Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1909, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Be:
An Erroneous Eastern Impression
Salary ef Secretary of State ii Re
duced to Eight Thousand a Tear.
Senator is Now Competent to Sit in
Taft't Cabinet
Twenty-Six Republican! Vote Against
it and Thirty-One Democrats for It.
Bill Admitting? New Ntilft and Ari
taa esarete Stair Gaga
Tereasa Hesse Wttheet
Dissenting Vste.
WASHINGTON", Feb. IS. So far aa con
grrsg Is concerned the constitutional bar
to tha seceptance by Senstor Knox of the
utat perl folia In tha Tsft csblnet. wss
removed today, when the house passed tha
bill reducing the salsry ef lha seeretsry of
cute. Tha bill at Trot was defeated
through the failure of twa-thlrds of the
members to vote for it, but It waa brought
up a second time under a special rule and
passed by a majority vote.
. Without a dissenting voire, the bill grsnt
Ins separata statehood ta Arizona and New
Mexico also was passed, was the bill
providing for uniformity In car equipment
with safety appliance.
Mr. Capron (R. I.) announced the death
of his colleague, Mr. Granger, and the
house adopted resolutions of regret. As a
further mark of reapect a receaa was taken
at 6:3i o'clock p. m. until tomorrow at
11 a. m. '
Km Bill Is Passed.
By a vote of VI to 117 the house today
passed lha bill removing the bar to Sena
tor Knox's eligibility for the office of sec
retary of state. This was the second vote
of the day on this measure, and the two
were separated only by about two hours'
time. Tli first vote was taken on the
bit) under general order for the suspension
of the rules, and under that order, accord
ing to tha standing rules of the house a
bill must receive a two-thirds majority to
inaura Us passage.
The first vote stood ITS to 121, the ma
jority thus falling considerably below the
two-thirds requirement. Immediately after
this result was announced, tha house com
mittee on rules met. ' This resulted in Mr.
Dalsell's bringing In a rule Braking It la
order for the house to again take up the
bill and act upon it under conditions which
would require only a majority vote to
pans It.
The opponents of the measure did not
cease their antagonism which, on the pre
vious consideration, had brought out a
number of sharp criticisms, but Immedi
ately demanded a roll call en the previous
airrMlc on the adoption of the rale..
Mr. Olmttead (Penn. con leaded -that the
bill does not accomplish an evasion of the
conciliation. Among' several other pre
cedents. Mr. Olmstead cited the case of
Senstor Morrill of Vermont, who was ap
pointed lseeretary of the treasury.
In the opinion of Mr. Williams (Miss.),
who opposed the bill, that waa the only
reputable authority alluded to. Senator
Morrill, he said, had beea confirmed
through senatorial courtesy, which ha said,
"overrules all bars constitutional and other
wise." The bill, he declared, was "a clear,
plain, palpable, obvious and manifest case
of evasion of a direct and expressed con
stitutional consideration."
Mr. (lark (Mo.l oppoeed the bill, saying
congress was making Itself "tha laughing
Kluck of every intelligent man on tha face
of Ood's green earth." He referred to a
ismous expression by the lata Tiro
Campbell of New York, who had said,
"What's the constitution between friendsT"
snd uald that if the bill under discussion
ttiould pass, Mr. Campbell would stand
Justified as a constitutional lawyer.
In adding bis voire against the Mil, Mr.
Ca ulfleld (Mo.) declared that It waa a caae
of constitutional Jugglery or legtalaOv
The debate ' wss closed by Mr. De
Armond (Mo.) who argued for the passage
of the bill. .
Both rartles Divided.
Twenty-six republicans voted against the
bill and thirty-one democrats for it. as fol
ios si
Republicans Against Bede, Minnesota;
bitdsail, lows; Caldarhead, Kansas; Gary,
Wisconsin; Caulfleai, Missouri; Chaney,
Indiana; Cook. Colorado; Denby. Michigan;
Fuller, Illinois; Gilhsms, Indiana; Hayea,
California; Kuestcnnaa. Wisconsin; Lind
bergh, Minnesota; McColl. MessachnssetU;
MeCreary, Pennsylvania; Mann, Illinois;
Marshall. North lakola; Miller. Kansas;
Burdock. Kansas; Nelson, Wisconsin; Nye,
Minnesota: Prince. Illinois. Roberta. Mas
a'hui!riia; Stafford, Wisconsin; Waldo,
New York, Wheeler, Pen nay Ivan ia.
lrnucrat For Adair. Indiana; Bartlett,
Nevada; Broussard, Loulaiana; Clayton.
