Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 10, Image 10

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Office 15 Scott Street
Dans, drugs.
Berwick, wall gaper.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Trione 17.
Woodrlng Underteklng company. Tel. M.
Majestic rsnges. P. C. DeVol Hdwro. Co.
Big piano sele now on at Hoipe'a, S
Pearl tit.
Be ready for the big aala at Hoape'a.
Read ad.
Cut flowers, Herman Broa., florista. Is
Paarl atreet.
discount. Leffert's.
Pyroeraphy outfit and wood. Alexan
der'!. MS Broadway.
Two, three or flva room for rent, 131
Went Broadway, upsta.'rs.
Sheet musle price ehot to pieces at
Hoape'a. Saturday, 21 Pearl fit.
Plenty of help, not Ion waiting at
Hospa's. 29 Pearl St., Saturday.
undertaken. 'Phone 122, 14 N. Main St.
Aba Lincoln Woman's Relief oorpa will
meet In regular session thin afternoon at
I o'clock In Grand Army hall.
A building permit was tunned yesterday
to Jay Smith for a one-atory frame resi
dence at 3211 Avenue F to coat fl.lOO.
No houae In any city hss such a dis
play of mimic on aale Saturday as at
Hospe's, 2 Pearl St. Com In and see.
The preliminary hearing of Dave Roach
and John Lewie, charged with breaking
and entering the chicken coop oa" phomaa
Johnson and steeling about a aasen prise
bred chickens, wae continued in police
court yesterday until Saturday.
Central chapter of the Woman's guild
of St. Paul'a Fplscopal churoh will en
tertain at a Martha Wellington card
party Saturday afternoon at 2 o'olock
at the home of Mra. J. R. Atkins, to
which all friends of tha church are In
vited. Joseph Gerspacher. eldest son' of A.
Oerspacher, grocer at 740 West Broad
way, was married In Chicago to Miss
Mary Rlcker of es Moines. The cere
mony was performed In the Holy Name
cathedral. The young counts will make
their home In Council Bluffs.
Patriotic exercises In observance of
Washington's and Lincoln's birthday an
niversaries will be held In the public
schools of this city today. In some of the
buildings elaborate programs have been
firepared. The parents of the pupils ara
nvlted to attend these exercises.
The funeral of the late Jsmes S. Wil
liams. 140ft Avenue O. will be held Bun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Broad
way Methodlnt church. Rev. J. M. Wll
llHins, the pastor, will conduct the serv
ices and burial will be in Falrvlew ceme
Arrangements have been made for a
meeting of those In Council Bluffs and vi
cinity who drew Tripp county farms to
be held at the Kiel hotel Sunday evening
at 8 o'clock. Dennis 0"Leary, a former
Council Riuffs newspaper man, who drew
a farm In the opening four years aa-o
and located adjoining Tripp county, will
be present snd explain a few of the diffi
culties of ths situation.
George William Pepper, charred with
the theft of 14 from the residence of
Mrs. Ellen Oetrom, lol Seventh avenue,
by whom ha was formerly employed, was
ySHterdey held by Police Judge Snyder
to awH the action of the grand Jury.
The then was alleged to have been com
mitted In May f I nut year. Pepper was
arrested about two weeks ago. but had
to be sent to St. Bernard's hoepltsl to be
trested for a bad ense of delirium
tremens. He was discharged from the
hoariltal Wednesday and In default of a
bond placed at $300 waa aent to tha
county Jail. . : ,
Dobbins Takes Time to . Plead to
Charge of wlMdlia'a
John R. Dobbins, alleged to be a member
of a gang of bunco experts said to have
made Council Bluffs their headquarters,
was arraigned before" Judge Thornell In
the district court yesterday morning under
the Indictment in which lie Is charged with
the larceny of J30.000 from T. W. Ballew,
a bunker of Princeton, Mo. Through his
counsel, Emmet Tlnley, Dobbins took time
to plead. This formality occupied but little
time and after the usual entry had been
made In tha court record Dobblna was es
corted back to tha county Jail. It was
stated yesterday that Dobbins' attorneys
would ak the court to reduce the amount
of tha ball bond,
Henry Wchlers, one of the eight young
men of Boomer township Indicted on the
charge of malicious destruction of property,
had his trial yesterday and tha Jury
brought In a verdict last evening of not
guilty. The young men were charged with
ahooting Into the residence of R. T. Ward
In Boomer township on ths night of Octo
ber 27. Isst. during a charivari In honor of
the marriage of Arthur C. Ward, son of
R. T. Ward, and Miss Elsie K. Witt of
Honey Creek. The promiscuous discharge of
ahotguns and other fire arms, it la alleged,
followed the refusal of young Ward to con
tribute $3 for treats for the crowd. The
acqulttsl of Wehlers may result In ths
quashing of the Indictment against the
other young men.
