12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEf WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1909. PROFIT BY THESE WED II ES DAY SPECIALS FRY SHOE CO. s s s S in l 5H OUR GREAT SHOE SALE THE BEST OPPORTUNITY IN YEARS TO BUY STRICTLY HIGH CLASS DE PENDABLE SHOES at REDUCED PRICES. The choicest lots of two great shoe stocks. Every pair is a new, up-to-date spring 1909 style all perfect in every way. AQ Women's oxfords and high shoes f rii ' worth up to $2.50, at. v V .Women's oxfords and high shoes worth up to $4.00,' at. . . : Women's high and low shoes worth up to $5.00, at THOUSANDS OF PAIRS of MEN'S SHOES In to $5', at $1.69 $2.29 Men's Spring Shoes all 8i7.es, worth f DA $3, at 91.09 Men's High Class Spring Shoes, worth up (C) 4Q 15c EMBROIDERIES at 6c Yd. Thousands of yards of medium and wide Embroidery Edgings, cambric and nainsook, also lnsertlngs and headings, pretty open eyelet designs, also blind effects, trial strips, alHo long lengths up to 9 inches wide,' worth yard up to lie yard, at 6 c JOIm-h New Hexagon Wali Waint Nets Plain and dotted, white, cream and colors, worth to 75c at, yard .......... 18-inch Flouncings, Skirtings and Corset Cover Embroideries, also medium and wide edgings and insertions, worth 1 up to 35c yard, at, yard . . Iv Fine French and German Val. Laces and Insertions, also torchon. and cluny curtain laces many to match worth up to 12 Vic yard, at, yard Linen Suitings at 35c Yard Bascneat 39 c 5c 36-Inch Lines Cambric, worth $1 a yard; Japanese Linen, 40 Inches VWide, worth $1 a' yard; 36-inch ecru Linen Suiting, worth $1 a yard; all $1 pure Linen Suiting values at, yard. . . ,'. 7 . 35c 6!c i Brand els Stores See the new costumes, made up In the washable Pongees, Silk Suiting and Foulard Silk Suiting In the basement, at, yard. . . 6ic Remnants of the regular 16c In dian Head Suiting, so desirable for wash skirts and suits a big bargain square piled high, at, yard... 1 Plate X J . W - UJ1A11A B I'UIUi S I Plate Dinner, OMAHA'S TURK FOOD CENTER Omaha's - most Cunven- , lent ' and moat Pleasant ltestaur- ' - ant Is located on Second Floor. GROCERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY. McIlhi'nny'H Extract 2-oz bottle Vanilla, per bot. . .22 4- oz. bottlo Vanilla, per bot. . . 40 5- oz. bottte Vanilla, per bot. . . 7fJ 2-oz. bottle Lemon, per bot. . . J5 4-oz. bottle Lemon, per bot. . . 25f? 1-oB. bottles Almond, Cinnamon, .' Orange, Nutmeg, Celery and Onion, per bot lOf Holland Ittiwk, per pkg 5 'Dr. lYIce's Food, per pkg f 7.:-st, per pkg 7 3fc Jars Preserve, per Jar. . . .2 I 125c glasses Jelly 15 I : DRIED FRUITS. d j Prunes, per lb 5 J j AprUots, per lb 12 H (, Peaches. 3 lbs. for 25f? 2Tc jars. Washed Flga. Ig (Mixed Nuts, per lb 12H Phouest Dour. 647; Ind. A-llie . 1 Private Es change Oonnaots All Septs. S 17th and Douglas Street. We Recommend. The Beer Yoa Like Cases 2 dozen 5U'5 QA Large Bottles Cases 3 dozen 2'2 flA Small Bottles DJ.VU An allowance of 11.80 will be mad upon return to ua of tbe empty case, ' and allot the empty bottle la good order. 1 Orders will be taken for Luxus in less than case lots at the follow ing prices: $2.00 per doz. Large Bottles $1.35 per doz. Small Bottles Ground floor office in The Boo Building ; ast front ou Seventeenth street, one door north of Farnam, size lGVaX-iOVs. The fire-proof vault in connection ' with -this room is 6Vaxl2M; and there is also a cloak and wash rooin, conveniently arranged. There is an entrance from the court to this room, making a good and accessible off ice, to reach the public It will be available April first. Small offices with vaults Did you ever atop to consider th valua ot a vault In connection with an office? It gives you a place to keep your books and valuable paper