CHURCH CALLS FOR PASTORS Tjnber ' cf Minuter Decreasing, While Members Increase. KA1TIST BICH, LABORERS IXW "w KitknUI MeGIMa lata F areata Daisaf- Present tag " '. tUi . Matter Their . ..-. . Calldrea. . 1"K membership of the Protesisnt Evan tUYl Charch of th Vntted State hss rocra4 A and fraction of 1 per rent n tha kutt twlv years, and the number of youns; am In thirty of tha leading theo logical ewtalnarie af Uia country preparing themselves for the ministry hss decreased t per cetit la tha aama period, during which tha population of tha United Statu baa Increased M per cent. Tbea statistics were preaented by Rv. Nathaniel McOlffm. D. D.. at Lowe Are on rreabrterlan church yesterday morning n sermon on "Tha Attitude of tha Church Toward tha Calling of tha Ministry.". It r the) day of prayer for colleges 'set aside by tha general assembly of the Pres byterian church, when palors are asked to praeant this ruetlrm. ' ' tr. MoOlffln held up theea figures- etnireh mmhrshlp Incrass of IS per cent tnd a population Were of M per cent a answer to the argument that, the church la not reaching out. He admitted It was' not doing all h should da, but affirmed that It waa doing ft grant deal and was advan cing tha cause of Christ. Dn, WeGlffm based his discourse on the taarti Pray ya tharafora tha Lord of the Harvest;' that lie sand forth laborers Into Hi harvest." Ha laid upon tha church and tha parents who are members of tha church "a solemn V responsibility of impreeslnf the Iraport ane of the ministry of Christ upon tha young people. Wbat at tit niinr Pointing to the heavy, increase In the church' membership and tha algntflcant de crease la tha number of men entering the ministry. Dr. afoGKfln said: "Look ahead twenty years, and at this rat wher irlll W gat men to fill our pul pit and pre at-h to our children the un searchable riches of Christ T Who will meet tha eharjanga of our fast growing cities, our frontier town and village of the magic treat, outhwest, northwest! Who will obey th last command of Jesus, and carry tha gospel to tha whole creation? Who, If oot our aoos and daughters? "W bear talk of tha church loalng Its powen Not sot Never more militant than today. W coma short, but, mark you, the pulpit aad pew rn tbeaa last twenty-five year have mortised the truth and love of Ood Into a 'hundred forms of civic and na tional righteousness: of temperance, of business, of social custom, of humanitarian Ism, of real brotherhood. There are over W, 000,000 member of Christ's church In this country, and In kplta of their faults (who haa them not? they dominate with perineal- truth the press, forum, the halls of legislation, the courts of law, and, -yea. even business. Why not? Business men are today vital force In tha Chrlatlsn re ligion. Today, ever. In the midst of these men and forces, stands-tha called of God. Called to what? Issue of the body, mind and soul. ' Call ta Areas. "A call ta the 'ministry is a call to arms prayer of Ood to a son of His image to meet Him half way. It is a challenge to a young man of the church to put on the armor of a Christian knight and enter a ruead which la aface to every new gen eration of men.'"" A call to the ministry I not goody.-too4X f fTelr. Tier a sqft soap.J not a way out 01 wora: out u.ts a. at vine summon to a man a manly man, an able man, a man of heroic tendencies and maf tyr ayes, a man who has a conscience clear uuT.. a courage of hla convictions, a burning pasaloa for lost me, and sn unselfish pur pose which ( spell doe t ft for all evil and. uarlghUou propaganda. "Minister of God's heroic fight, parents jt well-meaning sons and daughters, Sab oUl aohool teacher whose position brings you 'next t a duty which you must not neglect, what are we doing to help the spirit of our militant God fill up and be ond tha ranks of this army of His fight ing men? Aye. snd women, too? I. mean the future mm later and missionaries, too much needed In these days. "And now. what Is. the attitude of the church t mean the members in regard to this, prying need of specie 1 servant for Oad'suarark? It ia that of Indifference, and sometime hostility. Bald a rich and prom inent church member. 'I am taking my son round t) world t get the Idea of the min istry out of hla bead.' Shame on him! And .ntty, too, whan be come to the judgment seat at God. W hear Christian parents say, I do not want .my son to be a min ister, nor my daughter a minister's wife or a missionary.' Cheap talk that, and un worthy a Christie parent. " "A ejtsMttoa: Are any of ua parents plac ing stumbling-Mock in the path or the church? Have wa ceased to pray the Lord of tha Harvest? And having taken thla elfish and unworthy attitude, are we will ing t face God and answer why?" LOJELIXCSt rAl'LT OP THE MAX Christ Has Offered Relief ta Hasaaa ai, Sara Kev. J. M. Kersey. I Iter. J. VC. Kersey of tha First Christian ' church spok Sunday morning from the text Psalm cxlli, "I looked on my right hand, and behold there waa no man who would know ma; refuge failed me; nu man cared for my soul." Dr. Kersey sought to show the. pathetic character of lonetlneea and hopelessnee. sad applied the simile to men who had passed the vigor of youth and were Is pe ine Into the dotage of old age. "There t n mora pathetic' picture than that of utter loneliness." he said, "and nothing weighs heavier upon man's heart er Ufa tha tha sense of loneliness. Liks David of old ha haa now here to tur for human sympathy or comfort. He haa lost his grip on