Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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rSSflmp rm m I mijj. . a i I , i
F Ball Done. sna Both rhon
Continuation of Our Great
Fcjbruary While Goods Sale
Dotted nd Striped Colored Linens for Ladies' Suits.
- 4 pieces 1 1.25 Colored Linens, sain price 91.00
h pieces $1.60 Colored Linens, sals price 91.25
Sale of Colored Linens for Ladies' Suits and Skirts.
9 pieces Colored Linens, In this sale bf)
S pieces 65c Colored Linens, In this sale J02
8 pieces.-IMS Colored Linens, In this sale ' 70?
: v- Sale of White Linens for Suits.
" : Sale of Persian Lawns.
Sale of India Linons.
. . . t French Lawns for Graduation Gowns.
5 pieces 60c French Lawn, In this sale 35
6 pieces 60c French Lawn, In this sale 40?
- h pieces 65c French Lawn, In this sale 45
6 pieces 76c French Lawn, In this sale 50
6 pieces 85c French Lawn, In this sale 59
. 6 pieces $1.00 French Lawn, In this sale 75
. 6 pieces $1.26 French Lawn, in this Sale 85
. 6 pieces $1.60 French Lawn, in this sale $1.00
New Sweater Jackets for Cold Days.
A style that has leaped Into great faror. The wearing of these
delightfully warm and practical Sweater Jackets. They will fit any
Color Oxford- white and cardinal, at $3.75. $4.75, $5.00 and
. $ 6. OflL eacU,.
" Cloak Dept., Second Floor.
: t '
. ' Knit Gloves for Men and Boys.
Men's 60c quality Knit Gloves and Mittens, at, a pair 35
Men's'snd boys' 25c quality Knit Gloves and Mittens, at, a pair 19
- ',wU8e our warm 16th street vestibule when waiting for cara
on 16th and Howard streets; it is specially heated for this purpose.
Mm r "wean-
itreet car companies to use gasoline Inter
nal cumbuatlon engines for motive power.
B. F. 287. by Hatfield of Antelope For
lection of precinct assessors and new pro
cedure, for Slate Board of Equalisation.
8. K. . 288. by Manning of Cass Railroad
rnmpanle fo mow weeds along rajght-ot-vay.
8. F. 2JO.-by Mlllep-To declare all per
lons. corporations and aaeooiatlons operat
ing telephone linea or exchanges to be rorn
non carriers and to give the Stale Railway
.'ommlsejon power to regulate the rates and
J. F. by Myers of Hock Bank, guar
anty bill. " '
tClghleen-Heer sjeerlal ef Pennsyl
vania RallroaaV is Derailed
, nr-Alteeaa.
ALTOONA. . Pa.. Feb. Jt.-The elghteen
bour flyer on the Pennsylvania, railroad,
bound from Chicago to Now York, ran Into
a small landslide In a deep cut near New
ton Hamilton, east of here, shortly after
8 a. m.. dei ailing the train but fortunately
Injuring only on person, N. H. Mlngua, a
baggageman of Jersey City. The train left
Aitoona'two hours late and was running
forty-five mllea an hour as It approached
the cUt. A-" heavy fog prevailed at the
lime and the engineer did not see the ot
MMKAtofl nstil too- close to stop his train.
The locomotive, combination car and two
aleervre left the trnrkv but did not fall
over. "The engine and first car. however,
were"- tilted over at an angle ot about 45
degrees: "V v i"- - . '
Kansas " tTty Saloon Keeper Leaves
M.aa-e- ' 0 Charitable
' ', -Inolnlono.
KAN8A8 tnTY."Md.. Feb. 15.-A bequest
of 176.00$ .for the founding- of a home for
old me"naoirphatf boys, a legacy of $37.
0i to It jtrrurge 1i Nettleton home of this
city, and Individual gifts of $47,000. includ
ing two of llO.nno each to a negro porter
an a negro .housekeeper, are the chief
provisions of'tiii will of Charles Schattner,
a pioneer saloonkeeper, filed for probate
today. Mr. Schattner's eiitate Is valued at
ta.OTO -rh'e negroj porter. Charles Morton,
has been In the employ of Mr. Sc hattner
for fifteen jefcrsi iilary Tales, the negro
housekeeper, had been In Mr. Schattner's
empWfW'flv- years."1 -
A bnoUter.-rrederick -Schattner of St.
