THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1909. 1 i 1 '! ( Want - ads Advertise- eat faa tk waat relaaaa wilt k takes iatll IS " ike eveataa- edltlaa mm 4 aatll for tka ataralay Saaday eHtta. Cask aaa at ieMauf all rders far nut ade n aa adeertleeeaeat will accepted far lew taa a 1 aaala far fleet laacrtloa. Bates apply alike Taa Dallr Saidar Me. Always mail six warda Ha. Feitklaatlaaa mt laltlaU aa aaaikara mil aa aaa ward. CASH RAT- por WAIT DI. RKRCUR CLAIIinCATIO" Oil teeertla. ai llaa, 14 eeate. Twa Mara eeaeecartv laaartlaaa, ar in rrilt. Back laatla aeade days, in eaata aa llaa. Sl.k 9r Hi aer aaaatkt saeatlaB tkat FCR1ISHBD ROOM ADt. tkii aceo aaalral fcy emek, tka rata will bi flat lascrtloa 4 eaata aaa Mnat lki-e or els - taf Ilaaa. 1 (rata aer llaa awes) laaavtlaat aetaa ar aaar eaattv laaartlaaa. it eeata aer liaa aaak laaavtlaat leata aav llaa aaa? aaeatk. Waal ads far Tka Baa aaar ' at a ay. at tka fetlewla rmm ataraa aaa la tir "eiratr 1iasa;latw 4kr all kraark aea fa Tka Baa aaa aa will k laeerted J ait aa pr atlr sad aa tka easa e rataa aa at ihe Bala oea is Tka Baa Balldlaaj, eeeeatceotk ill raraasa street! A Poach, w. C. 40th and Farnam, Heianek. g. A., 140 ft. IHU Su R-clit lrn,ry, S. :th 8U Uensor Pharmacy, Benson. Nab. Iicraii Fark I'iiermacy, ISA and Cuming.'i pharmacy, Ali Sherman Ave. oughlln. C. R.. 4tli and Plerc Bts, Clifton hill Pnarmaey. J2U Military Ay. t onie. j. B.. euat Ave. and Farnam Bu CrUsey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake tka. o.tmtk, EmiL, U04-I 8. lath St. Khlers. B. H. if -J l-ivenwortli St. Fealer Arnoldl. 218 N. loth St. re tic. John J.. 1H N. 14th St. Florence Lrug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 301 b. and La Sis. Greenough. ti. A., 1624 8. 10th BL Ureeuough, O. A.. 134 8. 10th St. Hiydto. William C, Farnam 8t. lUnicci.i Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. th BL Hoist. John, c24 N. 14th Bt. liurf, A. 1... 2924 Leavenworth St. King. K. b.. 2U8 Farnam 8. Konntie rue Pharmacy, 2601 N. 24tii Eu '..itnrop, Charles IUI N. 4th 8w 1'atruk Drug Co.. ltud N. 24lh Ht. Ptyion, 1 E., 24tb ud Leavenworth flti Siratcift Irus Co., 4th St. and Amu Av. sclia. 'ler'i Cut Fric Drue Co.. 1Mb and Cuicago fc'.l. rtchaefer, August, MSl'N. 14th St. Kietimldt. J. H., 24 Lh and Cuming St. V alnut Hill I'hurniacy, 40th and Cuming Sia. Walton Pharmacy, 9Kb and Grace '. Wor'.fc. O. kl.. 40il and iiamtlton Bta. IA1ID OF THAMKI. Wr deiiia to fxprrss our lincerc thinks tor. t lie kindneii and nympathy ihown til I'.v all In our rrtsent brreavMnent nd fur 'he ntHiiy brautlful floral tributes. Mr. and Mn. Jacob Weber, Jr. BIRTH AMD DEATHS Birtln John Armingriale. 191S Favrnam itreet. Bill: William Arthur. 410 Davenport street, boy; Joseph Binder. 129 Bouth l-'onrteentli slreet. boy; Horara Gilbert, M3 North Nineteenth street, girl; John O. Mlllrr. 1W7 Webster slreet. girl; Charlei Plotls. 47.10 Noitli Thirty-sixth avenue, girl; Frank Llska. IfOO Cass street, boy; John A. Ktsrt, i37 North Fifteenth, twin Sills; Albert Kourek, 1718 South Kighth wirect. girl; Charles Burke, 1320 South Fifth street, boy. Deathi Emma L. Sclineldsr. 'iB'X Capitol avenue, ; Mrs. Csrrle L. Brown, S7 North Twenty-fourth street, 52; Fredrick Dlecn, !710 South Twenty-first street, . MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Nam and Residence. , .1 hn Waught. Stella. Neb.... Mamie Pendcll. Omaha Age. ... 3 .... 36 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1GN FAINTING 8. H. Cole. 130J Douglai. AUTOMOBILES DBRIGUI" AUTOMOHlLhl COM PANT. 1S14 Farnam Street. Sloddird Uayton HoHdstar, 11,100. Reo Touring car, WiO. Bulck Kunubout, almost new, Jj0. Hievens Duryea. 1360. Pi agon Touring car, J1.0W. vVgverly Eleotxtc, $100. All the above guaranteed in good shape, Silte agent StodUard-Dayton. H oddaid-Dayton, tl.WO. 12,000, Z,ooO. Koid. model N. B0. Ford, ii, fM. , Open and closed cars for rent diy or O'Stit. TeL Dougiaa 3K. (3)-ao U1GHT eorond hand Rambler automobiles at your own price. Rambler Auto Co.. aU l'arnam IBc t,:-4 Fbl ' INTERNATIONAL Auto buggy a high wheeled solid rubber tired auio espetlally adapted to country and rough roads, where high clearance is nbsolutrly essential. The ideal car for the farmer. International Harvester Co of America. D-M3G4 a ' AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In the auto mobile Held. Urhnlcal instruction, on boVh iieani t.nd gasoiine unamee: students paid tor repair work Addrc.s Omaha BcSool worm bu 2 Ql'ICK Atrrio.v. Biw.W,d' " BUfr'- ,or ,mp- trm. U A. timp.) Wlnnebagu Co., 111.. for Wh GrM'0"' M,nn' for n'lhing. Eq. oV'nion U" for l,r,'r tract- K- VJO A., Ifolt Co., Neb., for Und or citv limp -Eq. IlitMu. Ho A limp.). Hamilton Co., Neb., for hoUiI city pro. Eq. Il.uu). nou', 1 A. tirnp.) rekamah. Neb., for hotel . city prop. Eq. .. ""e1' 10 A. timp.). Washington Co., Neb., for hotel, illy prop. Kq. Dt.Kfl. 4i'ooo.imp ),Ch Co" Neb- tor cily pro i,MA. ranch. Boone Co.. Neb., for land or income prop. Eq. iw.tuoi J'VV- .'