A rather unusual petition was filed in
tha district court yesterday. It waa In the
name of the state of Iowa as rel. Pauline
Witt against Adolph Drier. It asked for
an attachment of 21,000 agaJnat property
belonging to ths defendant, whom Miss
Witt accused of being tha father of her
unborn babe. In tha petition Drier la
stated to be a resident of Hardin township
nd to own personal protrty of tha value
of J2.000.
' Tha trial of Isaae Robbing, indicted on
tha charge of assaulting wtth intent to
murder O. L. Hamilton, . will be begun
this morning.
The following petit Jury was drawn yes
tarday afternoon for tha March term of
district court in this city: '
D. M. Steele. Joshua Carlile. Iewta
at.i.Ma Alvin Oetroet. Norwalk township:
James Wodding. J. A. Johnson. I-e KaeU
riarner townshlo: John Coyle, jr..
iwls townshiD: John Brsy. Nsola: Ed
ward MoEvoy. sr., Christ Peterson, Boomer;
Fred Roane. York: Peul Lertzke, James A.
Fiynn, Mlnden; E. Wilkens. W. G. Kepp
ner, O. D. Talbot, John W'akhouse, W.
W 'Smith. Joseph Robrson,Nels Johneon,
ft S. Harden, H. I. Maxwell, J. W. Russell.
Jamea T. Fleming. Jean Lassen. Frank
WhMsett, C. W. Hoyer, D. A. Heisler. a
C BaJdwin. W. B. Huff. Jamea Seller,
Georgs Southard. O. C. Bunderland. A. J,
urn. r. A. More-an. William Walter,
Forrest Smith. C. B. Williams. W. Cross,
Council Bluiia. x
The term opens March It and unless
other Is ordered by tha judgthe petit
Jury will appear for eervtce on Monday,
April S-
Caaeea It amor Big Implement W are
koaao Was Baralagr.
Flra of unknown origin In a shed used to
store coba at tha rear of tha warehouse of
tha Shugart A Ouren Soed company at
Sixth street and Tenth avenue, ahortly be
for T o'clock last night, made a big blaio
for a ehort time and caused a report that
another large Implement warehouse was a
ptey to flaraea.
Aa tha Are department waa starling home
from thia blase the glare in ths sky Indi
cated there was another firs In tha vicinity
of Sixteenth avenue. It proved to be a
small barn at tha rear of tha grocery atora
tf Nells Chrtsoff arson, 1621 South Eighth
street. In tha fire, which waa of unknown
origin and which destroyed tha barn, a
small pony waa burned to death. a
Be ready for tha big aala at Hoxps's.
Haa ad
Both 'Phones 43.
Sidney Gibboni Follows Hit Wife to
the Home of Her Parent.
Wkn Pel Ice Are Called Ha Tsrsi
Weapon aa Himself aal Fires
Two Ballets lata His
Of a Breast.
Aftsr gslnlng admission to the house, tha
door of which had been locked against
him, by climbing through a kitchen win
dow, Sidney Gibbons, a railroad man, ehot
himself twice through tha breast near the
heart yesterday afternoon at the home of
his wife's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Edwin
McClelland, 800 Avenue H. The weapon
used waa a small revolver of 21-callbre.
Oibbens and his wife, who was Nellie
McClelland, hd only been married since
December 23, lest, and had been making
their horns with the husband's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Amy Oibbens at 1420 Third
avenue. Oibbens, who la 22 years of age,
the same aga as his wife, had developed.
It Is said, an Insane Jealousy of Ms wife.
even objecting to her continuing her
friendly relations with her mother. Follow
ing a quarrel Wednesday evenlnf Mrs.
Oibbens, It is said, went to the home of
her parents, where she remained during
the night
Shortly before 1 o'clook yesterday after
noon Oibbens appeared at tha McClelland
home, but was refused admission by Mrs.
McClelland, who locked both tha front and
back doors. Gibbons then went to the rear
of the house and finding tha kitchen door
also locked raised a window and climbed
through. According to the statement of
Mra. McClelland Gibbens waa holding ths
revolver In bis right hand aa ha climbed
through tha window.
After gaining in this way admission to
the house Gibbens began, it Is said,
to upbraid his wife and when her mother
Interfered Is said to have made sundry
threats against the two womenIrs. Mc
Clelland ordered Glbbena to leave the house
and when ha refused to do so telephoned
for the police. According to the statements
of the two women Glbbena. when he heard
Mrs. McClelland telephone for the police.
placed tha revolver against his breast and
fired twice In rapid succession.
When he learned that the ambulance waa
outstda tha house and that It was tha In
tention of the doctora to take him to
hospiurf. Gibbens, made a desperate resist
ance and it took four men, despite his
wounds, to hold him. He was finally placed
In the ambulance and at the request of his
parents, who had been aummoned, taken
to their home on Third avenue. It was
found Uter, however, necessary to remove
Mm to tha Edmundson Memorial hospital.
