Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Xtsjure Cxryiiig Hundred
rca rsro bio battl. -
Ttrie Pioviiion Which Vu Amended
Eestored to Origiiul Form.
Store to Abolish Capital Punishment
' for Federal Crimes Blocked.
"eehaa-es litmtil Ceaiaaer
Mast Be Cerreetly Labeled aa te
(itnli aad Be Ml te
Beea Fide Otuifam.
WASHINGTON. Fbu 17. Ths naval bill,
carrying total appropriatione of about SU&.
ms.n,' waa today passed by the senate
after having been under consideration for
thre dura- Tli bill was changed by
restaratlna of th boun prevision for two
battleships of . tool displacement, to
post $.. Mob.
An Ineffectual effort was made to de
feet th amendment for restoring the
marine corps to battleship ua cruisers,
which u p'.s-cd h the nruurt while
the anTist waa proceeding in the com
mittee of th whole.
JOurti-g- the laat hour nf the amlrm to
5ay Sane-tor XiFollette severely criticised
the methods ef the navy, declaring- that
xnelortel Influence In the -work ef the
sVpartroset caused an unbuslnet'sl'k de
velopment, of nary yards and stations.
PraaJ Caw Bill ta Heaw.
An attempt t 'abolish capital puntah
gnent a a penalty under federal lava
today blocked too conclusion of considera
tion f tb penal code bill is the bouse,
Idtunr committee of the whole, This
Mil tm taken up after the bouse had
Iwmm entxaeled Is the Knox eligibility
kuestioa and bad laid the question aside
Tor the day.
The most Important amendment incor
porated In the bill was n te regrulat
the xnterstat shipment of letcxic-atin
honor. Ijpreantativ McCnn Masm)
led tb fight against capital mnlabment
and when be waa voted down, made a
-aoist f eo quorum. Just before this by
a vote of X to 17 tb oomnjrttee bad de
clined to substitute electrocution for bang
tng m a death penalty.
A netkM to take a reoeas was opposed
fry the enemies of the bill end a filibuster
resulted. Tb doors wer finally closed
and tb urn aeant-at -arms sent after absent
soember. Nearly two boors biter, at -M
p. aa.. when Repreeentstive Madden of IHi-
-note answer tb roll call, a quorum was
secured and tb bous wst declared In r
ess unto tomorrow at U lork.
Unr afclpsaewt Sill.
Uqusr legislation was the aubject of eon-
Sl'Weiion to" h' ttous 1st' today. -
the pea! rod Mil was takes
TUpresenrtatrr Humphreys oflered an
amendment arreed spoa fcy nous leaders
to refuist In interstate ahlpment of in
toxlcatisf Houora.
Th amendmeut. wbicb is the Kikii bill
that passed tb senate, forbids the trans
portation of liquors is intcrstats commerce
unless It conatcn to bona fide roa
eirners and unless th packers Is labeled
r lataly with th nam of th eonsicnee and
th exact character of tb contexts is
shown. Tb amendment prohibits shipments
of liquor cash e delivery.
Vr. Bartboldt of Missouri seurnt to
amend tb amendment eo as t tnclu6e
Vifier, oo-ca2)ed tmnperanoo drinks and aD
beroraaeo coartaininc tnor than t per ornt
tt aJooboL"
Th Bartholdt ajnendmont waa oted
down. 21 t t4.
Tb Humphreys amendment waa thea
adontod. 1BUM. Epeaker Cannon took bis
I'lto ea th floor and voted oeery time
with tb "temperance' force.
sTtsewtsi Cawdioat fVsrs
CwaM B L-ar1tlsaaely peat
t rutin.
MADISON, 'im, Frh. 17. Samuel A.
Cook, an of th republican candidates for
Vn1ud States senator, testified before the
legislative primary Investis-atinsT committee
today, his oxinrinauea clk-ttinr th fact
that his ststemest of campaign expenses,
filed with the secretary of alate September
3a, was far from coaH-leta. lie rad from
other ststemest figures shewing that sines
filing that otaximMiM b bad expended som
thtng mora than G1.M.
Mr. Cook aaid be thought that twtr SIM.
Sua could l spent legitimately in a sena
torial campaign, and believed that th can
didate recrtvrag a dean plurality was en
titled to eleruoa. Neal Brown, the damo
rraitr senatorial candidate, aaid bs con
ducted a "poverty campaign and bewailed
the impression among voters that b waa
a rtrlt man.