.'US' Soulh 0mn. lor city Imp. 4 A.. "hyrnne Co.. Neb., for Income prop, Kq. 17.040. ' F A' i'sowo' A,hln1, Iseb-. tor city imp. Kemdence ta. Omaha, Neb., for hotel mdse. Eq. t'.Ouu, ' itestdence. Omaha. Neb., for Douglas county farm. Eq. tl.tug. Cottages a. Mi. Omaha, Neb., for Omaha prop. Eq. g1,750. Jieildence. Bo. Omaha, Neb., for Omaha prop. Eq. 4 iOU. Cottages (7). Co. Bluffs. la., for hotel. mdie. Kq. lo.VO. lts tl), Detroit. Mich., for anything. Eq, 1700. Feed mill. Omaha, Neb., for Income prop. Eq. la.'.oO. Hour mill. Giant, la. (leased), for raw land. Eq. f?U. t per cent bonds, Omaha Telephone Co.. for land. S1.0U". Lumber yard. Harlan Co., for land and cash, llOOuu. Automobile. Rambler, M h.' p., for any thing, tl too. Opera houie. Crcwford Co.. la . for land. $ u). I .lit wilh-ui for quirk action BfcMlS tKetablnhed W, PAXTO.V BI.K WJ-MI l BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) S) AC REM clear to exchange for itock of in piements: iw ann si res to eichange f- r automobile Address Box . Rristnw, ts MWii lis WANTED A first class piano ai part payment on a good income property or a quarter section or una. Jive run descrip tion of Instrument In firat letter. P. c. n nun hiiii. c(ri!i-, to. j MHvS FOR EXCHANGE I own IjO.Oik) c.f m i.e anteed per rent stork In a large and old established Nebraska corporation. I will exchange gS.OOO or more of it for good unincumbered land or Improved city prop erty, hut It must be O. K. and worth the money; ajive lull aescripnon py section, range, etc., and state Improvements mil lowest cssh rrtce In flist letter. Address i .w, care Dee, vmana, .sen. 13) M674 lax FINE J.ofrt-acre ranch In northern Ne brssks; well Improved with good, new set of Improvements; nesrly all fine land. Owner will trade for merchandise or In come. The World Investment Co., 01-4 N. Y. IJfe Bldg. Ind., AI363. Bell. Doug. 19t. (3I-MM5 18 I WILD trade my 8-room modern home for imorovea isrni in noiiglaa or BaPpv rmintles. vsltted at 14,500. wltrf tsoo In cumbrance. Address W -16, care Bee. (3)-MIKl II 840 ACRES In- the Panhandle of Texas; all fine., smooth land near railroad; unim proved, best of soil, good water. Will trade for merchandise or first class Im proved land In eastern Nebraska. Ad dress 801 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (3-MM4 IS BUSINESS CHANCES . ROOMING houses and boarding houses, close In, at bargain prices; soc us first. Palmer, Rattigan Ac Co., 62S Paxton BIk. tl)-MjlJ Mch4 MEAT MARKET FOR RENT. Store room with established meat trade Good location. No bonus to pay. Possession March 1. See owner at 111 N. ISth, a. m. to 4 p. m. 14) Mt3g 21 FOR SALE Fine grocery stock; doing good business; sells at invoice about li'.uuO; no dead stock; county aeat; population 6.0W. Alliance, Neb., Box 1364. (4) MMix TO GET IN or out of business call on UANUESTAD, Room 403, Bee Bldg. (4)-62J THREB-chatr barber shop for sale. Snap if taken at once. Address J. R. Lucas, Lake City, la. (4)-M61 lSx DRUG .ttores for sale. Kniest, N. Y. Life. (4 24 FOR SALE Drug store in a beautiful, modern Missouri river county seat town of 6.000 peoplo; good lease; low rent: es tablished forty yeaia; a two-story brick building; phite-glass front; oak fixtures; glass floor cases; second story suitably Arranged for living qusrteis; no cut prices; tl.OuO cash, or will Invoice; can satisfy hi to reason. Address J. M. Huber. Boon vllle, Mo. t4)-M93 18x AM going to farm and will lease my feed mill and property at 43d and Hamil ton St., to a reliable party. Call at mill. Phone Harney 688. tl) MS40 IS FOR SALE-Eatablixhed Implement busi ness in a good town, good location, fine territory. Terms reasonable. Wehner Knapp, Cedar Bluffs, Neb. (4)-M788 21 WANTED Lumber yard. I will pay cash for good paying Nebraska lumber yard. Address Y 246, care Bee. t4)-M783 16 FOR SALE A first class confectionery stock and fixtures; fine location and do ing a fine business. Good reasons for selling. Apply at once. Walter D. Hill Co., Beatrice, Neb. 14)-M781 2S FOR SALE First-class saloon In a good town near Blonx citv. Apply Postoffice Box 704. Sioux City. la. (4)-M86 FLOCR and feed store for sale cheap. In good town in northern Nebraska; a good . proposition for live man. Address A 36, care Bee. (4 M939 17 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arekltecta. OLIVER A. HALL, classy bungalows, flats ana apartment buildings. 626 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 2369. l6)-M56S F2lx Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 2. IK Farnam St. Doug. MAT. to) a Crraatrrlea. DAVID COLE creamery Co. (5)-2 Cklia Palatlag. CHINA decorating; order work a ipec.lalty. J.eisons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, atains. leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungate. (94 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red S4S6. (S)-ffil Collections. OMAHA Collection Agency. Blow accounts aouciiea. tut see Bldg. Doug wn. (5)-M107 MehJ Dealt st a. BAILEY MACK, floor, Paxton. D. 10sg. l)-l Bdica tleaal. v NOWOPEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Every day is enrollment day. Enter any time for complete, thorough instruction in Shoithand, Type writing, Bookkeeping and Telegraphy, catalogues are free. H. B. Bovles, president, Omaha. Official Training School for Telegraphers for U. P. R. n. Telegraph Dept. N 16)-S0 DRAFTING Evening clssaes; terms easy; draftsmen command highest wages. Omaha Technical School, bli N. Y. L. Tel. D. 236$. (6)-M789 Mix Flaanelal. MONEYS -TO 13AS - LOW RATE, in sums to suit, 110 Bee Bldg.. 