Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Ofttos 16 Bcott Street. Both 'Phones 43.
Dr. 0. 0. Smith Disomies Elements of
Greatness in Hii Character.
Milliter TW for lit Test the
Ward There Waa m Maa Heat
fraai ttnd Announcements
' Elements of Greatness in the. Charac
ter1 of .Abraham' Lincoln" was the aubject
of the 'memorial sermon delivered yester
day morning by Dr. Otterbeln O. Smith,
paster--; of the First Congregational
church Sunday. The morning ervlce wss In
commemoration of the Lincoln anni
versary and was attended by many mem
bers " of the old soldiers' organization.
Lincoln's favorite hymn, "Tour Mission."
by Helen -H. Gates, aas ung as a duet
by the Misses Edith and Alma Smith. At
the close of the services "America'' wan
sun by the congregation.
Dr. Smith took as his text, "Thera was
a man sent from Qod," John l:vl. The
address, was based, on four elements of
greatness ,1a the, .great emancipator.
"Abraham Lincoln," said Dr. Smith, "was
great in Ms Inheritance, great In his
birth, great In his Intellect and great In
his soul life, and because of these facts,
despite "adverse surroundings, became
America's greatest son.
'There can be nothing said that will In
crease the light of his great life, but
mir hearts will be warmed and quickened
by recalling the- struggles of this great
soul to preserve the nation and give free
dom to those who were bound.
"lie was great in his Inheritance 'ot
isuse he ceme of a family who had been
a clean, earnest, helpful element in the
dcxelopinenl ' of the -community In which
they lived.
"He was great In his birthright because
he had a pure-minded, Godly mother. Ka
ma it ever attained greatness who did not.
We may be sure that Into the current of
his noble nature flowed the prayers and
hopes of she who paused through the val
loy In which Ilea the shadow that he
migM live. It is not where a man Is born
thst makes his birth noble or Ignoble, but
the nature of the mother who gives him
birth. It matters little that Abraham
Lincoln was born In a log cabin. It
seem significant and prophetic that his
mother In her backwoods csbln should
have been led to give her son the name
of Abraham, 'father of the faithful.' He
was not only great in his birthright in
that he was born of a pure, Godly
mother, hut also In the atmosphere of
patriotism which surrounded lilm. . Few
or us realise that the birth of Lincoln
whs but thtrty-three years removed from
the Ieclarstlon of Independence, but such
was he case, so that the fires of patriot
ism were binning fresh and warm In the
hearts of the people.
,"lle showed the greatness of his Intellect
by displaying a geniu3 for learning. There
was nothing of romanco or fascination in
his 'early life. Those days were days of
toll ami struggle with poverty ever at the
door. He went to school but very mil,
ab-ut n year In nil. and that a poor dii
trlct school. The fact that he wss nomi
nated when but a years of age for tho
legislature shows the power of his intellect
and Die Improvement he' l ad made, or the
people would not have reccgntsed In him
a Jnan of promise at such an early age.
'lly was great In his soul life, because
only a great soul could have stood the terri
ble stoim which beat upon him every hour
of thope long yours of the war. No words
tan tell the story of those dark days. The
dus of suffering, the nights of anguish
and the endives strife and criticism, by
etcn his friends, made for this noble heart
a dally crucifixion.
"Every day the splendor of this great life
la being actualized in the Increasing forces
that maku up the ongoing of this mighty
ration of ours and let us hope that, the
time wi never come when the eyes of the
leaders of this "nation will be turned from
the character of this great soul."
V,; " r- :
Cbart'h Announcements. ,
The men of, the First . Congregational
church will meet today noon at the Grand
lie vl for the regular weekly lunch. Mid
week t services will be held Wednesday
evening at :4J o'clock at the parsonage.
The choir will meet for rehearsal Thursday
evening at the church,
Midweek services will be held at St.
John's English Lutheran church Wednes
day evening. a 7 : ' o'clock. The Misses
Lillian -and Emma Feterson will entertain
the Young People's society and frljtds at
the monthly ' business meeting and social
'. u':.s ' ", :
It" Not Only Cores Colds and Grip,
, But Prevents Them From Re
' salting is Pneumonia,
.Cbamkxrlaio Cough Itemed is ia tended
specially for acute throat am) lung diseases,
cf which colds, croup snJ whooping cough
are the most common. Titos who bar
used it for year and in ia t position to
know iis real value, art that it is with
out ao equal for th treatment of these dis
. U not only cure colds and grip, but
Counteracts an tendency toward pneumonia.
- Jt lias com into almost universal u a a
rrtventiTcaud cur for croup, gad has never
la fcaowa t fail.
In rases of whooping cough it keeps thg
CvHigh loose, expectoration easy and reader
the parox jam of coughing lea frequent and
lea sever, depriving that disease, of all dan
gereus consequence. N
It it pleasant to take, which is of much
Importance when the medicine sauit b gives
to small children.
