Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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    run oMAiiA haily ree: Wednesday, febbuarv .17. .im
If ANTED CUT loan snd warraata. W.
far nam Smith Ca.. UJ Farnam St.
. t3 aa
PATNB. B06TW1TK CO.. tt. T.
private money; to It.'JOO; low rata.
trtt) TO 7Vn0 an liomM In Omaha. 0Kef
Real P-stala Co.. 101 N. T. Ufa. Dona,
or A-Ilfc. (0
lECOXft MORTGAGE loans negottsted.
Apply Room 417-1 First Nat I Sank Bldg.
Bell 'phna Douglas 3314. XZ-4M
MONET TO leOAN-Payna Investment Co.
WANTED1 City loana. Peters Trot Co.
1s kaa on
Omaha BufnHi Property.
Room I New lark Ufa Bids
tS! 490
Paxton block.
fIK TO po.WO mad promptly. F. D. Wead.
Wead Bldg . 1U and Farnam. CO ZW
fina to tJorurt) at currant rata.'
H. 1 HOMA8. tot Flrat Nat l Bank B11g.
PRIVATE money ta loan. J. H. bherwood,
14 Brandels Bldg. tt2)-J
l ! 'PEHTT OH FAKMSflow rata, nu
delay. 1. Slberasen,' Old Boaton Btor Bd.
a 7
WANrXD Snspa In farms or ranch;
C'.e full particulars. Sl-vix P.eally Com
jany, 5 'nl " Schuleln Bldg, City,
la. (g)-M7 y-x
H1GHE81 prlers for secondhand fumltur.
carpet., clothes and choea. Tel. Doug. 3971,
KF.ST prk paid (or secondhand furnltura,
eirpets. stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Kd
MAN AND WIFE, aged 4". no children, r
r 1 furnished room, with morning and
evening meals, strictly modem; muil b
on ear Una running past postoffir. or
. would Ilka room within I block of P. O.
' Address Room . Omaha Loan. 4k Bldg.
block- "Phon Harney 40. between and
J p. m. ' 3 14x
WANTED Ry permanent couple on March
1. I or 4 nwau for housekeeping on first
floor with private bath. Rent muat be
reasaaable. , Addreaa . P H, -are of Bee.
..- (3.1-MJ7S 17x
TOl'NO "MAN. warn -food bom with tele
phone privilege first data: city refer
ent ea. -WoHd - ntder rooming with
congenial partv." C. S. B.. 4 Brandeie
Bldg Tt. -Doug tit K ITS 18X
BUNDLES washing to taka home. Tel. Web-
ater. ;xll. ytit uw i
FTTtN ACE, ateant and hot water repair;
Thermoatata and other boat regulator;
new' furnace and hot water oomblnatloa
heating. Omaha Stove Repair Work.
UM-1B Dougkaa St. 'Fnanee: in a. A-tesi;
ncll, Kougtaa MS. ft
1 Flmnc M. Palmer, exreutrix. lo
Kiiirai U. Morse, .north . feci of
eoutil i't feet of lot 1 block 17.
Sialih i yad.l. . t t
Ut otge rcileri to Olga P. Johnson.
.1 feet of iota. El list one park
a. P ace J0
A. K.Uechci and wife to Philadelphia
Mortgage and Trust company, lot
block A. Omaha
Edwin K.' Br i ley. sheriff, to same.
same t - .X0
Tnxmas lianlon and wife to John
MjiUi, Int. . block t. Wise A Par-
ml s add 100
8' urltv InveslnafH cmpsny to A bole
If. Kklllman. lot IS. blmk . thun
ders A Himebaugh's Mount Pleas
ant add 16
Lela n - Tllron to W. E. Tllton, undi
vided half of lot . block "ti." Proa
pec t ptac
V. W. . Mt-rrow and wife to William
R. Wal.. lot 4. block 33. Florence
Th Byron Reed company to Pleasant
C. liysnn. north 30 fret of south
feet of lot 4. block 71. Oroiha
Henry P. Van Dercieek to Artie
1 Doedyn.' lota t and S. supple-v
T mrmal sub. of Eltlatone Park Place 1
' Ueorge X. Johnson and wife lo Katie
l.inconoer. lot 11. block 13. Brlca s
Place .....i.-... tl
(nn: Richards and husband to Eld-
ridge BollD. lot 41. block , Florence 1.4M
William R. Wall and wife to Fannie
f lU-hardsr - lots 1. 4. s wnd . block
Vt -Flotence .; 1.J00
James Walsh and wifs to Jamea C.
Robinson. H ne4 sec. 2R-1&- .
John W. Frasier and wife to Katie
Hurak'k, lot U. block . Albnght a
Annex : 4B0
Ois:ave- Kaevoner and wife to Mickey
Bros., trscl In sec. 7-JS-ll.. 1
VS . S. Matters and wif to John J.
Seef un. Iota 1. X 1. . 10 and U. block
I. fc ktiori U
T K. Uate and wife to Samuel Alex-
arduc. lots X and Kl'iff View......
TA'llltoiu-- Mueller and wife e al. to
Wlllhua Lift, lot In addition to
f Jra Piac iatV
A it Hmtaer and wife to William
Uraf ar- 8!ts Co .- same 1
. .''hi 8. Reed to Bwi Sohomer, undi-
vUled ewV, swi, -i4-i; S7
Ida M. Whastoa and husband to
ame. undivided V same 387
Edward V, leais and wife to Kmme
H. H..irs' nnH M) feet of sou! l Wo
!e.,,f I .t z.' block 17. Rmith'a add ....
Fleic M. Pslmer to same, north
0 feet ef south V feet of same Z.ftM
t. Kouicxe Real Lsldt rom
(m:i to H'icli Raistoa.-lot Oi. For
t -Hill Park .
P H. tnaeell to D. J Coanell. south
f.r of uu S. 8. E. Rogers' Ok
hori'a iJS
8 i:i-.e -t. Kalherin Oonnell. north 44
'et -f kame i3t
riY?H -t,v P. M. Conne'l, lo! JZ.
. E. Rogers- Okahoma. l.tM
MrW- M. lr.-r to Harry F. Kellogg.
- t: feet of north fet of south
i. snd west ? feet of north
f of l. 7. I'lwk i;. Teases'
Mdi-m Kdd . ...... 1
fun- to m.' west feet or ojh
fet sod west feet of north 4J
e? of Mm 7. block 11 same 1 tto
f try aid wife lo Kstv
Hl e-t 1 feef of west 81 fee:
' ti; 1 n4 . Kmrnifiim; P1e n
?"' M Earle to Jm- E.'Almr.'
"'in M feet of asme 1 ;v)
W'isrtvrm.-s er. Cheytrne. Mvoming jn-
.si t !. Sealed proposals. In Iripli
will he r-v ,-ived at this office untH
' oclo-k.' tieuniH'ii time. Febiuary Is,
l!e.'.t.nit .lhn oniied in publx . fo' ron-
truetlri flumtlm. heating, elect rw wtr-'na-adHecirte
fHU're fof the following
l.nildings-ai Fort l A. Russe',1. Wvoming
iao -U.IV tisanes. nla- No :7; oie or to
.iujrtermai-r s siabks, plan "No 1I-U-pil
a f'.r cne sUbie er lao stsble l.. he
:sid trstefv. Pjib, la f,,..,,,,,,.
.n t- eir,ir.ed at tl.i olfu-e and f-nl itJ
(..rmstioe yfNen oa appln a;i.o. Plans and
pc'! ii'l.''r' r,r "
uon '(' btdera. ta the aft ire iSwi
Sruartrinstrr,- tefarrment- ef tne V -fc.url.
OtiUht, Nebraska, and Chief U ir
teintaaier. larpaetment af Cov'rado Dsn.
ver, Colorado. . Th I nlled States reaae
f . m p,.ht I. . . wrTwa
. "T . -"eiopa ca-
launtia; wimi re gadors. "Pra-
poeaU for coast ructtrig etc.. bulldinas ar
furl D. A. Russell. W voting, anl ad
dressed t C"!"1'" V K Hsrt. liih i
faulrv; actlfg quartermaster. V. B Army
In .' i f cunwiKwi. rooni L Kerf,
baj. iag Vyoenng
Ja&U-H-a-aV Fbl7-a
Iirf rpool Cablet Weak,' bat Effect it
Slight at the SUrt.
