Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 11

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U lawisnr&
Manufacturer's Entire Stock of
Skirts Made to Sell for S8.75, S10 and S12.50, SQ95
on sale Saturday, Commencing at 8 A. M. for CJ
Tomorrow we open the greatest sale of stylish skirts that
has ever been held in Omaha. 500 skirts purchased of
the Crystal Skirt Co. (one of New York's foremost skirt
manufacturers) will go on sale the same as bought, for less
than half price. Every skirt in this sale is fit
perfectly tailored and made of finest mate
rials, in black, and colors. 500 skirts to
choose from, $8.75, $10.00 and $12.50 values Saturday ... . .
Social Settlement Prepares to Cele
brate First Anniversary.
Mr: Drrkrr Tfctaka Prosssete ( Blew
4-rarral Frderatlsa Civil ferric
Befsre Cnaaaslttee Art Soaae
what Dlaroaraslas.
Mins I.vford. who haa been hnd reel
dent of the Omaha Social Settlement since
It oincd laM August, left yesterday
for Kansas Cltr, where ahe will spnd a
ahort time before returning- to New Tork
ti be married. Aa the board of directors
of the association haa made no arrange
ment. for a successor to Mlaa Iyford,
though It la In communication with several
expe-ienced settlement worker, with a
icw to engaging one. until definite ar
rangementa are made Mrs. Marie L. Fls
aette will be In charge of the settlement
house on South Fourteenth atreet.
March ( the association will celebrate the
ftret anniversary of lt organisation. The
meeting will be held In the evening in to
auditorium of the Toung Men' Christian
aasnriatlon. and following the election of
officers there will be a special program,
with vneakrra of prominence. ,
HaaaUt. at V. W..C. A.
In preparation rlor the preaentation of
Hamlet to be given In Omaha March I by
K. H. Sothem. the educational committee
of the Toung Women'a Christian aaeocla
haa arranged to extend the privileges
Its Shakespeare classes to all women
who care to take advantage of Its offer.
Miss Kate McHugh of the high school fac
ulty has charge of the claaa and will give
a couree of three lectures February 5.
March & and March 12 on Hamlet, the
classes meeting at 8.15 o'clock. To cover the
expense of the lecture a door fee of It
rants will be asked of women not mem
bers of the class.
Civil Berries R clone.
Nebraska club women iave been among
the most active In the agitation for civil
snrvlc reform, and so escape any criti
cism that may be made for lack of enUiu
. aiium nereasarv to advance the plan aa
outlined by the General Federation', com
mittee, of which Mra. Sarah Piatt Decker
,. rhalrmin. In her report recently tsaued
Mra. Decker aays:
The two preceding chairmen, Mlsa
Georgia Paeon and Mias Anna Clark, have
erven most Intelligent, unremitting and un
eelflah service to the work of the com
mit lee. They have sen; literature broad
cast, have arranged meetings and pro
OT.m. have made mighty pleas to clubs
and state federations through tit oolumns
r. th club Journals. After si years of
nianrfid rnrrs. thia la the result accord
ing to the statistics from the last direc
tory: Number of state federations In the
ener&l federation, forty-seven; number
hMvlna- committees on civil service reform.
twenty-six; number of Individual eluba In
general federation, 72; number of clubs
having committees on civil service, nlnely
aeven. Thl la not an encouraging outlook
for a new committee aa It demonstrates the
Ion stridea vet to be mane in cooealon
and concerted work before the General Ked
. eration can become a vital force In this
Baker's Cocoa
A Cocoa of Inferior
quality or artificially
flavored soon ceases
to bo palatablo; but
the genuine BAKER'S
COCOA never loses Its
relish by constant use.
