclined to firm ness after the bond Issue was announced. The money market waa not materially af fected by the estimates of the week's currency-movement, which Indicated Important not caah change. The foreign selling of stocks In this market helped to a sharp upward movement In foreign rates. Re vival of uneasiness over the Balkan posl- iiuu wu a racior in me aepression abroad. Bonds wore Irregular. Total sales value, 34.716,000. United States bonds were uncnangea on can. Number of saies and principal quotatlona on stocks wars as follows: gules. Hlh. Low. Clow. AmslfsnwtM Copper 41S0 1i 7!H "4 r. 11. 1 w j 47 47H .... Ill M ifttt n.m.. m r. pra. .......... An. Cotton Oil Am. H. A h. ptd Am. Ics Seeurttlta v. too GOO 1,0") W .Ba il Am. unseed oil.. u. S is 14 Ill American Locomotive ... Am. LocomollTS ptd Am. S. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. 8usar Refining Am. Tobsoco pfd American Woolm Anseonda Minim Co Atehlaon Atchlaon pfd- Atlantic Coast Llns Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pld Bronklra Rapid Tr Canadian Pariflc 21.4O0 M t00 104 " iuo 'i n 19 , t.ton 4t. MT4 M 130 14 l 44 44 17,700 JOJU 11) 102 604 mi 101 101 4110 114 114 ,114 (.too 104 104 10i ' .W0 T1 tn TO r.wio ira mt i7t 3,no -A 30 ae too lot im m m 18.400 47 4t 4 Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central ot N. J.. -dlv.. Chesapeake A Ohio Chlcato Ot. W Chlcato A N. W......., C, M. A 81. P .... 0 7 1 7 100 177 177 17 U.300 H.'. 144 145 lt) 14 T 75 9.(00 M II J7 C. C C. A St. U Colorado V. A t Colorado A So Oolo. st 80. lat pfd I0 M 42 mo la HI it 100 7 7 78 Colo. A So. 2d pfd Consolidated Oaa ." 117 ISO 121 It") 1 II 18 1.100 176 1744 174 10. mo 4 44 4.' Corn Products Delaware a Hudson Denrer A H. O D. A R. a, pfd Distillers' Bee unties .... Kris Sine 1st pfd t.too gl 00 14 li. 00 tOO 46 47 17 3 t 44 Krlo id pfd General Rlectrlo Oreat Northern pfd Oreet Northern Ore ctfa. . . 1 3b 400 MS m 164 . 143 141 141 W 71 70 7 Illinois Central Imsrborojif h Met. , Int. Met. pfd International Pacer 1.0i 141 t.tu 16 141 141 16 1.110 42 41 11 44 100 11 to . 7 40 To IM ts 140 7 4H Tl Int. Paper pfd International Pump M to 41 71 n IS 70 IK lows central 400 1,404 TOO Kansas Cltjr 80 K. c. So. pfd Louisville A N 0 124 too trv Minn, a Si. L U M , St. P. A a. g. m Missouri rs.-lfls M., K. A T. M., K. A T. ptd National Lead New York central N. V.. O. A W Norfolk A W North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Use P.. C. C. A Bt. L. Pressed Steel Oar , Pullman PalaiA Car Railway Steel Spring..... Reading Republlo Steal Republic Steel pfd , Rock Island Ce Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. A g. P M pld St. Louts. S. W St. L. g. W. pfd sloes Shefflald S. A I Southern Pacific 80. Pacific, pfd Southern Rallwar So. Rallwar pfd Tenneeees Copper Tetae A Pacific T., St. L. A W T , Bt. L. A W. pfd t'nlon Pacific I'nlon Pacific pfd. V. 8. Rubber.... l. B. Rubber 1st pfd t(l 140 140 . I. SO0 71 70 . 4,740 41 40 mo 71 it . 1,100 ?B Tl 11 . 1.100 127 U4 Its . 1.400 44 44 4ti .. 4,000 M tl 19 tOO SO 71 71 . 11.600 111 IM lift 400 St II 11 . 1.800 III ISO IM . t.400 113 111 111 o to to to . 3.600 17 14 Is . 1.100 '171 17.1 '170 . l.tta) 4f 4 44 . tT7.su IM 121 un . l.i'o a it 11 I SO 11 tl tl . J.00S 14 13 S.JW cs . II Eli I . . .. 40S 92 .. 500 11 il 400 TM4 74 .. H.SW lit III ll KO 111 110 ltt .. 4,7M M 14 14 .. LSD 41 M 3 tt 14 IS .. 1,100 14 U 4 S'O 41 41 47 t0 44 u .. 