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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
Will SKIPPER BILL RETURN? Fate of Schipke Questioned by Con wy's Ooinj to Washington. AUSTIN HOLDS &UT F01 BIO PAT Looke Like He Will Ret That Matter Chance ! "WU" Hut l.rlt fbo 1llg- ' t la.ders. Will Pehlpke be back In ths Western league thla year, or the Minneapolis team owned by the Cantlllnne. It la believe Joe may ahlp him to Mike. Thli la tn question that arlsrs In the mlnOt of the fan when they read of the transfer bt Third Baeeman Conroy from the Highlanders to Washington, where Skipper Bill hat been holding down third baia (or a coupls pf yesrs. The trentfer also mean that Jimmy Aus tin will have one man off the number with whom to contest for the' position of third on tha New Tor Americana. With Conroy out of the, road the two leaders for that place are Austin and Ward, the crack who waa with tb outlaws last year. Austin. has had tha nerve to ata'nd out on tunings .for a good contract and It begins to look as though be .'Would get his price. According to tha club house rumors Austin has sent bark two contracts which Manager Bulling lia sent him ami finally got a lot g letter wnlch breathed of peace and the hop that they could coma to terms. With Conroy gone it looks Ilk Stalling Intended to come across . Hh Austin's demands, which probably were not very heavy, but Just what a crack from the leading minor lets j wtiyld expect to get from a.major team with which he expected to make good. '- Chicago Cell Old.' Gloats. The Cubs are taklnfr vengeance' on th UlaSts. It seem, by signing eome of their former player. Murphy and Chance ap pear to ha alated over .the acquisition .of George Ptnwne. center . fielder, and For guetyi, pltchfr.' both'of -whom were shipped by tha Olantt to Boston. The signing of Browne probably settles the question of who win- cover-center , regularly for the Cubs thla year and cinches Artie Hoftnan lor another sesaon as utility man. Fergu son will re pi ce Londgren on the pitching staff. Incidentally that makes two Browne for the 'Cubs, one with and on without the final "," which will help some. ' HOLLAND'S WAY TO FIX SCHEDULE wrefclta Member f Coaeealftee De clare Troablo 1 Easily Remedied. WICHITA. Kan.. Feb. 18 Retarding the prop fd change In the Western league sditdul. - by which each club will play every other club an equal number of time. John Holland of this city, a member of the schedule committee, cald today: "When the schedule waa adopted the club ownership knew that Topeka, Wichita, Sioux City end Lincoln' played each other an "unequal number of time, but the ar rangement was satisfactory to all at that tlma. . . . "The schedule can be remedied easily, however. .According- to the schedule adopted at Lincoln, Be pt ember 8 waa an off dan If Wichita plays In Lincoln and Topeka In Hloux City September 2, t and 4: Wichita at Sioux City Septem ber and t; Lincoln at Topeka September a, and Topeka at Lincoln September 8 and 7, th schedule will be etrelghtened out. "Th arrangement ' to which - President O'.NVll I objecting waa mad for Lincoln' benefit, to prevent -bat olub from losing th Bunday game before Labor day." HOPE OF VICTORY PROM GOPHERS (rahaakera laaarete Style ( Play lae Last taaiM at JtlaaeeaolJa. -- MKCOMf. 'Feb. 18.-(8iclAn-The Min nesota and Nebraska brkt-talt ftvesrwilf meet in th university armory fYldayanaTj Saturday evenings in the second two of a series of four ganies between tha two teams this on. The first game wer played at Minneapolis two wka ago and wer won by tha Gophers by a mail mar gins. Sine those game th Cornhuskera have Improved many per cent .in their goal toaalng, and th Nebraaka root era ar pre dicting that their ttun will take the Go pher Into camp on th occton of th vlalt of th northerner to Lincoln. Spe cial drill hour have been assigned by Coach Clapp for th Cornhuaker and they are doing extra training this weak, to gt Into share for their opponents. These gsm will be the best opportunity th Nebraska players hav had for defeat ing the Minnesota men tn six or seven years, end they are going to make the most of the chance.. All of tha playera hav re covered from the slight Injuries they re ceived In th gamea with Drake at tes Moines and ar rounding Into tip top play ing form. Against th second team yea trrday they rolled up the largest score and wad