Ixiuls, received tun.
W yea I us; lealslntare en Last Lap.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
Thers remains only one more week of the
state legislature, and owing to the large
volume of business night sessions will be
necessary from nowi on.'. The senate la up
with all of Its baliessi but there are a
large number of bitrs On the general file
In the house. The most Important meas
ure, or rather the bill that la creating the
liveliest interest at this time. Is the general
appropriations bill, which carrle appropria
tions for salaries and contingenta or state
officers and tajjartfs.Tlje democratic press
Is bowltng extravagance, and In all pruga
blllty the minority, which Is hopelessly
small, will make a' determined fight to cut
down the appropriations, and there prom
ises la be reductions everywhere.
Members are pointing to some Inconsis-
Order from - Stmderlaud and your
fuel fund will yield Largest possible
amount of saerVlos and comfort.
A good va4 'or heater Is our JSoom-omx-w
Laias. The slse Is rUht. The
quality rJght ajid the price Is
rtsjlit.te.50 a tea, T
The tewtVcoal for cooking Is our
Si 00a obit Hat. We have beu selling
this roal a ! time and many people
are using It.- - -frobabHr-' more Eco
nomy Nut used, than any other grade.
No alate, no cUukoTa.' no alack. Is
clean erroened. dry ami will cook your
meals right. M-M svsoa. -
We are here to serve ou and can do
It better than any other dealer be
cause e have more teairnt. more
yards, more kinds of roal, more de
termination to pu-ase you. Our prices
are always right and we welfch our
coal correctly.
1G14 Harney Street
Btrt Yatar
. . L J
mth All Popts. Ina. av-iael
M8 - 0.
tencles In the appropriations and the fate
of certain bills, and the coming week will
undoubtedly be a very busy on, and many
heated debates will be witnessed. '
No Heavy Losses Reported by Either
the Sheep or Cattle
CHEYENNE, "Wyo., Feb. 16.-(Special.)
Saturday night's storm was of short dura
tion and so far as known no damage was
ooie. The weather remains cold, but as
a high wind carried tlie sr.ow oft of the
rarge livo stock wilt have no difficulty in
getting plenty of feed.
While conditions In the eastern portion
of the Red desert, which la occupied by
the sleep of Carbon county, are not as
satisfactory as the flockmasters could wish,
still conditions in the western portion,
where the Sweetwater county flocks range,
are In the main satisfactory, and sheep
are doing well. Considerable feeding is
belrg done In the eastern portion, where
snow covers the ground and where In
msry sections a thick crust obtains on
the snow, but to date the losses are not
above normal, and with anything like
favorable condlttona from now on sheepmen
will not complain.
In northeast Wyoming conditions are Im
proving dally. Snow fell In that kection
In October and has since covered almout
all of the range and sheep grating has
been extremely difficult, although no
loeaea have been reported. The lip and
leg ulceration Is yielding to treatment and
tl.a sheep owners are in better spirits,
This disease, which is not of a specific
nature, also prevails In Converse and Na
trona counties, and recent reports sum
that the malady ia also yielding to treat
u.ent there. The range conditions have
been unfavorable for treating the disease
ci.d favorable for Its spread, but condi
tions are Improving.
Cattlemen report that while this has been
a leng, hard winter no serious losses to
date have been reported. Feeding is In
progress on almost every ranch in the
slate, and this applies to sheep as well
as cattle, but the stockmen have plenty
of hay, for In many localities they have
stacka that have been In plaos for two and
three years.
While the winter has been a severs one,
although there have been no real bllxiards,
stock in general la in good condition and
with the supply of hay and grain on hand
there should be no severe losses, even
though, the severity of the weather should
continue through until spring.
C. B. Sprearae.
BLAIR, Neb., Feb. 15. (Special.) A tele
gram was received here yesterday by Mrs.