UM-al Caak I Eareotloaally Active,
with talae at Ike Tap at Ike
Sea Corn la Very
OMAHA, Feb. 14. 1M.
IJyerpool cablet were maak aaalii. but
affected the loral market only .iriily at
the atart. Demand for all grades of het
good and the lo-a! cah market
excepuonally active, with value at tne top
oi tna aeeaon.
Corn hola urprllnaly strong, while re
ceipt are ery liberal. The eample corn
i taken quickly at flattering price, due to
the best Of mind expvrlen'-ed lor the crop.
neat started urwaey at yesierdaya close
and sagged olf for a nort decline owing
to wsaaer cablea and heavy country ac
ceptance. Later toward th cloea price
nrmd up and advanced with a good de
mand for all arades. The cloea strong
at a tn-w high mark for the May option.
Mtymneat opened at tl- andiooed at
Lorn opened atawdv and firm, with higher
cables and an aiceedlngly strong demand.
Samplee on the caeh market were readily
absorbed at fancy price and the local op
tion advanced on strong outside market
in eplte of the heavy receipts. May corn
opened at oSk and closed at "c. -
Primary wheat recenpte were 4.onB bush
els and shipments were 2?t" bushels,
against receipts last year of T74.O0O buanels
ajid shipment of J44.')M riushels.
t orn receipts were i.f husneia ana
shipments were 3H.O) bushels, sgainst re
ceipts last ysur of ri.Hv bushels and ship
ments or 3KU0 bushels.
Oearances aere 54.0") bushela of corn,
none of oain and wheat and flour .equal to
. bnshels.
Liverpool closed t$Sd lower on wheat
and d higher on corn. t
Lotal range of options:
. , 1 1 1. "
Artlcles.1 Open. High ! Jw. Ctoae.! Tes y.
May... Oats
May... I
1 !
1 r
1 VI 1 "'
4SI 4V , 4's
! 40 M
Oamaka Caaat Prlcea. '
WHEAT No. I hard. ILmVaai"'; No
hard. ll.0SUf1ot: No. 4. banL n.cia41.01: No.
spHng. n.U1.05.
r-l iD V W A ZM. t all UA11naa
V a" ta a. "ngjwc-T'-N rv, m ylitw,
Ss,Mc; No. White. RWSt.
UAi jj rno. I mixed, esc; .vo. I yenow. w
fcSc; No. a white, 4t4jtjoc; No. 4- while.
RYE No. 1, "4Hc; No. S, 7344174c.
Carl at Reeelpts.
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
3i H 141
............13 ' ... ...
49 M 17
Feat a res of the Trading aad Cloalag
Prices Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Feb. 14.-WHEAT-Ra.Hled
from a weak opening today, and advanced
to a new high record mark for the aeason
for the May delivery, the beat price being
11.14V At the close prices were Vbrc
above final quotations of tho previous day.
Corn, oata and provisions also closed
strong. . ..
The slump in wheat prices at the start
waa due to a decline of S pence to S pence
In the price of wheat al Liverpool and lo
the favorable weather -conditions In this
country for tii fall sown crop, heavy snows
being reported over a large section, in
cluding the Ohio river valley. There waa
considerable selling for short account on
opening transactions, and initial quotations
were unchanged to 4aaC below yesterdsy's
eloae. During the first hour trade was
Inactive and prices held steady at th de
cline. Toward the middle of the session,
however, more activity waa manifested fol
lowing moderate .purchases by the leading
bulla Trie demand u- the bh ooldera
brought out numerous bu.'"" orders from
the smaller shorts, which caused a strong
rally, prices advancing about lc from tb
low paint of the day. The market' con
tinued firm the balance of the session and
closed with prices near the beat mark of
tha day. Final quotations on May were
1 ltmm.14',, and on July, (1 OtW.
Decreased offerings of" corn from tha
country owing to favorable weather for
the movement had a bullish effect on- the
com market. The May delivery was rela
tively stronger than the mora distant
months, as many traders were inclined to
buy the May option and to sail July and
September deliveries. At the cloaa prices
were Vole above the previous close, with
Msy at SKSc and July at sac
Oata for May delivery sold today at aTvc,
tha hlgheat price of tba season. The mar
ket waa strong all day. chiefly because of
unfavorable aeather for the movement,
which materially curtailed receipts. Pri
mary receipts today were only a little
more than half those of tba corresponding
dsy a year ago. At the close pricea were
atfcc to Sc higher compared with yester
day s final quotations, with May at
U7tc and July at 4Mfc-Hc ,
Provisions were a trlfie weak ewrly In
tha day..-owing to a alack deanand. but
during the last half of ibe day., a firmer
tone developed, due to soma extent to the
strength of coarse grain. At the cloaa
prices .were &c to lTVt higher than tha
previous close.
Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles.! Open. High. Low. I Close J Tea y.
heat I !
May l 13VM
1 14V
1 ft'
M i
I t
1 WV 14HV1 lJv
Ms y
May July
May July
Msy July
4S! ttV to'
I t
4C"I 4UV
1 " 1 17 04 I 1 ?H
17 (KHi 17a?V IT 02V4)
is m 1 17 ob
it up' i? i
tE 7 I
3 74 MSM
( 70 J
t 77V, SV
u I ID I
RTJ5 No. t 7c.
BARLEY Fe cr mixing. Ctui-V; fair
lo 'h.H-e malting. (Sc.
SEEDS Flax. No. 1 south western, f 1
No. 1 northwestern, ft . - Titnothv.- t3-7a
Clover. t' M.
PROVISIONS-Meaa pork, per bbl.. fitm
l-atd. p.-r lw lbs.. Short rib,
sides. t.loor la short clear sides.
(boet. SMCM2B.U1.
Totsl rlesrsncee of whest and flour 4jrere
eaual to n i.o bushels Primary -reiv-pts
were SmIOiio hushi-ls. ss compared W:tn
JTtiol husi els Hie -nrrespi ndtng day a
ear s. The world vistMe atirply. as
shown bY Fr.1s'rrt s wsa fCaf) bush
els. Estimate receires for- tomorrows
whest. 14 cers: corn, lit cars; oats, al
cars: hogs. 3.t' head.
R'TTKR-Oeair.eries. t;JJc; dsiries.
Z1W fW-.
Ff;G? Steadr ; at mark, case Included.
! firti. c; prime firm, ic.
CHEFTSE Steady: daisied. , laJilf-;
twins. U 4jlic: young Amerkss. laiplac;
long horn. .&lCe.
POTATOES Sieadv : choice to fancy; stt
s: fslr to good. Kul$c.
POULTRY Strong : turkeys. 17c; chi.k
ena. 14c; soring. liS".
VEAL Firm : i to Mb. weights.' 7rV'.
lug. Tha regular annual utnttiAg of tc-k-holders
in The Be Pubi'stiing vuiapaay a 41
h held in the ofttce of Ihe on.puy lu Tne
Hee bui dlj.g. comer 47th ; and , Farram
street. Omaha. Nebraska, ji Muuisv.
March. L 1. at 4 o'clock p. m pv O'dr
of tiia praaidetu. HKNKY A. 11 ASK FLU.
Secretary. MAEFladlux.
1N3 Notice is benrby given (bat the
regular annual enacting of tna stockholders
of tb South Platte Land o aapanjr srtu a
held at tne office-ef said roa.paay. at
I.I tm-o.n. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. so., on
Iks third day of March. A. D-. 1X
C. H. MERRILL. President.
A. B. MINOR. Secretary. .
LiacoU. NeOraaaa, Fsksvary J. lea)
m to -l"t.. we'ghu. V. S to l'tv;o.
weight, frouv.