life and atanda In need of some loving heart la bring him back Into thv (Tood'old . ' R i witkeut g flask of food pur whisker. J I ' I J A f Th effect of purt whikkey in relieving :-it AJ I oc sickness is very beneficial. Th half pint dlrS'" ' rjf I 'ask of Cel Ola Cackaafceianar Pur TT 1 Ry is just right for th pocket of th grip. Like the larger bottle it contains th tun rood wholesome whi.key which kaf beco famous foe it purity Since 1857. , It )eur stiVrr cast supely e -' 'rMeestoeaeweeloaevhecaa. - 1 ts-rinlktiMr 4 Im. Distilta. K!tsirr, Pi. BwttUsi fellowship of the world. But after all. there Is One who can estimate the man at hla true worth. God's estimate of man la not com passed by the worldly Influence tie may command, by the people he gathers around him; nor by his prosperity or the elegance or squalor of hie home. Gnd begins at the fountain head, not of the eiternal, but at the heart and oul. He begins In the Inner most chambers of each man's soul, to cleanse It and bring it to the realisation of lis Immortality. "Do not blsme others for your loneliness, but blame yourself. Christ gives you tha assurance of Hie comforting sympathy and love of His fellowship snd His brotherhood. He asks you to give Him 0ut heart. All sround us exiete the strong srm of heavenly comfort and love Hint Is ours but tor the king. 'What profiteth it a man if he gain the whole world and lose, hla own soul?' The body Is but a worthies" casket doomed to speedy decay, but within It is the priceless gem of the human soul. "Wa have sufficient seal to save the phy sical body, but not the soul. Let us not look upon physics! pain and sickness ss greater than the lues of tb soul. Lor the souls of men more then money or society. Heed ye well, thst there is One who cares for your soul. It is Ood. Ha Is out In this ciiy today, yesterday and to morrow seerchjhg for lost souls. Let us help Him find them, first by giving our own souls to Him and then helping others t put their trust In God, snd all will be well and loneliness wt, ill vanish In the comforting- love and fellowship of Christ and Ood,, tha Father." WAR ON THE WHITE PLAGUE DUclosarr af Medical eeret Deemed af Great Importance ta Mankind. Publication in Philadelphia of Dr. Randle C. Rosenberger'a discovery haa already been made In the following description of the technique of this new step in bacteri ology, which is toth authentic and com plete In every detail. A patient auapected of having tubercu losis germs In the blood is brought before his physician and a tourniquet is bound tightly about his arm in order to bring the veins Into prominence. From any vein of sufficient size at tha elbow the blood Is drawn with a hyperdermic syringe, after the skin at the spot selected has been first sterilized chemically to insure the removal ef every possible means or infection of contamination from the skin itself. About two teaapoonfuls of blood is drawn from tha vain, pnd the needJeprick is dressed and bandaged, there being no re sultant pain or trouble beyond a alight Itching for a few moments. The fclood withdrawn Is Immediately mixed with a sslt solution to prevent Us clotting, and the tuba containing it is placed on ica for twenty-four hours. Herein lies the radical difference between the "cuitk-atlon" or growing of the typhoid germ fn wiiat Is known as "culture mediums," wherein beat plays a part. The normal salt solution In which blood suspected of containing tuberculosis germ is placed roost clearly conforms to the elements of tha blood Itself and in addition there la Introduced about 2 per cent citrate of soda. After twenty-four hours time the blood has settled In the vlai. and this sediment which has gone to the bottom of the glass le" withdrawn, siphon-like through a hollow tube. Being spread upon small glass slides this blood is dried on a small atrip of metal held firmly In place above a small, even gaa flame. Thoroughly dry. It Is almost indestructible except through breaking the glass slide Itself. This sUdes are next immersed in dis tilled waterand llie red corpuscles are removed by this means. The slide Is again dried. .It Is next "stained." Immersed In caroed fufhln. a red stain for five minutes, the entire slide is stained red; Immersed again for five minutes In what la known as Pappenheim's solution, .a blue ataln. the entire slide Is atalned blue with the exception of the tuberculosia germ itself, which remains red. Therein ia the entire Rosenberger "secret." Under the microscope these red germs are revealed sgainst the blue field, The scientists then knows his patient has consumption germs in the blood. To the medical profession the value of this technique and the discoveries It per mits lies in Its furnishing a means of making n Immediate truthful diagnosis of the presence of tuberculosis In the patient. QUEER MIXUPJN ST. JOSEPH Maa Who Was Haa baa f Beth Mather and Daaghier Skat by Latter. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb. U-In th hooting, which is expected to result fa tally, of William Smith, a carpenter, here this afternoon, there came to light one of the strangest entanglements three per sons ever lived under. A girl SJ year old. who shot Smith, avers to tha police that aha married him knowing that her mother waa already hla legal wife. The three have lived for years together, the man aa the husband of both. Tha shooting this afternoon occurred over the Bending of a comic valentine. The girl, who styles herself ss Mrs. Cora Smith, while her, mother ia known by tha name of Mrs. William Smith, sent tha carpenter a comic valentine. Smith grew angry when he received It and, after packing up hla clothes, s(arted to leave tha house. Thinking he a as going to at sen tier, trie girl slot him. The girls mother says aha married Smith in 10 A year after theli mar riage aha says she found that her hus band had improper relatione with her daughter. She made him marry the girl, she says, without first securing a di vorce. The girl and husband both besr out tha atory. tssikl la tke Art snd arrested by Dr. King s New Life Pills, biikus headache quits snd liver and bowels act right. Sc. For aale by Beaton Drug Co. a1 and flavor . ia Bead THE OMAHA At the Theaters "la the Bard. Risk)' Carriage' at tb Th Woodward Stock company began its week at tha Boyd theater by giving a very good performance of "In the Bisaop's Carriage." to tha satisfaction of a large audience. The presence of Mary Hill Dolly Spencer, Harry Long and other fa vorltea In tha cast was the occasion of much friendly demonstration. Mr. Ho Cullougb. the leading man of the com pany, made an excellent Impression by hi manner and voice. Th other strangers were very well received. It would be time wasted to tell Omaha people of Mary Hlll'e qualities aa an actress. She haa been well liked here for a long time and her present engage ment will not loe her any friend". Phe ia making Nance Olden a really loveable girl. 8h shows the transition of the character from thief to honest woman wonderfully well and gets hearty ap plause by her efforts. Mr. McCullough plays tha part of Wil liam Latimer with taste and good re suit. Harry Long makes a capital Tom Dorgan. His capacity aa an actor seems to be limitless. Mr. Dupont Is very cood a Edward Ramsey, tha merry old sport of the play. The other men do their work well. Mis De Vyne makes Nellie Ramsey a most attractive girl and one that ought to win the heart of even a lawyer bent on reforming people; but the action of the play demands that she be disappointed in her desire for Latimer. Miss Spencer is Playing two parts snd playing them both well. As Mra. Latimer she is sweet and gracious, and aa Mag Maraghan she Is th typical, warm-hearted. Impulsive Irish girl. Miss Southard Is doing well as Mrs. Ramsey. Hsrry Long s skill and judgment as a stsga director is shown in the mounting of the play. It Is put on with tha great est car and movea with the ateady swing eesentlal to success. The audience laat night was very well pleased by the per formance and mad It apparent by per sistent applause. "AlUaf-a-Saddea Peggy" at the Bar er aad. Th impulsive young madcap of the feminine sex whose headlong precipitancy Involves her In plight after plight ia an engaging creature if she be nimble-wltted enough to extricate herself each time. In real life, not looking before leaping, does not arway end happily, hut in a story or a comedy on may be reasonably sure that th conclusion will be felicitous. Peggy OMara waa made to be such a precipitate person by the author of the oomedy given by th Burn-ood Stock com pany this week. The title role is Maude Leone's, her first as leading woman at thla theater. Miss Leone does very well In th comedy aspect of tha role. In the occasions! serious situations she was not ao convincing, although far from Inade quate. She received a cordial welcome on her first appearance and at the end of th second ct waa applauded until she responded with a brief and happily worded speech. Mr. Grew aa th man with whom Peggy playe th mischief has a part of tb kind In which ho is at his best. Miss Downin i doing an excellent bit of work aa the middle-aged mother of Keppel and his brother. Lord Crackenthorpe. played by Mr. Bacon. Miaa Stearns Is sweet snd girlish in a Jeune fills role, and Mies Meyer more convincing than her wont. Miss Jeffery play Peggy's mother and la aucceasful aa an Irishwoman. Among the men there was one new face, that of Ervln Blunkall, who did creditably in a minor role., .Mr, Todd is temporarily out of the caat. H will be welcomed back by all the parlons of tha theater. taadevlll at the Orpkeasn. "The Night of tha Wedding" is a vaude ville offering somewhat out of the ordinary. It is a one-set plsy dealing with a little girl, her widowed father and a prospective stepmother, and deserves commendation bc cauae of Its successful attempt at genuine realism, and also for being excellently acted. Richard Duffy, who wrote It, re fused an obvious temptation to make the woman utterly and continuously brutal to the little girl, although, of course, she was far from kind and struck one blow. Miss Dunlap and Mr. McCormack are convinc ing in the adult roles and the child of 10 to U years rather better than tha average of like age. Tha headline offering of the week is Paul Sandor's "Miniature Cirque." a novel per formance of trained dogs disguised as ponie. Th number Is an unusual one of the kind and clever. Madge Fox. an Omaha girl, is here for a dancing and singing turn, and scored at both performances yesterday. Another Omaha young woman. Miss Daisy Higgins, played and sang several songs of her own composition at the afternoon performance, filir.g the place of White and Simmons, a black-fate team whose train waa late. They arrived In tim for the evening exhibition and were well liked. La Claire and 8lmpson do a travesty of strong men." They are clever, but the iHii is taken off their success here by the ap pearance of a team with a similar Idea a short time ago. A. O. Duncan is a ventriloquist, and a good one. The other act of tue bill is a gymnastic stunt by Joe La Fuler. who doea a aanng performance on a high ladder. 