Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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lapTemt Court EefuKi to Ixterferi
far Gft County Murderer.
iaral Hill B Made reerae
ae to Uinnlrf Coaalr District
Coart Bis Dasaaso fait
'Krom a Correoponaent)
LINCOLN. Neb, Feb. l.-pecial Tele-I--m
V R Mfid rhunwif, sentenced ta
be hanged tomorro. ae today denied a
rehearing by th Nebraska supreme ovirt.
Attorneys for fhumiT will sproal to
rjoeemor Shallenberger for tkmr a
oi'.l aisv try to secure a hearing in tb
1 tr-l court to trt th nmty of tb con
jHtcfl man.
Judg rrmnk Hamer yesterday fiie hi
supreme court an application or a re
fcar1ng sad a brief wherein be rint out
the alleged errc-r In the conduct of the ease.
Tble frrief ia crKrned with the caaa of
fr pe-emptery chllengs. Judge Hsmer
iere. In tubtunr, that seven of Shum-
i'i peremptory cha Herges were used in
n imrrr.per manner and that after the i
.een till been used that four or f re men
re fut on 1be Jury who were biased and
jnacl to render fair Judgment In the caae.
Tfce iiwrt he'd that the record showed
that the oefeodant bad had a fair trial.
Judgs Letr?n wrote the op"!""- Thro of
'the meirbera favored a rehearing, however,
and three of them were opposed. Judge
Hamer hae attempted to point out particu-s-s
In the rerorj that will ca-iae Judge
I.ctton te crange hie op.nion and agree
th th three whs favored a rehearing.
Fhurraay waa bapiiaed Tuesday by Rev.
I T. Roach. Shumway requested that the
siin s er. oho knew relatives of the rnio at Warerly. Ia.. ba sent to him.
The Gage county convKt protested hi Inno-
es.e t the crime for which he has beea
;!rpr',srned and condemned to d.e and bo
iievrd that he would ;et be saved from the
Iladsoa fer CoaarIL
Major Rroaa thla afternoon appointed
8aauueJ p. Hvdeoa of Sixteenth and R
streets a irwht of b city council from
the Thud ward, to fill the place made va
cant by h" res 'g nation of Horace Bishop.
The cojm ll a 111 act upon the appointaaent
next Mondij night. Mr. Hudson ia a sales
man and is veil kooaa in tbe city.
At Mayor Rruons direction a man oae
put to work today cleaning up the dowa
tn tideoalks and some of the dirty
allcvs. Rubbialt baa been piled upon a
number of sidewalks and the major ia
determined that such obstructions shall be
removed. Many alleys are in bad condition
snd thee H1 be cleaned up during the
crusade sg&inat dirt.
marts I Hold Baasr.
The regular banquet of the Principals'
club mss held last night at f:3 o'clock at!
the Lincoln hotel, with a large attendance.
The cl-ib consists of tho principals of the
city sr hoofs. t.r. Eaves of the sociology
departraent of tbe crate university delivered
an addreaa aw "The ViJoe f Flay.
4 Damaas alt.
The damage auit of Charlca JX Van
Horn, administrator, against Cooper. Cle
Broa. at Co. for the death of FraAk C. Van
Horn, has reached tli trial stage In Judge
W. K. Stewarfa division at tbe ditrtrt
court. The plainttff la father of the d
cea.sed. and it is claimed that tbe compVny
la liable for th death at young Van Horn.
Those Corpuscles
In yur Aoo6,fd and lahrr,
kMp yu weH If th7 f hMlthy,
cau ru ich.n If
To roaid and kerp iba aba nd ant
aod beaithr, it to bare pure blood, free
dom from 'diae and viroron- health.
Tba chief prpoe of Hood's Saraa
paruia a to do thm, and iu nocceaa it
attended by thootaadt of wonderful
care. Caret of all blood di-ea-,
acrofala, CKiema. rbe-tmatim, catarrh.
st It tsdae la bs anal Trti fmrm er in
CTnafca. new being bur.ted tor blgaTiy.
The victiirs fcere were: P. Reea.
Jamea pieree, IIS; William SVemer, lit.
tm tDiaiTH aocrt dkapt
Tbe deceased was less than Jt year old at
the time of his dVata and la claimed to
bare been snaking about til a mooth. He
sapported his parenta Van Horn was killed
by a fail down tbe elevator shaft at tbe
sasre of the defendants on Bcrath Tenth
Vlsltlas; Dlviaea Is P-eocai.