71.700 17g 174 177 too 44 fi H T"0 3.1 til go 101 . lui la ..lit. tOO 44 41 44 .. i.ttte 111 111 HI .. V 41 41 a V B. Steel U. A Steel pfd Utah Copper Vs. -Carolina Chemical Va.-Caro. Uhem. pfd... Wahaeh abah pfd Wesilnghrpuse Electric Westers Union Wheeling A L. k Wisconsin Central .... Am. T. A T. Co .. 1.ZU0 44 tt 4ic lit 11 44 It 1.100 11 I.6U0 4 1.B.J SI 700 47 . II 4 7 4 tu 1.700 41 41 41 1.100 1241 jU in Total sales for ths day, 716,001) shares. Local earl ties. OMAHA. Feb. 18. Quotations on Omaha storka and bonds, furnished by Samuel Burns. Jr.. 614 New York Uta building: Bid. A.k UOIUmDIB rue insurance .iocs Combination Bridge, Sloui dir.... Cltj of Omaha bonds, 41 1024 ln4. Tel. ta ItU. eJ pfd bonus. . Kansas Clin Rr. A Light Ic till.. Kansac City Uy. A L4ght pfd .. 171 .. to .. tot 141 144 Ce Ncbrcska Tclepbenc clock., gg Omaha Oca tc 117 7 Omasa, Kleetrta LU A Power ts 1121 . Omens Kiev trio Lt. A Power pfd so Omens A Co. Bletfc St. R is lti4. ... eg Omabs A Co. Bluffs St. Br. ta 114... M Omabs A Co. bluffs St. Rjr pfd s. Omasa A Co- bluffa Uy. A Bridge pfd cl 94 tt . 141 41 1st ll 44 si 11 40 1 1M4 44 lot 140 1(a) Omabs Water t e. sc. nil gg Omabs Water Co. ts 1M4 H Omake Water Co. let pld Oaak. Water Co. td pfd Omaha board al Trade Bidg. Cs. pfd. Omaha Board of Trade Blag. Co. com. teift A Compel. State lncuranoe Go Sheridan Coal 44 ltd , Sheridan Coal pfd.....: Sheridan Coal com 11 6 . ts 14 lei 114 ts 44 Bionx City tttock Yards pf4 gg Bieui City Stork Tarda com gg Trl-Staie Land Ce. pfd. 10 coca. SSsas 44 I'nlon Stork Ysrdc Co. cteck (1 Union Construction Co., Kaasss city t W ngbt-Wllbelmy Co. pfd gg Alma, Neb., Village ts im Bask Cleartagra. - OMAHA, Feb. It -Bank elearings for today wars C.467.847.08 and Tor tha carre apuuding date loot, year, $1,644,001.78, Tressary Statement. vVASTHNOTON, Feb. 19 Todays atate tnent of the treasury balances la tha awn ral fund, exclusive of ths 8ls0.000.0u0 gold rsservss shows. Availabla oaak K-1- '14 8140,676.41: gold cln snd bullion, 333.K7.r8 gold certincatea, 6a,Kl,xar). Wove York Hcscf Market. NKW TOR.3C, rb. 19. MONET On call easier at l?H per cant; ruling rats. per cent; cloolng bid, 144 per cent; offered st 3 per cent. Time loans, slightly easier; i.lxty days, tHtJ'N nor oent; ninety days. Z'W'as per cent; six montns, 8 per cent. PKIMB MKIICANT1LK PAPER H4H per cent. STERLING KXCH A NO. B St rang, with sctual business In bankers' bills et 84 K6tVl9 4 IMS for sixty-day bills and at 94 87 for demand; commercial bills, 34 .84efN.84TA. SILVER Bar. o"c; Mexh-an dollars. 44e. BONDS-Ocvernment. steady; railroads, irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today wrt as follows: V. 8. ref. 9s. rag.. ..141 . Central is IS de coupon 1'" do lat Ino 14 V. A te. r8 10 M. A St. U 4s e eoopon lwM., K. T. 4s t. 8. 4e. reg Ill do Is 17 So enupoa t M. R. R. of M. s 4s M Asi. Tobscee 4s 7 N. T. C. g. ts H 4o Is IM N. i. C. g. te II Atmieon gen. 4s lei No. Pacific 4s 10.1 so si). cs se n 74 de 4s 104 n. A W. c. 4t H do cr. te 1070. 8. U rf. 4a t Atlantic C. L. 4s.... 97 Pens. e. Is ltlt... tf. a tmis ea 1111 00 era. cs 104 so ls . W Seeding sen. 4C......W Krk. R.-T. c. 4S. Centra) of Oa. ts.., o let IM oa d Im , ooVJd Ino....'