Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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A Sacrificing Coat Sale
Thursday, Commencing at 8:00 A. M.
We place on tale all oiar opera coats, silk and satin rubber coats, crarenrttes and all our
women's winter coats, consisting of black,
nary, brown, green, red, c&Uwba, in tight
frtting, lemi-fitting and loose styles; also
about forty novelty mixture coats, worth
$15.00, $20.00, $25.00' and $30.00 on sale
Thursday, comencmg at 8:00 in the morn- V4JL J O
lfig - .
en H IJ t I II
81 i
PLEASE NOTE This sale includes a few opera coats and capes, worth $30 to $45,
that are slightly soiled and nm&$cd; a few Telret and relour coats, worth $25 to $40; this
is a clean-up sale and absolutely the last sale of all our women's coats.
Those that come early can eipect very bi g bargains.
TestiaeBy of Federal Trea. J Aewt
Put it Corroborate!.
-kari lit Beewewe ir rlawred In
KiMrxv by nVovernment
spit , Frwteeta ef
SET TORK. Feb. IT . p rrobomti oa of
the tenit-enemy of roOai TreaMiry Agent
Farr. M lut week toetiflrd aa la alleged
autmjjt Sptteer. a flock superintendent
f tb Aurieau Bug-xT Refining twmpany
to en be him during his test of th scales
pa lb Brroklya dock oC th company ta
Xwmbrr. TUi. ni given today ay
Weigher Thomas Hyatt, at th iwwmpUoa
X th hearing ia lb gxwermsiaut's nutt
against tb sugar eocapaay for alleged
fraud la the wftnM of ugax ahip
. Myatt- testimony was admitta
ever objection from exmnnta tor ttaa sugar
J. Mcbolsa Kewt, aa assistant Cnited
tate weigher. Wentified his dock book
records ef th Wr'.ghm-C ef tba cart of tb
attrathir. a vessel that wan --4loeded at
th time ta -nieetir. The court directed
tb ugar MHnpaay te head ever ta tba
1 ailed at tee nv renal fifty account book
desired fry' 1b gjieam'ut attorney far
las lather pi oeeratioa th cane.
Tin.: cTrrjm-nt, weigher and Jemes
Dolaa. aa inspector. - also called ta
comberata Parr a testimony. SerataJ
i tart, mad wp William IX Fenieler,
and expert accountant af the fdl -partaneat
of Juatica. from tba ratwrt booa:a
f tba ivFrBmat araictoera arna had
warkra aa tbr Ptrathira earca. wtru ad
auttad ta -6eBca vrvr tka objection of
counsel far Va oefenaa. ,
Oratal ( DM Kalsra Ittwy.
Bootunaa Hunt, reaiaet of tba Aaaa
lanl!y oorrrpaay af Ranfara. Caaa- to
aay aia that tba Marali Brkds company
of Moiirr. which yaterday fUed a P
tlUoa la aaakruatcy at Ioa Motasaa, ae ta
flatrtad ta tha Artba ta tba axtat of .
u(, aa -aa rrtxn from Zea lioinra. Mr.
Huat ataiad that tha -a.T dM atttalaadinf
asainat tba Marah roncara ta favor of tea
Aetata i pan pan y a a a bond for tif! for aa
)4 tiaooiiortad rretrtum. Mr. Huot aaid.
furtber. that W company bad tiad a deal
Ikc t.aa t'ril cvaspaay ainoa May,
. BirlltflM BMd laaaa.
AanauBi.mnit t-f tb bond taaoe of tb
Cfcira. Barnrion Qiuncy Railroad
oaanpany c4ed far Uha laat ta-a or Uuaa
et-rk. waa traJa lat today. Tha laaoe
aatoBCta ta it.. The booaa ara -ral
moT' i.p 4 rr ct bonda. dua March
1 1M Tba rirat Xatkuaai bank. J. P.
Mararaa C. end tha KaUonal City bank
ara affertnc; tha amda here ax4 Le Hie
limea dt Co oT Boataa ar aulntnnaad ta
arU taa bead Hi Boatoa.