the bast ehowlng of any practlo title winter. , A new feature of the work of th Corn huskera la long passing and dlatant throws Guarantee Jo Cure You Of Fistula or other Rectal Ulseasea Other mar tnlrtBtes to do the same thing. I pee too written guarantee to that effect, a faarantee that's binding tad en that protects you if I fail to do a I agree. That's fair and square. Yoq take no dances. Nekaer do 1 because I know poei ureT thai Rise, Fistula end Rectal Diaeaast I caa be cured by toy new method If the si-1 EjctSoa gat bet naaesd th Incurable state. I use no knife oichlorofona bat a safe end j eertaio method that I hen sard lor 14 j year method that baa cored hundred- method that will caia to. MMef thsT eW a Arte Vem ejK Csfrwef . - afcX; jsnajesenDener uea furaoteetng you cure. Keep roar money. Depot it it in your bank. If roar case is curable I will lb cum first. When you are convinced that thMkasb don, whea ros are letiified m every "pact then only o I ask you to per the email fee I ask. Caayoe hceitat to ec otpt my offer? Caa Toe afford to continue "Oenng-. pot eft with the anpkafantncM when a cam can be obtained oa such liberal ton Make arrangements to come end sea ate at once. Let me examine you and givemyepuiion. If it ie curabJ I will lafl TO, n incaiabie, I wiU be equally a frank. It Stay be inanoamiM. I- . ' " TJ ,or mT Book. ItatUi , r"' "wm my i rears ex- StLi "d 0W ImpoJatt la additioa a ...... la a ut la every eaM Jbt 1 teke tee treatauet. 1 will f ie o s wntwa tuaraaUe that the cure will lut a lifetime sad at your tiMtbU eea ttui I will kest ya aajrume ia tae futwe free f taarie. I auke tkit Hcr be- CftftM I .um C . 1 .. A Retal MnBeaentir. on, c ft. TAJMrv, laavf Bmmba, W.ft. TTr-3V TMtl ac ' m for goals, vmii t- a-eek the Ctmnuakre Stunk to short paaaes in s dram-Wig the bsll. Minnesota haw ueed the long throws wtth gr-et success and Dr. cianp believe Me men will be aN to ueoed better h they itee iho- same style of pey. In the two game thla wk tbe long distant ehot for gniile will be Introduced to th Ne braska student for th first tlma thre winter. Jus new th Nebraska basket ball fane ere watching with considerable interact the1 basket ball rac In th southern aec tlon of the Missouri vsliev nuifarMM league. The contest In that division reefe Between ivsnsaa and Washington, and will not be settled until those two teams meet In two games the letter part Of thle weak at IJiwrenoe. Washington lead the southern division with e percentage o-f TW; Kansaa has a percentage of , Kansas baa played aix games and Washington haa played but four. If the Jayhawker take both game from the St. !xute quintet they will clinch the southern title. If Washington wine one of these games and then later defeats Mle sourl twice et Columbia In the final con testa of th season it will become tbe champion. Nebraska fans look for K knees to defeat aahlngton this week and take the tltla. In thla case th dates for the three gamee to deride the championship of the valley will be arranged between Kansaa and Ne braaka, champion - of th northern sec tion. One of the chamtilonahtp gamee will be played et both Lincoln and Lawrence. The third conteat will be held In Conven tion hall In Kensas City. WITH THE BOWLER. Bengele's Stare did not shine very bright lt night when they went up sgalnst the Peoples Store on the Association alleys. Landon of th Peoples tesm wss the etat pin-getter of the whole bunch, with a high single game of Jl and total of Ml. Tonight Chancellora against Store Triumphs. Score: BENGELE'S STARS. 1st. Jd. d. Total. Aobolt 17S ; 141 1U S7 L Thompson lot M 119 H grown jo 10$ ' l an C. Thompson ins l&s iR " 447 Bsngeie i 147 ; 96 46J Totals W H ill llS ... .A t PEOPLES STpRE, ., ,. let. M. Jd! T6tele Hemrnjng- 140 M 1 an "n l.n 4 in lit Johansen ... Landon. East SB it lit n 1 m 13 11 190 414 Totals eb (t4 7M l.01 The Aoclatlon team knd the Onlmode p ayed an Interesting game of tenpln laat 111 r h t the A l.ii.,n . 1 1 . . , v... icwii w 1 mi 1 11 a 1 wo Sut .1 tbre,e Vm.' but lo,t OB tal pine w, uun ina. una oeing tne flret game A?rocl,,on team haa jHayed together - . j ww,i, otniy men on the team going over the 100 mark. - Captain -'' i'i me oiner craca teams S?gn,S:kCorp.h.m8cor.r1ht' 8',t' ABSOCIATION TEAM. 1st. tri A IVt.l Rudlver . 1M . aot . 174 1M 1W IS 181 ' Mt 107 Tcmplin Lyons Yotisem Stafford lt im 17 m 60S its 151 .. 