i r 10 '.iIIA:DAILY BEE Thursday, February is. 1909: Want - ads . . m ... .4 Ik erewlac aaltlaa aaa aatll a sa. or taa rainy Baaear aaitiw-. tak -.,-.w all araerS ! waat ade Ml 4rn(lMa a aeeeptea far leas tkaa 19 seats www first lasertlaa. Rates apply alike Tka Dally mm Saaaar Haa. Alwaye aaaat sis trarli fa llaa. Coaafclaatlaaa af ialtlala !" reset aa aaa war. CASH KATES rOR WAWT OI. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oas lasertlna, aaa llaa, 19 casta. Twa aiara aaeeatl-a lasertloaa, gsrr llaa. real.. Ear a faaertla - days, lO nili aaa llaa. il llaa pw aaeata, avaaatlaa taat rtTRjrtSHKO ROOM ADS. rkaa aeeamaatalea kr aaaa, tka rata will bet Oaa IsuMrtlaa, 4 caata w Haai tares sr all' aaaasOTstl-a laser leas. S coats aer llaa aack laaertlaai MTa a at ara eatauaaatlTa laeertlaaa, S ceata gtar llaa aaek laacrtloa 1 ag ists par llaa a amaatkw Waat ads fas Tka Baa atar at aar tka fellowlag arav Mara a aaa la year Mearaer Irinlrt" ara all kraara eaaeaa far Tka Baa aaa r a wlU aa laeertea last aa prossstlr aaa aa tka earns rates aa at ka ala ealss la Tka Baa B slid lag, teveateeata aa Furua atraaUl Albach. W. C Mh and Farnasa. Beratiek, 0. A., 1401 a. W Bt Bechf Pharmacy, T ith Bt Beneot Pharmacy, Beason. Nab. Bemis Park Pharmacy, 3d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2826 glierrasn Ara. Coughlln, C tt, Itb and Pierce Bin. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2X1 Military Ara. Conta, J. B, Slat Ara. and Far nam Bt Crissey Pharmacy, Mth and Lake Sta, Ceimak. KroJi. 1304-6 8. UU Bt Eulers, B. U. bat Leavenworth St. Foeter At Arnold!. 211 N. 1Mb Bt rYeytag, John J.. U14 N. Mth Bt. Flurenca Lrug Co., Florence,. Nab. Goldman Pharmacy, loth and Lake Bt. Greanough, O. A., 1(24 a lOtb Bt Ureenoiigh, O. A.. MM 0. 10th Bt. Haydtn, William C, 8920 Farnam. Bt. Hinicom Park Pbarmacy, 1401 8. 2U St. Holat, John. M4 N. 1Kb Bt. Huff. A. U, W!4 LMTanworth SL Kin R. H., SSia rtrum Bt. Kountsa Placa Pharmacy. bM N. Mtk SL Latnrop, Charlca &. UM N. Mth 8u Patrick Drug Co.. la N. Mth Bt. Pay too, L. K., S4th and Leavenworth StA Baratoca Drug Ou., Mth SU and Amaa Ave, Bchanfcr'a Cut Plica Drug Co.. 1Kb aad ChVcago 8U. Bchaafar. Aucuat. m N. ltth Bt. Bchmldt, J. H., MUi and Cuming Sta. Walnut Ulll Pbarmacy, 40th and Cuming fiia. Walton Pharmacy, Wtb and Oraea Sta. Worth. O. H-. 4iMk and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. It HE A M-M rt. James P.. February 16, at 3:46 a, m., at the realdencs of her a on, , U. H. rtheam. 4256 lKiuglaa St., aged 71 year S montba 12 daya. Krvlcea were held at the residence In the afternoon ana th body taken to Glenwood, la., Wedneeday for Interment. The deceased la aurvived by flva children, Mrs. Q. U Hmlth, Charlea B. Rheam, Mra. W. N. Hellen, John V. Rheam and Galea H. Khcam. - CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the many frlenda who lent their aid and sympathy and for th many floral offerings during; the late sick nesa and death of our beloved mother. Mra. O. L. Smith, Charles E. Rheam, Mra. W. N. Hcllcn, John P. fiheam, Gatea H. Rheam. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS - Blrtha-J. T. Games, ft South Kighteenth street, girl; Warren Bonner, 2S16 Seward ' street, boy; Charles Neiaon, 134 North Twenty-fourth street, boy; Haocbt Bal- a lore, lull Davenport street, girl; Fred Hchnelderwind, Omaha General hospital, boy. Death-Mrs. Klisabeth B. Jones. SOI 4 Cuming street, 36 years; Dorria Ritchie, iAi Grant street, 10 months; Mrs. James ). Rheam, 4i6 Douglas street, 71 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were laaued: Nfme and Residence. . Age. Alfred W. Townsend, Des Moines 31 Ida Terry, Dos Moines 31 Clifford C. Aylesworth, North Bend, Neb.. Zi Nt-ttie M. Dodge. North B-nd, Neb It GeoiBe Bredenbunr, Malmo a Alphlne N. Bostrom. Colon a 'harlis Homolka, Unwood, Neb ft Tonnle Horky, Omaha 31 Emll Rakow. Ponca, Neb zg Nllle SchulU, Ponca, Neb 21 .'.brahnm Maddad. Omaha , 95 Alma Strunk, Schuyler, Neb 18 VU-tor E. Proctor, Gretna, Neb 17 K'lzabcth etephens. South Omaha 24 Kd McMul!en, C'crcaco, Neb it Anna Warren, Ceresco, Neb ao Clda K. Porter, Omaha H Mary Rigby. Omaha 13 Flank M. Davis, Greenwood, Neb 40 Ruth A. Burks. Greenwood, Neb 30 McMullen, Cresco, Neb Zi Anna Warner, Cresco, Neb io Cljde E. Punier. Oman 21 Mary Rigby, Omaha 1 Frank M Davis, Greenwood 4t) Huth Burks, .Grpenwood SO ANNOUNCEMENTS 81GN PAl NtnQ S. H. Cole. 1101 Douglas D 21 AUTOMOBILES DH1RIGHT AUTOMOBILK COMPANT. 1814 Farnam btraet. Stoddard Dayton Hoadstar, 11,100. Kto Touring car. t-tbu. Buick Runabout, almost new, ISA feUevena Duryea, 1360. D 1 aeon Touring ear, 11.060. averly Electric, 1400. All tha abova aruaranteed In good shape. cUata agent Scoddard-Dayton. 