Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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city Kins
awe MM
Edncim j-m.ifr. i
r a
lt Tarsaia.
"id i -Tne tam TlB-aoA""
'l " M. tX aaty. mufw. Omana.
at. "'"n. :Z rirat Natifmal bsnA 1
buildtn. Is Wlakina ml awtala laaaeaa wit 1- I
out demy and ii terms very favorable
ia the NHirou ev. '
" Loaa Aa a fr'na en to "-.(-a
ani dJwideoda of per cmt. Bnatd ef
Trade FW
Tw Money aad TtMtklM ta mmti
deaarsm box ta til a American (t-'t Ew posit
YaaJta !n the Bee baaiidia. i renta a
nam. r. C Hamer- prideat.
ATww Treta aa Caa Ca aea Tag Bock
lalaad baa es-taabliahed a daily ttranat car
aarrlca. thrwugh OmaafcA betwewa Chicago
and Caiiaraia during tbe coaoaiat ea-
fonrta f the parlea of lectures at Temple
laraei will be -lv"a Tuesday awning by 1
S. W. Martia aa - Trt Through Spain. '
Tbe loctarw wUl ba m-jetrated oy at ere-(
opt ansa aad moving pict-nre viewe.
a. B. aa-adlaw la tha agent af tmt- new !
nmty aaaaiid nvtrnt statics af tba Uai n
Paeine. wafc opened Monday tor
baateaaa. Thta tuubi is aa tba Lane
rat aft, wbwia it tram Thlrty-oeeond
inra, eeata af Hanacoai park. The
rated ta? and from tha west beyond Juiee- '
burr wtti ba- tha nn aa ta Onto A
lowor- rata ia made cm lor-al baaioeaa.
Wevtbaaod tniu Vo. t. i and i i a.-
Mattmal and wtu atoa at .
Thli tj aacaiat avaooa aa f!a.
tba "Op" am tba uw Tha a4
vat af a "littla poUtman" iu rat.
brata4 Bf mmubgra rf tfi polica forta
Baturdar. Tba arri-rai la a lif'r '
bar t ta bonta af Pmcralmaa C. bL i
Piotta, i'li Sartb Tblrt r-atxth wtrr-rl. A
joll'Ccatiaa a-rvr tha rrent bad Uia Tart
iriat boJ nnbr and child ar aotad
atoairVM bald ax tba polka rutioa rm
lerda; aftcraooa by tba aCTicara aa tne
4 a tlpt-k detail, uf which Offlcar P!otta
la a member. .
nrat aMbaajaai laapii i na Cab Tba
' Fira Buburbaa Impwwmm club bin
1 acted affbaara far Oia Tr and ta raadr
ior a aaaanai af art; worm. Tba aawly
tnrtad fflcfrt araii A. C. Harta, pral
drau Srtaa Wriaht. firvt vice araaldant.
A. W. Totws. aeouad vfc e prraidrat; R. k
Hpbart. mwrdinc awrMarT; W. U.
Braadv aarrapaatic aocretary. and I-i.
Z. OaiBiB. truaaurar. - The next nUDf
af tba cHib will ba held at Bradaard
ha!t ny-Zoxn5 aad Pine kny atrta.
Wadnaadar avanina. Fabruaxr 'I'M
tha worm for tile cata:nc rar will t oui
iord. TvatYt Bamej aad Tar daara t&a air
paaaaaa. alopa tha trrttat n la tha throat,
aoadiaa tha tiiflmnad varnbraaaa, and tha
oat ebatlnata cavgit itlaappaara, tora and
taTaaaad lunss ara" heated asd atrntb.
aad. and tba eoid ia aspallad from tha
arataaa, aWfaaa bar but tba gaaalna la tba
rilvw packaam old by ail drasdM
ra C
ta Oaaii
Aaapt. aa af
rtaa a it a.
Fndar maisf. Ftona-y Uta. Mr. JUpa
Oarkaoa of Chicati. wUl lectora oa 8paa
lb Art." at tb JTir Canrrr!. lonai
' fharcb." Xloataaatb and CaTtnaart atiweta.
Mr. Claraaoa ta ma af the lomnoat por
trait pain:ra ia tha United SV a'.aa. Hia
iactura will ba s:iva ander tha aoapauaa af
tha Canaan Society af Ftee Area. Hia Ire
turaa tat aaatera ciUaa hav been a traawpd
aua aurraaa. and Uua audety is ta ba aia
carety eoncrntaiatHI hi aecunnc kin for
ana af tbatr apaaai ra this year.
1 His portraits ha-re bcra exhibited with
mat ancceaa la New Tors. Boat on. Waab
tnstoa. Cairacn, Loadaa. and other dun.
Mr. Otarlee M. KUirtx. diracnaT cf the A;
bricnt art aailf mi af Buffaio. rafora ta hia
pomnA ef Jtr. E a. Keith af ChKaan. aa
one af the finest portraits In the country.
la a rarent aahiMtSna at tba Aibrbxnt art
cailpry. this portrait af Mr. Keith was con
i- l
ndered tba ftneet ana aorwtthatandtRs; tba
faot that tbora ware Ova by amrcnt. four
b- Oiaaa, aa wU aa partraita by Beesrwitii.
Meirtmra, WHea, Btnaon. Da Caatp. and
Tba 3law Tork Evening Past ia eoB-iuaeut-tuc
ea one ef bis portraits is a i at eut ex
bibttiaa ta tba Cochran gmDery of that ry.
ptaead Mr. CTarkaoa la tba aaaae daaa aa
net seat.
Osm af bib portraus aAibitad reoeatly In
London ax tha Intaraarmnal aeadioa. was
referrad ta aa a work f unosuai dlnusc-
Ccred by Lydia E Pfck
hm's Vegetable Cccpcid
Ifrskfrata'l VayXdiUs CwsapoaBwl bad
r'waa baa mew arc.
woSxnA. tat tan
femra artTA aedosis
f'Bavte trwnbsM, taw
flstaibrtop. jces
lua. iatLfejsaoa.
nerfwoaxtna, ni
COuld. BaH aialX
Doctors fa jam
rp, as tbj mid mj
t I wera
chroaio. X wts ta
apaUr.AQiddU aot
cbto wbachrrl Urej
mr wbev 1 read Abeat LfdlA .
PtaJtBava Tavetbtai Compwuiia ; aa I
aeya to tiXa tt, aad an ajua and
raa4 t aH irf auiTertae airs.
Ceo bos' Jowot, fcz ao. UArisoo. XJ.
