THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY lfl. 1900. II r Beginning Friday, Feb. 19th -And r continue for ten days A verita ble bn rgaln feast that means most ex. csptional savings. Mail Orders Filled Except On Hour Sales 1 THS RELIABLE STOBS h IV GRAND TWENTY-SECOND mmsm ll nn iT57f7rprn ll yj i 3 Jg K RILMIL tori Every effort has been expended to make this a sale; worthy of the event Twenty-two years of honest merchandising In this community offering and delivering the very best obtainable at the lowest possible prices, has built for us a business of which we are Justly proud. Together with our Immense stocks of new spring merchandise which we will sell at extreme low prices, we Include all odd lots, broken lines, etc., at the most phenomenal bwagaln prices ever known In this or any other sale. New and equally delightful bargs'tit will be brought forward each day and with good reason we anticipate a selling without przeedent in the history of this store. , Beginning Friday, Feb. 19 Ten days of spe cial bargain of ferings that will' meet your highest expectations. . ,,Vv , Try Ordering bf Mail You'll Find It Most Profitable Anniversary Sale of Embroldeties $1.00 White Embroideries Friday 39c A beautiful line of fine quality 27-inch Swiss Skirt riouncingsj .rich, new designs and worth $1.00, yard. 39c 75- Wide Kmbrolderles Friday 25c An exceptlon ' ally ,fln line of Corset Cover Embroideries and ! ISklri Flouncinga, in Swtsa and Nainsook, big aa ' gortftient of patterns; anniversary sale price 25 ' ' ' Rnnivrrtxrv Salt of Notions j Alway8 leaders In ataple and fancy notion jf values. This will surpass any previous effort, here or eiaewnpre. Best 200-yard Sewing Thread, per spool. ...JH (A guaranteed six-cord very best quality.) 25o Dress Shields at. per pair 12 s 5-yard Mercerized Skirt Binding 7 ( I Bet Tins on sale, two packages tor zC W ': Gold Kye Needle at, per package la 1 .. 1 0yard Linen Thread 2 H 50c Hair Rolls Z5f Cotton Tapes, all sixes, per roll 1 And many other equally great values. Anniversary Sale Specials Lace Curtains, Draperies $15.0(1 silk and linen portieres go at, pair .,,...$12.50 $12.30. mercerized portieres go at $10 $(.50,yalues in bordered portieres go at pair ...$4.50 $4.00. values in Barnett's curtains, go ' at pair . . . . $2.98 $5.50 values in Cluny Curtains, $3.98 50() pairs of lace curtains at, pair, $1.98, $1.49, $1.25 and. ...$1 Anniversary Sale Bargains in Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments Strong enough to insure a most liberal 8 o'clock response; not only will qualities fulfill your highest expectations, but prices throw this offering into bold relief as the most delightful opportunities ever. It will pay you to come early. A Beautiful Line of One-Plece Dresses in fine Messalines, Taffetas and Wool fabrics, all sizes, elegant new styles, lace applique and lace em broidery trimmed garments, 'made .to- sell at $30.00, Friday and Saturday, each $12.50 $25.00 Tailor Halts, new spring styles, resedas, navys, browns, greys, black, etc., ni anuf ac quirer's samples sent, to us for comparison and selection, all the best models, on sale at choice, ech $12.50 200 Long Cloth Coats, in colors and black, best styles, manufacturer's surplus of $20.00 and $25.00 values, to close Friday, choice $5.00 113.00 Tailor Suits, in ZIbellnea and fancy mix ed fabrics, manufacturer's surplus stocky made to sell at $15.00, come hi all sizes, choice, at ch $3.05 Manufacturer's . Stock of Opera Caws, $25.00 and $30.00 values, all the new pastel shades, the best bargains ever, at sale price $12.50 Choice of any Fur Coat in the house, that sold up to $75.00, Near Seals, Astrakhans, Krlni mers, Brook Mink, etc., at each . . . .