Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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) lMJ.w:v VP llNliLKHbl rKUM IOWA
i a i u
Ofttce 13 Scctt Street.
Cav's. drtig. '
Borwiek. w ail fp.f, 1
Lewis Culler, faxieral dire'-tor. ri rr.e 7.
Wowlrlnt T'ndrtaking tiirptnr. Tel. m.
Majestic ranges. P. C. D-Vol Hir. Co.
'ut flowers, H-rmsn Pm, Hons.. iO
Pyroa-r phy nwrfits
der'a. 23 Broadway.
and "4. Alexan-
Two. three or five Tiomi for rent, kd
ft Broadway, upetaira.
underlakera. Phone Hi. 14 N. Main Bt.
Lrffert a wedding ring' are a wir pare
gmd as can be. All made seamless, no
it B. A card party and dance Tuesday
vening, February 1. O A. R. na.l. Light
refreshments. Ten cent a.
A nrarriagw license w urn Issued vener.lav
to Henry Kuper. aaed X ami Anna Aifera.
aged at. bmk of Neoia. Ia.
Central chaxtter of the Wemin I guild of
fL Paul Kptacopai church will iwt Mon
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. P. E.
Dunbar. S4 Third avenue.
Tha hearing' tn the contempt proceeding
against Hansen a: Nteleen. the siloonkep
eta chanted with violating an injunction.
by agreement yeeterday continued to
Monday morning.
Member of the I'nlon Veieran lea-nn and
the aoiiiui auxiliary are requested to
m)vt at Che nret I'nn rr- . f ,ot . I h . i
thai momina t. attend tha Lincoln '
menai services, by invitation of tne paatur.
Ln o. O. Smith. i
Rev. Georgs A. Ray. paster of tha Second : v,,u T'!i' uPon the lots and bulld
iTeshyteriiui chsirch, will address the mfn s lngs. The owners of the propertr asked
S7n.nV;7M"L Td f for the lot. without the
Baptist church this afternoon. The meet
ing will be at 4 o dock.
Tha street railway company haa ap
pealed to the district court from the tndg
ment of r awarded KYank Weaner by a
jury In Justice Uardiners court for the
aileged killing- of a mule by a street ear
on tha Fifth avenue line.
Mra. E. O. Shoemaker. 31 Harrison
street, wwa taken Saturdsv noon to the
Wlaa aleraortal boapital in Oraana. where
later In Ua da she underwent an opera
tion for appeodicitia. She was reported
last iVMiinf u he doing nicely.
Tha koanf of the First Christian church
yesterday awarded th lyninrt fw th.
'onatrurtion of tha new churcn edifice at
the corner ot Myneter and -ott strts to
C. Norgmard. wha haa lust completej
tha construction of tha basement.
John Collins of Chicago will lecture thia
evening at o'clock in ln hall of the
Trades and Labor assembly tn the Mer
riara Mock. Mr. Collins, who haa ben a
member of tha machinist's anion for twenty-five
yexa. will speak on ' Panic and
Organisation.'' The lecture w'll be free
and all worklne-men are lnvitd.
Postmaster Haxelton ysrerdv suggested
tiat everybody as far as possible call for
thetr mail at the poetoffice thia morning
between I and 1 o clm-k.. The mails win
be flooded with valentines, and there being
no delivery on tkmday. the carriers will
hav such heavy kiada that they prooabir
will not be able to make more than one
Oelirery la tha residence districts.
Mrs. Iiura E. Btephena Tied suit for
dlvorca from Jmhn Stephens to whom eh
was married January 14. in tha dis
trict court yestsrday, alleging cruel and in
human treatment and that her huahand
had become aa habitual drunkard. The
court issued a temporary injunction re-eirs-
Jng 8iepnens from tnreatening hia
wira or her riva children by a previous
mamas-, or in any way inierienng vim
Tha funeral of Virgil Fulmer. the young
lad who waa Jti.ltti by falling benewUi tn
wheels of a heavy hauling wagon noon
which he waa attempting to climb, will be
held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Fifth Avenue M'thoaiat churcn. Burial
will be in Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. W.
N. Grave of Ijogan. ta.. a former pastor
r trie STnn Avenne jfteinoonsi cnurrn. win
i -onduct the services. A short service.
whK-h will be private, will be held at the
family home. 10 Eighth avenue before the
body ts taken to the clmrch. Tha sen-ices
at t he churcii will be public. Ail meraoers
of the Woman's Christian Temperance
union are requested to meet at the church
tn attend th services.
rtasaase Salt Aaralast Drs. Caadaa aad
Haataklww CWars ta A vara.
The Jn.9t damage suit of Charles R.
Chase asainst Dr. F. W. Houghton of thia
rity and Dr. A. P. Condon will be tried be- I
fore Judga A. B. Thornell In the district
court at Avoca. and pot in Council Bluffs.
This is in accordance with a stipulation
aisned by Turner at Cullison. attorneys for
th plaintiff and Harl Tlnley and W. V.