Former Stat lknator William H Hattos
of New London, a candidate for TTnited
States sebainr at the fall primary, told tba
corr.nvtttee mis afternoon that be apent IX.
4iH a shewn br his statement, filed with
the net-retary of state. A supplemental ac not yet filed swells the total ts
Feeliaa. kroased la Mesloa by r-r
ml FfeaMeai Dtas FewMadia
s-tyiav af Eatklesb
Kl. PASO. Tex, FVb- Tt Aorording to
advitea freer th City of Mexico, a senaa
tins as created ansotng tb Mexican
Cstl'Olics r th rspital city last Saturday,
when the Mexican fiat, whicb had beea
btusied ater tb catbedral ia honor of
Arct.bishep J nee Mora del fUa. was baulsd
dnws by federal soldiers on orders of tns
government ofrv-ials. Tb Catholics hsd
thought t boanr tbeir country by flj-tng
tie flag from tba catbedral tn honor of
the highest ocrleaiaatloal authority th
country. Tb flag was lowered by orders
of President Xnas titms nrf. although Mrs.
HikX is a Catbolk. tb raaaoa given being
that th laws of Mxie or pant ting- chmrrb
and stats forbid such gwemaental raoeg
ni;ion f tbe church. Th incident baa
caused soss feairag and further drvelop
Bnents are looked for.
rtv Ktlted br CatsapalasT Ftaa.
ALC9fClA. as-ais, ra. M. Flv persona
wr kUlad today and eToty-aIht fsxyaead.
twenty aigbt aerssua) . ay ino collapo af a
floor in a ball a ber lou wars bring erann
Taaroaar, Febraary IS, !.
909 FEBRUARY 1909
Sum MOW TUC WED tmu ri SIT
I 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 II 12 15
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24252627
for omama. mrxriL bl.itts axd
Vir-IVITY Fair THurfiay.
fOR K IffilU RK A-rnmilT ftr Thliiv
ton IOWA TTtratTiins. with ra?n rr
snow in east portion Thursday: warmer in
est portion Thumdav.
Terr prrt aro at Oinal.a yesterdaj-:
H our. LVc
i a. m
a. m. .......
? a. m...
t a. na...
S a. m
10 a. m
31 a. m
12 m
1 p. tn. .......
I f.. m
I p. m. .......
4 p. m
I p. Tn
p. ro
7 P. m....
f p. m
p. ID...
Michael TAT. Coffey, former superrisor
at San Franrieoa. maa yesterday found
g-uilty of acreptlcK a $t,00 bribe to vote
for trolley franchise. taca 1
Oeronlmo. noted Indian chief, who has
been a captive at Fort Fill, la dead.
Fa- I
Th robber who held up Tu. H. Jones,
th Kansas City millionaire, wor a hat
and shoes containinc names of Omaha
firma and he is now believed to be Lies
ter Van Ambers, who disappeared from
Washta. Ia. racs X
Josetb Fullster. the Press Publishlnc;
oompacy, two eflitora of the New Tork
World and th omners of the Indianapolis
News bavs been indicted for criminal
libel in connection with tb Panama
charrea. Iar 0
President Roosevelt tranemlts to con
rress the reKrt of the engineers who ln
spe4ed the Panama canal. Face 1
Preaiiient-elect Taft announces he will
call an extra session of congress to meet
March 34. rap
Six thousand people and sixty villages
in Persia are reported destroyed by an
earth quako recorded by the seismograph
instruments last January and which has
Just been located. Far S
Fourth child of Charles Ball of Nor
folk diea within ten days. "Pag a
Bberman Morris, bandit and convicted
murderer displays dislike t Tb Bee a bile
conrined ia th county jail enroute to
Colorado. ag 4
Present city ecunctl has wasted the
lighting- fund. Fag S
Howard H. Baldric, in a talk before
th Keal Ftte exchange. Indicates the
Vse bsapa-bas a oifiJlr yiwaimr. a
solve. " . Faaw
Heavy shippers of Omaha organise a
traffic dub. Fag 1
Unfair methods of doing business sub
ject of address at barwar dealers' con
vention Wednesday aftenoon. Far 1
ooncE-acxAX An tTmuu.
lln stock markeia. FaT 11
Grain markets. Far U
Stocks and bonds. Far 11
To find a good
dressmaker from
the very highest
grade of fashion
able makers of
gowns to the sew
ing 2irl wno will
come to your home
look under the
heading on the
. want ad page.