Repreaentatt ea er the X. B. C. V. M..
tbe A. M. A. and tte C. H. M. 8. wl be in
Lincoln Sunday and Monday next. Te pul
pits of the Congregatkinal church will be
supplied by these visiting divines. The ob
ject of' tbe visit is to conlfr with the pastors
and 'churches in refererx-e to Due conerrva- i and eacaped.
tion and development of missionary inter- i
ftsraa Wllllac ta Be eaC
Haing recovered from his "jag." been
relieved of his revolver and put up a VM)
bond to keep the peace. Charles Swan fcss
been released. Ha waa arrested and brought
before Justice Btevens on a peace warrant
sworn out by bis wife, who charged that
be had been intoxicated for some. time, and
getting into an ugly mood, cams home and
bunted up h.a revolver and proceeded to
make things Interesting for- his family
partner by threatening to shoot ber.
9a an Is a waiter in a local restaurant
and his wife is also employed In the "fcftah
err." Tbey live m a businesa block a?
Eleventh and X streets- Mrs. Swan told
Justico Stevens that her husband is all
right until he gets drunk. Then, she aaya,
be ia likely to do almost anything, and she
Is particularly afraid af bins when be gets
bold of a revolver, aa ba aometintes does.
She said that when ba comes boms drunk
ba is inclined to abuse ber and when he
appeared Tuesday with a load of "corn
Juice" and a loaded revolver, ho told ber to
live up to ber anarried name and sing her
"Swan," song-.
When tbe time cam for the hearing Swan
bad completely sobered up and waa duly
penitent, but his wife preened her com
plaint to tho extent of requiring that ba
give bond to keep tho peace and also in
sisted that the revolver be takon from him.
for, she said, be had no need for it. ' He
cheerfully gave up tho weapon, which now
forms a part of tbe archives of tbe court,
and got T. A. Burt to aign bis peace bond.
Taoaaht to Re loaooo
Thaa m. twladler.
FREMONT. Neb,. Feb. 1 (Special
George H. Ramhadt waa arrested at Schuy
ler and brought to Fremont by Sheriff Ban
man yesterday on the charge of passing a
boarns draft. Tbe officers are of the opin
ion that tba man la mentally Irresponsible,
and Instead of being held to the district
court, an effort la being made to communi
cate with bis relatives and haeo hlna
cared for. On all eubjorts except buying
land he appears to bo perfectly rational.
He first put la an arparanc at Fremont
last week. He called at Terry aV F aimer a
real estate office and practically closed a
deal for the purchase of a larre farm north
west of th's eity. giving a iO draft en a
bank in Rochester. X. T.. t3 bind the bar
gain. He next went to Schuyler and began
negottatima with real estate men for farm
lands, representing that he wanted to in
vest about tn real eatate. and waa
arrested at that riare while dining with a
prospective seller. He h. according to pa
pers in his possession, a member of an Odd
Fe'.lows lodge tn Buffalo and has relatives
in that city. It Is thought that ha may
have been an inmate of some sanitarium
He had no money when he
reached Fremont except a few dollars, and
when he left Fremont took along a new fur
overcoat which he had borrowed from Mr.
Charles C Omaha acted as tnta!l!rg
officer. Supreme Prosideat H. A. Whipple
of Omaha made tho addraos of tho avening.
which was higtily ayprexlated by an
Jast Beady to Work oa Vaalt Wnew
a Howl Goeo Cp.
B ENKDf GTOV. Neb Feb. 11 Special !
A dog's bark frightened two would -be
bank robbers here Wednesday. They had
sawed a large hole in the side of the frame
build'ng whteh nouses the JUangoldt It
Glendt bank and were ready to begin opera
tion on the brick vault jvst at the lime a
dog serosa the street began to bowL
A liveryman aaw tba twa men walking j
away from the vicinity a few minutes after
ho beard the dog yelp.
T. M.
Killed by Falling: Treo-
PLATTBMOUTH. Neb. Feb. l. Spe
cial.) Herman Herold, one of the oldest
and beat known dtizena. died at his homo
ia thla city Wednesday evening as the re
sult of a tree falling- upon him which ha
had Just cut down cm the premier a. Mr.
Herold was born In Saxony. Germany. Jan
uary 14. 1SX. and came to Plattamouth
fifty-five years ago. where ha has ainca re
aided. He ia survived by a widow, on son.