'Phone Douelaa 2Su4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. rierlata. HESS A. 8WOBODA. 1418 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1511 Farnam. Tel. D. im. t)-e3l J. H. BATH, 123 Harney. Tel. Doug. W. ()-34 Maaaage. GENERAL treatment, alao face and scalp massage. Mi. and Mrs. R. B. Benda Mang. Rooins 230-1-4, Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1W. tfc)-M240 F21 MaTla a.d Starlag. EXPRESSMEN 8 Delivery Co.. office 114 N. 16th Bt.. warehouse 22o7-t Isard St. lj 636 Osleapatby. JOHNSON 1N8., 411 T Y. U Tel. D. 1S64. Dr. Katheryn Nickolaa, tut N. T. U. Bldg. v)-4BJ Prlallag. C. M JARVE PTG. tX)., Job piinllng and calendars. x 16th and Cap. Ave. Phone. Ind. A 26JO. (6 M&0 a,les, gbattera. Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a tpvcitliy of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andieen, Prop., lul 8. 10th. l6)-eai SHOES repilied tight, called for and de l.eeied free. Standard 8noe Repelr Ce.. la4 karnam i. iei. Douglsa 7WT. t)-640 Fortune favors the man vvtio uses "BEE want ade. BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued. gkartaai Reporter nl Hetar?. SUTCLIFFKDepositlons. S2f Bee Rld. Tel. D. ltog. (S)-4 I adertakers. Hl'LflE RIEPEN. succesiors to Harry . I'tvil. jiaj u. ldin hi. Both Phones. ()-M!)30 M16 Water niters. 1310 HOWARD ST.. Missouri filter; IS days' trial i-41 DRESSMAKERS WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 1823 Farnam St. Ladies' tailoring, alterations, pleating, patterns cut to measure, first-class sewing school In connection. Douglaa 3611. 810 Ml T TTT'TJ'Tt Indies' tailoring in best styls 1.1 rvl" i n workmanehip guaran- fake elevator on 16th Bt. 811 M13 MISS MALONF 2308 Douglas St.. high ciass dressmaking. l'non JJoujlas snso. 12 M13 MISS E. E. CROSBY, 241V S. 20th Ave., aressmaxtng. Douglas i297. 13 M13 KEI8TER COLLEGE, 606 Karbach Block. - M916 Mil FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works. 108 Far nam, ueat cleaners and dyers. Both phones. 814 M13 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. 628 IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4220. 627 8PR1NG cults and shirt-waist speelslty at reaucea rates, xni aoth. Web. 2846. 816 M13 PLAIN and fancy sewing; children's clothes and shirt waists a specialty. Dona;. 3126. -815 M13x TERRY c'lef !It"mklr,f g- an ii ill Dig, 4il ITOLTjATDaowni robc "! riding llOiJUaiHD habits: exclusive nron.o only. 206 Paxton Block. MS56 M13 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aal Office. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. Stenographer, 5c. Clerk, office experience. $3,;. NATIONAL REF. ft INVESTMENT CO.. vii jdi ciiiuria huk.i vium ii a . (7J-926 15 60 GIRLS to prepare catalogue for mailing. Apply at office, third floor. Nebraska Clothing Co. 17) M39 Heiiekeffcrs ill Domestloe. WANTED Competent cook, small family, good wages. 1120 Park Ave., phone Har ney 966. (7) 627 WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 1424 N. 26th St. (7)-M'x WANTED Housekeeper who will cook for 3 gentlemen. Apply mornings and even ings. Mrs. A. M. Rogers, 1902 S. 33d Si. (7)-675 19 GOOD, steady girl for general housework; city references required: Danish need not apply. 2521 Bristol St. Tel. Webster 2414. ' (7)-M8S20 WANTED Good cook: references requited. Mrs. L. 8. Crofoot, 122 S. 39th Bt. (7)-923 WANTED Good girl for general house wrtk. Apply 207 8. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 33. (7)-919 17 GIRL for general housework; no smsll children in family. Call 1624 N. 17th St.. mornings, 9 to 12, or 6 to 7, evenings. 7)-S24 17x GIRL for general housework: famllv of four; no washing. 3720 Lincoln Blvd. Tel. Harney 1834. 17) M993 18x WANTED Girl for general housework. 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. 17)-M6fi 18x HELP WANTED MALE Ageals, Solicitors aal galeaasea. WANTED A good reliable sslesman for complete line of roofing and building paints, established trade and exclusive territory. Exceptional opportunity for . man of ability. The Garland Refining Co.. Cleveland, O. (9) M671 16 WANTED City salesman ; can alio use general manager lor slate; factory line; sell business men only;, good proposition lo right men. Aik for Mr. Eaeton, Her Grand hotel, between and 5. Monday and Tuesday. (9)-M917 16x WANTED An experienced traveling sales man to sell overall, shirt and pants line in Nebraska. Must have had road ex perience In said line In Nebraska. Ehr mann Manufacturing Companv. Terre Haule. Ind. (9) M779 16 TRAVELING men make money getting our side line; give permanent address. Box so3, Omaha. () 117 CALENDAR men; high class, on 1908 con trsct, to sell our unique line of advertis ing wall maps, art calendars, leather goods and business calendars; best com bined line out; liberal commissions; ex clusive territory; fine ssmples; write fully, state experience In first letter. The Kenyon Co., Des Moines, la. t,9)-M940 16 WANTED For Nebraska, salesmen for United Wireless Telephone stock; good commissions. 