William Cheeley announcing the death ot
her father, C. B. Sprague, at his home la
Pawnee, Okl., Sunday morning, February
It Mr. Sprague was born at Appleton,
Me., and came to Washington county, Ne
braska in 157. teaching school for one year
near Arlington. He then moved on a home
stead near Talabasta, and some fifteen
years later, moved to Blair, where he
bought the old "Blair Times," running the
paper aa the Blair Republican and editing
It mainly In the Interest of the grange
movement, and later, aa a populist and
democratic paper. About five years ago,
on account of 111 health, he gave up his
newspaper work and moved to Pawnee,
Okl. Mr. Sprague was 72 years of sge and
leaves of his Immediate family, his wife
and two daughters, Mrs. William Cheeley
of thla city and Mrs. Victor O. Johnson of
Pawnee, Okl. Mr. Sprague's elder brother,
who died last month, was editor and pro
prietor of the Kennebeo (Me.) Journal, with
which he had been connected some sixty
years. The 'remains will be brought to
this city for burial.
Georse E. Fay lee.
CEDAR CREEK. Neb., Feb. 15.-(Speoial
Telegram.) George E. Fayles, pioneer
merchant and grain dealer ot this place,
died at o'clock this morning from a com
plication of diaeaaes caused primarily by
enlargement of the liver. Mr. Fayles has
been a patient sufferer for the last two
years and although a man of strong consti
tution his death was not unexpected. He
was only SO years old. but was counted
among the old settlers of Caaa county, as
he had lived In this vicinity for over fifty
years. Mr. Fayles was a successful busi
ness -man. He leaves a wife, four daugh
ters and one son tn comfortable circum
stances. Funeral services will he held at
the home of the deceased at 1 o'clock
Thursday afteruooa. when the body will
be removed to the Glendale cemetery snd
laid at rest.
Drurglsls refund money If It falls to cure.
K. W. UROVfc'8 stsnaturs en sacn bus. ic
Services in Washington on Eleventh
Anniversary of Diiatter.
Coaamander ef Ill-r'ated V ease I Ue
elarea Ills Mrs Served the) Coaa
trr as Falthfally as Soldiers
ea Battlefield.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15.-Memorles of
the men who were plunKed to sudden death
whe.i the battleship Maine went down In
the waters of Havana harbor, eleven years
a 30 today, were honored In song and story
here today In observance of the anniver
sary by military, religioua and patriotic
Beautiful and Impressive were the cere
monies at St. Patrick's Catholic church,
where a military masa was celebrated for
the dead heroes by Rev. Thomas E. Mc
Ouigan. Rev. Dr. William T. Russell, pas
tor of St. Patrick's delivered the eulogy.
A pilgrimage was made to Arlington, where
at the granite shaft which towers above
165 of the Maine victim, services unusual
In their solemnity were conducted In the
presence of a throng of people.
Rear Admiral Slgbee, retired, commander
of the Ill-fated battleship was the chief
speaker, and In stlrrlngords he depicted
the story of the cat Rapt rone which led the
nations to war.
"On that dark, overcast and omlnouely
quiet night, eleven years ago," lie said.
"taps took on a- new meaning to the sur
vivors of the Maine. They were sounded
that night with exceptional-solemnity. Tn
the pauses the echoes rolled back from the
hills with euch distinctness that all must
have listened and heard. Taps, the nightly
signal for silence snd sleep, was therefore
the last distinctive sound heard by the
men in life, for in one-half hour they were
dead for the greater part dead In their
sleep. And the bugler, himself, was dead.
He bad sounded a requiem for himself and
his shipmates.
Dead Are Not Forgottea.
"We are assembled here today, some ss
Individuals and others aa members of pat
riotic organisations, to honor our dead.
The. manner of their dying calls for our
deepest sympathy and most profound sor
row. The honorable chance of war that
others had later these men did not have,
yet Just as truly they served their ceuntry
well. Beyond all doubt our whole people
feel deeply the loss of the Maine's men
and with no passing grief. The rresent
gathering and the gatherings at ceremonies
elsewhere today show that these dead are
not forsrotten. To me, as to no other man,
has come a knowledge of the sorrows and
distresses spread broadcast by the catas
trophe of the Maine. Comrades and friends,
as the commander of the Maine when It
was lost, snd far as I may assume to be
representative on this occasion. I Join my
hands in yours In patriotic fellowship and
In grateful appreciation of these commem
orative services at Arlington."
Several others delivered brief addresses.
Two troops of mounted men from Fort
Myer fired the salute. A large floral trib
ute was sent by President Roosevelt and
many wreaths were contributed by Indi
viduals and patriotic organisations.