UW ll)3h' (ItMRtL MARKET
t)aatatlaaa af tha Day varlaa
Xt7V YORK. Feb. 1 -FLOUR-Rece.pts.
JKM bbls., exports. Z.ZT bhls , mar
ket firm but quiet; .. Minnesota pat
ents, Se.40Qa.7i; winter str-xht. t4.
ale; Minnesota bakers. 34 Si4 j: wlnt'r
ixtraa, 33.704 : winter ptmts. Ji 'ti".
winter low grsdvs, liMii Ktnui
straights, 4)iMii Rv-e flour, firm; fair
to good. Ri-t IS- ch lea to lancy. 34 a)
4 56. Buckwheat flour, duil, lil'UlW per
;r ibs.
BUCK W H EAT Quiet ; New York state,
sc. nomlnsL
CORNM EAL Firm r fine white snd
yellow. 31 So1fc; coarse, lei; kiln
dried. fAfi3.S.
RYK Wuiet; No. t western. y, f. o. b.
New York.
BARLEY Stcsdy; malting, 744J7fcc, C. t f..
New York; feeding. TvTlc. c. L f., New
WHEAT Receipt. J7. bu. ; exports.
39 bu.; pot market firm; No. 2 red,
II litV nominal, f o. b. afloat; No. 1 north
ern. Duiuth. I123H, f. o. b. afloat; No. I
hard, wtniar. tl..3V. f. o. b. afloat. Al
though nervous -and Irregular all day,
a heat continued to reflect bull control In
the May position, snd at timea showed
decided strength. The July contract was
also strong and the whole market closed'
strong. HSV net higher. May. tl-Wf?
l it. closed at $117; July, n.O7fcl.0B. closed
ht tl-ffTV
CORN Receipt a, 4.5H0 bu.; exports. 34,io.
bi; spot market firm: No. Z, 73c elcva'or
and 7le f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow. 71c
f. o. b. afloat; options, strong and higher
on continued unfavorable wentner news,
closing st c to tc net hlaher: Msy,
73 ll-lr3c. closed 73c; July closed at 7So.
September closed at "2e.
OATS Receipts. M bu.; spot market
FEED Firm: spring bran. tS.tO; mld
cllngs. ?7.oO: city. SC7.50.
HAYr-Hsrely steady; No. 3. 80c; good to
Choice. ir6o.
HIDES-viuiet: Bogota, lWwS-Jt'V: Cen
tral America. aA4c.
PROVISIONS Beef, stead v; family. S13.j0
mtOO: mesa. 3l.5e511.0r; beef hams. I.4."ti
2 n": packet. $14 "y 14 50; city extra I-dla
mess. t-4.0u4jf?4.iV4. Cut roests. steady; ti-jk-ed
bellies. 39.fir.50; pickled httnu. St.?
le.f. LarJ. steady: western. TS4;S5: re
fined, st-ady; continent. H"06; Sulh Atier
la.; compound. IJ.-'j! i.SA. Por!?.
steady; family, Hrl.vO; short c ear, W ti
tra.o; mess. tl7.0fi U.t.
TAIJJVV-Qulet: city iM pr rk ). c;
country tpkgs. free). 5. S'o.
RICE Firm: domestic. . isir to extra. J
fre; Japan, ncminal.
BUTTER Market unsetiled and lower;
creamery specisls. ZuJOHc; official price.
He; extraay Zt'ic; thirds to firsta, ZM$
2ltc; held, common to special. ij'g.Se: pro
cess, common to specials. lHSc; western
factory, firsts. ZltV-lSc; western imitation
creamery, firsts, Ii".c.
EGGS Firm; atate, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white. Jc: fair to
cho!re, '.U37c: brown and mixed, fsncy.
3:c; fair t choice. 3f'aZ3c; weatern firsts,
34c; seconds. SMSIS0- t
POULTRY Dressed, firm: weatern chick
ens. LtflSc; fowls, 13V31oA; turkeys, 11
23c. . .
Generally Fair Wednesday, with
Rising Tesaaaratwre.
OMAHA, Feb. 1, 1
The eastern- disturbance la now central
over the extreme upper portion of the Ohio
valley, and the weather continues unsettled
everywhere east of the Mississippi liver.
anoms continue in tne ml. Idle Mississippi
and lower Ohio valleys, with general rams
in tha Atlantic and east gulf state. Th
cold wave has spread over the extreme
lower Mississippi valley and west gulf
statea and colder weather is extending over
the eastern states. While considerable
cloudiness prevails west of the Mississippi
river into tne mountains, tne weatner ta
generally fair, except on the northern
Rocky mountain plateau and north Pacific
coast, where snows and rains are falling.
The weather is much warmer In the upper
lake region, upper Mississippi and Missouri
valles. and throughout the northwest, and
Is generally warmer west to the Pacific
coast. Thar temperature will continue to
rise in this vicinity tonight and Wednesday,
with continued fair weather.
Record of temperatute and precipitation
.compared with the corresponding- day of
tha last threw years:
Tat. Ufd. 1907. 1908.
Minimum terrrperatjre 4 1 3 1
Precipitation 0 T .to .OS
Normal temperature for today, 24 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1,
4 M inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In UXK
4.96 iDcbes. .
Deficiency corresponding period In 154)7,
4.1 Inches,
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster."
Kaasa City Gntla and Prwvlslaaa.
changed to Ho lower; No. Z hard. Sl.OTVa
1.10',: No. 3 hard. Sl.Mxl.ftSH: No. 2 red,
Jl.:4l.DaH: No. 3 rd. 31 jl.2S.
CORN 4' higher; No. Z mixed, amjc;
No. 3 mixed, oc; No. 2 white, C2c; No. S
white. Wc.
OATS Uncharged; N. I white, 61tT&:c;
No. 1 mixed. 41Sa)c.
Options at Kanaaa City:
Receipta Shipments.
Wheat, bo .mo 137.flr
Corn, bu .' 31 .mn 27 ono
Oata, bu 5,0W 17. 409
Articles, t Open. High. ! Low. Close.
I" I
v i ot", i ossi1:
1 DOS!
1 04l
- W..B
i'!- . mv
1A I
l'sA i
4Dal i
Vlalkte Saavly af Grain.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1 Special cable' and
telegraphic communications re-eived by
Brad streets show the following changes In
available supplies, aa compared with pre
vious accorma:
Wheat. United Statea. east of Rockies,
decreased 1..000 bu. : Canada, increased
ITT.tXX) bu.; total. United atstes and t'sn-
ada. decreased 1.7l.t bu: afloat for andJ
In Ciirnn In. r.. il 1 ,. . . . . . . ..W
American and European supply Increased
t,7f..ju0 bu.
Corn. United States and Canada, de
creased .UX bu.
Oata. United gtatea and Canada., de
creased fee.) bu.
Th leading decreaaea and increases re
ported thia week follow:
Decrease: Portland. Me.. 2X.H0O bu.; Man.
Itoba, 174.U00 bu-; Louisville. liS.uOO bu. ; Chi
csgo private elevator. 77.':) bu.
Increases: St. John. HJ.ono bu. ; Fort
Worth. lue.tXO; Port Huron, ldo.euo. .
Pklladelakla Predsee Market.
Weak and 3c lower: extra western cream
ery. 30c; extra nearby prtnta. Uc.
EOOS-1rm and c higher; Pennsylvania
and other nearby firsta. free rears 3Zc. at
mark: Pennsylvania and other nearby cur
rent receipts. In returnable rases. 31c, at
mark: weatern firsts, free cases, tic. at
mark; weatern current receipts, free cases.
3ti-T. at mark.
CHEESE-Firm: New Tor full creams,
choice. 14til5c: New Tork full creams,
fslr to good. 144J14SC.
milarsskee Grata Market.
Milwaukee. Feb. is. wheat Firm
No. 1 northern. Sl.l: No. northern. fl.lSfi
1.14: May. 31 14,. hid. i
CORN Higher; Mav, C5,ft,c
B A RLE Y Firm; standard. aSc; samolea.
