THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11 1 rum - .. X.TV.'..T. T Only 8 More Of Fcfoniary Clearing Sale . . We are. offering stilt greater price Inducements as the sale rro grejeee. . Uanjr llim tht ar broke bar ba narked at it ill greater re Aoetloas to intore their poettlre clearance. Tee opportunity to swear these great bargains la FVRVnTRK, C.4WETS, RCOS, LTTOLEOtS, LACK CTRTALS8 AJTD murERtXS will t be agaia repeated this fear. We Uke ar lease earing the moat of February ao we mar open tbe Bpnng season with as astir new stock while all oar merthaa rsw1g ataMe; we eoaslder It good basin policy to make a dean vweep of all goods pnrcbaeed tor tbe previous seasoa. Oae of tbe special feature worthy of particnlar not Is the closing oat of oar five bund red pairs of lace curtains and portieres st one-hall regular price. act ouicllyr BW 18 t0 ,e:u Ue bargains yon must Lco Curtarna 50 Psr Cnt Discount CLCKY LACE CTRTAW8 llo.TI Clnny Lace Curtains, per pair...... 8750 .Pf1'' "-15.38 111.80 Clnay Lace" Curtains, per 111. 00 Cluny Lace Curtains, per pair 86.25 , , ARABIA LACK CTRTAIXS I.J Arabian Batten berg Lace Curtains, per pair 811.TR aK. VV. S5.38 l0.7s Arabian Batteaberg Lac $...89, Arabian Batteabefg Lace Curtains, per pair. . . . 815.38 BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS It." Braaseis Laea CartaJns. per $.." Brussels . ?r. ' . 33.25 per pair Brussels Lace Certains, 111.15 Brussels per.pair 87.13 per pair WHITE BATTEN'TSERO CTTtTAINS ts.Ti White Batteaberg Curtains. fJ.TS White Battenberg Curtains. pgr pair 83.38 per pair 82.88 WHITE AKD NOVELTY LACE CVRTAEX8 17.00 Novelty Lace Curtains, per Ps'r 83.50 KoTelty Lace Curtains, per TAPE8TRT AXD ARMURE IORTlEKES 83.25 i-H - 82.03 !!""? .eQ ala . IS.tS value . 18. SO value fll.M value $11.10 value .$0 value value 84.25 85J)5 87.75 -89.13 Miller, Ste wart & Beafoi 413-15-17 South I6lh Street. EIUEF. OTY KEV7S ' Steve Bee Mat M. leak Pe Edholn. Jeweler. So Mew rev aaaekee. Ill 8. lit. eTtagelpa T. Swsssda, FasUa Aewouteat : eUaehawt, pogTapac. lit Fau-aam. ' ai la The Beaaea Tlm.- Sgatteble UXs Per... mlsht drafta , eaauu-uy. tu u. Neely. manaac. Omalia. awoe as ui best, tetter than Uie r,,l "de w Nebraska. Why not "boost It . Booth Si, Auditorium.. avteew ImmiIi in tbe Nebraska Sav ings a4 Ixwq Aocilon earn aU per cent, credits eemi-aaauallr. One dollar wu u aeeottnc lfl raraam. .Tr" Taiaaaj. la a aat. poalt box ta the Anericaa beu'e tv,t Vault. 1. the Bee buJldlag. 1 reau a ox. C Uaaeii. prlat. - w ZJ?" '"- riret tf atiodai hick balldlnt. tm toakJns Mai aetata loaaa with, eut claj a4 ea terma ry favorable e aerrewera. - Jewtieta OwtuUm Ceemlag ta Ja The annual state convention of the Ne braska Jewelers- association baa beca called tor Omaha (or June a Vabraeka Vaaertakera CoaveetT!e Undertaker' and Funrl Direct orr asn. elation ef Nebraska will hold Its aaaual convention to Omaha June S to 10. The haadquartere of the association will be at the Paatoa hotel. - aTerreea BmrHwrn aiwt Carrie Gumm. the nrsrese who was shot by Jesse Brown a former lover,' some time aao. has been' discharged from the Oeneral hospital. Brown, who to a 1m eotored. was recently bound over to the district court on the cHarae ef ehootljm with intent to kilt eeea Sstansia tnaa as Sse After fire daya trial Uie Jury In tbe gorenaon. Wheeler case baa cons la with a verdict of SIM damacea for Bores Borensoa acainst Clsrence Wheeler aad a verdict la favor of Jesse Wheeler a eo-defen4aat. So ran son was the victim of a collision with sa sote -rue by the Wheelers, who live near Waterloo. Qe XJvOe SMde-.U c per has rtiiraed te his little bride. He Is the Elk City man whe was seeking a par- HOW-TO BREAK UP A BAD COLD A ELIICDY ttttittw pwtmr N or ALL. Flewant ind Safe to TsJce Ko Loss of Time All Dstfiftr cf P&evaosift Aroided. It Buy be a surprise te ear leader te leara that a severe cold ess aiaay la ataaoee be cesipletely broken up ia eee or two days' tUae. To aatl.ii, boeer. proap action is acoaaeanr. The trst syabtoma of a eold are a dry, load cough, a preuse wat ery dttcfearge from tbe aese, aad a tbia white eoatiag ea the toegMe. VVkea Cham berlam's Coegb Reaied. la takea ia dotite doses every boar after the tret appearance ef these aymptooia, it will ceusMeraet the effect ef the eold aad restore the system le a healthy eaoditioe witliia eae or iwe dsvt