O. F. Herold. and three daughters, Mrs.
W. R. Skinner of Lincoln. Mrs. A. T. Fitt
and Miss Freda Herold in Plattamouth.
Canon H. B. Surges will conduct tba
funeral serrices at the residence Eaturday.
Two Hoodred Delearatra la Attend
ance at Haatiaan.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Fob. It (Special
Telegram.) The tnenty-ninth annual
atato convention of the Toutig Men's
Christian association waa opened with
song and prayer service thla afternoon.
About 209 are here and bait as many mora
are expected tomorrow. Tonight the
vlsitora assembled for a banquet. The
convention will continue until Sunday.
Wrlarht W orka lir1lK Mrs.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. It (Special Tel
rgram.) Three Norfolk men caahed bo-
rue checks for William M. Wright tit
Simply Overdraft, aye Maroola.
HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. IS SneciaL
Benjamin Marquis, who was arrested in
Kanaaa City oa the charge of negotiating
a worthless check for tW rjtrouch the Bank
of Hobrtein. in this county, mss brought
hero yesterday and arraigned Eat
urday. He says be Is in debt between 112.
K and !li.0nft, moat of which la represented
by what he terms overdraft a on the Bank
of Chappelle. In Deuel county. He declare
thai the Chappelle bank allowed him to
overdraw his account there and that he
aim ply went too far. Hia actual indebted
ness to the Chappelle bank, however, is
said to be about U."".
era Basy at Holdreg-e.
HOLDREGE. Neb . Feb. li- Special I-
Holdrege lodge No. M of the Weatera Bees
was erganixed last evening with nearly le
members preaeitt. Supremo Secretary
rkruka ewa Xoteo.
BKATRICB The sb"ps at Wytnnre yes
terday adopted tho ei-M-heur schedule.
Tho employe have beea working nine
hours heretofore. '
KKARXET-Farmera livrrg ia the vicin
ity of ooeesa are com r la. nine- about the
Kearney power canal overflooing lis banks
and flooding tba land.
KEARXET-Forty acres of alfalfa land
lorated north and east of this city snM
yeoterdsv fr t! per acre. R Dudley of
University Place was the buyer.
Hl'NTLET The marrlaire of Mr. Jacob
A. Sell to Mies Katie Knanp of Wilcox
was solemnised at the bone of tt.e groom's
parents. Mr. and Mra. Henry SMI. Wednes
day. BEATRICE At a meeting of the firemen
last evening a program waa arranaed fir
next Monday eirning. at whtrh. t:me ex
emption certificates are to be given to
twenty-four firemen.
BEATRICE T-eterday at 11 o'clock at
Centenary Metbodiat pa-sonage &s eni
emnied the marriage of Jimci Miller
and Miea Daisv Fouik. both of the Kills
neighborhood. Rev. U. G. Brown officiat
ing. il NTLEY C. E. Martin, concrete block
manufacturer of this alt, trade-d bia term
mar t urtle. Neto for a pool tail and res
taurant in Sutuui, Neb. He leit mitn ms
famliy immediately for their new fitld of
PL.TTSMOLTH County Attorney W. C.
Ramsey tiled a complaint before Justice
Archer Thursday, charging John Clarento
with murder tti toe first aea-reo for killing
John P. Thacker, by eh joung ium with a
CENTRAL. C1TT Conaiderablo jrpriao
waa shown hero whe n nevj oaa received
of the mxrriago of Miea Eilen luoen to
Genrgo Ltolan of Council Bluffs, aa It waa
not anowa by many of her beat friends
that she intended leaving the city.
SEWARD-The express car on the noon
train from Lincoln caught fire between mat
city and s-eward yesteraay and considerable
express matter was burned some belonging
to Seoard merchants. Im Hlade patedta
were in tbe car, but eocaped tho biaxe.
SEWARD L C. Johnson has purchased
the residence of Phillip Vnitu In tbe eaat
part of town, tne consideration bring IL1.-
'1 ois is one of the finest residences in
tne city. Mr. Vnitt baa purchased Joe
xSroon'a residence in weal Seward tor M.U9U.
HUNTLEY G. H. Aulta. a B. M. em
ploye of this city, received a telegram frvm
Gregory. 8. D.. beaneg the neoa of his
aged mother's death, ihe body was sent
to St. MkbaeL Neb., for burial Mr. Aults
and family left immediately for that plaoe
to attend th funeral.