6 oddard-Daytoa, 11,600. (2,000, 1X606. Ford, model N, 1460. . Ford, I;, l&UL up a and closed cara for rant day or Sight. Tel. Duuglaa 163. t2 ioo INTERNATIONAL Auto. buggy a high wheeled aolid rubber tired auto aapacially adapted to country and rough roada, where high. clearance la abaulutily esmnllal. The Ideal car for tha farmer. International Harveater Co. of America. tl Ms34 a RAMBLER touring car. used leas than ihre months; Just overhauled at coat of rS "L ft? ny reasonable offer. Address B W. cara Ut. t3)l a EIGHT seoond-hand Ramblers at your own prlcea. Rambler Automobile com- l?jylfirg''" a)-W0 Mt AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL TROriTABLK poaltiona open in tha auto mobile field, technical inatrui tions on both !,, anu aasunua enainas; studonts paid lor repair work. Addre Omaha tichool of Automobile EngneerLog, ItlS Laavea. wnrtlj Bt. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WANTED A first class piano as part payment on a good iiH-ume property or a quarter section cf land, tiiya full descrip tion of Inatrumenl In fii latter. P C. Anderson. Rfncr. Nb. . U M0E KX CHANGE. 12 aorea hay land In t khom valley for vacant tots; cloaa ia; land la clear. Price la per acre. PETERSON BROS., M tt ITU SU Both Fhenae. a-iy 11 BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued i TRADES For quick deals ltt With us. B. K. Walt at Co., 617 Bee BMg , Omaha. i (I) MSSJ IS FOR BALE or enrhange. One new set American enetuopedia, 11 volumea, (inn- naif Morocco. iNaver ' heen unpaeaen Bay what you have. Coat, l0. Frank Goodrich. "2 N. 41 at Ave (S) M!m 3 BUSINESS CHANCES WE HAVE CLIENTS FOR THE FOL- IX1WING INVESTMENTS; -Good barber shop, cheap. Good rlgar store, retail. Flower mill and grain elevator; must be A No. 1. Gents" furnishings or shoe stock; must be In good location. Parly to Invest In grocery and rervlcea. tlfino In hardware business, south central Nebrsska. H.(mO to 15.000 hotel, small town. 15,000 to 17.0IO, Omaha hotel and bar; must he good and a bargain. Moving picture show; muat be a good prop osition. Pool and billiard hall; must be bargain. To Invest In a good company with position as office manager, seeretsry or treasurer. Relalr lumber ysrd. In Nebraska town; must be good and a bargain. Wa.hava excellent facilities for disposing of your business. FOR 8AI.E Billiard and pool hall, best In town of 1,000, cash business for one year, 112,000; ex penses. Including cigars, tobacco and help, tfi.OOO, leaving profit of !.000: 1 years' lease, rent chesp. This business Is a money-making proposition and can be had for 13.000. Grain mill and elevator In A No. 1 town; trade last year. lldO.OOO; a bargain at 2, ouo. . . if you sre looking for a good business proposition In any line we csn assist you. THE NATIONAL REFERENCE AND INVESTMENT CO., Horn Office. 674-1 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ) M9R3 11 ROOMING houses and boarding - houses, close In, at bargain prices; eve ua first. Palmer, Rattigan at Co., 621 Paxton Blk. (4J-MilJ Mch4 MEAT MARKET FOR RENT. Store room with established meat trad. Good location. No bonua to pay. Possession March 1. Bee owner at 1101 N. 18th, a. m. to 4 p. m. (4) M638 a FOR SALE Flna grocery atock; doing good uubiiivh, bcii a, i invuK. iuuui , V-V , rtO dead stock; county seat; population 6,000. Alliance, Neb., Box 1364. U M247Z THREE-chalr bsrber shop for sale. Snap 11 taxen at once. Address J. 11. Lucas, Lake City, la. (4)-M6Sl lAx 1300 BARBER 8Ht)P and household goods, tne on iv one in new town, tfox n. sever ance, Colo. (4) Mill 18x FOR BALE Established Implement bust- ness In a good town, good location, fine territory, terms reasonable. Wehner tt Knapp, Cedar Bluffs, Neb. (4) M788 a WE have several Rood paying positions witn loesi concerns which require Invest ments. If you are interested and want a good porlllon it will pay you to see us at once. Office man, sec. and-tress., 1100 per month. Bookkeeper, good opening, 186 or better. Salrhtnan capable of closing contracts. Good man can make r-'.uou or (3.000 per year. Piano salesman, anod salary. Salesmen for trunks, provisions, soaps, liq uor and stationery. Good salaries. Profit and loss clerk, 1U). Stenographer, fine opportunity. NATIONAL REFEHKNCB AND INVEST MENT CO., 674 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. )-10017 SEATTLE AND ALASKA INFORMATION oenrt 11.00 for reliable information con cerning' business- opportunities. Invest ments or other legitimate matters in Seattle and Alaska. Palmer A . Bean, Investement Bankers, 211 Melhorn Bldg., Seattle, U. S. A.' References. (41-M115 27X FOR SALE Drug store In a beautiful. modern Missouri river county seat town of 6.000 people; good lease; low rent; es tablished forty years; a two-story brick building; plate-glaaa front; oak fixtures; glass floor cases; second story suitably arranged for living quartets; no cut prices; 14.000 cssh, or will invoice; can satisfy as to reaaon. Address J. M. Huber. Boon Mile, Mo. v (4)-M938 18x TO GET IN or out of bualnasa call on ManuMjAU, AOOm via, Utm Cldg. . t4)-621 WANTED Registered druggist with mean iw "i.n urug aiure in loriving, pros perous town. Thickly