Alabama; Craig. Alabama; Crawford.
North Crollna; Le Armond. Missouri; Fits
gerald. Ntw fork; Ooldiogie. New York;
Hackney, Missouri; Hammond. Minnesota;
Howard. Of orgls; Humphreys. Mississippi;
Johnson. Kentucky; Jones, Virginia;
1 .sac Iter. Virginia; Lee. Georgia; Lever.
Sojth Carolina; Msynsrd. Virginia; Moon,
Tennessee; Rahdell, Louisiana; Richardson,
Alabama; Robinson, Arkansas; Small.
North Carolina; Splgbt. Mississippi; Sulsar,
New York; Taylor, Alabama; Touvelle,
Ohio; Watkltia. Louisiana; Wiley, Ala
Lama, and Wilson, Pennsylvania.
Jesse Itrsag Will Art la (alt ef
eett MaeBeraelds Aaalast
GIT11R1B. Okl.. Feb. Ik-Judge Strang
t the t'nlted States circuit court here te
as y announced that he would not render
his derision in the suit brought by Scott
Mai.1i j nolle to recover certain papers,
seised recently y order of Governor
.Varies N. Hsskell and bearing on the lat
ter s suit for libel against William R.
Hearst, the New York editor, until tomor
row morning, owing to the nor. arrival ot
awyere interested. Tuey ertaed documents
containing evidence collected upon behalf
of Mr. Hearst.
Jew wlit-hhearw at xa.ktea.
YANKTON. 8. D- Feb. U.-tSreciel -A
h'g centra ct wss I'M here Saturday sight
by the Iadspendent Trlet-hone company ef
thia elty. Numerous rerreeeatativae from
outatee firms were here, as tha contract
M fc SU.0r A a Oiue flrai Waded the
alum. bka was for new switchboard.
Taeeaay, Feeraary J, Io.
1909 FEBRUARY 1909
sun mom tue wed thu ri $t
2 3 4 5 6
9 10 II 12 13
16 17 IS 19 20
? : t WXATXn.
VICINIT, " Tuesday, with slowly
rising- tern ".: " -l
FOR Nl TA Fslr Tuesday, witn
slnwlv risir. ...perature.
FOR 10Wi-Generally fair Tuesday, with
rising temperature.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday;
Hour. Deg.
S a. m..
a. m
1 a. m
11 a. m
IJ m
1 p. m. ......
2 p. m. ......
p. m
4 p. m
5 p. m
p. m
1 p. m
p. m
p. m
Missouri sttorney general aaks that the
Waters-Pierce Oil company be barred from
the state, because the company, while it
paid the fine assessed, has not cut
loose from the Standard Oil company.
ra'a 1
Storm has moved east and telegraph
aires are badly crippled and business at
a standstill. Pare 1
President sends to congress conclusions
reached by the recent conference over de
pendent children. Tf 1
State of Iowa presented with a portrait
of General Weaver. W. J. Bryan principal
orator on occasion of acceptance. Pap 1
Unidentified man stabs a number of
women in Berlin and police department
unable to secure a trace of hlr.i. Page 1
Eleventh anniversary of the blowing up
of the Msine remembered by fitting exer
cises at Washington. rag's
Senator Myers, republican . of Rock
county. Introduces a bill to guaranty bank
deposits. Some figures on the benefits
ef the terminal tax lam-. rag's 1
Traction lines at Lincoln are merged
into a 13,600,000 corporation. rap 3
Grand Island Is making; great prepara
tions to entertain the Nebraska Press
association. rags a
Grand Island man wins first place for
Nebraska spring wheat at National Corn
exposition, grain inspectors, laboratoriea
and millers declaring It to be flour best
adapted for light bread. rage 10
Real estate dealers and others who
would invite foreign money to Nebraska,
propose te make mortgages exempt from
taxation la fact, without causing holders
the - trouble ef . dodging the assessor.