Ctjoac. -
Taleda Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Feb' !. SFrnS-T'..-.. ......
;Fetrxisry and March. S5 i; October 36 ei!
4A!sike. prime.. SO. . , '
Wwal Market.
BOSTON. Feb. M. WOOU-I-o. si
growers sre engerly looking to the new
oiin to aurply Iheir cleaned tut bins Iral
sales of old stvk are liaht. The pulled
wool situation rnnUr;i"s aeflve. Prioee on
all line rule -very f ,rsx. Tha leading do
meata" cnotat:ons raee aa follows- In
dlar.a and Missouri. - three-eigltthe-bkod
"r: Q.tarter-bl.d. r5e. Scoured val-u-s.
T, --aa f!ne 1i wmr.t. .tjkv: fine. to
mem-. iSS-: fine fa!l. 4tr50c. Cali
fornia, northern. Rssa-; n lddle county iu&
i;: fall free. tHfiic Oc g jn. aatm.' No.
' r'.-tliir.g. SJCvTo; vaHi v. Ko 1, tMiiCic
Terrltrrv Fine staple. t:tCU-. flu- medium
ataple. gijr: fine rlotilrg. trCrfc fin
mdium ioihing. aota7r; half-blood. SIc-tpre-Heoth-bl-
od. 3tf5e: Quarter lood
IVW.:c. Pulled extra short. &-; ftna a!
7frir:. A. supers, ttjic.
Teeasary BAatawaea t.
WASH1NOTON. J'ah. !C-Today s state
men tf the trrssury balaDca in ih gs
ral fand eiHusive of tha f iSf a,in gold
reserve ahows; Available cash 'balat-e.
liOtClW gold rom and hulliua, M 444 X4
Sold cerUficaiea. IS.iaUaik
Kaxket Opens Actire, but Interest
Soon Vanishes.
Large a a bet af r laaaea la Free
prei t asses Heavlaeea la This ee - -tlea
ef tho Market Cat
la Steel Price.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1.-The stock market
proved Itself ready to follow the advance
of yesterday, and thua disappointed the
hopes of the speculative element whk'.i
thought that yesterday's advance might
piecede a revival In the market. Interest
fell awsy to the vanishing point again to
day and the later hours of the session
saw condition as stagnant as al any time
last week.
The London market led the wsy. As the
foreign situation was largely Influenced In
shspmg speculation sentiment yesterday In
New York tha contrary movement there to
day was of important aympathetlc effect.
The reduction In tha discount rate of the
Mnk of Germany confirmed the Impression
of lower discount rate abroad and the
consequent demand for Investment which
gross out of accumulation of lurking re
serves. The Indication hus given cf the
course of the nwmey ma:kM wss con
firmed In a convincing wsy by the new
that tha trust companies 'n N.w York were
sending out notices to depositors of an
intended reduction tn the Int'ertst pnid on
depoatts. The rste -a!d by these Institu
tions on different classr of deposit ha
ranged f-oru S la 4 pr cent, and baa
served as a potent aUracttoit to draw la
deposits from all over the cpuniry. With
the prevailing low rates for money and
the additional ns-rve ten J'-emente up to 15
per ent of de;o'Js. wUloh was Imp'!
on trust companies February 1. thy find
themselves unable to wt t".ee funds n
terms which will reimburse them for
such high rstes tn the d- posUore. Th
supply of new issues of bonds continues
very large. The market had under discus
sion today a (T0.040 Australian loan, and
an Irlh Isnd purchsse loan, a New York
City 31?.'.C conirat stock Issue nd a
coming Burlington bond lsue of prooably
1-V,'"J.!0 or upwards Whether oti account
of these large prospective requirements, oi
from mtre symi sthy with tne tone of tha
market, the bond division today wag in
clined to dropp in a way that has not been
In evi.M-nor for many days paaL The heavi
ness of the Erie issues had some Influence
on this resuit.. The passing of th year's
Interest on the Texas dr Pacific second in
comes wss another unfavorable Influence
on bond market, although that Issuh
is of the class with few qualifications of
a bond properly so called.
The Insistent rumors of a coming cut In
steel prices led to a thorough canvass of
the authorities m the trade. This effec
tively disposed of the rumors, but gave
littlt ground of cheerfulness over trade
condition A cut tn nrlces m-ss pronounced
Impolitic before the new tariff schedules t
had been determined, ss no none or at
tracting orders could be entertained from
action before that tim. 'The period of
effective revival was put forward to later
In the year by high authorities in the trade
and a reduction in the present operating
activity of the United atea Steel con
cern was sdmltted. The reported Illness
of the president of the American Smelting
and Refining company militated against
its stock and with some sympathetic effect
elsewhere. .
P,onds were heaw. TotaT sales par value.
$5..fv United States ts' registered, de
clined V and . tha coupon, advanced ' per
cent on call tod.'.
Nnmber of raiee en -r:ndpl quotation
oa stock were ss follows?
tMrs. law. Close
AsMltaaistet Cesser
Aw. r. ft r
Aw. c: ft r. sf;...:.
Aw. rot toe OU
A si. H. ft U pt4
Aw. Ire Sars.ritles..
Aw. Una Oil
A nterteaa Lareaaotfr
Aam. Loeoaiotlr atd
Am. . ft R
Am. S ft R. p'J
Aw. f'icar ftarialng.
l.Pi . 74 k
1. 7 fttt
iw iii
I.Ml' 4?i
4to) - 41S
. l.tofr Ri
MO - -M
.IM Ml
..'H.4S6-r STk 4H
l.iae 11444 IMS ie4k
jy iu iiz ia
Am. TotMcen st
AHierlcas Waohen
" '
45 4t.H
Ansrooea Mtnist Co...
Afrhtton Mt
Atlantic Ceaat Ufk ....
Baltimore A Obi
Hal. ft Ohfer yfd ...
Brook, ra Ravi . Tr. . ...
Tanaoiaa actfle ......
reairal Ledinae ..
t -antral L-s'her pl4
central at New Jaraey..
Choaspeak ft OSle
rticiio ct. a
htco ft t. W
C, w. ft t. f
C . C. C. ft St L..-. ...
Calsrada T. ft I
Colorado ft &e
Coio. ft So. tH pti ....
Colo, ft So. 34 ft
t'osoolioatee Oaa
Corn Pro4ets
Delaware ft Hudaoa....
Denrae ft R. O
1A IlS't UH
.... -1104, ins u1,
.... m pja, ttk M
...rlUlO- Ts- JlS tl
IT4i PJ- 1T4
re ti 11s ii
fl 16t iS it'a
If. Ml
tan IT
ItVMV 147S
IP Tfoi T
I.IK At, 4
4i (4
..." f.7.jrs iifa las
.-iw is if iS
l'W 174S US 1"
... IN 47 V 4S 4S
D ft R. 0. pfd
ntatiileri' Seturltlao
Brie lot r-fd
Vw 'rs
1.4HV - 4S
ta u
' M it:s
Brla Id r ,
fMaaral Klertrlc .
Creu Northors ft
Oreat Nonbenn Or ctfa
lllinola Central
IniaTboeaasH Mai.
lot. Vet fd. ..:.'
Intarnatlooal Paper
Int. Paper pf .:
latomatlsnal fuss
loea Central
Kaneaa CHt So...-
K. ( . So. (
Loalnlllo ft N
Mian, ft St. L
M . St. P. ft f. g. M . . .
Mlaaoian Paethe
M.. K. ft T
M . e. ft T. f(d
hatWsal Urad
fcaar York Central. .... .
K. T.. O. t W
Sor.'ork ft T.-tnra
North Amarltaa
North, rn Pacific
p4-ni Mail
Paopla's Gaa
P. C C. ft ft. L.
Prasard Steal Car
Pullmaa Pace t'or...v
Ralioajr Staol Spruig....'
Rosaklie Stool
KepaMie Siefl pfd
Rork lilu Co
Rork Island Co pfd
St. L ft P. 3d pfd..
