Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Wirtlut Kttsires from Hatgilups ke
prt Hem Few Degrees Apart.
libel . Reader rial ma (aalMln
of aoarler Million Bf MlalaeT
.. Deal. M ar H
MiW'r'ronc.- rr jc-a wire dis-J
patch Was recrtvrd her tonight from the
fiagahlp Connoctlcbt of th. American bat
UesMpl fHec now ramming. frvoi lis world
voytg. atating that th Connecticut at I
o clock -tonight wag !n 'Th poatLioa
latitude tortl and longitud 41.08 west, and
making:' a florth' cour"ry T degreea weat.
A wlr!. oV.tpach reefed at o'clock
ft 0m tha battleship Main, flagship of tba
Third tjoadr.n. which will welcome tba
fleai, italaa - that trto Main .ws. In the
PotiUoa Cti latitude, M li longitude wait.
Jaaao B. Ht(la Swed.
8uil waa brought In tha at at supreme
"ourt ber todar by Athel B. Reader, hus
iand frf-.EHaf Rwe ''Readet, Bgaraxt
Jam t riitil. tho. wealthy mil) owner
nd racing ma. to recover S 30.000, It pr
nt cemm!sston claimed r Reader on tho
purch orieo ' of several mines "In the
District -of Cerr tl .Paaco. Peru, bought
? tha defendant for I2.M0.000.
Read 'Mlofided that b had option 6a
nary j areola of . land Included In th
?eruvin" properties bought by Hagigln and
hat h had an agistment wtthv Haggin for
h payment of th amount sought to b
vver4 whea the puroha.' waa mad.
alniUar. sjH.brQught by Reader ta th
darar courts waa dismissed.
.X4tvrr AaaVOtB. Sanalli '
Raymond Hitchcock, th actor today filed
petition la bankruptcy.;, la the t'ni'ed
i'.ates district court. He glvea bla HabiU
lea at IX.IS4. and tits aaoaU aa 111 -
rUher tU4y.
Cunl for lh Star company, pub
where of th Nw Tork American, today
nlrd pita it pot ruilty of th cbarg
.MiwWrTionpwTiT ajti iuioi
tola PalB.
tun. Anie.
Ovr;dl Jn1td .h IttM i pen
Ivlcradj Expr.....- IAS pot pca
Atlantic Tpre it).,.'- v:
Cir-w Expro a 4:M) pa a Iw pa
t.o Angelt LAaxltuL.ilx.6t pm a t.i pm
test Mail a Jt an a ttt pm
i liina and' Japan Malt.. a 4 04 pm a ttt pm
North Platbt Loeal a I U am a 4 4f m
Pole -Chiz-ago Special... alius am a ?. am
hfstrlo A CtramaburaT
lxcl , TbU pm b 1 a pra
Local aawnrra not carried oh train
No. 1 and &
Chicago Br W,
L Paul-MTnaoaolla
e -JB pm 1: am
T Jt am 11' J pnt
8L paiil-tauaaeapou i an -jpnt
r.Mcaao Ijmltad oaa in am
I hV.t' Czpra . 7 am 11 :K pm
crueag xzpraaa aa pm pm
(hlaaga, ) 1 !!
Cfclcao'XiaUta4 ..".n. 0 aaf all: mar'
lawa voeai a jxm am t.K am
Rocky Mouataia Ltd.. J 10 am all: pm
Lwa Molna Jt Kaatrj- v1 m J pm
l Molaaa Paa ngar-a pm ail J pra
Iowa Local ,,.bll . ata pMpm
ntc4- (Eaatara E-) a 4 ptu a la pm
Chicago rirr tJ pa a I Jt am
Rocky MoanlAln Ld.jaJl:lt pm a t:tt pm
Ce'oi t Cll 4iKaM.4i:tn aiJIain
OaX & Toxaa Saprest-a 4:l pos a ja4 pm
,k4-i-... ar.f .- ;t 1,
u Luis tapreaa.-..a tJt pm a t Jt am
l Lout Local (raa
Couacu Bluff. a I.M am all :U paa
lat-bwrrr Local tfraaa . .
Coua.l SiuIU) ... .b IM pm bM:S am
liltaatl CaatawA
leioT atxprawe ... T At am a t:t Baai
Chtaag lUaUtod ..a 14 paa a I Jt am
Miatv-m riJ I rrae ,b 7t am . , .
Miaavti. Paul Umlt4..a t.f paa a I J aaa
Oaaaha-Pt. Dodg LooaLA 4-U pm auj as
CkawatM JIUaraiaalMW m St. rJ.
Chtcag at. Col. SpadalaV MS aaa'. all Jt pm
CaL t wiagaa apraa.a t: pea a t:tt pm
OvorUad LAmlVad a tAt pm a 4 90 Lot
Ferrr Looal v...t..k ioi pm. UUJt am
Mlaaoaurl Pttalfta 1 ,t.
K. C . U Apraam.. 1. 44 am a I 41 aaa
k C ab IU. U Lxirea..ali;14 pm am
.maatajw a tarUwaaiara.