Gibbens denied many of the statements
mads by Mra. McClelland and blamed his
mother-in-law for all the trouble. Until a
short time ago Glbbena had been a fire
man on the Northwestern railroad, but had
been but of work recently..
Clrealars Beat to Farmers to Be Wis
Will A Head.
The executive committee of the Commer
cial club, through Its chairman, E. H.
Doollttle, la aendlng to all farmers In the
western section of Pottawattamie county
whose names can be secured a circular
letter relative to tha holding of an agricul
tural short course in Council Bluffs In
January, 1910. The purpose of the letter
Is to familiarise the farmers of this sec
tion of tha county with tha conditions con
nected with the proposition and to ascer
tain what support can be expeoted from
them. Each letter Is accompanied by a
postal card containing blank subscription
form for scholarships In tha propoeed short
course, which only cost 13.
Tha letter, which sets out the proposition
In concise form, is as follows:
Dear Sir: For ths last year tha Ames
Agricultural college has held at Avoca,
Mason City and other placea what la known
as the western Iowa short course.
This school teaches how to raise more
grain to the acre and how to breed high
class stock for tha market. The tuition
for a week'a course is not more than $8,
which, in our Judgment, la very cheap.
The officers of thia club have been asked
why we could not hold a short course In
this city, and In order to find out Just
what we would have to do to secure the
school for January, 110, tha president of
this club and the writer, with a number of
"boosters." spent January 21 at Avoca
with the professors Inj charge of the abort
course. t
We were told that there were three thinga
to do which would help locate tha chool.
1. We would have to secure at leaat 200
tPw'e would hava to furnish suitable
buildings in which to hold tha school.
. Put up a 22.000 guarantee to be paid In
ease the school waa not a success finan
cially. N .
Tha second and third requirements will
be taken care of by thia club. The most
Important thing, howsver, is the securing
of at leaat SU pupils. As this short course
Is conducted entirely for the benefit of ths
farmers and for tha advancement of the
agricultural Interests of the state, R will
net be located at Council Bluffa unless the
farmers in the vicinity are anxious to se
cure It and will attend and profit by the
Instructions given. It therefore rests en
tirely with you to say whether It shall be
located In Council Bluffs In 1910. No
matter what inducements the city of
Council Bluffs might hold out to the Iowa
Agricultural college the school will not be
Watfd here unless more than Sou bona flue
farmere will pledge themselves to attend.
Now. what we want to know , la how
many puplla will you be able to send to
the school T If you ara Interested please
fill out the Inclosed csrd snd mall at
onoe ao we will know Just-what to do
about going after the abort course.
This is a matter of great importance to
you aa well as to every one In this section
of the state ar.d we hope you will boost It
OBcers to Be Elected far ike Easala
Members of the Western Iowa Editorial
association will hold their eleventh semi
annual meeting In Council Bluffa today.
The sessions will be held in the publlo
library building and at the noon recess tne
members will take dinner together at taa
Grand hotel.
An Interesting program has been arranged
for the meeting, one of the features of
which Is an address by R. R. Armstrong, a
merchant of Randolph, on "The Local
Merchant as an Advertiser." Officers for
the ensuing year will be elected at this
The present officers of the association
are; Preeident, C. C. SlieAffer. Randolph
Enterprise; vice president, Carl C. McClure.
Braddyvllle Enterprise; secretary-treasurer.
E. A. Stevens, Silver City Times.
Pair at Baakrwete.
Elmer Dyer, a farmer of Auduboa county,
filed a voluntary petition la bankruptcy la
the federal court here yesterday. He sched
ules liabilities aggregating U.I40.M. ef which la secured. Ha Hats aaasta worth
Mat, all which are claimed aa eseiapt.
)f rs. Mary Elwood of Atlantic, la., filed a
voluntsry petition In bsnkniptcy, schedul
ing debls sniountlng to 21.771. She claims
all of her assets to be exempt.
llana-Palateo" China DUeeeet
Per Cent.
It's Ptckard's there Is no equal to It for
daintiness and artistic execution. Thia Is
your chance to get that piece of china so
long desired. Suitable for Wedding gift
See special window display, Leffert's.
George W. Klein, It South Main street
Both 'phones. "Have It dona right"
President Wlnchell of Reek UUsI
ana Ex-Mayer Dua Aeeeat.
Announcement was made yeaterday by
Henry H. Van Brunt, chairman of tha pro
gram committee, that B. L. Wlnchell, presi
dent of the Rook Island Railroad company,
and Edward F. Dunne, former mayor of
Chicago, have been secured as two of the
speakers at the annual banquet of tha
Council Bluffs Commercial club, which will
be held at the Grand . hotel Thursday,
March 18. The committee la In correspond
ence with a third prominent speaker and
expects to have a favorable reply In a few
Victor E. Bender, who returned from Chl
csgo yesterday, acting for the , program
committee, personally presented the invita
tion of the cluo to Mr. Wlnchell and Mr.