. U 8. W
B4. L- . W. p(d
aioaa-SoairiaU g. ft I ...
soatlMrn Psctfir ,
So Pariflc pfd
oatfera Ralls ar
SO. Rollsair std
Toss 1 woe Copper
Texoa ft Patlf c
T.. M L. W
T . Su U ft W. pfd
I nioo Pacific
I Bloa Pacific pfd
I. . Raboor
I t. Rukber 1st pld
I. S Ctaol
I. . lal fid
I Uk Covooc
a. -Carolina -.
Va.-Caro. Chew pJd....
Wabaah pfd
W'ealtaskoua glocuW . .
Wester t man
v aertm ft L. g
144S 141
3S 7IS
1.44 144 1S 14S
i,w i4 ni. 1.-,
41S '
1-4 S
V If
114 r s
. Hit &4S
I. MS).
47, 4.S
HvS 14"S
12. '4
i' .
4j c
41 i
1:1 1:1.
I-. kjW ;
:4 S3 I
'R'.-'fc '
0 to
3,; 4S
" ';i"
1US Ui t-' S
47 S
. . ! S 1-S 11S
4dv KS MS f-S
I1 li a lis US
aw Idas 1'C-a k'JS
4 k -'S5 a-.v
7s ut 1114 ju
t 44 44 4S
tW U ' 4S 1 4S
' '.'.... l.ll
iH1 '- IS
3Dl ms tos 4S aS
k us -
la MS 47S '
a wconola Coatrai
Ask. T A T. la
M4 .t!V 4SS
t at. kS US
Total aalra lor Ike 4r. 471. fas aaoroa.
Lweal geearltlea.
' OMAHA. Feb li. Quotations ftn Omaha
storks and bonds, furnished by Baratial
Burns, jr.. 14 xsew lora U14 Duilding
- - .
Oolomo PlJ Inoaraac stark- ........ i'i
CoakuilM Bnoga. Si oat mi as
)il af OaiU aonda. 4S IK 1:
U.4 TaL m. IfU. - pfd beaao...... W
ganaao til) Rr. ft UlU So IfU-,.. T
kanaaa tit, Uy. ft UfK pfd
Keoraaka Tcmpfcaoa atuck... . SJ
f'Btaha Uaa ka 111 ... 7
Omasa klsctrW Ll. ft Poaor to tut ', las
Oaioaa glactrkc U. ft P"er pld aa
Omoaa ft a glurf St. Hy is 114 ... ft
Ob.U ft O -giarm St. kr. to ft . tei
Omoaa ft Co. Biytra ft. -a, pfd m
Oaaako A Co lUa k. ft knCsa pfd OI
tomaka Wator Co. ka. H.4 ft
Oakaaa Walor Co. ka U4 B .
Oakaao WklOT C. let pfd 1
Omaka Waiar C M pfd t
uavaaa board of Traa Ba Ca pfa . sf
Oaaaka Board of TrsAo Rldft Co. com .
twv.i ft toaasaap :t
t-at lasorkAc -ere. tM '
fkoroaa t'oal a ItSI
kaanaal Coal pfd ft
Sk-noan Coal com .. "
ktou titp kat iojss P'd... .... 4$
siaaii tuj f.a. fc larda com M
Tn Mil, Lai.d i o. pi. coaa. Jpaaaa ti
taloas.ock aios Co. atotk ... 1
I mum Conaini. uoai fa . kksaas Ciu at
WnM-Witka-lmr to Hd ...... f-
aiaaa. Sal. Viiiaaa ka
11 '
.' '
U4o (ear Market.'
LONDON, Koj. li -AinerW aa srurttle
were dull and heavy during tba early trad
ing today. Reading declined Vg aad tna
rest of tha list from S to below yester
day a New Tork clootng
Nr tork sufvorurd thg It, Ptvui laaua Ut
the Afternoon, but fcurmg taeknd and
the cloaa wss dull and uncertain.
New York Mower Market.
NEW TORK. Feb. ll-MONKY-On call,
steady at tV9 per cent: ruhng rat. I
per cent: closing bid. t per cent; offered at
: per cent. Tim loans, dull and ateady;
sixty days, THttS per cent: ninety dsya,
per cent: six months, 39VH per cent.
per cent.
Srtusl business In bankers' bills at M M!'4y
4 6 for sixty-day bills and at M 37 for de
mand ; commercial bills. 34 tCSti V
SILVER Bar. Slt,e; Mexican dollara. 44o.
BONDS Oovemment, Irregular; railroad,
Closing quotations oa bonds today wet aw
V t. . rg riei. Cewiral 4s. SS
ao ennpen 11 4o i Ih M
V. S. . reg I"N X a a. U 4
a com poo lM . K T. W !
t. 8. 4s. r u 2a M
o re 1M N K. g af M e. ta ai
Aw. Tnraeee 4s - 74 N T. C. t H
An Tobacco 4 7t,N I t. f te lja
e Hit Ks Patifia 4a lt
Atchism t-v s m so ts
49 S41. 4 U N. A W. e. ts
4s tVO a L. rM 4a
" " f IW4krn. e. H llt... S
Ailantle C. U 4.... J aa eon 4a.
hal. tXale 4s :iHsait cae ai
' Hgaa f ( aka Sa r
Bet R. T. t 4a. .... M p. L 4 1. M. . ta..l:lsj
aret?i sf Oa. Is... ill at. L. ft r. ft 4a. r
at tne 7 St. t. S W. . 4S.... TX
14 lite H SatMar4 A L 4a ... M
4 loe Hse. Pt'tfM 4s i4
Che. Mt oat 4Sa. ..! 4 M 4s t4
OlKat ft A. ! lUtlarsr sa. 113
C. ft Q. a. 4s ... 4STaias ft p. i lit
4. to. h, HnT., St. U ft W. 4a v
rfi 4s. atntaa psctftc 4a km
CTC. ft ft. L . fa i, 4, 4, K4
coio. ivt. to rt r. n. stM tg a km
Colo. Ml. 4a. M Wabeak la UJ
Cole, ft go. . !. a n o. rmt. to...
Dai. ft H. c-T. 4 l1VWsr M4. 4a M
D A R. 0. 4a W. ft U E. 4s M
1 I- 4 Wis. Centnl 4s. H
(an. 4s THH. T.. W. H. 4k H.
eHock VaJ. 4ia ,; e. tm ets, IM
Int. K 4Sa. to Xak Shore 4a mi... U
'ran 4s tAm T. ft T. ta. tt
4 4ta ft Waksa git to TttJ
o M aarl-e Kt.Se. Railvar to Tfw
L ft. al. to i :Me. Psdtie to 4H
kin t. t to 14.
-!. aaxxfarag.
Baotaa RtaekA and loala
BOSTON. Feb. l.-Money. rsll lean, n
o flclsl clodng 00 stocks and bonds:
Atckiorm adj. W ... M Arltons Cow M
4a .OlSAttastic l.S
A-chlaoa R. R MlSRutt Coallftoa M
', I'ltOil. A Ariaona r
Beoton ft Alomar t Cal. ft Haria sa
" Ham ...117 Costennial 144
"L""?' l"'0eppr Ran,, n
yitrhtxrrg pt Hi rvalr West
N. T.. N. It A H...1H fYanklia it
I'Bion Padfie in ortn ,)il
? .7"' - Gfoono Cananaa 1
do pfd M b! Rerslo fis
Am pa. Tsta s Maas. Mining
Aaor. fuar m Mtchlsaa 11
Am T- ? llSloa. C ft C U
Abmc. nootoa t farads JS14
' 4 Old LwsrtDtoa nv
r,nios I ft g SdsOoceole " m
Eaiaon Br. Ilia rS4 Parrot ".. j
" 'J MS f kasaoa M
r0 MTamanKk W
Inltod mut U7HTrlnitr "
VI ' M ssl'slte Copper ins
,.. Sf. klnmT..
ld.8.,?' --lk
"' Uisyiftorta k
AdTentsro S W(,n
f1""" 44 Wolverine .14
T-xr'ii-. rH.