In case of fire breaking out In your office. Ton don't need to lock up yoor office every time yoa are called out. Many customers are ' lost hen they. find tbe door locked and.no place to wait for your re ; turn. ' ' .. . , We offer, a small room with vault on the fourth floor Just west ot the elevator. Easy of excess and convenient to tbe pubUc and the lent Is oely 117.60 per month. The Bee Building Company ASK TO SEE THE SUPERINTENDENT BUILDING, ROOM JOB. BcoWant Ads Bring the Returns f SPRING KTVLK nooK And any 15c U .d.' Home Journal Pattern . . . ZOt Jr NEW ARRIVALS OF White Serge Suits New York's newest styles get their first showing at Bennett's Wednes day. We have several very effective, all white, Imported serge suits, made up after the most approved modes, with long, 36 or 38 inch coats, large pockets and button trimmed. Some have a collar of black silk Bengallne; othera just a touch of rich Persian trim ming. Then we also have a line of white suits with a black hair-line stripe that finds favor among many of the best dressed women of the country. There's a wide variety shown now, at 1 $25-$3 1 " Wooltex" One-Piece Frocks The refining influence and the neat, trim appearance that these "Wooltex' frocks impart, lifts them quite above the com monplace. There's a certain charm and grace about them that is extremely pleas ing. The materials are of pure wool ' serge and panama. beautifully tailored and designed ail the new . grays, browns, blues, . . blacks, etc .'. , $25 New Lingerie Waists at $1.25 One specially attractive lot Is on the tables this week. Waists of soft, sheer batiste, with the most elaborate lace and em broidered fronts and backs ever shown in waists of equal price QfT early selections are advisable mPX. ZO Shantung Silks A small shipment 25 pieces new rough Shantuags picked up by our buyer In New York at a big price concession . If offered Wednesday as an exceptional bargain. These are the new rough silks with the knotty surface that fashion so strongly favors for the coming season. au me new snaaes in rose, taupe, natural pongee, modes, tans, navy, brown, light blue, etc. 29 ins. wide priced at $1.25 In most every store In town our price 75c Corsets on the Bargain Tables Two numbers arranged for Wednesday's selling that merit the at tention of women everywhere. C'outil and Batiste Corsets Designed for the medium and average figure, very firmly constructed so as to gtve' Jpent service.- There are two pairs of hose supporters and dainty trimmings. "jr'A. The regular price is 1.25 as Wednesday special, at. iuC Cou til and Batiste Corset In very high bust and long and medium lengths, very tastefully trimmed, supporters - Cfi attached, 75c values , .OlC Do you do China Painting? Here's an announcement that will be of great Interest to all china painters. Our great . ; , - , February Sale White China Thousands of pieces of flno white German China for decorating purposes. Every piece a wonderful bargain. Veiry newest designs, recently imported by us on a great sale Wednesday. . TLAI.V FIjAT COITK OR FESTOON TLA TES 7-Inch worth $2.75 a dosen, fur . $1.75 6-Inch ad, worth 12.50 a rioien, for $1.65 i Inch alic. worth $1 50 a doien, for $1.00 S-lnch all, worth 3.00 a rioxen. for $2.00 Barrel shaped Salta and Peppers, pair 15 Collar Button Boxes, 18o value for 10 Service Plates, worth $5.00 a dozen, tor .. y. . ; 8325 Dragon handled Steins, 76c values for .. ', , . 50 Barrei Shaped Steins, 35c values, for . ., .i, High shaped Tankards, $1.98 values for......,,, ; 05 6 Inch. alia, worth 1 . a rtoBm. for t$1.25 PICTURE FRAMING 20 OFF This Is our once-a-year offer. For any order left with us this week we cive a discount of 20 per cent from regular price. 