THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1?. HKO. ft ft D 0 I 153 I! . I A Standard Make Piano $g4(H)00 - Never before in the history of the piano have High Grade Pianos been priced at so low a figure as $240. "tT Jl TPTI Our rrf rh nffr fnr 100 ntsnrve. wn. ftrrrfn1 62.SOX1 VV il V by MUlon Plano Co of New York City. Time a tu niguuicui aj s aau ucic oic uic juvcai- - 2S.New $500.00 Pianos, at S24Q.OQ 15 New S55Q.OO Pianos, at S255.QO 10 New $600,00 Pianos, at S265,OQ Every piano bears the Hayden guarantee. In our regular stock will be found such world renowned pianos as the Chickering Bros., Knabe, Sohmer, Estey, Schaeffer, Milton, Wegman, Price & Teeple and twenty other makes. Pianos in our exchange department all are guaranteed. The 11 1 Waters .. 865.00 1 Simpson 85.00 1 Sohmer Co S95.00 1 Reyoolds $95.00 1 Sherman S125.00 1 Smith & Banes, used... -8125.00 1 Preicott 8135.00 1 Wesmss, 4 mofhs old. . -8275.00 1 Sherman, used 8135.00 1 Price Teeple. used ..--8210.00 1 Cramer, used 8145.00 1 Ebersole. used 8 months. -8245.00 1 Hallet Davis 8160.00 1 Ester, used months . . . -8275.00 1 Chtckerlnc Bros., used. . -8375.00 1 Krelter. almost new 8140.00 1 Chick wins A Sons, almost new 8350.00 1 Anderson, almost new .-$285.00 1 Smith V Barnes, almost tw 8235.00 1 Smith & Barnes, almost new 8255.00 1 Smith A- Barnes, almost 8245.00 1 Ester, used 8 months. . . -8200.00 1 Chickering Bros., used one '' 832O.O0 .1 Fischer, used 1J months -8235.00 1 Schaeffer. used months 8185.00 1 Schaff Bros $150-00 1 Vose Son 120.00 1 Knabe, used 6 months . . -8345.00 1 Knabe, used 4 months. . . -8300.00 1 lvers Pond second-hand. 5180.00 u.u SELECT YOUE PIANO PAY FOB IT ON YOUE OWN EASY PAYMENTS. Tho Croatost Piano Store in the Wost. f MM R It T t A BRIEF CITY NE17S Mae Boat Friat St. BU1tt Epargaee Ed holm. Jeatler. Smoke xoaac far Saaokee. ri 8. ltth. atutolpk r. ItiMi, Vtthlie Aooomataat, Alraaart, ptotofrapksr, llth Taraam. fttat Lgala la Tne bconii Times." -uUiu Xate fohcoa. slht drafts at tnstuvlty. 11, t. Kceiy, manager. Casaha. Saying tor a Sams la as easy as paying rtiit. ..rbras.,a t.a.iiia,s ami iuau amu ifacoti show the muy. Board of Trad tiuliding. fixuenth and Fatnam slieets. si,, Tome Uoae-f as Tel sables Id a sat box in t!ja American fears LXpit Vaulia In the Bee building. 11 reau a bus. K. C. ttaiuer. praaideat. H. Mitasa, :oa rirat National back builuiiif. u sudsing real estate loans witn cwt dea and on terms erjr favorable o iHiiruutrs, Too fcaaiee' All Society of the Good Bbtpaia tlurth t!l give a lS-cent ken-' m.g.on tea at the home of Mra.' Tti'ottia bix.wn. kvirt Sii-wet, Wednesday after 1 AIT iriends Invited. Xaa Otts DiToroe ror Crvaltr Htnry B. Kiafft la given a decrve of divorce from hi .mlfe. tltanor Griffin Krafft. on the chart? of extreme cruelty toward him. The dtctee will nut formally Uaue until six nioniha Krafft muat pay . tlJ.50 monthly for the support of a minor child. Branaekaat It ay Sua aleea Oeorae Biuntrkanl may run Lie saloon at 101 Si. Mary's avenue. Judge Howard Kennedy haa rendf rt-d a ' deeielon sustaining the Board of fire and Police eommiaaloners, who sranied Brunnekant a Ucenae recently. The protratanta thea appealed ts district court. Vetersea Caaaet leaes la Street Niels J. Peterson la permanently restrained from fencing in lost part of Ada street between FHchett and Herbert avenues through an order issued by Judge Rut ion la district court Wednesday. Suit was brought against Peterson and the Benson Land company by Walter R. Eras. BaUway )BpTlateadata' Laauaeea The monthly luncheon of the HUnols Cen tral railway division superintendents was given Wednesday soon at the Paxton hotel About twenty of the representative of that road parUctpeted in the affair. The gath ering was Informal, being merely to talk over matters pertaining to the road la this section and for a social hour. Hera's a Sot Veataar Story Focusing through a window pane upon a boa of mate hex. the sun's rays started a small fire at the home of Mrs. M. C. Cuming. Z204 8c Mary's avenue. Tuesday afternoon. Con siderable damage was done to eae corner of the room, curtalaa. carpet and furniture being destroyed or badly scorched. -The property la part of the Prank Murphy ea ts te. XAaeola Memorial S tarn pa Afcomt Oeae The lonsicTimcnt of Lincoln memorial s'.ami assigned lo the Omaha poaloffice are about exhausted. Tbe poaloffice people will make a