Farelga Flaaaelal.
LONDON. Feb. l.-Monv waa In
stronger demand on the market today and
the supply was restricted. Discounts were
steady. On the Stock exchange business
waa not brisk, dealers awaiting the deliber
ation af parliament. The tone, however,
was steady, gilt-edged securities recover
ing on the announcement of the reduced
discount rate of tha Imperial Bank of
Germany. The new roans received good at
tention and foreigners wer firm under
Paris support. Copper shares weakened In
sympathy with the price of the metal,
o-mtrican securities opened steady, but
sagged later on realization and tha weak
ness in copper. New Tork supported Chi
cago. Milwaukee Bt. Paul in the after
noog. but buying slackened and tha mar
ket closed duil and undecided.
BERLIN. Feb. 1. Prices on the Bourse
today were firmer. Some of the specialties
including the American securities wer
higher. Trading waa rather quiet.
PARIS, Feb. 1 -Prices on tba Bourse to
day Were firmer.
New Tsrk Mlalaaj ftacika. .
NEW TORK, Feb. 14 Closing quotation
on mining stocks were:
Alice sst LJttla Cklet if
Bruasalck Cos. ...... I Mac Kan ;a
Com. Taaael stock... M Ontario '
do koasa 14 upkir
Con. cal. ft Vs 4f standard no
Hara SlWor f yelhoo Jacket U
Laodniie Coa. 4
Oftored. V
Bank Clearlaga.
OMAHA. Feb. 14 Bank clearings for to
day were 31.7SaJ.001 M and for tba correspond
ing date laat year 3i.4fft.fUS.41.
Staple aad Faaey Pradaea Prlcea far
alaked by Bayers aad Whaleaalora.
BCiTkiR Craamary, No. 1 ieliveed ta
the retail trade in 1-lb. carton. 83c; .No. 1
in CO-ib. tuba, Cc; No. 3 in l ib. cartona.
ivc; In 40-lu. tub. J'tbC, packing atocs, lc;
fancy dairy, tuba, iJtjJO; common roll,
freau made. Jvo. iklarkat cbangea every
EGUS Fresh selling slock,' candled, Me,
No stutage' icc un oiuana market.
tllktkk-inittt Wiouunain full cleans,
tvtUad. lso; young Amciktl, la hoop, IMbc;
latorile, ( In hoop, lc; uaialea, 30 tc hoop
Uvc; cream brick, full caa. Uc; block
bmJ, Ijc; full-cream llmburgcr. lac
lie if Cut Ribs, No. 1, lac: Nu. 3 lac'
No. 3, 14c I-oln, No. 1. !9ic; So. 3. 1W; No!
3. Uc. Chuck. No. 1. ;; No. 2. 4c; N.
j. -SC Hound, No. 1, f'c; No. Z, .-; No.
i, i',c. Plat, No. L -.c; No. i, 6-kjc; No.
J. ic.
POLLTRY-Ai'.v. spilng. Uljc; lieaf, jjcj
-.-,. a. ; Ui., t w,.; geeac. kjpc; tur-it-ya.
ic; piaecnj, i,r tius., ic; guinea
tuwis, pr tkos., un., squabs, per dog., (i,
1'rekkru, lien, ile; spring. ljuyjc; cocha.
4:?c; uoc-ks, Uc; geese, lie; turiteye, 21c
KllLSil krtLilK Apiitea. Nw Totk
Ca,daii.s. $4. lancy Ben L-avii, U; Missouri
1'ipl-Uis, Idaho Jtoam Beauties. U;
cm. a. iftiicy beo Davis, per bos, fl.. Ba
l.ui.u. . a-tunch lot. JSo rer lb. Oranges,
v-.uu. i-cuiuuK. iawui.uu. Gravve fruic
4. crrapea. Malagas, ka-iALuV par haZ
i lurioa pine aiiplei. per crat. at.
U i It . V 1 dec per qt,
VLciE TA BLd Kansas aaaeipotatoaa.
ti.Ta per bui. California celer, large, '
amaller. "c New lork Holland aeed cak
Lge. lc per 11. Wiacocain Ked Globe
onions, l'ic per lb. California cauliflower
U7i ! tile, loanatoea, 4-baeaat crat a.
l.ia, Florida. C-baaket crat. 14; Cuba. 4
basket crate. 31 Lettuce, per doa. 44c. Old
kegeiablcs-parsnlpa, turalpa. carrots at M
lr bill. Florida nw beat, carrola. swr
sr.lps, tiirnipa. etc.. per dot. Ike.
UICEa-h'a 1 gr-keo. 10c; No. 1 cured. Up.
Cwttt-w Maraat.
NEW TORK. Fob. 1.-Tbe cotton aiar
aet opened ateady at an advance of 3
poinia on March, but genarslly unchanged
to a puints lower under scattering liquida
tion promoted by Indifferent cable and
unfavorable account from Manchester
Offcrinjrs were not heavy, however and
the market steadied with prices during the
middle of Ihe morning about net unchanared
t. 4 points higher.
Hpot tiultt: middling uplands. t30c- wild
d.lrig guif. .06c.
Spot closed quiet. ( points higher; mid
dling uplands, t.soc; middling gulf 10 Nc
sales. none. '
The market was nuiet lata in tho tv...
noon, and while the upward tendency
noted earlier tn tha dar bad bean checked
by free offering of March around larjc
priees held within a point of two of th
beat, or about net unchanged to t points
hlg'.er at midday. The light estimate for
tomorrow receipts at Houston aad ateadl
ness of New Orleans helid the advance
from the low point nt th morning.
Cotton futures closed very steady February-.
0r; Mreh. ftoc: April. j;
ic: June. 4; July, g.idc: August ;c:
September. 1.39c; (x toper. .4ftc; November'
t.JSc; Dacamber. .Sc; January, le. '
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Fab. la. M ETA IJI Tbera
aaa a anarp advance in the London Oa
market, spot closing at a lav (a and fuuirao
at tvlE The local market stag quiet, but
firm, at I Tt cm. Copper was auout ta
higher la London, with spot quoted at 43
ti 4.1 and futures at Ai He. Th local
mark waa dull and unchanged. Lead
waa dull and unchanged here and abroad.
Bpeller waa lower, at a ka In London.
Icftily the market waa dull at t4 aa94 .
Tha English Iron market waa lower, wttn
Cleveland warrants quoted at 4a. Locally
iroa waa dull, with pel coa practically un
changed. No. 1 fauadry. ft4mi.lrai. Il'.aiey
IT. LOCIS. Feb 14-1 KAD-WA at
M 7fiu. pellar. dull at ,'
Cotton futures opened steady; March
tUc; April. 1401-. bid; May. ). 3c; June t 44c
July, t.tJc; August. Bc; October, ' 1 3ic
December. tMr; January. t.Xc. tii '
Bcf Steer. 0p Up Te to Fifteea
Ccatt Lowtr.
Lar Raa af fhe. aad I assba aad
tgaantr aly Falr PHeoa Maatly
Tea ta Flftewa Coat
OUTH OMAHA. Feb 1. 1.
Receipts w-ert: Cattle. Hoga. Iheep.
Official Monday 14rO If.' S.7
EatlmkU Tueadsy . 1I.0U0 ll.Of)
TWO day this week.. T.W 14 W 14.TS)
Jsrrve day last Week.... t.KM 14 1 rlsva 1 weeks ago.. (.taT ..2 1.T
Bam days I week ago.. 4,47 17. TI? 721
ftame day 4 Week ago.. Kit I' M It. 34
Sam dayt last year ... 7.7S1 13,13 14.464
Tha following table shows tha receipts of
rattle, hegs and shoop at South Omaha for
tba rar ta data, aom pared with laat yeort
iwa. 19ns. Inc. Dec,
Cattla 1?ir7 r 64 .(
Hog tkt 170 a7 .1
Sheep r. 1K.7W i;.TS9 So,0
Th fallowing taM aswwa tha. averagw
prlc of bogs at Bouta Omaha for th last
several days, WUh oorapartaoaa:
Date. in. lM.utw.rim-liM-rin.iiios.