600- samples to choose from workmanship, unsurpassed. VSl'AL WEDNESDAY SALE In the Busy Notion Aisle Splendid saving opportunities needfuls this department contains. Ileal Hair Switches 18 Ins. long, w Nickel riatjed Safety Pin Us ually 6c a card, at, 2 cards 5 Women's Pad Hot Supporters . 26c quality, best colors, pr. 15 tilaut IJnen Thread Black on ly, special, 2 spools. ...... 5k Dennett's Dig Grocery BcnnMfa Beat Coffee, 1 Iba. for..., , Kennett'a Heat Coffee, 1 lb Teaa, aaaorted, pouml Hure Frpprr, ran Evaporated Applta. lijC quality, lb I'oppy Kvaporated Milk, largn cull Diamond 8 Chill Hauoe, bottle Kvaporated Black HuBpberrtea, pound l oineroy Corn, t runs titullwrerk'a Premium Chocolate, 4 lb Yanke. Koae Toilet Moap. I cakea .......... Minute Uelatlne, aaaorted, I pkga. , . H. J. Heinz Vinegar, quart bottle '. Pork and Beana, "Beat We Have." 18c can..! Bennett'a Capitol Purtt Maple Syrup, gal.. Peanut Butler, two Jars Tea Garden I'reaervea. aaxorted Granulates Bugar So Htaniys with each . . . .(1.00 and 35o and 6c and lor and So . . . . . .lOo ami . i . . . 16e and . . .40o and . ; .SSe and . i . 83o and . . . . . . 8 5o and iV . .860 and . .. . . . 5o and ;i . . .13o two 63o and 8O0 and . 1 . . . .aoc and dollar worth. IliO Green 3(1 (irnii 75 Ureen 5 Ureen 5 Green 10 Uretn 20 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green for 40 I ; roe n 10 Green 20 Uroen r zzhy Vis B I 1 on the thousand and one little These specials on the tables. orth double, Wednesday only 09 Wire Hair Pins, usually 6c, two boxes for .-, . s 5 Bone Hair Pins, dozen In box, per box . . . iqa Black, Combs, shell only,'! worth 15c and 35c, at, each.; 10 Stamps Munipa Htampa btampa 8tamp Ktampa 8tanipa Htampa Htampa Htampa Hiainpa btantpi Slut htampa ctamva GRAND CLEAN UP SHOE SALE The blrr.et and Veat sarfalna of the eeeeoa, and all from onr owa took of reliable, well knows shoes. DON'T MISS THEM FOR MEN Boyden's $6.60 winter tans, wing top, double sole; now. . .$4.45 S. & M.'s $5.00 patent colt, blu cher or lace, double sole; now .$3.83 S. & M s. 6.00 vici . kid, blu cher, kid lined, ' double Bole; now $3.85 343 pairs men's $3.50 and $4.00 gun metal and patent colt shoes, sale price $2.05 FOR W9MEN Wright & Peters $6.00 hand sewed patent colt, button and . lace, now . : $3.75 H Zelgler . Bros.' $5.00 tan Russia calf, button and lace; now $3.75 Zelgler Bros.' $4.00 patent , colt and tan Russia, button and lace; now .... .........$2.95 All the broken lines of $3.00 gun metal and kid shoes now $2.45 FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOERS 16th and Douglas Streets. W HEN the time comes the time when 'you must put some or all of your household goods in stor age for awhile if you want to know more than that your things are safe, if you want to feel that they are in a dean place, a well ventilated place, that they are kept under sanitary conditions you must consider us. The storage question, for us, is not only putting your goods away properly, but is watching carefully and conscientiously to keep them properly. "We regulate the light to suit circumstances, we guard ventila tion, we preserve sanitary condi tions. ' We consider your storage bus iness a trust, and we live up to it. Expressmen's Delivery ' Company, Tela. Doug. 394; Ind. A-1394. 214 No. 16th St. CANDY NEWS for Wednesday BALDUFF'S MAPLE CARAMEL GLACE 20 POIND BOX Regular, Price, 40c Pound A soft, rich creamy and delfcldua caramel, dipped in fondant and highly flavored with pure Canada maple sugar Iet the children eat all they want they are pure and wholesome. SPKCIAL FOR WEDNESDAY IN LUNCH 'ROOM Roast Chicken with Sage Dressing, 25c BALDUFF'S 1520 Farnam O. 8. COBB, Receiver IF YOU ARE CURABLE WE CAN CURE YOU Offic Honrs t to DaU. Writ today te Avarag-a Tim to Our Hupiura. . . .Ona Vlalt Enlarged Velna, Ona Visit Cataraots ...10 Pays Catarrh lays Goitar Pays Piles .... to t Ly GERMAN DOCTORS ' Main ana Broadway, couven. BLurra. IOWA. BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS Boat qutppAl Dental offlca In tha mlddla wasa Blghaat arada Dentlalry at Raaaonabla Prloea. Por. calaln flUlnfa, Juat HUa tha tuotb. AU lnatrumanta carafully atarilla after each patient. THIRD FLOOR. PAXTON BLOCK. Corner . 