time, la almost every ease, aad whea tbe celd ia not eomeletele cured ia tListime, its severity will he (really lessened aad a eoes P Lets cure insored iaa very short time. Whea e actios) tovard curinr the eold is takea, tea dry. feed eeogh ia followed by a prwfviee eatery expectoration, aiid that hy a dically ia breauking, a peculiar lighteem e4 the cheat aad a slight easectomtioa 0 very tough aad leBartoae mucus. Few persona pay say attejuijMi te a erld until la liiscoa etuoa, thst is, usui the cold has became i settled ia the ayatem. Tbe t ret acuea sheuld ' te relieve the luDgs. Tse is best som 'Piiaijsd by the free am ef ChamWlsie a .lours Petaedy. Tbie reekeJv lteefis tbe tough merus siwi causes i t exfHiioa from the air sclj ef the lucge. predices a free expertorstioa, sad erie il.e secret Inas. A eomclete cure r fr.nws. Ia some eases, . bewever, severe I dss are reqnrred, bet Ike experience ef thetwsads af pereoae ia the ase ef this remedy hsa he tka. it will cure , a severe celd i Ices time the aay ethee 1 rest mm 8, swi that it Isssea the sestem la a aataralaad bealUr oaadiUoa. Thia remedy mm ennm B Oflie IfOm tWOJIMg Is pftSW e-uee u eawat, large sis M eseaa, Shopping Days Oup Lace Lace Curtains, 814.38 Curtains. 80.63 pair $10.75 XoTelty Lace per pair S2.33 Curtains. 85.38 37.25 82.C3 33.13 35.00 R3.38 isf 35.50 $10.00 value M.7S value . IJ.0 value . $17.50 value $11.00 value son to marry him at the ssms time a dep uty sheriff armed with a summons for Jury service was en his trail. Copper wss finally located. He promptly cam to court, served eae dsy m a minor case snd then Judse ears kindly let him go. He took tbe first trsln back. Cia derails Ball fee the Kxs The Elk have plsnned to reproduce as nearly as pos sible the Cinderella ball at their fair. Prof. Chambers has been ensTsged and Is drilling the hundreds or children scsln to put on this spectacle which packed the Den during the Ak Sar-Bca festivities until thousands were turned away because there was not room for all who wished to see tbe chil dren dsnce. laeaaitjr fee amghsaastaV Qeorge H. SLspeahorst ef Tweaiy-fourth and Cuming streets, who was arrested some time are on complaint of bis wife, has been released from the city Jail and Is la eestody of the county authorities who will file a com plaint agamet hltn. charring . Usaatty. Mra. Btapenhoret ctalma that her buaband chased tier out of their borne one night with a revolver while aha was In her bar leet. arjr rreveasa a OeavleUeawWill Smith, ne CMored man tried for appropriaUna James D. Murphy's watch, mar so scott free because the Jury, bis counsel sars found him guilty of another crime than charged. Smith wss Indicted far "lsreeny from the person'' and ths Jury, lnstesd of passing on thia brought In a verdict of "robbery from Uie person." The point is raised by Bmith'a counsel. O. M. T unison in a motion to set aside the verdict. Jim WOl wap rotate With rarsoa How f Run a Church" Is the title of a toast tj which Mayor Dshlmsu will re spond st a banquet to be given Frtdsy night by the Centrsl City Commercial club. He wfll follow Rev. sir. Main, pastor of a Central City church, whe was pastor of Walnut 1111 Methodist Episcopal church la Omaha some jeer ago, who will re spond to a toast. -How te Run a City." me mayor, says hs does not know Just what bs will ssy. but that ha will give the minister a many Dointers on how tn run a church as the mlnlater wfll give oa tbe best snoibod ef governing a city. &aat trraweve aq he sTvctt Omaha men whe were leeky n the drawing for Tnpp county, goutb. Dakota, lends ers re ceiving notice from tbe toed- department of the dates upea which they must fil. But a few ar allowed fe eater a dsy and therefore differeat deles are setnose hsv Ing th email number having the first chance to til. Prank Plaaek. bookkeeper In the office pf th city comptroller, drew tO. end baa received notice that he must make entry on April t t . ; sTeasemsa atae V arrow B scape Loula Roesner. second houseman at tbe Mer chants hotel, came near being numbered with the wounded Thursday morning by stepping accidentally threuah a ski light at ths rear of th hotel. He wss washing aa upper window and thoughtlessly stepped ea th skylight far e moment, when It gsve way. He wss only prevented from falling through by grasping the window ledge of the window st which b wss working. He was relieved