CbUAg X'ay.itht....... jt am M
tar.a v.ity aVapataa A 1:U am aatJt pm
cau.'M aauxa...'..i.aUw am a ijm a
majl ci:i t at pm aUM am
t:cicgo .-o-- - 4.4 pm a I Jt pm
Cataut opa..........a ta pm a a Jl am
Miaaojaoha-AJaaaaMA ka...a C4t pm a 4 j am
Ta. MaL.. , m Urn vm
Imm t-tti- U!io......a -. pm a tatt am
Law Agit AJroJiad.... taa) pm mliJt
Cvaaiaa UaaKaA aavmau a tat am
s4rka d Wyaauia Lriviaioa
NoctHt-Bociaiawi ' am a IJt pm
U4la-Loav a....t.ttam alt Jt Im
DeadwOOaVLiawala -..A i pm ilji a
Caaee-Ladr ..-a t.aa pta a t Jt pm
t ioaal-Aiottu i.i..b tJ oog tlai Bi
HaaAjaal'-utx- S tj pm u tM
B4JBtW4rr 4T4 ttTk m LAgB
. : V ' : -'"
BarH4a t
Lear. ArrJv.
iMvr CJUtforai.... Jt pm a l it pm
si iaoeeu apawial ...a 4-ie pm a 4 a a
fcick Hoi .a 4.i pea a t lw am
j,rieu L-Vp'eaa aOl it ax ali,
...b .a.. t..lut tvm
Liocola Fa! Mail OaJtpas aOl. 11 lm
atHaaaA .ximm iidia a an
tJabin Local a 1 M cm
icny,r-Ptam.t ..kl.ttpm bltjulj
fcUau-P'aiinoaiA ...a t Jt pm a I M am
cMlwvaaPlaltamoiIlk 1 at im
r-ineut L-a b t U am ...
B.vuayPiiimut ..cJJJhpm c l.Mam
lsm: Llao ted - 4 Jt pm a Taa a
(.bktrt Wpaoial - 1 J an. au i ,
Chicago Eaptxaa .....a 4 ) pm a 4 44 pl
cnictkav iyr t. pm a 1 jg ,a
jura Local a t;il am au j
u Lovu Expr.i..... t.ttpm ava.e u
KUui City A t- Joe..aU4 t p. .
Kaaaaa City A t. Jo.. I ll am a J
Kaaaaa Ctly t. Jo. 4 at pm ....TL.T"
. Laava,. Arrlra.
Twia Cl'.y Passgr...k 1 1 am k t is am
teus City raaaasor...b I pm bUA am
a.eua City Ltacal.- t Let am 4. a pZ
kattaraoa Loal b lt paa k l ia .
ari fa aa fast ,
Aabura Lacal b t.aO paa bUJt am
a Dairy, k Daily eacoyu Sundai . a aTT!
ijmmi nu rtn at at bra
Wewkl aaUttag- biitsna MmtrauU. Qasbo
aa lUreurpe
.Two days a the bewuttful t. Lawrence
Rlr aad tn akorvaat oooaa route to
av u rope
NotAing better os, th Atlantic .thaa our
Iirproesaa Wlrel on all ateamera
4uTX?M" mMm ,
Aah yoir ticket ageat, or writ tpt aauL
iraga. rate and booklet.
am av vaaarg are, -
TH TTOWJJ. da Lux and
acTion, or llll, Coei
All tvurop.
$150 to $1105
AU TjavUa fcT raj u
11 9 rA CJ f f a. v
-wwja, a yri r Cit,
ray, X-w Vork I f
ve.r' Cf.etka f
Coaka Tra
r Gawd
CblameTO. r4. Mlaualm
' at porroy. at mookltn. at mw tork. at rnn-Atrtj!v at pittio. at ncrniAn. f at thicago. at t. lovi.
Ar. aa. May v 1, I At H :. rt. . Ar r. tJ. M, tt : J-jre t t. . I J.. t I 1 J,- u. u. u."l J-. It. !7. TH
pnrTOK THE Jlr t. t. t. I B nil Jmm k. Act 7. 1. 1 A'. It II. 4 4 t i l j, r a, 1, 1
. IHUI teet. 4. . t. 1 Jay i. I i. OrtO Vyl r. ML p. 11. 1. .4 . N H. t
. Ar. IT. t. t. . Ar. H, IV H Aer r. P. J.n .1. 1J, 11. ij Jvee t. 4. (, June It, IT. tt. 3a Jm T. a.
MroOrufTC... Mr . f. II tt ' BEB J. I. . M. It J, , m. r. r Am. Lilt Jilr . '. Aug 1. I Au ;. . It An ll U I4 14 II
a J ta. ;. . . i. u ten a. u. ;a. it tv. it. :, . w. t r, ti. ti. n t-n u. u. 2
tut . T. . 1 Aar. O. . U Apr 1 Vtr 1. t. 14. 17. It. 1 Jurt. 11. It. H. ;4 jm t I. I 14 Jan. k
KIW TOBK J.irM,r.K , liMlftN MILL ) ? S. I. 4. T J.itM, II. Am I A.. t. 4. k. An II. It. !4. li A. 7. I. . K. Jl
IV 14. 14 ' ' JT 1. , I, Ott. 4. T ' ' A 17. It, It It. Brp. 14. t. e- II. li. :4 Bl. II. I. 11. rj.
Ae. 14. ;l. It 4 4. I. 4. 14 Aer. 17. 11. t In T. 4. 4. r. 51 Jan. H, 17. 1. W )m 4 4. 4 J 11 II It. 14
PHTIADEU'HIIA.,.. Jon. . H. tt. 2 Jan. SX B 74 Mr w. . I.. U TRlT Jl" l A 14. 14. A 1. 4. 4. if J,j. l ;i. 4. l. J A I. 4. 4. t
. Tl 4. 4. I. H em4. 4. , T Ott. I. t 4, 4 14. f. 14. U rt. It. . 4 et 14. It. !