L?la . Plrk fain Vegatabat Coza
ponrid, Bada rrom BAtifa root aai
aarba, contains Bo tarrjetlcd ar aarav
fai aran, aad to-aa" hilil tba racorm
f r Uaslargst bumbcz a artaal care
af frmala iiAaaea wa ksav af. and
tibpaaaadaef antarytrCBaffBiatra
o tia ta Uia PixLtisja laboratorr at
Lynn. )tia., front ymfi artta aava
aea raxd fma almost erry funa of
faaiaJa corxpiAmtA. iuami&AUoB, al
erAtion. (JiiiAormrntAl broKltuajon,
IrreiTiLiAnu. pm.nC painA, taWkAc ba,
tnaSidfcaaom ad wraoua pcxiatzaUaav
pr7 suffertf a-oiEAa avaa tt ta aer
aif va jna Lj-La I f-m'i Vcsft.
taiia Caapound a thai
U ywei nvanald lia sptaWtl aJrlrw
bamt Twvreaaw arrita a ra-anirm
tiai letxrr ba Jlra. Pt&iAAai, at
-Lymav, Mam. Hr aalrla. 1a tram,
avad aiamjs atili
r. umioall.
t i - -i umm.i . n
whaiibe win m doisc
I- C. A. TLar Last raity ia. tat
014 ttaarttn.
'ease ra rsttw, aj., fai ads that
rtmW W
a Loaa, tw two aaltrr
rMI. t -aafcrr Wasew Pawd
Sap a" tee Sre- Hepe
rslenl gt on basque', ta a
rt'-ea by the muibe-h:p ci'nlfe Xondar
events;, rvbraarr ri will probabtr t tie
"t party tha Teirrs Wnrn i Clviniu
aaaociatkm wUl hid in tts ytant r"ni
rn the Pbximi Murk Aa a f.ttir.s; fs-eweii
to the old a-uai-ere. ef wiik-h -h nn-mbrr-bip
nan Kaa ea saany pleaaant ntrmor
a in aptta ef the :ak of apace and ail
conreniencB. the party wiU be aa rnjiif
able aa tba youna woaoen can saae ,'t. AH
who ran bave been requested to coma :n
eoloaaaU cat time, and t-lere wiil be a pr
SrssB and a anrial enire (aiiowtr.a the
Tper Ail mensbe.a ia ..a e se.-ared
aaa new aw ar. with i.e-r new ntn
fcer. eiij.bte t aMend. !t rs inipM thai
the new building "1 1e radr and fur
a.b4 for ecmpani-y by ilie add:e of
Mar-h. and March IS a 'he da set oa
wnjch 1; is hoped la ceieurn the raimai
The lnontLjOn a librmrr trognatttee A
maiilna every tlSar. ta have next T'jea
day jieid a rbstajMial addttian ia the li
bra -y for the new building. Requests have
been jwuca ta ail inmdm at the asaoria
toa aad all otbera iaterated to look ever
their book aiieivea and set aside such rl.
utnea aa they bare enjoyed and fsel tbey
raa paas on for ine esjoj-nneni or toe belp
af amseone eise. H to exjjresBly stated,
however, taat u.i does not mean .be
bosks thsi are aarreiy m tba war. This
appeal is auuia because the aasooatjon baa
aot the fusos to buy auch baoka as il de
srs for its library sad a list of some A
tba books that wruid ba acceptable jas
been made oat and may ha had upon d
Quiry. Tba new library will include one
coOamaa for drrulaUon and another one
for reference parpaora. The library is one
of too haadsonaeet rooms of tba new build
in, and win be open ta members and
several eeeniaaa of the wees-
ateeaaaaaeaded ta Oaba.
The fotiowina rwwn mebdatioa from Lbe
MassaohussUa fnderaiioa may weil reLtn-
the rareXul consideraUPn of clubs in olaer
la trlew of the protection afforded by
taw tlnre rood in, June. lSwt ana of the
efDeent fupfrnawo maintaines bv the
tate Boa:d f Hesjih rraarduis the i-hem-ical
pirt.y ef our f tha iure Food
Cmamtttee of the State federation feeia
that the e"re:eet ee fjr work is aooa
tha line i aaniiatjon af fjoda. Wa tuere
fore auaae the roiwwng topica as es
pecially wortar of consiatrauun bj- tie
"am of our clubs:
The axpnsure ef meaia ia our maikets
ta dost, flies snd unciria nandlina.
The traneier af bread and pro
ducts traa soop ta coasumor without cov-er-na.
The unvni.Ary eond.uona af our auda
The aanaers ef the apes fruit stand.
wbe dates, figs, caacura. are eftea an-
C'9'. ei eu.
The use of the enmnxm drinkina-cup at
public fron:ens. in aur scnouis. and oa
The milk supply related:
'- To supply In aeneral.
a. To MeaicAl Milk eomm.ssion.
Resardtna aanitauoa af foods n hae
found pracLH-ai ta many piaree ta
nuke out a "white list." and urge club
members to pstrmiise those deaiers who
bars adopted special aad reasonable swans
far tba mora perfect aatnitaUon of tneir
Cwods. This has proved n s"rat hnnetas
ta dealera who Ktr allowed tbemselres to
becoma careieos.
Recardinc tha milk supply:
a. i la tne cow aeaitiiy. and cared far n
cieanly surroundinas sad by cleanly at
tendants T
b. Is the milk "adulterated" or ns "of
artod standard sua ity ' aa defined by stat
ute Ail work should bs done throne") the !o
eai bealtii offire'. la case there :s no
Voral ofeicor. then tliroue; t-'te cunty cora
Buaraner. the Stale Board of HeaMh tny
be cald upon. The officers apprec
ia'a ponlie mtersi and intelligence.
Many Hubs or individuals ro-op-ersted
with phvsiriaaa of tlielr topail:;.- to
gaji:ae a medical commission. ;..t
pure milk msy be euppbed to infajua at
aa ordinary rata. This has appaed tn
ciub emenea and their beipars as most riral
aid in i'i saa 1 1 work
Along uiese diverse aa aroused
eniis;itened and tarn, public opinion is the
tning most needed.
Tha comaurrea has alaa ereated a depart
ment ta explain ta our housekeepers ua
maanlng af uia labels required by law lo
ba piat-ed upon many provteiona.
A mm lai afa.
The program of the Mander afternoons
meatina af ihm Women's club will afford a
dtrob'e a-tracnon. Governor and Mrs.
Sriletiberaer will be g-Ja;s ef the club
aad the goreneor will deliver the addreaa
of tha afteraooa on ciil serree teform.
TkiS will occupy tne usual buaiaess hour
and wiU beapn proroptiy at Z o cka-k.
The proaram bour will be ta charaa af the
masaral oepartaient and tha pinrnta will
bo presented by Mrs. Edith Wagaer. pi
sskst. aad St mm Btsnrhe SjtemKm. roo
traltn. arrompanied by Mwa Marion Ward.