- It cot) (aim n opium or other harmful
ubsUao, and may b givea a confident!
to a babe as to an adult.
It is a Ideal rented? both for adult and
children, and w think the most perfect and
KuU tfieotual 71 produced ia aa country.
Lellerfs'E Lenses
f easts Caaaart Kaews is Wssrari f GawasS
Stem er rasa a t, ,
' V laa
-i a. tar um Lr-Ll Miv
a xui am
'f , urra,t
Tuesday evening st their residence, 1602
West Rroadway. The choir will meet for
rehearss! Wednesdsy evening st I o'clock,
The Ladies' Aid and the Woman's Mission
ary societies will meet Friday afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. Ole Rasmusson
914 Mill street. Mrs. K. B. Shaffer of
Delaware, O., general secretsry of the
Lutheran Woman's Missionary society, will
be present and address the meeting.
Mornlngslde chapter of the Woman's
guild of St. Paul' church will meet this
sfternoon at the home of Mrs. L. C.
Besley. on Bast Broadway. The South First
street chapter will meet this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Forest Smith, "44 Madi
son avenue. ' Friday evening the chapter
will give a "white elephant',' social at the
home or Mrs. J. F. Williams, 13 Gra
ham avenue.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
First Christian church . will give, a heart
socisl at the home of Miss Ruth Williams,
No. 19 North First street this evening. The
Indies' Aid society, will meet Thursday
afternoon, at (he home of. Mrs. Bonham,
MO Harmony street. Under the auspices, of
the Ladles' Aid society, a birthday social
will b given at the home of Mrs. Holmes,
No. 106 North Eighth street. On the 22d of
February at the home of ' Miss ' Pansy
Fauble, 710' HseI , (street, the Swastika
club will give a colonial social. The guests
are requested to dress in costume a far as
possible. The Men's club will hold its
monthly meeting at the home of-.F. A.
Spencer, Monday evening, February 22.
County Convention Will Be Held at
Neola Xext Monday.
Invitations are being sentry the officer
to all postmasters and road officials in
the county and others interested In the
ruial free delivery service to attend the
second annual convention of the Rural
Letter Carriers' association of Pottawatta
mie county, which Is to be held at Neola
en Monday, February 22. The convention
will ba held In the opera house and the
opening session will be called to order at
10 a. in. The members and others in at
tendance will take dinner together 1n tha
middle of tho day.
The officer of the association are: Presi
dent, W. H. James, Council Bluffs; first
vice president. William Betters, Dumfries;
secend vice president, N. H. Ciirisman,
Neola; secretary, George F. Hehl, Council
Bluffs. This Is the program for the meet
ing: Meeting called to cider by President
Jan.t s nt 10 a. m.
Prayer, Rev. E. B. 8coggan of Neola.
Sing. "America."
Address of Welcome, William Felton, car
rier No. 4. Neola.
Response. J. M. Mlesner, carrier No. i
Council Bluffs.
Address. "How Will the Paroela Post and
Postal Savings Brinks Me of Any Benefit
to the, R. F. D. Service?" J. Q. Bardsley,
Postmaster at NeolH.
Address.. "What Effect Has the R. F. D.
On the Good Roads Mvment In Iowa?'
U O. Merrill, cdltar of the Neola Gasette-
"What B-nefi'. Doe. the Fress I
Derive from the R. F. D. ?" V. K. Bender,
pullisher of the t tuncii Bluffs Nonpareil.
Address. ' R. F. l. Service With an
Auto," M. A. Hubbell of Weston.
Appointment of committees.
Call to order st 1:30 p. m.
Reading 'of annual report by Secretary
Tlr nort of the reeHonlijilii ommltlee.
President's annual report by President t
Open discussion, "What Benefit Does the
Carrier Receive from th.j Assoclntlon?" led
by N. H. Chrlsman of Neoln, carrier No. 3.
Ri port of committee on resolutions.
1'nflnlshed business.
Flection of officers for ensuing year.
, Selection of place of next meeting.
President of Hardware Company to
Maasge Bin Factory.
Paul C. DeVol, president of the DeVol
Hardware company and one of the leading
business men of Council Bluffs, will re
move about April 1 to Battle Creek, Mich.,
where a company of which he Is a member
has been formed for the manufacture of
stoves. He has disposed of his Interest In
the Devol Hardware company to his asso
ciates, Roy DeVol and E. L. Duquette, who
will continue the business, which was es
tablished in 1861 by the late P. C. DeVol.
Mr. DeVol has also disposed of his Interest
In tho Council Bluffs Sheet Metal company
and has resigned aa treasurer of the Audi
torium company. He retains tils interest
in the Council Bluffs Transfer and Stove
Storage company.