It Is a perfect food, pre
serves health, prolongs
btatfcM 1 711
most vital work. The common complaint
received from club members are, "that
civil service reform for club work is com
plicated, obscure and political." It la the
belief of your chairman that no one of
these crttic'sma can be substantiated. We
hope to outline a very simple line of work,
practical and feasible for ' the smallest
group of club women. It la not political,
but the difficulty and the root of the mat
ter with women and men alike, la the fact
that, to be a genuine civil service believer,
one mus absolutely sdopt a new creed
that of non-partisanship. You must con
fess the sad truth that "your party la Just
aa bad aa my party, and I must agree that
my party Is exactly as corrupt as your
party." Unices we come to this platform
then our labors are In vain, because the
old traditions and beliefs, the old trans
mitted associations, the old parte sloarans.
stand like llona In the way of the progresa
ot tne women or tnia generation. But, with
It all. we come with faith and fervor to
ask for one united effort for thht cause
during the next two years an effort whose
results would be of a mighty Import, be
cause helping to overthrow the barrier to
righteousness In the nation, which Is the
bllndtnar Intolerance of partisanship.
The first definite work asked of every
club and state federation la that a com
mittee of at least one member, though
preferably three, be appointed, and be
asked to report for duty to the general
federation committee. An outline of pro
posed work will be given In the March
Daagkltra sf ISIS Place Wlaiow.
Tne National Society of the United
States Daughters of 1812 will shortly place
a handsome memorial window In the old
St. Michael's church. Dartmoor. England.
The window will cost 11.260. and Is placed
there In memory of the American seaman
prisoners of war who died In Dartmoor
prison. The old church wag largely built
by las wtmerlcan prisoners of war, easily
of whom are burled In Dartmoor church
yard, adjacent to old St. Michael's. The
Nebraska Society of the United States
Daughters of Mil has contributed liberally
to lbs memorial window.
Practically Aaytklas Oa Mar Wast
May Be Hi4 at tae
Tbs vegetable racks are by far the meat
attractive department of the market Just
now and are loaded with green stuff that
Is as fresh and crisp and tender as If just
brought from the home garden. Almost
anything one may want may be ' had,
though allowance must be made for slight
deficiency In the flavor. This deficiency la
very light, however, when one takes into
account that much of thia perishable stuff
Is brought thousands of miles.
While strawberries are no novelty, hav
ing been In market sines before ths holi
days, the price still keeps them In the
luxury class. The present supply cornea
from Florida by special shipment and sella
for eenta a box that bolda little over a
pint, though It Is called a quart. The fruit
Is large and red, but seems to lack some
thing In flavor.
Cuban pineapples, Terr large and of good
flavor, are selling for 40 eenta each.
Oranges sell from 10 cents to W cents a
dosen, and apples from (0 cents to
cents a peck. A few Malaga grapea are
till to be had and sell for S cents a pound,
but they will not last more than a week or
Grape fruit aells from t eenta to IS cents
each and is of rood slse and quality. Kum
quata sell for 16 cents a scant quart box.
Fresh tomatoes In the "fancy" class are
It cents a pound, while tender. little new
radishes, hot house products, are 10 cents
a bunch, or three bunches for 36 eenta.
Head lettuce la 11 cents and 10 cents each
and the heads are nloa, though not so large.
Wax and green string beans are 10 rente
a quart and cauliflower from 10 cents to
10 cents a head and the heads weighing
from one to three pounds. Pieplant la 1
cents a bunch of six or eight stalk a Sweet
potatoes are ( cents a pound and Irish
potatoes from SO cents to M cents a bushel.
E7gs are 90 cents and B eenta a dosen.
ths guaranty going only with those of the
higher price. The; beat creamery butter
sella for 36 cents a pound.
That la What Fsray la Lariat; Be
fere Taxpayers oa lam-provemeste.
City Treasurer Furay haa prepared a
statement for the public which he hopes
will result In prompt payment of street
Improvement taxes by showing how rapidly
the Interest counts up. Street improvement
taxes are divided into ten equal payments
and each installment except the first, bears
( per cent Interest up to ths date- of delin
quency. After that date a penalty of 1
per cent per month In advance la added
The first Installment becomes delinquent
fifty days after paaaage ot the tax levy,
All the Interest charges can be saved by
paying the total amont In advance.
To illustrate the way the Interest ac-
curaulatea ths treasurer took a tax levy of
$100 supposed to have been paased on
October Z, 1M, and prepared the following
First Installment $10 00 -becomes de
linquent November a. W0B.