'Caat lyss" at tha Krs. A new version of an old play Is belna presented at the Krug the fore part of the week Dj a company that Is able and his adequate accessories for the Interpretation of the piece. Not much that is new exists in the Idea of a woman turning her back on home and child during the height of Jealous anger; only the incidentals are new In the praaent production, so the company now at the Krug has ample opportunity to show its power to hold attention. And it succeeds quite creditably. Uer trude Arden. announced as tha star of toe company, fits the pert of the erring wife with sn aptneas that portrays both ability and the rht temperamental disposition for Hie role. She Is best fitted for the emo tional work that comes In the latter part of the piece, although her playing of the part ef tha young wife of the first two acts Is satisfactory. George Kelley and Nar. Kollis fit Into the roles ther assume and seem nstural. while Arthur Seymour makt-s an excellent vfl lain. aa villains go. and Marian Taylor presents some praiseworthy character work that Is acceptable. .There ia a little child in the cast whose part figuies prominently in the sioiy; she is small enough to be cute. The other players aie aell cast. FIRE RECORD. Hatel Clareadaa at Daslaaa, Fla. DAYTONA. Fla . Feb. I5.-T'. hotel Clar endon at Sea Breeae. or.e uf the largest resorts oa the east toast, lote.ner with lea collate adjoin ng tin house was de stroyed by file today. The ;li gye:a who war asleep ai the lime e.pd without Injur)'. When the blaze was first dscoered th night clerk rushed the hotel employes to each loom r.otif)ing guests, alio mad their a ay hurrldly to tne streets. The ten cottages, oaned by II. R. hljih- , srsperger, caught fiie from apart and a, J ( ere bjrned at 'he sa.uc lime. The hotel eroploes aeie pan e s'.ruke,, . and tha cierk could do nothing aith them, one woruaa biting the clerk badly on the kind DAILY BEE: TL'ESDA V. CONNORS AND BURNS MEET Old-Timer Hat 5ot Seen Each Other in Eighteen Yean. EEC ALLS FARMER'S BIRTHDAY fee Vteatergaard aad tb Tark May Cam Teaether at the Aadltartaaa "a After First of March. "Do you know thla ia your birthday?" Thus did Tom Conners, real old-timer and champion middleweight wrestler of Eng land greet Farmer Burns, when ha called to visit him at the gymnasium where Burns was conducting -his school of wrestling. "That's right," replied the Fstmer. "but how do you remember? I haven't seen you for eighteen years." "I ought to be able to remember it. Tou are yeare old today and 1 will be 41 years old tomorrow." and thus did the two best men of their weight and age In the world go on and talk over old times. Conners has come from England to this country to take on a few matches and to look over the country where he had many a former triumph when twenty years ago he went across the country, thromtng all comers In handicap matches. Connera has a clipping In his pocket from a London paper in which Gotch says that Conners is responsible for his being champion wrestler of the world. The In terview states that If Conners had not sent Farmer Burns to the fore Farmer would not have been the man ha is and if Burna had not oeen as good as he Is hs never would have made a champion out of Gotch. Meeta the Tark. While in Milwaukee last week Conners. although he weighs only ISO. wrestled a hard match with Toussif MahmoJt, the Turk, but he says he does not want to make any more of those kind of matches against the big fellows as it Is too much of a strain on him. He takes the ssme position In the matter as does Farmer Burns. Conners will remain in Omaha for a few days to see If he can arrange a match and will then continue his journey west. Twenty years sgo Conners threw Farmer Bums, but he says that the Farmer has advanced too much in the knom ledge and science of the game and In weight so that he could not hope to throw him now. "I have never seen that man. Gotch." said Conners, "but I know he is a wonder; indeed, he is a marvel. He sent me word over In England to run over to London and see lilm. but I couldn't mske It. I surely must see him. "But. ah. I want to tell you. this old man Burns is the wonder. He's the great man." 'eetergward aad the Tark. Manager Gillan of the Auditorium has a letter from Jack Curley, manager for Mahmout, the Turk, asking about a match In Omaha between the Turk and Jeese Westergsard. Mr. Glllan's reply to Curley will be that a match may be pulled off providing It is to a finish and no handicap. Handicaps are down and out In Omaha at this writing. And he will also state to Mr. Curley that "the Turk will have to work and work hard." He will certainly have to go if he throws Jess. Westergaard is marr than willing to meet the Turk. He passed through Omaha a few days ago going t to- -Denver, and evinced a willingness for). a -finish match with Mahmout . Omaha fes will welcome a chance to see this yoimg glsnt go on with the Turk. They believe he csn give him all he wants. 