Ballaaaa rtra Haw Dreway.
oriHia -I'aia a a caused toaigbt U
lUrua huapiiaL lanfaat of tba etiy'a ia
atnutSraa for the car of tea alck poor,
arteea tt araa found that Vpnjrtta of fire
ttoaa ia tha bij W.dina; kvad bea !1
actk a knil. A a rraiilt of Ua vandal
tan tne i irf; j.'. Brlievue- eanialaux
na:1 l.w talH eti. ta tFmoorarUy a!. bout
apd?- firolw-iioti f-xni flrr.
M ta rtir fou-rtfc ttwx m ta a snout a
ttat t V um enw ) ai boea ooBBjni:id.
aad in anctlir is a rnnor.
Our Letter Bos
Attir SiL)entea rtor M Ada
-ttkr far IoniI aaaraaaj rr I irrr Aas " fa. ait
la a Arroaata.
I Grv ras aoauatod arhea r
cjlpd lor betes abort la hi acoounta a
paiica court clerk, but tha ItiHod fato
Fidelity anl Guaranty omnpar.y. ahua
nt hta bonda j-eleroy canfeaaod luda
ncat sa tha sua of and paid ta la
saoary ts h ;r4d cirrk. Tt.l aa at
aor tranafrrrod ta tba f-'.y traaaurer.
&iat a a njrcU- be;ua far K.'-K. tna
mo-Bi of Criw'l lirod abortatta. but
bouaLae tba aeka am sa badty infalvad
ina . cwuncil -ad ta ftoanpromia foe
Contributions tinjrly topica toritod.
Wrtta toaribly m an aide af tba paper
only, a-lio nam and aaareaa appendod.
Vnuaoa ocntribwtions wit! not be re
turn. LoitrB eateadina; 9 word eriU
be subject ta belrc cut dowa at tba
ciarreuoa.of tba editor. PnblicaUea ot
of eerrpeadeoe dr not cota
aut Tba Boa ta taetr andoraciBant.
Wbaf a be rjalrraaaa Waata.
GIBBON. Kb, PVb. ok-Ta tha Editor
of Too Bor: PTrmi! ae te caJI attention ta
oortaia propoaed aaaeediaents to tha dairy
lawa of the state, aa found ia Senate File
Ka 30t. Intro nood by Seoatnr W. B. Baa-
nlnc of Case county, and Heuae Roll Xo.
tntrodnced by Repmentaxira Viptxw
WCson. of Folk count t, tba tare HU be
tca; Mentlcai. These (mpoaed amendments
arera prorexred by tba Icajialathra canaaut
tae of tba Nebraska lainmu'i araotia
ttoa, appoanted at tba laat annuai -sieettnc
of tba aaanraattoaj, and bare beasj ajub
narrtod ta and meet tba approval of tba of
ficers of tba djaJrymoa'a association. Prof.
A. ! Haacktr of tba devaitnaenl M dairy
knabaadry of tha atate cxjiertment stay
ttan, tba deputy food, dairy and drua; oon
mtsatoirr. and promiiwct creamery bms
of tba state.
Than proposed amendments are as fol
low: Ttrat: The appoinunent of aa aa-
atatant dairy eoaalaaioner. a bo shall hare
pratlcal kaowlode of the dairy Industry
and wbo ohaJl hard Chart of tba dairy
BrwrteVaBS ef th Food, Hairy and Drue
oaaasDisaaavi lawe wader k aupervukaa of
tbs'dapwty eaaKaKbakioaerit' A-s tae airy te
duatry of tba atate eeatribu'.ed te tba (en
era! t-jf.i ef tba state, .for fee permits to
da business, Mi.9..M in ta iajd aisbtaea
wwths aea WarAiai report of Food. Dairy
and Drue cosnnaissioA, r-&ce No. 3M ajtd
tinder tba propoaed ajnejtdnaenta will con
tribute qiuie K.0N In tha com in a; tnxium.