..., Che. A Ohio 4s. Chicago A A. tc, C, B. A Q. n. 4a., C. R. I. A P. 4s. do col. te do rfdg. 4s , URp. of Cubs ts lot llSt. Is, A I. M. c is.. Ill 0 St, U 8. P. f. 4S 17 40 St, L. 8. W. e. 4s ... TH e.1 nennnsra a. u 4s... n 10l8o. Pccirio 4s pi 74 ds 1st 4s 96 a.... n so. aauwar he lis 4s.... TTiaa A P. Is Ill , tiT., St. L. A W. 44.. I rstmlos Pacific 4c If CCC. A St. L. Colo, Ind. t.. g. CC. P So CT. 4C let 741'. S. Steel td M 104 Colo. Mid. 4s ... Colo. A Bo. 4s... Del. A H. ev. 4c D. A R. O. 4c. Erie p. I. 4s do gen. 4a Hoc. Val. 4j., Int. Met. 4c... Jnpaa 4s .. M Wabash 1c Ill .. Wes(era Md. 4s.... 14 ..101 W. A L. . 4s W .. c Wis. Cenlrsl 4c 94 .. nn. 1., n. n. m H. .. 14 ev. s eta 114 ..l(rTLake shore 4s 1931... t3 .. 7 Am. t. a T. ct. 4.. is .. Kig Webso put. 4a .. tt. Rallwar 4a 71 do 4i do td series It So, Paeirio 4s .. M L. N. anl. 4s 102 D. A R, o, tc .. 94 Man. c. g. 4o N Utd. eoftere. Boston Marks and Bands, BOSTON. Feb. 19 Money, call loans. ?H w-'f per cent; time loans, wg per cent. wiiiciai closing on stocss ana Donos Atchlcon sdj. 4s. MArlone Com. ... 3S do 4e Atchlcon ft. R... do pfd Boston A Albany. Boston A Maine.. ..101 Atlantic ..108 Bntts Ooalltlon ,, ..l(tl Cel. A Arltoos. .. ..24 Cal. A Heels ..l7Ontennlal ... Jl ... (2 ...IOT ...411 .... JV, .... II Boston Bleated ...1JR Copper Range .... rilohburg pfd 1U Dalr West .... 10 .... 14 r. w., rt. h. A H...1M Franklin union racitlr 177Oreene Cananea , .... 10 .... 12 .... I Am. Arge. Cnem. . . 41 Isle Rovala , N Mass. Mining ... . I Michigan .111 Mobawk .121 Mont. c. A C... .IM Nevada . 2Oacoola , 94 Parrot . 84 Shannon , 14 Tamarack . Trinity .127 United Copper ... . 43 IT. S. Mining . 21 V. 8. Oil . 4'tt'tah .111 Vlctorls . 7 Winona . 4) Wolverine . 71 North Butte do prd Am. P6eu. Tube... .... 11 A mar. Sugar .... Mli do pfd .... 14 Am. t. A T Amer. Woolen .... 1744 ....115 do pfd .... 27 Dominion t. A 6.. .... J4 Mass. Electrio , ... Mam. Gao I'nlte Fruit .... u .... 13 .... II United 8. M .... 41 do pfd .... SI V. 8. Steel.... .... 40 .... 1 o pfd Adventure Allottee Amalgamated .... I ....14 72 f.ondoa Closing Storks. LONDON. Feb. 19. Ijondon closing stocks Console, Money. 44 1-14 M , K. A T ... 41 so account-... Ancconda , Atchison .. nN. T. Cenlrsl.. . 9 Norfolk A W... .104 da pfd .104 Ontario A W... ,...ia .... 11 .... at do pfd.:. .... 47 Baltimore A Ohio. ... Ill Pennsylvania .... 17 Canadian Pacific 17Rand Mines , Chesapeake A O IT Reading , Chicago O. W T8outbera Ry , .... T .... H .... Is .... 44 CBI.. Mil. a Bt. r.,.141 So pfd De Beers 13 Southern Pacific. Denver A RIs 0 44 Union Pacific ....110 ....111 .... tu .... M do pfd . tt do pfd. 10 U. 8. Steel , 44 do pfd..., 14 Wabash .114 do pfd 144 Spsnlsh 4c Erie ds 1st pfd do Id pfd ....lit .... le Grand Trunk... .... IO Illinois Central .... ti LoulsTtlle A N fuisTitie er ,.;...U9 Altll. copper SILVER Br. quiet at 13 Hd par .... 76 tpunos muii rj 1 1 xv z per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short bills Is S&2 per cent; for mice iiiumns Dills, lvi per cent. Nnw Tark Mlalagr Stacks. NEW YORK. Feb. 18.-Closlns; quotations -ni iijiiiija siwao were; , Alice 200 tittle Chief 14 Braruwlek Cos 10 Meilocn : gg Com. Tunnel stock... 17 Ontario leg do bonds 16 Ophlr 126 Cen. Col. A Vs 41 Standard leg Hons Silver IS Yellow Jacket l LeedTllle Cos. ...... 4 Offered. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET BSSSJBJBBSa gatttaflona of tha Day aa Varlaas CasamaAltles. . . HBW.vTORK- F,b' 19 IOUR-Recelpts, 9.6U) bbls.; exports. 3,700 bbls.; prlcei were nominally - hla-her; MlnnesoU nt. 86.40tr6.75; winter straights, $6.00J luiMiir-euia. u iters, M.autB.DO; winter extras, 33.764.30; winter patents, 3S.10ta6.60; winter low grades. 