Second Installment become, de
linquent October 2. 13(9: per cent
added one year JW
Third Installment 110. becomes de
llnouent October 1. 1910: per cent
added two years 1.20
Fourth Inatallment xmmo becomes de
linquent October 2. 1911: per cent
added three yearn 1.80
Fifth Inatallment 410.00 becomea de
linquent October 2. 1912: ( per cent
added four years 2.40
Rath Installment xio. nuoeoomes ae
linauent October 2. 1912: C per eent
added five years 2.00
Seventh Installment 410.00 becomes
Aoitnniiont October 2. 1914: 6 ner
cent added atx year. tM
Eighth Inatallment 110.00 becomea de
linnuent October 2. 1916: per cent
added seven years 4.20
Ninth Installment 210.00 become, de
linquent October 1914: C per cent
added eight year. 4.S0
Tenth Inatallment $10.00 becomea de
hnniMnt oinhar i- 1917: C ner cent
added nine years (-40
Total Interest tn.QO
Making a total cost of $127.00.
BesaMlcaa Class Appelst Cee ter
race Committee mmd 11 re e a Is
Dlacsaaed for Mayor.
Ths Fontanelle. fell for it. but the Cen
trala "amelled a mouse." and Instead of
being endorsed for the republican nomina
tion for mayor by both of the republican
organization Thursday night. John Paul
Breen was endorsed only by ths Fontenelle
club and fell outside the breastwork, of
the Central Republican club. Members ot
the Central club voiced the belief that an
attempt was being made to "Job" the club,
and the next day many member, of the
other political organisation cams to ths
conclusion that their club had been ths
Breen men undertook to secure the en
dorsement of both club, for one candidate
for mayor and laid their plan, well, but
not too well. Ten member, belonging to
both the club, met In an orflce In the New
Tork Life. .0 confeaaed one of them, and
decided to secure the coveted endorsement
for Breen. Following this up with a plea
for harmony and declaring that the Cen
tral club would that night endorse Mr.
Breen, they persuaded the Fontanelles to
endorse htm and appoint a committee of
five to wait upon the Central club.
The five marcbed up the hill to the head
quarters of the Central organisation, but
arrived after the club had adjourned. The
president reconvened the organisation, and
the spokesman from the Fontanelles told
of their mission, but got no results.
The Fontanelles have given Mr. Breed
their mayoralty endorsement, however,
even though under a misapprehension, but
the Central club officlala declare that their
club will not endorse any candidate prior
to ths primaries.
Chiracs Milliners Determine
Leaser Take Risks la
Be 1141a sr.
Thirty women of Influence In the aelectioa
of styles for feminine headgear In Chicago
have organised the National Ass or It ion of
Kctail Milliners, and the first official act
of that body will be to give a vogue to
small hats and big hatplna. Ths women
say they are weary of standing on step
ladders and building circular acaffolda to
conatruct hats of the slsea worn by their
sex In recent months. It I. not fair, they
Insist, for a milliner to be compelled to
risk her neck earning her living. They inti
mate that if big hats were not abolished
the millinery trade might become a more
hasardou. occupation than that of struc
tural steel workers.
Even If airships were developed speedily
enough to enable them to float about the
great hats by working on them, they would
not change their rotnda. Big bats must go,
they say. for the milliners sake. Besides,
everybody la tired of them. A. for the other
object, of ths association. Mm. Maere, one
of the principal promoters, says: We
believe ths dignity sf millinery artists
should be upheld by aa organixatioa. O00J
milliner, get from $30 to tSM a weak and
expenses. Chicago started the movement."
Bes Want Ad. Are Balnea. Boosters.
PlalatltT Files Asaeaded Fetltlsa fa
Libel Case Against CI vie Fed.
eratlsa OIBcera,
Tom Dennlson filed an amended petition
Thursday afternoon in hi. auit for libel
against Elmer E. Thoma. and the member,
of the executive committee of the Civic
Federation. He asks $i0.M damages from
each and all of the defendants. Those be
aidea Thomas are T. J. Mahoney. Isaac W.