settled country; German, Bohemian and Scandinavian na tionalities represented. For particulars call on or write F. A. Kllllon. Secretary of the Lesterville Commercial Club, Lester vllle, 8. D. (4)-M117 Ml FOR SALE A first class confectionery mocK ana iixcures; rtne location and do ing a flna buainess. Good reasons for selling. Apply at ones. Walter D. Hill A Co., Beatrice, Neb. 14) M781 21 FOR BALK First -class saloon In a good wn near dioux uy.Appiy foatofrlca Box 704. Sioux City, la. (4) M860 DRUG stores for sale. Knieat. N. T. Life. WANTED Hotel man to run hotel In good. mnving. prosperous town. Good location; no competition. A good opportunity for the right party. For particulars write to F. A. Kllllon, Secretary of tha Lesterville Commercial Club, Lesterville. 8. D. (4) M118 M3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arcklteeta. OLIVER A. HA LI classy bungalows, flats ana apartment Dutiaings. r4. T. l.lfe. 'Phone Douglas 33. (6)-MS6t F2x Cklroaadtct. DR. ROT, R. t. 1601 Farnam St. Doug. 4W. (5)-2S Craaaaarlaa. DAVID COLE creamery Co. (8) Cklaa Palatlaaj. CHINA decorating; order work a apeotalty. j.cHuna 1 uesuay, j nuraaay ana eatur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, atalna, leather and deatgna. Mra. C. C. Hungata, 84 Bracdela Bldg. Tel. Red MS. (D-4E1 Oallaatloaa. OMAHA Collection Agency. Slow account suiicura. tut oee n.ag uoug. sptl. x (6)-M 167 Mchl DaatUta. BAILET MACK, t floor. Paxton. D. 108S. (6-4 Bdaaatlaaal. NOVOPEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES CX)UEOE Every day is enrollment day. Enter any time for complete, thorough Inatructloa in Bliortband, Typewriting, BookkeepUg and Telegraphy. Cataloguaa ara free. H. B. Boylca, prealdent. Omaha. . Official Training School for Telegraphers for U. P. K. R. Tslegrapa Dept. (6)-IO DRAFTING Evening claaaea; terms eaay; draftsmen command hlgheat wages. Omaha Technical tichool. W N. I. L Tel. D. 23S1. (6-M78 Mix Flaaaeisl. M0NEYI -Tt TOAN LOW RATE, in sums to suit, 110 Baa Bldg. 'Phone Douglas AnH. UNION LOAN COMPANY. riarlsta. HESS BWOBODA, 1411 Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON. Ul Farnam. Tel. D. KtS. J. H. BATH. 1C3 Harney. Tel. Doug. X. to)-6o4 Mataaga, TFI.EPATn" diagnosis of your caae by Dr. O. W. Vtowea will atari yea aa tha road to health. Call or write. Bulla 30-1-4, Paatoa Blk. TeL Doug. 10 tfJ-MUI Mchl7 f "OEE waott adls aro tho only salesmen you can employ BUSINESS DIRECTORY icontinued.j Marias; aaa Slarlac EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 it. iw.u bc, warenouaa - ZJJi-1 lsard 8t, 46 36 Osteopathy. JOHNSON IN3.. 411 N. T. L. TeL D. 14. (6J-4W Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa, 608 N. T. L. Bldg. 16)-137 Prlatlng. C. M. JARVE PTO. CO.. job printing and i.miu.r,. ism ana vep. Ave. mone. Ind. A ?SJ0. (6) M2S0 Sates, Skatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makea a idviiij i cwafrrvB, inunera, aoora and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth, (6-3! Skoa Rcaalrlaar. SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered iree. standard Hhoe Repair Co.. 1304 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7567. (6)-140 Bkortkaad Reporter and Notary. 6TJTCLIFFT3 Depositions. 628 Bee Bldg. (6) 638 , Uadertakers. . HTJL8E A RIEPEN. successors to Harry a. uavis. vuu b. ittn at. Both 'Phones. (8 Mtl30 M16 . Water Filters. 1110 HOWARD ST., Missouri filter; IS days' trial W 641 DRESSMAKERS MIS3 MA LONE. 2308 .Douglas St, high class dressmaking. i"hone Douglas H6. ail Mil MISS E. E. CROSBY. 241V 8. 20th Are.. dressmaking. Douglas 7:97. 811 Ml! WOMAN'S EXCHANGE, 1822 Farnam St.. Ladies tailoring, alterations, pleating, . patterns cut to measure, first-class sawing school in connection. Douglas 3611. 810 M13 T TT7T7T7 La dies' tailoring in best style 1,1 r x and workmanship guaran- toed. 207 Old ftrsnriel Hld. Take elevator on 18th St 811 M13 KEISTER COLLEGE. 606 Karbaoh Block. -M316 Mil FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works. 1908 Far nam, Dest cleaners and dyers. Both phones. 814 M13 M. E. NEPINSKY M MJL14 Mchl7 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam, 628 IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. TeL Doug. 4220. SPRING suits and shirt-waist specialty at reduced rates 9111 9fut. -nr.t vua -818 MIS PLAIN and fancy sewing; children's clothes ua sniri waists a specialty. Doug. 8126. . 815M13X TERRY College of Dressmsking, 30th - "-- and Farnam Sis. -81 Mil' HOLLAND pow,""; robe", n(1. rldln8" only. ,205 Paxton Block. M868 M13 HELP WANTED FEMALE A great a aad Salealadlea. LADY solicitors wanted. 216 MoCague Bldg., city. (7) aso jg Clerical aad Of (tea. 60 GIRLS to prepare catalogue for mailing Apply at office, third floor. Nebraska Clothing Co. t7) M3S9 Hamaek.eer aad Dasaestlea. WANTED Competent cook, small family good wages. US) Park Ave., phone Har ney 8W. (7)-27 WANTED Housekeeper who will cook for 1 gentlemen. Apply mornings and even ings. Mra A. M. Rogers, 1W2 8. 