1 The Auditorium will re occupied by the hardware convention and automobile show (.up to the first of March, so that neither the Turk-Weatergraid match nor one wilh Conners could be arraigned before that, but after March 1, Mr. Gillan will be glad to dale up a few. HIGH ttCHOOL HEIDI FOR Sl0 Classes Hold Meet lags 'Monday aad Oraaalse for Athletics. ' r'our enthusiastic meetings were held Monday afternoon by the members of the Omaha High school for ti.e purpose of oigsmxing teams to compete in the indoor athletic meet and for field work In the tarly spring. Keen class held a separate meeting and each arranged for promising athletic season. . Mr. Cherrlngton. director of athletics, made a short address to each class. At the meeting of the senior class he spoke of the history of spring athletics from the time Beniuict started the idea six vr-ars ago. "Athlet'cs have two motives, klrst, to s rouse desire for rthletlrs, and, second, to create class spirit." said the director. "The outdoor athletica are the finest thing we have to arouse clasa spirit. It glvea more boye a chance to take part snd interests th school at large. The Omaha Hirh school Is at the top in foot ball and basket ball ai d I want to are It work up in the athletic meets. We will have a chance to compete with a greater number of schools this vesr snd altogether have a chance to raise the athletic standard of th school." A plan will be followed by the Junior class to insure thirty representatives to enuring the n,.et. The rises was divided Into squads, each of which will have a leader. The following members of the class were elected leaders of squads: AI Kennedy. Ieon Nelson. Will Wentworth. Charts Morten. Hugh Mills, George Sugar man and Ralph Wyriik. At the meeting of the freshman class Mr. Orchard waa elected representative of the tlwrs to tiie athletic board. Robert Wood was elected president af fie class team. The following committee was ap pointed to work op i lass spirit and yells: K. Peterson. K. Callahan. Fled Ross, Rose McOjvern and W. Rector. Kdward Burdkk. captain of the basket ball, squed. who haa undergone an orx-ra-tion fur a sprained knee, is getting along cell, but will not be able to enter the athletic field again this year. The Junior i Uss. of which he Is a member, has been very anxoiis about him. They sent him a unique valentine of paper hearts, each bearing an original verse. Butdick's room is well supplied with fioaeis. CORMIt'SKEBS GKT IXTO PL A -Olr'F t'hasapiaas af Narthera Dlvlalaa at Basket Ball. LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 15. (Special Tele gram.) Through the defeat of, Drake at the hands of Ames Saturday night by a scoer of 39 to Hi Nebraska has secured the championship of the northern section of the Missouri valley conference basket ball league, before their meeting with the Iowa Aggies tiie Drake players had a chance to tie Nebi-aska in the race and possibly later to win the honors in this auction. They had plaved six games and had won three. Nebraska had played eight and won five. By winning two more games Drake would have had a record of elaht nlsvrf j and five won. being lied aim the Corn- Since tne detest of the Des i Moines team at Ames its standing, when its j eight scheduled games are played, cannot I bo belter than four a on and tour lost. The I b-et record Ames, which has now lost tour gtmes. can make. Is four won and four lost. The recurd of the t'ornhus.trs of fiv men and three lost gives u the champion siitp. V l.f Nebraska fi a ill met the a imtera of the southern section for the title to the vslley championship probably week after n xt. The contest in the southern section it-sis rti--n Wasiil-.gion snd Ksnaas uni ernttlrs. with Hie odds favoring the Jaxhnakrrs to win. ' Most of tne Omaha followers of (he game of sqaash have tetnrned from Chicago ''ie melt felings aere squasued in til iefeat of their uamnio.i. hpike Kennedv. b. l ie funner worlds champion. Captain RtMikra. They all report thst Kennedy had (ar liit best of irr maun until ins hsnl FEBRUARY .0. ma was seisnd a'.t'u a cramp which mad it almost impossible for him to hoid his racket at alL OX.FRATS WIS INDOOR MEET T wa lalverslty Rerards Broken la tke Ceaapetltlaa. LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. lS.-STecial Tele gram.) The non-lrmiernlty men won th first annual Indoor meet with the frater nliy athletes at the University armory thl afternoon by a score of a to 26, Tle ini venrity indoor records in tha 11-pound shot put and th fence vault were broken. The mark made In the latter event a ill not stand, aa tha bar was cleared on the fifth trial. Th present record Is feet I Inches, his mark waa bettered by hslf an Inch today. The ahot put mark waa smashed by Sid ney Collins, mho pushed the weight M feet Inches, this being inches better then the former record, held by his brother Cur tis. The non-fraternlt v mn w, b " - ....... . , . it lurTi y taking alj the point in the high Jump andenigh kick. Before these two events "r run on tne score stood to 30 In ravor of the fraternity men. im annual interclaes relay race wss won ... junior mm, composed or Mcln in. nonuey, Hurke and Wallace. The sophomores were second and the seniors uiiru. In the "6-yard dash the Greeks took all three places. Swaneon, who waa beaten by Miner in the fraternity meet Frldav night ran the sprint In SH seconds, tying the uni versity indoor record and taking first place. Miner was second and Campbell third. In the Pershina' rifl MmMiltiu. .tit which took place before the meet waa held.' J. A. Seotney won tb Individual medtl. Summaries: Twenty-flre-ysrd dash: Swaneon. first; Miner, second: Campbell, third. Ttme:0:H Winners all fraternity men. Pole vault: Graham, first Hinnn second Both non-fraternity men. Ruseelll third, fraternity. Height: 10 feet 1 Inches. KOP Climb: Hutrhlnastn fraurnllv first: Hummell. non-fraternltv. aecond; Mitchell, non-fraternity, third. Time: 0T Fenoe vault: Chain, fraternity, first; Burke, non-fraternltv. rnnri- iinn.ii non-fraternity, third. Height: feet 84 inches. 