In his new venture Mr. DeVol will be
associated with four other business men
from Chicago and Michigan points. The
company la to be Incorporated with a large
paid up capital. It will occupy a new fac
tory, the construction of which will be
superintended by Mr. DeVol. who will be
treasurer of the company and manager of
th plant.
In hi removal from this city the Com
mercial club will lose one of Its most ac
tive and Influential members. He was a
member of the executive committee and
always took a prominent part In the af
fairs of the club. It was largely due to
his efforts that the, Auditorium company
was organized and the large building
erected in time for the recent Horticultural
congress. His family will probably remain
here until the summer.
Davis, drugs.
Borwick, wall paper.
Lewis Culler, funeral director. 'Pl.on 57.
Wcodilng I ndci taking company. Tel. SS3.
Majestic ranges, r. C. DeVol Hdwre, Co.
Cut flowers. Herman Bros., florist. 10
Pearl street.
I'yrography outfits and wood. Alexan
der's, JJ3 Broadway.
Two, three or live rooms for rent, kil
Wt-bt bioatlway, upstairs.
Excelsior Masonic lodge will meet this
evening tor work In the first degree.
undertakers. Vhon Hi 14 N. Main 61.
Mary Fiances. I lie S year-old daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Tinley, 91 Sixth ave
nue, died yraii-i'day after an illness of
three days. The arrangements for the
funeral have not been made.
Milo O. Smith, w ho was th guest I of
his parents. Dr. and Mrs. O. O. Smith, the
latter part of tha week returned In Atlantic
yesterday, where he and Mrs. Smith are
visiting the tatter's parents. Dr. and Mrs.
Frsnk Porterfield.
A defeclUe chimney is charged with
being responsible for a fir at the residence
of C Mosler. hii Fifili avenue yeaterday
noon. The blase started In the asble and
considerable damage was done to the up
stairs apartments before extinguished.
Most of the, furnllur was removed, but
sonoe u damaged by amok and water.
The damage to the house, a one and one
haif story frsm cottage is covered by in
surance. There wss no Insurance, it la said,
on th furniture.
I rhotaterlng.
Georg W. Klein. 19 South Main street.
Both 'phones, "llav U don right."
N. Y. luuibing Co. Tci. SbX N.gUl, V-VVZ.
.Legislators Hare Hard Time Paring
Appropriation to Fit Income.
Heejaests of Stale Institution anil
Departments Would, If Allowed,
Pile I n Heavy Debt Earn
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MOINES, Feb. 15. (8peclal.)-The
outlook for expenditures fitting to the In
come for th state of Iowa Is not as good
as it seemed ton days ago, and legislators
who desire to continue the state on the
safe and solid basis of the last ten yesrs
are wondering Just how they are going to
00 the necessary paring and still leave the
claimants satisfied. They are fully de
termined the state shall not return to the
conditions of a doaen year ago, when It
was burdened with Jan illegal debt and tho
state treasurer waa paying out money for
interest because of the inability to establish
the cash system.
Th latest budget estimate contemplates
an expenditure the next two years of a
little more than 12,600,000 which is'a full
1,000.000 more thsn Is in sight. And the
worst feature Is that In this increase Is In
cluded continuing annual appropriations
which call for over 1600,000 each year right
along Indefinitely. In other words, the bills
In the books call for a permanent Increase
of state expenditures of $1,000,000 each bien
nial period. A brief statement of the budget
as it now stands Is:
Three state colleges $1,436,000
Fifteen state institutions 443.000
Miscellaneous Items 742 0U0
Total asked $1,621,000
Bills for Institution.
When the college bills appeared there had
been material additions to the original es
timates, so that the total of askings for
these three Institutions Is nearly that of the
estimated sums available for all purposes.
An analysis of these bills shows:
Support. Special.
university tivw u m
College . am. 'oral
Normal 26.000 84 rmn
Totals $753,000 $S8J,000
The bills for the fifteen state Institutions
now show these sums desired, all for per
manent improvements :
Mount Pleasant, hnxnitai -c w.
Glenwood, hospital Sl'oiiO
Oakdale. sanitarium " 67 600
Eldora, school fu'-Mut
Independence, hnsnltnl ,,..
Cherokee, hospital
Anamosa, reformatory !M 400
Clarinda, hospital ,"' 24'ow
Fort Madison, prison ' "a'rmo
Mltchellvllle. school jS'J
Vinton, college ""' i5'i
Council Bluffs, school ' g9m
D.ivenport. home g'
Marshalltown, home 6ono
Knoxvllle, hospital ' ' 'ouo
Inerease Over Estimate. .
This shows a slight increase ovr th.
Board of Control estimates of $3,000, being
for tunnels at Kldora, engine and generator
) M.' Pl""nt,"'1 "re -t-llon
" Cherokee. Large items are $40,000 for
addition to custodial building at Glenwood
and $42.M0 for cottages and a'kltchen at
Onkdalo. The land desired Is $16,000 worth
at the prison.