33d St. 7 76 19 GOOD, steady girl for general housework; city references required; Danish need not apply. , 2621 Bristol St TeL Webster 2414. Kjr t7) M&3 WANTED Good cook; references required. Mra. L. 8. Crofoot. 122 B. 3th St. (7) 2t WANTED Good girl for general houae wrrk. Apply 207 8. 86th Ave. Tel. Harney S3. t7)-91917 GIRL for general housework; no small children In family. Call 1624 N. 17th St., mornings, to 12. or 6 to 7, evenings. , - (71-924 17x GIRL for general housework; family of four; no washing. 1720 Lincoln Blvd. Tel. Harney 1834. (71-M933 18x GIRL for general housework; small family; KOorf ftl.,1 1.12S. flo. mth Atrm (7)-G2 11 GOOD girl for general housework; email family; small houae; call Harney 210. (7 M970 1 WANTED Girl 2024 Chicago. for general housework. (7) M121 19 Mlseellaaeoas. WANTED Lecturer; refined and Intelligent young lady or gentleman (lady preferred) capable of lecturing on motion plot urea; only peraona having good command of Engllah need reply. Permanent poaitlon to right party. C 37, care Bee. (7) Wo I7x WANTED Neat and attractive young lady to take charge of booth at Auto show. Address W 62, cara Bee. (7) 996 17 HELP WANTED MALE Aaa ate, gelid tars aad aleesaea. WANTET For Nebraska, aalesmen for L'nlted Wireless Telegrsph atock; good commissions. 8. 8. Bwltxer, state sgent, 610 Paxton block, Omaha. (9) M936 22x BIDE LINE Brat, nd samples. Plenty money. Give permanent address. Box 661, Omaha. t9 M617 WANTED Agents to sell tha Red Cross antiseptic mouthpiece for telephones. Omaha Rubber Co., 1808 Harney tit. t)-M72 18 CALENDAR men; high claas, on 1909 con tract, to aall our unique line of advertis ing wall mapa, art calendara, leather goods and bualneaa calendars; beat com bined line out; liberal commissions; ex clusive territory; flna samples; write fully, stste experience in first letter. The Kenyon Co., Des Moines, la. (9) Mill 11 Bays. WANTED Several reltabla boys; good wages. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. Uth Bt. tt-M641 Clartaal aad Oaaaa. MANAGER, coal office, 1 100. , Office clerk, must have experience In R, R, atatlatical dept . 166. Clothing clerk, 130 per week. ' Skloeinan. 176 and expenaea. t all or write for a complete list WESTERN REF. at BOND ASSN. INC. 14 N. TC. Life Bldg. tlkat'd 7 years ) U-4fl 17 DKl'O CLERKS' poalvftpna, Kniest. N. T. Life Bldg. (-642 who will koop everlastingly at it. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Of flea Caatlaaed. WANTED Strong. Intelligent young man for shipping clerk. Chance to learn trade. Give age, experience and salary wanted. Address, D3, Be office. (9) M980 19x Fatrr aa Traftesv COvTOU WANT to become a competent automobile operator? Tha Northwestern Automobile and Gsa Engine school csn put you In this class. Better Investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg.. 19th and Farnam. v t9)-t3 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Thoroughly, practical training by free cllnlo and careful inatruotlons. Life scholarship. Tools given, board provided. Moler graduates command hlgheat wages. Our diplomas recognised everywhere. Shop experience and wages before com pleting. Illustrated catalogue free. Call or write. Moler Barber College, No. 110 8. 11th St (9)-Ma tlx MlaecIlaaaOBS. FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Asa n; no fees. Call 626 N. X. Life Bldg. (9)-44 WANTED Railway mall cierka, salary 1800 to 11,400; no layoffs; examination In Omaha, May 16; common education suf- . ficlent; candidates prepared free; writ Immediately for full particulars. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 662, Rochester. N. Y. ; (9)-M3C Mch4x HELP WANTED MALE AND 1'ENALS AGENTS WANTED Men or women, in every town or city, to sell our blgh grade household specialty; no talking neodod; sells on sight. Write today for free par ticulars. Address Rusle Bros.. Box 86, Mooresvllle, Ind. 110) M8S0 20x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Veklclea. FOR QUick SALE Closed carriage, almost new, Jepot wagon style special large; built by Omaha maker to owner's order; also a Stanhope, single buggy, with top. In first-class con dition. Apply at one. H. Cohn, Ne braska Clothing Co. (11) 261 HOR8B AUCTION. At E. W. Anspach's stables at tha stock yards. South Omaha, Thursday and Fri day, Feb. 18 and 19, 300. horses of all classes will be sold to the highest bidder. Auction commences at 10 a. m. 11J-61 17 Poaltry aad Ear as WANTED TO BUY-Pure bred poultry. xtnoae iBiana Keds, yearling hens and pullets. Barred Plymouth Rock hens, pul lets and cockerels, Single Comb White and Roae Comb White Leghorn hens and pul lets, and a Umttod number of 10 other varieties of pure bred poultry. Write, stating what you have, giving lowest price. Dean Swift Poultry Co., Das Moines, la, (11) M109 Mchlx BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS A lot of fine pullets and hens, good layers; slso prise winners. Prices reasonable. Or vllle O. Jones, R. D. 1, York Neb. - (U)-M10S Mchlx Caws, Birds, Dogs aad Cats. COCKER spsnlel puppy, 8 months old, M it taken this week. 