Carpenter. Charles S. Hayward, Wilson T.
Graham and Dr. Andrew B. Bomers.
"lha petition recite, that a certain or
ganiaatlon known as the Civic Federation,
cf which Elmer Tbomaa waa at all time,
attorney and principal representative, and
the others named, ths executive committee
pit t ared and forwarded a statement to
Albtrt B. Cummin, governor of Iowa. This
Btalemeut 1. then repeated. It charge.
Dennlson with being a thief and gambler
and la collusion with tbs police.
Dennlson then goes on to recite that he
haa at no Urns been a thief nor guilty of
tny grand or petit larceny. He admits
that ha was In times past engaged la the
gambling business, but auys that ha at all
times maintained and had a reputation for
fcontsty and square dealing.
W. J. Connell represent. Dennlson.
whose original petltio wss f.led December
I. 14.
Street-Wakefield Weddinf Party and
Gneita Receire Much Attention.
Mra. Herman Koaatse Gives Oas sf
Big- Brldare I.saraea Parties
f ths Week at Her
Kew Home.
Complimentary to Mr.. Brinker of St.
Louis, Mrs. Herman Kounlte gave a bridge
luncheon Friday at horns on South Thirty-eighth
avenue. The guest, were seated
at am all tables! each having a centerpiece
of daffodil, and ferns. The guests present
were Mrs. Brinker, Mrs. C. K. Coutsnt,
Mrs. W. W. Morsman, Mra. B. F. Crum
mer. Mra. Henry W Tates, Mra. Philip
Potter. Mrs, Horace Everett and Mrs.
Tyler of Council Bluffs. Mrs. Nathan Mer
riam. Mrs. W. J. Broatch. Mra. Z. T. Lind
say, Mrs. J. N. Baldwin. Mrs. George Bar
ker. Mrs. Charles Martin. Mrs. Q. W.
Wattles, Mrs. E. W. Martin. Mra. James
McKenna. Mr. F. P. Klrkendall, Mra. H.
H. Baldiige, Mrs. T. M. Orr, Mra. Harry
Jordan. Mrs. Victor White, Mrs. W. J.
Connell, Mrs. Gannett, Mrs. C.T. Mander-
aon. Mr.. T. H. Davie. Mrs. Milton Bar
low, Mrs. McCMntock. Mrs. Bhlveiick and
Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm.
For Miss Street aai Mrs. Harvey.
Mrs. Joseph Cudahv waa hasten at rle-
lightful luncheon party Friday at her home
given In compliment to Miss Agnes Street
of Chlcag-o and Mrs. Robert H. Harvey of
Chicago. Spring flower, were used In the
decoration, and thoae present were Mlsa
Street., Mr. Harvey. Mrs. Samuel Burns.
Jr.; Mra. E. M. Mornman. Jr.; Mr. Mosher
Colpetxer. Mrs. Hsrry Wllkins, Mrs. Luther
Kountxe, Mrs. Charles Kountse. Mrs, Ward
Burgess. Mia. Stella Hamilton. Mrs. Floyd
Smith, Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mr.. Thomas
M. Spofford of Kansaa City, Mia. Ella Mae
urown. Mis. Jeans Wakefield. Mrs. George
Prlns, Mr. W. H. Wheeler and Mrs.
Cud any.
Bridge l.snrheea.
A pretty bridge luncheon of ths week
was given by Mr.. Edward J. Monahan
Thursday at her home. Favor, and dec
oration, were suggestive of George Wash
ington s Dirtnaay. Thosa present were
Mrs. R. H. Longley. Mrs. J. H. Hussle
Mr.. D. L. Danforth. Mr.. F. H. WWtm.n
Mrs, Unltt. Mr.. W. A. Plxley. Mrs. Ft.nk
rurner. Mrs, McClure of Florence
Ellis, Mr.. T.ggart, Mr.. Fred Kerr. Mis.
Nina Crlss, Miss Dsvlea. Mis. Cox and
Mia. Tucker of Council Bluff., Mrs. Henry
isaviea ana tne hostess.
Clafe Meetlna-e.