Growth of Expenditure for Naval
aad Military Purposes Dleeoasvad.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. The senate de
voted most of the day to considering the
naval appropriation bill and there was
rruch discussion concerning the growth of
government expenditures for military pur-
rxHS. Mr. Hall declared unless a halt Is
called It will be necensnry for congress to
Itsue bonds or to Increase taxation.
Senators Lafollette nnd Dixon criticised
raval methods and especially tho use of
public funds for construction of a navy
Senator Hale warned (he senate that un
less more rapid progress could be made
night sessions would soon become neces
sary. An appropriation of $12,000,000 Is proposed
for the construction of auxiliary ships,
such ea transports, dispatch boats, cruisers
and scouts that may be necessary In time
of war In an amendment to the naval
bill offered today by Senator Newlands.
The amendment also provides that In time
of peace these vessels shall be leased for
commercial use.
Discussing the naval bill. Senator Hale
predicted that if tho present rate of In
crtase tn appropriations continued It would
be necessary for uu Increase of the rate
of taxation or borrow money. At the
present rate of increase of the navy, Mr,
Hale continued, next year $160,000,000 will
be required and would be $.'00,000,000 tho
year after.
The commltteo prcvlnon to create the
rank of vice admiial In the interests of
Admiral Evans was eliminated on a point
cf cider made by Senator Rayner of Mary
Political C a rest Follows Dismissal of
Kramll Paaha from Poet of
Urasi Vlsler.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 15.-Tlie dis
missal of Kiamil Pasha from the post of
grand visier has caused considerable po
lit leal unrest, and public feeling continues
excited by whut Is characterised as the
desputism of the Young Turks' committee
I'p to the present tltno there have been no
actual disturbances, but yet in some quar
ters of the city pistol shots were heard and
there was more or less of a panic.
LONDON. Feb. 15. The dismissal of Kia
mil Pasha lias created a decjdedly bad Im
pression in England of the atabtlity of the
new Turkish regime. The Young Turks up
to the present time have commanded the
strongest support here. It Is apparent that
the constitutional government is trying to
make believe that the country In reality
Is being managed as was France, during
the revolution, by the committee of union
clothes the nerves, muscles
and bones with solid healthy
It makes' children nigged and
hardy and fearless of the cold.
It fins the whole body with
warmth and life and energy.
People often gain a pound a
day while taking It '
bonata this paper, and we i0 send yea s
"Ceaapkte Haarfy Atau of las World."
and progress-. M.tny members of Parlia
ment are described as vetlng against
Klarail Pasha at the command of the com
mittee and contrary to their own Judgment
The real reasons of he grand vlsier's down
fall are not yet understood here. It Is sn
Interesting coincidence that yesterday's
vote of dismissal follcw-ed by exactly one
month the chamber's unanimous vote ot
confidence in Klamll Paaha.
(Continued from First Tage.)
rate, physical degeneracy, orphanage.
Juvenile delinquency ' and Juvenile courts,
desertion and Illegitimacy, dangerous oc
cupations, accidents and diseases of child
ren of the working classes, employment,
legislation affecting children In the several
states and territories, snd such other
facts as have a bearing upon the health,
efficiency, character and training of child
ren.' "One of the needs felt most acutely by
the conference was that of sccurate In
formation concerning these questions re
lating to childhood. The national govern
ment not only has the. unquestioned right
of research In such vltsl matters, but Is
the only agency which can effectively de
duct such general Inquiries as are needed
for the benefit ot all our citizens. In ac
cordance with the unanimous request of
the conference, I therefore moat heartily
urge your favorable action on these meas
ures. Need of Child Statistics.
"It Is not only discreditable to us as a
people that there Is now no recognised and
authorlttve source of Information upon
these subjects relating to child life, but In
the absence ot such Information as-should
be supplied by the federsl government
many abuses have gone unchecked; for
public sentiment, with its great corrective
power, can only be aroused by full know
ledge of the facta. In addition to such In
formation aa the census bureau and other
existing agencies of the federal government
already provide, there remains much to be
ascertained through lines of research not
now authorised by law; and there should
be correlation and dissemination of the
knowledge obtained without any duplica
tion of effort or Interference with what
la already being done. There ars few things
more vital to the welfare of the nation
than accurate and dependable knowledge of
the best methods of dealing with children,
especially with those who sre In 'one way
or another handicapped by misfortune;
and In the absence ot such knowledge each
community la left to work ' out Its own
problem without being able to learn of
and profit by the success or failure of
other communities along the same lines of
endeavor. The bills for the establishment
of the Children's bureau are advocated
not only by this conference, but by a
large number of national organizations
tnat sre aisinterestediy wonting tor me
welfare of children, and also by the phil
anthropic, educational and religioua bodies
In all part of the country.