'Phono Red 6608. . - ' (11) 920 17 LOST AND FOUND UPHOLSTERING Tel. Webster S298; Ind. -B-272L 1611 N. 24th St J. Hanson. (12)-M207 Mch4 LOST On 18th St., between Farnam and jjougias, pair or gold glasses. Reward for return to Bee office. (12) M976 18x 16 REWARD for the return of envelope containing iana patent, lost near list and Ames or on 80. Omaha car. The Byron Reed Company, City. (12) 999 17 LOST Wednesday morning, large gold hm hoi, contains two pnoiograpns; mono gram "M. F." Finder return to World Herald office and receive 12 reward. (12-88 17x LOST Small black card case, containing 1 wo Dine, luseaay, Detween 11:30 and 4 o'clock, in downtown shopping district. Tel. Webster 3268. (12) 983 17 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve r ma nils, 11 a oox, postpaid. Bneranaa dc McConnell Drug Co., Omahk. (11) 646 FREE MEDICAL and surgical, treatment at creignton Medical college. 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement casea; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. (11) 121 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. IB THERE some poor womsn who Is ter rorised into nervous prostration by a loan shsrkt Sea us. Citizens' Protective Aa sociatlpn. 410 Barker Blk. (14) Mtie tttttUSt YOU WANT MONEY ttUmil UMU DON'T PAY HIGH RATES 1UM41 1UH SEE US FIRST . ilW 68 ws loan . you any amount on 14 It furniture, planoa, etc.; or, if you It 11 have ateady employment, on your It 11 plain note at the cheapest rates in 11 11 the city. Payments weekly or It 11 monthly to ault your convenience. It It Open until . p. m. 1'hono Doug- It 11 las 2036. 11 t! OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., It Kill Room 601, Brown Blk., JS4 tHUil Opposite Brandeia' Ulttu IttttWt 16th St Entrance. tUXlMI 114) M6s2 MONEY loaned aalarled people and others without security; essy payments. Of fices in 44 principal cities. Tolman. Room 611 New York Life Bldg. G4) 444 THE "OPEN DOOR" TO RELIEF For thoae who wlan to borrow a small amount of money on tneir furniture with out removal. OUR RATES will satisfy anyone. It's up to you "to get out 01 tnst rut. Telephone Douglas 22Sk for our man to explain. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Ill Board of Trade Bldg. Just at tbs Sixteenth Bt. Entrance. (14)-M131 WHEN writing to advertise! a, kindly men tion The Bee. ! OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlagc ad Raaata, THE BACHELORS. 20TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL, AMERICAN PLAN. t!6-e4! DEWEY European Hotel Uth and Farnam. I14)-o0 LARGE furnished southeast room, with board. 123 8. 26th Ave. (ls)-17 17 x TWO furnished rooms with board; private family. Phons Harney 1712. (l)-47! 19x NICELY furnished rooms, with board, con venient location. See us. mo 8. jittli. (lS)-Mt31 McbUx NICELY furnUhed front rooms, singly or cn suite, on Park Ave.; excellent table board, home cooking. Phone, Harney 3224. v oe ma 22 Faralaked Raasas. t FURNISHED rooms, modern, oas light houkaepJng, other sleeping room; use of 'phone, hot sue cold aur, bath. tsi CalUoruir " tlaj-eM II OFFERED FOR RENT Famished RaasaaCaatlnaed. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of tha city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to gat our list Coats you nothing. P. O. NIELSON CO., RENTAL A GTS., 701 N. x. Life Bldg. f none Doug. 2204. (la)-! FINELY furnished rooms, conveniently located. 2103 Farnam ft. rnone riar ney 2066. (11) M904 20x Aaartaaaata aad Flats. UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, steam heated, 4-room, corner flat 220 N. 23d. tl) StH STEAM heated (-room flat, modern, hard wood, shadea, gas range, hot water. walking distance. You can't equal It Summer J. Winter 132. Reference re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (16-M842 10 4-ROOM apartment, all 80. 22d. (16) M871 21x I ROOM, modern St. Louis flat; one-half Diock from Hanecom park and eaat aids cars. Enquire 2912 Shirley Bt. 13..SO. (16) M971 27x Hoatekerp lag Raasas. FOUR rooms for light housekeeping, mod ern, block from street csr. Call 2617 N. 18th St.; references required. (16) MS64 20x TWO desirable south front rooms for light housekeeping. Close In; reasonable , 1810 St Mary's Ave. (1S)-M63IS I FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. Tel. Douglas 6943. C15)-M826 20x Hoasea sl Cattasraa. 7-R city water, barn, 4103 N. 28th Ave, $16. 3-r.. cny water, atbo a. ntn Ave., ski. 6-r., part mod., 1 8. 28th Ave., tit. 6-r., part mod., 2321 Poppleton, 116. 6-r., part mod., cloae, 2602 Pierce, 116. iv-r., an moo., choice, 2416 Bherman, xzs, RUSSELL A M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. (16) 1000 II 1 NICE large rooms, city water, 1828 N. lain hi. &. On March 1, 9-room brick, modern bquse, norm pan or city 2&. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. (16)-MS28 ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat iruiM XT o. .... wv J. BU 10-room modern house, K North 25th Bt, 130; with barn, 136. i-room modern house except heat, 8301 Maple et, fix. (-room modern house except heat, 23d and oprague ei., szm rooms. 2d floor, 1108 N. 20th SL. tig. 7 rooms, 2d floor, 1306 N. 24th St., mod ern except heat. 115. CHRIS -BOTER. Sd and Cuming Sta. Tel. Doug, and B-2049. (16-M6 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, atora, H. H. good, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 1600 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. - (16) 364 8-ROOM house. 112 8. ,44th. Tel Harney 2361. 06) M863 20 MAGGARD VAN Sc STORAGE C, Tel. D. 1498. Ws guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (16) 666 -ROOM cottage, bath, gas, one block south Creighton university. 2608 Cass St. (16) M863 20X UUUOXiO Creigh Sons Co.. Beat Bldg. (15)-60 FOR RENT Nine-room house, all modem, 614 N. 22d St. Low rent If taken soon. Apply at 807 N. Uth 8t (16) M740 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. T. L. Bldk. (15)-469 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. (Is) 661 HOUSEHOLD GOODS' packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving .and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co.,TeL Doug. 194. , ' (16)-&8 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. (16)-67 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. (la) 663 EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern house, ex cellent heating plant good neighborhood, walking distance, M. J. Ksnnard & Co., 110 Brown Blk. (16) M186 NEW, modern 7-room house, 601 Park Ave., .142; Tel. Harney 1610. (16) M968 20 Ofllcea. COUNTER BARGAIN On account of changes ln office arrange ment we will sell tne counters now in stalled In The Bee office and Hastings Heyden's office, . Theee are handsome carved and decorated oak countera, having a marble base 10 inches high. The counter stands 3Vs feet high and 2-foot top, and there is a total of about 46 feet ln length. Thaae will be aold either aeparately or together. Apply Baa Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam fits. V . (lej 14 DESK ROOM for rent ln an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bea office, B. O. branch, Ntn and N Sts. New sddress. (16) M6J7 Stares. 8-STORY and brick basement building, with electric elevator; in wholesale die trict. F. D. Weed, Wead block. 16th and Farnam. (16) M883 20 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltara. TWO folding counter eteole, mahogany finish; been uaea a snort time and will sell cheap. Call at Bee office. Omaha. (16)-142 PARTY leaving town wlahea to sell several nicely framed, practically new religious pictures; alao White sewing machine In good condition. 1810 St Mary's Ave. (16) Mt7 11 Typa wrttaro. B. F. SWANSON CO. OP OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 TO $73 ON A TYPEWRITER Twenty different makes to select front st s saving of 30 to su per cent of manu facturers' prices (116 snd up). Slightly uied and genuine rebuilt machines, prac tically aa good aa new for sale or rent; rent applied if bought Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on approval for ex sminstion without a deposit Write to day for latge bargain Hat and receive our offer. B. F. Swanson Co. (Eat. 1904 , 417 8. ttlh Bt. Omaha. (1 661 TYPEWRITERS for rent. 82.(0 month. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange, 16V7 Farnam. (16- Mir, F-s M laeellaaeaaa. SNAP FOR CASH. Limited amount of Industrial stock; full partlculara furnished to Interested par ties. MIST HAVE THE CASH Ad dress K 40. cars Bee. (1 M98 19 FOR BALE New snd td-hand billiard and pool tablea. We lead the world ia cheap bar fixtures; easy psyments. Bruaswick balke Cbllaodcr, 407 & lota St UO-661 OFFERED FOR SALE Mlseallaaaaaa Loatlaaea. BRICK STORE BUILDING FOR SALE Two-storv brick, located on main atreel of a good live town of 1600. the county seat; upper apartments rented for house keeping; must b sold at once to settle an estate, and muat be sold for cssh. Will miefca attractive price. Address for psrtlo. Ulara, Weeley J. Richards. Exeter, Neb. (!) M973 Marx DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on all sin ordere; catalogue free. tMierman 1 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 665 FOR 8ALE Show cases, both floor and wan cases, jor aaio in a nr anu i icr legnths; all in good condition. Apply T. , 11 1 T . T) .1-1 at. U . .n (161928 17 WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which ws will sell at too each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at prcea room. Bea Publishing Co. (is) zn THE OLD TRUSTY Incubators. For low snecial nrluva. frelaht preps Id. 60 days' freo trial. Write the Old Trusty incu bator Co.. Clay Center. Neb. (16) 193 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 Iota Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16)-68 FOR SA LEJ Barn. Tel. Harney 4107. (161104 23x LEAVING city, must sell piano and leather davenport; good as new; will sell cheap. can alter 6 p. m., suite zi. riacnemra. (16) Mill 21 X PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Block, Tel. Red 7117. - C17)-7 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of (a post age. R. 8. and A. B. lAcey, rooms 29-31 Paclflo bldg., Washington, D. C Eestab llshed HK9. (17)-668 PERSONAL DRS. SOGERS, private confinement home, . 