Evervhody reads the wa.nt-'kdg.
It ' rrofitAble. It' IB throstle g. So
the wise put forth their busioew
rropoeltlons there they term into
money that which they cab bo long
er use they pick tip at a bar; In
that with nhkh the other nan will
ttlatfjy part.
Ther are cheap and they
certainly do the business.
i fclrl Pawed Ba4 Iatilated
ta Itaoai ( a Chtraaw
CHICAGO. Fan. i:.-r.videno believed t
fcndtrat a fiendiah rrlnn a found today
when th unconscious form of ila Ginglea.
aa Irish lac maker, was fouad in a room
at tb WcUttogwm betel, a dovntown bea
lelry of ths first repats. Tli girt naa
bound oecurety. -aa suffering from
laudanani polavntmr id apparonfy bad
b(a aasaulted.
On leg- was tied to the bedstead, ths
other ts a a ask stand, and her handa acr
t:ed above ber bead. Myatertoua lei l era.
signed in Miss Ginges name, but which
may not fcav been wrtttea by bar, and ia
sr'airh shs aaid that she was about te bs
r waa being n urdired. figMrs ia ths case.
atetally Cbole SMeeraary them
T.0 Cesjassleaau aad
rinCAOO. 111. rob. 17.-8pecial V-Ad-vaac
sheets af tb official embolic dirsc
tory pubuabed by tb M. C WJtiua Co.
MUaauka. Wis., give th fulWe u.g soa
tlatk ragaraing Lbs Omaha dlseesi : Popu
lation tCatbotlr) about T SB bishop. 1
cSargr. M. c&arcbas. IB: oollaes and
aeaaemiea. 13: parntbs wttb onoola, 71,
children artsodrttg. fLTTt. arpLoa asylum, 1;
orphan. VSi cbaritahls InsutuUBna. A
President Booserelt Traxismits to
Congress Beport of Enciseers.
1 aaalasai Verdict af Experts Ea
dorse Work How Betas; ,
Only Crttlctoa Betas; Fasalw
ble Eaceas af Cnatlaa.
WASHINGTON. Fiii. M. Any attark
made hereafter on the lock typ of the
Panama canal, according to the opinion
expressed by President Roosevelt in a mes
sagre transmitting to cocyress today the
report made by the engineers who recently
visited the canal sone with President-elect
TaTt, "ia hi reality merely an attack upon
the policy of building any canal at all."
Ths report, in Mr. Roosevelt s cpinlon.
"shows in clearest fashion that ths con
gress was wis in tbe position tt took and
that it would be an Inexcusable folly to
change from the propoxed lock canal to a
ses level canal.
"I commend to you," he to ctvngresa,
"the most careful consideration of the re
port. It shows that the only crltiriirm
thnt c.n be made of the work on the
isthmus ia that there has some times been
almost an excess of caution in providing
against pnscible trouble. Aa to the Gstun
dam itself, they show, thst not only is
the dam safe, but that on tbe whole tbe
plan already adopted would make it un
necessarily high and strong, and accord
ingly they recommend that the height be
reduced by twenty feet, which change ia
the plans I have accordingly directed."
Freaident Roosevelt aaya that th en
gineers who made the rejort "are of all
the men In their profession, within or with
out ths fritted States, tbe men who ore on
the whole best qualified to pasa upon these
very questions which they examined."
AU Apaaaia Catarn (,
Th engineers report thst. aa t ho Gatun
earth dam was the central point of discus
sion tbey gave it. under instructions from
Mr. Taft. -first consideration in the llgbt
of all new evidence, and tbey add that
"the type of dam now under consideration
is on which meets wtth our unanimous
They say that they are "satisfied that
there will be no danrerous or objection
able seepage throuyh tb materials under
th baa of th dam: nor are they a soft
as to be. liable to be pushed aside by the
weight of the proposed dam so aa ts cause
dangerous avttleinent. We are also satis- '
fiej that the materials available and which j
It la proposed to use are suitable and can !
be readily rilaoed ta form a tight, atabl
and permanent dam."