from- bis perilous position by Henry Peters, msnager ef the betel, w ho h-tppeaed to be wlUiln convenient call. THOUSAND DOLLARS DAMAGE alt er (lieea A era i Ml Street Stall, way ta Setlcd at Osa-Tnesly. rill f Aenemat. A tS.tte suit for damage wss settled at aooa Thursday la Judg Button's court for H.uuS. Th caa was that ef A. N Ksaer sgalnst the Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway company. W, J. Cennell appeared for tbe defendant aad K. P. Smith. C. J. Smyth and W. A. Sckall for the plaintiff. Tbe morning wss consumed la securing a Jury and a battle royal was looked for. Kaser aued as administrator of the estate ef his s-yrar-oid daughter, who was killed by a street car in August, 17. Ths same company waa made defendant In e tu.0t ault for damages by William p. Scott Thursday morning, goott claiming to bat e been Injured through the company's ault when getting off a car at Krug park, Hoarse coughs aad stuffy eosds that may develop late paeuasonia ever sight are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. and It soothe leflamed membrane, heals the btrsa. aad ff els tbe cvkt from the ayatem- doid by all drugs-iets. Oae Crows, asaaufaetared bp George p. Went. TLIa le aa orchestral greed aad eeat whea new Bate. Is la fair conditio aad e sale aew at Sua. 'Each Department." - HAT DEN BROS. LAWYER HCBTS FOR CLIENT Says Opponent Hounds Catklej as if He Were a Polecat HOWELL AKD SLAJLLE XH WORM teasaree ef (esel Indteate Tlab te a rtalehM In Dlvweee Case ea Trial Before Jsdge Trees. tou nav bounded and puraued my client aa If he were a (oieeat. I ehail waiv no right and grant nothing. Moreover give you fair warning that thia will be a fight to a finish." Attorney T. 8. Howell, counsel for Edwaid Cackley, thus addressed himself to At tor ney 8. A. Bear! m Judg Troup's court Thursday morning. Ths lstter had been pleading for sixty dsys delsy in order to take the deposition ef Mrs. Cackley s father, brother and sister who live In Clinton. I1L Bearte had first asked permission to have transcribed some oral testimony given by the same persons at a previous hearing. "I am conscious of having conducted myself with the most humble courtesy to you," Bear I e replied to HowelL "I am not talking about myself, but my client." answered Howell. "He hsa keea fairly bounded throughout." It developed from the remarks ef tbe la ay ers that there wUl be a big fight when this divorce suit Is tried over the j eat Jon of the ownership of a large amount of property, Cackley claiming It was owned by other relatives of his and his wife maintaining that It Is really the defendant's. As te Chaaae ta Petltlea. Attorney Searie declared that be could not say whether Mr. Cackley's petition. which Is now ror separate mstntenance and alimony, will be changed to one for absolute divorce. His opponent notified htm formally thst he would object If there an attempt msde to change thia ault at aa Inopportune time. It is likely thst tbe petition will be so chsnged. With regard te ths depositions and delay Judge Troup ruled that be would Uke th cam off the call pending a motion by either side at aay time for it reinstatement and that tbe work of taking the depositions must proceed at once. According te a statement by Mr. Cackley's lawyer the honeymoon waned quickly. The l couple were married May 10, and Mra. Cackley left ber husband, he said. June 24, Two weeks later the first papers ia. the ault were filed. In contrast to the "finish fight" which is promised la the Cackley case. Is the with drawal by Mra Mallnda Burr of her suit for divorce against Archer Burr. A stipu lation to that effect waa filed Thursday morning, ' signed by both parties. There waa one new divorce suit Thurs day. Elisabeth Short sues John P. Shert- Accordtng to the petition Short admlalsaered aa almost dally beating. She asks for the custody of her two little girls. One Chick ering Bros-' Has fcr concert purpose for about two years. Is la fine condition; walnut eoloalsl de sign case. Thia Is a grand opportunity for someone. An artistic high-grade plane at the price of a cheap new one. Thia plane le a second-feand plane, taut you will make no mistske in buying It. We sell it new for tsn, now ea sale at STTi. "Exchange Department." HATDEX BROS. STUDENTS ON ANNUAL- VISIT Faar Hsssre is Fifty frees Aart. ealtaral Colleeje a tae Peek Iaa Pleats. Students of the I'nlveretty of Nebraska School of Agriculture, numbering Je grad uate of the short course, arrived In South Omaha at t a. m. Thursday on their regular annual visit to ths packing planta They were led by Prof. H. R. Smith, as sisted by Profs. C. W. Pugsley. Ellis Rail. Robert Ashby. 