Allen, attorney for the defendant, which
waa filed ln the offic of the clerk of the
court yesterday. Th rase ta to be as
signed at the March term of court, th
date to be fixed by Judgw Thornell.
Motion for a change ef venue from the
district court at Council Bluffs wts filed
recently by th defendants, who claimed
that on acrount of prejudice they would be
unable to secure a fair trial here. They
alleged that local physicians we: pre
judiced against Dr. Condon because, al
though resident of Omaha, he practiced
surgery !n Council Bluffs. The charges
wer denied ln affidavtta signed by ten
Council Bluffs physicians and were filed
Thursday in support of the resistance to
the motion for a change of venua.
Charles R. Chase sues to recover $36iJ
a) da mas;rs. allcgelruf that a piece of sponge
was left In his body after an operation. Th
defendants ln their answer claimed that If
the sponge was allowed to remain after the j
operation. It waa dt to th negligence of i
th nurses. Dr.
ii..., ....- I- hi. -.
answer stated that he did not perform the
operation., but aierety administered the
Th painting eeason wm open with a
rush this aprtng. There will be more
werk than th painters can do: some of
it must a slighted, but by piai ing your j
tontract saw guarantee first-class
woi k. Let us figure with you. H. Ber
wick. Ill South Mai a.
Rock y Island
tood roa r.r
fltw . - -
nerves :rk '--'hr.. 7,
or men,., ' mJl .r" V
ttari utKVk rut
fetw - i.ii eai aad
ktaa again.
H-La Tner
-3 aad be
; a wasas sa-sts ..
aatJUSCaJi a aaeCOBarcu. Bkosj
mmm asosg B1
wTfc IUf OOlOaVarv
was) alaraag a. Wata. aTa
X The X
X Electric- a
f Lighted .
- L Omaha 6. 2 pm f
k At Chkago 8. S am ar
wfcJaaJ))afaj JaaTV-Haafaxry TiftSJOf
"' M' teas Ctaatir CsaVa M
Both Tbones 43.
' Arran VOment He Vila in fYm.Fia
for Ouldren at Cat-Off.
Cnlaiatr af Esaeaoea far tke Cassias;
Year tke saae as far Carresl
Oaa . wew rkaal
Tiie Board of Education last n;ht de ided
h ,
to nay for the tuition In the Oma.'.a
of h.. ... . ... j k .
" ''' m- iuu u.wi. v "
tie b.xt n fraae. wnicn is uir
hl iet krad- tauftit at the Conrtland
school. S'.'penntn.i. nt Beverldje reported
t!a: thers were six children who had passed
arxve tne aixth grade at the Courtland
Mhool who should he rierrntted to attend
tha Omaha school at the cost of tiia dis
trict. The board will arrange with the
tcbool authorities of Omaha to par the
teuton of these pupils on the baaia of U9
for the school rr of thirty-eight weeks.
E. R. Jackson, county superintendent of
schools, reported that the commiysion ap
pointed by him to appraise the property
t the comer of Broadway and Oak street.
selrcW by the Board of Educstlon aa the
site for the propoaed nw school building
,n etm part of the city, had placed
uuiicirrs or tor tne lots tne
The board did not take any anion In
i this matter brond instructing 3ecrtsrv
Hurl rs to advertise for bids for the three
buildings on these Jots. The owners of the
property have the right to appeal from the
award of the appralatrs if they see fit.
Nct oe of appeal will have to be given
within twenty days after receipt of notice
of the appraisers' vajuation.
Arrangements for th
far El
I tion to be held Monday, March S wete made
B'-cretary Hughe waa authorised to scure
the polling place and make other necessary
' J
preparations. Th same registrars who
served last year w.ll be reappointed for
this election. For the purposes of the !
school election the district Is divided into
six voting precints. A member of the board j
unuer tne law -a luinoriies to act as JU'ige
: . ; . , , . . ,
i-i.m -m k. a t k ' , .... ... I
' ' ' ' . K fr ..... au. . .. . . 1 . .
precincts. These will be named by the mem- ',
bers of the board during tha present week, j
The following estimate of expensea for j
maintaining th. school, for the ensuing
school year, which is the same as that of i
last year, was decided upon. Teachers' fund. I
Wi.flOS: contingent fund. school house '
,. , , i
bond fund. .7J. total. J42..W. Last year j
the people voted to levy t30M for new i
achoolhouses but no such levy will he asked j
for thi year uniesa the board decides prior I
ts th school election to build an addition
no me I flirty -second street school. Member
Schoedsack stated that conditions at this
achool buUdir. wer. crowded axtd urged
- " . -. ....
taken, bnt !t is understood that the matter
will be given "further consideration, prob
ably during the present week.