148 rl 8SX Totals. : ONIMODS 1st. 14S 200 144 .174 1T7 Id. m im 177 is. Id. Totals. 140 490 144 M IM ROX IM 171 Ml W McRao ...... Tracy Sherwood .., Schumacher rrancleco .. Tot1 44 til tag t , , . - iavi nigni on tne Metropolitan alleys. The Carrl're A are Kif'S.IlP? ?ul, Wu't recentlyV Dy" berg had high totala with 41, while the old reliable Sandle Morrlaon took Thigh single game with 201. Score: ' CARRIET18 A. Metcalf n.... 147 112 - lis trft "vneck ...: 17 117 12 iie Morrison . .. It 104 201 400 Totals 42 381 .446 1,191 .CITY. O. 1st Id. d. Total. 17J - ing-- 11 405 120 131 150 401 14 18 ltf . 4tk) Pyberg Winter Chadwell Toui ...J I4 :ue -' m tat . 1 ita i7l,ri?J".11 'J tn.s. Potofflc league ... mniuuuiHgn iimvi 1 A It niaVhr wage b.d high toui with as, followed i??1. Ialey wlth M- Nugent had high single game with 17, Score; . Munsx .URDHRS. VI. Total. 101 411 114 184 IS 460 Roed ...i ISO It Mas-Ill . i m katey 1M 131 Totals 450 417 CARRIERS B. lt Jd. H 11 117 . M. ...172 U8 383 LH Id. Total. i: 117 XS3 15 46 Nugent .... Wildermcn waage .... 1 T041" 481 1.1M Bchroeder,e St. James one mora. regained the load In ih. 11. . t-.l winning three games from the Bicycles last night. Wilson had high total with 62, al Hansen higti single with 1. Boss Schroeder nek4B nrnsnlaadl hi & ,i 7u , .L grana banquet If they win tha pennant. Boons: NEBRASKA. CTCLB CO. . . so. xetai. BOTghorr ta ...... 178 1J - 14T 448 .n 168 .JJ . -,14 3 J. Heater. ... 146 l ' m 434 Totals 478 ".."448 SCHROEDKR'S ST. JAMES imr.. l8i; M- TOtsl. Wilson 187 1 lg Sit 101 - 145 171 118 Bcannell . 178 174 ui ,: Mt Totale ..;....M."6 487 "471 LMJ The Cbabot Shoe oompany took two gatnea from the Cole-McKennaa last night on the Metropolitan alley.. King Solomon could not get his ravers hook to work hrnce the Cole-McKennaa' downfall. Bat tling Nelson took all honora for th shoe men with I2 single end 5iO total. Wiley had hlch total for hla taam -nrfrh ttx 196 single. Tonight tha Omaha, Blcvcl company play th Chabot Shoe company. Score: CHABOT SHOE CO. 1st- Jd. 8d. Total. Grotta .......-... 177 , lw) , ia ...807 BuUon 814 I4t 178 6R1 Nelaon . ............. ? lot lfts ' t-a lahecka 166- 148 137 . 430 Foley .,w 1H 168 143 468 Totala....: J sot 773 3, leg COLE-M KENNAS. 1st. Id. - Id. Total. Solomon ,... IM la ill 4X4 Johnson , ,. 140 166 158 ti Wiley 180 10 It (at Treynor . 147 164 1J8 407 H. Prtmeeu 168 - 161 . IM 801 Totala. , 788 788 142 398 lad Ball at Haatlag. . HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. 18. (Spaolal.) The fiastlnge business men's team of tbe Young Men's Christian association laat night defeated th York Young Men'a Chris tian association team In Indoor baae ball hera by a eoore of 28 to 8. Fo the flrat five lnnlnge tha York man wer ahead, but tha Hastings team won out by heavy batting tn the last stages of the game. Tha teams wer composed as follows; Meetings, tirwac, itonrer, jonnaon, j rites, . itemer, Wl'liams. O Mra, Cutler: ' York, Met a, Meyer. McCloud. Perry, Fountain, Peter son. Meade, Alvord. HIUi Hastlnga, 86: Yoik. 18. ' Wleblta Ueta Weaver. WICHITA. Kan.. Feb. 'l8.-(ftpeclal Tele gram.) Wichita purchased Actlior , "Buck" Weaver, a catcher.-- from the Chicago White Sox today. Weaver waa a favorite in thla city in 1807. but waa drafted bv Comiakey that eeeaon. Dee Moine waa also atter Weaver. - . -New i'eata at Vlataa Park. Brother Dave went to th Vinton street park Thursday morning to look over the storm wreckage and says thst It is even worsa than he had thought. No effort will be made to rebuild th fence until tha froat Is out of tb ground, when a large force will be put u work and the repairs rushed to a epevdy ftnuib. Hastings Defeata Verk. HASTINGS. Neb.. Pan. 18. (Special. ) Haatlnga defeated ' York in the high school baaket ball game last night, the ac.ore betna 64 t 14. Tha Hastings playera wer John- eon. tendict, Uunlap. V en glckl and Field. Th York piayere were Meyer. Perry, Mead. McCloud and Peteraon. One Horace Wat ere', Iprlht. Coat wkea new 100 90; will make a very fin practice pit, no. Price 8V0ft. . , "tlxchanga iJepartsaent," . haym:n BHDS. . Tlir. OMAHA PlILLIAM READY TO RETIRE President of National League ia Tired of Friction and Worry. SAYS J03 IS THANKLESS ONE lory of Hla Ordering Dreyfaae aad Rbbetts fraaa Mis Ofllee Starts la Playlagr Bales. CHICAGO. Feb. ll-Presldnt Harry Pul liem of th National leagu