Retail hardware dealers of Nebraska
Open aesslon at Hotel Rome and exposi
tion showing all the new things of the
trade at the Auditorium today. rage
Sam Hoff thought Commissioner Brun
Ing waa his friend up to the last moment,
and now he weeps for him. as Brunlng
voted another fellow into office. Page ft
Goodell murder ease in the hands of
the Jury. Face a
ooanaxmczAz. ajto xmuTxA&.
Live stock markets. rage
Grain markets. rage
Stocks and bonds. rags t
voTXatxsrrs or ocxajt rrxvAxaxrrs.
ArrtT. Bailee,
Ktrw TORK Tarsals..
KSW YORK. u rul......
BUI Gees e Garerssr Brdy( W he
Has Aaeeaaeed He Will
Blgra It.
BCUSK, Ida.. Feb. It The local option
bill passed by the senate last week waa
accepted by the house today by a vote of
J3 to li. The bill now -goes to Governor
Brady, who has announced his intention
of signing It. Under the terms of the bill
county commissioners of any county are
required, on presentation of a petition
signed by 40 per cent of the voters, te order
a special election to determine the question
of the sale of Intoxicating llquora.
Haa Beea Tnree Ceatarlra.
GUADALAJARA. Mexico. Feb. 16.
Jose Guadeloupe Alcala, believed to be the
oldest roan In the world, haa just cele
brated his ISMh birthday. Alcala was bora
in this city forty years before Mexico be
came a republic and has therefore lived in
three centuriea.
An ounce of fore
sight is worth a
pound of hi nd
sight, The time to
have dressmaking
work done prompt
ly and well Is when
the dressmakers are
not busy.
There are a dozen or more
dressmakers, whose advertis
ing you will find under the
head of "Dressmakers," on
the want ad page, who would
like your work. The time to
have your work done is now.
Don't wait till warm weather
until everybody wants the
dressmaker's services. x
You like to deal with people who
want your trade not with those
who are indifferent about getting
It, Tboee who advertise show the
want trade and will take care to
bold H by good service and good
I I s. m.
1 1
President Sendi to Congress Conclu
sion! of Recent Conference.
velt A eprevee Stateeaeat Call.
alren heald Be Kept with Is r
eata Where I -after Are
Worthy Deserving.
WASHINGTON. Feb. IS-rreeident
Roosevelt today sent to congress a special
message recommending certain Irgilatiea
requested by the conference nn the care
of dependent children, which met recently
in Washington, and transmitting to con
gress the proceedings of the conference.
The text of the message Is as follows:
"On January aV3C IKO, there assembled
In this city, on my invitation, a conference
on the care of dependent children. To this
conference there came from nearly every
state In the union men and women actively
engaged In the care of dependent children,
and they represented all tbe leading relig
ious bodies.
"Tbe subject considered is one of high
importance to the well being of the nation.
The census bureau reported in ISO that
there were in orphans tea and children's
hi,nis about 9S.W0 dependent children.
There are probably 50,000 more (the precis
rum her never having been ascertained) In
private homes, either on board or In
adopted homes provided by the generosity
of foster parents. In sdditlon te th -as
there were children In Institutions for
Juvenile delinquent.
"Each of these children represent either
a potential addition to the productive ca
pacity and the enlightened cltisenship ot
the nation, or. If allowed to suffer from
neglect, a potential addition to the de
ttiuctive' forces of the community. The
rarlis of criminals snd other enemies of
seclety are recruited In an altogether undue
per portion from children bereft of their
natural homes and left without sufficient
lvatlea's Interest 1st Children.
"Tbe interests of the nation are Involved
In the welfare of this army of children no
less than In our great material affairs.