requisition for too.OSP more, but are nut sure that- they will get them. There were but iiOP.flOO.OflO of the Issue printed by the government. There will be ro more printed after the present supply Is exhxusted. Vehrasxa C a area Clab Dianer The an nual mretlr.g. reception and dinner of tbe Nt rrcasw -Ctiarch club will he held Thurs day evening st t:9 at the Omaha Commer ce! club, rooms. Rlsht Iter. Charles Otm tead. !.. bishop of Colorado, will ad iress the ''club on "Church Mea and the Times." The old officers will make their annual Ireftprts . aud new officers will be elected for the coming year. Prior to the dinner an lnssrmal reception will be held In the parlors of the Commercial club. Leslie Xieara Ze.rma a lVeseoa Leslie Learn, a gueat at the Loyal hotel, learned something Tuesday, and that Is that it is not wise to carry sny considerable sum of money about town. He accidentally dropped his pocketbook, which contained VS. in a room at the hotel and when be returned for tt the roll had disappeared. The police are now trying to find the money and the man who took It. Skews a Kesri, Anyway W. g. Balduff received a letter through the mails Wednes day morning with no signature and en closed was a SI bill. Tbe letter stated that the writer had formerly worked for Mr. Balduff and while in his employ had stolen K cents, which waa returned with a little Interest, now that Mr. Balduff waa in trouble. The letter did not state whether It was a man or woman. fcocked Xla Woaaoa Velfcs Oat of Heaa Mors than . ordinary cruelty la charged against her husband by CJhrtaUna Johnson, la a petition vfer divorce filed Wednesday tt is alleged that the defendant, Charles H. Johnson, had a trick of locking his wife and daughters out of the bouse at night and compelling them to seek refuge st a neighbor's. Mrs. Johnson has been sup porting herself and three young daughters by running a meat market at 4Ct North Twenty-fourth street. She aaks an Injunc tion agalnat Johnson restraining him from coming to the meat market or to her home, ITCf Meredith avenue. Permanent alimony Is also sought. Horse Oorem la Haaaway Persons near Tw-lfth and Douglas streets, between and IS o'clock Wedneaday anomtng. wit resesd sa exciting rut away that fortu nately did not prove serious except to one horse. A large team of tbe Richardooa Drus company broke away and ran south toward Douglas street on Twelfth street. At the comer I', collided with a team of the Central bakery and one cf the horses of the latter was gored by a shaft, but not fatally hurt. Human Officer Wooldridge, a ho happened to be near the spot, took et-srge of the Injured snimal and did not think It will have to bo killed. J. Pin Wis was the bakery wagon driver and C. R. Weller was In charge of the other team and wagon. A t-lfe Sen tec. re of suffering' with throat st d lung trouble is Quickly ccromuted by Dr. King's New Ciscovery. Mo and tl oft. For ' sale by Beaton Drug Co. INDIANS FORSAKE CLD JOHN rssrss asi Issless Are Ttrslsi frosa Mr. Barleyeorm lata Ways I ladastry. "We are having very Uttls trouble with the Indians up on the Ponca and Samee reservations In tho matter of liquor drink ing and but little bootlegging Is being done," said W. E. Meaglry, sgent for that reaervaiion. who ia In Omaha on his re turn from Washington. "There Is much lees Intemperance among them than for some years snd ss a rule the Saateea snd Ponras are becoming real good Indians. Tbe persistence of the government In get ting after the bootleggers has had the ef fect of driving them out Of business The Indians are beconuag mete Industrious and tbe time Is not far aay whea tuey will become good and valuable .cjtiseea. "My visit to Washington .waa merely to talk over current miscellaneous business with the India department pertaining to tbe agency." i fi PTE?' r -Ta'i .""a. We wast yoa to know by actual trial that the ffeauiae TTAfw Company's I , i a mm a m a M n a afcaPWW sUaVIXfiCI VI iCCI with tbe bJue signature, ia tbe most deUcioos and (ar-ro iae for beef tea ( W teaspooaful stakes a fall cup) and tor cooking;. To iaouce you to try it se will Give yoa this BEAUTIFUL TEASPOON Artistic, silver plated, of caclosire roA patMrn mad finished ia fashiamabU FrmncM gray like the latest solid silver crea tions, and siade sad asr-rwusf by Wis. Rogers ft Soo. It is of full aias sad without advertising;. - . . - To get tbe CtftSpoom acd sa 10c ia stamps and tbe top of s jar of the genuine Letx Company's Extract To get our fiee Gift Fork, saaicbiag apooa ia every respect, send 20c is stamps sad a jar top. Address. COSJiKUXS DAVIS at CO. Depths. US Httdsea SL' tv Tors. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA University Students to Viiit Stock Y&rdi snd Packing Houses. DOORS A1SD GATES OPEN TO THEM Visiters Are froaa tbe. Agrrlealt aral School aad Coeae to L.eara Soaso Ihlasi of the Meat After It Leaves tho Faraa. A brand of squeal which tbe thrifty packers of South Omaha cannot bottle will be unloaded at t o'clock Thursday morn ing, as a necessary adjunct ts the arrival of 450 of the strongest lunged boys of the west from the State University School of Asriculture. The familiar "U-U-U-N-l" will drown the feeble plaint of some 10.0011 or snore porkers -on tbe wsy, to slaughter., tt la the occasion of the regular annual visit of the short course students. They solve oa a special at I o'clock. Tbe largest claas In the history of the school mill be in South Omaha all day. Manager Buckingham has "laid' out" to show the boys a "corking good time; and about half the commission men. knowing the full meaning of one of Buckingham' good time, are wishing they were boys snd students again. The day will be s busy ons, but its busiest moments will be ia liberally helping the student's self to the bounty which haa been provided. Three or four squada will be made up, one to visit the early market of the yards, ons to esch of several packing houses to go through the meses of that busy Industry. The packers have been preparing ta ad vance. Swift aad company haa la readl-' ness a complete exhibit of all the products of ths meat packing Industry and the house as s whole will be in holiday atttre. Armour A Co.. will open the doors of the big plant and provide men for a special meat cutting demonstration at 4 p. m.. at tne rotunda of the sales stab lea Another band of students will visit tbs Cudahy Packing plant The Cudahy men Kill rive a demonstration of meat cutting 'at 4 p. m.. In the exchange building. After passing through a packing plant each band will ahift positions with the ether until tbe whole field Is gons over thoroughly. At noon a lunch will be served to the students at ths exchange dining baU. At ) p. ra. a dinner of the generous proportions of a country banquet will be served at ths Exchangs dining hall, at which fully SOS guests will be present. The guests. In sddiUoa to tho students, will in clude Oovernor A. C. ghallenberger. Sen ator Majors. Representative Clark, Q. W. Wattles, president of the street railway company: T. W. McCuUough. managing sditor of Tbs Omsha Bee; Begeot Whit more of Valley. Dean Burnett of the Uni versity of Nebraska: Prof. R. H. Smith of tbe School of Agriculture, and numerous other guests of distinction, representatives cf the Union Stock Tarda, tbe Jxchang. the packers, and tbs Omsha railroad man agers. After the appetites of the boys are satis fied several sfter-dlnner talks will bs lis tened to fiom tbe distinguished guests of ths evening. Between I and I p. ra. C W. Martin of Martin Bros.. Omaha, will ex hibit a number of the best of moving pic ture a. which were so popular at ths re cent Cora show. At 1:1 p. m. ths Rock Island special will atart on the return trip to Lincoln with ths band of students. Moraroorlto Marpmy DeW. Word, waa leceivod last night of tbe death la Stous City of Marguerite, daugh ter of John J. Murphy. Miss Murphy baa been ill for three years. Mr. Murphy Is a b other of M. R. Murphy of too Cudahy Packing company of this city. He formerly lived ia this city, where be has many friends around the stock yards. Dewth Date to Aeeldeat. Tbe verdict of the coroners )try over tbe body of John Caauba. ths young Polish boy who waa scalded ts death st tbe Cudahy Packing company's plaat at 11 a. am. Moaday, waa that Caauba came to tiia oeaih accidentally by falling into a steaming vat. while la the performance of his duty and la ths employ of tbe packing- company. The evidence showed that tbe young maa was dumpiug hoofs and horns aad other glue snaking artlclcA lato the vat and ta walking along the platform provided asado a misstep ia a Seass cloud of steam and fell Into tbe vat, He was aoja pulled out. but not Before he had been falsi y burned It was discovered that the boy has a brother In New York, but his parents are in Poland. Tbe funeral will be