Oama and locks, lock gates and all other i
eiicineermg structures mvolvel ia tb lock
canal project are "feasible and safe. ac
cording to tbe engtneera. "and tbey can
be depended upon ts perform wtth certainty
their respective functions." They report
thai tbey "do not find any occasion for
changing the type of canal that baa been
adopted, A change to sea-level plan at the
present time would add greatly to tb cost
and time of construction, without compen
sating advantages, either In capacity cf tbe '
canal or ia safety of naviratton, aad oenos ,
wmtld be a public rntfrfortun.
"W do find" they say, "in tb detailed
designs thst have been adopted, or that are
under consideration, some mstters where
ether arrangements than those now con
sidered seem worthy of study. As these
proposed changes are of a tentative na
ture and do not. in any cass affect tbe
main questions herein discussed, they art
not taken up in this report,"
Plans Mara Than Sofa.
Tbey declare that th "most practical
question in tb construction of to Gatun
dam is the possible slipping and sliding of
the materials underneath and In the body
of the duun." In regard to this questkm
they bavs reached the conclusion "the de
sign upon whicb the work is now being
prosecuted abundantly fulfils the required
degree of stability and groes far beyond the
limits of what would b regarded as suffi
cient and safe In any leaa important struc
ture.' In regard te tbe slips which bar oc
curred at several times, they assert that
they in "of no serious consoqnenoe, either
in tbe practical execution of th work or
in th ultimata stability of the structures."
Having considered tb proper height for
th Gatun dam they concluded 'that it
could bs safely reduced twenty feet from
that orirtnally proposed; namely, to an
elevation of 31i feet abov sea level, or
thirty feet abov th normal level of the
water against the dam."
Thie change, they aaid, "will faclllat th
work of eon m ruction and will reduce some
wtart th cost of th proposed work,"
Aa to tb change cf tb lower locka on
ths Pacific end of ths canal for 3L Boca
on ths ah ore of Panama bay of Mirafktrea
about four miles inland, they report that
the settlements which occurred as a re
sult of ths change "causs no reason ts
doubt the stability of tb proposed dam."
This change having been mad becauss
"objection might b mad from a military
point of view to placing locka on ths shor
of tb bay, exposed to runs of bostils
ships." th board cf engineers estimata
that it will increase tb cost by about $J.
ett.Mtt. but that it will greatly lessen th
cost cf fortifiontioB.
Another change, thst of mcreasing; the
minimum width of tbe bottom of lb canal
for about four and seven-tenths miles in
ths Culebra cut the estimate will increase
th cost of work by about H .. SKI. but
ibey say it a ill not delay tb completion
of tb canal, that it mill permit ships t
pass on another in this portion of th
canal and will otherwise facilitate narra
tion. "If alides occur after th completion
of tb canal.' tbey aay. " th aider canal
la not as likely t b blocked aa a nar
rower oca" They a-iprei th change in
tn proposed tucatioB of ths brsak-water
ax th Atlantic and of Lb canal.
t eparUsa af Battsaatea.
Tbeix estimate of tb cucoplei cust of
th canal is "ta. (.. Tbey aay it ia lu
ourrect ts state that tb original osiimats
of cost was ju.jC.. aa they did not
include "sanitatkB and aun government."
They sumats tb expens of aanliaxtoa
and son government at CT.t while
payment to tba republic of Panama and
to tb new Panama canal company
amounted to SU.MA.sia) which mould make
tba dtf ferenco between th present astimaU
and tb previous cctimaie. with cost of
sanitation aad son gov enuneat and pay
saata added only xf this
amount." tbey aay. "nearly on-batf can
be accounted fur by th change ia th
canal and appurtenant works already
referred ts and th remainder ts ts b at
tributed mainly t tb kigrbar unit coat of
ths different Items of tb work,"
CoinnaencatioB at cxpiesaed at th ssssiml
condiliona of tb work and tba engineer
vote tb belief that ia no ether great
ICVntioued ua Second Page
William 7. Bryan has postponed his trip to Cabs and will purd his
From the Denver Post.
Hat and Shoes Coataia lames cf
Omaha Firms.
E vide are ef Deep IrknMi Beralal At-
essel Ptebfcery ef Kaaans Cliy
MiUieaatr to TCaearlbeal
by th Oat ores.
VANFAS CITT, ran. H Trat "C. H.
Garnet t," the man Who yesterday at
tempted to extort fT.MB from Isrreac M.