mad It plain yesterday between session of league meet ing thet he wee willing to forego the glory and salary attached to hla position In or der to eave himself worry. Mr. Pulllam had Intended .making a statement at the dinner given to the news paper writers on the pre v Ion a evening, but th epirit of good cheer conquered and he decided to "forgive and forget" for the tlma being et least. It Is known In base ball clrolea that the beat of feelings do not exltt between Mr. Pulllam and Garry Herrmann, chairman of the National com mission, and President Charles W. Mur phy of the Chicago National league club, but It waa not until today that the war fare assumed a aerlous aspect. tn tha hotel corridors It waa eald thet Mr. Pulllam had ordered Barney Dreyfus and Charlea Ebbetta, owner, respectively, of th Pittsburg end Brooklyn National teams, to leave hie office In New York, and while the demand waa compiled with, it le eald both Dreyfus and Ebbetts vowed vengeance upon him. Patllan Ready Retire. ' When Mr. Pulllam learned the Incident referred to had been divulged he Issued a etatement today which voiced his senti ments. In substance, th National league president declared he wee tired of war fare and after leaving for California next Monday he would not be surprised to hear that he hed been deposed by those In the league whom he claim to be antagonistic to hi administration. President Pulllam Issued his I'.atement after the meeting, and supplemented It by saying his ex perience with the contending factions of th Isague had caused him to' fall In health end lose hie cheerful disposition. "I expect." he eeld. "that there are enough of the opposition to depose me a prealdertt and at a matter of fact I would not regret such action on their part. The Job le a thankless one for the most part and the friction that one haa to contend with Is not worth the trouble. Ae a matttr of fact, I did order Dreyfuaa and Ebbetta out of my office In New York and would do the same thing again If the circum stances were elmller." Harmssy Serface. But notwithstanding the difficulties exist ing between eome of the magnatee and officials of the league, the session was har morriou for the most part. Contrary to expectation the reported attempt at bribing Umpires Klem and Johnstone was not re ferred ta. - (. . The proposed amendment to the national agreement in relation to the Class AA leagues waa discussed at length, and while no definite action waa taken, the sentiment appeared to favor the change. A similar spirit was msnlfeeted at the session of the American league director during their brief eesslon. With this display of willingness on the part of the mejor league magnatee It le probable that the American associa tion. Eastern league and Pacific Coast league will be placed In a claaa by them selves according to their desire. Ckaages la Rales. . In the National league session It was Be dded to amend rule 84 so that' (he umpires will not have the power to fine playera or men on the coaching lines. In future, vio lation of the rule of the national game may be punished only by ordering the of fender to the club house.- but he may not tak up a position either In the grandstand or blaachars. Another Innovation waa the adoption of rule that manager of homo ground will not be permitted to voice any sentiment regarding ground rulea In case the visiting team entere a protest against existing conditions. The umpire Is to be the sols Judge In such an emergency. In the major league clube It was decided by the rulea committee that a limit of twenty-five player ehall b the maximum during the playing seaaon on and after May IS, and thirty-five during the eo-called "off aeaaon" which precedea the warmer conteata of the Club Striving for pennant honora. Th committee decide to atop the prac tice of certain managers of shifting pitch are during gamee In order to give their teem an advantage when the battere on the oppoelng teams were ehowlng too great strength at th plate. When one pitcher 1 taken out hi auceaaaor must remain In th box until he haa retired at least one man. The scoring rule were emended at the suggestion of a conmittee of sporting writer and It waa decided that the umpires ia the minor leaguee night use their own Judgment tn the matter of Imposing fines. Ia the major league th fine In th past hav been settled by the club and aa a rtsult the penalty did not fall sufficiently heavy oa tha playing offender. 