"Notwithstandinr a wide diversity of
views and methods represented In the con
feienoe. and notwithstanding the varying
legislative enactments and policies of the
states from which tbe members came, the
conference, at the close of Its sessions,
unanimously adopted a series of declara
tiors expressing the conclusions which
they had reached. These constitute a wise,
cotstructive and prorressive program of
child caring work. If given full effect by
the proper airencies. existing methods and
practices In almost every community would
be profoundly and advantageously modi
fied. "More significant even than the contents
of tbe declarations is the fact that they
were adopted without dissenting vote and
with every demonstration of hesrty ap
proval on the part of all present. They
oerstltute a standard of accepted opinion
by which each com n-unity should measure
the adequacy et Ms extstirg methods and
tc which each community should selc to
cenfortn Its legislation and itc practice.
Keyset 1st Hesse I.lfe.
The keynote of the conference was ex
pressed In these words:
"Home life is the highest snd finest prod
ust of civilisation. C; lldirn should not
be deprived of It except for urgent and
compelling reasons.
"Surely poverty alone should not disrupt
the home. Parents of good chsracter suf
fering from temporary misfortune, and
above all deserving mothers fairly well
able to work, but deprived of the support
of the normal breadwinner, should be given
such aid as may be necessary to enable
them to maintain suitable homes for the
rearing of their children. The widowed or
deserted mother, if a good woman, willing
to work and do her best, should ordinarily
be helped in such a fashion as will enable
her to bring up her children herself in their
natural home. Children from unfit homes,
and children who have no homes, who
must be eared for by charitable agencies,
should, so fsr as practicable, be cared for
In families.
"I transmit herewith for your informa
tion a copy of the conclusions reached
by the conference, of which the following
is a brief summary:
asaaaarr ef Ceaelaslene.
"I. Home Care Children of worthy par
ents or deserving mothers should, as a
rule, be ktpt with their parents at home.
"X. Preventive Work Th effort should
be mde to eradicate causes of dependency,
such as disease snd accident, and to sub
stitute compensation and lnsunnce for re
lief. "X. Home Kinding Homeless and neg
lected chiluren, if normaL should be cared
for In fair. I! lea. when practicable.
"4. Cottage System Instltutiona ahould
be on the oottagw plan with small units, as
far as possible.
V Incorporation Agencies caring for
dependent children ahould be Inoorporated.
on approval of a suitable state board.
"a. Stat Inspection Th stats should
Inspect the work of sll agencies which
care for dependent rhiloren.
"1. Inspection of Educational Work work of .nstltutiops snd
agenciee caring for dependent children
should be supervised by slats educational
. Facts and Records Complete his
tories of dependent children and their jhlt
ents. based upon personal investigation and
eunervlaion, should be recorded for guid
ance of child-caring agenoiee. ,
". Ph steal Care Every needy child
ahould receive the best medical and sur
gical attention, aud be instructed in health
and hygiene.
"Is. Co-operation Local child - earing
ntendea should co-oprraic god establish
Joint burrs us of Information.
"11. I'ndeairable Lgialation Prohibitive
legislation against transfer of dependent
children between stales should be repealed
"It Permanent Organisation A permed
nent orgajiism.loa for work along the lines
of these resolutions Is desirable.
"IX Federal Children a Bureau Estab
lishment of a federal children's bureau la
desirable, and enactment of pending bill Is
earnestly recommended.
"14. Suggest special message to congress
favoring federal children's bureau snd
other legisistiun arriving abovo principles
to Iiistriot of Columbia and otner federal
redeeal AeUea Asked.
"While it is recognised that these con
clusions tan be gives their fullest effect
only by the action of tbe several states or
communities coacernad. er of their charit
able agencies, the conferee o reuuested me.
ia section 14 of the eonoloskMis, to send t
you message recemaoendiag federal ac
tion. "There are pending In both bouses ef
congress bills for the establishmtnt of a
children's bureau. L a., senate bill No.
an and house will No. icev. These pro
vide for a children's bureau la the Depart,
saent ot tbe interior which "shall investi
gate and report upon all matters pertain
ing to the welfare of children and child
life, and shall especially investigate tLe
qnesUona ot infant mortality, th birth
(Continued on Second Page )
1 15
fitw 'AJ 22h
From the Los Angeles Dsily Times.
Missouri Attorney General Aska
Outer Decree Be Enforced.