3. 8. Switxer. state agent, 630 Paxton block, Omaha. (9) M935 Six Boys. WANTED Several reliable boys; good wages. A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13th St. (-M541 Clerical nl OSIea. TRAVELING talesman, and expemes. Bookkeeper and ledger clerk, 166. Stenographer, 875. Stenographer, beginner, 146. If you ate In need of a position see US AT ONCE or write for a COMPLETE list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. tc BOND ASS N.. INC.. 723 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Eslabllahed 7 Years.) ()-926 15 DRUG CLERKS' positions. Kniest. N. T. Life Bldg. (9(641 WANTED A young man to assist with bookkeeping and other office work. Ad dress O 32. care Bee. (9) M942 16x Factarr ill Traarea. DO YOU WANT to become a competent automobile operator? The Northwestern Automobile and Gaa Engine school can put you In thia class. Better investigate. , Omaha Commercial College Bldg., I9ib and Farnam. (9) 4113 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Thoroughly practical training by free clinic and careful Instructions. Ife scholarship. Tools given, board provided. Moler graduates command highest wages. Our diplomas recognised everywhere. Shop experience and wages before com pleting. Illustrated catalogue free. Call or write, Moler Barber College, No. 110 B. 1Kb tl. (9)-M6S2 18x Mleeellaaeaaa. FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Ana; no fees. Call 62 N. Y. Lite Bidg. () 644 WANTED Paper ruler: must be thor oughly familiar with modern methods, un deiilfl, etc.; high-grade work; 64-Inch ma chine; S1 a week, a hours, untun. Out aesl Pnallng end Stationery Co. Colo rado Spring. C olo, ()-1127 II . j i 1 HELP WANTED MALE Mlseellaaeaie-caatlaiea-. WANTED Railway mail eierks. salary two to tl.400: no tayoffa; examination In Omaha, May IS; common education suf ficient; candldatea prepared free; write Immediateiy for full particulars. Frank lin Institute, Dept., 662, Rochester. N. T. tD-MaH Mch4x MEN to work on Ice field; go east on lxcust St.; then north. Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co. i M2 17 HELP WANTED MALE AVO FEMALE AGENTS WANTED Men or women. In every town or city, to sell our high grade nnus&noid specialty: no talklna needed: sells on eight. Write todsy for free par- ncuiari. Address Kusie trros.. kox SB, Mooresville. Ind. 10) MK60 20x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace ill Veklqles. FOR QUICK SALE Closed carriage, almost new. lepot wagon style special large; bull? by Omaha maker to owner a order: also a Stanhope, single buggy, with top. in flrat-clasa con dition. Apply at once. H. Cohn, Ne- oraska Clothing Co. (ID 261 Cows, Birds, Dogra lal Cats. COCKER spaniel puppy. 8 months old, W it taken this week. Phone Red fm. (11) 920 17 LOST AND FOUND LOST Bracelet with three corals Satur day in shopping district or on N. 24th street car. Reward, and will call for It. Telephone 8-195, Independent 'phone. LOST Scotch collie pup female, 8 months vin, who. wnue couar around neck; re ward for return to 2302 Sahler St. (12)-M84 16x UPHOLSTERING Tel. Webaler 3296; Ind B-J721. 16U N. 24th St. J. Hanson. (121-M207 Mch LOST One astrakhan muff: liberal reward if returned lo Water Worka office. (12)-M937 16x MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerva Food Pills." tl a box, postpsld. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 646 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport 8ts. ; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-123 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. IS THERE lome poor woman wbo Ii ter roriied Into nervoui prostration bs- a loan shark? Bee us. Citizens' Protective As sociation, 410 Barker Blk. (14) M64S UtUSttl YOU WANT MONEY mU Wt DON'T PAY HIGH RATES 1KMM WI SEE US FIRST tmi ft We loan you any amount on tl It furniture, pianos, etc.: or, if you, tl tt have steady employment, on your tt tt plain note at the cheapeat rates In tt tt the city. Payments weekly or tt tt monthly to suit your convenience, tt tt Open until uw p. m. 'Phone Doug- tt tt las 20.". , tt OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., tl ttttt Room 601. Brown Blk., Stttt tSttSSl Opposite Brandeii' tuttlt ism 1' h St. Entrance. tmttUt 04) M662 MONEY loaned lalarled people and others without security; easy payments. Of fices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, Room 611 New York Life Bldg. 114) 641 THE "OPEN DOOR'' TO RELIEF For those who wish to borrow a small amount of money on their furniture with out removal. OUR RATES will satisfy anyone. It s up to you "to get out of that rut." Telephone Douglas 2a for our man to explain. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Just at the Sixteenth St. Entrance. (141-M9J1 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlag and Rooms. THE BAf.HELOne" TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN. 05)-4 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-6oO LARGE furnished southeast room, with board. 123 S. 26th Ave. (15) 617 l'x TWO furnished rooms wtlh board; private family. 'Phone Harney 1712, (16)-74 19x ONE nicely furnished room and board; modern. 2009 Sherman Ave. (15 67S 16 NICELY furnished rooms, with board, con venient location. See ui. 680 8. 19th. (iK)-MttZ Mchl3x ROOMS and board, home coding, houie n.odern. 424 8. 30th 81. Tel. Douglai 4253. (15)-21 16 Finished Rwaw, FURNISHED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. N1ELSON A CO., RENTAL AOTS.. TOii N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 9304. - U5-4wl 2 FURNISHED rooms, modem, one light housekeeping, other sleeping room; use of 'phone, hot and cold water, bath. 1911 California St. (15i 694 17 NEATLY furnished roo'n In new and strictly modern hotife. Bemis park dis trict, near three csr lines. Tel. Harnev 2840. 15)-M7 16 FINELY furnished rooms, convenient I v located. 2702 Farnam St. "Phone Har ney 2065. 115) M304 20x A part meats nl Flata. CALLED, central, all modern, steam heated, 4-rooni. corner flat. 230 N. 23d. (15)-M69t MODERN 6-room. steam-heated apartment on February 1 in the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce 8ta. Conrad Young, 1611 Dodg t"t (151633 FOR RENT One two-room and one four room apartment with bath, heat, ttc; also 7-roorn modern detached house. 110 S. 3f.Ui St. It. P. A E. O. Hamilton. 6.1 Bee Bldg. Tel. Ind. A 3!M. A16 bT 15 STEAM heated 6-room flat, modern, hard wood, ihades, gas range, hot water, walking distance. Ton can't equal It. Bummer tJ Winter 832. Reference re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Block. 05!-M842 30 4-ROOM apartment. 811 So. 22d. tl)-M871 21x THE SHERMAN Elegant g-roora apartment. Call Harney 3660. (16) MsW 16x Haiaekeeplag; Raaaa a. FOUR room for light housekeeping, mod ern, block from street ear. Call 2497 K. ltih St.; references required. (li)-MBI tOx TWO deaireble south front rooms for Itgtit housekeeping Close In; reaeeasble. Ig14 81. Mil) s A U;-MM U OFFERED FOR RENT Haisekeeplaa; Boetaai raatlaieS. 1 LIGHT basement room furnlihed. $12. k 8. 27th St. (16) M6.I 17x 3 FfRNISHED rooms for light house keeping. Tel. Douglas tit. , flS)-Ms2S 30x Heasea lilt Cettagea. 3 NICE large rooms, city water, lit! N. 17th St.-IS. On March l, 9-room brick, modern house, north pan of citv $25. C. M. BACHMANN. 4.1 Paxton Blk (lb) M82 ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat, 1908 N. Wth St.. 116. 10-room modern house, 938 North S6th St., 130; with bain. t. t-room modern home except heat, S30S Marie St.. tit. t-mom modern house except beat, 2d and sprague St.. rooms. 2d floor. 1108 N. JOth St.. tlS. 7 rooms. 2d floor. t'!0 N. 24tb St., mod crn except ni, iu. CHRIS ROTER. 2Sd snd Cuming Bis. Tel. Doug, and B-M9. (16)-366 BRICK STORE and basement. 1708 Cuming sood location for arrocery. tJo. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam (16) MS84 II OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, mov store. H. H. good, storehouse 1120-24 N 19ih, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659. (15)-954 8-ROOM house. 112 8. 44th. Tel Hsrney 1361. (la) M8b8 20 MAGGARD VAN tc STORAGE C, Tel. D, l4W.we guarantee moving pianos, H. H, goods. (15) 665 4317 North 27th. I rms. New tel. D. 4349. (15)-M911 16 6-ROOM cottage, bath, gas. one block south Creighton university, zbog Cass St. (16)-M852 JOx TTnTTKlT.S in all parts of the city Crelgh Sons at Co., Bea Bldg. (15)-680 FOR RENT Nine-room house, all modern 14 w. 22d st. jaw rent if taken soon Apply at 607 N. 19th Bt. (16) M740 HOUSES Petera Trust Co., N. T. L. Bldk, (15)-o9 LIST your vacant houses with Walter ttreen co., jn. r. Lire Bldg. ' OS) 661 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; uneap rreignt rares; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co.,Tel. Doug. Xil (13) HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1104 Farnam, 05)-667 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 668 EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern house, ex cellent nesting ptant, gooo. neighborhood walking alliance. M. j. Kannard dc Co. 110 Brown Blk. (15) M186 VODERN 6-r house. 