33.86(84.20; Kansas straights, 36.0OW6.!. Rye flour firm; fair to good, 84.O04M.28; choice to fsncy, '84.36 9 J Buckwheat flour, dull, 32.10fc-2.30 per 1J0 lbs. , BUCKWHBAT-Qulet; New York state, i9c, nominal. CORNMEUMAFIrm; fine white snd yel S.itl'! cor"e- -6l6; kiln dried, I 33 4043.45. RYE Quiet; No. t western, 88H0. f. o. b, New York. . BARLEY Steady; malting, 744378c, c. I. f. Yoik ' ,ew,,n. WBvlo, c t. f., New V H EAT Receipts. 3,600 bu.; exports. 84. 000 bu.; salss. 3,000.000 futures, 24,000 bu. spot; spot strong; No. 3 red. 31.3WV ele vator; No. 8 red. 31.21, f. o. .. afloat; No. 1 northern, Dulnth, 81.26. f. o. b . afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 31.22H. f. o. b afloat; a short scare among May wheat bears resulted In new high levels for the season and strong at Sfitlo over last night. English cables wars also firm on reduced estimates of ths Argentine surplus and oov srlng; a fair export business was worked today, mainly Manitoba; May closed at 31 .18': July closed st 35.08. .-" OORN-Retjeipts, 38,300 bo,: erporta, 1,100 bu. : SDOt market firm- Mr, 9 U. and 72c. afloat- No. I whlta. nominal and 1 o- Afloat; options, I firm aarly on bad weather, but naoted f atlil nlnaul at I as 1 .A ... ana ciosaa partly Ho net tower; MAy olosed at 7SHc; July olosod at 72o; Bev tem be r closed at 72 Uc. OATS Receipts. 86.800 bu.t axnoria 1 via bu; spot market firmer; mlaed, 24 to' 82 - W7ivtcwi7v, iisturai wnne, a in n IPS, 6l10c; clipped White, 34 to 43 lbs,, 6i5i;. FE ED Q u let ; sprisg brgn, Hi); mid. Clings, $27.60; city, 317 60, HAT Unsettled; No. 3. eoc; good to 8WflH6o. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, $14.60 iie.uu, mesa, gio.otsn 11.n1; Deer hsms, $34.0i4i 28.00; paokef.. 314.00ejrl4.60; city extra India mess, 3i4.8oJ4.W. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. 89.004ji9.s0; pickled hams, 89.6u4X 10.00. Lard, firm; western, 898o9.90; re fined, quiet; continent. $10.06; South Amer ica. $10.76; - compound. $7.8687.50. fork steady; family, ti8.0(i&.19.00; short clear. $19.25 b 21.00; mess, $17.60-0.18.00. TALUOW-Qulet: city (33 per pkg), 8c: country fpkgs. free), 63140. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 2V tj6c; Japan, titminal. BUTTER Firm: hold creamery, common to specials. XHfrlDip; western imitation creamery, firsts. 21 23c. CHEESE Firm and unchanged. POULTRY Alive, dull; western chickens, 13c; fowls, 15c; turkeys, 12tn8c. Dressed, steady; western chickens, latrlsc; fowls. 14s'lc; turkeys, Ksft3o. EGOS Firmer; state, Pennsylvania and nearby selected, white. 30c; choice to fair, 23s34c; brown and mixed, fancy, 34c; fair to choice, tiQ3t; western firsts, 33c; sec onds, aiQSiHc Philadelphia Prodset Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19 BUTTER Steady; extra westarn creamery. Due: nearby prints, 32c. EGGS Weak, We lower: Psnnaylvanla ind other nearby firsts, free cases. fJo at mark; Penosylvsnla snd other nearby cur rent receipts, returns dis cases. 28140 at mark; western firsts, free cases. 2HV St mark: western receipts, free cases, K42ft4o at mark. CHEESE Firm: New York full creams, choice, 14VJ'15c; fair to good, Hltftc. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 19. WHEAT May, $l.llfl1.ll: July, 81.1U4- Caeh: No. r hard, $1 Utjl 14; No. 1 northern, $1 120 1.13; No. 2 northern. $1.K)61.11H; No. 8 northern. $l.77trl.0t. FLOUR I.a strong demand. First pat ents. $6.604jA.S6; second patents, $6.40436 60; first claara, f4.104jpt.26; Second clears. $3.06 63 16. . BRAN In bulk. $J8.0u?23 SO. Ltwarwoal Oeaia Market. UVBRPOOU Fab. 11 -WHWAT Spot, abstract of tlUo In tha easa of sew -to free- KecMlpte Wheat, 29 cara; aorn, ta cart; oats, 114 cars.-lustlmatad tomorrow! Wheat, 96 aara, aura. 4c4BVexgi sals, lot cars. " I Service : For over flftr-two yrs this banli has ondoavorrd to aerve its patrons as td morlt the old adage "A satis fed customer ts the best advertisement," Ability and Willingnes Our complete equipment In every department elves us Am LIT V and a few minutes' talk with any of our offlcera will convince you of our WILLINGNESS to fur nish, you with every accommodation consistent with' good banking. x Co mo in and talk it over. First National Bank of OniaKa J Thirteenth and Farnam SU. Rntranoa to Safety Deposit T salts la on 13th 8t OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steeri Steady, While Cowi Show Some Little Strength. HOGS CONTINUE ON DOWN GRADE Llarfct Raa af sheep and Lamas and Ho Material Chance ta Valaea Friday, bnt Lower for the Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 19, 1909. Recalnta wars- nettle, f. nirs. BheeP. Official Mondav 2.4oO 2.668 3.789 Official Tuesday 8.7' 11,667 11.694 Official Wednpsdav .... 8.2G3 14.843 7.7 Official Thursday 3.908 13,321 4.063 Estimate Friday 900 8,700 1,IVU Five davs this vesr . . .17 228 61.0S8 29.017 Pams days laat week l&.lill 8T..116 26,107 6ame days 2 weeks as;o. .H.I! Same days 8 weeks ago. .15.914 tu.axe 27,M Pams days 4 weeks ao.. 21,922 6n.048 27,927 Same days last year 189 49.IU3 23.4K9 Th followlna- table shows the receipts Of cattls, hogs and sheep at South Omaha fur ths year to data, compared 'with last year: 1ft 8 1908. Inc. lec. Cattle 1X1,943 141.418 7.T5 Hobs SM.WO 44.6i7 81.1J7 Bhecp 206,018 190,867 14.W1 The followlna table shows the average prlue of hone at South Omaha for the In si several days, with comparisons; Datea 1909. 1908.l07.ll908.1906.190t.190C. Feb. 9.. 3 144 4 2344 8 80 I 8 911 S 70 4 S 4 77 4 77 4 891 9 72 t 02 3 78 8 001 8 71 Feb. 10.. 081 I 72 Feb. 11.. Feb. 12.. Feb. 13.. Feb. 14.. 4 171 901 4 2S 9 91 8 72 00 i 3 72 IS e I 21 18 4 141 8 91 6 78 4 81 4 9t 8 81 4 02 4 031 ka 6 90) 4 Ml 8 BO Feb. li.. Feb. l.. 8 92 93; 6 84 4 86 4 85 4 73 4 97! 4 98 6 04 6 98 6 03 7 02 6 05 8 37 6 12 Jl e 6 86 Feb. 17.. 071,: 8 01! 4 06 t 091 Feb. 18.. 4 10 81 Feb. 1$.. 4 l&l 6 7s 9S Sunday. ( Ths official number of cara at atock brought In today by tac'u road waa: Lattls. Hon. Bhteu li ra t-. yi. at 01. X Wabash , Missouri Factftc. Union Pacific 2 7 2 4 14 y efi 2 28 14 3 20 1 1 1 C. A N. W., east C. A Nl W.. west C. 8L P., M. & O.... C. B. 4V Q east B. A Q.. weat C. R. 1. A p., east.. O. R. A P., west. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. Total receipts.... 39 10 8 00 The disposition of the dav's recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tlis nura- oer 01 naa indicated: ' Cattle. Hoas. SheeD. Omaha Packing Co 220 1,447 480 Swift and Company 163 tM9 Cudahy Packing Co 410 . 3.330 ' 1,009 Armour & Co to 2,053 Swift Ac Co., from St. Joe . 009 Ijobman A Rotlichild.... 