held this morning at 7:10 from the parlors of Larkin Gentleman to St. Prances' church. The burial will be In St. Mary's cemetery. Lear Broken Fall. William Gammet Ml Washington streets, while helping sbout his home Tuesday rooming, broke bis leg Just above the knee. He was carrying two rather heavy pails of water from a well to' the house. Along the way he had to step over a fence of chicken wire. Hli toe caught in the wire and threw him with violence to the ground. AH his weight came on his knee and tbe strain wss too greet for the thigh bone. It wss fractured a few Inches above the knee. He waa taken to the South Omaha hospital under the care . of Dr. John Koutsky. It Is simple fracture, but may require s month to knit In the mean time he haa a wife aad fttmily of five or six small children, who had depended on bint ror support He was a packing house employs. - -vsju- Hosne for Stride aad tiros at. John Stonak. a Polish citlsen.' has friends. They made him a present of a house on ths occasion of his recent wedding In South Omaha. As sn example of the confidence with which tbe people of that lend grapple with the problem of life the incident is a type. Stonak wanted to marry and to be gin home life. He had litUe. His wife had little. His friends also bad little. Be tween them they raised a purse of 176. Thla they Invested In a bouse. They set the house on some rallrosd property near Boulevard and H streets, snd there Mrs. Stonak will ait in her cottage of plain tar paper and watch the return of spring- be foio many weeka pass, by. The friends said. "Rent la so high, we thought we would help John get a little start. Ths house ought to last three or four years, until ha can build a better one." sjagrle City Gossip. The American Federation of Labor, lodge hall m Beet 8luri' night at Eagle Mrs. G. H. Brewer entertained the Pres byterian King a Daughters yesterday after noon. David Anderson, ons of the earliest plo "f of Nebraska, celebrated his 77th birthday yesterday. The Magic City Kigg'a Daughters will be entertained by Mrs. v. C. Lambert Thurs day afternoon. Edward Potach and Karmel Muchu, Eighteenth and N streets, have been quar antined on account of scarlet fever. The funeral of Seward Wilson, son of VVlioon. was held yesterday. Dr. Wheeler conducted the ceremony. Tbe Yeo men were present. Isabella club will give a dancing ? fy V ?nte Friday evening. Feb ruary . The proceeds will go to the aid of deserving poor In South Omaha. aTrunC",nl.Cit,rJT,ttor,,'y U Paring 5 . " .ar'" ordinance, requiring all dealers In junk to psy a license snd to p.wbrok1eyr.r'POrt f lt' " ,h P. H. Shields' E. D. W elrs, Q. A Touna- Lrr,,!Uh',e- Lo",B A. uerrquist leave tomorrow morning to at tend the stats convention of the Toune Men a Chriatlan assoclstlon at Hastings. The National Construction com pan v se cured a Judgment by default vesterday in the case of certsln clslms on Missouri ave. bus. Ths city attorney at once moved for an action of the court to set aside this Judgment. It Is reported that a number of residents on Weot I, street are objecting to the sward of Use dsmares ts property nf a cer tain landowner by reason of the change of fr?' Th r' f damages apparently did not include all who thought they had Just claims. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Wants to Know tie Reason for Existence of Water Board. EXTENSION OF MAINS BLOCKED Tangle Over Fare-base of Wsrkt Leaves Mark Property la Meetly Belli Up Portions of tho City Wllhoat Fire Frotectloa. In accordance with a resolutioa adopted by ths city council last alght a committee composed of Council men Bridges, Davis and McGovern will proceed to investigate and disccver. If possible, some means whereby the present conditions ss ts the extensions of mains Id Omaha can bs reme died. The resolution waa Introduced by Councilman Bridges and was adopted with out a dissenting vote. Under present conditions snd while the proposed purchase of the waterworks system is tied up in the courts ths city rsnnot order the extension of maina or the installing of hydrants. This haa been found to be a serious handicap la ths last few years when there has been ' much building in the suburbs. These outlying districts sre entirely wubout fire protec tion and ths city Is helpless and unabls to relievo the sltuatioa. Councilman Bridges, ths sutbor of the resolution, said last night that he did not know Just what could