$25.00 $5.00 and $0.00 Waists $1.95 Jap Silks, Nets, Messalinea and Taffetas, all colors, silk lined, trimmed with laces and appliques, tucks and embroidered, choce Friday, each $1.05 $7.50 French Voile Skirts, trimmed with folds and bands, all sizes, great snap at $2.05 AH Fur Coats, at .... . .HALF AXD LESS IN Ol lt CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT FRIDAV Bear Skin Coata, sires 1 to 6 years, $4.00 val-. ues, at each .$1.00 Children's Coat, worth to $10.00, sizes 8, 10, and 12 years, on sale, choice, each . .$2.95 Children's Bonnets, that sold up to $1.00 at choice 25 Women's Long Kimonos to $2.50 values.. Qg Anniversary Sale of Corsets - s - Keenly Cut Prices of Standard Makes il.00.--tl.IO and $2.00 R. and G. Corsets, one of the most popular ' and best selling models, in each " quality, go Friday at ' Wch . .69 98 and $1.50 75c Batiste, striped silk and fine satin girdles,, all sizes, on sale while they last,, at each . .25 $2.00 Models in Such well known makes as Thomson's Cloves Fit ting, Wilhelmenla and Jewel, will be closed at one price, 98 75c Coutll Corsets, rust proof boning, long hip models, . . with hose supporters front and Bid-., on sale, at each 49 I 22nd Anniversary Shoe Sale A jSale in Which the Special Price Concessions insure its Remembrance as the Greatest Shoe Bargain Event of Our Entire History Men's and Women's $3 and $3.50 shoes in all styles and in all leathers in Goodyear and relted soles and shoes that we stand back of every pair ; $1.98 Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Satin Calf, Box Calf and Vicl Kid Shoes, regularly priced at $1.75, $1.50 and $1.25. at pair $1.19 Men's Tan Russia Calf, Ox Blood and Viet Kid Goodyear Welt Shoes, worth up to $4.00 a pair, all sizes, at pair $2.50 Misses' and Child's sizes (8H to 2) of Tan Kid, with suede tops, act- palry worth $1.75 and $1.60; also black vicl kid in same sizes, $1.00 Little Gents' Satin Calf. $1.25 Shoes, and child's Chocolate Kid Shoes, With suede tops, and vicl kid Shoes In sizes up to 11, at pair . .75 Anniversary Sale of Silks l Three Grand Specials for Opening Day $1.00 and $1.25 Shower Proof Foulards, sale price, 79e. ,10,000 yards, of Cheney Bros., celebrated "Shower Proof" Foulards, in all the new shades such as Wisteria, Canard, Cudor, Edeson, Blue Rose, Olive, Taupe, Navy Brown, Gray, Reseda, etc. Magnificent assortment of designs, the most popular of all silks for spring wearj $1 and $1.25 1 Anniversary Sale Underwear Several big shipments just received will be placed on sale for the firs,t time Friday. Several elegant sample lines included will be offered at prices which mark them the bargain opportunity of the season. Beautiful Skirts, includ ' ing many values to $5 on sale, three lots; $2.98 $1.98 $1.50 Childrens' Drawers with embroidery or lawn ruf fles, worth fully double the price. .15c to 25c Fine Gowns, many worth $2, $2.50; newest styles, at one price 98c L a d i e s ' Combination Suits, daintily trimmed and well worth double; at 50c and 98c n valuea on salej at yd gl.OO Silks, Friday 80c An Im mense) assortment of plain and fancy ailks. including Messalines, -Taffetas, Peau de Cygnea, Ton gees, Jap Silks, etc.. actual v ues to $1.00 yard. Bale price, per yard 39 79c I Waul if ul Black Silks at less price than you'll find ) t lie in quoted elsewhere. . l.BO Quality Black Meftsajine Satin 36-lnches . wide, a grand bargain, at yard'. 07 Silk 1'ettU-oats Made to Measure. FOIR 8 to 9 a. m. Corset covers and drawers trimmed with deep em broidery and laces; regular 50c value, at'.... 15 B to 10 a. m. Ladles' gowns, worth 75c. lace and embroidery trimmed; tucked yokes; for this one hour 29 10 to 11 a. m. Ladles skirts, worth to $2.50; handsome, deep flounces of lace and embroidery; greatest snap ' ever for thia hour go ROUSING HOUR SALE SPKCIALS 11 a. m. to 12m. Beautiful sam ple line Of gowns, made to sell at $1.50'and $2.00 choice,.. 