I further urge that' such legislation be
enscttd as may necessary In order to
bring the laws and practices In regard to
the care of dependent children In all federal
territory Into harmony with the other con
clusions reached by the conference. -
Legislation la Territories.
"Congress took a step In the direction of
the conclusions of this, conference In 1833,
when, on the recommendation of the late
Amos G. Warner, then superintendent of
charatiea for the District of Columbia, the
Board of Children'a Guardians was created,
with authority, among other things, to
place children in family homes. That board
has made conima'Msble progress ' and Its
work should be stTrtigthdned and extended.
"I recommend legislation for the Dtstiiot
of Columbia In accordance with the fifth,
sixth, seventh and eighth sections of the
conclusions of the conference, ss follows:
"1. That ths approval of the Board of
Charities be required for the Incorporation
of all child-caring agencies, as well as
amendments ot the charter of any benevo
lent corporation which Includes . chlld
carlng work, and that other than duly In
corporated agencies be forbidden to engage
In the care of needy children. This legis
lation Is needed In order to Insure the fit
ness and responsibility of those who pro
pose to undertake the care of helpless
children. Such laws have long been In sat
isfactory operation In several of the larger
states of the union.
"J. That the Board of Charities, through
Its duly authorized agents, shall Inspect
the work of all agenclea which care for de
pendent children, whether by Institutional
or by home-finding methods, and whether
supported by public, or private funds. The
state has always jealously guarded the In
terests of children whose parents have
been able to leave them property by re
quiring the appointment of a guardian, un
der bond, accountable dlreotly to the
courts, even though there be a competent
surviving patent. Surely the Interests cf
the child who Is not only an orphan, but
penniless, ought to be no less sacred than
those of the more fortunate orphan who
Inherits property. If the protection of the
government Is necessary tn the one case it
Is even more necessary In the other. If we
are to require that only Incorporated In
stitutions shall be allowed to engage in this
responsible work It Is necessary to provide
for publlo Inspection, lest the stats should
become the unconscious partner of those
who either from Ignorance or Inefficiency
ars unsulted to deal with ths problem.
Education ef Orphans.
J. That education of children In orphan
asylums and other similar institutions In
the District of Columbia be under the su
pervision of the Board of Education, in
order that these children may enjoy edu
cational advantages equal to those of the
other children. Normsl school life comes
next to normal home life In the process of
securing the fullest development of the
"4. That all agencies engaged In child
caring work in the District of Columbia be
required by law to adopt adequate methods
of Investigation and make permanent rec
ords relative to children under their care,
and to exercise faithful personal super
vision over their - wards until legally
adopted or otherwise clearly beyond the
need of further supervision; the forms and
methods of such Investigation, records and
supervision to be prescribed and enforced
by the Board ef Charities.
"I deem such legislation as Is herein
recommended not only Important for the
welfare ot the children Immediately con
cerned, but Importsnt ss setting an exam
pis of a high standard of child protection
by the national government to the aeveral
slstes of the union, which should be able
to look to the nation for leadership Iti such
"I herewith transmit a copy of the full
text of the proceedings.
"The White llouae, February 15, 1." '
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 15. (Special Tel
egram.) Sterling P. , Majors and Miss
Blanche Bly. both of Lincoln, were married
here today by Judge Spafford. The groom
is a nephuw ef Thomas Majors of Peru.
vert ml ng
Better, Biser That's what ad
in ' The Bee Sues tpr your
Jury Considering Destiny of Edna.
. Kennett't Assailant
t'eeatf Attorney t iters "cathlagf Ar-
Slabaaaa Arajaee at Length Ia
sanity ( Defeadaat.