Dunne and secured acceptance from both.
Subjects have not been assigned to theso
two speakers, but It la expected that Mr.
Wlnchell will speak on transportation of
some other subject connected with the rail
road bualness. It Is thought likely that Mr.,
uurne win elect to speak on municipal
ownership of public utilities.
Mr. Van Brunt said yesterday, that' Ma
committee was making elaborate prepara-
for the banquet. Handsome souvenir
programs will
be prepared and several
were to be added to the
novel features
Lincoln music stock at c, Sc. lOo and
12c a copy, Saturday, at A. Hospe Co.'s,
29 Pearl St. No muslo played daring this
It Is worth your time to read Hoaoa s
ad today.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Til. 260. Night, F-1702.
Meet me at Hoape'a Saturday. , '
Real EstateTraafers.
These transfer! were reported to The
Bee February 18 by the Pottawattamie
County , Abstract company of Council
Bluffs: e
John R. Toller and wife to Charles
v : ucnoit, lot 11, block I, Hughes
Doniphan's add to Council Bluffs,
George Tucker ' 'and ' ' wife "to" Zena's
wayoui, part se SW" 10-78-42, q.C.d. 1
Elisabeth M. Stacker , widow to Zenas
Gravblil. Dart aeu u w1.7a.42 t i
George Sexton and wife to Zenas
waybill, part se sw 10-7S-42, q.c.d. 1W
Emily Downs, widow, to Zenas Gray
bill, part .e4 aw 10-7-43. q.c.d..... 180
Patrick Dan any and wife to Julius
Jensen, lot , block 7, Fleming
Davit add to Council Bluffa. w A . son
N. R. Whitsett and wlfs to Simon
eine. lots IS and 14, block 2,
Avoca. w. d 1 rn
Will F. Siedentopf et al. to Bva D.
inrusn, lot I, Aud. subd. of lot 24,
Johnson's add to Counoil Bluffs,
q. c. d . 1
M. Theodore Oirlatlana anil wlfs a .
Jaoob H. Witt. nw'A se4 21-77-43, w. d. 2,700
Jamee Van Busklrk and wife to Jamea
n. van Busklrk. lots I and 4. block I. ,
Terwilllcer's add to Council Rltirra lui
Christian Nelson and wife to H- T. ;
turners, lot 18. block 10, McMahon.
Cooper A Jefferla adj. to Council
Bluffs, w. il ... 1 fcYV
H. T. Elilers and wife to ChrUUan
Nelson, part lot 1 Aud. subd. ow'4
sett 28-75-43, w. d 1.300
Total, twelve transfers 28,652
Special Bale.'
On Saturday we will nlace on aala a
large lot of ladles', misses' and child's
shoes at $1.80 $2.00 values. Duncsn
Shoe Co.
TOU -CAN ALWAYS be sure of the
quality of your wedding rings. Leffert's.
It It's a piano you want, come to
Hoape's, 2t Pearl St., Saturday.
Sarvey for Bloaa City Llae.
SIOUX CITY. la.. Feb. 1. (Soeelal.l-
Thlrteen civil engineers In the employ of
the American Engineering conmanv of
Indlanapolla, Ind., have commenced the
survey for the Sioux City eV Des Moines
lnterurban line between here and Cor
rectlonvllle. President Wilson of Ythe
construction company believea that the
road can enter Sioux City on a 1 nr
cent grade. General Manager M. H.
Miller of Des Moines will not commence
tbe canvaas for subscriptions In Sioux
City until ths report of the specisl com
mittee of the Real Estate association rel
ative to the enterprise has been filed.
Complete "Merrv Widow" arore ih
songs and waits, all for to. at Hospe's,
Saturday, 2 Pearl St
It will pay you to aee Sperling ec Trlolett
Co. for automobiles, 227 Broadway.
Admiral Saerry's Fleet Wltala Bevea
isaare Miles of Vlrglala . -Capes.
The near approach of the battleship fleet
and lta escort, f.lgnsled tonight by wireless
telegraph aa less thsn 700 mllea ntt ih
Virginia capes, is reflected In tha great
crowds or visitors pouring Into the hotels
The tender Yankton sailed todav fnr
Washington, but the armored cruisers North
Carolina and Montana are atlll In the road
stead. They finished coallna off Rw.ii'.
Point snd dropped down to a new anchorage
off the Old olnt pier. It Is planned now to
have the cruisers leave tomorrow to Join
the Incoming squadrons.
Ths combined forces sre expected to ar
rive at the southern drill around, ntiv
miles off the Vfrclnla caDes. some iim.