PLATTr?MOCTH John W. Steinhart of
Nebraska City delivered an interesting ad
dress to the Plattamouth Comm. rcud club.
He epc-k of the many maa jfacturtng plants
that have been aecured for his town- The
Neorarka City Commercial club a incor
porated. SEWARD Mrs. WUiiam Smith. moUier of
Mrs. E. J. Ashton. formerly of tv aj d,
died st ber home near Elm Creek. Neb.,
last Friday, and her remain were brougtii
to Sewasd today, accompanied by Mrs. Ash
ton. and interment was made in tne North
SCHt'TLER While coming downstairs at
the Wella-Abbott-Niesnaa company mill,
wber b is employed. Walter Luneburg
alipped snd fell over the side of the stairs
ana landed on the edge of a mater barrel
below, testing a large piece of flesh out
of th upper part of bia leg.
FAlRBi'RV John Heideck went into his
saloon after closing hours last night and
found a young man, Joe blautsmaa, hidden
under the bar oitu the extents of trie
money drawer, a course of revolvers and
a few bottle of liquor stored in 1 ia pock
ets. Kautimaa waa held in bonds to
answer at the next term of court, but waa
unable to find bondsmen.
HASTINGS The First Baalist church
laat night el."cted Rev. W. J. Coulston of
Lincoln to the pastorate, to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of Rv.
B. S. Hndson three months sro. Rer. Mr.
Coulaton haa accepted the spnointrnent and
is planning to enter upon bia new dutks
oitliin the next few week.
KXETER At the home f the hride'e
parvits William Taylor of Tork and Miks
MabH Husmann of Exeter a ere united In
marriage at I o'clock Wednesday evening.
Rev. Mr. Hull of the Me'bndi Er'erooel
church offs-iaiing. Ahunt forty relative
nd near friends oere iTeoent.
WESTON T. F Pearsoo of tbis pise
and Manraret Dooly of Oresco er mar-
ried today in Waiioo by th county Judge, j
BEATRICE Miss Villi Andersen, th I
daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Oirwtisn Aror- I
sen of the Fillev neichhornood. was untted
ia mamage to Carl aV"ensen. a of Mr.
and Mrs. forenoon. Rev. t . ti urown i
officiaiing. The vwutig courl will make j
tneir home on a farm near lliley. j
SEWARD-Shoriff Gillan and D. E. Rivers
sre at Lincoln today to look for a man wbo ,
has been employed by Mr. River to sell j
brooms for him. The feilow sold ninety
d'ien brooms, for which he collected the
money and has not been heard from aince. i
The loaa to Mr. Rivers is about KZa. i
NEBRASKA CITT-Th Ol.Te Brewing !
ronpany met last evening and elected the I
following officers: FreeLient. Tbeo eber- i
ing; vice prertdetit. John Mattes, rr ; secre
tary and treasurer. Frit Furke. The
d.roctors are Chris 8rh-adere. Theo Web
erlr. Alex Maaee, Frit Funks and John
LEXINGTON The I-cxston T. E. O.
club erte-l;nd trie Goiherburs; P. E. O.
ciub tvay. The ciub from Gothenburg ar
rivwl In th mornirg and was entertained
at luncheon at the rea'denc of Mrs. F. L.
Temple and in tbe afternoon a reception
was held for the visitors at the residence
of Mrs. O. 8. Kinney.
OOLt'MBVS-Rev. R. Nurosrker. pastor
of the German Reformed church. per
formed the marriage ceremony at- the
churc-h on Tuesdav mornirg making Mr.
Charles teland and IMa Alvina. Loecchen '
man and oife. They have gone to Denver
on their wadding tour, and after their re- ,
turn will settle en a farm.
KEARXET-Word has been received in
this cJiy telling of the dth of Mtm E
S. Cochran at Yorkers. N. T. Mrs. Coch
ran haa b"n a great benefactor to the
Episcopal diocese in Nebraska and else-'
a here. By a gtTt of CB.flta) from her Coch
ran hall at the Kearney Military academy
waa built. She left an estat of te.ooO.Kc :
NEBRASKA CITT-Ths slockholders of'
the Nebraska CTiy Bnck oompany held'
their annual meeting laat evening and
elected tbe following officers: President. J.
M. Huberle: vice president. J. W. Butt;
secretary sr.d treasurer. F. J. Homeyer; j
il.rvtoni. O. C Morton, J. H. Huberle. F.