tt to certamly no more thaa Oustloe that
thla mar-ey cbeae fees, . be uaed for tba
benefit of tba dairy Industry of tha etata,
and la manner eaa it be more profitably
expended thaa la payment of the aej
of aa Ksaiataiit dairy commissjooer wbo
ahail civ bis full time ta tba supervision
of tba lnapactioa of dairiaa, ereajn re
oetrmc atationa, rrnanam a and tba teatina;
of eraas: there are m tba state apprexi
mataly LB0 creasa reeeri-ma; station wbera
cream is received, aampied and tha amoi
reea of cream teated for per rent of bat
ter fat. either at tbe creas recelvtna; na
tion or at tba centra factory; tbera ts 1m
perattre vieed of more careful, accurate and
correct work ta both the takine of eam
pjo aitd la tba testing of tbe samples thaa
at fa-eser.t. aad more satisfactory resulu
is thla direction caa only be brouirlit about
by a more riaid snpen-ieioa and tnapectioa
on the jart of the Food. Dairy and Drue
eoannlaaton. Tbera' was manufactured ef
creamery butter la the etata. for tba year
IMS, X.rB) pounds, and for tbe maau
facture of Uiis butter tbera was pradaobd,
bandied and abrpped ta tbe central factor
ka approdmately XM.oue.aj poun.d of
creaJB. and each individual dettvery of this
-ream, ander our dairy lawa. must be sam
pled and tested for It per cent f butter
fat. bo lis the . reoelilnx acent aad the
tester of tba creas bdic lioeiieed b and
Irformrnc their duties under tba supervi
Sioa of the Food, Dairy and Drua eommie
aion. If by a more ria-id lnspecrtoa of
cream OelTred at cream recerrtsjr atationa
by aa aastalaat dairy oooamicsteuer and
dairy insportars tbe rejection of cream of
uifemr quality and tbua ianprvvtna tba
Quality of our creamery butter and adding
to Ita value one cent per pound, tt would
add te tbe total value jf our uUut of
creamery butter ia a year tSC.ouo. or more
than lea times the propjaed expense,
which increased eiprnee l mdiroetiy re
turned to tbe ataie by the dairy industry
in permit fe te 6 buatmaa.
It ill rd!y be eeea (hat ibere is abun
dant need of. and profilVie employment
far bota aa aaaistant dairy rHnmiaetoner
and four dairy tnapertera. 'Bnooad? Tbe
per diem of lntpwlo'i is tnrreaaed to H.
Xa petaoa competent te do the work tt
lacpnctcr voder our food, dairy and druv
rnastiui Uaa. aa afford t be rmn
twually ea the road, ta tbe employ ef the
state for aocb pcrpoae far less than M ptr
day aad aeoeaaary t apt now.- Tbtrd : Onaa
receivis ajtents are reoulred to take ot aad pay aa annual fee f SI ears,
tea same aa is aew roe ui red of tbam a ha
tewt r.ckn only. Tbis ta a meat wis pre
v:sos, sa t y4rea the control ef the
cream recorrtne; ajrent onder tha supervis
ion of tba Food. Dairy aad Drue comma-
aie-n, and whea rurh acent falls or refuses
to comply with tba rules aad rearulationa
of the commission, tf tt ia deemed not beat
te prosBi-uta. hi permit can be revoked
and he la out of business. Fourth: la tbe
testing of cream tba vea of either a b-mca
or C-inrh test bottle ia permitted, aa it
la entirety practical ta make correct teats
whs bottiea of either alae; the temperature
at which the column of butter fat ahail be
read, between 1 end 1 decrees Fahren
belt, is that of recognised authorities la
cream tastiruj. It la alae provided that all
test bottles, rlnaswara aad scales sed In
teetinc milk aad cream under tba provision
of the act. ahail bare stamped thereoa tbe
approval of the Food. Dairy and Drue
commission. This last provlsioa is designed
to secure tbe use of accurate test bottles
aad scales, wilboat which It ia Impossible
te snake accurate tests of milk or croan.