Saturday. Minor evolutions and maneuvers
wm oe gone tnrougn in order to fill the
time Intervening before the scheduled ar
rival Monday. The fleet will nasa In the
cape about 10 a. m.
Tha. dinner to be civen bv the
league at the Chamberlain on Monday even
ing will be the flret of tha social functions
In connection with ths fleet's arrival. While
the bauquet Is In progress a ball for the
officers will be given at the Chamberlain.
Many other entertainments are being
planned for the fleet's stay.
A majority of the members of both
branches of congress will witness the ar
rival and review of the fleet
Leffert's ZTZ Lenses
Cresset CseaWt Kasws is Wssrsn ef Geaesl
sV smmm flC"" Hm4 ea Is s
li ii m j T Smaaaer r lill
4 a. tki U 1 h l J wir0aat
LEfYLsrTS e-7--
" nasi, aaa amo ten
'ma autrrm, at
E&rnow your
lw Everybody
ever, even in Nebraska, do not know the source of its prosperity, except
in their own, neighborhood. Neither is it always understood in the cities,
as to the cause of the general prosperity of the farmer, and the farmer may
not be familiar with what has been most essential in bringing about the
prosperity of our towns and cities.
In the coming articles, descriptive of the diferent counties of the state, the Commercial Club and
their good roads campaignwill receive attention from what the state has beou develop &nd the place it
holds today in the industrial world; the advantages Nebraska offers to those who may come here; what
the farmers of today have accomplished, and the. possibilities for the farmer of the future; what the
stock-breeders and stock-feeders have developed and what they axe trying to develop; what the dairy
. industry has to offer and how it'is being received or rejected by the average fanner. The fruit industry,
has added to the pleasure and profit of the home; the corn grower has learned and is learning, and his
knowledge of improved methods are of immense value to himself and his neighbors. The railroads have
done much for the state and have receivd much in return from the people. Thrify towns and cities of
the state are growing, and how they are making progress will be told. The county schools, the school
teacher and county superintendent of schools are entitled to" notice and will be touched upon.
All of these things will receive special attention in the future articles.
No one can be well posted unless they know their own state.
Your friends, elsewhere, will be glad to receive a copy of the issue
containing the account of your home county.
Legislature Refuses to Hake Normal
School a Teachers' College.
Cetoreal ' ExCeavlet Arrested at
Ottsaws Whea He Attempts to
hwa Brooch Beloaglagc
to M ordered Girl.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Feb. l.- Special. )-The
senate today disposed of 'one measure
which was causing a great deal of an
noyance. - It was a bill asked for by the
president ' and trustees of the ' State
Normal school to change lta name to the
"State Teachera' college." Thia waa pre
sented by them as desirable for the sole
purpose of enabling the school to receive
the kfenefits of the Carnegie pension fund.
The statement was made that In all re
spects the school now conforms to the
standards of those in charge of the be
quest, but the name stands In the way.
A two-hours.' edebate followed, in which
thia argument waa badly riddled and the
claim waa set up that In fact the pur
pose of the bill was o change the charac
ter of the Institution and to give legal
recognition of the fact that it has ceaaed
to be a normal school and la-In fact a
college. When this theory was presented
the bill wag defeated, II to it.
Immediately thereafter Senator Chap
man Introduced a resolution for a joint
committee to prepare a bill td fix by law
the requirements for admission and grad
uation at the normal school and at ths
state college.
To Probe Iato Hospitals.
Representative Brandels, who halls from
Pottawattamie county, today Introduced
a resolution looking to investigation of
the complaints of Inmates of tha Insane
hospitals, aa follows:
Whereas. There have been rumora and
reports that soma of ths Inmates of our
state hospitals for Insane have Buffered
abuse or mtatreatment at the hands of
those caring for aald Insane persons;
therefore, be It '
Resolved. That the speaker of the
house is suthorited to appoint a commit
tee of three members of ths house, whose
duty It shall be to inquire Into the mat
ter and, if In their Juagment it la necea
ssry to do so. visit any of aald hospitals,
Investigate and report aa to any Just
cause of complaint. ,
Haockoat for Loaa Sharks.
Iowa will be without pawn brokers and
shark money lenders If Senator Hunter's
new bill Is passed. The, measure waa in
troduced today and provldea that no con
tract of loan shall be valid which pro
vldea for a greater rate than the legal I
per cent. Should auit be instituted on a
contract bearing a higher rate of Interest
than I per cent, the defendant will not
only cease to owe the principal and In
terest, but will be entitled to a refund
of the Interest he has paid in excess of
the legal rate.
Meaey for Rivers and Harbors.
Senator Frudden of Dubuque introduced In
the senate a resolution for a memorial to
congress in favor of a Urge appropriation
for the Improvement of rivera and harbors
and general work on the Inland water
ways. The houae adopted a resolution by Lee re
quiring the printing In the Journal of all
motions for amendments to committee bills,
thus curbing the powers of the committees.