bo done, but that be would confer with the committee mem bers, ths city's legal department and tbe attorneys for tho water board, and would then probably go to Lincoln aad make an effort to secure needed legislation for ths purpose. Water oarS Beoolatloa. Ths resolution follows; Whereas. Six )ears ago ths legislslurs of Nebraska created the water board for the city of Omaha tor tbe purpose of enab ling, the city of Omaha to at once acquire by purchase the water works system of this city. Whereas. The attempt to acquire the water worka system bss up to date proved a failure, and at present hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property in the city Is left without fire protection, the Omaha Water company refusing to ex lend Its water mains, and tho water board seems utterly unsble to compel the water company to extend such mams, now inere- rore. be it Resolved. That some action ought to be taken, if oossibie. to relieve this aituatlon, and that a committee of three members of the council be appointed before tne aa Journment of thla meeting, who are directed to at once investigate tne matter and de termine whether it ia possible for the present legislature to take any action to relieve the altuation. and if such commit tee find that It is likely that some action can be taken to give this city fire pro tection, that it cause a bill to be drawn and endeavor to have the same introduced in the legislature at tbe earliest possible moment. In a report sent the council the city elect ricien declares that no mors street lights can be Installed, during 190. and anleas mors thsn M per cent of ths taxes sre paid some of the lights now installed will have to be discontinued during the last three month of the year. There are now 1.014 electric arc lamps and 1,2 street gss lamps. These cost ths city annually li:,800. Against this expenditure the re ceipta for the lighting fund amount to but IHtt.tjnO, or M.2"0 short of the cost of the lights. The chsrter limits using mors than 90 per cent of the funda appropriated until taxes In excess of that per cent are collected. It the tax collections are heavy the lights can be run through the year, otherwise soma must be discontinued. Aato Ordlaaaeo Goe Back. For the third time Councilman Brucker's automobile ordinance waa sent to ths com mittee of the whole for further discussion. It waa la the committee Monday, but ths chairman of that body. Councilman Mc Govern, in his report to the council, made tho ordinance read that the bond to be furnished by -the drivers of automobiles kept for hire are for safeguarding pedestrians oa the street. This did not meet with ths understanding of some other members who maintained that the bonds sre for the safety of those riding In the automobiles snd to guard against theft of merchandise transported- It was sent back to the committee to have this straightened i out Tiie ordinance repealing the ordinance requiring the street commissioner to make s monthly report to the city engineer waa pasaed, wllh Councilman Ztmman'a vote ths only one against ths measure. invigorates and builds ftp the devitalized, undermined sys tem, whether it be from disease, worry or overwork. It strengthens the mind, the nerves and the muscles; it builds up the whole body as nothing else will do. Be sure to ftt Soorr'S E nriiO!. The aumerous cheap iaaitations aad substitutes will aot do yaa. half as aauch food. ALL DEUMUSTS Uaatog tea passr. awe we wist us ysa a l iisihn HaadsActasaf ass Warid." SOOTT BOWMT, AOS Pwatl St, K T. RAPID CHANGE FOR SULLIVAN Proas a Coach la Geweral Weansrer's Private Car to Irwa leak la Police gtatle'sf. From a warm bed ia the private car of a railway general manager to an iroa bunk at the police station Is a far cry, especially on a winter night, but this ex perience is just whst befell Mike Sttllivsa last night Mlks is a humble citisen of litUa influ ence sod less wealth, and when night came yesterday ha had no where to lsy his bead. Wondering where he was going to sleep. Mlks browsed around the Bur lington tracks near the station looking for sn empty car wherein to rest himself. It so happened that the private car of General Manager O. W. Holdrege was on a side track near the depot. No sooner had Mike's eagle eye discerned it than through hla brain there flaahed an Inspira tion. Hers was tbe lodging hs waa looking for. With Mike to think is to act. That Is tbe reason be