Mar Insist Mere Evidence that It
Haa Revered Relattwam with Treat
Cem pa y lsya Fine and
Files Aeeeotaaee.
grounds that the Waters-Pierce Oil com
pany of, Missouri tiaa not oompHed with tbe
ouster decree of the supreme court of the
state In an answer filed this morning.
Attorney Get oral Major this afternoon
filed with the court a suggestion that tbe
ouster be made effective against the con
cern. This course was agreed upon after
conference between the attorney general.
Governor Hadley and former Assistant At
torney General John Kennlsh, who assisted
Hadley In the original presentation of the
case. The action of the attorney general
will be based upon the fact that the com
pany has not furnished satisfactory evi
dence that it has severed relations with the
Standard Oil company. The conference be
tween tbe state officials followed a talk
between them and Henry S. Priest, attor
ney for the company.
Henry P. Priest of Bt. Louis and H. Clay
Pierce, chairman of the board ef tha Waters-Pierce
Oil company, today filed in the
supreme court of Missouri an aoceptaaea of
the terms Imposed upon th company by tbe
reoent ouster order of the court. Ths fins
of 160,000 was paid.
The ouster decree provided that th com
pany must show to the court that It had
asvered sll connection with the Standard
Oil company ami a atatement te this effect
msy jet be required by the court.
Judge Priest, however, ssld that he be
lieved todsy's action covered the eas so
far as the Missouri corporation waa con
cerned and said he did not know of any
thing more that could be done.
Payment of the fine was made by a
tender of a certified check for 150,000. The
acceptance is silent so fsr as showing a
reorganisation Independent of the Stand
ard Oil company Is concerned snd there is
no showing that ths Nsw Jersey corpora
tion does not still own SO per cent of the
Waters-Pierce stock.
It is said that the Wsters-Pierc com
pany will ask th court to aid it in carry
ing out he reorganizstion order portion of
the decree.
If this Is don a contest between the
Waters-Pierce and Standard Oil Company of
Indiana is almost sure to result, th latter
concern having petitioned the court to have
th majority stock In th Wstsrs-Pierre
company, together with other Standard Oil
property In the state, placed In the hands
of trustees representing the company and
the stale. This plan ia not acceptable to
the Waters-Pierce Interests, who aaaert
that It would not free them from the dom
ination of th Standard Oil company ai
required by the original decree in ouater.
Kebraskaa Prlaelsel seavker at fa
Telling ef Monsmeat ef Fwrsser
l'esellst Leader.
DES MOINES. Ia.. Feb. U.-Witb William
J. Bryan aa the principal orator and th
Iowa legislature ss an audience a unique
event took place at the state house today
In th uneiling of a portrait ef General
James b. Weaver of Colfax. Th portrait
is the gift of sdmiring friends to the slat
historical department snd the occasion Is
th snniversary of ths sttark of the Second
Iowa regiment upon Fort Donnelaon. of
which General Weaver waa a member. Th
unveiling took place in the nous chamber
st I o'clock with Governor B P. Carroll
presiding. Mr. Br an a poke for an hour
pea the patriotism ef General Weaver,
with whom he had been associated for
twenty years. Ths portrait Is a llfe-aiaed
painting and is ths work of Char lea A. General Weaver waa, preaent
aa th guest of honor of ths Iowa legisla
ture. This evening a banquet wit! tess
place te further honor one of Iowa's notable
Teat re Flerea la City ef A rape lee,
Mex Baraed faaday Ameri
ca as Ananas; Victims,
MEXICO CITT, Feb. IS. Three hundred
people were burned to destb yesterday when
tbe Testro Florcs of the city of Acspulco
was destroyed, several Americans being
among the victims. The telegraph office
was .burned and tbe news of th disaster
baa just toers received.
Gerssaa Capital Aroesed by Fiend
ish W wrk ef Seread Jack
the Ripper.
BERLIN. Feb. IS. The mysterious atr
tacks upon women on the streets of Berlin,
recalling the notorious "Ripper" cases of
other cities, continue. Five women of the
working class wsre wounded In the city
and the suburbs yesterday, while this
morning the wife of a merchant was
wounded by an unknown assailant.