1618 Martha Bt. 'TeL Douglas 6230. (18) M243 M6X OMAHA Btammevers' Ins., Ramga Bldg. (18j oo HALL'S fafes. new, 2d-hand. 1813 Farnam. (18 670 THE SALVATION ARMY aollclta castoff clothing; iu fact anything you do not ' need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. lllh St., tor cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'phons Douglas 4136 and wagon wilt call. (18) 786 MASSAflEE,ectrlc vibratory. 130 8. iUiA.OO.au lii )6tn R0om jas. Fourth Floor, old Boston Store. (18) M671 Ml! YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit tha Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1618 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A desconess representing the association meets trains at the Union sta tion as travelers' aid. (18) 268 MAONETTf!trtmntnd bth- " JilVJATI CiAAUgn,, 62l g 16th 8d -,oor (18)-627 LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard. Open eve. (18-67l PRIVATE- home during confinement; babies adopted. Th Good Samaritan San itarium. 740 First Ave. Council Bluffs, la. T8 M961 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut E rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers illon Drug Co., Omaha (11) 872 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1858; prompt service; gat our prices, luo farnam Bt. (11)-71 CONRAD YOUNG Special cara given to selling and renting property 20 years experience. 1618 Dodge St Tel. Douglas 1671. (19)-76 PAYNE INV CO.. first floor. N. Y. U (19)-676 REAL ESTATE TITLEt-TRUST CO.. CHAS. E. WLLLJAMaON, President 1 (l)-674 GEORGE aV CO.. 1601 Farnam. TeL Douglas 754. (19)-77 BENJAMIN R. E. Co.. 477 Brandels Bldg. CITY PROPERTY lOn SALB. Farnam St. Property 72H feet near 22d, 120.000. .. 100 feet near 21st, 121,600. 24 feet Improved, near 22d, 116,000. 66 feet, unimproved, near 23d, 816,000. 68 ft. near ISth, small Improvement, 141,000. 31 feet cast of 20th, 118,600. 87 ft. near 20th, some Improvement, 2C000. 44 feet, corner, near Nebraska National bank. $36,000. 23 feet. Improved, lower Farnam, 111,000. 66 feet, improved, near 24th, 127,000. 116 feet, vacant, near 26th, 18.600. 60 feet, opposite Chas. Turner's, 14,000. ' - . Harrison & Morton, 912-913 New York Life. Telephones Douglas 314, A-3144. (191-105 17 AN INVESTMENT New frame house, Bemls Park, renting 134 a month, paving all paid, one block of car; nrlce. li.200. A sure Investment.. Double brick fists close In, renting 11.300 a jcir, icnsiiiB pay water, aiu.uuu. Beat buy in city in this class of property. GLOVER REALTY 8YNDICATE. N. Y. L. Bldg. Doug. 3963, A-393. ' (19)-994 19 CHOICE LOTS One of the finest lots In Kountse place at a bargtin,. I860. PETERSON BROS., 308 B. 17th Bt. Both Phones. (19-UW 17 FOR SALE On Installment plan nina room, all modern houae. near high evhool siounde, for home er rooming. Will con alder change for other income proper! in pejt Address U 471. care Bee. tll)M4ttt I HAVE six modern brick houses In West Farnam street district which I can sell for I6.0U0 each or perhaps leas. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room ' 1, New York Life Building. 419)-M71 $3,300 Large 6-room house with summer kitchen, in first-class condition; 3 mure rooms can be built upstairs; good basement; barn. The land is 170x130, south flout; lots of fruit trees and grape vines; room to build 1 cottages. Only one block from car, north end. H.OuO cash, balance In mortgage, Newell Realty Co. Doug. 4512. 664 Brandels Bldg. A:i3:;(. (19)-M119 18 LIST your property with Chris Boyer. M and Cuming tils 19-69x SUBURBAN SITE I have oils of tho choicest pieces of acre age for a auburban home that van bo found In Keyatone Park: consisting of 6V acres that lay high and sightly; have, a beautiful view, free from dual, aa all ' boulevards ars oiled and parked. Being outalde of town the taxea are low, et you have the advantage of being rloao enough to work in Omaha. Thla property la bound to Increaaa tn value each year. Will a II thla reasonable and give terona, U desired. Addraas N 31, tare Baa (l)-alU a REAL ESTATE CITY f ROFKHT Y FOR SALI (Continued.) INVESTMENTS t 4in r.rw $19,500 lor eight brand new Pats, with three largs rooms, laundry and bath each atrlctly modern: attractive! finished' eaally rented. Bringing In 12.W0 Mr year $15,000 New brick building, with three apartment, of eight room, each; oak finish; atriCU