8 Hill & Bon 33 F. P. Iewls 41 . B. Root 4 Co 20 H. Bulla 2 U F. Hues 1 .... McCresry A Carey 3 II. F. Hamilton 22 ' M. Hagerty eV Co 11 F. Q. Inghram 10 ' , Sullivan Bros 2 I.ehmer Bros 2 Independent Packing Co.. 11 Bcha fer 243 Bt. Louis Packing Co 96 ..... Wlamuth 346 Krey 1,179 Illinois Packing H. Co 134 Schraph - 223 Hell i3 Other buyers 116 337 304 Totals 1,118 11,064 2,392 CA TTL.E Reeeints of rattle, se usual An a Friday, wars very light, there not being enough on sale to Interest buyers to any area,, extent, neceipts for the week have been quits liberal, belna tha heaviest for ths same period of time sines four wesks ago and very nearly as large aa one year MJ. ThS market On haof Steare hle tnnrnlnv did hot show any very material change, thsra being a fair demand at about yester day's prices. Ths trada was not very ac tive, although a good shsre of the cattle Bold in fair season In the morning. Caws and hellers were In better demand and ths trada on that kind of cattle waa mors Active than it has been for tlis last two or three daya. Prices were anywhere from steady to a little higher. Tha supply of feeders in first harwls was small and the market rnnr. I Iv taai4 On the other hand, speculators had quits m HU111U.1 ut i-e.1110 wnu'n tney ars carrying and ths feeling In tha ftwwier ti viin 1. quits a little easier than It was a few days ago. uuotatlons oa cattle: flrwiH hnt. corn-fed Steers. 86.5t4.00: fair in -,-. corn-fed steers, $5,004(6.50; common to fair corn-fed steers, $4.00'ti6.(w; good - to choice cows and heifers, $4.00ii6.16; fair to g!od cows and heifers, $3.(hku4.(); common to fair cows and heifers, U.vO'aiM; good to choice etockers and feeders, $4.6j&.00: fair to good stackers and feeders, 33.75fe4.60; com mon to fair atockers and feeders, $3 0u9 $.78: stock heifers, $2.7b&4.00; veal calves. $3 0f6 7.J6; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.7&a4.60. HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning wars quite liberal at thla point. 121 car? being reported In, making a total for ths flvs days this week of 61.000 heart against 85,000 head for the same day last week and 49.000 bead for the same period laat year. Other market points were also reporting liberal runs. The erenerai .it... adon as regards' the hog trade continues vary weak and unsatisfactory to ths selling Interee. For some reason or other, or more likely, for a variety of reasons, tha large packers apuear to have lost mntM.n i tha future of the market and have swung snjunu w wit. uvsr eitie ui me oral. They ars accordingly administering sledge ham mer blows ts the market at every oppor tunity and the present heavy runs st 1.. Ing market pointa has afforded them an excellent opportunity to force values down ward. Ths market this morning onenad with Shippers picking up a few loads of such hogs as they could uss at prlcea tliat were steady to a li 1 1 la lower than yesterday, but ths demand from this source waa limited and the buyers very , particular as to weight and quality. On the other hand tha packers were all holding back and when trty did make bids they were decidedly lower than y est onlay. Thus aa was ths case yesterdsy, a good share of ths fore noon was passed by without very much progress being made toward affecting a Olearanos of receipts. BH8.aU' Hoc I pis this morning were verv light, only eight fresh oars being reported In, of which number two cara were dirwt ta Dockers and not offered for Whh only sis freah cars and a few acatterlng Boumsrs, mora waa raajiy not etbougn on sale to make very much ot a market. HUH tuara Was a tevlr tlouutnd and iNauUually J everything- at all desirable said very read ily at Kood steady prices. Good fat lambs sold up as high aa $7.20. The market at the present time as noted yesterday, la right at-otind 26c lower than last we.'k. Heavy yearllnga havs suffered the most, being: 2686c lower. In spite oi the fact that a considerable decline has taken place, the market aa a whole hag been In a rood healthy condition and tha large receipts have met with quits raady sale on most daya. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Ottod td choice lambs, 87.0Kti 7 i: fair to good lambs, iA nlwfl7 III' f.nlna lanihe tS llTvl.M 7S- arrwwt Irt choice light yearlings, 34 6tV(ji).7&: good to choice heavy yearlings, $A.OP0.2!: feeding-yearling-, 3fi.flHjfi.7B; good to choice wetheis, 5.im7j6.2o; fair to good Wethers, $4.7oo.OO; feeding wethers, $4.fiOat.7B; good to choice ewes, 14. 40.04. 7B; fair to good ewes, CT.Oim 4.40; feeding ewes, $3.504.00; culls and bucks, $1.004,2.78. CH1CAUO , 1.1 VK STUCK MARKET rattle steady to Htrangr Hogs Steady to Five Cents lllaher. CHICAGO, Fob. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 1.600 head. Market stesdv to strong; steers, $5.00 7.00; cows, $3.ti036.60; heifers. 8.1 tt'n' 6.1m: bulls. $3.40ifr.2&; calves, $o.50tUbu; Blockers and feeders, 33.Sfgt.ftO. HOG8 Receipts, 9b.O0O -head. Market , steady to 60 higher; choice heavy shipping, ! JH.4tKi,t;.6i; butchers. .36.&o: light mixed. t. j.v.fj.a; cnoit-e ngnt, n.aitrt.3M; packing, $6.3Va6.4i; pigs, $.26'sti.lO; bulk of sales. $8.2r!tifl.4(. SHEEP AND T.A MBS Receipt s, S.Art head. Market steady; sheep, 84.:tV96.tiO; lambs, $ti.3Ci(a7.76; yearlings, ti.2ryti.86. Kansas t ltr Live Btoek Market. KAN8A9 CITY, Feb. W.-OATTIB-Re-ceipts, 2.0110 head, Including 100 southerns. Market 10c higher; slow. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 36.50'(t.25; fair to good, 3190(U6.50; western steers, $4.6Oru.0O; stock ers and feeders, $3.7&fci6.36; southern steers, 34.Xfu6.26; southern cows, 32.70Ctt.5O; native cow?, 32.5on6.X; native heifers. 33.0004.00; bulls. 32.5Fa4.(IO; calves, $4.00tt7.50. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head. Market steady to 10c lower. Top, 8.26; bulk of sales, $6.70fi.20. Heavy, $t.lflft4.2&; packers and butchers, $6.83tJ.20; light, 36.WtFH.0il; pigs, 35.106.60. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.0H0 held. Market steady. Lambs, $8.to7.50; yearlings, $5.50t6."6; wethers, 84.766.60; ewes, $4.25Si6.0O; Blockers and feeders, $3.00 64.30. Bt. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. 4iOUIS, Feb. 19. CATTLBS Receipts. 1.130 head. Including 626 Texans. Market, steady to 10c higher. Native shipping and export steers. $6 OiW.OO; dressed beef snd butcher steers, $4.0lKil8.26; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.60&.Kf); Blockers snd feeders, $3.4tQ6.35; cows and heifers, $3.2563&26; can ners. $I.6oCu2.6; bulls, $3.00)6.00; calves, $6 50 fc'J.00; Texas and Indian steers, $J.50t5.a0; cows and heifers, $2.76fi.0O. HOGS Receipts, .4o0 head. Msrket, steady. Pigs and lights, $4.&Va.40; packer. $6.26fe.4o; butchers and best heavy, $&4n(S 6.56. 811 EEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 480 head. Market, steady. Native muttons, 3.75g6 ; lambs, $4.60n7.66; culls iind bucks, $3.5fla.60; stockers, $3.264.00. Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITT, Feb. 20. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLB Recelpta, 800 head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4.6O4ffi.O0; fat cows and heifers, $3.604i.00; feeders, 34.26.00; year lings. $.1.0tKsr4.2&. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head: market (filOa lower; range 01 prices, H.Mxrja.io; duik of sales, $6.8041.00. Stock la Slant. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Bhe. p. South Omaha 9K 8.700 1,700 Sioux Oty J0 6. OilO St. Joseph T.000 5,610 8.H) Kansas City 2.0OH jo.lioo 4,0110 Sr. Ixuis 1.13 9.400 4i) Chicago 1,600 2o.0U0 (.000 Totals .7,330 7S.S0O 16.140 Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. The cotton market opened stesdy at a decline of -I'M points. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 9.s6c: middling gulf, 10.10c. No aalea. 1 Cotton futures opened steady; March, 8.47H9.49C; May. 9.40c; July. 9.44c; August, 9.3tc, hid; September, 9 30c, bid; October, l.S2c; December, 9.lc,' January, 9.24c, bid. Cotton futurea closed quiet but steady Februarv, 9.5oc; March, 9.62o; April, 9.49c; May, 9.49c; June, 9.40c; July, 9.50c; August, 9.43c; September, 9.46c; October, 9 47c; No vember, 9.32c; December, 9.$2c; January, 9 29c BT. LOVI9. Feb i9.-C?OTTON-Qiilet ; middling. 9 7-lHc. 8al", none; receipts, 1,V0 bales; shipments, 4.6U bales; stock, 42,823 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 19. COTTON Spot unchanged; middling, 9 7-14c. Salts on tha spot, l.loo bales; to arrive, 900 bales. Metal Market. V NEW YORK, Fob. 19.-META1JSThs London tin market was lower today, . with spot quoted at 127 12s 6d, and futurea at 129 3s M. Locally the market waa weak, with spot at $26. Copper waa lower ,ln London also, with spot quoted at 67, and futures at 67 16a 3d. The local market was dull snd lower, with lake quoted at Ul-OO 13.25; electrolytic at $12.7641 12.87,. and east ing at $12.&.'4'cfl2.76. Lead was a shade higher In Ixindon, but tha local market was dull and unchanged at $3.97H4.02Vi. Spelter advanced to 21 12 6d In Ixmdon. Ixically the market remained dull at 34 4.90. Iron declined to 47s 4 VI for Cleveland warranta In lxndon. Locally the market waa unsettled and prices were mora or less unchanged. bT. II'I8. Feb. 19,-METALS Lead, dull, $3.8Mv3.87H. Spelter, weak, $4.76. Wool Market. BOSTON. Feb. 19,-WOOL-The Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool market: The local wool aituatlon is not changed In any Important particular. The market Is quiet and sales small, aside., from the fair movement In South Ameri can cross breds. The market Is firm anl there Is a good deal of confidence among dealers The shipments of wool from Boston, is February . 18, Inclusive, were 38.874,471 lbs., ss agsinat 19.M9.87& lbs. for the same time last year. The receipts to Februsry IS, inclusive, were 38,748.202 lbs., as against 16.6iM.017 lbs. the same period last year. BT. IXM'18, Feb. 19. WOOL Firm : me dium grades, combing and clothing. 19gi4c; light fine. IH'UIAie; heavy fine, lxu'lc; tub washed, 23tB3L'c. t'sfee Market. NEW YORK,. Feb. 19. COFFEE Fu tures, close m steady, at a net advance of t to 20 points. March made a new high record far the season Bales. 61.260 fanc. Including March at 8.4&4.tr; May at tb-vp 8)c; July , Srr4.4oc; August. 3.10c, and September at 6 96c. Spot, steady; Itio No. 7, kfis'oc; Hantos No. 4, &r; Mild, steady; Cordova; 9Vj'13c. Baser and Molas NEW YORK. Feb. 19.-8UGAR-Raw. steady; fair refining. L114i3.4c; centrifugal, 94 teat, 3. il 'a 4. 64c; molHs. s sugar, 1 S-"tji!Joc. Refined, steady; crushed, $-fcc; powdered. t.Ouc; eianuldUd, 4.66a. I