2008 No. JTth. l?n r. u. niAu, weaa dik., ism and Farnam (16)-62 15 Balldlaga. THE building 43d and Hamilton, suitable tor manufacturing or milling, can be leased at right price. I am going to farm. Call and lee me. Shook, 48d and nammon. rntraa narney oes. (u)-M84l II Ofllees. On account of changes In office arrancs. meat we win sen ine counters now in. atalled in The Bee office and Hastings fc Hoyden's office. These are handsome carved and decorated oax counters, naving a maxble base 10 inchea high. The counter stands 3 feat high and 2-foot top, and there is a total of about 45 feet In length. These will bs sold either separately or together. Apply eee ruousning co., ian ana f arnam Bis. (U)-2i4 DESK 'ROOM for rent In an otflce located on ;ne Duay corner oi 24lh and N Sti . South Omaha. Call at Bee office. 8. O. Branch, Z4io and .N 9ts. New address (16) M6; Stores. FOR RENT. The desirable Garfield building. 1515-1616 jicwara tjt.. rour I loots snd basement, 44x100 feet, good alley entrance, remodeled to suit tenant; possession given March )'. Apply to J. W. Hill, Jr., Her Grand hotel. (15)-M6 IS S-STORY and brick basement butldiiiar. witn electric elevator: in wholesale dis trict, f. v. wead, Wead block, 18th and Farnam. (16) M888 20 FOR RENT Business place, splendid Iocs. Con, on ground floor; long lesse. Ad- nress J 'Jo, Bee. (16) M8H6 16 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltaure. AUCTION SALE All kinds of furniture Saturdays and Wednesdays; sale begins at 10 o'clock, lasting till 6 o'clock. 1611 Davenport, U6)-62 15 TWO folding counier stooli, mahozanv finish; been used a short time aad will sell cheap, emu at Bee office, Omaha. (16)-142 PARTY leaving town wishes to sell several nicely framed, practically new religious pictures; alio White aewlng machine In good condition, lsio Bt. Mary Ave. (16) M637 It AUCTION BALK All kindi of furniture. Saturday! and Wednesdays: sale begins at 10 o clock, lasting till 6 o clock. 1611 Davenport. (1D-M621 PARTY leaving city must diipoie of fur niture for three rooms, light housekeep ing, complete; bargain: purchasers may tske lease of rooms. G. Henson. 826 N. 26th Bt. South Omaha. (16) 927 16x Typewriter. B. F. SWANSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 ' TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER Twenty different makes to select from at a saving of 80 to 80 per cent of manu facturers' prices lllo snd up). Slightly uicd snd genuine rebuilt machines, prac tically as good as new for aale or tent; rent applied If bought. Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on approval for ex amination without a deposit. Write t ay for large bargain liat and receive our offer. B. F. Bwaoson Co. (Est. 1904 , 417 8. 15tn St., Omaha. (II) 663 TIFEW R1TER8 for rent. 12 50 month. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 1tu7 Farnam. (16)- M576 F-t Mlaeellaieaae. FOR BALK New and 2d-hand bil.lard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixturea: easy payments. Brunswick Balke Collender, 407 S. loth St. (16) -664 FOR SALE Show caiei, both floor and wall taies. for aale in 8, 10 and 13 feet legnths: all in good condition. Apply T. P. Redmond, J. L. Brandeii eV Sum. (16)-8JI 17 DRUGS at cut. prices; freight paid on all HO orders; catalogue free. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, N.eb. (16)-gs SEND us your snail orders for drugs; freight paid on ti lota. Myers-Dillon jjrug o., um aaa. (it) THE OLD TRUSTjr Incnbaters. For lew special prlSM. freight prepaid. 0 de' free trial. Write tne Old Trusty Incu bator Co., Clay Center. Neb. ill) 191 PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Faxlou Block. Tel. Red tli. PATENTS THAT PROTECT Tbrea books for investors mmied on receipt or u age. R. 8. and A. P. La cey, rooms 29-11 Taciflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. esiso l.shed 1t. 4fl7s e-at , PERSONAL DRS. FXJGERS. prlvsts confinement home, 1611 Martha St. 'Tel. Douglas 6V30. (18)-M243 MIX OMAHA Stars rnevers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18)-4ie HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1811 Farnam, (18)-4I70 THSi SALVATION ARMY aollclts castoff clothing; in tact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. tllh St., for coat oi collection to tna worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglaa 41Si and wagon win can. un Hf A QQ A fiV. Electric vibratory, 120 M-&j33AUrj R0Om 8(iS. Fourtf Floor, old Boston Store (18-MT1 Mil TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms. 1618 Farnsm ft., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise aastated. A deaconess representing the associstlon meets trains at the Union sta tion as travelers' aid. (18) 26S f A nVTHTTP treatment and bath. Mme. Smith. Ill N. loth, 2d floor. (18)-627 LIE BEN, costumar, 1410 Howard. Open eve, (18)-;i PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Ssmsrltsn San itarium, 740 First Ave. Council Bluffi, la. 18)-M963 STRINGE8. rubber goods, by mail; cut price. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) S71 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 186; prompt service: get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. (19)-671 CONRAD YOUNG Special care given to selling and renting property 20 years experience. 