Jones, a milUonair dry g-ooda merchant.
by the dlxpiay of a dynamite borra. had ac
complices mas tas-rna eeaiOTaiy by tb
polio today. The er .wcrVlasr ea
th theory that tw or mere ma, and
possibly a woman, wer concerned la the
The real estate agent who rented the
bouse which Garnett had fitted up with
chains with which to Imprison Mr. Jones
asserts thst an elderly, well dressed man
engrayed the place. The future tenant said
bs and his brother were stoclrTr- and
both lived in Omaha The day after Gar
pott rented the houee s oelglibor saw two
men and a woman walking about the sec
ond story as If Inspecting; the floor.
Garnet t, in W usual surly manner, re
fused again today to tell his real name or
anything of hie past,
Gamett's black slouch hat was stamped
on the sweatband aa follows: "I. U Bran
dcla A Rons. Boston Store. Omaha" A
small letter "B" is perforated on the
band. "Kirkendall" was the one word
stamped on th Inside of his shoes. An
overcoat bad th maker's label torn
from It.
Garartt Pleeda Gallty.
Garnett was srrslgned in Justice Shep
herd s court today on charges of robbery
and attempt to rob. He entered pieaa of
STillty to both charges and waived prelim
inary bearing. Justine Shepherd then bound
him over to the criminal court.
Garnett still refused today to talk of his
family, or tell where b mad th bomb.
He waa sorry, be said, that b did not
kill himself before be went to th Jones
home. In fact, b regrected bis eennectian
with the whale thing;. Garnett aaid he
had no intention of killing anyone. He was
out of work, out of money and suffering
from tuberculosis. Garnett aaid today that
he had no accomplices arid th police this
afternoon wer Inclined to riv up their
early idea that Grott mas assisted by
PES MOINES. Ia.. Fen. 17 Efforts to
trees th psst history of the man 1b Jail
at Kansas City accused of holding: up Law
rence M. Jonea. the dry goods merchant,
aad connect him with th nam of Lester
Van Am berg have been fruitions la this
city as far. The Banker Life association
stats that they have Tie suck anaa on their
Hat of ag-enta aa ever having worked for
them or working for them now. Aa to be
ing employed by trie firm of Wright a Bona,
tombstone makers, ther is no such firm ta
the city. Inquiries at each of tbe marble
works her fall to get any trace ef such a
person. Telepbon cennertioB with Bee
City failed to elicit anything: ooacerning
such a man.
Family LeeWles for Tea Aasbars.
flOLX CITT. la, Feb. 17. tater Tan
Amburg. writing- from Council Bluff a. la,
is his wtfe and four children at Wasbta.
Ia. on"January 2k. told them be waa about
te commit suicide. Relatives nave sought
in vain aim then ta aecura a trac of him.
However tbey doubt that be has drowned
himself, as h threatened to da Van Am
burg formerly was a traveling salesman
fur s Sioux City tnarbls works. According
to a description a or urea here he is almost
feet m inches tall, weigh IS pounda and
ia s years old,
DD8 M DIVES, la, Feb 17 Lester Van
Ambers;, who la believed to be ia tbe Kan
sas City Jail accused of bcldtns; up Law
rence Jones, was reared , ta Cherokee
county, Iowa, from infancy. His father
mas a prseninent farmer of tb southern
portion of tb county and died mix years
ago. Van Anuberg s - wife Is living is
Wasbta. and when seen today waa in
clined t bet lev that tb maa at Kanaaa
City maa ber husband. 6b nays that ber
husband ia t years ef as, that b weign
US pounda and that he as five font seven
inchxa ia bug-tit, tliat bis ryes are betw a.
aad that be la atigntiy truae lyed. His
hair is light aa color. Ha left noma two
werka ao aad th laat that sh bad beard
tCunUnued oa Cf innd Pag.)
Figbt ef tbe Latter for Jo'wt Freight
Mete ts ttw Oa ta
CHICAGO. Feb. 17. Taking of testimor.y
In the fight between th Hill and th Har
rtmam railroads in th Pacific northwest
m aa begun in thia city today by Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Prouty. Th con
test, m-hieh is regarded aa en of th most
bspnrtant which baa oxim before tbe com
mission in years. rs to enforce an order of
tbe commission directing- tb Northern Pa
cific railroad t par-tlctpat with tb Har
rrman line in making a through rat from
Missouri and Mississippi river points into
Portland, Ore, One of ths important points
involved ro the controversy is the rigt
of tb commission to compel competing rail
read t join ia making through rate.