Pereone or firms enjrared in either tba
food or drug bualneM la tbe slate are act
reouirod ta take out permits or pay fees
under tha food, dairy aad drug eommis-
sloa law, while ereamcriea. dealers in imi
tation butter, cream testers and cream re
ceiving ajrent, are required ta take out
yearly permits and pay fees, tba total of
such fees paid tbe mate ia the laat eight
een months bemg H.K7M. and under Lb
prop seed amendments, here mentioned, it
to estimated that aucb fees for tba coming
Wenaium vS amsuat ta eMM.
It at eonfideaUy believed tba an si it must
of tha proposed amendment let laer will
result ia a mora effuaeat enforcement ef
the dalrj. laws of taa state, more, accurate
tjeet of cream, aa Improve meal ia both
, sjaality aad value of our creamery butter
and of real and permanent bepeftt ta tha
dairy industry ef tbe state.
Secretary Kebraska Dairymen' a dssoris
SbercLfe Te 5ot Eats Tki riper
a Hii Friendly XisV
Frmlaee Kisser Tbsssaa. Wbo Cwt Htm
Oat of Iowa Pea, aad Piaissm
Tea Deaakeea la Igor,
eat Teraas.
Rierman Morrta. abas Frank Sbereliffe.
tba notorious Pollerk diamood robber, high
waymaa aad murderer. aa detained ta
tba Detarlaa county Jail the greater part
af Wednesday on hi way ta Oolorads te
i a t went y-five-yeex term for murder.
He was bemg takea from MmneajjkJis
where he was recently aco-urrted ef com
plicity in tbe Norther PacUJc train rob
bery of a few years aga.
Shercllffe waa tried oa tbe marder
charge la Colorado before tba MisnewMa
trial, but tha MTneeaota ofTictaUs rained
Bridirwa ewer him when be yumred off
the traia whSck waa taking htm ta the
CMerade penitentiary aad escaped ta Tea-
Etcooming i motr. knoulJ be
a source of yoy, but tUc suffer
ing incident to the orocal
f -b rrutcs irs anuarat,or one or
S y dread, ttatber's Fries- is
the only rtrncdy a hlch re
lives vomen of much of the
pain of maternirj'; this hour, dreaded as woman's sev-st trial, is not
only made less painful, but dinner is avoided by its uic Those m ho
use this remedy re no kncr deipondcnt or jloorny; nervousness,
nausea and other distressip.f; conditions are overcome, and the system
ts prepared
in cold.
for the coram TT TTf75&T? fl
. "Itiswonhitsvctcht '11,4 r
" V SJS llillLU$ )
J ajs per Jyy Jf. LfrZ--i
K - aw. tJU. in art M. a.
C W. Mania Dr It vers aa lateraae
tag t.eetare at Temple
pain, with its itiiererting bit ef quaint
aad oal-of-daie life and people, aad its
beautiful Moorish architecture, was tba
theme of aa Illustrated lecture gives by
C. W. Martia Taesday evening a tbe fourth
number of tbe Temple Israel entertain
ment course. Ths pictures, both sTereoptJ
odb and motion wiews. were aatractive and
well executed and many la number, while
Mr. Martin's intimacy through extended
travel with the country with which be
dealt, snade bis talk decidedly entertaining.
Madrid, ftevUle, Barcelona. Granada, To
ledo and Gibraltar were v.; ted la imag
ination with tbe help of the numerous
views and made decidedly alluring. A step
across tba strait ts Tangier was also made
and tbe old city, with its contrasts. Its
poverty aad filth. Moor. Jew aad Gentile,
a point of curious concern.