Feb. ....(
Fab. t....
Feb. ....
Feb. f...
Fab. 1...
Feb. 11...
reb. U ..
Feb. it...
Feb. 14...
Fb. It...
rb. li...'
Kl I M
4 ! r
4 i ti
I 7'1
4 17 P e ,
3X1 4 1 IS T2j
4 11 I l t 78.
4 (C W, t i
4 ! I Ri Mi
The cTflclal number of cars of
brought IB today by each read was:
Cattla. Hog. 6 hasp.
c .. as. ax m. r.
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific ...
C. A N. W, east
C. aV N. W.. west
C, Bt. P., M. A O. 14
C, B. at Q , eat..... t
C B. (., west 37
C R. I. A P, east.. I
C. R. I. A P.. west.. 3
Mlnols Central
Chicago O. W 2
Toltl receipts 236 li" 47 I
The disposition of t ie day's receipts was
s follows, each buyer purcaaaing tha num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Omaha Packing Co !J W i.sig
Swift and Company i,i7 1.74 i.too
Cudahy Packing CO 74 1.047 I.M
Armour A Co 7li 3,r7 3,a7
Vansant A Co 114
I. nbman A Rothschild 101
W. I. Stephen 5
HUI It Son 4
V. P. Lewis IN
Huston Co at
J. B. Root A C6 3M
J. H. Bulla 7
L. r. Hu (1
MctTresTT Carey tl
Bam Werthlmer 44
H. T. Hamilton 73
M. Hagorty Co M
F. O. Inghram 4
Sullivan Bros. i
Lehmer Bros.- 4
Hoffman Packing Co El
Swgrtg A Bolan Ca tit ....
Lea Rothschild 17
Othsr Buysrs U .... 1147
Tola's v S.341 fv7t
CATTLE Rrcepts of came this morn
Int were quit large. 214 car being re
ported In, the heaviest run of any day
Inc Tuesday of last week, whea th asm
number of cars wer reported In. Tha mar
ket as g whole waa very slow and dull and
It was unueually lata before any business
of Consequence waa transacted.
Tha feeling on beef steers at all pointa
for noma days has been weak, owing to
tba fact that consuming demand for tb
product haa not been sufficiently actlv to
create a good buylag demand for cattla
Th fact that Lent will begin in about a
week haft also Increased tha weak feeling
oa th part af tb packer and every oaa
started out thla morning with a determina
tion ta buy supplie lower or leave the cat
tle glone. The result was that beef steers
wer generally lutjlfic lower' and s:ow at
Cows and heifers war In about tha nam
condltioa aa beef steers. That I, tha mar
ket a As very slow and dull and It waa
lata In the afternoon before very much
business waa transacted. Tba market on
that kind of cattla was generally Hari6c
low or.
Th fupply of stockers and feed ets waa
hot very large and dealrab! kind wer
generally about steady.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn
ted steers, S.1; fair to good corn fed
steers, t4Ffe6.te; common to fair com fed
steers, Af)t4-K; good to choice cows and
belfeta, M.atmpi.30; fair to good cows and
heifers, t3.oVir4.34; common to fair cows and
heifers. ti.UpS.00; stock heiferc. U 7iy4 s;
veal calves. 33.00r4.?fc; hulls, stags, etc.,
$17i4 76; good to cnotc stockers and feed
ers, tt.oufeeao: fair to good stockers and
feeder. ao.io44.e: eoromom to fair stockers
and feeders, aXCvtj&Ti. -,
Rsprgssntatrv sale:' kTEERS.
No. Ac. Ft. Xt. Ac. FT.
t ot 4 47 a ai
t Ptt t li f .tl I of
li MM IN
COWl. -
34 IK IN In ft
4 M 1M St . . KM 4 at
1 tit 4 ti 3 1411 t It
II 1171 tn
1 in t l lrw
1 19 4 tf t lUt 4 44
14 I 4 3 14 t H
t ie t e
3 an I it ii 4 M
I it ih Til 4 4
t 41 3 4 1 4l 441
t 7 4 a It ta 4 a
14 tat 4 ; 7k kf
M (; 4 3 I 4Jt 4 ft
HOOtt Receipt of hog ware liberal thla
morning 171 car being reported In th
largest run for a Tuesday sine- January 34.
A hag been the tendvney for some little
time back, buysrs aawmed to be looking for
hogs possessing both weight and quality
and th markat generally on anything com
ing ubder that head could be quoted Just
about fteady with yesterday. On tha other
hand light boga were generally lc lower
and harder to sell. Th common light
weights may roasibly have shown more de
cline even than that, but It must be re
mem bet e 4 that comsnoa light hogs hava
been poor 01 1 era for eon iittia time back.
Rough and Inferior heavy hogs also showed
soma Weakness. Ta quote the general mar
kat aa steady to tc lower would cover the
froatsr number of caaea. The trad was
airly active oonaidanng th fact that tha
receipt wer large and th tendency of
price lower and tb big bulk of the boga
gold la very fslr season la ta morning.
Representative sales:
as. A, gh. Pr. a. a. Sb. Ft
41 17' f .It ft J
..17 ... Ot ltt 4 t ... tat
..iff it l a l
,.' 4 4
. J lk M Iff 4 1
..If tf 4 1
.11 4 4-t4
..14 ... 1
tf 4 1
..T .. 4 it
..M ... t
ltt - 3f it 4 m
..ta ... M
. tct t a
. no u r
..ta ... 4 si
..tt4 4 4 tt
..ft ... 4 ft .
. -S44 4
. .7B4
l 4 ft
ta ... ft.
r ... m
. MS ... kk
m ... t st
. tT
. ta ... tp
. SSI It B
. a x i
--! ... 4
tt 1st it
tn im it
... tra
4 It
... ta
... nt
... I t
Jli k
II ' i
. it
at it
'.st 4 i
f 4 It
ta li
SHEEP Receipts this ssominf were coa
alderatily larger than of lata, (here being
fmy-ftv car ported tn. the hryUt
rua of aay day ao far thla year, the nest
largest rua having been oa Tuesday, two
weeks ago, wbaa flfty-twa car war re-
rirtad In.
Th feeling tha laat two or three dayt
haa ha very weak and It was not sur
prising that with large receipts this morn
ir.g tha market should have broken aharply.
a- lescr.en aa a rule wer quoting pricea
10klv loaer and ru some case aa much
aa loafitc lawer than the beat time laat
week. la spits af the sharp break, tha
varket waa reasonably active. In fact,
mora actlv thaa yeaterday, and the tnoat
of tha arrivals sold tn good soasoa In th
Quotaitoaa oa sheep as 4 Uanba: Good la
chnK-e lamba. 37 4ry7 34; fair to gVxf la in ha
H-HxtltO; feeding Uanba. M ; goem
ta cAokoa light yttarliaga, Hiogill; goad
I 4 T7I 33
4 3 4 1 7
4 74 e 74
4 ( 4 384,
4 ; 4 I 4 71
r I: 4 t
4 77 1 4 71
I ft 00 7
III II 4 31
4 P4 4 M
4 I
4 Mi t 04 4 I
to choir heavy yearling. KflraJWkl, Tod
ing yearling. 36 4)i, good to chotee
wethers. 3 r 4; fair to 4 -waitha'a.
t4 7ij0: feeding wethers. 34 JHT4.74; good
to choice ewe, . 3.Ji4.aj; fair Jo good
ooraa, 34 149 . feed it g wa, iftia).
ulla aad bucka. gl tifjl.
Rt nreaentatlva ihtu -
No, . -
"3 a
4 ft
; in
JM treat em la robe ........
44 western ewea. Culls. .
3f 7 western lamba ..........
44 weatern ewes .4. ..-. ...
M weateta lamba
ta '
- U,
M western lamba
7 o
19 western ewe
i J 4 f
l." western Ismb
,.1 SA
1 western lamba. euUs .
t oa
IN Mexican yearling
..... tl 4 71
and '
wether .