A hzBebeoa will be tendered Ooeemor
and Mrs. Sailenberrer st II Sr. st Han
sons", the emrhr bour hevlng bean necce
sary to scrmmodate aJl wfte have spplied
for resa.-raCf-BA.
Tba literal ura departmani of the Wom
an's dub w II huid its next meeting
Wednesday. February H. at ia a clock.
Mrs. Langfeid. the leader, ia charge. The
lesson of the day wll be a pun Israel Zsng
waJ! "Onee Lausm. " M a. p. T Cuie w-Jl
a'ea a psper oa -TSatigweil e Duai Plsa
ia tba Bhort Storv." and Mrs. J. W Akun
will review one of Zangweil's booAa. A
class dmcaaaioa w:"l take place on iae
short stones: The Mi treat 3 ave, " and
"Merely Mary A-tia," aad Mrs. Aibcrt Kd
bolm will gjve a readica-
A tablet erected .a ts OrtAgna bouse in
Wasbing"B. D. by the United SLat-
Dubters of 1813 w-Jl be atti wi4 WedTMe
day of this week aa a memorial ef tiie
Sign Mia of the treaty ef Ghent. The treaty
msraait tha closuna ef tie war of Udl and
the tablet is put ia place by tbe rstncl
of Calumbta chapter of toe national ao
eiaty Tiie Women a ChnotAn aaan i .ajria
win huid its regaiar maaung Tueaday
msrsina at a ('oak at Lue Toung Mn a
liaigaalaailea mt std CkarMy
Is tne ralendar ef stomas CattK la St
Tlwent d Paul is xxjm pat.-wo sa r.t of
cbantabia people aad aanst af tba cbantabie
organ asartsna mi the ehurt-h ta this country
bear tne sum ef the fa mans a post! af
the saw r- Is yeatra past wbaa the c-UieorU
pariak of SC PbUontona embraced tbe wtw t
city a braaeb af lis eooety fluuxiatied tn
Omalia aad was asaaoas and aoiably hwiprui
ua reik'S-mg djsrresa. As tba parent pansn
from oass ta thee and
aa old eraaanartwa
gradhatJly diaoslwad.
Thai wmter Tha axed sf a at. Tmcaax de
P-i cas y was manifaat and aae was
aua-kiy farmod. It ta i sialism 4 af Cat sat--
la: .a fruni aB atxtsnaa. lia
la raiiees the laurb aa psiatnj,
of creed or exlar. avtaa opanai muisi
te fa ewn foiiowmg aad fiMwitm wtth
other rha-tabie (Mwi-es and tbe hwHt ra
helping wonky poor
Te a"'U,- trena t. rirr -m Ita work
:ie!-iy t.-e arw-er haa arraag-d a s've
an iliuetratej "ef'-jr on R.rne by Pv
P A" HrJ" em M Su P"t-r a rhurch at
freight :n uniTersitT auoiUTTum rx
Wednesday e-.-enira. Fatlier M'-Orvem
ient tie t:.t part pf U-T in Riie
and a fara.llsr with the history and tredi
tiens of the eternal citr. A large number
of p'Turs of t,e jld jind the mixi'msed
city will he hown.
Tir kers csa be pra nrd ei the t-o'1
a-jK.itriUT5 op t nist cf the leitur cr
ftcm inr ef the offVrt of tse
St. Vmiem .ir Fajl society: Prea-der.t.
Lr-o HofTmsn; rut rrident. Jarrn s en
mai ; f i r-tsr-;-. m !l!)an Werki'Sct: trss
arr. W. P Lvnh.
CoJIMe alt Owe rsHawlaa awd
Three People Are I a
J seed.
Coriracnor A. G. Anderson and Motor
man Ed. M--e-ii:h wre raaxing a car up
the DcoA" atrer i hi.i about 7 JTi iaai rignt.
Te cur i; w wak or the h ara aw?
had nr ainei .'ting eis was wrong, for the
car slid backward and collided an
other car foilowira wtairli had S. E. Blue,
for ffondtittor Ad a jiottiraia Banned
Lojis Harris was :arding on fn rear
p.atfonn of the first car and attempted
to a.gial the cwtormai of the car behind,
but te gt h a w:rta crossed end the e
cioent resulted. Harris was hurt shout the
hip. and internal ir.Juries are feared. On
the second car Mrs. Lixne and bar
grand daughter. Miss Camilla Maiken. ware
injured. Mrs. Maiken sustained severe
sca.p wounds and the young woman was
badly bruised.
Cr Pinto attended "he vct;m 'o were
aflerwara settt to their homes. Harris
Irr-S at 2TB1 Oiarles street, and af - Ma. ken
and her grand daughter li at J M'iilta
Georg A. Witt"h. chief clerk in tbe sup
ply deiortment of Fort Otnsha. has in his
paaas asion an md telegram sent to Fiesi
dent Linroln frotn Spring-feld. T1-. is May.
SbSL asking permision fcr one W. Philips
to organise a regiment for the federal
army. On the teipgrain tn President Lin
coln a awn ia the endorse
ment :
"I rhink tJ e natne ;a Ph-Ha. I know hint
t-j He a g-nod man. P-eferred to tbe War
department A. Lincoln."
Mr. Warren came into poaaeston of the
teef-am while overhauling some old
reciUs in the War deparrmi-nt a numoer of
years ago. while he was employed -here.
A nurnb-r of oid caper of no value had
been gathered np for destruction snd this
telegram was among them. Mr. Warren,
seeing Psdent linc-oin a signarura at
tached t the telegram, preserved it and
naturaHy new prises it very highly.
Life taws Boadaae
ta rt'spenaia. Hver complaints and kidney
troublea is needless. Electric Bitters is the
giaranteed remedy. sit For sale b
Beaton Drug Ca.
Bed Mew Tesea aa rsasiaid Aaswac
(he Sadatem at Fort
CoVor.e! J G. Albright, narional orgaaiaer
for Uve Imprev-d Order of Red Men. has
recenUv completed the organisation of a
tribe of tiist order at Fon Crwoa among
the members of the Sixteenth Unit ad States
infanirv. Preparationa are being made for
tne inaiailation of t he loegw on uia evening
of Fehruarv li. when the dearee team of
Waahaaie ml-e No. 3 of sVuth omahs
w 11 pBrti'-ipale in tha exemplificauon of
tns work.
Mystic WaenVers of tbe W or Id.
On Mjtvisv eiening. February Alpha
lodge No. "US and S"uth -mans kaige No.