J. Homeyer. J. W. Butt and George Rader. j
NEBRASKA C1TT-M)k Gardner leaves j
next week for Keith county to f Mice aeven
enteen sections of land which he. Captain j
L. B-yort and H. N. Hanka recently pur
chaoed Tliey have contracted for head
of cattle, which they will feed op ther
and in April tbey will put on l.ift bead
more of rattle and feed them during th
coming summer.
COLUMBCS-Rev. D. T Roush, pastor
of the First eMihodist Episoopal church,
tied the nuptial knot for Mlas Nettie
Blanche Miller and Mr. A. M. Avery at
tbe home of th bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Miller, on Wedneedsy morning,
in the preeenr o fth immediate friends.
Tne couple wil have a short wedding tour
snd thea take up their residence at Ful
lerton. BEATRICE Notir was yesterday served
noon the Kontner Hotel oompany by Mra.
Marie Colby, owner of the Paddock block,
to the effect that an immediate bearing is
demanded on th appeal of tbe forcible
entry and detainer case. No'.ice of a second
application for the appointment of a re
reiver was alao served upon the defendants.
Judge Raper will bo ber next Friday vo
hear the rase,
FREMONT Some opposition is dsvelnr
ir to the proponed Logan creek ditch and
on account of this the matter waa post
poned to March 19. The "insurgents." as
they are termed, are not opposed to drain
age and in fact are to a nmn in favor of
it- but they want tbe route changed In a
number of plac-ea. Both factions sre repre
sented by attorneys snd each side Insists
that its plan ia the only one to follow.
TECTMSEH Mr. Fred Fuller Bturdevant
and Miss Mary Clawson Torreil. well known
young people of ttits ciiy. were married
at the home of tbe bride's mother. Mrs
Rose F. Terrell, at high noon on Tuesday.
February 'S- The ceremony was performed
by Rev. F. M. Sturdevant, pastor of the
local Baptist church and father of tbe
groom, tn tbe presence of a company of
relative and close friends of the princi
pals. CENTRAL CITT-R. U McMillan, local
secrouiry- nd Chariea H. Kepiey. physical
director of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, accompanied by a deleg-ulon of
the following members left here Wednes
day for Hastings to attend th state Toting
Men' Christian asanciatina aonventioa: Joe
.Miller. S. P. Starrett. F. L. Keeney. Leo
A nil know fcat a placard over kit desk hih readt "Do
it today Yon.11 feel better tomorrow" Struck t that It mould bo
a Rood text to repeat to any one who hasn't Jt f often acialntei
with Whit ttore and Ha ayt. "Do it today You'll fl better to-menwow."
Were showing, gome very dittlnctive head-ear for little boa
and elrlt prtng wear. Ideas ;ou don't find in atorea lest partiruTar
about the little net needs. They are In a variety of tttfea and
color in both felt and ailkt htndsomaly trimmed and are priced at
1 to
Children'a Tama for boyt and girls 50t SI
Farria. Roy Roaa. George Mill. W. N.
McCoy. B. D. Ayr. Harry Erb and Roy
BEATRJCB Word was received b-r
vesierdav announcing th death of Mrs.
H. C Ja'yne. a former reeident or Beatrice,
which occurred at the home of ber daugh
ter. Mra. A. E. Winter, at Blue Rapida.
Kan. Deceased waa years of age and Is
survived bv a family of seven children.
Tho remains will be brought here for inter
ment. WTMiRE At a meeting of the city coun
cil at Wj more yeoterdsv the committee ap
pointed to Investigate the propositioa of
municipal lighting plant reported favorably
upon th matter. It waa instructed to
d-raw up a resolution for the purpose of sub
mitting the proposition to vote tlt.oW bonds
Tor a plant at tho coming spring election.
An ordinance was introduced and read for
the first time bavins; for its object tbe re
disi noting of th city from two to throe
DAVID CITY The jocsl tamp of the
Modern Woodmen has initiated forty new
members this month and lt night in
honor of the new membra a public pro
gram waa given in the Odd Fellows' tem
ple followed by an orster supper ana aance.
Two hundred invited guests wer present.
Th program consisted of vocal aeifctions
by Mrs. Ed Hall aod Mrs. L. C. Harris
and Arthur Oroes s Tinted by Bigger s
orchestra and readings by Mrs. Fred Mc
Donald. M'COOK Some details of the sroroach
ing meeting of the Southwestern Nebraska
Teachers' association are being given out.