None of the woman waa seriously hurt.
The first attack occurred in the Moabite
quarters at t o'clock yesterday morning on
the open street. ' The assailant stabbed his
victim in the upper part of the arm. An
other .woman was wounded in the thigh
yesterday forenoon in the northern section
of the city. At I o'clock tn the afternoon
a girl was attacked In the eastern section.
She wsrded off the blow with her hand,
which was wounded. In the evening tbe
"ripper" attacked a butcher's wifs tn the
suburb of Hohenschoen.
As it was, the blade of his knife broke
against the woman's stays. The assailant
then beat his victim unconscious and she
was found half an hour later and taken to
a hospital. Later In ths evening the wife
of another butcher was wounded in the
thigh in the western section of the city.
The attack on the merchant's wife occurred
this morning in the southern part of the
city. Tli e woman was wounded in the
thigh and hand. A second attack today
was made an hour after the first, on a
servant girl, by three young men. One of
tliera stabbed her in the abdomen. This is
the fifteenth attack since th outrages be
gan. The police increased the reward fur
the apprehension of the eassllants and
special orders have been Issued to protect
women walking alone.
Celerade Harrier Will Take rk-erellaTe
te Leadvllle Dlsarwlaed and
ia garret.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn . Feb. Ia.-Fsarlng
that accomplices may attempt to hold up
the train, Frank Sherrliffe will be returned
to Colorado tn eecreL Shercliffe will be
disguised in such a way that he will not
be readily recognized and accompanied by
Sheriff Dwyer and a deputy, the trip to
Leadvllle will be made. The object of ths
mystery surrounding the departure of the
prisoner la In order to avoid a curious
crowd gathering at the station when he
leaves Mlnceapoha or his arrival being
heralded at Leadvllle. The thing most
feared, though, is that Bnercliffe's depar
ture may be known to friends and his ea
rs p planned.
Mexican Government Beads Treses te
Search Oat the Meetllc
MEXICO CITT. Feb. 1.-Lleutenant
Alejandro Berlin has been ordered with
fifty infantrymen to peneterale the terri
tory of Qui nana Roo and locate the Maya
Indians who hav been attacking settle
ments snd small detachments ot soldiers.
Ten dsys ago ths Indians attacked a small
detachment of soldiers and yesterday they
killed another between th villages of Ban
Isidre and Noxra, and captured a number
ef mules carrying army provisions.
Jeba Mitchell Mart la Cedjlsleau
Mitchell, secretary of the National Civic
federation, was ahghtly injured in a trol
ley ear collision todsy. He proceeded on
his Journey to New York after his wounds
were dressed.
Telegraph Serrice Interrupted and
Train Delayed by Sleet
ladlanawella Isolated Except frees
Seats, and Omaha lees at. Panl
W ires te ChlrwseW rather .
Clearing; la, West.
CHICAGO. Feb. 1. Following the ex
ample of January's bllsxard, the sleet
storm which haa tied up the middle west
Is moving eastward, leaving suffering and
destruction m Its wske. In Nebraska the
temperature has fallen below aero snd In
Texas It is unusually cold, and It Is feared
there will be heavy loss among cattle.
Tbcusands of telegraph poles are down In
Missouri, Iowa and neighboring states,
while passenger trsffic haa been badly
hampered by a heavy anowfall In Minne
sota. In Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and
Ohio similar conditions prevail.
Unlike Its predecessor, howe-ver, the
present storm has not taken toll of human
life, although the cities visited report the
usual amount of suffering among the un
fortunate. The middle states east of the Mississippi
and the gulf states will next feel the full
fore of the storm, which is scheduled to
hit ths Atlantic region tomorrow. A cold
wsve is in prospect for some dsys in
the northwest.
One of the serious results due to the
billiard Is th demoralisation of street
railway service in the cities and the tie-up
of Interurban traffic throughout the coun
try. Indications are. however, that the
blockade will be speedily lifted.