M.t f IS 14, n War U. IT. 14, 14 May . . It May 11. U. 1 It A'. t. 1. 1. IT, JJ Ar. tt. It. 90 Ar J4 IT. ft
PtTTiBlllO J.iy n. tl. J4.Pl. Inly I:. 14. li, 14 Jalr t. 4. . J. If Ja'.y IT. 1. I, II PILL. War 4. J.iy 4 May I i . Jun. 11 t4 i tl
' Aif. 41, 4Ot. 1 J As. 17, 14. Aug. 44. ti. 24 An T. tl, U ter . H. 1. Pit, t. T fcVpt. . Ih t. I. 4 Ml. 11. 11. II - Vi' . II. May IS. 17. It, 14 May i. . fl. t7 .r. K. . 14 lilay 4. 74 Arr Mar 1.11
d.VCl.VXATI July 17, ! a ' J'y 4. 4. 14. tl " JIy It. 14, IS. 14 Jalr tl. U. St. M July 5. i 4. t. V. BOX Ju. a. . S4. . t7 Jul. SO. July Lit
' A(. IT. M. 4. . Aa. tt. 44. 44. tl A. t. IL P fd U I tt. 4, 11 Ai.g. IS. 14 4H. 4. 4. I
May J, Jl, It . . May ti, H. J. IT May 11. It. It. It May :.17. II. : Ar. J". Mar 1. I. Aa Jt. IT. 14. 9 Ar. Jt. tt 4. :i
CHtCAao:..n...... tl' 14. 14. It ' Jury IT, It. . 11 Jiy H. . J4 Jul 4. 1. It June M. July 1. 4. 4 far lu tl, Jen 1, t t'ORE J .S. r M
; Au. . 5V. r. :j - Ht i.ii a. r. tt. w. ii Aag. :4. tk :4 apt. 4. 4. ;. 4 4. ii. 11 on. 1. a. 7
. May IS. V. II. May 11. It. II. 14 May M. JS. Tt, IT May : tl. fl Ma 4. 4. T, I Ap- It. n. y n Apr. 14. II 14, -7
IT. tVIt I. , 1. jt . July tt. t. 14 July 13. 1. tl July IS. 14. I-.. It May 11. II. June I Ma It. !. July Ii Mar I. Jan. 4. I. i, 4 DtilLY.
. Aug. 44. tt. I. Aug. M. tl. IX It teat. 1. t. t A-.g 17. tl. SO. 11 Al. IT. 14, It. 4 4. Ort. 1. . I g,p. l. u
- Memarui Pay
Belltay at bawt.. FatrMiu Day. ' 1t " Day. MeaMrtal Day. lnt-peattnc Day. InoXeiKraca Day. 'wain lal Day. Inaa4at Day. Lakar Da
- Meatorlal Day., Teaor Day. Laeor Day. Labor Day.
lnanafal Oa at falrla Da at Pffaana Memorial Pa at N ' Ir4eota. Pa at tfaMfial Pa at C n- Meaiaruil Pa at futa-
Balltaya aar4 ,1 aroe'a, Lavae ay Meaaortal Day al Bai l4.a4in. Day at Tork. Labor Day at Pnt a burg. Labor Day onnail. Labor Da burg Inn .-odrm
at V T-i. tn. Pbiladaiekia. Brooilya. at ft. Loata. at rntrbitrg Day at rkiragu.
atareer at kona 11 jl .... .... II 1: i It u 11
tatray abroad II 11 It :4 le II li l
untar at koaaeA , ' .... 17 it it
tanOaya abroat . t t 4 14 t I 7
May 1 4, I. June 3. I'. May I. June ). Tt.
Cenfll. at nt rleibe r It M, II ...'iNawt (Nona (Konei tNnl J . tNoo July I 4f' I vt t 8epletnbr It
of crlmtnaJ libel preferred ajralnat th
pany by John'D. Rockefeller, jr., In an
art tela pubtlahed In th American abottt him.
Th trial waa aent for' Febmary 11
Teaaa .raeUla DoJmUs.
Th director ot th Teiaa - A Paciflo
Railway company at a'meeUutV held her
today decided that n Inter at ahould at
thia tlm bo paid err th wm4 mortga
Income bonda of that corporatlnn. it wtt
a a tad that th omlaatrm of tbo cuatomary
pajrrnent waa becaua thara waa no turpi a
araUablc. . ' . ' J .' ".
CwTet .Be., 11 to K, Wla Plftk
Ratca? at Eamery llle.
OAKLAND. Feb. It -Fin weal her far
ored tbo sport at Emeryvllla today but th
track aras hearr. On of th ttest fin
iaMea wa in the -fourth race, at a-n fur
iongv othea th well supported Chaxly Io
herty onJ br a head from Tom Harard.
Ooaauv Shore' the favorite, stopped after
ahowirut. early apeed. Convent Bell waa
th medium of a auoeemful plunge In th
fifth race, winning all th way. Sum
maries; ...... ,r .....
Ftrat raoe. five and 'a half furlong,
purs; Jjghtbouae Hi. McCarthy, a to 41
won, Rooalt (WT. Oiiberr, t to 1) second.