In tho miscellaneous list, are a number
of bills already passed, but none of conse-
, quence. The bill books of the two houses
show the following
State fair amphitheater and land
1. ttlO
2. MO
a. 600
;"S"wy minus aim commission
Utilities commission
Land for epileptic colony
Soldiers' roster
Hoard of Education
University correspondence school!!!!!'
encouragement of dairying....
Serum laboratory
Hank guaranty commission..!!!!!!!!'"
veterinary Investigations
Board of Health increase
Library cnmmlaalun !!!""
Allison monument
Conservation commission.....'
Elevators state house
Historical society
Commerce counsel "!!
River surveys :....!!!!
Black lis wk monument.!.'!!!!!!!
State home finding agents .
Weed commission
Haivester trust Investigation!!!
Insurance department
Dam at Marshalltown
Brure probe commission !'!!'!'
Employes, extra pay!.!'!!
Agricultural department bu'lVe'tins!!!!
t ouiity talr aid
Hceley visiting committees!!!!!!!
Monument at Keokuk
Okobojl dam
Various claims and smau 'l'tems!!!!!!!
School Rill Fight.
Illustrating the fact that the school
codification bill Is beginning to hurt the
politicians, the members on Saturday re
ceived by mall an unsigned screed printed
on a plain slip of paper and headed:
"Read this, take It home with you, have It
printed in your home paper." It Is remark
able for Its crudity and bad grammar
and punctuation. It Is as follows:
Speaking of the School Bill now before
the legislature. J. Peasley, who has been
Ity Superintendent of Schools for twenty
five years, remarked that, after reading
the Bill several times, he regarded it ss
an absolute Invasion upon tho school
r1Bu( 01 every ell I ten In the state "I
brand It." said he, "ss a Bill most drastic
in lis manipulations; as a Bill most In
sidious In Ita aim to establish Star Cham
ber Rule through State and County Com
missions; a Bi)l lKld In Its sttempt to
place our schools under college control
a Bill most lihersl in its provisions for
Cxar Rule by State Superintendent: a Bill
most Inviting to vultures of graft through
Teachers Agencies. Book Companies and
Colleges. Indeed, the time has come when
our common moIidoI ihnu Vu. t.. .
from college control and freed from deepl
scheming nolitical school niin.. v i
This Is in line with- other sundry attacks
upon the bill, all of which betray Ignor
ance of the nature of the proposal. A
member of the house who handed this to
of the California Fig 8yrup Co. and the
scientific attainments of it chemist have
rendered possible the production of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of it
excellence, by obtaining the pure medic
inal principles of plant known to act most
beneficially and combining them most
skillfully, in the right proportions, with
its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of
California Fig. ,
A there U only one genuine Syrup of
Fig and Elixir of Senna and as the gen
uine ia manufactured by an original
method known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, it ia always necessary to buy the
genuine to get it beneficial effect.
A knowledge of tbe above facte enable
one to decline imitations or to return thera
if, upon viewing the package, the full name
of the California Fig Syrup Co. i not found
printed on the front thereof.
the reporters said. "Thst Just shows thst
we reslly need some kind of a school sys
tem thst will educate the people- Here Is
same one pretending to be a leader In edu
cation who talk of the bill before the
house In a fnsnner which shows tie Is
stupidly ignorant and sadly In need of some
elementary education. If we had good rural
schools such Ignoramuses would not be
writing notes to the legislators."
Continuing Appropriations l.araer.
A rough estlmste of the portion which Is
In the nature of continuing annual appro
priation Is $351,000 for the two years, or
tln.OOO annually. The continuing appropria
tions sought for the colleges aggregate
$753,000. This would mak $553,600 a year
for all Item.
Of course quite a number of the Items
can be disposed of with a word, such ss
the university correspondence course, the
harvester Investigation, the utilities com
mission, river surveys, probing commis
sions, conservation commission, bank
guaranty and increase for the Board of
Health. There Is slso no probability of ny
large expenditure for roads unless at the
same time there Is a way provided for
the funds other than by direct taxation.
Tt Is believed that practically all the big
bills are In for the session, unless there
are to be bills for the purchase of lsnd
at the state capttol and for completing
th historical building. In due time the
representatives of the college and state
Institutions will be called before the com
mittee and will be asked to revise their
estimates and make reductions so that the
expenditure will not again put the state In
Memorial Portrait at Weaver.
Tomorrow Iowa will pay homage to Ita
most distinguished cltixen, when a me
morial portrait of General Jsmes B.
Weaver, twice candidate for the presidency
of th United States, will be unveiled a
the Iowa state hlstoricsl building. Among
the speakers will be William J. Bryan, one
of General Weaver's closest friends. The
day will start with a gala breakfast at
the Savery In honor of General and Mrs
Wetver and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan. At 2
o'clock the program Incident to the -in
veiling of the portrait will begin. At
o'clock a banquet will be given at th
Savery under the auspices of democrats
legislators and attended by both repub
licans and democrats.