South ot Chicago ths storm cut a clean
path through the wires. A message to
reach Indiansnolis from this city had to
be snt via Albany, N. T., Washington,
back to Cleveland, scuth to Louisville, and
then north to Indlsnapolls. Uetrolt was
reached by way of Toledo, and Cleveland
telegrams followed the Albany-Wsshlng-ton
route. Messrges to Des Moines. Omaha,
Lincoln, Bt. Joseph and Kansas City were
sent by way of St. Paul.
new Blerkavde at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITT. Feb. li with a tem
perature of 1 degrees above aero snd
snow still falling, Ksnsas City today
faced the second blizzsrd of the winter.
During the early hours today street cars
were at a slsndstlll, while telephone snd
telegraph service was almost demoralized.
All railroads entering tbe city reported
tblr trains many hour behind schedule.
In some parts of the city the prevailing
strong wind had banked the snow Into
high drifts, while In other parts tha side
walks and pavements bor no svldenc of
th storm.
Reports received by th local weather
bureau today show that snow has fallen
all over the southwest. The temperatures
have dropped from SO to to degrees in
forty-eight hours.
Hoaever. the weather is clearing in
western Kansas and whils there mill
probably be a further fall of several de
grees, the worst of th storm is over. Th
following temperatures wers reported:
Dodge City. Kin., z below aero; Okls
homa City. I above; Amarlllo, Tex
Fort Bmith, Ark.. 12. ' '
Meeteea Below at Norfolk.
NORFOIJC, Neb., Feb. li.-Tbs mercury
stood at 1 below aero here this morning.
This Is th coldest since February lkot.
Two inchea of snow fell yesterday.
High wind drifted ths snow in places,
rendering train service between Sioux City
and Norfolk on the Omaha road again 1m
possibl for a day.
Wind and sieet la Mlaaeerl.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. H -Delayed and Inter
tvpted telegraph dlfjatclies received here
tonight tell of a heavy sleet storm north
srd west of Bt. Louis. The storm first
started with a rain snd waa followed by
vleat . which carried many telegraph wires
and poles to the ground. At Keokuk. Ia.
a hurricane blew down th towers on ths
bridge across th Mississippi river and an
wires wr broken. The same condition
prevails at Fort Madison. Ia.
West ef Bedalin. Mo., it is retorted that
tContinued oa Second Page.)
Senator Myers of Rock County Fa then
the Latest Measure.
Not Complex in Character and Simply
Amends Preaent Law.
Some Fig-ures Presented on Workings
of Terminal Tax.
Heme District ef Maa Who Weald
Repeal the I .aw Bear fit Over
Thirteen Theasaad Dollars by
Its Irevlaleas.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, Feh. li (Ppcrat.) Senator K.
L. Myers of Rock rounty today Introduced
a bank guaranty measure which la the only
one so fsr put before the legislsture by a
republican. It haa been carefully drawn
snd legal advice was taken. It provides for
a guaranty fund with only such ' other
amendments of the present law as are nec
essary for its incorporation Into th bank
ing law. The present deposits in state
banks. Senstor Myera ssys. amount lj
about aA.000.ttno. He does sway with ths
examiners' fees and provides they shall be
paid out of the guaranty fund. He figures
the extra expenses will smount to about
30,onn a year. He provides a fund of one
eighth of 1 per rent levied scml-snnually
until the fund reaches and then one-
sixteenth of 1 per cent until It rescues
$1,000,000. Ths tax will raise HE.000 a year.
lie provides In th bill that th fund shall
st po time be less than 116.000. Mr. Myers
made his campaign on a bank guaranty
Hew Terminal Tax Werks.
Before the legislature passes the bill by
Snyder of Harlan repealing th terminal
tax law It Is ponsibls Mr. Bnvder msy htsr
from some of th towns and villages In
his county. The terminal tax law Increases
the railroad property In the towns In Har
lan county $7.3 net. Why Mr. Snyder
ahould seek to compel the taxpayers of hi
home county to make up this amount by
reducing the railroad values that much
cannot be figured by an outsider. The fol
lowing table shows the towns in Harlan
county ' affected by the operations of the
terminal tax law, the new assessment under
the terminal tax law, the old and the In
crease and decrease:
-Ass'd Valuation
Ter. Tax. Old l,w. Inc.