Mrs. A. King entertained the Aronel eti.x
Wednesday afternoon. Prixes for the game
of high five were won by Mrs. Jack Gray
and Mrs. W. B. Blackburn. Mlaa Cecilia
Klein of St. Paul. Minn., wa. a guest ot
ths club. Th. next meeting will be in two
weeks at ths home of Mrs. Frank McGlnnls.
ine Aloal club was entertained by Mrs,
w. D. Blackburn Thursday afternoon .t
her home. The prise, of the afternoon were
warded to Mrs. Roth of Council Bluffs,
Mrs, William, and Mr.. F. N. Smith. Ths
next meeting will be In two weeks with
airs. Henry of Council Bluffs.
The Alternate Card club wa. entertained
Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs
W. S. Rows. Prises were won by Mrs. J. T
Kennard and Mrs. Robert Spencer. The
next meeting will be held In two week, at
tne home of Mr.. J. F. Foyer. In Dundee.
Those present st the last meeting were
JieMatnee u. I. Douglas. T. J. Jurg-ensen.
w. a, Hooper. J. F. Foyer, Robert Spencer,
v. smith, E. R. Brace. E. V. Newman
W. S. Rowe, J. C Kennard. L A. Stevens,
W. T. Hoover.
Card Parties.
Ths Independent Cari club met Wednes
day afternoon at the horns of Mrs, B.
Finney. Prises for ths csrd gams were
won by Mrs. M. O. Langston, Mrs. A.
Rouser. Mrs, H. DeBolt and Mrs. Flack.
The next meeting will be In tmO week,
at ths horns of Mrs. Lea Bridges.
The Columbian circle gave the lest card
party before Lent, Wednesday afternoon In
ths parlor, of the Pariah house. Prises
for the game were won by Mrs. Frank
Murphy, Mrs. Golden and Mrs. M. Murphy.
The were Mrs. John Massey and
Mrs. James Fltsgerald. The next meeting
of ths circle will be April 14. About
seventy-flvs guests ware present at the
last meeting.
Birthday Olebratloa.
A valentine birthday party wa. given by
Mia. Louise Gruhdmsn and Mis. Marie
Fetter, at ths horns of ths former on Lo
cu.t atreet The room, were decorated
with valentines and heart, and at the game
of Pitt prises were awarded to Mia Fet
ters and Mr. Nieman. Those present were
Muses Marie Blanck, Llllle Wulff, Jennie
Hlrsch, Clara Liesche, Dalphy Gray, Nel
lie Been tel. Florence Weataman, Anna
Meyer, Frieda Muxen, Katie Wulff, Emllle
Gruhdman, Anita Muxen, Sadie Vawter,
Minnie Ko.ack, Llllle Kaplan, Fay Pulaley,
Meaars. L. H. Lints. H. F. Davis. F. L.
Liesche. H. O. Wsndel, D. R. Orabenhorst,
W. E. Niemann, C. Brooks, H. 8Utea. C.
Stein. H. Sick. W'Ul Meckllnburg, Harry
Grvbdman. Henry Woulff, Arthur Bau
man. H. Wilson.
Far Miss Klela.
Mias Bam ice McCarthy entertained at
dinner Wedneeday evening for Mlaa Cecilia
Klein of St. Paul. Ths house wa. deco
rated with a basket of pink carnation, and
fern leaves. Thoae present were Miase.
Loretta Carr. Mary Breasroan, Jean Leary,
Mlna Vertx. Cecilia Klein, Meaars. William
Leary, T. Leary, Toole, James Savidga,
Mrs William Rhyn.
feme and Ge G ess I p.
Mrs. L. Westphal of Houston, Tex., aister
of Charlea O. Michaelsc-a and of Mr. Dr.
J. M. Borglum, is 111 at St. Jo
seph's hospital.
Miss Anna Rush left evening for
Tulaa. Ok I., where ah. will spend a
Let The Bee Want Ala da) ih work foi
week, with her .Uter, Mrs Charles
Mra. Nellie McKanrara haa returned from
Little Rock, Ark., where she was called by
the serious Illness of her son-in-law, Mr.