Fulford 0t. Mclntyre. II to 61 third. Tune:
1M1S- Palo Alto Minnie Bright, tiailnna,
Naargorod. Meddling- Hannah, Goorg Kiav
m and Keatmar aihra ran.
fiburond race, three furlonjre. puree: In-ficttnrrlfl,-
Keotch. to- t wen. Tlc4r
(UX Oilbert. t to 1) second. Klfm Beau
(HIT. Im. It to 1 third. Time: t J7V Judge
Henderson. Nana NIc Quality Street,
Wkkrt, Bay fytreak. Tug Boat, and San
Laeavtdro also ran.
Third race, on mil and twenty rarda.
oiling: Bteel (IT. Clark, I to I) Won, Joe
Rom (K, Roa. 17 to f) second. Dolly Dol
lars UL'Keoarh. T to tt third. Tim: 1:47V
Bra and Em. Dainty Belle. Woolma. B
Thankful. First Pep and Molar alao ran.
Fourth race,' seven furtoncs, purs; Charlie
.Tharty Pcovlll. It to I) won. Tom
Uayward (K Tapiln, U to t) second. Col
lector JeaojU(V tl7. Sweet. T to D third.
Tim: . 1J3H. DMjtaohlad aad Ocoaa
fthoro also ran.
Fifth race, mile and twenty yard a. Mil
Ing: Convent Beil tlOT. Archibald. 11 to t)
won, Takinva. BkIIo . Devertch. 4 to 1)
eoond, Figent tW, Rosa. It to i) third.
Time: 1:4a. Louis 8triber, Colonel White.
Captain Hale. Taoa. Alclabiadea. Willi T.
atid Htoneman rinishod aa named.
L Btxth race, futurity course sealing: For-
dello. ilOT. Lam, U 4 woo, Oaocino (W,
tetrk rv B) to 11 second, Tom Shaw (106,
C. ' Miller, U to Si third. Time: 1:1V
Farxjr. Silver Blocking. Bast End and Fred
MulhollBtld finished aa named.
' Seventh race, rtx and a halt furlocga:
Cncle Jim (M0, Pace. It to t) won. Hasel
Thorpe lot. M grave, t to 1) second. Ores
ton 007. Howard. It to It third. Time:
1V Bluo Bottle, Hannibal Bey, Guiding
Star. Lena Latch. Salvage. Sir Barry. Ca
aando acd Roaslar also ran.
. JaaaaKar4 at Saata Aalta.
LOS ANQETLES. Feb, Cummtrie at
Santa Anita:
First race, aiz and a half furlongs, sli
ina: Hamper (147, Bchllluig. 11 to li won.
Likely Dteudonne (rOT.-Ric, Jt to 1) second.
Buck Thorn (107. Bhnrter. to 1) third.
Time: 1:1V Outae, Aa. Allen Lee. Signor.
Autocrat, Slus and Empire E2xpdltioo alao
Second race, three and a half furlong,
selling, t-rear-olda: gur (Jet (K. J. Haw.
ard. 4 to i) won, Sepulvid, O. E. Dugaat,
to 1) aecond. Mary Tan Buron (Itt. A.
Walsh. It to li third-. Tim: .414 Kid.
Placid. El Perfeclo, Harmaa, Cheater
Krum, My lea O Conoeil and Bam Bnoek alao
Third raco, sevea furfoeg, aelllnr: PXhoa
nil. Blirtner. oven) woo, bkyo uuv
:yo Utk. McOea.
till. Shilling. 1
Jttcy Marl. Rip
1 to Zi second. Kir Keiward
to It tltiid. Time: 1:W. Ltcy
Ran. Rubrnon, John Lou la Charley Ueeney
ana isr. w nit atae ran.
Fourth race, purse, ntllo aad oao eigTrth:
1 tartnn icgina tiio. uuiareiL 14 to t wan.
Jo Madden U. E. Dugan. S to 1) sscond.
hair Annie (ruo, BOIillng. B to II third.
Tim: 1HV Dr. Holtaberg and nernproal
alA ran.
Ftflh race, selrfng. mil' and three ai
teenth: King of the MaM (lut. HDlllmg. 11
to tl won. Niblick 4eiV. otdalln. it to t
aecond. Adoration ()?. Bulwell. t to 1)
third. Tim: 1 JV Oack Shot. Knight of
Ivanhoe. Vanen. Cahnar. Aunt Roe. Wolf,
vllle. Byo By II. kV hidden and Arcourt
klao raji.
Siath rare, mile, sellinc: Rockstono 01.
A. Walah. t to It won. Grand Darn (kOO,
lioiasteia. to ei seconov iord ft anno
(111. r-owera. 7 to I) Uurd. Ttme: l.Mlfc.
nancier. Snow Ball. Huxneleas and Vi
alao ran.
. laaiaaartee at Taaaa.
TAMPA. Fla.. Feb.
Firet race, fits furlongs: Arthur Bt lSwell
(lot. Date. T to li van.. Tree 1( GnfUn.
1 to et aecond. HerlKla. (lii. Smith, t to 1)
third. Time:!. Brown Jug. Roe Arkle,
Aleinlr. Moye. Odd Track and Retauont
also ran.
eerond race, fiv furlong a, Atrabip (KB,
Burns, t to tt won. Reinette (Branch, I to
1 second. Alamo (H14V Patkena. 4 to 1)
third. Time: 1:04. Vek. Caaayta. ST. Mag
net and Northvlis also raa.