8. W. Psrrln and I C, Chsse. Immedistely on arriving they di vided Into two bands, one to visit the Union Stock yards and th ether te Inspect Swift A Company's packing house. At noon they lunched at tbe Exchange dining hall. In ths afternoon the bands reversed positions and continued the inspection ef the packing Industry from all sides. Ia tbe afternoon the students assembled in the exchsnge building te witness a mast Cutting exhibition. The regular dinner given under the auspices ef the t'nioa Stock The Man Who Eats Well Aad Enjoyg rood Uvea Ufa As He Should amd Gets the Moet From It. The mas whe eats Is the man she works. and tne man who works la the man who wlna Tireless workers depend upon a storehouse of vim aad vlgtr. India Is noted for Its festers and Its dreamer Europe and America for their eaters aad their workers. Ia America we hav been doing nothing but work this psst quarter ef a century. That la why our old men say, "la my days no oae had dyspepsia" Of course, "all men In those dsys ats and worked, new they work and sat If eating Interferes with business, men give up eating. This la good logic fur the dollar-get tsr. but poor wisdom for the man whe really wants te live. Abuse of anything Ood give results la punishment, and maa Is a pigmy whea It eomea to chesting- his system. If you take from the eystem that which Is Intended should remsin. or put Into tt thst which is Intended should be kept eut, you are cheating yourself, and sooner er later pay the penalty. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tsblets are concen trated vegetable and fruit essences which glvs the system every fluid, stlmulsnt and ingredient eectssary to gala ths fullest strength from everything which goe Into tbe stomach, or te keep from the system everything which should ant lay and decay la it. If you will eat fast and Improperly, tf yoa will driak and eat Irregularly and te excess, thsa give to Nature as yeu go so enough ct th eseeacee she demand to neutralise the bad effects of your habits. After a mtal Uke a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab)!, and the meal weal hurl you or yeur st&ma V At a midnight dinner take e Stuart tablet and you will sleep well aad get up without a breath which ia filled with ths decay ef ths midnight meaL Fortify your stomach like you do your business. Fortunes when lost caa be re gained, but the stomach outraged etsy. with yeu te the finish, snd you know It Is there. j If you want te knew w tat these tablets will do. buy e package from aay druggist, price M cents, or ssad ue pour aame aad address end we will seag ye trial park sgs free by snail Addree T. A. Stuart Cm, It Stuart Building. Marehail, Mich. Tards eompsny bee an sl I H p. m The evening was -taken up In speech making and In entertainment afford by moving picture recently popular In the Com show. OUTSIDE EAGLESSCREAM, TOO Birds Kverrwkere rvatterlaa; ta Their Hast t Ply Toward Omaha. The general committee appointed by th local lodge of Eagles snd the Omaha Com mercial club to arrange for the annual convention of th grsnd aart of th Eagle In Omaha this fsll. has organised with Robert Bacon, chslrmsn; Frank N. Clark, secretary pro tern, and W. H. Bucholx. treasurer. At the meeting Wednesday n1ht the matter of subcommittees wis consid ered and the committee adjourned to meet Saturday noon at the Commercial club. The committee announced that It hoped te get arrangement well under way. so thst ths grand trustees of the order may eoon be Invited to come to Omaha and In spect the arrangements and locate th con vention In Omaha. Encouraging reports are coming In from all aide In the matter of attendance at th Omaha convention. Kansas City now hsa Q number who hare made their third payment towsrd th Joint fund which 1 being raised for th Omsha club. Ths Omaha club wss formed In Ksnsss City aad the members are paying so much each month toward I fund to be used in com ing le Omaha, Seattle now has ever 300 members listed oa Its Omaha club aad ad vice cornea that delegates from Bkag-wey and Nome. Alaska, are preparing for the