1 For thle reason it was decided that In the minor leagues, where the flnee Imposed by umpire have been eettled in the ma jority of Instanoes by th player, this rule will ha allowed to stand for Jh good of th base ball game. Trade aad Parchasea. The annual proposition of tredes and purchase xperlnoed a lull during th aesstona of both leaguee, but a few an aouncement wer made by the managere who visited tha seen of baa ball activity. Third Baaemen Conroy of th New York American elub waa sold to tbe Washington team and Bid Smith of the St. Louie Ameri can aggregation waa ahtfted to the Atlanta club of the Southern league. President Comlskey of the Chicago Amer ican league team announced that he had secured Inflelder Perry Down of Detroit and President Murphy congratulated him self upon obtaining tha servlcea of Pitcher Donahue and Ferguson of the Boston Na tional. Catcher James of th Boston Americana, It waa announced, had been as sured by the New York American leagu team. President John I. Taylor of th Boston American league club announced tha acquisition of Lout Wolter, th left banded pitcher and acceptable outfielder. Weatera Lea a Schedal Ok. President O'Neill of the Western league announced that the schedule for th com ing eeaaon would hare to be amended aa tbe rules of the organisation had been violated In tha matter of placing games la the cities represented la tha Weetara league circuit. According to the rulee but twenty-tmo gamea are permitted. In the case of Lincoln, Neb., and Wichita. Kan., elevea gamea are echeduled between the clube In tha latter c4ty with but eight In the former. This arrangement falla short of three gaaaea aa outlined by the rulea Oa the other hand tha Bloux City club It booked to play eleven gamea at Wh-hlta and the latter will play fourteen at Sioux City, making a total of twenty-five. An other Inatance of oversetting the number of gamee to be played le tn the case of Llacoia and Topeka. The farmer la set dewa for fifteen game at home aad ten at Topeka. the result being twenty-five gsmee. The result likely will be a re- 1 I DAILY BF.Ei FRIDAY. FKBKUARY 19. 19t. arrangement of the schedule If the various magnates Insist upon hsvlng the rulee lived up to to the letter. The American league will close lie ses sion tomorrow after considering the eotlpn of the National league on the Class AA proposition and the latter organisation will cent In tie Its seaelon until Fiidsy. Preeldent O'Brien of the American asso ciation announced tht the meeting which he presided over had adopted the echedule Tor ln, the opening playing date being set for April 14. The disposition of the clube In the league with reference to the dates will be withheld by the league mag nates until March 1. Sensational gpeeek y Palllam. At a dinner tonight President Tulllam said: "My days as a base bell manager are numbered. The leagu doee not want me for president eny mote. It wanta to go back to th days of dealing from the bottom of the pack, hiding the cerde under the table and to the days when the trsde mark was the gumshoe. I can't afford to quit or I would resign now from my posi tion, which pays IS.OOU a year. But I will have to quit at the rnd of thle year." President Johneon of ihe American league Jumped to hie feet end said: "We refuse to believe that there are any grounds for these statements Mr. Pulllam haa been under a strain for the last few days." But Pulllam peralsted, saying If while he was In San Francisco anybody would offer him a Job of 12,000 a year he would take It KVKT OW nt'XXIXQ TRACKS Jack Atkla Wla ftaata Maalca Handicap at Lea Angeles. LO8 ANGELES. Feb. 18. Jeck Atkln, carrying the crushing Impost of 140 pounds, easilv won the Santa Monica handicap, at six furlongs, at Santa Anita park today. He waa heavily backed by the public, be ing played down to even money at the end. Colloquy broke In front and eet a hot pace to the stretch. Jack Atkln moved up In the lead when well in the stretch and won by two lengths In the remarkable time of 1:1118. which la H of a second elower than the world's record. Five favorites won. Summaries: First race, selling, one mile: Ida May (9. Russell. 17 to 10) won. Alma Bov tl4. Rice, 12 to 1) second. Captain Kennedy (H. A Walsh. 