McCtvik is the .lace of the meeting which
ill be held Thursdsr, Friday snd fatur
day. April 1. 2 and 3. Among the special
altrariiof will te a lecture ny tr. Kor
dyco on Thursday evening. Friday evening
Ir. Lov eland will deliver his leatufe on
''Fogyirm.'' Teachers of Harlan are arrang
ing to devota Friday and Saturday to the
B EA TRICE Jomes D. Boaney. an old
resident of this city, died last evening Mr.
Bwaney was bora August 21. IKS. In Penn
sylvania, and located In Gag county witti
bia family in 1NM. For v rare he was en-gaa-ed
in farming near Cortland and later
removed to this city. During the civil war
Mr. waner served the union army as a
teamster. He wma a member of Beairice
lodge. No. X. Ancient. Free and Accepted
Masons. He is survived by a widow and
fonr children.
FTAN'TOX-Testerday afternoon tbe mar
riage of L. Melcber and Miaa Ida Raabe
took place. The brid is th oldest daugh
ter of August Kaabe. a farmer living aoout
three mik-a soutnsreFt of totn. Tiny wer
married at the Lutheran church and at'et
th ceremony a large receptkm tr rv.
at the bride'B home, to o huh about aid
guests bad been mi ned. The evening a
spent in plaj in cards, dancing, etc Tb
young couple will make their home oa
farm near Norfolk.
TECVMSEH -Cbarle G. WUMame, s
pioneer aettlrr of Jchaeon county, died at
the home of bis son. Chart t illiuma. in
this city Wednesday momma. He waa aged
aoot i" yeara. Mr. Williams was a native
of North Carolina and came wext in an
early day. H bad lived in Nebraeka for
more than forty years. He waa v union
oidirr during the civil war. Mr. Williams
is survived by four sons. Charles, Robert.
Lond and Alfred Williams. Tbe funeral
waa held Thursday afternoon.
TECVMSEH Mrs. William Thorn lid
diod st th" family home in Chicva-o last
Saturday. he had b-en falling for about
a year. Her age Was 4 yesrs. She is sur
vived by the husband and five children, tho
young rt being s years of sjr". Th- bod--a
brought tn Tectinu-eh Tuoday and
the fumnl held at St. Andre a church,
conducted by Rev. Thomas Barden. Burial
aa in the rmrirry north of the city. The.
deceased a maiden name was Mary Curtin
and for several yesrs she resided aita ber
lorents north of Sterluig.
TRVMBL'LL There occurred here on
Wednesday the lanest ettended weddina:
in a Ions: time, lhat of David Guork to
Mabel Hagrard. The couple ace two of tbe
moirt popular young people In this commu
nity. The parents of both were honw-srteavd-ers
here in the early day. Th ceremony
was performed by Rev. Ray II ant at tbe
First Christian church, followed by a re
ception and luncheon at the Modera Wood
men of America, hall. Both church and hall
wre crowded Kh tiie Invited araeaLS.
The present were many and costiy,
NEBRASKA CITT William fttorle, ag-ed
72 year erf age. waa el nek m with paralysis
at his home in this city yesterday and died
last evcnhig. He waa on of tho pioneer
settlers of this part of Ue Male. He waa
born in Nemaha county and aervwd m Uo
civil war and at the close returned home,
married and settled down bene, where ho
ha remained sine. He leave a widow
and a number of children all grown. Th
funeral will he held tomorrow under tho
direction of the Gra-nd Army of tho Re
public post of thia city, of which ke waa
a member. . . - - -
II i I it w
'M We few fitos
iSy IFaicfi
wj West
ol Oiicaiio Tliat
Cam Eepair aid EepBate the Following ArBclcs, "Good as Mew"
' a-- - VanoaT
Solid and Plated Silverware and Jewelry, Candlesticks, Chafing Dishes,
Percolators, Samovars, Jardiniers, Metal Lamps and Tables, Bath Room Fixr
tures, Chandliers, Bank and Office Fixtures, Metal Trimmings for Mantels and
Safes, Andirons and Nickel Work on Gas and Steel Ranges.
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Phone Douslas 78 lor Prices or to have us Call All IVorh Absolutely Guaranteed
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Mali Blcefr Soiitfi Farnam
314 Soiitli Thirteen.! Stree