ITS snll iio.d joint seeslon in Fraternity
hall, whicn will he fn.kiwed by a social
eniertiunment. Supreme Master 1. Roes
Mi'kev of Macomb. liL. will Be present to
lnitiste s cla of aev-nty-flve. A number
of prominent hraska fraternaiists will
addiaaa ui meeting.
Aaeteat wraVer raited Warkaea.
The driH team of North Orrises iodsre Nj.
!: will gtve a mask haj in Washirgion
biX bnaaiT evening F'oruarr Pr:sa
wili he awsrded f r tne best cosruinea. his-u-ricai
and charactenstir. The following
rwmmittees wij have cnarg'" af the aff aii .
y'mi tsin Henry Hempen. )r.. and Lieutensnt
G- E. Pheltis in -harge. Reception oomnall
tei : C EL lion son. U Srwuie. Ray ("leve
'and. Floor i timinirtee : F. R. Ktnkenon.
. H. K-pilogg. H- A. f hrwart. W. J. Himi.
R Swara. j. Hmbt. ir.t L. Jcotson. Bd
wsjd siaiSfr. C A- CartiT. M. Mr Andrews.
C. L. Anderson. K. La Yarn s. Door commu
ter. Tom agnrr. J Lonie'n. J. J. liugbea.
i'l.ln a few weeks the installation -t the
Leval rvjer of Manse, s new put rtnier
nsi argsnisaTion. win taae place. A epetiaJ
train fram Chtrngo will bring a deiegatioa
of upwards of lo ef l'e fsluifui. irt iuoiiig
former eVna.or W. K. Maaoa. who is owputy
siipreme d flat or. and s nrass band of t:iirt
ymna, a large number of Omar. a nien oavs
been ecixiiiea as chsner members of the
oiorr and Organiser Oanmr-a'tsm places
tiia rapeciati ca oa totai menxtaran.p of I
lor tto toca Kicge. 1 1 is piaaned to provoe
a ispscioua Miwiae home :n tmisha witn
wli -quippd luuge rooms. The hmi luaga
will be known aa Omaha lodge No. INi
esal Aebaie.
XTajon lodge No. lie Id an ope a meet
ing FriOay wnn aatM".ng. cards
aad lefrrsaments. A cosss of twenty-ae
randidaira mas icitiaied at a recent meet
ing by t:e org, siaXT. under the dirortion
of Capiajn Rackley Xrrangementa sre
besag made for adding K new membess
unug the f-rst six montns ef Mae
( lodge No. 1 at its meeting Tues
day n'.gt.t loos up the matter ef tsu reusing
the m-mbe an:p of the longe in order tjiat
No. 11 enouid not get iua Wg a stsrt ef
No. 1. A -amnaisa for mem tier baa al
ready been suu"Ud.
Coiumoian "i' ie anteriAined lis memo s
and trienas wttii a card parry Weaneoasy
mJ .em oca a: Parian ralL Prisaa were
awarded aevorai memtiera for tfteir akitl
aa card piayra. Tha nrrie will be swst
enterta aed Feomary It by M a JaaaeS
Fttxaeraid and at: a. Joiia Maaaey. at tne
Ps-.i hslU Twetuy-awcjcd and Binae
streets. THe affair srli bs in the sal are of
a Weabing-ton a bi-tnday party.
Osnana Lodge No. Til Fraternal L'nloa of
Anter-v-a w;il nvet Tjeadas ever tr A
Ttia 1 Bited San.aa-Anri4-AB War Vet
erans aua.liaiT No. ) will gtve a card party
n Par M nal! February f m boovr of
Waamngton a turtiaay aad Uie boaseeom
hig of tne fieei.
F-mcilffe cast la No. oM. Rural K
landers, w :1 enie'ta-a ita memuera and
fnenoa with a aawe nei Fridav
in Frat-mtty ha!'. Niaetirenui and Harney
(IBI..1 rort No. 91 T-ibe of Bet Hit
at la meetig M'Uiuay at ' heard the re
pon ef tne otaaa bail ommntee. w an t
mdMiaies that a-1 ai rangemems are com
parted and a number vf attractive pnars
bseo beea prwuied for
tieorse Cruk s ei Gra-d tut ef the
Repatitic and (,s Wmjn a Relief Corpa
will itn ora: A t,,n.. -n birt.-iday Fi
auf eeeninat. Ftb: oajy If. at Uie post haJ.
Twenty-fourts and tint- ir. Tuie
prograta will be g:ea. aW.g. "Ajaerirs.''
Bwttnia bv Mra. J-a.e k Lit; mua.c by
tba Morna tne. readaig bv af as Reea. va
ra) auaa: song ay Mjm La-irm SUii .a its ciaas
ef avys ana giria: sow tr slra J. 1 Aa.
sakr. soarees fri' IL. C. Bidder: mum my
" p IwjiMns "Ttncoaa s tiettysaura Ad
dreaa." Lata Tsoev.
Haapaiiaa eon ampat Nuu 1 IsaVpea
detit l r f i MUi 1 ..owa wil ewee 'at
iJHon Rme df-ar-e an fnurteen tana'rtana
iawraay eea;-at
sHaia ittae a. IB Inanandect Oraer
ef 4d fnusi. m ul jtava
; otatlwa awed by aTsaanelaal
j la Paas i sslsa of m a
j A. Warre-au
euMtaeaa j
Xidwiatcr Actintiet of TtnoTis Ldi-
cabonal Lut:tationi.
aaewHre Dtee-owataa af KlarHr
(at Wasspeaitro .Tewaa of fcaa
awd tea pwtaare la W la
ewoala I areerotty.
Today a . usner day at :.le S.Jte uni
vrs.ty when the r jden.a aad lrnda of
t.e mstirution W-..1 obae; u,. oth tnni
ermary cf the tourjdir.g of the schaoL
The dsr is a w.ji made s boiidry when
the university keepa open house and inv:ic
a 1 friends to inapaci. Uie equ pment and
ach experiments In t.-.e laborsioriea ta
how -j br:ng accornr.shed. This
year a special iavlta:ion has been extended
the membrra of the legieiauire to make
t-ip tnro-jgh the builtllrtgs on the csmpus
and at the farm wliere a full explanatiun
will be r vn of the vartoue coursea of
st idy sad the'r practtral appllcaM'tn. Tbe
mrmbe:a liuring the mes".g nl Uis ailicj
agricultural sorieiies took occasion to visit
the state farm srboo s and were unanimous
'n the belief tie wo:k dmie will rsull
ta advancement of the agric-tiitural inter
eats of the state. The midwiaier com
mencement and conferrtng of deg sea .a a
feature of tha charter day each rear.
Follow-ng :a the deta-led prog-tam .'er
charter day.
Meeting of the Board of Regnta.