Journey to Omaha and will bring along their dogs and aleds, which will be put on wheela and will be quite an attraction In tbe parades in Omaha. Preparations also are being msde to create a medical corps for the convention, and the cjiy w ill be districted with physi cians and ambulance to care for all at rangers. The Council Bluffs aerie is preparing- to Uke ta 160 new members s week from Fri day, and with the enlarged membership, hopes to be able to materially assist Omaha In caring for tbe vialtors. GIRL VICTIM OF FIENDS Celered Child at Hospital ta Critical Ceadltlea .Vrgrs Maa fa der Arrest. Alice Taylor, a colored girl 12 years of age, la at the county hospital la a critical condition aa the result of violent treat ment. A colored man, believed to be ber assail ant, is la the city Jail, but no formal enarge has yet been mvl, against him. The child accuses him and also another colored maa and woman of iMiat i ,., ruin. The worn an was arrested, but re leased oa promise to return when wanted The maa aaye the girl la hla wife' adopted child aad pleads Igaoraace of th whole affair. The police do not believe hia tory. Another man I te be arrested. Pieoina together fragmentary statements mad by Alio Taylor Wednesday after aoea and night. Superintendent Farar of the county hospital sera that aha worked last week with a family named Prowl. ea Sixteenth street and we, taken Sunday uii. wy tne people now in Jail and mal treated by them at their home. It la not known whether she was thn turned eut by them or whether she neaped. round In the alley in the reer r ii Cuming street by Francis Franklin and bis wif Tuesdsy night. the"c!rl wss by them and Inter turned ever t ik. juvenue orncer . Bh say bar mother la dead and .H. a. oat kno"r hr ber father i living. The in is rstner large for ber aa. which .h- clalme to b only U ye.rx. She Is crippled lr irora having rickets ghe weisns iw pounds and la four f inenci in neignt. r rands Franklin, who cared for k. -4. Teeeday night. I. colored man. but his wife Is a white woman. Thev ln. iit.i. about the case, as the girl wss too ill to .atlas gxiuvn. PALMER FILES FOR MAYOR Reeeeda Bla celday Perseaslly aad It la Iteewsweg A Is by Petltlea. Captain Henry K. Palmer Is now iviit. . candidate for the republican nomination for msyor. A petition containing nearly 700 i"e Thursday noon and stmul taneoualv m nriii - ... t . . . . - - - .yiiii nianx wss nied. To both were attached the treas urers receipt for ts paid, or a toul pay. ment by the captain and hla friends of Sla -:ure in placing of hla nam. . .v. iiiiy PSIIOI. in aJdltlon to th filing by Cantain P.i. mer a a candidate for the republican may- v "Brainauon three republican aad on democrat filed durln th. a. u-iumana; nominations. Hush Bart U1S Park avenue, filed for the republican nomination for councilman from th Second ward; William M-ller. US Sherman repuoiican nomination for rrora tbe Fifth ward; jamea C Llndaay, 130, Kvans street, filed for tbe re publican nomination for councilman from lh Twelfth ward, and Charles r. nm. t South Fifteenth street, filed for ,he democratic nomination for councilman from "ro- "r. Lindsay is now a member of the Board of Education. SANBORN MUST PAY GIRL Feiher la Ordered by Ceart tm n.. Daaghtee Mer laaerttaaee fra Her Mather. Frederick E. 8anborn of the Sanborn atoric Food company must pay hla daughter. FJiik Elisabeth Ban born Burbank tteaSen whiw he inherited from er mother. Sanborn a a appointed the girl'a auardlaa n k. wether s death. Whea shs came of ags re cently she asked for an accounting k.- horn claimed that hs had spent her Inherit- nc upoa her education and upreartng Judge Leslie rule, however, that Saa bora bad money of his own which Ji could hev spent aad accord ngly Issues the order to refund. This daughter of MS Sanborn la the wife of Merrill Burbank, although she ap pears oa the court records ss iflss San bora Instead of Mr Burbank. She Is a minor aad was married enly s few months o to Burbank, son of Byron O. Burbank. Whe Is quite young. ARCH IS NOT FREE Id SIGN e Syn Mlr bar laea t Mayer, Whe Waata It Lighted far Elk' Fair. City Electrklsa Mlchselaen bas declined lo obey Instructions frtm Msor tahlman te place upoa tbe Welcome arch tbe words Elks Fair" and have the arch lighted very Saturday night prior te the holding ef the fair. He ssys hs will not do so un less