Ths senate passed a house bill to pro
vide for settlement of ths estates of ab
sentees, and a senate bill for (he publica
tion of rules of health boards. The house
passed Saunders' bill to permit the Increase
of pay of county attorneys where thero
are two county scats, the Francla bill for
lights on steamboats and the Bruce bill
to permit thu otate accountant to settle
with ths state agricultural department.
.New Bills.
Among the new bills of Importance were:
By thunders To Increase punishment for
By Adams To revise military code In
By Hunter To have city road taxes
handled by cities.
By L.arrabee To create office of county
highway engineer.
By Harding to reorganise the state his
torical department.
By Ward To revise law aa to insurance
By Hackl.r Placing gypsum mines under
By sioon To remove geological aurvey to
Iowa City.
Heerlaat Ballsemsl Hate Case.
Tae State Ballroad aommlssloa com
menee4 a astasia hearing wa the applioa
Uoa ef certain cities ef tae state for such
knows that Nebraska
Next week
revision of the Iowa railroad rates as to
partially offset the alleged advantage of
the river cities of Iowa because of the fact
that all' interstate rates are based on either
Mississippi or Missouri river points. The
Interior cities complain that this fact
operates to their advantage and they desire
a revision of the state rates. Representa
tives of shipping Interests from a number
of cities are here to take up the matter.
Farm Pabllshers Orgaalse.
Fifteen publishers of farm papers in the
middle west met in Des Moines Wednesday.
They organised an association to be known
as the "Corn Belt Publishers' association."
C. C. Rosewater waa chosen president.
Meetings will be held at different ' Inter
vale. Pawsi M ordered Girl's Jewelry.
After having attempted to pawn a large
diamond brooch which has since been Iden
tified aa having been 'the one taken from
the dead body of Clara Rosen, who was
murdered at Ottumwa two weeks ago, John
Jutikln, a negro, waa placed under arrest
there today. Junkin was releaaed "from Fort
Madison penitentiary January 1, shortly
before the murder of Miss Rosen. He has
a bad record. The police searched his house,
but so far have failed to find any corrobor
ative clue that he committed the crime.
The negro claims he found ths diamond a
block from the scene of the crime.
Pray 111 at Iowa City.
O. B. Pray of Des Moines Is 111 at the
hospital at Iowa City. He is threatened
with Bright' disease, but it is hoped that
he will recover. Mr. Pray is treasurer of
the Royal Union Life Insurance company
of thia city. He was formerly clerk of the
supreme court.
Iowa News Notes.
SIDNEY At a stock sale at Anderaon
fifty head of horses snd mules were sold at
an average price of tl&o per head. At all
sales good prices prevail.
SIDNEY Meek 4 Morgan, proprietors of
one of the leading mercantile establish
ments of Riverton, have sold out to A. J.
Metcalf of Ravenna, Neb., who will take
Immediate possession.
CRESTON Twenty head of fine Imported
horses arrived here thle morning by ax
press, consigned to a local dealer. They ar
rived In New York Wednesday, three days
late, owing to stormy weather.
NEW HARTFORD After lying for ten
Weeks suffering from the effects of In
juries received when a barn door fell upon
him. Simon Card, aged S3, one of the old
residents of this place, died here this morn
ing. IOWA CITY Arthur Pickering, the son
of a prominent merchant, and Staronia K.
Calange, a Greek school girl, have dis
appeared and it Is feared by relatives
that, they have eloped to Seattle, where
the youth has friends. Each Is IT years
of age.
MARSHALLTOWN Dale geevers, aged
16, the son of Q. W. Seevers, general solic
itor of the Iowa Central and Minneapolis aV
St. Louis of Minneapolis, died at his fath
er's country home near Oskaloosa laat
night of heart disease.
DUBUQUE-rClsrence Thome, a well
known attorney of thia city, was todsy dis
barred from practicing for thirty days by
Judge Benson for attempting Improperly to
Influence a witness. Thorne waa very
prominent In the temperance crusade here.
AFTON A double wedding occurred
yesterday at the Methodist parsonsge,
when two brothers. Alvin and Orover Law
snn, wedded two sisters. Nellie and Maude
Miller. . The young people were all rest
dents of this plsce and highly respected ind
prominent In social circles.
IOdAN Yesterday a falling tree
caught and pinned to the ground a son ef
Hev. Mr. Carrey of Beebeetown. When
(he tree whs removed by a farmer, who
ssw the accident, the young man was un
able to use his lower limbs and' is still
In that condition. The tree fell across his
IOWA CITY Appreciative of the kind
treatment lie received in the Mercy bos
Dltal of this citv. Michael Beacher. tha
aged Iowa Cltyan who died there Mon-J
day, left Vll.eov worth or peraonai prop
erty tor the uae of the Slaters of Mercy.
Mother M. iAilores Is named executrix of
the will.