-.ia p. at Ail depanmeota of Uie on
verajry open to the punuc
Music by tha urorersiiy band. Grant
Memorial he il
Peretiin rfi diill.
l:'A p. m Annual uitloor athietii: contest.
Grunt Memorial hail.
t p. m. Midwintar coromem-emeni
T'ie Tropie.
?mcg wuartet Selection a ,1wa:i J.
Wjt. f?nn vtoiin: M- Bm-e, Harrieoe.
se.wd violin. M- WTlIism wis k. vioa.
M mm Lillian Eirhe. viotonceiio.
Invocation Rer. Han-ey H. Harmon,
enaolain of the evenmg.
jnprano Solo Selected Mrs. Ernes B
Consnt. Charter dse sddrees. "4 Coming Ansroe
raT. " rr iClieiT W Dim. dan of tiie
colic ge of Uterat ure. science aad the arts
of the university.
Conf-rrina Of degrees.
Kltltll aOlstLKHML
Prellaslaairy Trtala fwe Me
la De-bartaa Tea as.
The storm of Monday and Tuesday, which
did considerable damage to severs! build
ings in Kearney and adjacent ctmntry. left
tne school building Intact II ass tno-ughX
that owing to the extreme ctid the butidtng
w-vuid be kept heated only with great diffi
culty, but there was no need of extra efT.vrt
in this respect. Dnring the entire two days
a i oiufortsble temperature was msintained
in ai the rooms.
Eh". W. A. Clark went tn Hastings Thurs
day, where he delivered an addresi brtore
an Assembly of educators upon the subject.
"CWleaw Life as a Prepare lon for Servtae."
Dr. So!on L. Towne of i ons ha. president
of the state aeeomatxm for the prevention
of the pred of rubercniosis. addrcsBeil
tiie stmlrnta and fa'-ulty on Wednesday
and Thursday. His talk was along grnrral
hyanerrtc lines and was listened to atten
tive ly.
Tbe preliminary debates pr-or to the con
test with Peru normsi are be;rg held this
wet It. Three debates have been held and
cne more Is yet to be held. The judges
sre Prof C. X. Aaderson. Prof. George X.
Purter and Miss Gertrude Gardner. The
crntestajita are A il T Hani hem. Margar?
Peteraon. MAbH Kj-k. Clara Jjdy. Minnie
BlBT.chard. Fanchon Phillina. Bulaa Ward.
Mabel Morraca. Fred Adama. Lrm J-nes.
Orel lie Johnson. Roscoe C Sammons.
Amiiony M. EAsterting. Herbert Mark ward.
Ralph Dug-da. e. Joseph Tenaer.. Louts
Kaniach. Wai'er Fiatier. Ra'.ph Mans and
J. H- Sieariy Four boys and four gtr'.B
will oe sele-t ed by the juugee. the fourth
of each to serve as subiitjie
Splriraal I'pllft applemeats feralar
I Bnrsettaa.
An important tntsmonary meet.ttg was
bell at the Grand Island college January
m. Just before the close of the first semes
ter. The purpose ef the meeting was to
interest Christian young people in rriseion
arv work. Roe. J. M Moore of Boston.
Maaa.; Rev. H-nry Wil!.a.-nA D. D . of D-
Mnhiea. Ia.; Rev. D. D. Proper of Onatu
and Rev. C. B. Pttphcna of Kemrnei.- fcavt
addressrs oa vainous phases of rnsiruction
in misslDns and auasisa work. Theee ad
dreasrs were hrlpf.iL
Thursday Februarn- 4. was tiie day of
prayer for colleges at La srhooi. Srvrnl
asoecngs ir preparauon f jr the day of
prayer were beid oa tbe evenings previous
to February A These nieetinss were weil
ai tended. Rev. L W. Corey of Fremont
preached tws most excellent sermons on
February A The attendance at these ser
mons was voluntary and nearly ail of the
stiadenia were present. The spiritual uplift
resulting from the two arrmoni wss
Friday. February L. waa vber--d by
memorial serrvea ia honor ef Abraham L a
eoln. Joge Arthur G. Wray delivered the
Til- sex-end semester began Tuesday. Feb
ruary S. A fair propirtoa ef new students
put ia their appearance oa the day of en
rollment. ewa frwsa ret a araial.
PEHU. Neb.. Feb. IA 3tecisi. a A com
mittee of fifteen from the leg.slatu e vis
ited tbe normal ts detertntne what :t
needed in tba way of appropriations for
this biemuum. They were sell plessed
wna is being done oarre and pri sed
the use of the money which haa beea ai-Vow.-d
tii. a institution m the past. It is
generally thought t-iai the proposed ad
minaatratioo buildina bill will he passed.
A special eeostoa ef the etuderti was
cailod Saturday morning so that tha ooa
auttee eo-uid see tbe ecliooi aa it is seated
ia the large, new cnapel building. At Ui.a
aesavia I H-'Fsatmaa of Frankiia oounty.
Fred Hector of Nrtnaha county, and T. a
Majors of Neaaana county delivered ad-
A eery hotly contested game ef basket
bail waa paayed ia the normal nanaaum
last evening bet waea tbe anrmaJ boy a
team and the ft rat team of Tabor coilega.
the game reajlted ia a snore of a) to l ia
fjvor of tne normal.
Tlao ff.h of the pre.:ut-nary debates wia
ueid Fnday The eueeuua debated
waa: "Rrsiaived. That tbe NebraaaA LaAts
iature Snocld Pass a Law Gua--aaie!cg
Bank Depuaitors Against Loan" The fol-
brwma apeaAeia diacussed tne euesuoar
AfrirmaCve. C. W. It noil. A. J. H il snd
ta-a JenAtnst negative. W L. Host, Eunice
Fora-uaua and J. A. Eaatwead.
Ttae exfcuiiva cuaociut of tne Peru
Faraasrs i aula. a baa ouaapaMed Uia paana
for tba pi eg i in afcacb as ta be bead bare
Faaraaxy M. The prcaTraaa ia aa fuCowa:
Lnsorarnaa. Raw. L. A. H
Xor-mai ouartcc: address ef
dent, C F baa-A. .aaiMaaaa. a E Faraer.
Ma--AeC Bg FruAa." Ras H i IUna: "Tiae
Bnsy Bee." 1 W. dc.-irc: "Farm Psaiitry."
B. Raajters. rberaaig-hlared A aVrsaa." '
Oaarans CiaaA. "Tba TraiA AiasvA SW1 gm- t
ti;.ty." L. S. Hermo. '"" t Ina-jstry."
H W. Lowe. -C3ar Iaduatry." John M-ek.
" Fana AarouatA J. H. Duniia. -j:!