Th entire program will be absolutely
free from partlsanlsm. Major John F.
Larey, standpat leader In th republican
rarks, will occupy the platform together
with Mr. Bryan. Governor B. F. Carroll
will preside at the unveiling ceremony.
The address making the presentation of
the portrait will be made by Rev. J. F.
Nugent, followed by Mr. Bryan. Former
Governor Warren Garst will deliver an
eddress, as well a Colonel Lafayette
Young. Senator W. D. Jamleson will be
toastmaster at the banquet.
Sweeping; Antl-Trnst Rill.
The most sweeping anti-triist law ever
drafted In Iowa will be Introduced In tlia
house Tuesday by Representative C. W.
Mliier. It will be to stamp out the Grocers
trust, the Coal Dealer' and the Ice trust,
and even the Doctors' trust. The latter
are charged with fixing excessive price.
The. bill ha the support of Attorney Gen
eral Byers. v
Quo warranto proceedings to dissolve any
trust or monopoly are to be begun by th
atttrney general on his own motion.
Foreign corporation violating the law
are to be prohibited Htm doing business
by injunction, proceedings. Every person,
firm or corporation violating the law must
psy a $50 fine Jor each day the violation
continuca. This fine msy be recovered In
any county where the offense is com
mitted. . ,.
Imprisonment In the penitentiary for not
less than one nor mere than ten years 1
also provided for persons convicted of vio
lating the law.
Charlen Mayherr Blow Top of
Head Off with Sholgan.
BlOt'X CITY. Is., Feb. 15.-(8peclsl Tele
gram.) Charles Mayhew, who lived at
Mornlngslde arose this morning, went into
the basement and blew off the top of his
head with a shotgun. He returned from
the insane asylum at Cherokee, December
15 and had seemed to be Improving. At on
time he tried to corner the potato market.
His wife heard the shot,, went Into the
basement, and found him dead.
Krncst Blllbrandt, a rich ranchman' of
Lone, 8. D., who has been Inssne for sev
eral days in a cell in the city jail, at
tempted to hang himself with the chain
on his bunk, but - was released when life
was almost extinct.
own tni Notes.
CRKSTOK-Rev. J. C. El well, a former
resident or Arton. and an old aoldier. Is
dead In Elkla, New Mexico, where he had
gone to spend the winter in the hopes of
t?nriiiing nis neaun, out tne quest proved
hopeless. The body will be brought back
io Aiion ror ourisi.
'ROCK FORD Because he sold as butch
ered meat a steer which he bought for anu wnicn was arincten with lumpjaw,
Aaron Kvans, a farmer living near here.
waa arrested for disobeying the state pure
food laws and fined o0 and the costs.
Kvana' defense wss thst he had cured the
iror oeiore ne slaughtered It.
CRBSTON Announcement has hn r.
eelved here of the marriage of Miss Martha
r-iunu.M oinrrs in joerun, u., to Mr. Orval
Brace Swift. Miss Btorrs waa the nnW
child if the late H. 8. Ptorrs, former super-
iiirnui'ni tor ne niirnngion at this place,
and later of the Lake Shore A Ohio rail
road, tiotn ner parents liav recently died.
t RK3TON The farmers of Ringgold
rounty win hold a rarmcra Institute at
Diagonal, beginning Tuesday and continu
ing through until Thursday night, holding
wiree sessions a aay. Tne program la full
of good things snd en Thursday afternoon
tha spelling and declamatory contest will
be held. President Heerley of the State
normsi lectures Thursday evening.
NKVADA The domestic Ills of Prof. W.
H. Meeker of Iowa State college. Ames,
and Ills wife were aired In the district court
here Saturday. The wife brought action
for a divorce, asking for a decree upon the
allegations of cruel and inhuman treatment
ami Infidelity. Some of the charges she
made were aensatiunal. After hearing the
evidence, which waa taken in open court,
Judge Wright withheld his decision for the
time being.
CRESTON Word was received her yes
terday by relatives snnoant-lng the acci
dental death of Thompson McCornack, at
Trinidad, Colo., where he had resided for
fifteen or eighteen years. His boyhood
home waa in this city. He met his death
in an accident occurring while engaged In
the conalruciion of acales used by the rail
road companies. Besides his wife, who
survives him. he has two brothers and one
aisier living hue. lie was o year of age.
MARSHALJ.TOWN William F. Winter,
the 17-year-old boy who murdered "I.lnn''
Trimble, the Union reaiaurant owner three
weeks ago. wss tsken to the Fort Madison
penlunliary to begin serving a life sen
tence. Saturday. Winter said he intended
to become a model prisoner, and he hoped
some time to be able to secure a pardon.
While in the city today Winter talked
freely and without apparent feeling about
the crime, which shocked all central Iowa
at the time It was committed.