16th and Fanuua BU. FOOD FOR NERVES WHt ' mi 3ru nu no find their power to work and youthful vi-or on as a result of aver. work or mental eaertlon should take GHAT NtllVE rOOD PlLUa. They will make you eat aod aleep and be a lima again. 1 o; aasaa SI. SO y saaO. ' ' ckxmkaji a kuooaiKU susa ca &c aaa lxde IIimu OWL SVO UOMJiMT laik aad ajaraaf aa. VajaaSi Mtmt D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Suecesaur to Pr. li. L. RamacclottL) ABSISTAarr BTATB 'TBTBBJ3f AJKIAJT. . Oil to ad BoepltaJ. SSI laaaoa " ' " Btteet. i -Calls Promptly Anawered at All Houra. "V2rZ?k Csuhi.Jle,, Sohp ols Nebraska Military Academy . UVCOX.BT ' i A Military IWuiitliug- School (or boys, now located for the winter at Fourteenth and U streets. All de partments are in full operation. ' A good place for boya who don't fit In public echoola. No entrance enamluatlona are given; regular clase work is aupplemented by in. dividual Inatructluu; back work la easily made up. ' Puplle are received at any time from fifth to twelfth gradee, inclu sive. Write for Catalogue. B. B. EATWiaS, Buperialeden. Uaeala, aTek. Big Linoleum Sale Monday. Watch Daily Papers. GMYHsl THE RCLIABLK STORK Men's and Lad ies' Dross Shoes $3 and $3.50 values, $1.98. $20.00 -a $25.00 at $11.95 Abenutiful line of new spring styles in fine English huitiugs, panamaa, broadcloths and serges, big assortment of eolo rings in plain and fancy weaves, nearly all Manufacturers' SampleSmade to sell at $'J0.00 and $''5.00 the choicest lot of tailor suit J 1 1 QC values ever offered here or li f UV elsewhere in Omaha at our j sale price Wednesday Our entire stock of Fur Coats now sale at Half and less than Half regular Retail Prices. ' tta4MBaAasMeAaBa . a&iVU sVasllIUII hsUVUO VVUUIIU U Jf A beautiful assortment of Pine Ijinen Torchon T-acea, the best wearing laces manufactured and most popular for underwear and wash gar ments, lnsertlngs to match each pattern, none worth loss than 10c and up to 20c yard; all at one price for Wednes day at, yard n.arLrri-njxruxnjT-n-n-njnj li 1.1 i.ri.ririririPiriiniirr - 5c Extra Specials tor Wednesdaj In our Famous Domestic Room From 0 to 0:30 A. M. One case of 36-inch fine Bleached Muslin, reg ular price 10c yard Brlc-a-Drac, a well-known brand (10 yards to cus tomer), at, yard. . From 10 to 10:30 A. M. One case of the genuine Pepperell Sheets, 81x90 (two sheets to customer), at each 48 From 2 to 2: SO F. M. One case of 10-4 Cotton Blankets that sell at 65c pair (only two pairs to customer), at, pair. . Ci'. . . ..... . . 36 From 8 to 8:30 1. M. One case ot 36-lnch Eiderdown, all wool, sold at $1.00 yard; good line of colors at, 'yard 10 From 4 to 4.301. M. One case of 19c Bath Towels, extra large and extra heavy at, each 9H Extra Specials In Our High Grade Llnsn Dept. Wednesday Silver bleached Pattern Table Cloths, size two yards square, pure linen. 2.60 values; Wednesday, ea. $1,50 Dew bleached 72-inch Table Damask, warranted pure flax, worth $1.00 yard; Wednesday 59 Half bleached Dinner Napkins, all linen, good size, worth $2.60 dozen; Wednesday, six for 75 Large size satin finish Bedspreads, heavy knotted fringe, cut corners, greatest values ever offered in high class spreads, worth $6.00; Wednes day, each $3.50 MAIL ORDERS FILLED FROM DAILY ADS For Groceries Hayden's Takes the Lead feava yon from SS par cant to 60 par cant oa jout nouaaksaplnff sxpsnsss. 