1618 Dodge fit. Tel. Douglas U71. (19)-76 PAYNE INV. CO., first floor. N. Y. U (l)-67l REAL ESTATE TITLH-TRUST CO., CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President. (19)-674 GEORGE at CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 7s5. . 19)-677 BENJAMIN R. E. Co., 477 Brandels Bldg. Q9)-7s CITY PROPEBTT FOR SALB. L2 PER CENT INVESTMENT Best bar gain in Omaha. 12 new, modern, pressed brick, ground floor flats of 4 rooms each, on N. W. norncr 22d and Nicholas, 170x 149 feet-t22.5n0. s D. C. PATTERSON, FATTERPON BI.K. (191-M830 20 BRAND NEW Six-room square house with lane porch on two sides; elegant reception hsll, colon sde opening snd grand stairwsv; psrlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three bed rooms, large bath and four clos ets upstairs; all rooms finished In birch: all modern, with best furnace: full cellar: cement steps and walks: corner lot; south and east front: located within ten minutes' car ride from 16th and Farnam slreet; only 13,750; easy terms. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19I-MS65 16 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d ana turning ats (it) 4fi SUBURBAN SITE l have one of the choicest pieces of acre age ror a suburban home that can be found In , Keystone Park; consisting of acrea that lay high and lightly; have a beautiful view, free from dust, as ail boulevards are oiled and parked. Being outside, of town the taxea are low. vet you have the advantage of being close enough to work In Omaha. This property is bound to Increase In value each year. Will sell this reasonable and give terms, if desired. Address N 31, care Bee. (19J-M94S 21 FOR SALE On installment plan nine- room, an modern house, near high achool grounds, for home or rooming. Will con sider change for other income property in part. Address C 478, care Bee. U9)-M $2,850 Will buy 1615 N. 35th St. A new, 6-room. an uiimcrn nuune; run nascmcnt and splendid furnace; sold on very easy terms. Located at 35th and. Seward Pis. W. 8. FRANK, Both 'phones. 821 Neville Plk. (19l M947 18 I HAVE six modern brick houses In West i .n.niM Hint aistnct wnicn i can sell for 16,000 esch or perhapa less. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. (19)-M471 SOME SNAPS In City Propertv Many fine residence properties offered st iow pi-nee. tome m snd see us. The World Investment Co., 60I-4 K. V r if- nirf- Ind., A4263. Bell. Dour. 19a). (191 M946 16 n he nronerlv fnrm, n . u i . j . rhandlse to sell or trade, list them witn me. It costs you nothing unless I effect a mm uw. ... .T, AlUUail, mmii tiOtLtO OI Tl'ldl Bldg. UW-M442 REAL FnTATF FARM AND RAACH LA. Ml FOR SAI.B Callferala. YOU can secure on easy terms California rsrm tsnd that will yield tlOO per acre each yeer. Write the Colonial Realty Co., lox 49C, San Bernardino. Cal. 120)-M579 21 x FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver-Greeley district, under Irrigation; sugar oeets, airatra. general arming and fruit raising; low price, easy payment National Investment Co.. 6X3 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Douglas e91. (20)-3 ROUTT COUNTY ranches. Improved and unimproved, for sale by t . 8. McCandless Co.. Craig. Colo. (20)-M9Ji M h!5 Soatk Dakata. A DAKOTA bargain. 110 acrei, two miles from Huron; l'J icrei tilled, 10 acres fine fiove; a number of large, bearing plum rees; I acres of asparagus that produces ajojt tujO worth a ar; new 5-room Iiouii :ixi6. new barn llsxti: another build ing vaxiM: a Urge root cellar; a new 2-inch tlowinai we,!, lions 40 gallons per minute. Vegetables and grain took 8l worth of putes st the bouth Dakota atste talr in 19t. Soil is a deep sandy loam, Willi clay subsoil. If tsken soon 1 will sell for 111. OX; LH) caah and te.OGt) on time at I per tent. U E. ilcMooies. Huron, a D. (201-MJJ ROI'TH DAKOTA. TO SETTLE partnership, must sell at once JJ0 acrea farm Isnds m Sjlly county, one mile from Marston: 80 si res under plow, all fenced, choice blak loam, fr from atones, not a foot or waste land -J6 If tsken soon. R. D. Mason, M. P.. 4u2 Brandeis Bldg. 20)-M65 16 Mlacellaaeaaa. GOOD CHEAP LAN P. 141 ACRES. Kieth county. Neb. t m le frem Belmar; tl 43 per acre; S31 .61 casn, balance m years; lev earn yeur; iow rate of Interest. P. O. Box 164, Council Bluffs, la. 30)-M907 II WHEN you writs t advertisers, kindly menttoa the fact that you saw toe aa la The Be. REAL ESTATE FARM ATI D It A.N C H I.AD FOB kite Aetraeka. ATTENTION WAGE EARNERS Tuesday. February is. -e , special txcunion to Kaitone. the new town In the great North Platte vallev, where we have sold l.ono acres of land In thg last SO ds-ys. We have Just divided up Into fh len and twenty-acre tracts a splendid lot of fine IRRIGATED LAND suitable for sugar beets, celery, xegetsblei or any kind of farming. All under ditch and at reasonable prices. AVIth ten acres of this land von ... .. a better living thin w'orkgT a".V7 the city, have better he.ui. j ' Ip fall back on In your old age. FTldaf there Is to be a slavo au.tion i , : City, at which the services of sno skilled em do soia to the highest bidder Reed about it In the dally, , th; decide to buy soma lnH w. . . pendent, so you will not have to be the ntl't fellow sold. Call at the office ne i.i.. ... . particulars, but be sure to go with us and see for yourself. Total expense. Including railroad fare, sleeper, meals, etc.. tli Far. refunded If you buy. Prices reasonable; terms easy. Payne Investment Co. Ground Floor New Tork Life Bldg., Omaha Neb. Thones. Doug. 1781, Ind. A llA UOi-918 18 FARM LANDS Beet lands, at Her.h. m .J. " i ? ,h?.t h,p" th -r h"t-" to.r.,.V' 'Sn1' "round " M r?... "e" ",ttte gents. sttenllon Psttereon. Omaha. (?))