ML'SCATINE-Whlln sitting In her home
early Friday night. Miss Viola Mark heard
someone calling her out of doors. Respond
ing to the voice, she stepped out on to the
porch, when an unknown person suddenly
sprang near hr and dashed the contents
of a bottle of carbolic acid In her face.
Th fluid burned her - face and handa
fearfully, and tt la feared that her eye
sight Is ruined and her face will be dis
figured forever.- iler assailant la supposed
to be a Jilted lover, fur whoqa th police ar
Freiident-elect and Wife Are Oaests
of C. P. Taft at Cincinnati.
Cabinet Appointments Arc to Be Cs
Idered and Slnte Maker Arc
Agala Bnsy Canal Report
CINCINNATI, O.. Feb. 15.-Presldent
elect and Mr. Taft arrived In their home
city from Panama and New Orleans yes
terday. They will be guests st the C. I'.
Taft residence until tomorrow, when they
will leave for Washington.
The trip to Washington Is Important, as
Its primary object relates to the report of
the engineers who accompanied Mr. Tsft
to Panama. This likely will be given him
upon his arrival there Tuesday morning. He
will take the document to th White House,
where It will be the subject of a conference
with President Roosevelt.
The contents of the report hay been
forecasted. The festures will be a strong
endorsement of tha present plans, tho com
mendation of the organisation under
Colonel Goethals and recommendations
tending to show that Whatever error lias
been made has been on the side of th un
necessary precautions for safety.
While In Washington Mr. Taft expects
to confer with Senator Knox and with
other relative to cabinet appointments.
Th cabinet gossip which is regarded as
the most reliable Is that no one . has been
determined upon for the treasury port
folio. Senator Knox and Frank H. Hitchcock
have been asked and have accepted the
positions of secretary of state and post
master general.
"apposed Cabinet Mate.
As to the other places, unconfirmed
rumor, with a fair percentage of likelihood
for correctness, makes th cabinet as fol
Attorney general, Mr. Wickersham of Nw
York. '
Secretary of war. Mr. Wright of Ten
nessee. Secretary of navy, Mr. Meyer of Massa
chusetts. Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Balllnger
of Washington state.
Secretary of agriculture, Mr. Wilson of
Secretary of commerce and labor. Mr
Nagel of Missouri. j
It Is the general understanding that Mr.
Taft wlshe to fill the treasury portfolio
euner rrom Illinois or Ohio. Should the
appointment go to his own state It is likely
that it will fall to Myron T. Herrlck. The
seeming tumult of candidates from Illinois
1 regarded a militating against, rather
than for, that state's chances.
Mr. Taft' announced position is that he
will keep all appointments open until the
very last minute with the view of meeting
any situations that arise with the least
embarrassment to all concerned. It la
known that his attention Just now Is being
centered on the treasury place.
Mr. Taft also will consult with the presi
dent and other regarding his . inaugural
On his return here Thursday Mr. Taft
will be made a Mason "on sight," an honor
rarely conferred by the Masonic order.
Booker T. Washington Dlscnsse Con
dition Kslstlnaj In Little
Republic la Africa.
NEW YORK. Feb. lS.-Endorsing th
view of former Secretary Root that Uberia
Is an American colony, Booker" T, Wash
ington tonight decided the situation in the
African republic was serious and that the
United States was In duty bound to render
practical assistance to Liberia, which waa
established In 181!) by the United States
government and philanthropic Individuals.
Mr. Washington said:
"The preaent condition of Liberia is aerl
ous. There are about 40,000 civilised negroes
who have emigrated from the United States
or are descendants of people who emigrated
years ago. Back of these, In the Hinterland,
are about 1,600,000 of uncivilized people.
The present condition of Liberia, how
ever, need not surprise any one. In fact
the surprise la that Liberia has maintained
itself as an independent nation for ao long
a period with almost no help from outside
sources except that which has been fur
nished by philanthropic individuals. Every
European country which, has planted a
colony In Africa has spent millions of
dollars In maintaining, assisting and en
couraging their colonies. These European
governments have also sent their best offi
cials to supervise and guide the people
until they have gotten started. In the case
of Liberia a small body of people Just out
of slavery In this country, with no expert
ence in government or the conduct of edu
cational institutions or without responsi
bility fr their own conduct, were sent to
a foreign country and the responsibility
placed upon them within a few year of
building and maintaining a government.
"I do not believe the condition of Liberia
I hopeless, but I do believe this govern
ment owes, as Secretary Root says, a duty
to that country. Wc have spent largo sum
of money and given some of our best offi
cials to reorganise and rebuild governments
in the Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba, Porto
nico and San Domingo, and we certainly
owe an equal duty to Liberia.
"I believe and hope the United States
will carry out the recommendation made
to congnrs by former- Secretary Root and
by President Roosevelt in tho direction of
lending practical assistance through the
sending of tnree commissioners to Liberia
a early as possible."