sleeps in private care while leas favored mortals must be content with hall bedrooms. Into the car and Into the man ager'a bed wss the work of only a few seconds for Mike. But all things must have aa end, even living In private cara. The unlucky porter, who bad fallen asleep at tbs switch, found out that the snores bs heard were not the ones of tbe manager. He investigated, the police were called and Sullivan was tora from his coucn of repose to tbs stern re alities of tbe patrol wag-on. BANKERS MEET AND TALK SHOP Addresses Are Delivered hp Jf. F. K re lard aad G. W. Wattles. - The regular monthly meeting of the Omaha chapter, American Institute of Banking, was held last night in the Com mercial club rooma. N. F. Reckard of the Union Stock Tarda National bank delivered an addreaa, dealing with the early organisation of the stock yards and the bank, and spoke of differences ia methods In use as compared with other banks or tbe city. a. W. WatUes of tho United States Na tional bank, delivered an addreaa full of good advlcs to ths young msa who are engaged In tbe study of banking. lie Illus trated his remarks altb many incidents from hla own experience. Tbe evening closed with several dialect sketches gives by Ooodwal Dickenaaa. DARM ITOtkUtlOS lOlgt SEW IMG MACHIBK. Doa't dara stockings by bsad when you can get a Singer Darner that can be used oa any lock-stitch sewing machine. Makes darning a pa sums. For aale at Siagor slots. IkU Douglas street, Omaha, Kea. "Regal" Spring Stylos for Men We have received the first uip rncnt of new spring "RejraU" and a handsomer stock of etjlish shoes you've never laid eyes on. 4 'Regal' style means a good deal more than the mere surface style of some shoes you see it means that YOUR "Regals" are reproduced EXACTLY from the ViV newest models of the exclusive S "i V custom Vtntrrifilrprs rtf Kw York and London. And the CUSTOM STYLE of "Regals" stays till the shoes are worn out that's because it's built in by the most skillful shoe makers in the world. The genuine com fort of "Regal" QUARTER-SIZES is something you will FEEL just as long as you wear your "Regals." Prices $3.50 and S4.00 OMAHA'S LEAPING CLOTHIERS - 1 I an EXCELLENT DAILY TRAINS wmmf !!!!!!! ! Over the Fast Line OMAHA to CHICAGO Hi Via Des Moines and Davenport mm i Jll..L i I' Into La Salle St. Station Nearest Chicsro' business SUX center, shopping and hotel Aill" fill"i i ,.iri utsinci vniy one on the elevated loop TICKETS: 1323 FARNAM ST. o t h i c ago A THIS TRIES REMEDY THAT MET Est FAILS. Sprinkle's VI AaaXTEEDTO f TBE OK MOSEY ErtKBEB. Peerless Group Remedy ' Waal mother kas sot sapor leasee the harrowing fear of ems sad sissr save sees the tisses bb s harn-s oatl a seat for tho sricias to reliefs a Mills isSvrtr from eroas- Out all this ass he okTiatea h? keepisi s has of srlnkt'e Wv-rlewe Croas Maa la the heese. This resee? is from s s"eriptOB of a phrsletaa thai hsS Sftf rear sisertesee Is oreatles, ssS ae ctaisis taat this resseSf Barer tallsS hla Is eases et eress- srisklft orla ('rsis Steaiee- ts aeealiar Is ittsif. at it Is as eiieraal applieauoa. odIbc swar with tbe aeresslif of noarlns rag oows a TOBBg chilS. a Braottee that saouM sot he loaviea is ss losg as It caa hs s'OHtea This rs.-BBSr hat heea sola for rears on a aosltire (atrssir to ear erooa e artre of rtmr4f reraaSrS. aaS I herekr alborse all aaalers to fefeae tee sric where the rM; goes sot So aii thai is elalaeS far it A safe aaS snio resseer for the ears of Cross eaS the relief of CoasKs CeM. Catarrh. Astasia. Wboopmc Ooack a as all klnSrsd ftea. Vor ss!a hy or aulas oa rrestst of rlos. IS seats, er 1. A. sraUHls. Villa arsis. III. HOTELS. CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THE POTTER AMERICAN PLAN Rates Slnglt $4.00 15.00 $6.00 $7.00 Rate Double $7.00 Has Its Own 3quat llancn.. jg oo Live Stock Farm, $3,00 Poultry Ranches. VegetaLlo $10.00 Gardens, Private Country Club, $11.00 Race Track and Polo Grounds, ' Private Livery, Wireless Telegraph, Art Gallery and Picturesque Golf Links, Good Table, Good. LlTlng. Cheerful Service, Rates Graduated to AIL Reasonable Requirements, Accommodations for One Thousand Guests Artesian Well and Refrigerating Plant, Conservatories, Green Houses, A Whole Mile of Geraniums. Open All the Year Round. 80.000 Fine Rosebushes. Child ren's Grove, Zoo, 60,000 Pigeons and Would be Pleased, to Send You Booklet i MTLO M. POTTER, Blanagcr 5