Third race, mil: Jeannett M (1CI. Hinch
cliffe, 4 to 1) won, Euataclaia (IT, Braanon,
t to li eecoo.l. Colonel blu (lot. Burn. 4
to 1) third. Time: l et. Lord Dtrect, BL
Abe. EC Atflaire and Sprtng Freg alao ran.
Fourth race, all and a half furlong. : No
?uarter (Ivt, Peadera-ast, I 10 tl woo. Judge
reea hJ. Obert. to 1) aeuond. Meavina
(MC. Brown, t to 1J third. Time: 1:4V
Gambler. 'Expect to Br. Tewtah. Osanter
mand. Select. Richmoa Duk and Jo Fal
len alao ran.
Belect stumbled snd fell a the home re ta
rn en col onr Jockey Mulcaaey waa throw
hard. H i utviouecluua and, believed to be
fatally hurt. Gambler aaa cut down and
wnl not be able 10 race avgaJa at trite aneei
tng rlfth race, mil and seventy yarda; En
liat rV, Haauan. t to tt woa. Miaa Padoeo
(Kaj, Pickena. I la It aecond. Dew of Dawn
a. Guy. 4 to 1 third. Tinte: IJkL Oriental
4uea and Koa F. Panjqoa lao ran.
villi Have Terealy.TwO PUyor
tlaed by Eat ( Maaitk.
By th end of th month pa Rourka ex
pect a 10 have 1 be aignaturea of twecty-iwo
ball playera ottaclicd to contrarta to play
wiu trie t maiia team la lie Weatra ia-ue.
Pa Bay a he realise in I other eluO ara
have Been making big effort 1 atrermtnea
their lex ma. but tnat lie espect to run
akMig at the loi of (lia proceaaaoa aa asuai.
Several traoe were talked ap at t fie
aieeim of the magnate: at l4ocoin Sal
urJay. btii noaa waa fmiehod and th mag
nate refua to divulge tne nature of in
Kades until they are coraplatd. Every
riaxgaaie piearat ha a t be proeaia of one
or tue other af the big- leagu maitagera
Jar on or more piayera aow on tu liata
ot thw crul-a. but am may a aaa anotner
eaaoo of l aunu.g befor they can ba of
'bee lu the bg lejruea.
, Pa haa thv Cub and the Cincinnati Reds
on hlb rraff 'tnd hope to laid a good one
r two brtor the arafnti la ery old, Bath
ChatK and Pr drot Murphy of the Cub
feel verv friendly toward Omaha which
furnished them toeir crack twtrirra. alar,
aecat Brown artd Jatk Pfriaier. and tnev
rai'ae tkri the ttanah team m one of the
oral in tha rouniry with .n..-n yeuna
piajer caa gel his training Aa inal of
National League
these big team a have about forty player
on the reserve list and ss they will carry
but about twenty apiece after the season
pens. they , will have some good ones to
farm ouL
President Rourke thinks he ha a bunch
of good, new pi aver in John P-ndry. Tracy
Johns. Walter Odman, J. S. Rice. John D.
Lower and J. F. Kberlein. bin he ie nt
gotng to stop scouting for players for all
that snd will keep his eye open for sny
opportunity to strengthen the Omaha learn.
La at night on th Metropolitan . alleya
Boa I in a Mixer won three- exratght game
from th Bungalows, with new pins 10
bowt a train. A number of apUts accounts
for th low score Tonigitt the Loyal
Jewelers plar the Or t man Stars. Score:
1t. 3d. Sd. Total.
W. Schnetder 154 )i IM 470
D. Schneider IM 135 1 4ot
d apri
1(7 1TB 14e 4t2
4CT 41
1st. 2d
Jd. Tola'.
14I 44
1J4 7!T
11 SS
Art wood
Nord . . . .
The Grain Brokera won three garr.e on
the basement alleya from the Nebraska
Cycle company. Howe had all high totala
with iS and IM for aingie. Score:
let. Sri 3d. Ton'.
Weeks lit 163 174 4S
Thorn peon lf l.t 1C &.1
Kerr 130 lil 1 sll
Totals it mt 4(4 1.W7
1st. id. Sd. Total.
R. Haster 138 11 154
Howe 1W IS 141 hZl
J. Haalor 14S 174 IM . 474
44t l.M
Latat night on the Metropolitan alleya the
Keiley A Heyden team took two from the
Dreibu Candy company. Godenjt hwager
bowled a beautiful game, making 119 total.
Bryan got high aingie with Balser
waa high for the Keiley A Hcydene with
ttt total and 114 airgle. Tonirht the post
office learn playa the Birmingham Ranges.
let. M. Jd. Tolal.
Bryaa 1!2
Patterson lit
Pei per !
Oodea n
Cain 147
. 418
... Mi tba SM S.6TA
... 214
... 175
... is:
... 14
... 17
Raiser ....
Collins ....
Jennings .
Totals..-. Ml ITT. T Z.SA
Th Omaha National put th trlmmir.g
I th West Side laat night in th Omaha
U?"Ab 'k'' ,wo out ?f Samea.
with Captain Yousera catting high amgle
gam of St and totala of sto. Tonight
LD-ioa. i-Bcltlca v. ureabers. Scor:
1st, M. M. Tot.'i.
Falconer 16t 177 1 I
Changstrotn 12 177 1?4 bii I
Hughe 14. I IM ISa IKi
Total U l!7 18 L4S
1st. td. 3d. Total.