modern; substantially built; rented fii 11,800 per year; close in. emM 'or $6,500 For four l-room new cottages; modern xcept heat; now rented for 1978 per vear nose to Farnam St. and within walking diatance of the business district ' GEORGE COMPANT, 1801 Farnam St (1D-961 17 Two Fine New Homes 'W Lothrvp. brand new, irlctly modern snd up-to-date; two stories, 26x28, 8 rooms, hot water heat, quar ter ed-sa wed oak finish, fine bssement nice lot, paved street; built by the owner. Can Price 15,o.erly ' Um-. Near Hanscom Park on ird u ' i,."r.00.m 'rlctly modern, oak finish, oak floors, fine cellar with laundry, on car line. This Is sn A-l location for a doctor. Pries 86,600. If you are looking for a fine home, either of the abova properties cannot be beaten for the money. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (19)-963 17 A. P. TUKEY & SON 10 Off for Cash S6-room.th Bt" 6 " 2626 South 12th St.. 6 rooms-11.750. ? Sou.th 12 st' 5 rooma-81,601). "riA0?".0 ih "ortheasl .1 V "u vinton sts., and ars all above grade, on large, level lots. in-Ulei" V m tooA ondHlon. within one block nr ih .. As is noted above, we offer 10 per cent dia- v., uirn pncea tor cash, and this does not moan you must necessarily have the price of each house in cash, but if you have one-half tha price of the house in cash we can arrange the balance and BlVe VOll 10 nee n 4 . i u.. We cannot afford to pay a commission tc -a'" uii aoove nousea at prlcea named. A. P. Tukey & Son, 444 Board of Trad- T)M 'Phone Doug. 2181. (18-M108 18 6,722 Acres, Cheap, 2.000 acres smooth. 300 acres Irrlsst.H hi. ance rolling; 2 sets of Improvements; 4 wells. 1,600-barreI storaa-e cl atern. corrals scales, dtpplna vats, etc.; ln fact, every thing that goes with a first-class ranch; 60 acres alfalfa; 1,000 acres of this land will come unoer new ditch; only 1 miles to rail road town in northeastern Colorado; elegant for colonisation; blggeat snap you ever heard of: if aold before aorlna. will taka 110 per acre; corns and see It and mak us an offer. STRINGER & CHILD, - 636 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. . (ll)-MUO 19 KEEP YOUR CASH . You don't, need It for these bargains, Neat 6-room 'cottage, beat "condition, partly mod.; full lot; near 28th and Dodge Sts.; only 12,160; 176 cash; balance same as rent. Also a similar proposition on S4th St., noar Leavenworth, 11,860. Good 7-room modern house and lot 60x127 frontage on paved street, near 22d and Maple; a bargain at 12.600; Very easy terms. Attractive 6-room cottage and lot 44x130; targe barn, frutr, etc.; near 22d and Mere dith Ave., for 11,960; rental terms. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. (19)-101 17 Bemis Park District 1418 -Charles St, 7 rooms, modem, full cemented basement, a well built and nicely arranged house. Price 83,600; ' can take 1900 down and balance monthly. 6-Room, $1,200 ' 2104 N. 29th Ave., 8 rooms snd 6 closets t in good condition; city water and piped for gas. See us for terms; this is cheep. Peterson Bros - 300 S. Uth Bt Both Phones. l)-997 11 CHEAP LOT 46 feet north frontage on Dodge between 38th St. end 18th Ave., for ll.&W. HICKS, 219 Board Trade Bldg . (19-1 17x 3010 DAVENPORT Juat Hated, never offered for asls before; haa aeven rooms and reception 4iall, 4 bed rooms, strictly modern, A good house In a very good locality and can be bought right. GLOVER) REALTY SYNDICATE, N, Y. L. Bldg. Doug. 8961, A -3963 (19)-W6 19 ' $2,850 Will buy 1616 N. 16th St. A new, l-room, all modern houae; full baaamant and splendid furnace; sold on very easy terms. Located at lath and Seward Sts. W. S. FRANK. Both 'phones. 821 Neville Blk. (1D-M947 11 12 PER CENT nvtment; beat bar A JjliN x gain In Omaha, 11 new, Miuuern, prcaeea nricn, ground floor flata of 4 rooma each, on northwest eor- I er 22d and Nicholas, 170x149 feet 122,6(1. " D. C. PATTERSON, PATTERSON HLK. (19)-M830 10 12.260 Full 2-etory 9-room modern house. 706 N. loth St. 1600 cash. $2,'-50-New modern 8 rooms. 2601 Parker. sjou cash. ROBINSON aV WOLF, 436 Paxton Block. (19)-M57 18 IS YOtl MAVM chandlae to sell or trade. Ha', them wits me. it costs you nothing unless I effaot a sale W. W. Mitchell, bl board of Trada Bid.. U MU ON Caldwell St., near 24lh St., 8-room mod em iiuuse witn iiui wicr neat; alao 4 roum cottage In No. 1 repair; price for both tif.iinu, or would sell separately: lars houae tor 13. ISO. . " F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., WOI Farnam 84. , , is sa is REAL FSTATP FARM ANU U A Ik Lit l.ANO FOR SALB Callferala. YOU can secure on eaay term California ...... ;ni ikh sioo per acre each year. V rile the Colonial Realty Co., box 41C, San Bernardino. Csl. (i-M1721 . Colarada. FARM AND miilT r ve Penver-GreeUy diatrlct. under Irrigation: S sugar ueeta. aiialta. general farming and fruit raising; low price, eaay payment. National Investment Co.. H Eruiu bWg.. Oman. TsV pougUu) teat.wwi' 4SW-60 it ( i 1 f f K f. I f VI