Only Tiny Rlvnlet Is Flawing; Over
American Aide of the Great
NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y.. Feb. 15 -Only
a tiny rivulet not deep nor swift enough
to carry a pulp log across the brink is
flowing over tho American side of Niagara
Falls. A strong northeast wind which has
been blowing since Friday haa held back
the water and allowed the Ice to gain a
foothold. Two employes of the American
rescivatlon walked from Prospect Point
nearly to Bath island this morning. They
did not complete the trip merely because
they did not care to get their feet wet, a
stresm at one point being a few Inchea
above the tops of their boots.
A grest wall of ice runs from the head
of Gost Island to the American mainland,
through which only tiny streams are able
to trickle. This wall has even encroached
on the Canadian channel, extending out
some 200 feet beyond the third Sister Island
and greatly diminishing the flow over the
horseshoe. Only the very apex of the
Canadian falls Is left and that Is robbed of
half its flow. The gorge below is choked
and the rapids bav lost their fury, whil
th whirlpool Is barely in motion. Thla Is
only the third time that thla combination
of wind and ice has thus affected the falls
since th whit man came here. Th other
occasion were ou March 9. IStS, and
March 22. 1M.
Deapnrato Bknotlua;
pain in the chest require quick treatment
Ith Dr. King's New Discovery. Prevent
pneumonia. eOc and SI 00. For sal by
Beatoa Drug Co.
Franklin Automobiles
Tire Trouble
. - ... r -
Ninety per cent of automobile road atop are due to tir
trouble. And it is the weight of an automobile that make tbe
tire trouble and the heavy expenae. Five per cent increase in
an automobile's weight adds fifteen per cent to the wear and
tear of the tires. Increase the weight one-third and tbe wear
on the tires is one hundred per cent greater. The average
water-cooled automobile weighs a third more than a Franklin
of same ability. The Franklin is air-cooled. It also has large
wheels and large tires larger in proportion to weight than any
other automobile which makes the wear on the tires still less.
So the Franklin solves the tire problem and solves it In the
only practical way.
or. i
Mwiil D, 28-a.., $2300. OtW low an
310-312 Somh 19th &.,
E. A. Castle Gave Up Business Because Dys
pepsia. Was Too Much For Him.
L. T. Cooper's preparation, which is at
present enjoying a tremendous sale In
New York, was strongly endorsed by E.
A. Castle, of 800 West Seventeenth street,
Cooper, who claims that most ill-health
Is caused by stomach trouble. Is meeting
the public and explaining his medicine
at present In New York. Mr. Castle called
at the Cooper headquarters about 3
o'clock and said:
"This New Discovery Is all and more
than Cooper claims. I say this after a
remarkable experience with this prepara
tion. I had heard of Cooper's success In
Boston, nd therefore when I began to
hear of him In New York I came to see
htm some time ago. I had little faith In
any' medicine, but after four year of
constant suffering, during which time 1
consulted the very best specialists, was
operated upon twlco and received no bene
fit whatever, I made up my mind to try
his treatment.
'I started taking Cooper' New Dis
covery seven weeks ago. At that time I
Peerless Group Remedy
' What mother ha not siparissced tb harrowing fesr of froup and man na
been tba times wbeo a hurry-up call waa aaat for lb physician to rellere a lull
uflerer from eraiip Bui all tbl eao be obTlated br beeplns a bos or HprlakO't
Prerleas t'ronp Remedy In lbs bonis Tbia nm4? I trow a prsacriptloo of a
phMlclaa that had arty rears iperleoc I practice, and he claim that tbl raised
DeTcr failed biro la cats of croup.
(sprinkle's lerle f'rnap Remedy Is peculiar la Itielf. as it I aa extsrsal
application, doing awar with tba seemtltr tit ponrln Srnsa down a young child, a
praotiea that aboul not be loauleed la aa loe a It tan b stoided.
This remedy ha beta old fnr yeara on a noltlre guarantee tn car - rrnsp
r prlre C remedy refunded, an I hereby auihorma ail oaalera to refuad tb
price wbsr th remedy does not do all tbat I claimed for it.
A afs and nr remedy for tbe enr of Croup and tb rallsr of Consh. Cold.
Cstarrb. Atb. Wboouln Ornish snd all kindred ilr. Kor al by drufsl. or
mailed oa receipt ef price, 60 csets. by 1. A. srRIKKts, Villa Urate. III.
Hilmi Pasha Has Been Appointed
Grand Vizier by the Sultan.
Al Risat Pnahn, Whose Dismissal Led
to Downfall of Former Ministry,
Is nenppolnted Minister
of Interior.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. lB.-The sultan
has accepted Kiainil Pasha's resignation as
grand vizier and has charged I II I ml I aha
minlHter of the Interior and formerly In-
apector general of Macedonia, with the
formation of a new cabinet.