A bull fight ia all hi detail of gored
borer agfie matadore. cheering crowds
and tha struggling ef tba lnf urieied bui
was ahowa by means of the morion ma
thine. It was one of tba best parts of tfc
entertainment aad waa highly Instructive
to persons unacquainted with the national
sport ef the Spaaiarda
Mr. Martia took the place of tbe sup
posedly lost lecturer aad well known resi
dent of ibis country, E. P. Fitch, whoa
dlmpnearaaca wUia traveling created ao
muck regret aome time ago. He bad been
eeetagwd ta present tba fourth entertaia
ment la the course st Temple Israel. Mr.
Martin's work waa moat acceptable.
H H. Anieraoa ef Gateho. Okl : J. Frank
Way. Jr.. of Oaraeun: ixw jji rf
Arigeka. J. F. Roecker and J. G. Vaa
Poit ef Brokea Bow aiw at the fectlita.
Kd. Banoa of Aurora. R T. Tat of PYe
Kt W. E. Ktrk. A- M. i !ilr- of est
Faint, R. H Thanu of 5aJt j1. t'lty
P. Schmidt of Cotumbu. 3. W. Jacaaua
akd F. brew a of Heau-ice ara at tht
G. W. Eeer ef Neferaaka OSty. C C Cam--le
of Norte Lioup. 8. J. Jonnaua ef Aurora.
1). W. Wynne of Proaeor. O. F. MitchrU
of Oeurtiioa. 1. iamotiaoa of Burweil W.
O. Roaiaad f Xorfoik ar d H. K Brown
ef Lekeaiee ara at me Mercbania.
G. M. blraker af Denver. R Boeeaberg
of Lexinfrtaa. R. i. MoGiaais of Cooy.
Wo ; 1- P. Bryan of Valley, A. Petran-a
of Seatrtoe, W. E Jahway of Irnooia.
J. O. Mathews of Grand lalaad aad M.
L- Biiaae of MuctaeB are at the Paxtoa.
Maer Dablman bee tit urn eelerted as a
speaker at tbe aaaual baaattel of tbe
lira lie ad liugiaa County Pioneers ae
eomauoe la be beta ow Washington a birth
day. Tbe eetectjoa waa mad Tuesday
itmMi by tie ooeamrrtee hea-tnaT the
ihaneaet tm cbaraw. Tbe aaaquet will be
held at tle Rome betel at 1 oclack ea tee
ariernoua of Muoaay.
J. I Jeaner. W. F. Kayweed of Getbea
Kerg. Mr. and Mrs W. b MeJl ef (itmM
Mr and Mm. J. D. Gordon ef tVaig. Mr
aad Mr. T. W. Hite of Herman, Mr.
and Mrs. Kd. Urilliiu ef Cereare. Otte
Pfurfer of Goreoa, K. G. Tayior of Laoup
-it. Mr. and Mrs, J. Exeter. - 1 Mil per
of BroAea Bow. A- H- AJesouiat of Liimda
and Fred Boose ef pane are at the Hotel
William Fine of New Tors, general elec
trtriaa for tB Wwetera I wioa Triegreph
oompauv. sxopped m timaha oa bia way
te tae Pecarie ceeat. wrbere be w gauvy
aa errand of (aura tmBenaac. Tue euee
tion ef tbe ba power current aad it
trfiueuoe e 1 tegrspb aervire ts fce
rmiiug r.ui ew tbe . aad oa Mr.
it.D vuit w ill erwd tr artioa of the
ttTatih comiiai,y is, n dtJcrtee agauit
b wrwer aad trcl.c r uiaiiwaicc.
Ho was brought to Omaha from Muaa
aaotis over tbe Korthwestera and arrived ,
about I o'clock. He was handcuffed, and
e bit right ankle waa placed a thirty- 1
pound wearbt. which effectually pre vented
him from running a way. Tba of floor took
tbhr extra precaution en err-on fit of the
desperate Individual they are baadling.
Sheriff Dwyer of Hennepin county and bis
deputy ara In charge of the denperado.
They left at I:J o'clock with their pri
oner for Colored a
Kept la t eel Solitary.