Touorm l&I ant if
Baada 124 IM 18 4J
Ctioo Its 140 11 44
Total '. C4 4aX k 1.434
It's th same old story In th u.m uld
way. with those Mets boy, they eem to
hava tb habit of taking everything tn
lghL Last night on th Aaaociailon alley
they bogged all three game from th
Gat City. Captain Gjerd of th Gate
Cttya captured tks high singl game, with
Ct, while Nal managed to top off the
total, with Bug. Tonight Bampeck v.
Ltamp-Faaauifa. Score:
lac 3d. Id. Total.
Neale -4 lr ;i4 4tt
Spragu 171 I7t 10 P
Donman IM 161 is: UU
Blakeney il 1 M
Huntington Ml IM 143 kiO
lau td. Id. Total.
Chandler lit 17 iw 4W
Lucaa 147 Ut 14 417
Ohneaorg 1K7 177 loJ i.l
Gjerd 1 17 2 fe
Reed M 1st 177 144
Totals n M M 133
' LIbcwIb Maw Will Play Skort-
tap for Hlaalaa.
Le Quillln will play shortstop for Des
Moine this year. John Hlgguia, owner of
th Dm kloine team, ha bought th (oritur
Lincoln player from Mike Cant II Ion, man
ager of tho Minneapolis team. (juiHn went
f ruin Lincoln to th Chkago W hit Box
where he held down th bench for a sea
son, playing occasionally, and waa then
to M:noapolia. He is a splendid f:eilrr.
but waa never able to hit aa tn record -f
th Lincoln acorer snewed he hit whit
playing at llnooln.
Cwlew'a t,ahw Ttrawi Sprlaser.
FORT DODGE. la.. Fob. It t Special, -Laamsuo
Plrqu. nephew of Frank Got eh,
won two straight fails off Goorg Springer
of Da Moine laat night in th. city, tak
ing tho first fall in fourteen and th aec
nd In fifleaa aad anavhalf minute. Th
first fall was vary spectacular. Leroy Bill-
aat oslf cre
taanbadae laaUBt.
ly, but caraaa U
cavity .re aaea all prervaxa
decay, keeyssup.
p aad aa aaaay
a acair
IrM BllL
at aaaaa. r a i
ST La PL. tWtrL Bich.
1 At aa aH
Schedule,' 1909.
lng waa present and challenged both
wrestlers snd Thompson of Sioux City.
Bllllnga wrewted tho Iowa championship
from Pirque recently, when Plrque was not
In good form and they will meet here
March 12, wiih Thompson of Fort Dodge
Cbamploa to Meet Brltoa la New
Tork for Tea Rowads.
NEW TORK, Feb. It Agreement waa
finally reached today for a 10-round bout
between Abo Attell. champion feather
weight of th world, and Jm Driscoll.
featherweight champion of England, next
Fridar night at the National athletic club.
A mtc!i had previously been arranged
but the fighters balked on the weight and
th fiarht waa declared off. After an ar
gument today it waa agreed to weigh In
et lit pound at t o'clock Friday, and each
fighter potted a forfeit of V in car he
fall to make the weight.
Relaraa with Record of Wlaalag All
bat Three of Forty Game.
SAN" FRANCltCO. Feb. 14 The All
American bus bal learn, which ha beea
playing a seriea of game in Honolulu and
the Orient, returned home today on the
steamer Tenyo Marti. The ballplayers are
enthusiastic over the cordittl manner In
which they were wrtronied everywhere
and the financal .auct-ese of (heir trip.
They were victorious In all but three of
the forty gamea leaved, losing two at
Manila and one at Honolulu.
O'.Neill toaaea la and Date Are
NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. lt.-iSpecial Tele
gram. I O'Neill was readmitted Into the
North Nebnteka short ehipaieni racing cir
cuit and the following jnit.aj dales fixed:
Norfolk. Augost 4: O'Neill. August 11:!
v . i , i . . . . . . . is. nt.u. . . 1
..riiaii. rftuaMw js, irrvr. AUUH SO ,
Crelghton. September i; Stanton. Septem
ber li; Madison. September X Pureta were
left at I3UO.
La at Day Brlaga a Pall Hopper la
Ike oath -' Dakota'
PIERRE, S. D.. - FeB. H4-t Special Tele
gtam All previoua" "recorda went to
amajh today and a mark' was set which it
will be bsrd for future sestiona to equal
in the Introductions of new bills In th laat
daya for general Introductions. The house
started aixty-three new bills and five reso-
f lutionB, and or.e member ' asked consent
to Introduce his bunch of bills tomorrow
as he had left them In his room. The
senate followed with forty-four bills and
one resolution, these with th Saturday
introductions ma. ISO new bills In tb two
' Tn hous list covered practically
! every aubjert considered proper for legia-
j ,livt regulation, ranging from rallroadt
' , . ' , ' "1 ,
affecting suffrage, one for absolute equal
auffraga and th other to allow women
to vot on liquor question.
Th senate list contained two bills fur
river the dividing lin and th other taking
in all th stat weat of the rivwr. with th
counties of Campbell, McPhersoa, Edmunds.
naiwono, x-enter, rauia. Bully, Hyde.
Hand. Hughea, Buffalo. Jerauld, Aurora
and Brule east of th river.
A senate Mil was introduced to exempt
cities of the first class from th provision
of the Sunday law voted for by th peop!
of the tale at the last electioa.
In the senate with seven abente th
anti-trust bill was defeated by th lack
of on of th constitutional majority ot
twenty-three, but la up for reconsideration,
when there I a better attendance.