regularly ordered to by council resolu tion Mr. Mtchaelsea Is sa Elk and aa hs want t help th lodge all he can. but he doe not approve of making the arch aa adrertlaing scheme. The electrician called on the mayor Thursday aad filed bla objections and the mayor about came te the coarlualoa thst probably after all the eWctrtrfaa ass right and that th dignity ef the erca should be maltttaiaeeV .Doa'i 'Make 8l The Austro-American Doclors 42 - .... w.. w ewvrwuivv Jest Opposite the Orpbeam Thestsr This institution is not similar to nor connected with any other in Omaha The Austro-American treatment is entirely different from any other system of medical healing. The remarkable success of the Austro American Doctors in the cure of Epilepsy, Gall Stones, Rheumatism. Disease of the Liver) Kidneys, Stomach, Blood and all chronic and nervous diseases of men and women, has caused several institutions to claim to give similar treatment DO HOT BE DECEIVED 428 RAMGE BLDG. :jffirn?' No fee is asked until the patient is cured i MRS. EARLYVlfiE WRITES Lady at Woodbine, I a-. Thanks The Ansrro-Amertcaa Doctor for H el plug Her. SUFFERED FOB SO YEARS. Woodbine. Iowa, R. F. D. No. t . Feb. II. l0f. Theodore Mtlen. M. P, i2S Ramg Building. Omaha. Neb, Ier Doctor: I have been takina ths Austro-American treatment for two months, sod hav mad UCh wonderful Improvement (hat I tmM that I should write yoe aa to my condition auu teu you now grateful I am to you. 1 realise I sm on the war for a oomnlete cure, and csn say. truthfully, thst you hsvs uwnm me more good m two months thsn au the other doctors I sver doctored with, ana mat is a (real many. We have spent hundreds of dollar for doctor bill and all kinds of patent medicine, of which 1 got only temporary relief. I hav been afflicted with stomach trouble since October, ISO. I began to hsvs cramps in my stomach. I never went two weeks at a time but what 1 had two or three spells a day. sometimes they only lasted a few minutes, and other times all dsy or all night. I had these spells for five years, when I began to hav gall stones, from which I suffered untold sgony. I had a constant pain in my right aide. I would have such severe attacks thst I would have to call the doctor and I would be so bad that X could hardly move In bed. Tbe doctors told roe tbey could euro my etomsch, but could do noth ing for my gall stones. Last April 1 had a bsd attack, from which I grew worse all the time. In that time I had treated with three doctors, and grew worse all ths time. I got so weak and nervous thst I waa In a constant Jerk when I would lay down at Bight- I could hardly sleep when I did go to bed. and whea I did, I had each terrible dreams, as though I waa falling. In ths dsytlme tt seemed like something wss going to fslk ail the time. I would cstch at my dishes, thinking thsy were falling, and knocked them over and broke a number of tbem. I suffered such awful pain In my head and neck, that sometimes I thought I would loo my mind. My mem ory was very poor. 1 could net eat any thing, and If I did. I Buffered untold agony. My stomach waa awfully sore, ta fact. 1 was sore all over. 1 eould hardly lay- my head on a pillow. It seemed as though a rock could not have felt any harder than the pillow would to my head. My abdomen was bloated to twice its nat ural sis, and seemed almost paralysed. My heart bothered me terribly. My left snoulder was so lame I eould hsrdly raise It up. I was not able to do anything when i went to see tne Jiustro-American Loctor. and now 1 cook and work for seven men, and eat and sleep weiL In fact, 1 feel like a new woman. I thank Ood for sanding Dr. Milen has charge of the Omaha branch of the Austro-American Doctors. - He is an expert diagnostician of thirty years' experience in chronic diseases. Asks no questions of patients in making his diagnosis. Sees all patients personally and outlines their treatment. Frankly tells those who are incurable that nothing can be done for them. COLONEL BANISTER IS BERE Chief Sorgron Missouri Department Hero of Philippine Scourge. GREAT WORK IS CHOLERA SIEGE Celaael Garwlaer aad taplala Geha Eewlt Over Ashlaad Rssge t ' tm Determine Availability far Tar et tse. Lieutenant Colonel John M. Banister. medical department ITAUed States array. arrived la Omaha Thursday morning from Fort Riley to assume his new duties a chief surgeon ef tbe Department