Alma S S 4K6 f I. ami 1
Orleans l ent 1
Oxford 14.M0 s tun
Republican City li(7 je.X JJ49
Rug an 4.0K 4 SM 134
Stanford 4.1MT t.liA ul
Total increase. $13.931 ; total decreass, S4fe:
net Increase. 111.46. total lecreas en full
valuation, !7.I3, ' ,
Aaatast Repeal ef law,
"There isn't the alightost danger in the
world that the bill for tbe repeal of the
terminal taxation law will get through the
legislature," said Senator Ransom toduy
when he was asked his opinion about the
"I don't know who has introduced the
bill," added the senator, "but you may say
the entire senate delegation from Douglas
county will be against Its repeal."
"I am against the repesl of the law,"
said Representative Thomas of Douglas also
and the remaining members of the house
delegation were said to be of similar mind
by Representative Connoly.
The bill was Introduced by Representative
Snyder of Harlan, the home county of Gov
ernor Shallentwrgor, but it has not sttslnad
the dignity of a party measure yet, though
the re ti road Influences are said to be plug
ging to get It before the members.
Frlead of Demb Animals.
Taylor of Hitchcock hsa blossomed out
as the friend of dumb animals, and In tbe
house today he introduced three or four
measures tn their Interest. In H. R. 8M lie
provides agslnst coursing or turning loose
any dumb animal for the purpose of al
lowing dogs to chase It. H. R. 385 provdes
a penalty for any person who leaves a
wounded dumb animal In a public place to
die. H. R. SM provides for the car of
dumb animals Injured In rs II road wrwka,
and H. R. S87 forbids picking fowls while
still alive, and II. R. 3SS provides a san
itary and humane cago for the shipment
of fowls.
Doable ralft for Unrein.
Elmer F.rown Introduced in the house to
da ya bill providing for a double-shift fir
department In Lincoln. The Lincoln fire
men are behind the bill and it Is a copy of
th Ouiuha bill passed two years ago.
Takes ekeldea's Advlrs.
Case of Frontier Introduced a bill In the
house providing that before tnsrrlag
licenses shall be Issued applicants must
have a certificate from some physiclaa
stating they are not afflicted with tuber
culosis or sny metal or physical aUneaU
Thia is in line with ens of the reoemmen.
datlons or Governor Sheldon. Case is a
Cats Salary ef Desatles.
The fiuance committee, which practically
completed the aalary bill this afternoon, re
el ui ed the salary of th deputy secretary of
sate and the deputy state superintendent
from 11.800 to SI. M0 annually. Th engi
neer at Milford Industrial School as de
creased from ISO te PK a er. and the
farmhand was incressed from SMv to S4JV
a year. The assistant atate veterinarian, at
Exti a year, waa cut out. The tw bookkeep
ers tn the office of the land commlalonr
were Incressed from SI aSO to 11,100 a year
each, and the recorder in ths Sams office
from tl,ta to S1.W0. and two Clerk were
cut ouL Increasea were made In the ap
propriations for tlx district and suprera
Judges in secordsnce with the constitutional
(toi'Tite motctuiNui op senatbt
Baaalag Heelpreral Demarrag Bill
U la rsaw.
LINCOLN. Feb. 16.-8peclaI.)-Tb senate
today paeerd the following bills:
8. F. 71. by Banning of Csse Reciprocal
demurrage meiuiure.
tS. F. 101. I Tanner of Douglas South
Omaha rli.rler Mil.
8. F. LB. by Oliia of Valley Providing for
physical valuation of railroads and public
service corpursiiun property.
S. F. 1!. by Miller of Lancaster Pro
hibiting high school fraternlrlea. Keaaoiu
of lougias snd Randall et Madiaun votsd
in the negative.
S. F. l-i. iiy Miller of Lancaster Bryan
scliool of rltiaenkhlp bill.
S. F. KT1. by Bulirn.sii juleting title to
some lota In rH. psul, K-b.
S. F. II. by King of 1'ulk Lit easing U
carrying of itrcaruia.
The following bills were Introduced and
read for tbe first time:
8. Y. m, bf Tibbets f Adams-Penults