While m Oreana FhereHTfe waa kept la
one of tbe eteeJ eorltary celis ta the county
tan and it was there that be waa inter
viewed by reporters. Tbe priaoner aald
be dll not love Tbe Bee and refused te
talk until its reporter bad withdrawn from
bla sight. Before this, bowever. be an
swered ens ouejrJon fireeunded. and this
was about Elmer V Taomaa.
"Eisner Tboaaas is all right, a atrmigM
forwsxrd. upngbt man. HelsK" be aaid
In compliment ef the man wbo got him out
of the Iowa penitentiary, but refill d te
go to Colorado te defend kirn,
Te tba reporter ef tbe other paper,
who were admitted ta tbe friendly peaaanris
of tbe bandit. SbarcUffa let loose tba vial
of bis wrath on Tom Dennisoa. Dennj,
eon went out tbera te Colorado and un
bosomed kimself of a confession he said
he had kept locked la his bosom. In. thee
many yearn. Belnb! There ia a streak of
rellow in Tom Deanisen. Belabr aaid
Sherclifle eenmtd to haws fmiiiod a
strange attachment for, tbe word "eel ah,"
and used it frequently. '
Pee Wert Eipert to leree.
He naked where Tom Denniaoo could be
found and aaid b wiebed one of the re
porter would nee aim and aak him to send
up a box of lS-cent or three for-a-quarter
That's tba enry kind I smck.- be said,
"Do you expect ta serve out your entire
term?" he was asked, and quick as a flask
came tbe reply:
"I would be a Rip Van Winkle I did,"
intimating that be ret leak f "T eaoafia.
Ebercliffe carried a pocket full of
paper clippings and letters which be
poked through tbe bar te the now spa pel
men. Many ef thee referred to his ae
quittal of tbe robbery charge In tba Min
nesota ooortn. though he called it "vindi
cation," not acquittal. Another well worn
clipping waa from a Sunday newspaper
containing aa aoosuat of t"evtrg from
death by freeaing a number ef psopls ia
a railway wreck at Sbeldume, Is-, la De
cember, imt,
Khercliffe's wife and twe ehfldrea "are at
Dee Moines and will remain tbera until h
end for tbam, he aaid.
Tbe prisoner looks much older thaa ha
did whea last seen In Caaaha some three
and four rears ago. though be said ha I
as strong as ever, aad he chuckled ever
the way la which he escaped from tba
moving train In Colorado last rummer.
Thomas Does Sot Call.
There was a flutter of expectancy at tha
eouaty Jail during tbe time ef the bandit's
vltt du te ths belief that Elmer Thomas
might call on him. It will ha recalled, that
whea recently arrested la Oolorads aad
plaosd ea trial 6bercliff btmemsd the man
who once set-mud his reins from aa Iowa
penitentiary la severe term. But if Eber
ciiffe or toe Jail officials thought Mr.
Thomas would take any notice of tbis they
were disappointeit Ebercliffe wrath ia Col
orado waa provoked because Tbemaa, his
former benefactor, did not go te hia rescue.
Whea confronted at ths traia oa his ar
rival by Sheriff Brailey, Ehercliffa, who la
of a "fresh diaposititm. addressed the
aheriff ia this' wsy
"Wbe are you. a new T popper, I
haven t met?"
To Dispel
Colds and Headaches;
To Cleanse the
System Effectually;
7b assist in Overcoming
Habitual Constipation
Use the
Pleasant and Refreshing
Laxative Remedy
Acts gently yet promptly without dis
turbing the natural functions and with
out any unpleasant after effects and there
fore it is the best for ihe mother and the
infant, for the invalid sick-abed and the
strong robust manwhen bilious or constipated.
eaa.maamBHaBneaaaBm BBBaWaaBaTe aiay IT11 1 n tglt .H snsa.sjlgjll 7rjmijsj faj1" 1 '" II 111 " r " " I T T1I
m 0
f "V Jm ' 1
ttama amBBaaam
PoUee Character Feele Bis Wealtk
Whea Take Tae fore tbe
Pewpte'e Bar.