-Tbar we aeiieaty-Ove-Tailiasd officials
and lawyers present when the bearing be
ran. C W. Bonn appearlnc for to Hill
lines and C W. Diliard representinc the
Harriman interests. 3. 3. Wood worth, gen
eral traffic manager of tbe Northern Pa
cific was tbe first witness. With maps
and timetables in front of him he com
pared the running time of the Northern
and ths Union Pacific between tb Mis
sissippi and th Pacific coast, and the
service given the public. Beginning April
30, he said, the Northern Pacific will operate
its passenger traina on an entirely new
schedule. A new through train between
St. Paul and Seattle will be added to the
eervioe and one of the daily through traina
will run between Chicago and Seattle by
way of St. Paul, over the Burtington line.
The running tiro between St- Jaul and j
Seattle, bo said, will bo reduced three
hours and forty sninutea Another new
train will bo operated between Kanaas City
and Seattle.
"Are these new trains to be put oa for
th Yukon exposition next summer, or are
thry to be permanent T aaked Commis
sioner Prouty.
"It ia intended that tbey ahaJl be per
manent," witness repiled-
Cersalaa Expire at Fet-t till. Where
He He Beea a rVtsoae
ef War.
LAWTON. Okl. Feb. 37 Geronlmo, the
noted ludian chief, died st Fort 8.11. where
lie hsd bees confined ss a prisoner of war
for a number of year
Geronlms will be buried in th Indian
cemetery near the fort tomorrow. Tbe
funeral will b conducted by Christian mis
sionaries, the decedent having professed
religion three years ago.
Geronlmo waa the war chief of tb
Apax-hea H maa captured with hia band
at Skelton Canyon. Artaona. twenty-two
years ago. having surrendered to General
Kelson A. Miles, who, wtth his soldiers,
bad pursued him for months.
It Is a carton coincidence thst news cf
Geronlmo's death mas sent out from Law
ton, which was named after th lata Henry
W. Lawton. tb famous general mho s a
member of Miles' command led th S.t
mil chase that resulted in ths chiefs sur
render. Th chase after Groninio maa
berun at Omaha in January, IMC General
Milea command of the Iw-partment of
tb Missouri, received instructions t rout
th band of Indiana beaded by Geronlmo
and kill or captor its chief, and began
operations by organising an expedition
conaisting of ths Second. Eighth and Ninth
Infantry and the Fourth. Fifth. Sixth and
Eighth cavalry, ths horsemen being la
cbarg cf Henry W. Lawton. then lieutenant-
Th expedition was got tea under
way in January, 1. and tbe capture of
Geronim and bis band finally made nearly
two yeara later.
Philadelphia Kef eras a r Elect Maarla
trele. bet Leae Oat la Cea
rilaasia Ceateete.
PHlLAtEUHIA, Feb. 17. -Although ths
reformers succeeded in electing their can
didate for magistrst at yesterday's elec
tion, tbe causs suffered a setback through
tb defeat of ceuncilmanic candidates ra
ward tLAt have for aeveral yeara bar i
regarded as reform strongholds. Four rtty
magistrates mors eirvted. and tinder th
law tb minority party is entitled te representation-
Tb republicans named two can
didates, tb democrats cne. and ths reform
element, under tbe title ef tb ". ltm
Pens party.' eec la November .ht re
form canrtKiat for aheriTf had TX.tOB vota.
farorite bilL 5rws Item.
Hardware Ken Hear Oaslaught oa
Xoatthical Xethoda,
Bait! a a Ceaaei liter CnNarn aad
"Week Price Cattta Evils Kewr
BsAetta- AaeeaaT Dealer, He
Declares ta Aaartai.
A vigorous onslaught on unfair tnethoda
of gaining business waa pd by Nathan
fftatorrts of Omaha at tbe afternoon session
ef the Kebraaka Retail Hardware Dealers'
aaoociatlon yesterday. Mr. Roberta spok
upon "Trade Ethic'" aaytngt
While cempelition le aaid 4 bo tb lif
of basiness, it is wise certamly the desxB
ef many merchant. BaiUii: pur oumpei
tors knew oustomers in any way. 1 con
sider oisbonorable. and especially so where
baits are offered on goods in a standard
ciats of msrket or known values, at prtoes
that net a loss. One doing this haa for hia
only motive the discrediting of his competi
tor In tbe mind cf his customer.