The Imperial "hatt" appointing Ililml
Pssha grand vizier and la Uddin Ef'fcndl
learned theologliin, as Sheik Ul Islsin
was read tonight at the Porte with the
usual ceremony. Perfect tranquillity pre
vails, the public appearing to be rather In
different to the changes.. Ililml Pasha's
arrival at the Porte was greeted with feeble
cheers by a small crowd. The chamber
held a brief sitting for the reading of the
hatt" and a proposal msde by a Jewish
deputy lo impeach Klamil Pasha waa
unanimously rejected.
Late tonight the grand vizier completed
his cabinet. All P.tza Pasha, whose dis
missal led to Kiamil Pasha's downfall, be
ing reappointed minister of war. He also
holds the marine portfolio and has been
made grand master of artllleiy. Ililml
Pasha himself takes the portfolio of the
ministry of the Interior, while the ministers
of finance, Justice, public work and com
merce In the former cabinet have been re
tained. , - t
The general impression Is that the whole
ministry will be short lived.
PARIS, Feb. la.-Naium Pssha,. the Turk
ish ambassador to France, according to
Temps, say the resignation of Klamil
Psrl a Is but an Internal crisis such aa
might happen In any country and ia quite
provided for by the constitution. The
crisi will be ended, he says, by the forma
tion cf a new ministry and all will pass
pertefully. It cannot In any way alienate
the sympathies and confidences of Europe
In "oung Turkey."
Have not coughed once all day?
Yet you may cough tomorrow! Better be prepared for It when it
comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Acer's Cherry Pectoral in
the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you
have a doctor's medicine at hand. Your doctor's approval of its use
will certainly.? all douht at rest. Do as he says, irii'
arrsr swaWt trsnj 11751 la &
WORLD. JAN. 17. 1908.)
was In uch poor health thst 1 had
given up business. I began to iiuproa
after the first week, slowly at first, snd
later very rapidly. For . the past three
weeks 1 have had no . sign of stomach
trouble. I can eat anything with no had
effects whatsoever. I have a fine appe
tite and am gaining flesh. .1 am cheer
ful, full of energy, and am- no.Jonger
nervous. My bowels arc In perfect con
dition for the first tim In years. I am
now back at my business again and fee'
as though I had been mad over.
"When I realize that a few . weeks age
I was a miserable, nervous dyspeptic,
barely subsisting on liquid food and feel
ing tired, gloomy and depressed at all
times, my relief and thankfulncas Is be
yond expression, and I consider myself In
duty bound to make this ststement."
Cooper's New Discovery haa made a
wonderful record In New York and othr
cltlea. It Is now on sale at leading drug
gists everywhere. We will furnish full
Information . about this remarkable prep
aration upon request. Th Cooper Medi
cine Co., Dayton, Ohio.
Cody Institution ran rates Krrka llm.
age t'as Was Drought
. Mnllcloualy.
SHERIDAN, Wyo ' Feb. 18.-fpecla4
Telegram.) Charge of attempted black
mail and conspiracy to ruin the reputa
tion of the Lane-Bradbury hospital at
Cody will probably grow out of th trial
now In progress In district court herj,
in which Msrko Ferko seeks to recovsi
Judgment of $26,000 against that medicai
Institution for alleged lack of car whilf
the patient was there following th ex
plosion at Hhoushone dam September
1907. Dra. Lane and Uradbury, defendanti
ry, defendanti
st that purrV
fnt suit, as a '
In the damage suit, Insist
malice Is back of the prener
result of which considerable sentiment Is
aroused In Rig Horn county against thain.
Interesting developments ara promised
and it U reported that an action will be
brought against some pi-rsons active in
pushing the Ferko suit, criminal libel.
among other charges, being hinted. Buth
Dr. Lane and Dr. Bradbury . tostiflaJ
thst young Ferko received the best med
ical treatment In their Institution. State
ments by nurses employed there corrobu
rated their testimony. Ferko' leg way
badly injured In the accident at th dam
and later It was amputated. Sheridan
physicians will testify for th defense
to show thst Forko's treatment at th
Lane-Bradbury hospital Was all thai
could be desired. The case will probably
not be Bubmitted to the Jury before mint
tlina Tuesday.
Prof. Alfaal of Florence Observatory
ays They Will loollnue for
Tn Tears.
r.EGGIO, Feb. If Earth shocks, more or
less strong, were experienced here through
out the day. Last night Prof. Alfanl, di
rector of the Florence oberyatory, while
about lo step into a train for Naples, wss
violently thrown to the ground by what
seemed an unusually severe shock. Peas
ants rushed to assist hint to his. feet and
anxiously Inquired concern. sg th dangers
of further earthquakes. lie replied: "IJ
calm my children. That was a quake of th
um ur-iTC. s vu ujuai not f rrignieneii
by theae hock, for we will lutve them for
wo mor eara."