1 Running jump: Hummell. first- rirahtn second: Hamel. third. Winnerm n ,,,' fraternity men. Hlrht: I feet Inches Running high kick: mell second; Muneon. third. Winners all non-fraternity men. Height: feet. , BOWLERS WHO GO TO PITTSBIRG Twa Teases aad Saaae Extra Men Will Represent Osaaka. Two bowling teams and snm ,.tr. m.n will leave Omaha March 1 fnr rmhr- towl In the national tournament of th. Amel'5an Bowling congress March 11 and 12. The party will leave over the Milwau kee In a special car and will h m.t . Manilla by the Sioux ritv howi.r. -,m also, occupy the car. The two teams are a i o occupy tne car. The two teams ai the MetB Bros, snd the Storx Triumphs, an among others who will go Is John Bengel who will bowl in doubles snd singles Tl nd gele. members of the teams will bowl In the five-men contests ih iinnhu. . n.i The members of the teams who m-tll so are: Met Bro.Neale. Bprague. Denman. Biaiceney. Dad Huniintmn ct,. umphs-Frltscher. Keyt. Zimmermen, Fran cisco, GJerde. Breatoa Defeats Calkins. KAGLE GROVE. Ia.. Feb. n.-fSpclal. . Max Hrenton. who claims the lightweight wrestling championship or the country, and L. A. Calkins of Spirit Lake met in a fast match here before a large crowd Saturday night. Brenton won easily, taking two out of the three falls in iess than eleven minutes. TH MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND 1-amea.Hr af tke Trade la (iasoliae -Its Development aad Varied lees. Gasoline makes the world go round. It takes 150,000.000 gallons a year to move the wheela of th automobiles in use in the I'nited States alone and lSO.On0.O00 more to spin the tires of motor cars on the con tinent. These figures niean. in round num bers, that automohlliats atvn lut w nr., . I year' for gasoline. Sixty million 'dollars would pay for the building and equipment of fifteen battle ships of the Indisna type or six Dread noughts. ' Sixty million dollars would pay within f,0W.0u the yearly carfare bill of J,u00,C0 New Yorkers. Sixty million dollars would pay the com bined electric light and gas bills of New York for one year. It can be said with moderation that gaso line as a generator of motive power haa been the chief fsctor In the development of tiie modern automobile. Time was when gasoline was sunk In Innocuous desuetude as the cleaner of the family' one pair of white gloves or prominent as the agent anlch assisted heavenward small boys who investigsted it with lighted matches. These were the days when the possibilities of the by-product were dormant, much less look ing forward to the time when hair and hide teeth and nails, should become, in some form or other, articles of commerce. In th arly days of the petroleum In dustry, when ther were no "pipes" or Up lines, no attention wss paid to naphtha, the refining of which produces gasoline. Ther waa a big and Immediate market for illumi nating oil, and immense quantities of naph tha were wasted, being allowed to evapo rate or being burned In pits. A small amount was used for fuel under boilers, but for Uia most part the chief anxiety wa to get rid or it. Gasoline todsy is procurable ail over the world, and in civilised countries one rarely need carry larger quantity than th sup ply tank of the machine will hold, as the various insnufacturers and dealers have th supply so arranged that It is always ob tainable. When one considers the manufacture, handling and distribution of the 1jO.000.OiM gallons used In the United States alone, and thst it is possible to obtain a supply of sat isfactory quality not only In the cities, but In tha country districts, hs appreciates what the automobile means to the oil man. -Washington Herald. TENTED TOWN FOR HARRIMAN Railroad Maiastt aad Party Will Spend Several Maatha ear lis Aslasls. SAN ANTONIA, Tex., Feb. li-In an ticipation of the coming of E. H. Harriman and party who will apend several month In th vicinity of San Antonio, hunting and fishing, a lttle tented city has sprung up at th hot well, near th city, where the headquarters of the party will be. The party will consist of Mr. Hsrriman; hi. dJUghtsr. Mies Mary Harriman; R. W. Gillette and J. U Harahan. president oi the Illinois Central railway. . Whil life in tent Is a novel departure fqr Mr. Harriman and his guests, ample provision haa been made for their con venience. The floors of the tent are hard wood, the siies are of an extra thickness and th furnishings are complete. The tented village will be lighted by electricity and telephone wires have been strung. Automobile have also been placed at tha disposal of th party, who should srrive tonight or tomorrow. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Feb. U.-K. H. Harriman and party left Birmingham to day shortly before noon on a special train for San Antonio. Tex., whet, it is under stood. Mr. Harriman will remain until Apiil ia n effort to regain bla health. Mr. Harriman received about fifty prom inent men of Birmingham, who called u pay their respects. Men who had known htm before remarked upon his pale and weakened appearance. One man. thinking the railroad magnate would like to see some of the late New York newspapers, took a bunco of them to th car. but Mr. Harri man thanked him and waved them aside it:i the remark: I do not aaqt ta bear uf all str.ct. J am resting. " ti5 U iu cn.n nlr rcliaUe and certain cure (of Coatariortii Toxsotl: This claim ia not based on the treatment of a few cases of . -TZ"' hetand there, but its success extends over a period of more than forty years, dunnfr which time thousands upon thousands have, found a i-J'TiPlf Pu"fiCT to ?Jon into the blood and remove Terr particle of the virus of ConUpous Blood Toison. It cleanses and purifies th circulation, and In this t removes the of the trouble. TTen nature .V.. Si.: A ' . 