Works Evil to Evil Deer.
This may bear fruit as intended, or your
competitor may suffer in mental integrity
and financial loss, but many years cf ob
servation in retail business have taught me
that the maa who ateais in thia way will
be before the liar ef Justice sooner or later
for wrong doing, and the customer gained
in tills manner will Im net lilm any appre
ciable results in tb growth of his business.
Closer silled to this form of piracy and.
In fact, as I believe, first cousin to it, is
the vicious habit of rasb price cutting, cav
ing tbe same object in view as baiting and
carrying with it the sams ulterior results,
Iwcomtng the death of many merchants
and being a direct violation of ethical lawa
L. C Abbott of Mare halite wn. 3 a.. and a
member ef tbe executive committee of tbe
national association, took charge cf the
question box.
Draasatie aeeae Atteada He rim- ef
CtaersT Before Aray He-
CHICAGO. Feb. 17. A dramatic scene,
th particulars of which probably never
w ill be known outsid th circle ef partici
pants, took place in the federal building
today, when Colonel W. F. Tucker and his
m-ifa. tbe daughter of General John A.
Logan, deceased, met before the army re
tiring board which is considering; Colonel
Tucker's case Mra. Tmcker waa present
as a witness against him.
Colonel Tucker had been for some time
before tbo board before Mr. Tucker en
tered. Six was clad m a prlnceaa black
coat, and ber large bat of th same color
was relieved by sweeping green plume
Coional Tucker 1 said to half risen from
his chair as his estranged wife appeared,
but t have aaid nothing.
Tb tenaeneas ef the situation reached a
climax when Mra. Tucker fainted on the
stand. This incident became knows by
hurried rusk to an adjoining room for a
glass of water. Har indisposition mas of
brief duration,
Tli arrest of an eng-meer and a fireman,
both employed in tbo federal building, on a
charge of attempting to extort money,
served to eomplicai tb oas of Colonel
Tucker. Tb men. tb pour assert, pro
Cured from th masts sent ta the boiler
room to b burned personal letters sent to
Colonel TuciLcr. and thea ettemrted te sell
them te htm.
WUl I me Private read la Berea
trartiea ef Tsea ef I,
People hear M eastern.
ROME. Feb. 17. tueea Helena baa de
cided to undertake with ber own pmat
funds th reconstruction f a town oa th
outskirts of Messina, oa the bin m her tbe
lichtbous stood, Tbs new eoormuuity wlB
start with l.ous inhabitant. . Her ntMjcsiy
personally is directing; th plana Tb name
of the tana ia to be Recina Elena.
Feewsee Ceeasslssteae' ef I a bee la
Crttteel resettles at Hen
la o ereeeter.
WORCESTER, Maa.. Feb. n.-Dr. Carroll
D. Wrig-t.t. preawient ef Clark college, for
aucr Cnited State commissioner of labor,
is ia a critical condition ia his home ferrs
suffering from a snenta and physical
breakdown. All hopes of his recovery hate
bbaa abandoned by his physician
Lesder of Democratic Party De lifers
Address to Legislators.
Also Reminds Them of Some He Does
5ot Endorse.
Bank Guaranty Bill of Committee is
Bill far Bseerlaseatat Para Acer
a feet a as Killed la the
Has One we Ilea et
(From a Staff Correspondrnt )
LINCOLN. Feb. 17 Special . In repre
sentative hall, which waa crowded, lobby
nd gollery, and from which every temper
ance banner had beea removed, William J.
Bryan thia afternoon addressed a Joint ses
sion of the house and senate.
Ia tils address, which tasted for on hour
snd forty minutes. Mr. Prysa advocated
tb passage of tbs following bills, now
Appropriation f"r a Lincoln mntiiimt.
Liberal appropriation for a ststa historical
A bill for the Inltistlve snd referendum
A liil fur a school of cittsenahlp st tb
A till for the Oregon primary plan cf
electing senators.
A h,il for the publication of campaign
contributions before election.
A bill for tbe physical valuation of rail
road The committee bill for th guaranty cf
bank deposits. ,
He denounced snd apposed the following;
bills now pending:
The bill providing thst the teschers in
the Stale university be qualified to become
ienrfioiarira of tb Carnrgle pmsion fund
after having taught continuously for twrs-ty-fire
years, or for fifteen Jeara when tb
teacher is yeara old.