Fruit a" H. P. Cartr . Rita:on of
Cmpa." B. & Caaadr.
aimafKt MILIT til ICiDCa T
teateaarr of Lteewla
Cade-ta ta Tea lata
awaer-eed by
The cest salary of the btrtb of L.nt o.n
was fittingly eetebrated at the assembly
hall of tha Nebraska M lltsry academy by
the cadets and faculty Friday evening.
Tha room waa decorated aad arra.iged
to represent an old army camp, wnn ita
tenia cook ir. g atenaila. sta:ked anna and
camp Tree waicfe tiaraaabed the Ught for ihe
The csdeta ware a oernce uniform and
wre seated oa the floor, in groups around
the fire- The Ufa story of the great mar
tyied president was gfren by te caana
Ttt erspersed with patnouc sngs. eacn
cadet taking some part. A narrh-r of v a i
ors were present.
Tha miliary band began woik Saturday
th e ghteeo pieces ander te lnstrua.tioa
of Prof. Stephen Jeiinek.
Te guns have arrived and the cadets are
bury drilling aad learning the manual of
CaptAtn Stevenacn. Erg. .so instructor
was taken to the hospital Saturday, where
be underwent aa operation for apprndi
cltte: h is rapidly rect'vei ng. Prof. Wne
lan. privata secretary to Congressman Mc
Gutre is filling hie piece tarmporartly
Frweaaar Dee la res -marbled teas."'
ta Bewt, aad Not "Baby Meat.
"A ateak that haa tiie fat marhled In
ia tha best to eat," aaid L-r. P F. Trow
bridge, prof i sau I of agricultural chem .a
try in the artncuitaral college of the Va:
versity of M.aeouri. In a recent lecture
before the Scientific aasociatioa in Co
lumbia. "Psie pins. ah steak ;s from
'baby beer and ia aot nearly so paiatabie
aa more mature meat. The juiiinee of a
steak varies inversely wiiii the water a
it." He explained th at the "Juicy" ap-pearatK-e
of a ateak that delights the epi
cure comes from the fat me. Led into tbe
fibers ef tbe steak and that the flavor
comes from the am:do acid nitrogen and
fat ia the fibers.
Prof. William H. Lynch, graduate
the University of Missouri, now princi
pal of the public schools of Cabool. Mo..
ha been made a member ef the Ameri
can Association for the Advancement of
Science and the National Educational a-soc-iation.
Prof. Ljnach waa the fimt
school teacher to introduce the sys
ter.istic reading of newspapers in the
puhi.c sciioois. H's plan had been
adopted in many of the universities acid
secondary schools ef tha country. He la
a graduate of the University of Missouri
of the class of 18 and received A- M
degree in IS": He haa been a teacher
in the public achooia of eoathern Mis
souri for forty-four- year", and dur ng
the entire time has lust oniy ntne ia A
He subscribes for sixty-five newspapers
and periodt'-a a. all of whiru he dis
tributes among the pupils of nis school,
who must be prepared to recite on them
once a week.
Norman Hapg"od. editor of Coilier a
Weekly, in a lettiure recently befo'e tiie
students in Journal lent a: tne University of
Missouri. Baud. "A newapatv r J a great
popular university " and then he made
a pica for liigher standarda in Jou.-3a.iam.
He said thai the ideal newspaper ehoud
combine the merits of both "yellow" and
"conservative" journalism. "It must be as
dramaLac and as simple ss the yellow, and
as cultivated and capable of aneddtng tbe
light made posaibie by superior intellectual
power as tiie conservative newspaper."
Mr. Hapgood declared. He said thai people
-ero looking to the newspapers for leader
ship more than to any other profession.
Confasung the presest day Journalism
with Uial of Horace Greeiey b time. Mr
Hapgood said l.iat Uie Greeley atf.tude of
hii-ng no one to work on hiB papers who
aad not spent h.a life "sleeping on news
p a per a and eating m" waa past and thai
the modem newspapers were hiring on,y
college men as reporters and editors.
The Missouri Historical association now
haa a total of .' vulumes in th" histor;
cal rooma of the University of M.esouti.
Of this nuroher. l.ftia are by M.sso.iri u
thors and S bound volumes of Missouri
periodica. a are also incioded tn the collec
tion. The historical association was or
gan laed by the Miss on rl Press assoctation.
May 3. 18f. The associanon haa collected
a vast amount of historical data perta.n
ing to Lite early history of this section of
the United States. The object of the asso
ciaLaon. aa set forth in the constitution .a
"the call eel km. preservation, exhibition and
publication of materials for the stjdy of
history, especially of M.ssjuri sad the mid
dls west-"
Will mm K- Turre', a neg- janitor of the
University of M.sauun for tae Isai anteen
jears. is a veteran of the civil war and of
almost every Indian war 'hat has beea
foug-ht m the wsi since that Alto
gether. Turner baa sprnt BomeLh:r.g like
twenty years in the s-rt-ic tt the United
States arm'. For several years he waa
firs sergeant of Trcaop L United States
a: my. He waa with Custer for three years
and lost his r gmt in is a f g it with Uie
Apache IndiaaA His longest bartie was
with the Carhsia Indiana at Feu Sill. L T .
in UCI. it lasted four daya aad many were
killed on both sides. In "peeking of his ex
periences. Turner sad. "I have fought the
Apaches, Chcyennes. KiowaA Co.mancbea
and Sioux Indiana Of ail the t"ibee I
think tha Sioux are tne meanest, but they
are all coward y and treacherous '
ossasey law Pi agi ass aSera Larao
Ti ariely ( Sladia-a.
Th pmcram of the summer aeatoa of
Uae University of V lacirfiaim haa Just been
issued, mt ludiiig the announcemeat of ia
oouraea to be offered la eigiiteea different
eeparuvaeats of matrurtiua. Beeid tiie
forty -erven regular members of tiie uni
vermly faculty who Will otf-r coursea. a
lumber ef noted author: ties on various
subjects have baa a aacured tor a part of
the work. tr. Emory Richard Jobnaea of
Lbe Unieereity ef Peansytvania aOl give
two courses ia transpwrtaxuaa and com
merea for tne department ef political aeon
omy. whach baa a -so ser-ured It. Gorg
BLay Wicker of Dart mo i. in for coursea on
labor and aaementary economics, and Mrs
Anna Garlia Spencer of tle New Tsrk
aV'houl of Philaathropj'. who will lecture
aa methods of social service. Prof. Na
thaniel Schmidt af Cornell university, pro
f i-asiT af Semrtlc lauigusges and literature,
will gne a eouree n oriental hiotory. TVe
departrnatit af ed jraAioa offers lectures tan
the prmdples ef moral education, by Dr.