W. C. Barnes, who Is a former Omaha
men. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are now at
Hot Springs, Ark., where they will re
main until Mr. Barnes fully recover, bis
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fiaher of Florence,
Wis., srs visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Arthur Pinto. They will remain during the
month of February.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox Stephens of New
Tork, who have been visiting Mr. and Mra.
Lucien Stephena for the peat few days,
left last evening for their home.
Mia. Lynn Curtis arrived home Thursday
morning from a tew days' stay in Chicago.
Salt fer Children.
Did you ever eat a raw apple aprinkled
with salt? It is delicious aa well a. bene
ficial. I. healthful for children whose food
should be well salted. The salt la hensficsal
to digestion and also creates t hi rat. com
pelling frequent drink, of water, of
which most people take too little. All food
mads of flour should be well cooked, espe
cially when fed to children. Doughnuts,
for instance, are wot fit food tor children,
a. they are cooked not longer than sis
minutes Pepper and apicea should not be
put late food which children are ts cat.
Ttie Season's Wind-Up
Before Stock Taking Sale
. Entire "Goodyear" Stock of nigh Grade Cravcnettcd Over
coats. Raincoats and Silk Waterproofed Garments to Be
Soldi at 40c 00 Oie OollaF
Nothing to Be Reserved. Every Garment Must Go.
tt will Include- In this sal? 180 Men's and Women's NKW SriUXO SAMPLE GARMENTS ot the finest
grade Cravrnette, Raincoats and LadieV Silk Rubberised Coat a.
Here'g a sale that haa no parallel In the retail clothing trad of this town.
Here a a gale in which we offer the world" best raincoat stock at leas than the cost of material of the
Soon we'll be taking stock and we'd rather count the money than the garments.
Besides it's a firm rule of this concern not to carry over any stock from season to season.
Hence this history making and money saving sale.
An opportunity such as this to buy a rainproof garment at a saving of 60c on the dollar comes very rare
ly so rarely that it behooves you to
BUY NOW at 40c OlM THE
All Goods Damaged by Previous Storm at 23c on the Dollar
Before Stock Taking Price.
nz.OO Raincoat.
1S. 00 Raincoats,
IIO.OO Cravenettes,
$2& 00 Cravenettes,
fSO.OO Cravenettes,
.... S8.00
. .sio.oo
pnoo Garments. JJS.OO
Vor0 'rmenU' ' 312.00
We are now ready to ahow a few of our early
arrival, of our new spring line of ladles' Suits and
1h-cbps. A call from you to look them over will
be appreciated. If for nothing else than to make our
patron acquainted with the new line we are going
to handle in our establishment.
Every Garment
as Represented
or Your Money
'Specialists In Raincoat Specialties.
"The Raincoat lore."
S. d. Cor. lGtti and Davenport
I II ) steam-heated llll j
Leaves Omaha 628 pm Arrives Chicago 8.58 am f
Electric berth-lighted sleeping cars, buffet-library car and chair car f
l Diner for supper and breakfast jr .
?V Equally convenient, Chicago to Omaha, is the y , ill
Lan Chicago S.0S pm TlVTi
X ArriTea Omaha 8.35 aa if f 1 lllj 1 1
Providing- same accommodation. J? I jj lJ i
To and from
Ladies, Here Is the Way to
Find Real Bargains
Wise women read Bee Want Ads every day. They know they are for a good purpose,
else they would not be in The Bee. They also know that they get full value from their
paper only when they read the "Want Ads. Surely you want to know what others have
learned to value, so read Bee Want Ads every day. Start now you will learn many
things that will interest you. You know how society folks are; how they discard fine
gowns, wraps and furs after weariug them a little while. Haven't you often thought how
nice it would be if you could buy them? Your dignity would not be lowered a bit, and
think how much you would save. Your neighbors would not know that you bought things
from these people if you read Bee Want Ads. These refined people would rather sell
direct to you at a small cost than to dealers. You can also find many bargains in house
hold goods, too. Read Bee Want Ads every day, see how much money you'll save, and
how easy it is to have the best of everything. '
ana jggskaii