'Old earn' Moss, a familiar character te
the police for his talking proclivities aad a
meatal capacity that falter not, even at
the most wildly imagination bit of manu
factured -fact." waa arraigned before
Judge Crawford ia police court Wednesday
"I have got money enough ta buy half
tins towa. Jedg and an 1 own three banks,
loo. I ain't aa erd nary person, I ain't."
Hewever. when it came te paying a fiat
ef and costs. Old Bam decided that he
would rather save fcis money and ga te
pail, or at ast, that waa the conduaioo
arrived at when he waa led back te the
"bull pea'" la default of paying tut paltry
fiver, after be bad painted glowing picture
of hia wardty poseeiona. He say be
lives ni del Xortk Seventeenth street, su(
the city Jail will be b!s address for the next
few days.
Tee SKnltk -piece, aloof was a yeat
suppV of antitrpric fluid, a soU ior
JinO by aO druggie!. If yea am
careful pmism, yoa will lose as
mac ia precoma, Rod Coa Aati
optic Meuth-paicr, How te at
tack eta wsoTpkoos eend not worry
yoa ia exacdy lava taa eaamsry
Mmta-faaosa. except mat tkc doTier
yea spraa (at it smy wee yont Uc.
Mcaxie tb eamt of pboes yoa
are uung.
You taKe a mighty big risK when
you put your lips to the mouth-piece of any telephone.
You are particular about using a glass that someone else hat draak
out of. The Gty Health Department is also on guord lhat'i the.
reason for die sanitary dVinking fountains in the parks and elsewhere.
But you never think about vrho might have used the fcIepriOTJe Just
before you. "Js"' ,
Everyone uses the telephone the individual infected with coriairme
tion or contagious ilpn and blood dhta&ei may have consulted their,,
physician over the same phone that you use. You inhale xrullicn. of
bacilli every year, by talking over the telephone (which remain ia
your system for an mdeEnite period of time) .'and there's only, en
reason why you're cot diseased it's simply because your constitution;
it too strong for these germs to undermine. You take too big A riik
when you depend entirely upon your health as a safeguard. ' '
Tbe leadiaf nprdical paper of the vrorU die LontJon Lancet tnadc ofinics
ef tests and found tkat the telephone raotrtij-pictr cooUmed all sorts ofdaa
hi larne ausibert, and virulent enougn (after having beea cjrpomiled
in a public place for days) to infect one who inhales them. - . V ; i
A recent invention the Rld Cross AntISCfTIC MoUTH-FlLCX Las made
it poaxXie for yoa to provide a uifcguari cgasmi infection ta wdt a aunncT.
The trantarutter is connoted of two separate itvutJi-pieces. eoe of perforated
iimimim eitcloard within one of hard rubber. Ia the apace between the two,
there pacliBf gAturated with a powerful antiseptic fluid, which absolutely
datcja all germ-life coming ia contact wish it
Large IPeSeajattoai Flaws mm At lewd
lea tbe Fair Tkerr There
day Slant.
It is probabie that many Omaha bust neat
men will have business that will aetata
them djen tawa Tburedar evening until
late. At least it is probable that snaey
Clmaka house wnr as wtil be tell by their
husband tbat bualaess affairs demand
their aitentioa Tkarsday eveaiag. But The
buameea whscb tneee Omaha seen will have
will take tbam to Frsnnn
Th: Fremeat lodge of tbs Bks is balding
it aaaual fair and aa iavltauooa haa baea
sent te tbe Onmha lodge. This has beea
accepted and the Omaha Elk have char
tered a apoual train te leare the l bid
station at 7 1 Thuradaj' evening for Fre
saont. Beveety-fi'e ticketa. a&ough to ia
eure the special, have beea add aad It ia
expected tbat more thaa this number wlC
go te teswoat
Tba special will return at mldiiigbt la
time for tbe excursions! to catch tbe last
tract car (or kosna. '
aid wound ara hmlrd wnbout danger f
bMd piiiaoning by Buckle s Arnica wale
tna beaiiag wonder. c For ml by
Btaiou Drug Co r .