The Jury Is considering the destiny ot
Van Wilson GooJell. It was given the case
at 5:50 yesterday afternoon after listening
to the instructions of Judge Sears and to
one of the most scathing arraignments of a
prisoner at bar ever uttered In the Douglas
county court house. County Attorney Eng
lish urged the desth penalty for Goodell,
"Let It be not said that a Jury of men
who love and revere their mothers, who
love their sisters snd have their safety at
heart, failed to administer the severest pen
slty of the law."
"It has been a grave, this rase for
the prosecuting attorney, It Is a graver one
for the Jury since in my recollection thero
has been no murder case In this county
possessing the stroclty snd brutsllty that
this one does, and I hold that thla man de
serves desth and nothing else."
Refers to Thaw aad Halas Cases.
Speaking of the defense put up English
referred to the Thaw and Halns cases and
the "unwritten law," and pointed eut the
difference between a husband's svenglng
his honor and the shooting down of a girl
in cold blood. With regard te Judge 81a
baugh'a frequent references to - Goodell's
love for the girl the county attorney grew
grimly sarcastic. "Counsel does not need
to argue the attributes or characteristics of
love. Ws know what It means. We shall
not bs fooled by any sickly simulation.
Does he take us for a lot ot mawkish
school boys?. A strange love Is ths defend
ant's, as the result of which this girl has
been in her grave six months. This man
may sit In front of this jury and shed
tears, but a whole ocran of tears will not
wash from his hands the stain of Edna
Kennett's blood.
"When it came to the attack upon Edna
Kennett his purpose was definite; his hand
steady. Did he kill himself? Why In God's
name is he not dead! A scratch on the
forehead! He held the revolver close
enough to her to make sure. Powder burns!
There were no powder burns on him."
Goodell's narrative on the stand of his
engagement to the girl when she told him,
he said, that she had given birth to a child
this was characterised as the work of "a
ghoul, who not content with taking ths
girl's life, dragged forth her body from the
grave and paraded It In the market place."
Calls It Blarkealna Character.
"Was it necessary for him also to
blacken her character after he had killed
In closing English again urged the
noose aa the fit punishment for Goodell.
The county attorney began speaking at
3:46 snd concluded at 5:40-o'clock. Before
him Attorney W. W. Slabaugh had used
all the time of the defense,, and his asso
ciate, Charles Foster, did not spesk. The
insanity of the prisoner was argued at
length by the senior counsel for ths de
fendant, and to this question the county
attorney also devoted considerable time.
The courtroom was jammed throughout
the addresses, which began with that by
Assistant County Attorney Louis Piatti in
the morning.
Attorneys for the defense receleved a let
ter, after they had closed their ease from
a man In . Tripp county, S. D., saying that
one, a former employe of the Loyal hotel
who knew Edna Kennett, should be sent for
and that he knew a great deal about the
rase. The letter concluded with the some
what large promise that this witness could
clear Goodell. In the event of conviction this
newly" discovered testimony will be pleaded
as cause for a new trial.
Five Possibilities.
- There ars five rnstiibilllles with regard
to the Jury's action, as follows:
A verdict of guilty with the desth penalty
A verdict of guilty with life Imprison
ment favored.
A verdict of murder tn the second de
gree. . .
tAi verdict of acquittal.
Disagreement. k.
(Continued -from First Page.)
7,000 poles sre down. Trees and telegraph
and telephone wires were also broken la
southern Illinois.
ST. PAUL, Feb. 1. Railroad trafflo
throughout Minnesota was badly blockaded
tonight as a result of a snow and wind
storm. Trains on all ths lines are many
hours late. .The tracks sre reported as
rapidly filling with drifted enow, and even
more serious conditions sre expected to
morrow. '
MILWAUKEE, Feb. 14. Snow to a depth
of about a foot fell In Milwaukee and
vicinity last night und today. The street
railway company in this city ha been
using snow plows all day to keep traffic
open. The Snow Is drifting badly. Rail
road trains are behind schedule time.
Iowa Trains Are Late.
DES MOINES, Feb. 14. Ths worst storm
of sleet In years struck Iowa laat night
and has continued unabated for twenty-
four hours, seriously crippling transporta
tion and doing an enormous amount of
damage to wires. The thermometer has
Black or Blue
Thibets or Cheviots
Made to your order with am e)ts
pair of Trousers of same "iOE
or striped material genanf
Still including aa extra elr of
Trousers with your suit order with
out extra cost.