7 u'rw. ""FF1. quicsiy renovates and renews the tile the symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, fkin eruptions, discolored splotches, fallinir hair, aorra and .,1 j:- 7 7 .V. the body entirely free from the effects of this insidious pon7Te S . R has thoroughly! cleansed and purified the circulation there- is no danrer I removed. Home Treatment Book containing many vatuable and helpful I1-00' th wbo ,re cnHnf t"eW with fi S. SS., and any mXl advice desired sent tree to all who write. "ymcaicn TH? SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. WE CURE MEN FOR 1 r. 8eaxlea5i Searles. 119 S. 14th. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. MAKING THE NEW COMPLEXION ets Its Tint fcy Saeeestlea, Being Wltaoat a Trace af Calar. Th correct complexion Is pearlike with out a trace of color except save that in th indeacrlbable pallor of the perl. Th perl gets Its tone by reflection snd th complexion ef th girl who Is going to be cUed a winter beauty must et Its tint by suggestion. "Th fashionable skin," says she. "must be without any decided tone. It must h creamy like th pearl, but there must nisi b that peculiar clarity cf the pearl which is so deep and cler that it actuslly re flect color. 'I give my pupils practical Instructions in the making of such cleansing applica- tiot s as the skin needs. One of my best lotions Is called the pearl cream, which I make myself and which I teach them to n ske for themselves. "I send out to ths meat market for soma cr th best sheep fat I csn obtain. t have it chopped Into bits snd I try It out upon the stove. I us a gas burner, but one could use an alcohol lamp. One of my lupUs makes her's In her. bote.: room upon an electric siove. I The fat whet, tried out will be liquid, ar.d In this condition I strain it. 1 now add a drop of perfume. Altar of rose is my preference, though one can use Ja mine, geranium or any scent one pleases. A drop of oil of geranium is very good. "Now comes the beating up of the cream, which takes patience. 1 tell m pupils to begin with tablespoon cf the liquid fat and to add half a teaspoon of glycerine to It, beating It slowly and adding the glycerine drop by drop. In a few minutes ther will be a lovely white creat.i which acts like msglc upon tired skin. "There i those who cannot me gly cerine upon the ccmplexlon. Instead there can be used a little almond oil. Thia is very healing and almost as whitening. "We advise the automobile woman to give her skin the chamois treatment, which is new with this season. The skin is warmed with hot towel ,.nd is then cov ered with real cream. Cold cream mav be ' used if more convenient, or even ccoa butter, or any good cleansing skin food. This Is spread upep the face and while moist It Is rubbed off with a prepared chamois. "To prepare a chamois for the rubbing of th face take a strip about eight Inches wide and eighteen Inches leng. Wet it well with warm water. Wring it out, and while it is still moist rub soap into it, using th best of toilet soap. Rub tht whole chanvol well with the soap until it Is lathery. Then hang it up to dry. It will be soft and fin and ready for use upon the skin.. "Th way to polish th face with a chamois skin closely resembles the process of polishing the toe of one's boot. You take the chamois by Its ends and you see saw across th face, using as much fore 4 as possible. "By this vigorous exercise you take cfl the superfluous cuticle and you make the skin fine, clean and soft. We have never found anything to equal the luater given by this dry polishing wKh th chamois It does not irritate, yet it manages to cleanse the skin. Carrect Darslsg, Always leave a small loop of the thread at each end when darning a hole to allow for th shrinking of the "mending cotton" hen the stocking Is washed. Run the darning cotton or yarn half an inch be long th hole on each side, cover the hole with threads thst ar run closely together and not drawn too tight over the darning ball, then cross the thread in th regu lar darning style. Nq,w run the needle short distant around the darn with th mending cotton, and th stocking will not draw and tear about tb mended hoi. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Duncan Finlaysou and wife to Elisa beth M. Trenerry. lot I. block I. Albright' Annex 1 State National bank of Cleveland. U , to Joseph Thirtle, lota 1 and ii, ' Lenox Addition ljy Abraham Mtaller and wife to Rosa Marcus, eolith aO feel of lot S. block li. Improvement Association Addition l.tov C. H. Poore end wife to Earl S. and Margaret Adama. er lot (, block 1, West End j P. V. Sholes Co. to A. L. Welsh, lot '.'t, block J Denman Place 275 Jay T. Chapin to Missouri River Lum ber Co.. lots IT to a block, 1. Vsn dercook Terrace 1 Nellie C. Brennan to Henry- C. (i'tscher, lot 10. block 4, Dupont Place ..'..... 