Red Cross Antiseptic Co
ns Adorns Street, Chicago
Omaha SVakeer Co, K. SX. bpragwa, Frsaldaak, Kistrilmtors, tmaaa, SfsK
Ptory wf I nrle nam aad
teaaaaln Make the
Letter fa esd.
That articie in Tt Be relative t tht
gever?tmrt reqair'irig the Adams tlx pre
company ta shoe- its books ts the revenue
officer ha bad a guod effect out ia the
state." said Revenue Agent Reed. "'
ere cot hsving any ttotrble at all now.
Only the other day one of our mea bad oc
caaioa te ask that the books ef one of the
express companies down at Wymore be
shown relative to some investigatiua a
revenue matter. The agent predated tbe
book without a tvmonatranre. He inoi
dea tally remarked that b bad aeea tbe
article in The Be and that th government
nutboriliea were st perfect liberty ta look
at any oil book in the shop.
filed Tuesday aiternoon for tbe republican
nommatioa for councilmaa front tne SVcaiid
ward, and Morris Milder, 17 Davenport
street, filed for the repubiicaa aommatioa
for councilman frcm the Ti tid w aid.
Carrlase Dewier Flare foe- the Seeal.
we l lew mm the Stepebtiren
Harry Fleet, carrug dealer at 714 South
Faurtorntk street, haa tiied tut tba repub
lican antnltiim for snayor. He Irvea at
bIT Booth Twcnty-aixta aueet aad hit
made hia heme ia Omaha for a number of
tare. Annur Brigga. tba hatter, is tb
eily an her repubikan caadidata for that
ofrkw so far. Hurry B. Z?mman. wfcs sn
aoAced that be would file Wednesday, has
i-et yet eMie ae-
S. I. I.wim 21 South Klastoentk street.
Mas Weeka, who Held forte at Bay
aad Tapped Till. Caen I p
Max Weeks will go ea trial ia district
court Thursday for aa offense committed
at the Star and Btripe sauna January
12. Wet k is charged wr.k hiding ia ths
saloon tha evening of that day and when
all had gone but tbe porter he charged open
him with a large knife uaed ta cut p
meat. Tbe porter threw up bis haaa and
Weeks emptied the cash register.
Tbe porter, who ts s Syriaa named
Jamea Cbelia. kept oa Weeks trail whoa
be left the saloon and after a few blocks'
pursuit captured him with th asruManue
of an officer.
There was no seaslua of th criminal
court Wednesday, Judge Bears beti.g out
of ta city. Tb rase of Alfred June was
ta Lava come up. Jones la charge erith
breakir.f and entering let a Pease Bros,
store and stealing five valuable oveenor.i
Meskraa Cwaaetlanea Wttaoa spaaae
aad Then .le tt Veto -
f ApsMWveL. J;
OAXACA. Mex.. Feb. 1I.-Tbe Axiom
dance ha reached Mextce. Tt dear
being preaetited at a local theater by aa
Aaarrioaa aclre, and tk perf ornvanc)
taa aroused proleata. atom peepl iconv
plained ee bitterly that the city rosnnl
held a special oesaioa and later adjourned
ia a body to the theater to tih tb
performasx aa ccaaora. After ylewlrg
the act the city fathers mi morn met,
and by a majority ef oas -rota it era do
tided to allow tbe performance I continue.
IMIg tHrrmlt.
Iltsting dt liriduo, IS South: Vmta
etrer, trame Ueetling. "fc.O; Hastings at
Heden, 2C3 WcUeu-r avenue, (rajne dwell
big, Hasting dt Heydea. 2m eprlag
street, fraaie flM: "- W. Martia,
tXt Willis sa street, frame deelttwg, tt,Mti.
ii (alia owt? TrmiMcw with aWtuS? Want anor aaar? Aa tu diaaaatta?
W bcfio-C diftinr causurtc this tka-waila, ajr tec ocuU met wt st 9m.
Does not Color the