Our Spring Fabrics are juef. beginlnf
to sprout forth like a surprise party
of Crocus under the snow.
,. HM1 Bouth hi
On Business or Residence Properties
- No commissions to pay. .
No renewals required. . . ' .
Interest rates reasonable.
Loans repayable in whole or in part any day. ' "
Prompt attention in all cases.
Building loans a specialty. ,
The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n
1614 Harney St., Omaha. '?
Geo. T. Gilmore, Pres't Paul W. Kuhns, Sec'y,
been at sero all day and tonight was stead
ily dropping. All railroads entering Des
Moines sre reporting trains from four to
ten hours late. In the northern part of
the stats there was a heavy fall ot snow.
DETROIT. Mich., Feb. M. All ths upper
part of Michigan ta tonight snowbound, a
trackless expanse of drifted, swirling snow
and only a wheel turning hers and there
on the railroads, where crews are battling
with the snow. Hundreds of miles of track
ars covered with deep snow, while spurs
and branches sre literally burled.
Tornado la the Heath.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Feb. H.-Two peo
ple were killed and seven badly Injured at
West Point, Miss., thts afternoon in a
tornado. Another report says a man at
York. Ala., was killed. The wind In Bir
mingham was accompanied by a heavy rain.
The storm appears to hsve swept over a
number of Alabama counties.
LEAiRND, Miss.. Feb. 14. A storm struck
this place from the northwest at I o'clock
this afternoon with terrific force, blowing
down a negro church, killing Mrs. Richard
Harris and Mrs. Msggte Bennett's child and
injuring eight or ten persons. About
seventy-five persons were In the building st
ths time.
Thief Grabs Haadbaa Containing
3,800 anal Rashes from Mil
vraakee Bank.
'MILWAUKEE?, Wis., Feb. lS.-drabblng
a hand satchel contsining $3,800 belonging
to a big department store, a daring thief
today made his wsy out of the First Na
tional bank, East Water and Wisconsin
streets, with the loot snd escaped detection.
The robbery was committed while ths at
tention of a messenger boy for the depart
ment stors was diverted for a single min
e fie
Table d'Hot Dinner $1.00. very evening 6 to 8
Blatter Special Tuesday, Tebruary 14, 'Off.
Soup Mock Turtle aux Qulnelles, 16c,
Half order, 10c
Consomme Macedolne, It,
Half order, 10c.
Fried New York Counts and Bacon, fac
Steamed Finnan Haddle Delmonico, 40c,
Half order, 26c.
Labrador Smelts, In Crumbs Tartar Sauca
. 40c, Half order, !5e.
Baked White Fish Point Shirley, 40c.
Half order, 24c.
Boiled Halibut, Sauce Hollandalse, 40c,
Half order, 26c.
Boiled Smoked Tongue and Brussell
Sprouts, 4 On, .Half order, 26c.
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus, 40c,
Half order, 26c.
Domestic Goose. Stuffed, Apple Sauce, 60c,
Half order, 80e.
Fricasee of Chicken with German Noodles,
40c, Half order. 26c.
Bresded Lamb Chops a la ltallenne, 40c,
Half order, 26c.
Celery and Apple Naiad, 5c.
Shrimp Salad, 26c.
English Plum Pudding, Hard and Brandy
Sauce, 20c.
Vanilla Ice Cream. 10c.
Aasorted Cakes, J 6c.
' -I
BOYD'S otnaT FEB. 21st Hir
Kit Erltnesfs Mlf-St? ProSMtloS
ec Sdaan Day's OrMt Orena.
-Oreittst. Ornst. Mst OlaHoes e
, . an w ultra PUrs.
rauoasi ase. too, 7 so, si,
Venules, We. Mat, ate te BL.
tOTASvSS ivaimiui ,
Ma. Bver? Day Beery Might Sill I
tl. dor's Miniature Clrcue. Atlclaie 1'iin-1
lap r ratik Moirorniaca, ana . umponj .
Madge Fox. A. O. Uuucan, I.Clatr all J
umpaon, Pro.nk White and Le Blmiuun.
J or Lj b'lr. Klnodrtnnt...
Plkueav-lOu. Itq and 6vo. .