Hurr Neonaaa ef tne College of the City
of New Tor A There are aiao three gooaosj
cairaa by BAy Hugrisa mnitberfc of Aoel
pru collage. Sew Jeraey
For tbe taird time w.tian fie jear tiie
ty at tn rec-ipaeat or a vauuavdw
of bonk a oa economic subjaa-ta.
Thaa tmse. tbroagn tbe Boaurot ef the aais
ProC FTack Paraona. far mairy years V-e-
taxwr oa law aad paeiiijcai arnmae at
Tb gtrt
Boraara mt Vmt-aaK a H. aa it.
Ua 1 lanir a saw here.
p-t pi ssa.i aa xu-resuat ua - A;a
re wtaa ta givn7a er. ms-A tji litarsr osea
taana murs mrvm ji" asaier-aii a ...
lietd. nc - niilr af a ta.iaaiv r taf
mm rumen t a a re
found n uaa
One of the -nr-st marked ef'-r'
i-ainr metee outf T was found dtte t" -acruTAte
t'le'-r.ometera The vartone use:"
"f (aa caior-meter :n T itvnnsn may hsve
-hese d'?aria rme"ila-d he the unti rs'ty
per".A Tse d-rartment of rhemicsl en
Aineertng baa Jiiet mae liie announcemi nt
that it is tn a poettwm t claDarate uru
rateiy stit h riler. meter tne-imineta-rs as
may he snt to it bv users ;n Wiscons-n.
Inveet .aa uon worn a. org t:i;s line is to he
c-oi1 nu'd and vte c lermcal nineartif d
partment ia roapa -at rg with t'ie rs 'roa.l
oommisaw.n a-d a --n-m.-ttee of the Ameri
can laa ,nel t'!i .n priet ni .tig ;!: s re-aeai-t
h a O' k.
e Rd.e.,.M .C
Iran Past.
The r-partrnent of Pnhilc lnsir jction of has inc'uJed tn .ts laa.t
annual r;Mirt an mters;ing snd sugsea
tve diraruesiun of tli influence of seotndaary
schooia upun mnvementa of popuistion and
upon vacation. The following quotation is
.nstructive and shows the re-ope ef the dis
ruption 'Diii-i.-g :he r.rst tl.ree-uari-m of t'te
n netentti trti jit every atrvoin .f tltree
or four towns had Its academy iiFuaily
an endowed institution. Out of !he"e acaae
mies weri a steady tr-am of emi atxi
daughters who w-re. mher thinifs being
equal, always the Strongest of the genera
tion, tar otherwise, they would not have
gained this education. Seldom d.d t.'iey set
tle upon the old farm or in ti e home tjwn.
Tlieir education had fitted tiien for other
ihinga They became lawyers, or piiyvKiiajia.
or clergymen, or st haaolmasters. or business
men in the cities, snd the gfria went
them prevaUmgiy lo be their wives. Their
children grw up under city conditions and
wnt to city schools. The unambitious, tbe
dull. 11-e unfortunate boys and gtrie of
the old cunt.-r;ue. who oouid not get to
the academy, as a class r-mained behind
ard became tie dnminaat srnrk. And they
reproduced tlie.r kind for anot'ier g-neta-Uon.
upon whom the same sorting pnvcrsa
wis tarred out. Then the factory rratrm
seised upon tie "irons-iimod and reslleoa.
albeit jiiow witted. and becan to sort tliern
out and remove them. Finally, the civil
war came and struck down the idealists by
tne wholesale, mostly baj or young mm
who had atit yet r-prodje-ed th-m lv. a In
books on industrial problems, fie two
noted of whicn are "The City fw t'ie Peo
ple" and "The Heart of the Rail an v Prota
letn." His ffiorr of New Zealand.' W'n h
appeared five years aayo. a'tra ted much
The d-nartment of chemical er.a.n.-er-n
at the university. in charge of Prof.
Charlea F. Burg-en, has been carrj-trg on
an extensive series of testa of tiie vart-m"
methoriB of mesf ur-ng the heat:rg i aiue of
gaA in order to enable ue Slate Ra-iwav
cornm ission to determine a standard zr
for fuel and illuminating purpnpae". y e
(Mirmetera of various typ-. made ha-t'i
in thiB coimtry and sbroad. aed to test ie
heaung values of gas. have been liiorotig
tested. It was discn-a-red that one tvpe of
Instrument extensive. y used and aold gave
heat ing values from 1 to per c-nt htgner
than the gases measured ar-ruaily con
tained, and that erroneous results were be
ing obtained m gas prcucer and gaa en
A new generation. Now. upon a journey
g n wo:k where tte
A Baby in the House
No jov or pleasure on this earth quire etjuaii thsr which ccrr
into the home when baby amves. Who can describe the happ,-
f 'saw
dC- -N I
I A N. J
w.on ailrn ents knomrn as "female
Dr. rWwo'a Fa
etamaHad asat aiaaaaa of wsssaa, aad by
all ai sitoa. It taaaa ap rate syataaa asaf
It makes the baby's cornins- almont painless, and grves wonderful
refruperarrte power to the parient. Bv making tbe mother strort-j
and cheerful, it makes the little one healthy, vigorous and good
y.-jf upon the medicine dealer rng you Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prr-KT-prion when you ask for ft. are often dangerous.
For 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing , com can
get a frte copy of that celebrated doctor bock, newly ret tied, up-to-date
edition the Common Sense IedicaJ Adt-iser, 1008 pages,
copious illustrated with wood-curs and colored plates. Cloth
bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bwf alo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Peilers are a ladies' laxatrte. No other
medicine equals them for gentleness and thoroijghness. Ther
remnat" rA ei MnaaiM C . i f - J Ta T
v.iaiaav. ai1.Il,llH.U uiiia.u,
coated granules, easy to take as
fxtie Direct Route 1
The Smitli-Prciiiicr Typewriter Co
I ftaaSaMaaaaaaatSiaHSHBaGHM
Imy Milifary kiiwWJMT SCHOOL
A boy'e progiwas depends upon bis aw
fort and the inLareat be tames la bin s-era
aud aliajy.
Ws first make our boye oomtortabie.
thea maw Uaeir worm iatareotinA piovide
Qaa-Lby ouuuattr apurta and aaaxiau fiLLoi
Qona. Our diecrlpltna and tra l rung tend tn
biii.d ciiaracter crista Uabita af obedl
knu. puoc-tuaiity, aestnaaa aad a ariaa
ef respunsioiilty.