ef the Missouri. He la accompanied by Mra Banister and hla two sons. E. B. snd Perdval B. Banister. Colonel Banister aad family will make their home for the pres ent at the Millard. Colonel Banister Is re garded aa one of the moat efficient stir- geoes in tbe army and bas already be come distinguished for his excellent work In ths Philippine during the prevalence of th cholera there a few years ago. Colonel Cornelius Gardiner and C aetata J. F. Oohn of the Sixteenth Infantry from Port Crook have goae to Aahland te In spect the rifle range there with the view to He ultimata lease by the federal govern ment for target purpose- Th special board appointed to Investigate the Ashland range has hitherto msds a favorable re port, and K I thought th leas pf ths rsng will be effected upoa the return af Colonel Oardiner and Captain Gohn. The range will be used this year if leased by ths government for tsrget practice for the troo( comprising the Fort Crook and Fort Otnaha garrison All tbst now remains la for the War department to authorise the lease ef the range. Fourteen hundred pounds of dressed chickens will be ahlpped from 'the David Cole establishment this week to Fort Meade and Robinson for th Washington birthday dinner t f th L'nited States troops stationed at those post The contract for tbe chickens has Just been concluded and the chickens Inspected by Lieutenant Colonel Eastman, chief commissary of the Department ef tbe Missouri. Lea e of absence for two monthe havo been granted First Lieutenant Charles J. Naylor, Fourth cavalry, at Fort Mead. Honorable discharge by purchase ha been granted Sergeant A. H. Hubbell ef Troop L. Fourth cavalry, at Fort Mead We Awaweeow For Saturday. February V. a wonderful sale ef traveling bags, auR case and trunk, We purchased at SQe ea th dollar a sam ple line ef high grade trunks, bags and suit cases thst ware xhlbit4 la Omaha for five days several Omaha merchants bouaht their spring Supplies frore these sample the lot consists of s early Sat tlful piece. Sale prices about half. NEBRASKA CLOTHIMQ CO. Ba-gsr, Better. Busier That's what aa- eertisina ta The tee aese for your busses. ms to th A us re-A merles n TVietnrs know some will say they ar fake, hut let some one wno wishes to know about them write to me. and 1 will only be too glad to u wnat tney nave eons ror ms. I would say to ene and all. whe are In need ef meaioai treatment, don t put It off. but go to Dr. Theodore Mlien and let him tell you your trouble, ss he told me mine. In s way that I have never been told before lie told m that my trouble was s ruadowt ii h THEATER DEAL IS CLOSED Orpheam Ceaspaay Bare Balldli Oeewple aad the Oae Adjelala-. a tt The deal by which the Orpheum Theater and Realty company secured the Orpheum theater building, formerly the Crelghton. at Fifteenth and Harney street, wss closed Thursdsy by L. Lansburgh, general attor ney for the big theeter company. W. K. Homan and the lepreaentatlvea ef the Crelghton Theater company. The lot on which th building stands is Uxl33 feet and besides the theater a two story building, occupied by cigar stand, sa loon and sgency of a cash register end scale company, goe with th theater prop erty. The second story of the building on the corner Is a hall used for a school ef dancing and various public meeting. Mr. Lansburgh said there waa a proba bility thl building would be mad a four story structure whan tbe theeter ia gen erally overhauled after the season close this year. ' No definite plana have been made for remodeling, but some work will be don to put the property In first-class shape. "It is the policy Of th reorganised Or pheum Theater and Realty company to own the house In the various cities end had we not secured the Orpheum property la Omaha we would undoubtedly hav .secured a sit and erected a theater. Tbe company hs a new theater la Baa Francisco, bui't a aew on ia Oakland, will bar a sew ene in New Orieens and Xsasss City, while we secured this year one In Minneapolis." Mr. Lanaburgh will be la Omaha until Saturday, when he will retura to hia borne la Baa Franciace. One Shermaa upright, la mahogany case; costs whea aew SJM. Thia piano is only about T months old. Is la perfect condi tion aad Is being offered at lUe, oa easy payment - "Exchange Department." HATDEN BRO& Short Page ef the Esuslae. L. W. Wskelry, general passenger sgent of ths