5 to 1) third. Time; 1:384, Cloyne and Whip Top also ran. fVcond race, purse, three furlongs, J-year-olds: Rocky O Brlen (106, Shilling, 6 to 6) won, Chester Krum (108. Powers, 6 to 1) second, H. Patten 1106. J. King, 13 to 1) third. Time: 0 85. Charles J. Harvey. Ar thur Rouse. Myles O'Connell. J. M. Stokes, Herman. Ketchel and Docaology alao ran. . Tnlrd rac, 'x furlongs, selling: San Vlto (107. Cullen, 4 to 1) won. Valjean (110, E. Lugan, 16 to 1) second. Stringency (110. Shilling, 7 to 5) third. Time: 1:12. Fur nace. Hed Mimic, Erbet, Bliss Carman and Signor also ran. Fourth race. Santa Monica handicap six furlongs: Jsck Atkln (140. Powers, even) won. Colloquy (104. J. Howard. S tn 11 end. Magaxlne (107, Williams. IS to 2) third. 1 inir: i:uv. Auriucne, w. T. Overton. Elisabeth llarwood, Sempronium, Ethel Day and Vov Popull also rail. . Fifth race, puree, mile and an eielith- Animus t!07. Powers, 13 to JO) won Norbitt (ii, nuiwen, ? ro 1) second. Red Gauntlet ' 1 10. Goldstein, 7 to .1) third. Time: 1:63. Big Bow also ran. Sixth race, purse, five furionaa: Harrl- gan (110, Powere. 1 to 3) won. Desirous (111, in. o io u secona, juiis Howell (111, R Dugan, 6 to 1) third. Time: IsOfai. Celendar, Nigger Baby, Taxer, Kuropatklu and Right Sort also ran. Seventh race.' selllna. seven furionaa: Sink Spring (113, Brooks, 10 to 1) won, Msr- rui (Hi. Howard, li to 1) second, Joseph K. Mice, w to l) third. Time: 1:26. Cherloe, Hannibal Bev. . Canardn. Uncle Henry, Wistaria. Ivsnhoe and Guiding Star also ran. Darurna left at post. Summaries at Rnarryvllle. OAKLAND, Cel., Feb. " 18.-Emeryvll!e summaries: v ' . . First rsce. six furlongs, .selling: . Trans mute (108. McOerthy, to ll won. Cheers (104, Gilbert. 7 to 1) second. Mohn A. Mallou (87. 'Anderson. IS to 6) third.'. Time: 1:184. Coppers, Hand ., Maiden, Dr. Sherman, fleorge Kllborn. .Phil. JgQt,Ri)se Cherry, Mrs. O'Fsrrell. Royal N. and Fred Mul holland also ran. - . 1 Seoond rue?, mx furlongs selling: Silver Stocking (itti. Taplln, 8 to i) won. (irace O. (106. Butler, 8 to 1) jeeond, Billy Bowlegs (1U4. Scovtlle. 40 to 1) third.' Time: 1:17,. Sophomore, Charles Ureeti,' Tawksenths. DT;flS TOUGE In Every Sense that Colorado as a WINTER RESORT Stands High Ask, or tend, for our beautiful, illustrated book. "A WESTERN WINTER RESORT." THE POPULAR ROUTE TO COLORADO IS THE Union Pacific Electric Dlock Gignals All the Way THE GAFE ROAD TO TRAVEL ' For rate and Information INQUIRE AT CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARXAM ST. PHONES: BELL, DOUGLAS 1928; AND I NO. AS&tl. ck IFTwo Magnificent Stations in Englewood Union Station: Convenient of acces to and from ana an oi ding direct connection In . - Cf Nearest the heart shopping and station on the Take the road wnicn TICKETS: Rmma G., Brush l"p nd Sir Lnnewocd aleo ran. Third race, three end a half furlongs. rurse: Oletho tS. Taplln. 30 to ll won. 'Ire (115. Mentrv. 8 to 1) aecond, Balronla (123. McCarthy, 3 to I) third. Time: 0;48V Judge Qmnn. Roberta, Tipeter, Genova, Ponla. Princes Viola. Ralph II. Toxer, Orws and Knob also ran. Fourth race, one mile and a quarter, sell ing: OrcagHna (104. Clark, 4 to 1 won. Pan De Oro (loft. Butler. 7 to fc second, Kog (HH. Borel. 20 to 1) third. Time: 1:13. I-ady Alicia. Prince of Orange. Flavlgny, Orehan, Jacomo. Mary B. Clark, Lord R sington and Graphite alao ran. Fifth race, one mile and twenty yards, selling: Be Thsnkful (109. Keogh. t tn 2) won. The Peer (97. Taplin. IV to 10) second. Romanoff 1112, Mentry, Vii to 1) third. Time: 1:47S. Ak-8ar-Ben, J.e Rose, Rotrou, Wuertburger and R. M. Brown also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Severn (107. Keogh, 1 to 1 won, Btandover (107, Mentry. 18 to 1) second, Constantla (I, Archibald. 18 to 1) third. Time: 1:17. Iird Provost, Cuernavsca. Boloman, Red Ball, Cayenne ra, Larkfoot. Bravoure and San Oil also ran. TAMPA, Fla , Feb. II -Summartee: Flrat race, five furlonga: Allegra (102, Brown, 6 to 1) won, Molly Moonshine 199, iovell, 6 to 1) second. Brown Jug (1U7, Troxler, 8 to 1) third. Time: l:06i. Redemp tion, Tomoehlchl. P. J. McCarthy, Boomer ang, Etal and F.nclta also ran. Second race, five furlongs: Youthful (108, McAbe, 1 to 2) won. Piatt (100, White.-15 to 1) eecond, Lady Caroline It (108. Smith. 