Tboruugk tnetrurt.oe. bealthful lcca
tuan . istgs g: -nnaMatuui. modara. firepraaaf
suiadiriga. W rl la luaiar fur Ulamatad
ca i anague.
it ar. B-Oaanrxza,
Hckraaka Military AcaaUmj
A Military flajarOtac fMbamii
boya. now IcKAtod tar lbo viator at
FuurteeaUi aad L' atrawta. ail ao
p a rune ti ta ara la farl anermikra.
guad place for bays ska dwa t
ft la paatana era oaia ba eatrmswa
eaasauaaxiiaaaa aana gt vea .
i i laa wera ia oipguwuti
aiiual Iraatroai aaaa. aaaca
oajail aaaado aap.
Pnipilw are roa- at any
r-uu r fn u twf tn gradaia,
as. rrco for t aianaaaaa.
1.ii-oua"i i -a i New Lna.erid. ycu shell ee
I fine otd ma.ns rms shsa-ina by t'Cr arrhi-te-tjre
that they date bach well toward tna
, ba-innin of the nineteenth centa- . and
ample ikl homeetaaals wth their spsc:ous
bains, ail of them avnes er ew lis s state
1 of decav. Of rrreev. rao!lng ewt the celiac
) hole and an. it first rrt. saacrwiintahie
' orchard is lef;. These were tbe homes a
j race which lived and ptoapered. whirt
cleared the lead and built beatee and s-tdet'
I i-ara ti harm, which aceumialated sail:!
i and gave vh-He eaprewaa ef itwr'f j
j chui-r:i. :n tate. and !n edui-acliinal in:t j
i tHans. And yet the nenreat snatkei a a
'of:n fifty n -'cs away be saaron nsd. Tiie
nearet met rotKiiM aa maiket was often ss
distant as is the metropolis of the warW
iniii'. But that rare allowed ita sons and
dsnghters te be eduvata-d aaa from t'.ie
! 'arm and l ie eeuniry and from th Btatr.
In ear pie-e today, we too often have a
dwindling town, a neglected farm, a danl
riiirch. an aiaa redo or d aehooi laams. And.
if t.'is lart twti are still open, tn Uae many
' rase ti.e cause of reaagio-i and eduratnm
i wouid he better sereed were ther clobed.
tAnd the old Bt-ademy. avr!g aorted out
and sen! away t..e ambitious atoik. ia bow
I dot n.ant.
Tie tendency of tins phase yt dr-vopuln-tion
has berri ta atr-p turn rural tra i .i
i fivor of t'.ie viag loan, ts draw from ft
' village town jito tiie ity. and to dras
j from tiie whole state Into those states hsv
ing already thirk'y aertled areas. Aoe"ru
j ini. ur New Hampshire rural tea as ar
I a class hace lost from " to e per ceni
! -a the last fifty rears, snd bad It nut beer
I far the turns ot tbe foreign faa-tory popil
lat'on t'.e state a a whaale would proiaaivly
have lost.
"T'ie selective pmoess a rid the purely
j viueit a ie oi secmooary scnooi asve im
doubtaadiy aiao taxai w't.'nn thi
t urban rone fry heavy drafts of natvs pow"t
: and adaptability awae front the tnJustrles
and tta.lee toward t ie P'of etaaaoni and U
j ward commercial life: and what ta aorse
I have protiahly been reaponaihlo in much tile
same way lor a oonciieraote part of t..f
Jnfi cf wmeti frm motlier'tood a:id
home-mak ug intai economic c irnpeuilon
with men."
J Dedleatiaa of tb New t a rail I Sel
ene Hall.
r-ioay. jinn - -z. waa a natibie dar
In the h.staare f AJIaert Iea .fillcge.. A.laert
Lea. Minn., aa oa that day the new Cara-m
Srienee hall of Albert Lea college was
formjlly d-dica ted. Main v .;..ia from out
of ilie -Hy aere theie ; atllla. -.he .V,-
praatve iwitnnin Oaarew-raor Jol nson was
tiie principal speaker.
tVilil l..e uedii-ataon of l n. a- c....i
f Science haT a paiint lis" been rescued
I when that mow worthr instil utiuti ts in
j a posit on to mae muaii praaa-eas. hot a n
I an educational -.d a -aitrriil asy.
B r-r. Bett-r. BuWi-Tin' a si'St
lertinna tn
Tie Piee dues for
H L. Vreeisnd. who was "ei eni;v ejet-.en
ecieiary of tlje NatunjiJ nrfarrn,.
Investment Co.. severed bis eotinertian ea
; Fehruarv m w,tu C. P. N irwaj A Co
; ataaa-k brosers. and wl oerwfier devoi'e
j l is time to tiis esta imslima-nt of inr branch
nesa oi man and woman, joined in
wedlock, as they loot upon the
delicate mite that is blood of their
htood inJ 8csh of their flesh ?
And who ran denu-t t'ie kmwUa.
ness and dejection that hover
about the home where the wife is
incapable at becoming- a mother t
Barrenness proceeds from some de-rarijeroe-nt
ot the distinctly femi
nine orzani. ilanv of the rum.
troubles' cause it.
X-l CT AH CI IXiWCiA. I my SU-1
'" aavi ownag
rastai aa stroadta.
A atraight line i ths a--onMit distance it-n
' o pel-its w Hv not uaa. your f ngers
srsartTT asotrrst
.rr.o - eta a e Koa a-nl-a,
th waaxv-a axtrr tips watrrava.
Fret EBIsyBtrgl ggrtaa
Stenngrapraera are furnished ta buataae r et
sftmit charge ra aeeavol sleneg-a r-er er em
ployer Wru for part .cu arm.
a. a. -taw ass
I-formatloa e oaoermng t:a ad
i antagaA rate estt-at of cur
riculum aad other data about too
bast schools and col leges caa be
untained trwaa tba
ScLool tai CwSa.e lrmaillsi
Cbttii e( Cte OaUhj Eer
Ail infursBataoa anaolutriy free
aud linfaavrtiai. Catalogue of any
particular OLboot ohoerfuily f-jr-tuaned
upoa request
Regular college prerjarator- eourasa,
M 1 1 sac. Art. aad Coanrtaenuai oaHiraea ef-
favraaO. linaithful iaaaaUtaaft. f till llama waaa.
erwtaa. aiawioavao aoal a rwajaia-a. Aaa us
aoaaut taae m i.aaei Aaaarssa. Be. a aaa g
Meaaea-V VV1waviV aWaoSv
etaaaa, MS. I
Xr U E W O L C O T T Vfi H O O L
5 sa bae'i. banat ow i.9taad prtvalO aTTw-l
J in tr a a ea. H ewt tuuiiir ef C
J aa-tiuaaranta. fr aaiauia laa Wei- C
y Wmm-V . asaaeir. SOiit&, ail aalltlaaa to C
J "teas iwioert lui -ua:loHrp J