ESTHER VI LL.K William M. Williams,
father of Mrs. I. L. Lawrence of tliU
city, died at the I-awrence home from
asthma. The funeral services wsre hell
from the Presbyterian church yesterday
The deceased was M years of age and had
been a resident of Kstlisrvllle tor the lal
tea years.
WEBSTER CITY a suit for dsmsges In
the sum of hss been brought against
the Northwestern Railroad company In this
city by R. vt- Csrrtngton, administrator of
the estate of Mrs. Msggle J. Csrrington
The Utter wss killed Iwcember S6, ), at
the Seneca street crossing by the noon tram
from the aouth.
EXIRA-Oladya. " the little i year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baahan,
drupped dead while her mother was get
ting her a drink of water. The little ono
had complained of feeling III. but was not
thought to be seriously so. Her death Is at
tributed to heart trouble.
MASON CITT-Maor McConlogue today
served notice on all of the vaudeville the.
ater and moving picture show men that
they must purge their stages and picture
rolls ef sll sets and pictures and songs
that even tend to be auggestlvs or Indecent.
For two or three week. Mayor McConlogue
has b.en quietly visiting tbs chess tbeetsrs
and shows.
VIl I lTs , flaaroa HelL Ihau aee ksra,
is prosperous. Many people, how
York County
Is dead as the result of an accident which
occurred to him about a week ago, when
his team became frightened while he was
removlr 'is wsgon box and started to run.
Mr. Hau' received Injuries from which hs
lay In an unconscious condition for over a
week, and despite all medical care resulted
In his death.
MARSHALLTOWN The second annual
short course of the Central Iowa Short
Course association will open in this city
next Monday and continue through the rest
of ths week. Cash prises of close to $1,000
have been offered for the best corn, and
almost WOO has been hung up for the best
csttle of certsln types exhibited. It is ex
pected that the course will be largely at
tended. . .
GRUNDY . CENTER By a unanimous
vots the town counoil Isst night passed the
ordinance which proposs to establish a
complete sewage aystem within the corpor
ate limits of the town. A remonstranca
signed by 2oo voters waa presented to ths
council, which took but little heed of the
document. Bids are to be advertlaed for
snd it la hoped to get tha work completed
by early In the fall.
DL'BUQUE At a meeting of the board
of the independent district of the city, a pe
tition, containing I.MS names of resident
patrons of the schools was read, asking for
the submission to the voters of this city a
proposition to adopt the free textbook sys
tem. The report on the petition was ap
proved and a specisl election has been
called for March S. There la little doubt
that the proposition will carry.
TRAER With one ao dangerously sick
that It la thought that he cannot live, and
with one or two new cases developing even
day, the public of this place Is becoming
alarmed because of the epidemic of diph
theria which has broken out. On every hand
talk Is heard that the schools and churches
should be closed and that all public gather
ings should be forbidden. Some Such drastle
action will probably be taken.
ONAWA It ha lust become known
that several merchants of this city wers
recently fleeced by a bogus check passer,
who gave his name as O. W. Tubbs. The
checks and drafta ware all on Chicago
banka and were plainly counterfeit. The
f rafter is described aa five fee nine
nches In height, slim, light complexloned
and a dope fiend. He succeeded In pay
ing for his board bill with a 176 draft at
Hotel Monona. Detectlvea are on his
trail and it la reported that he haa fled
into Minnesota.
RED OAK In the Montgomery county
spelling contest the first prise was won by
bona Key or rled oak townahlo. second by
Ooldle Selser o Frankfort township, third
by Gladys Benton of Jackson township and
the fourth went to Oeneva Erlckson of
Stanton. The wlnnera were all alrls. Mont
gomery county has been preparing for this
contest ever since the fall term of school
begsn, and the contest was to have been
held In the early winter, but owing to a
quarantine ror smallpox, It was postponea
until now. A preliminary contest waa held
In each townahlp first and the best spellers
were sent to tns nnai ons just Held. Thirty-four
contestants took nart In the final.
and prises to ths amount of t&O were dis
tributed. Miss Clara Cowglll, county suner
Intendent, presided and pronounced the
Cassaaser Slags His Owa stasia
Large AoeJeaee at tha t'ea
rrearatloaal ckarck.
"I honestly think that the western people
are more kindly disposed to musical art
and effort than In the east and that -there
is far less tendency toward being or trying
to seem blsse In this part of ths world."
So spoke W. K. Neldllnger as a preface
to the most Weighty psrt of his program
at the First Congregational church last
"There are some songs which ons writes
for bread and butter'a sske end some songs
for glory," he added, smiling. "This third
gicup ia of the latter kind." The songs
he referred to were his musical settings
for Shelley "O World! O Lite! O Time''
"A Prsyer," by himself; Longfellow's "The
Weary Hours," and Christina Rossettlt's
"A Day of Hong."