Burlington, is in Denver. A. L. Mohter, genersl msnager ef the t'nion I'aclf returned Thursday from Chicago. Ersstus Young, general suJItor of the Hsrrimsa lines, left Thursday evening for Chicago. J. Y Buckingham, asslatant general pas senger sgeut of the Burlington, and Wil liam Lalur. holding a sirrulsr position at St. Louis, will k-sve Saturday afternoon for an extended (lip to Cuba. The lists of ths member of the new Rell asy Men's club of Omana a hows ever members aad assure bg success for ths club frum ths sisrt. The eirectur hav plann-d for a meeting for Ssturdsy Boon at the Omaha Commercial club rooms, at which time a location for th club will he d.scussed. Tne general offices of the railroads cen tering In Omaha will be closed all day Maw- day I Waahlngtoo'a birthday! and auntireda of tbe clerks srs tsking sdvanisg of tiis v ses uon period to msxe visits to surround-U-m towns. With a half holiday Maturdav and the office cloeed Sunday sad Monday tne employes wui have practically tare day' v a ration. Tne Nebraska Railway eommlaslo hsa refused te accept eiaaetficatioa No. as of tae weetera liaaaincauoa Bureau, which has been In effect a lace October 1 oa the road a west ef tbe Mississippi river. The west eiaselflcauaa No. ea will be effective oa tne western roads A(.rtl 1 aad ths commis sion al l thee be asked te accept that class tficsttoa Thia ruling leave claaalf k.stiw Ko. M affective ta raebrasa. t . . Mistake MM. DLOO. condition ef th kidneys Snd Beeves, and thst this wss ths real cause, of all roy trouble. I would to Ood I knew What to say that H might benefit other. 1 Will (Isdly answer any on doubting this state ment. I am singing praises of tbe Aastro Ameeiren Doctors wherever 1 go. Hoping you will publlah this letter for the benefit of others, snd wl'h kindest regards. I remain, your grateful patient. MRS. MAOUIE EARLY WINE. 5) DR. THEODORE M1LEX. LENT NEAR AND FISH LOW Unprecedented Condition Obtains on . Ere of Design d. . KAY BE TOO GOOD TO LAST LOXfJ Cat ask Cheaper Thea ' Beefsteak akt Freeeat Ft lees aad Shad's Egg Cest Lews Ths Pre set ef ' Bar Verd Sea... With Lent only a week eway, fish prices hav slumped. Such a condition of th market la net recorded la past time. Whether It I tbe trouble of the "fish trust tor Influence ef the Do star, the monger saith net. but the price list shows catfish cheaper than beefstesk. pike ebont the price of eld rooster, frog leg cheaper tbsn dressed springs, and roe abad selling for less thaa bens egg. Whether the price - wlH advance when th Lenten demand etrenrthna er not Is a matter of conjecture, .but tbe dealer think not, though they ere .making ao premises aad only advise' dealers te "keep order coming aad get th trad lined up for lent" Mere are some of tbe prices th butcher shope pay th wholesaler for titb: Whit fish, pan froxea. is cents per pound; winter caught, t cent; Herring, winter caught, cents; salmon. 10. cenla; d reared plk. ( cent; pickerel, f. cents; No. 1, very fine' trout. IS cent; catfish, skinned and dressed. Ii cents, red snapper, headless and dressed. . is cents; perch, skinned, beadle, dressed, ready t cook. cent. Evert lobsters went doe f to ) ceaia. and greea one ceo be secured for S7 cents per pound, while boiled ones bring hut at cent. Bel, for which there la a good de mand, sell for is cent per pound ad are scarce. . . . ' Frogs lege bring et cent per doien. sad are said to continue to give satlsf action, while flnnaa haddiea, th favorite, fish of the Scotch, are sell log for 13 cent per pound, smoked end ready te cook. - TOCK1KO DABlbl.lO MAOB BAST. The Stager Darner darns better and quicker than by hand. Tbe darning Is more evse and weare better thaa hand darning. The device ia very simple, require De study. Caa be used ea any lock-stitch sw fng machine. For sals st Singer store, m Douglas street, Omaha. Neb One Reynold' Upright. In walnut rase as seod as new. On of th beat bargain la the city. Cost whee aew gTTJM. Re turned from rent. Ha bees thoroughly re paired aad la aew offered at tlOS-on eisy pay meats. "Exchange Department' V ., HATDEN BROS Belldlaa Feraslta. J. E. Dewey, .307 Spencer street, fram Swelling,; J. J. Kieiaea. Ferty-ftnt sad Marc streets, frssse dwelling; fl SOS, R D. PhUllpa, oa Oeergle eveeue. altera tion te dwclUag. C. F. Mandcreoa. Fourteenth at rest end Capitol even, re pair to brick building, lata,