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:06. Merrlgo. I,dy Fltsherbert. Joe Fallen, Donaldo and Foxy Urandpa also ran. Third rsce. six furlongs snd sixty yards: Autumn Maid (107, Burns, 6 to 6) won, Merlse (94, Crowley, I to 1) second. Colonel Blue (106, Hall, 6 to 11 third. Time: 1:24. Jeanette, Hawk'e Flight and Camel alao ran. Fourth rsce. seven furlongs: Elder (108, Flynn, I to 1) won. No Quarter (114. Pender gaat. 1 to 2) eecond. Judge Dundon 1109. Prannon, 8 to 1) third. Time: 1:31. Mlsa K. O. B., Richmond Duke and Merry Bell also ran. Fifth race, one mile end a sixteenth: Bitter Hand (106. Lovell. 6 to 1) won, Kn llat (104. Hannan. 2 to 1) eecond. Ora 8ud rteth (94. Crowley. 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:674. Jupiter, Spunky. Oriental Queen, Dr. Young and Bosom Friend slso ran. Sixth race, five furlonga: Canada (102, Haynes. 10 to 1) won. Alamo (107. Plckena, 4 to 1) second. Fancy Dress fln3, Crowley, 8 to 11 third. Time: 1:06,. Reinette, King Thorpe. Darling Dsn. Martins. Vellce, Car rie Elder end 8t. Msgnet also ran. Olsen aad Ilolden to Wrestle. Edward Olsen of Blair and John Holden of Omsha will meet In a wreatllng match at Pascale's hall In Florence next Wed nesday evening for ISO. best two In three falls cstch-as-catch-pn. The match Is the reault of a challenge leaned at the Easie- entertainment st Florence lant month. There are several other bouts scheduled for the venlng which is under the susplces of the Eagles. Bis Parse for Winnipeg; Clrcalt. ' WINNIPEG. Man.. Feb. 18-The Mani toba racing circuit will offer purses ag gregating 167.000 for turf eventa this sum mer. The circuit races will open May 24 at Brandon and will Include both harnee and running events. During the week of July 10 the races will be held In Winni peg, when 127,000 In purses will be offered. One Bschman taken In exchange on on of our Grands. Almost new. This piano Is In mahogany case, full sine end show? ro signs of wear. On sale at Soo.CO. "Exchange Department." HATDEN BROS. GYPSY CHIEF IS ARRESTED Joe Adams lw Jail at St, Joseph Charge of Stealing; a,nOO at Wladaor, Ont. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 18.-Joe Adams, who Is chief of the Gypslee in North America and who established his winter headquarters In this city. Is under arrest upon Information from Windsor, Ont., where he Is charged with the larceny of 12,500. He declares he Is Innocent. He is closely guarded,, aa many of his followers, In an ugly mood, are keeping close to the police station and an attempt at rescue Is feared. One Vose tc. Spas .Upright,. In English walnut, medium siie. Costs when new 1.160.00. Has been thoroughly repaired and Is now offered at 8120.00 on easy payments. "Exchange Department." HAYDEN BROS. Island Chicago Sooth Side residential district. ! with numerous bastera. line. ...... e Cf,V . .. . . i 01 me city, in Dunne, jrt 1 1 hotel district, and only derated loop, 1 ".. r'"7i I? mm tanas yn mi J 1323 FARNAM ST. i c a go BLOOD DISEASES CURED rimples. Blotches, Boils. Hem. Rtnninpj Sores, Swollen Chads snd all Skin and Blood Diseases.' Vndrr our trratment the skin becomes dfar. ulcere, pimple and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair 'replaced by a luxuriant growth, the eyes 'become bright end ambition and energy return. There Is no resson for any man having a repulKlv end disfigured fsce from erup. tlons, bletchee, etc. No matter whether hereditary or acquired, our system will neutralise all poisons In the blood and ex- ' pel thrm from the system. tt Is only the experienced specialist that can diagnose the character of the disease and apply the proper treatment to effect a cure. tVe ere Letter able bv our sys tems to locate the cause of the disease. Our deep knowledge and experience com bined With our thoroughness In probing down to the very bottom or origin of the trouble enables us to learn the sufferer's trua physical condition snd prescribe a cisss or treatment that will eradicate It. Many cases have been shamefully neglected negleoted at the. commencement, before any physician was consulted, and then further aggravated through Incorrect diagnosis and fruitless treatment. . - Our extended experience In the treatment of hundreds and ''hundreds of serious and complicated rases enablea us to effect cures without experiment Ing. Call and let ua explain to you how promptly and thoroughly our treat ment will eliminate every trace of the dlaease. We treat men only eag anre promptly, aafely and theroofhly . by the latest aad heat anefaode, BBOVCXITia, CAT ASKS, II1BTOT8 DIBIUtT, bloob rozgov, am suiuis, xromrr awd blasdbk diiiiiii, and all Special Bteeaaea aad thet sonplioa tlons, ta the shortest time porsible gad at the Urwset cost for stiUfal eerrloe aad eaocsssfnl trsaunsat. Cg-rtaultatlen nd Kiam:natlen. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th St., Omaha Neh REDUCED RATES DIG HORN OASJFJ ' and YELLOWSTONE VALLEY On Tueadayg March 2d and 16th, 190, and on the first and third Tuea dayg of each month thereafter. I will personally couduct land ieegert' excur sions to the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley: where some of the rich est lands In the world are open to sale and settlement. '':' ROUND TRIP RATE HA8 BEEN SPECIALLY REDUCED TO ONLY $27.50 from any station on the Burlington In Nebraska to any point in the Big Horn Basin or Yellowstone Valley, near Billings, Mont, ... CROP YIELDS 60 bu, wheat, 60 to 90 bu. oata, 70 bu! barley, 3 cuttings al falfa, 260 to 800 bu. potatoes, 18 to 22 tons sugar beets, and as an ex treme illustration, one farmer sold $00 worth of onions from three. quarters of an acre of Irrigated land. ' . ADVANTAGES Deep, rich soil. Unlimited water supply".. "Perfect climale. ; Timber and coal nearby. No cyclones tor floods. Pure water for do mestic use. PAYMENTS EASY $45.00 an acre .k V-l , - . . vsu, uaiauce nine yeany payments witnout interest. , I0 to $50 an acre under the Cary Act, one-eighth to one-fourth cash, balance nine payments 6 per cent interest. NEW FOLDER FREE Just off tbe press, describing the wonderful" recent growth pf these localities, crop returns, etc. . Write for it today.,. UNO WE, CURE MEN WHE N CU R E D' Mn afflicted iu ..i touaui mis reputation MOST BKUIAilLJy tn the West. Msa .111 b hnnut 1 v daratandlng of eech esse, a fair, honest priceie agre8 V 1 upon between doctor and patient, ' Including all mediulnea J ' until cured. Our patienta know Just what Tt wlH coal, tat . . - & noaiiiTviy il u I for in 1 i r i n i err time you get ttt-V treaCtnt w"l be . w"JB. ea foe lean money than any nther epeolaUst and accept 81 Nervous tMbllit), Blood Poison. Kidney and B Itomach and Skin blaeaaaa. ail .ailment of vlsb to nay, Weaknesa, Stomach gulrel C7 131717 WRITE FOR 81 Baa taas TREATMENT. DR. rMGGREW CO., 215 S. 14, ST. PAUL rjJINWEAPOLIS and all the principal towns of Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota . are reached most t-opfortably by the convenient train service of CHICAOO OR EAT 5tf- WESTERN .Railway TWO TRAINS DAILY. . , . . 4 . . W. a. DarUsoa, Ofly Tasseagsr and Ticket Ageat.' - ' 1818 Taraam 8rtret. WE CURE MEN FOR t' 1. -irv. '.-. nvinuioin bink far h,.. . Dr. BtuUf& Beailes, 119 3. 14th, R t , lev V-. . '.. ( .v ) ; ; v-i; v Jr.:. .-.. -.-j - ..V , Ji I Office Hours: 8:08 a. M. to 8:88 p. ea. lHZ IfrUe, 1 only- ' ' under the Government ditch, one-tonth . .... ... 0. CLEM DEAYER. General Anent SEEKERS INFORMATION BUREAU 1 004 Farnam Sreet, Omaha, Keb. 3 with any ailment. w...n tor viiai eaiiuiiaiioo, most experienced and beet sue-?!- "1 Vitl'Uvo. yrK suooaasful practice , curtng Mfc-N has enabled ue to perfect cures thet have never been surpaesed. If equalled. Thle successful experience la vaiue- j9u pay wasa oars a. Established in Omaha 25 Year. aa 'th we uave ueia so many yeara aa- h and H JCCfcistU L. poctoha Jor MiN come to us knowing thslr true conditioa vr lji I nft.l r.l I - mm idujuqu in. mku l t r ,a.v you aevec know what the cost, of your A"" fre! inadlelBe grat. artt'2r tbe money ta any way yoa bladder, Prostatm Truuhiaa, uvo. uu mttnr now ao SYMPTOM BLANK FOR HOME EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION. - St. TZ Omaha, Kb3 AWD " By the Old Reliable Dr, Searles & Searles. KslablUhcd In Omaha for 88 years.' Tlio many thode imi uf ciet uM by us mtke ue the u.uet por. !r n?? fi"Ll"' ' the We. la ail diseaeea and ail. . .ndnr. uVlc'y k"W W,U Cur We Cure You, Then You Pay, Us 0m, Fee. We make no misleading or false aiteuiils. tir ofier you ebeait, eortliieui Ueilineui Our regulation and ' tame are too Isvor.Uy known, every cm we (rewt our reputation is at slaka Kuur healih, llTTand hspulness Utof rluu s matter to place U die hands of 1 TAaSlt.-ag- bOOTOft. Hn.. .tflriore of abl my SebUlty, ftlood foteoa. Bkln iileee, KUti.ey ad inla" e blseuee, all Kpeoial Slaaaaeo and AUsasats of u . fcainiaatlon and conaullatlon. Write toe .r nvinuioin auk far h,.. t r. . , . ., Cor. 14th and DouitIaj.