21 lbs. best pure Can Granulated ting fu ror . ..li. 24-lb. aacHs beat Rye Tlour ,. ...5c S lba. choice Japan whole Rice i5c 10 bara Beat 'Era All or Diamond C Soap for 6 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca or Sago 26c Oil Sardines, per can 4c Choice CalifornlH Prunes, per lb...... 4c Fancy ("leaned Currants, per id Fancy Muscatel Cooking; KaiBlns, lb..74c Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb. 10c Fancy Moor Park Aprlcota, per lb...UVic Fancy Kvaporated Apples, per lb 8MiC Fancy Nectarines, per lb )0c Fancy Pitted Plums, per lb 12ttc Funnv Sliver Plums, per lb 12Vtc Fancy Kvaporated Red Raspberries, lb.2iio Fancy Lemon, orange or citron -eei, pnr lb lfe Fancy Heeded Raisins, pkr c Malta Vita Corn Flakes, pkf 7 too 40 dlfTerent kind j-'ancy sweet cooKien, regular 2clnnd 16c sellers, lb 10c Bnttar. Bnttarlaa and Cheese. Choice Ialry Butter, per lb lie Fancy Ialry Butter, per id zjc Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per pound -c Fancy Full Cream N. Y.. White or Wis consin Full Cream Cheese, per lb....?0n Rutterlne, fine quality, 2 lbs for 2bo Highland IT aval Oraafes Bast on Earth. Another car of the lucloua fruit. Hale prices: . Regular SOd size, per dnsen , Regular 40c slue, per dosen Regular 30o aise, per dozen 20o, Regular 26c size, per dozen.... liu Just try them once and you will be con vinced there is nothing finer groan. Omaha's Oraatea Market (or rraah. Vegetables. Fresh Beets, per bumih ............. S'i Fresh Carrots, per bunch O'ki .Fresh Turnips, pur bunch ...S'yi I FreHh Cauliflower, rtor uound 7Ut; Fresh Parsley, largo bunches .... 8Vc Fresh Onions, large bunches 3'o Fresh Sweet Potatoes, pound 3'jO 2 lieadu fresh Lettuce l: FreHli Cabbage, pound 2 He Fresh Hothouse Radishes, 3 bunches 5c. Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips. Parsnips, Rutabaga, Red Onions, White Onions, V.lc, per pound ... -i: Fresh Spinach, per peck , ... 20i Fancy Cucumbers, each 6o Bellevue Celery, bunch, 20c, 85c, f0n and . 8So Trge Orape Fruit, each SMiO New Honey, per rack 12 Ho DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO TO IHll will be more than pleased with, every detail of the luxurious train service of the CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY "TH eajaAT WIWKI t.Ot rrao," leaving t'nlon tpt at ti P. M. daily, haa new Pullmsn Drawing Room Bleeping Cara. Free Reclin ing Chair Cara, and Combination Parlor and Dining Car. Far Information apply to. W. O. Xterldson. Oltjr ?UMiru and Tlokat A-eat. 1811 rarnam atreet. ti R Baltimore & Ohio Railroad SPECIAL FARES FROM CHICAGO rRESIDKNTIAL INAUGURATION. $26.60 Washington, D. C, and Return. Tickets good going Feb. 28, March 3, including return limit March S. ' NATIONAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT. $14.25 Pittsburg, Pa., and Return. Tickets good going Feb. 28, March 8 and 15. Return limit. March 23. ': FLORIDA AND HAVANA. CUBA AND RKTURN. LOW FARES. ' Stop-overs at Pittsburg, Washington and ail points south. Also variable routes. 6TOr-OVKR, NOT TO KJtC EED TEN DATS. ALLOWED ON THROUGH FIRST CLASS TICKETS AT WASHINGTON. BALTIMORK AD PHILADELPHIA. For Information, address W. A. Preston . B. N. Austin. T. P. A.. 244 Clark St.. O. Pi A., Chicago. Chicago. Bcj't ' FREE DAISY RIFLE, 3 Incha. Long welsh 1 lbs - eleaantlf Salsbed. steel barrel, all vorkiDt oarta nickeled; walnut slock, pistol trip, peepnigbu. shoots BH bot tnd drta: BioM aocurala air ride nade (orsoiall game or use indoors. Wnta loday for 16 packs of Souvenir Postals tosell at lOe a pack; retunt tXSO wbeasold and we ulseod fou thin nils at ouue. Also gris' priaes. Addresa-HI8-WflTareCIAl.TYCO.INC.."; ParUraea tieaa, Omaha, Nsb.