1 iou. King's TMew Vereion
The greatest Emotional Drama of ths
prevent generation:
rnurfc "IVe- STewe Toe Late te Meaa."
i. ;..g ?.-Ljg 1 . an
IHM'lHi'IRMIIVi' "' -,
ute. Discovery of the loss caused a gen
eral alarm lu the bank. A hurried exam
ination was made of the corridors, while
others rushed to the streets to secure sight
of the thief, but he had vanished.
Daniel Sullivan, aged , the messenger,
wus sent to the bank with two checks, one
for 18,800, the week's payroll; the oilier for
$300. At window No. 4 he had the check
for $3.8fl0 cashed by the teller. The buhdln
of bills and pltts of silver were slipped
Into the small hand satchel. Then Sullivan
turned to window No. 3, to have the check
for $300 cashed. He allowed the grip .with
the cash to escape his attention for a mo
ment, during which a stranger grabbed
the grip and left the bank unnoticed..
"The pay roll Is stolen." cried BtilUvan,
giving the alarm to everybody In the bank.
Immediately search waa started, .. several
running1 to the street crying robbery and
looking for a man with a small grip, about
sixteen Inches long. The search, however,
failed to reveal the thief.
Barney 'Marah of Des Molars Fall
Debts Arooant to .$.'104,000,
Assets U4,410. '. .v' ..
DBS MOINES, Feb. 13.-Barney Marsh,
president of the Marsh Bridge company,
filed a petition in bankruptcy in the United
States court here today, scheduling, trsdit. .
ors to the smount of $304,000, while his as
sets were placed st $31,418. The principal,
creditor is ths Aetna Indemnity company
of Hartford, Conn., ' for the amount of
A week ago the company was placed
in the hands of a receiver. Bridges are now
being constructed by the company at , .
dosen different points In the country,
smong them being Waterloo, la.; Peoria.
III.; South Bend. Ind., and Dea Moines.
Meal Tickets Free at Hanson's
Every person who takes a meal at Tolf
Hanson's basement restaurant may guess
tho number -who visit there during the
day, Kvery day the nearest guess wins h
meal book.
Toll Hanson's Lnich Room
The moat attractive, brightest, airiest
and most economical lunch room In Omaha
Meal Book Free at " fp
Table d'Hote Dinner
Every Sunday n4 Holiday
Reaches the Live Stock Men.
Tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday atat, Wednesday
The Comedy Drama
Thursday, IrMay, Saturday Matlaso Saturday
Ths Stirring Southern War Drama
Mary Kill la Title Bois. rorwuus FBICE.
TeHir vs'r solas to speak tt tnat on fMtnre
la "The KsoaS-Up.' It aiay mm a iatle oae
ta ro wbra yom road about It h.r. But Mtora
roil iutf toe K at BOYD'S THEATER nut wms.
Th tvrtaln goes up on tho thirS set showtna a
eondwful ta Artaona "lbs tane ef 'bo
iHd thins. " Morn is breaking. Tba mountains
ana oanroaa atratcb tnilaa and mllea aarar, ab4
la sural twilight. A burst ot applauas srao'a it
marvaloua stono. Than tba Is a'lle.
for wary one's heart Is In bis moutb. From a
Siaif b.liht an Indian oa horaaback comte 4i-s
ths mountalD ODothar a thlro a hM) Vtba.
So narrow. 00 dangaroua tho path a aingl mia
at.p would plans lb r1dr aad horaa i !"
ttarnltr. Wh tho Uat Indian baa aoaroiortuitF
aarompllahtd thla thrilling, dangaroua daro o
ta. mountain atfb of rallaf goa up and J
harrovad tMllnga of tba audtauc (Ind tt in
thunderous applauas.
S i I II I f Is ! J 1 inisl
l-hortea: lou 10. Ind A-l0S '
aUtiaees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
The Nfw l.rrilnB V oiusu ;
"Aii-or-A-sjuDDsiH rzoor"
Meat Week "lino."
Batra Maimee Boat Monday, Washing
ton's BUthday.
"ATriplhrouflhSpaIn,,: T
Lecture, illustrated with stereo utli of I
and moving iilctiires, by C. W, li.Mt
TIN'. Tickets at Manlber, Ow'
Drug Co., and Megeath's '