He congratulated th leglalatur as fol
lows: Becauss the house selected Its stsndln
commlrtfes through a committee tat his
For the draft Ina- of a banklr.s bHla with
which he seemed perfectly familiar.
ror in progress msts on th bills pro
viding for the physical valuation of rail
road; on the bill to provide for the pub
licity of campaia-a contributions: on ths
election of Sneaker Pool, and oa a-enerai
Mr. Bryan advocated th passage cf th
foUowinc bill, not yet Introduced:
Limiting tb amount of money a candi
dal for office nuty epend in bis campaign.
Mewtlew ef Ceaety Oat tea.
Mr. Bry an failed to mention the following
qaestioB which is bow bothering th dram,
crsttic party:
County option,
Mr. Bryaa repeated that tb platform 1
Just as binding on what la omits aa it ia
on what tt contains.
The presidential candid reached hia
bigbest eloquence m Ma cmacieiaa af tea
Mir Wiilrtr baa already passed tbe senate
providing the teachers In th university
may participate in th Carnegie pension
fund. The paasajre of th bill, h aaid.
would be placing th state In th attrttil
of a mendicant, asking the rich man t
carry It burden and admitting it waa un
able to pay its teachers.
"Thia Cnmpgle fund," ha said, "Is th
most Insidious poison thst has bean In
jected into tb body politic." Continuing-,
he aaid tbe extortion of the trusts amounted
to little compared with the bad Influence
that would follow the acceptance ef the
Carnegi fund. And then In a great buret
of eloquence b likened th pension fund
to a proposition from a country at war
with the Cnited States to pension tbe sol
diers of tbe American army. He closed his
denunciation with th following-'
"This qnestloa will not be nettled by this
legislature. If my argument la sound the
voters will use lt If the university is tid
to the Bteel trust and army of voters mill
untie lf"
Platfersao Are Blndta.
Mr. Bryaa placed great sirens upon tne
importance of party platforms and their
fulfillment. "Representatives ana bound by
the platforms of their state convention.
You bavs your local platform by which
you aj bound. Every man elected oa a
stats or local platform ought to vote as be
promised or resign. This ia my conception
of legislative duty. My Interest Is te see
promises carried out. If ther a is any plank
tn th platform mhich I ao net endorse I
would urge It as earnestly as others I am
is fsvor of."
For confiideraMs time Mr. Bryan advo
cated the passage of a bill limiting th
amount of money a candidate f.T offic may
spend ia his campaign, forgetting evidently
that Nebraska has such a law. tRection 1
Article S of Chapter St Compiled Statute)
la hie argument la favor of th passage
cf the physical valuation bill now pending
Mr. Brii denounc-d the railroad lobby and
referred to post history when the rati road a
cartd a member of the leglalatur out of
th state to prevent the enactment ef a
freight rate law. When tbe physical valua
tion bill ia paased. lie said. Tt would be of
benefit to the rallroada. for when ths truth
is known regarding their value th railroads
mill be saved from a demagogue. The rall
roada. be aaid, abould trust ths people and
not feel that they bav to maintain lobby
to look after th leg-ialatsr.
Mr. Bryan endorsed ths banking bill pre
pared by the Joint committe ef the house
and senate snd said it would safeguard th
depositor and at the euro tim would
b acceptable to th banker Th change
in the banking laws, lie thought. Were as
important aa th guaranty fund, and bs
endorsed the bill as prepared by th com
mittee. The presidential candidate spent a lot
of time advocating an appropriation for a
monument t Abraham Lincoln and for
the construction of a stats historical buUd
ing. but not one word did be Bay in favor
of as appropriation ofr a state library
building ra which to house Nebrasks's
library, which ia priceless and la which
some tZ4 are invested.
Oatlsalsls Are Disappointed.
Tne greatest d:ppolritneiit of the speech
ts the advocate of county option waa his
silence oa thst question. lite frequent
references, how ever, to his statement tnade
when be received ths presidential nomina
tion, that the platfwrm is binding oa what
tt omits as it ts upon a hst It contains, gav
aa idea of how snurb chance a county
option bill has Is this legislature.
Mr. Bryaa mas introduced by Lieutenant
Governor Hopeeell aa "Nebraska's anust
distinguished cj Lists." H btaa lis speech
ly a abort discussion of what t d wit a
tb cx-preaidents and what tb jifwaidenttal