69 Knit Underwear Specials in Domestic Room. Misses' and Children's Knit Under wear, drawers, pants and union , auits, values to $1.00, on sale, at ... . . ; 40, and 39 Men's and Boys' Sweaters and Sweater Coats, values to $2.00 while they last, choice 25 FKIDA1. Ladies' Wool Union Salts, white or gray, also pants and vests In Swiss ribbed silk and wool or Vega silk, to $1.50 values. 69 Men's and Boys' fleeced linea shirts and drawers, all sizes, regu lar 50c values, snap Friday. 25 .Men's Wool Underwear All sizes, greys, tans and fancies, garments that sold to $1.50, on sale Friday, t 98 75 nd 50 Dr. Wright's Wool f leece Shirts and Drawers, made to sell at $1 and $1.25, at one price... .49 Dost rail U lead the Great List I Anniversary Sale Bargains !' Wash Caads. Dmt Gasds etc Last fags Our 22d Anniversary Grocery Sale Ln commemoration of our Twenty-two Years in the city of Omaha. Our Grocery Ienartment has ur pasard, doubly, our highest expectations, and the future prottpects are for a Greater Omaha and still greater Grocery Business, so we have decided to make this the Banner Sale. .Thanking you all for your past pa ANMVKRSARY SALE PRICES Steel Range Special k spleudichvhole steel range, malleable top, finely nickeled, ith high closet and 18-inch square oven) no better range on me market; Anniversary Price . .$20.95 fid 21 lbs.. Best Pure Cane Sugar.. $1 4 8-lb. sack Best Fancy High Patent Flour, every aack guaranteed to give the best satisfaction, per sack $1.25 24-lb. sack Best Rye Flour.... 65c 10 bara Beat-Em-All or Diamond "C" aoap. . ; 25c The Best White or Yellow Corn Meal, per sack 15c Malta Vita, K. C. or Egg-O-See Cornflakes, per pkg 7 V4c Large Bottles Pure Tomato Catsup, Worcester sauce or Pickles, as sorted kinds 8Vc Itens or Loose-Wilea. fancy assorted rookies, about 40 different kinds to choose from, per lb 10c 3 10c packages up-to-date washing powder 10c The best Domestic Macaroni, ier pkg. 84c Anniversary Tea and Coffee Department Sale. The best Japan Tea sittings, per lb 15c Choice Sun Dried Japan Tea..2ac Fancy Spider Leg Japan, English Breakfast, Ceylon, Oolong or Gunpowder Tea, per lb..... 38c Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb. ... 15c Fancy Marlcalbo Blend Coffee, per lb. ....... ; 18c Fancy Porto Uico Blend Coffee, per lb. .1 20c Fancy Ankola Coffee, nothing finer per lb 25c Anniversary HuMer, Cheese and Butterine Hale. Choice No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb 21c Fancy. Dairy. Table. Butter,, per lb : 23c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery, per lb. 2Gc Fancy Full Cream N. V. White, or Wisconsin colored cheese, lb.. .20c Sap Sago cheese, each 7V4c Neufcbatel Cheese, each 3c Anniversary hale of Highland Navels, California's Pride. Regular 50c sice, per dozen. . . . 3Uc Regular 40c size, per dozen.... 25c Regular 30c ize, per dozen .... 20c Regular 25c size, per dosen. . . ,15c Just try them once and you will be convinced there is nothing finer grown. Anniversary Sale of Fresh Vegetables. Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Onions, per bunch 3 He Fresh Parsley, large bunches. . 3 Vic Fresh Cauliflower, per lb 3 4c Frebh Sweet Potatoes, lb 3VC Two heads Fresh Lettuce 6c Freh Cabbage, lb 2 4c Fresh Hoi house Radishes, 3 bunches for 5c Old Heels, Carrots, Turnips, Pars nips, Rutabagas, Red Onions, White Onions, etc., per lb 2c Fresh Spinach, per'peck 20c Fancy Cucumbers, each 5c Bellevue Celery, bunch, 20c, 35c, 50c and k5c Iarge Urape Fruit, each 3 Vic New Honey, per rack 12Vc ?ohgtet Try Hayden's First pav'S Aiinl. versary Anniversary Lace Sate Eclipsing in value giving any lace sale ever held by us. You know what this sig nifies in saving to our customers on Friday. Fine Val. Laces, worth up to 20c, at 7 He, 5c, S)ae and ..2W Zlon City Laces, worth up to 16c yard, at 7 He, B. and 3H All Linen Torchon I 'arcs, worth up to 20c, at 5c, 8Hc and 2H Heavy Cotton Cluny Laces, 15c quality, at, yd. .5 Hand Made Cluny Lares, all linen to $1.00 val ues, 8Sc, 25c, J5c and 10 Fine Applique Laces, worth .up to $2.00 yard, at SOr, 25c, 1 Ac and ' 10 Sl.OO Fancy Dress Nets, big assortment for selec tion, at 40 Black Silk Laces, all the fine narrow widths, very popular, 10c, 7Hc and .5 Cleaning up all odds and ends of our great lace stock at one-fourth regular prices. Anniversary Sale Japanese Vases Direct Importation from Japan 1,000 vases, Tokonova, Taisen, Sat suma, Nogia and other makes. Doz- ens of different styles and decora tion. The actual value ranges; from $4.00 to $15 each. For this sale, choice, each .