Two of these at least are worth mors
thsn simply naming. The double quatrain
by the poet'a poets' poet Is a mighty theme,
beginning as it does with an Invocation to
the universe and closing with g lament for
the Irrevocability of joy that Is gone- Thi
sentiment Is momentous enough for any
composer. In the music Mr. Nt-ldllnger
wrots for his own verse, "A Prsyer," there
Is an effort at symbolism and a successful
one. The sentiment of the, verse Is not
unliks Tennyson's familiar "Crossing ths
As a vocalist Mr. Ke'dllnger gsve un
qualified pleesure. His is a baritone voice,
smooth, pure and flexible. The t ne quality,
in fsct. would hardly meet hostils criticism
from the most carping. His control Is
adequate and his sympathy heightened by
the affection he naturally hears for his
own musical writing. Soma of the many
songs he gave were not chosea wlih regard
for his range, but he stated in the begin
ning that this waa to be a recital of songs
rather than a song recital. Nothing Uiat
lie attempted waa, bowsvsr, beyond hit
Lodge Dignitaries from Seventeen
States Witness the Ceremony.
Caalrmaa Hitchcock Comes to Cla
elanatl for Conference with
President-elect Ore Cab
laet Affaire.
Taft, president-elect of the United States.
Is a Master Mason. " The Impressive cere
monies which brought him that distinc
tion today were -conducted by Charles 8.
Hosklnson, Ohio grand master. '
The highest Masonic authorities ' of
seventeen states wltneased Mr. Taft's ad
miaaion Into the order, as did the mem
bers of Kilwinning lodge, of which
Alfonso Taft, father of the president
elect, wee a member and In which Charles
P. Taft was Inducted under the auspice j
of his father.
Scottish Rite cathedral was the scene
of the ceremonies. Its main floor and
gallery were filled when the distinguished
candidate arrived. The procedure which
culminated In the declaration that Mr.
Taft waa a Mason occupied thirty-five
Mr. Tat received many greetlnga on a
new plane of fellowship as he was es
corted from the hall by the committee
having In charge his initiation.
The experience of being declared a Ma
son at sight was not ended with the aft
ernoon session of the grand lodge. . Mr.
Taft witnessed during the evening the
regulsr form of Initiation of a member,
the ceremony being conducted by Wor
shipful Master D. M. Patton of Kilwin
ning lodge on Candidate Frank 11. Helt
man. Between the two aesslons of the
lodge there was a reception for Masonic
brethren at the C. P. Taft residence and
concluding the ceremonies was a brilliant
ball at the Alma hotel, on one of Cincin
nati's seven hills.
Frank H. Hitchcock, at the request of
Mr. Taft, came here today from Chicago,
and after hia conference left for Waali
lngton. ' That the dlacusalon related to
the undecided post of secretary of ttiu
treasury was admitted, but beyond the
statement that no decision was ,reached,
no information was obtainable. The sug
gestion that the place likely will go to
Chicago or further west waa made. Mr.
Taft's only positive statement waa that
no decision had yet been reached. '
The president-elect reached this city at
1:26 o'clock thia morning. Aside from
hia Maaonlo engagements he paased the
dsy at the C. P. Taft residence, devoting
hia time to his correspondence, his In
augural address and dther literary work
he la engaged in.
rietloa C'oajareel la by Slews City
Paaer Nailed by Secret
Service Officer.
A Sioux City paper of February IT pub.
lishcs a story of a gang of counterfeiters
being run to earth there, of the capture of
their "mint" and that Sioux City and Mis
souri valley towns were being flooded with
counterfeit coin, the product of this "mint. ;
Deputy United States Marshal J. A. Tracy
Is alleged to lie the officer In charge of
ths searching party, with two secret service
officers. The' story ssid another of the
gang haa been located at Storm Ls. .
. Deputy Marshal Tracy writes to Secret,
Service Officer 11. B. Mills of Omahs, who
hss special charge of this territory, In
cluding Iowa and South Dakota, of all mat
ters pertaining to the lnvestlgaion of
counterfeiting, staling that the story Is ab
solutely groundless. In his loiter to Secret
Officer Mills, at Ouaha- Deputy Marhsal
Tracy says:
1 wish there wss soma way that ths pub
lishing of l ho fake stories could be readied
snd punched. There has been no counter
felt money In circulation here, nor ha
there hei sny recent cause for Inveatlaat
lug counterfeiting, much less (lie alleaed
existence of an alleged bad money niint
hi-re or In any part of Iuwa
Office Mllle aald;
"Theie ought to be aome way of getting
after theao fake story publishers. There
has been little or no counterfeit roonev t
circulation In this section f... ....... ,
months, and. In fact, very little In tbe
weet anywhere. There ia no truth what.
ever In the Sioux City story.' .
Lei Tag Waal A4
WHk lot