3t4 County treasurer to Frsnce I. Thomas, lots IT and lit. block la. Al- ' bright suo John H. Trenerry to Charles E. Nel son, lot 11. Mock "F, Prospect Place ii Carl Olson to Peter Johnson, let Jt, block 1. Patterson a sub ini Anton Jena-n to Carl F. Boye. lot 7. block 4. William Hagedorn's sub... sj Sadie Rector to Edwin K. Olds, lot r. block V Kourrti Place...- 4,20 David Cole and wife to Irvin f. Rich and wife, west 111-4 feet, lot 14.. Paulsen's AdJitlon Uiu Vsry Regie M cores tl al. to Jospn 8. Davis, west s fret of east 1:1 feet of norih i i.' feel of lot 1, olix k West Oma'-a . Tu!l THE OIILYHEIIEDY FOR BLOOD POISON ,Si.. By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searlei. Established In Omaha for S yeara. Th many thoua ands of cases cured by us make us the most exper ienced Specialists In the West. In all dlseaaea and ali ment of men. Wa know Just what will cute-you and cure mi quickly. We Cure You, Then You Pay U Our jFee. We make no misleading or fats statements, or offer you cheap, worthless treatment. Our reputation and fame are too Xavoratly known: every case we treat our imputation is at stake. Tour health, life and happiness Is too serious n matter to place In tha hands of a "AMnilr DOCTOm. Honest dm-tore of ability uss their OWsl I1KI 11 TMIS SUIlSlltl, , Verve us 7ebiUty, Blood Poutoa. Bkia XMeeasee. Kldaey aa Bla. er Diseases, all Special Disease aad Allmeat cf Mtr. Kxamtnatlon and conauliat ion. Hrite tvr fmptoin UlsTik for home treatment. WOMEN IN MEXICAN PLAN Tea of Them la Edaeatlanal t nm na li sten eat Oat by the ie eraasent. There are ten women among tha fifty commissioners that the government of Mex ico has sent out for the rrpcse of study ing the best methods of education in t e different countries. Miss Jusna Palnch:, the head of normal school for flrla at Fub!o. is now in Boston Investigating th best ways of teaching arithmetic. Mis Caitaneda. Inspector of kindergartens for the City of Mexico. Is studying the kin dergarten system in New York. Miss Bertha ven Glummer, n na; ve Mcv lean, Is in Chicago investigating cie'nvn tary education. Two otlmr. women alio have been sent to Frsnce r- making study of technical schools. Mrs. I.aura Mendez de Cuenca. who l now in t l : -many Investigating Get man im.tlioils of teaching. Is a woman of iIikuih t.on It., her own country', both as a writer of travels and poet. SI e was cue uf the llirre delegates sent by Men loo to the recent In ternational congress for moral education in London. ... As an ev'dence of the 4)r"grcsivenes.. of tlietr country the 'Mexicans point. I.- Its treatment of women, especially in the mut ter of education. Ali Its national colleges and professional sclttinlK. in hiding those of music and ait. the free tuition nnd are open alike to men and w. men. foine twenty 'years ago when the first woman was graduated from the medical school the minister of education made her a present of' a carriage att?iousU: mo.jey to set her up in her profession. . Thore are now In the City of Mexico alone at least ten well known women physicians, alt hav ing large and lucrative practices. The Na tional Bureau of K lueation is composed of fifteen members, four of whom are women. Train Goes Tkroaah Brlde. WEBSTER CITY. Ia Feb. 15.-(Ppeciil Telegram.) A bridge over a ravine on the Illinois Central sank under a through freight this afternoon and put six carf of merchandise Into the 'ditch. The dam sge Is many thousands of dollars, but no one was hurt. ' RUPTURE POSITIVELY CURED I have a treatment for th cur ef Rup ture which la safe and without pain; It Is convenient to take, and no time Is loa,. and costs nothing unless a cure is made, and it requires only a few days. to com plete at cur. , . I HAVE NO MEDICINE OR TRCSSEt FOR ALB A 8 THEY Wll-L NOT CURE AND ARE GENER ALITY USELESS).,. . .. , My specialty ia CURING of Rupture. There is no method that can be used al home that will cure. When taking my treatment all patients must come te mv office, and if they live out, of the c-tty they ran return home the aama day and follow their usual vocation. Mr Claims ta Yaar Coafldeaee. I am a graduate and licensed physician and permanently established in tuia ritv I and have a ftrsl-claaa professional and bust j ness reputation. I claim la be the. leading I expert in thla part of the country In the success! u i cure ot rtupiure, without a sur gical operation, and have cured hundreds of people in Welter a Iowa and Nebraska . . HeaasBBBcadatlsm. ; tt'nd ITar ' . niJ la 1KT I wa affUoUd wit a pare aad waa told by doctor t It oeui aet be cured saeept by a argtoal eperaUea, bat S feaad mat some of say aetghbors bad bee a oared by Sr. Wray, wfeota ' called area, aad he aooeptsd say aaaa fer treatment. S pat th saoaey la a baab la say aw a aaane and wa oar ad laaia of thirty days, aad slgasd th meaey aver t blsa, aad bare ba soma la that re ay sot ever atao. I aaa recaiasa d everyeae af flloted with a raptar te tab bis treatsaaat, a It t wltbat pala aad a smr oar. W. X. VOI.TB. rstmaatr . . . at o late la. Xa. Hundred of others ar as grateful to me as Mr. Nolte, fur what I have don fo. them. ' .... I Gaaraatea a Care., will cure all persons afflicted with a Rupture that i consider curable after aa examination has been made, before Sleep ing their money, and, furthermore, I will make my chafges reasonable. Call at rny of tit for consultation, or writ and f Will send literature and full particulars. As to my responsibility. respect, uliy refer lo tue First .National "Bank of Sioux City. 1 , oi t'ne I', t National Bank of Omaha. Fraak H. Wray; M. D. . j Rom 3 RaajBldg. pmal.a . . . ' ' '