-MS."l REAL ESTATE FOR RENT rarm and Faack Land. - ' - -, r ai,iib .i..-t-" " '?vdDrod- fth and Center t?K'-n ; "'ui". o i owner, t.. k. Wilk- Ins, Dewey hotel. (21)-M941 22 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warraata. W. rartiam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. (22)-83 PAYNE, BOSTWICK 4 CO., N. T. Life. i nv.m uiuncjf, dw to low rite. (32)-84 tfOO TO 15,000 on homes In Omaha- O'Kerfe irmi isie-is 1W1 n. X. Ult. Dong, or A-2152. (82)-S86 SECOND MORTGAGE loam negotiated. .nppiy noom w-is r ins t ruat 1 Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglaa 2318. (22) 686 PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. UAKVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. (i2)-6i WANTED City loans. Peters Truit Co. (32)-6S9 FIVE PER CENT MONEY 1o It an en Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room I New York Llfa Bldg. (22)-630 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Faxton block. (22)-4BI 1100 TO 810,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (23) 292 ' MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-93 MONET TO BU1XD. ! 1600 to 1200,000 at current rates. W. H. THOMAS. 608 First Nat1 Bank Bldg. (22)-94 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 611 Brandeis Bldg. (22) 496 CHOICE LOANB ON IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY OR FAKMS; low rate, ni delay. I. Slbbernsen, Old Boston Store Bd. ?)& REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Snaps In fsrms or ranches; give full particulars. Sioux Realty Com pany, 6 and 7 Schulein Bldg., Sioux City, la. (23)-M787 20x LARGE business block, In downtown dis trict. F. D. Wead, Wead block, 18th and Farnam. (26) M882 !6 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothes and shots. Tel. Doug. 39 n. (25;-6!)l BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpels, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red 6401. (25)-97 WANTED-TO RENT CANNOT supply the demsnd for houses; If vou havo any vacant list for quirk re sults. F. D. Wead, Wead block, 181 h and Farnam. (26) M881 18x MAN AND WIFE, aged 40. no children. I cr 2 furnished rooms, with morning and evening meals, strictly modern; must b on car line running past postoffice. or would like rooms within 1 blocks of P. O. Address Room 40. Omaha lian Bide;, block. 'Phone Hsrney 406, between 6 snd 7 p. ni. (."Si 922 16x WANTED SITUATIONS l'OU NO msn, bookkeeper, experienced in credits and managing office, desires a change. Address p 14, cere Bee. U7)-M797 16x BUNDLE washing to take home. Tel. Web ster 2831. 27)-MIH2 lf STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, slesm and hot water repairs; inermuaieis aim umci iivi ruieLurr; new furnaces and hot water combination beating. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1201-1206 Douglas St. 'Phones: ind. A-8621; Hell, Douglai tl. -TO GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND A R tillery Horses Chlrf Qusrtermasler's Of fice. Omaha. Nebraska. January 19, 19M. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived at thia office, until 12 o'clock m , central standard time, February 17, 190P. and then opened. In the presence of attend Ing biddera, for 300 Cavalry Horses and ) Aitillery Horses; for delivery at Omaha, Neb., or other prominent rsllroad points. The animals to conform to specifications for Catalry and Artillery horses. United Blatei reserves r ght to accept or reject any or a'.l proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proojsls will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing pro posals to be indorsed "Proposals for Horses." and addressed lo Major D. E. MC CARTHY, Chief yusrlermaiter. J--21 -2-3r 16-11 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notice Is hereby given (hat the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will b' held at the office of said company at Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a m., on tne thild day of Mar.-h. A. D., 19ug T- U .MO!RILL- PVMldent. A. R u von b. ... Lincoln. Nebiaska, February i. m ' Fl-diiOt NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNEftS-UMAHA. Ni b.. Feb. 1, 1'jiw. in complUnce with Hie ' laws of Nebraska, notl.-e is hereby given lhat the indebtedness of Harris at Com pany, a corporation, on this date amounts lo the sum of tJ) f. F. 1- HARRIS. Pres ident; E K. HA KM. IS and f. U HARRIS, Directors. fll-Jlt 1 i i t ( V. A