Tb house with only a handful of dissenting-
votes, pasaed the bill t create two
liew a-jpreme court district and providing
for the appointment of two judge until
tb next general election.
Both houaea adopted resolutions fixing
th time ot adjournment at noon Friday,
March t.
Governor Vraaey .and other atata officer,
accompanied by commute of boa houaea
left thia afternoon to attend th reception
given at lijron this evening to Senator
elect Crswford.
Kaaaa (liy Itlm Keeper leaves
Large a.m. (
KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Feb. It A bequest
f 7i.0u0 fur the founding tf a hom f r
vid men and crj ha bos, a U-gacy of tX?,
aat to th George II. Neittetca home of ti.'
i.y. ar-d individual gifts ot tW.OCO, includ
rg two of !10.aji each t a negro porter
t.l a negro housekeeper, are" the chief
ovision of the will cf Char lea Schattner.
a pioneer aaloonkeeper. filed fir probate
tooay. Mr. Sctattnera estate I valued a'.
tSS.OO. The negro porter. Charles Morton,
has been In the employ of Mr. Schattner
for ffteen years. Mary fates, the negro
housekeeper, hsd been In Mr. Schsttaer I
employ for five years.
A brother. Frederick Scbauner of S:.
Louis, received SMA.
K amber f ABpolalmeala la Paatal
Service la ebraaka aad
(From a Staff Correepnadeal. I
WASHINGTON. Feb. Ik Adpoctal Tele-um.-Ftederi.k
W. Torker has been ap
pointed postmaster at rJid.. . Hars county,
Nebrauiata; vie L. I. iiiakelv. realgncJ.
Rural route No. " has been ordered
oatabiisited March 1 at Redding, Ringgold
county, Ijwb, aervibg eLiy fautilWa.
laiah Morton hs been appo.iitt4 tegular
and Ffanklia C Morgan aubstitiAt rural
carrier for rout 2 at Auburn, la.
Harti Warrea haa beea appoiated rg.
ular and OMter B. Warrea substitute car
i Jit lor routed 2 and t at Del moot. 8. D.
Dlalrlel Atloraey Telia W ltaeee Ifcat '
II Will Break Far
ther laualta.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb H-At the trial
of Patrkk Callioua on an Indictment charg. !
Ing br.bery today. Aatlstant District Attor
ney Francis J. Heney, resenting the de
meanor of a witnes on the stand, declared
that he had fixed a line over which no liv
ing man could in future step.
Samuel Leake, who was summoned to the
stand becaja of an allegation that h had
endeavored to purchase an Interest In the
haberdashery buaineaa conducted by a
brother of one of the jurora. had warned
Mr. Heney that he c3uld make certain rev
elations concerning th prosecutors past:
Mr. Leake, who had been questioned as to
his visits to a saloon, said:
I mink it very improper for you lo refer
to those things, Mr. Heney. I could tell of
a place 1 aaw you
"I want you to top thai r;ght now." in
terrupted Mr. Heney. "I don't propose that
you shall make any more threats. You are
there to answer questiona."
"There is on conversation yu won't dare
to rier 10." retorted the witness. 'There
waa one whm you went up the back wav !
into the Cail olfice anj tried to Lack on
Phelan and Sprexkle ."
That's ail there will be of that." aaid
Mr. Heney. "I took this sort of thing from
Henry Atb for months until it led to an at
tempt at aasasination and after t'li i
want it understood that I won't take :l
from any man livinz. If I am going to be
shot again I'll be ahot in front, not from
behind, nor from the side."
Lewia F. Li ington of the defense her
took exception, saying:
"W believe thst the diatrict attorn,
should recognise the limita of his djty in
examining a witness."
Mr. Heney . rising, pitched his voice
that it penetrated beyond the room and
"This district sttorney la doing his duty
a such, but before I am a district attorney
I am an American citizen and In thai capac
ity 1 want to aay that right here and now
I disw th line or which no living man
may atep. For months I took all the villi
fkation that could be heaped on me merely
because 1 dsred to do my duty, which
someone had to do. but I am through with
It now and I want thia thoroughly under
atood." The panel of twelve j.irors was broken
by the diacharge of one anj two aKefed
cases of Jury tamper. r.g were made public.
Llakt aad Water Fall.
DAVID CITT, Neb.. Feb. l-(SpecU!
The electric light plan: has been ciotcd
down here for several days for a general
Let Bee Want Ads Do the Work for You
and be glad of it, for they tell you how to
make the most profit in the quickest time,
Bee Want Ads save you much expense
and bother. You simply read the Want
Ads and learn just what you want to know.
You learn who is anxious to buy what
ever you have to sell. If you want to buy
anything at a low price, Bee Want Ads
will help you. You can exchange anything
you don't need for something you do.;rIt
only requires a few minutes, time to; gex
this valuable information. - .
Bismarck id of a certain diplomat. 'He I B lath pa!atetf to look itk tro.
The mtghtv Hlsmarck had little ue for weakling. Once when Introduced to
Ylllarrl. wiio built the Northern Pacific, he grasped lllard'e hand with a
powerful grip and ead. '1 atn glad to ae you have) tna) aeenethbmg la th
w orld. 1 like to met men w no can 00
things" Art you ,-A lath Painted to look
like Iron?" Are you sick all the time? Of
what us Is an ailing, debilitated, sickly
man to the world, to his friends or to
himself? 'What pleasure does he get eut
of life or does he give to other? The
are vital questions for each afflicted man
to consider.