14 Mexican
wethers .
34 Mexican
wethers .
yearlings ''
4 74
f It
4 74
4 50
4 Mt
4 m
4 74
I 74
g 74
7 n
4 It
4 34
4 34
4 14
4 14
Wt western lambs
T7 western lembs.
14 western lamhs
147 western ewes.
. m
. m
) 7 .
clhk-.v.,.a. IW
lit western lamhs, culls.
474 western w..
a western ewes
W western ewra
133 western wehera....'......'-..'V;,
57 wetem ewe m sg
74 western lambs .. . .,,..,. fa)
western lamb, cull..... as
117 western ewea ,i VI'
334 western lamba ' ......... TS
47 western lamha, fdr. . . tt
414 weatern yearling ,K"
11 weetern ewea lot '
133 weatern wethers "s-.X...."...-lill2
H4 western yearling pi
It Mexican wether and yeatr-
llnga i.'.,c.w..... 9
101 western wethers ,.IT7
Jnt weatern yeaning g
Cattla steady ta Stew Heg Steady
ta-lltttkee.i-. , .l.-x -CHICAGO.
Feb. Tit "ATTI.E Reclpji
atimsted at .0n0 head market ateavdy to
strong: steers. M tntlT tt? riHfera. g(rktj7;
bulls, ttgaflgan; rowa. n.pnW.: carvwa,
K.tntftl.W; stockers and feeder gt.0fR.
HtXS Receipt eatfmated at B.orO hegd;
market steady to ftc higher: chotee F-eary
shipping. 3a.nr4lS: butter, t Wrf)! St
light mixed. 35 f; rholcw light. Ki
fi5S0; packing. Kfi.4; ptga, 34364Iv:
bulk of sales KtotjaVfti. ' .
SHEEP AND I.A MBA AerottX ekfl
mated at lUOPO hesd: market strong to ldc
higher; sheep, 44 ISA 74; lambs, KSvi.Tk;
yearlings. 36-0njr7 0. ... .. . . .
Kaaaaa Ctty Live Stoak MarxcaxJ
eelpta. 4,004 head. Inoruding r.p southerns:
market steady; oowa and feeder strong;
cholco export and dreamed r-eef eteera. M
tood. 44 1Da.r: western
steers, 34.7&fl; stockers and feeders. O 4.
64.10; southern steers, tt JOB6 ; southern
cow. era4.0; native cows. .o45c3S; na
tive helf- ra tUftJCdO; hulla,. .3. 4043. 74;
HOCe8-Recetpts, lno head: market to
higher; top. .!; bulk of sales.
heavy, 34.40640; paekera and butclHtra.
34S4; light, faKtrtm: pigs. 3M0tr.t.
SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipt a, gfrt)
head: market Wr higher; lambs. rofoSiJ fa;
yearling. 34 tOfff fJO: wethers. t. an ;
wes. t.2bStM; stockers and feeder. IS. 00
Sf4- 40.
t. Loals Live Stawk Market.
ST. LOOS. Feb. 11 CATTLE Receipts.
3.40 head, Including 1.0ND Texans. Native
market strong; Texas, steady; native ship
ping and export steer. 36 03 74; drwaaed
beef and butcher steers.; steers
under !. pounds. .fHJgW; stockers and
feeders. 39 506.10: cows and heifers, RkA
4.4u; canners. tl.7al.K; bulls. : 32 7MJ4.IS.
calve. M.Ia80; Texas and Indian steers,
tt oOjr4.40: cows and heifers. l.TTAo.
1HXJ 3 Receipts. 4.404. head; market 4e
higher; piga and tlghta. 4 6O6A50:. packers.
l4.S0fr.7; butchers tuvd bean heavy, 4.40y
SHEEP AND IAMIiit Receipts. tnM
head: market steady: native muttons. 33 71
tTa: lambs. HftOT7.76; culls and books.
U-Xfre 00; stockers. ntOgHOO.
St. otaaapk Llva Stwek Maurkat.
Receipts. 2.000 head: market steady; atawra.
KsOkyi.sQ; cows and heifers, tX7UHte;
calves, 33.SOer7.00.
HOOS Receipts. T.Onp head; market
steady to strong; top. M; bcOk of tmlas.
.1Mj4 40.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, lino
head: market steady to He lower; lamba.
todtG7.40. - - .
laaxt City Llva Stack Market.
SrOCX CITT. la.. Feb. 11 KpaclaJ TtXe
gtsm.l CATTLE Receipts. 3.000 head: mar
ket weak: beeves. 4 M,0; fat row and
heifers. 50w P5; feeders, steady. 34 OOkS
t : yearlings. U V?I4 26.
HOOS Receipts. 2.104 haad; market steady
to 4c higher; range of price, M 4J 40;
bulk of sales. S lisyi.30. . .
Hack le llgkt.
Receipts of llv stock at tha six principal
weatern markets yaatarday were as follows:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha . lUVO UJf)
Sioux City 10 J.l-T
Bt. Joseph 20 7. WW t.toa
Kansas City AOOO .ors t o
St. Louis - 3 2i x.M
Chicago ICwO a00 U.utj
Totals ttJta 43.000 47.064
First Tariff CmsassUalam rvrstla
Meat at ladlama polls gaav
tar Inns
tional Tariff cominissloa convention, whoa
delegates hope to point the way for tho
eatabllsbment of a permanent tariff com
mission, assembled hara today and chose
as permanent chairman J. W. Van Cleavs
of St. Louts, president of the National As
sociation of Manufacturers. Chairman Van
Cleave had bean 00a of tha leaders la tha
movement for thla coavantloo god hi ac
tivity had called forth protests (ram tha
ranks of the manufacturers' Organlxarlon,
Endorsement of his work by tha executive
committee of his organisation yesterday
made him a victor. ; - ',''- . , -
After greetings by Governor Marsh all And
Mayor Book waller reports of committees
wera taken. Th program of tha first ses
sion included speeches by Chairman Tan
Cleave. Henry 8. Town, president of tha
Merchants' association of Now Tork; Sen
ator Brown of Nebraska aad former Gov
ernor Guild of Massachusetts, Tha last
named headed ft delegation reprssaatiiig
tha Boston Cham her of Commerce and
scores of other delegates represents vari
ous large commercial or political (ajgpafttisa
ttons. . . , , . .
faaaty teets laeswetlaa Feeaw
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. lt-tSpac.uU.V
A suit of unusual importance,- and .far
reaching In lis effects, has Just been de
cided by Judge R. M. Mateoa of tha Flrat
district Sheriff Messenger of Cbnvwraa
county had several horse . Inspection fee
into th county treasurer,' bat y learning that
sheriffs In other couattes wera retaining
theae fees and desiring to test tha legality
of tha matter, bo brought sou to recover
theaa fees. Judge Matsoa bag decided that
Messenger Is not entitled to tho feea. Judge
Carpenter of th Second . district recently
decided a similar rase In -tha same man
nor. According to tha decisions th county
governments caa bring suit against all
present aad ex-sheriffs who hav kapt the
horse inspection feea, which hays atnotiata4
to thousands of dollars during th laat
f w years.
Foley's Honey and Tar dears tha ale
passages, stops tha trrtlatsca tn tk throat,
soothe th iaflamed membranes, and tha
tnoat obstinats cough disappears. Bora and
Inflamed lungs ar healed and 'strength
trngd, and th cold la expelled from tha
system. Kafus aay hut tha genutxi la tha
yellow package. Sold by all drikggista -
Frleem rr gteallag gealsk'la.
CASPAR. Wyo. Feb. l-t gp-wt -Mr.
M. Roblnooa haa been senlcrjced' tft four
year lu th penitentiary . for stealing 'a
sealskia iacket; Frank Bcome. who pleaded
guilty to grand larceny, was sentenced 10
on and one-half years, and Adia. IrmUa,
who pleaded guilty ta ftj-aoa, mc nighteaA
moaihs at hard laaotr.