$2.49 Sale Hosiery Specials Prices that mean a saving of fully 50 per. cent tQ you. Ladles' Woo! and Flaeca Lined HoBe, 39c and 25c values, big at;, sortment for selection, the great-' est values ever offered hera .or eUewhere In Omaha, at sale price per pair 15 Children's 16c Quality School Hose, fine or heavy ribbed, all sizes, from 6 to 10, on sale, at per pair Q All Ladles' Plain Gauze Lisle and 'Taney 'Colored Lisle, extracted dots, strlpea, etc., blues, tans, cardinals, greys, etc,, that sold to 60c, on sale at pair 25 Ladles' 15c and le Cotton Hose, Black, tans, plain and fancy em broidered, great snaps, at sale price, per pair ' ( Anniversary Sale Furniture Specials Four Grand Bargain Offerings can't afford to miss them: aao Parlor Bulk. A beautiful 8-plvc birch mahogany lull, upholstered In genuine leather. A magnificent value; $22 50 98 Dra'asing Table, ait.TS. K hanuaoine, eollU quartered txik table, either round or aiiuare: nicely fin ished and with patent lock. A great snap. Sale Clfl price. ipAtJ. J for. Friday and Saturday., You J AS Brass Bed, $ia.M. An elegant piece of furniture, with, S-lnch poata: finished bright or lac quered; good value, at . -t (2 K fii; price J.D.OU 4 Olnlnsr Chair, $3.1a. A splendid quartered oak chair. leather upholatered with bos Beat and claw roet; the beat ever; at sala price. !, $3.15 $19.98 Anniversary Sale of Rugs and Carpets Reductions that aro truly remarkable of extremeness of qualities you 11 (lad fully up to the. standard: 130 extra Axminater ruga; 9x12 alite; Oriental and floral dcalgna; ti pat- terns to select from, at 12 aeamleaa Wilton ruga, txl2 aUe; beautiful, soft color- flQ Ing..' ..! price aS.UO IliiU seamleia tapestry llruaaela ruga; 10 wire quality; aise 7-x6-; nP' . S9.9S !.00'aeafnleaVtop riiga; Vo-wlra qual ity; tai sle $6.98 11.86 Axmlnster carpcta with borders to matcn; Deal quauiy t on sale, yd.. 125 Axmlnster ruga best quality: i-I 10-ti aiie; 16 paiterna to aeleLt from;, on aule, at, 1 ft 71 chok e JpiCJ. 4 fuO VVilton-Volvet rugs; txli sle Si patterna to select Clll ; from; choice P ti bu Axminater rugs; big line i de- signs; 27x.SH size; on 01 Ctfl ' .ai. t rhnlra tl velvet ruga, 27x04 ffrent inliQ. at.. SO.- Inraln L-arfeta: hall Wuol; new pfVd": 390 7ie' Ingrain carpcta. all wool; splen did style. 59t3 at. yd $1.19 iSVZi Hardware and Housefurnishings Large willow clothes bankets tic . (-foot heavy braced ladder, worth . . . worth I ft BSA 10-qU galvanised water paila...l8H Extra large sIM Enterprise food chop per. No. 203. worth 11.06 each..S9o Extra heavy galvanized waah boiler, only c No. I Llak copper boiler, worth I4.V5, only 13 12-gal. garbage can, with ball and cover kc solid, copper nickel plated tea kettles 1 To Large N. IT coal node, 2c alze, l-arir wpeden chopping bos li in tl.10 Que ran tee ironing boards, Willi stand , ho Mrs. Potts' t-piece polished sad Iron., worta f I (0. only ... c No. i gulvanlzed waah tuba 40 J 5c heavy zinc waah boards ilia 2ic Mrs. Vrooman's sink strainers. only '0c Larue white-lined wah basins,. .. 10c 1 lurgu rolls toilet paper . ...Itc Nlckvl-plateU range lea kettles.. I9o - Ire or wooden coat hangers. . . .lue Extra strong heavy folding wringer bench $ t -5 14 clothes pins or S loxes for..., 10a Perforated chair aeata, all siz..10u II novelty wringer; 1-year guarantee: only .7 ii h,v Ak-Hjr- wanher 93-1 01 1 1 i Ai 1 J ' - ws i h. Ja A :x