What ran be more pitiable than to e
a young man. who Is Just budding Into
manhood, drooping and fading away In
the springtime of life? Diseae soon rob
the fsce of Its cohr and the eyes of their
brrghtneaa. The stooping form, languid
Hep and downcast countenance reveal to
th critical ey the blight of his existence,
but this Is only th shadow or outward
mark of the trouble existing within, and
th yonng man aoon passes from th
boundarlca of health into tli confine ot
He I nervous, easily confused, absent-minded fnraretful. ennllnuall
s-aeed of doubts snd fears, ehy. auspicious. Irritable and would rather b alone.
1 n syetem unstrung l.e naa Heartache, backache, palpitation ot th heart,
shortness of bresth. tllaay spella. dersnged stomsch. torpid Brer, weak kid
neys, poor circulation, pimpled face and Is tired, llfelee and worn ouL Ho
lacks ambition, confidence and courage. Disease Is a malady that robs a man
of his spirit, ambition and force. The nerve self avert ten and ertaimtla
ar killed by tt. Every day w are helping nervoua. sickly, tlobiiitated man
bsck to ruddy health. Call and conault us In tun, be for It I too tat.
W treat maa only, aad our promptly, aafely aad xboronrnly by th laA
Special and tkalr eompUeatiowa, la ia bortt tim powarlbl, aad
al 4h low! ooot for akillful sorrlooa aad amoeeasfaj liaalutaak
.4 r-.ii
na Cxsmlnatlen.
1303 Farniun St., Between 13th asd 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
. ItilJl r u
Dr. Searles & Searles, 119 S. 14th, Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha.
i i ..iiiiiii. i
repairing and overhauling, and the people
I of thia city will be obligod to leiy on the
ild-faah-utied lemp for a few days. This
.s the first time the electric light plant
V been shut dnwn line for any con? d-
time for a , period of about five
The wells at the waterworks alao
gate out this morning, there being a leak
;d the casinga. and as a result all the
school a in town had to be closed down.
Work will be pushed on the wells as rip
iiilv as possible ss at the present time the
c :.. . without adequate protection.
Former Servant aad Hie Brother Con
tradict Evidence Sabmltted by
Mr. Lemp.
ST LOt IS Feb. It-William J. Lemp.
Jr., closed his defense today in th su'.t
filed by his wife. Mrs. LUian Ilandlan
Lemp. for a divorce. Mrs. Lemp will testify
In rebuttal tomorrow. Besides Lemp s tes
timony today former and present servant a
in the Lemp household appeared for the
Miss Tiosie Sachsberger. s firmer servant,
testified thst after Mis. Lemp locked her
rue band out of his room he walked the
floor all night, ss the guest room not
prrpa:ed f...r sleeping. M;s Bachsb.rger
said that after M-s. Lemp telephoned her
husband had choked and thrown her down
slairs she looked at Mrs. Lemp, but could
4.m r-t.z'X vt-r; -24 fZ 1 1 '
.'.v.r. v.;
( 1 l '
. f - - - - (
Ofric Hours: !: a m. to ttt n. m.
Sundays. It to 1 only. It yon cannot
CaiL writ.
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searlet & Searles.
Established la Omahs for tt year a . Tho aaaay thouav
ands of casta cured by us mako us too moot ajt per
used $pcialiU in th Wt. la ail diacas aad oil
men ta of men. W know just what will car yoo
and cur u quickly.
We Cure Yoo, Then You Pay Us Our Fee.
W miki no tnialcadlng or fals atatamanta, or ffr
)ou cheap, worth lee treavtmant. Our reputatloa aad
tame ar too favorably known: every caa w treat our
reputation la at stak. lour health. Ufa aad happin
la lro serloue a matter to place In th handa ef a
-TAM:BI.BS8" POCTOk. Honest doctor of ability use
btUty, Blood Potooa. Bkia Pisaaaia. Xlaaay aavg Blad.
dtt Blstaasea, all trpoctal Sisasa aaat Ailmaart of Mam.
Examination and consultation. Writ (or
Svcit'tt-m B'ank for hom trwatmont.- -
! see no brtiiaea. . However. Mr. Lemp was
much excited and gritted ber teeth.
Mr. Lmi teavrfrved he . objected U fcka
wife wearing lavender constantly and re
(erred to a newspajner artlcl which, first
' described bis wife aa the Lavender lady."
He continued to live with his wife for mora'
thsn a year and a half after the finding of
t..e "Dear Liltl Pal" loiter written by hr.
testified that in IM. while Mrs. Lemp was
In the at. his brother entertained." hi
sister-in-law. Mrs. A. H. Haodlan, and Miss
liattie Evill at the Lemp hous for a short
time. He said Mr. Lemp accidentally upoet
a table containing aome bottle,, but that
there w as no singing.- This waa Intended to
j offset testimony' on behalf of Mrs., Letup
mat during ner aoence nsr nusoanq was
tn -lb habit of nMrtatnlng parUe of
women at th hom and that thy drank
and tang on on oecaaion, overturning- a
Hoars cough and stuffy cotda that may
develop Into pneumonia evar night ar
ar.d it soothe Inflamed membrane a. heals
tha lupg. and expel th cold from Iht B s
tern. Sold by all druggist. ,
Died wf Paewmoala"
I never wrltiten of those who cur etmgtis
and colds Dr. King's New. Discovery.
Guaranteed 0c and $.!. For sals by
Eeston Drug Co.
t V