General Dodge In a communication to the
board requested that the children of the j
pjbllc achoola be requested to contnlmte
towards th Allison monument fund. Su- i 11 rP"rled that a number of young peo
pertntendent Beveridg was authorised to p,e residing s,iuth of this city have ben
bring th matter before tiia children t lhe victims at a imoo.a grafter, who posed
through the principal of the different j ln rb of "n evangeiiet. It is said
buildings, but no specified amount that Uie j th,t following a revival in that neighbor
children snould contribute is to be sug- j hlH,H- the exhorter called upon the young
gesied. A similar request from Lhe Daugh- 1 POP1' to prepare themselves to spread t.'is
ters of American Revolution, conveyed
through President Tlnley of the board,
that the children be asked to contribute to
warda a Lincoln monument fund was re
ferred til H i : rrv ni.n U- -r. - i , h
power to
Tha resignation of Prof. J. A. Meade, in- i Ihkl the best universities in the country
struct or of physical science in the high ! would supply the text books and conduct
school, waa received and acepted. A. 8. th course by correspondence for the nom
Benham was elected to fill the place, hut j inal um of tM. Contracts are said to have
salary being placed at SO. : hern signed by a number of young people
Roy Wilson of Shenandoah, was elected ' ho undertook the laudable work in good
Instructor or German in the high achool ' faith. It ia now reported that these con
st a salary of ISO. tracts are turning up in the shape of notes Elsie Powers of Castana. !.. waa j In the hands of a justice of the peace with
elected a teacher to fill a vacancy in the I Instructions from tne holders to collect. It
Th'rd street school, her salary being placed i aid thst psyment on the contracts will
at It.
teal Estate Traaafera.
These transfers were reported to Th Be
February 11 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Benjamin Fehr Real Estate company
to W. E. Duxger. lot . block .
Bayltss t Palmer's addition to
Council Bluffs, w d I )
Thomas Siencer and w fe to George
W. Spencer et aL. xm of section
! and sS of sV, of Sl. and net, of
se of . and ee, of sw of 3-
Christian Andersen and wife to Isrs
Andern. aa acrea of n1-) of n.
and nl acrea of si of sw- of
ll-73-es, w d
El'ja A. Gallup et at. to Aura
I 140
Sterx ans. jE acres of ns1. of ivi.
or i.-.-j. w a
hi.t!id to Tim.
otny G. Turner. undi ided 'i of
sw and nlJ acrs of sei.. and
4 of rw, and part s-t of ne- of
r-Tt-Ct w d
L A. Carev and wife to Jerrv t'.
Vollstedt. prt n M lots 7 and a.
official plat of wL, 0r ae'. of y.
TT-Ss, w d
L. A. Carey and wile ta same. wli
feet of lot . bloik 1. VN'alnuu U.
w d
Lee Carey end wife to same, lot Z.
block 1 Walnut, la., w d
Interstate Realty company to Lev. A.
lamed. Una . C and 7. block .
Pvrrv's Id addition to Council
Bluff a. w d
Jerry C. Vollstedx and wife u Au
gust J Haiiken. wl f-et of lot i,
and ail lot II. block 1. Walnut. Ia..
w d
H L. Craven and wife to G. W
Franklin, lot M. block I. M.nd-n
la,, w d
Jerry .. Vollstedt and wife Ve u"a".
arey. ua . , mn b, k Z.
W lutnev. Crawford Jk Mernmati a
ad.iitioit to Walnut, la., w d ..
Trvs surer tn Mamie J. West, und -"di
d it of lota 11 and block T.
Mane, lt addition to Coo ne 1
bluffs, tax d
fame to WiiUam Amd. tola in Crawl
f ord arrangement. la Council
Bluffs, ta t
Same to Mamie J. Wet. jot bllt
r Mayne a 1st addition to Council
B.uffa tax d
Total. fif:een transfer . 1
1 !
Prise llaataeiase Ball.
Th Cai nation Da u-ing Club give a prix
mask bail Tuesuay evening. February lt:h.
at Masonic hall. Tea prizes g-.vea for b.a..
moat comUal and unique costumes.
Prw rasa far Ckerrk Fair.
Aa elaborate program has been prepare!
for the entertainment to be g.ven Tuesday
nvenlng by the Knights ef Columbus at
t fair to be held all of this week at the
Auditorium for th benefit of th church
bu lding fund of th Holy Family par-sh.
recently rstabllshed ia Ute western jart
' f ih city. The choirs of St Franc;.
Xirw . ?t. Peter s and the Holy Fa ally
church-s wi.l aeit. Thin la the program:
Grand "penlng f'.mrna Choim ef St.
Francis. St. Ketera and Hoijr Family
rh-irch.'i-rs Jnrn T. Kliey.
! I t on Klka q-ian.t.
I !painh Dance Jnr Mullen.
I M-moio: in John .Vii Knn
I V l Ml;tin-MiM Grace Barr.
I Quarrel e-ne from "Julius Career. "
Hiina ani Pitml i. McBnd.
I (- ection -K.k niiartel.
K-ital rat. F. Cogley,
I Grand Kinaue Choirs of St Pranria H 1
j Pet. rs and Holy Family churches, i
i rT week i ilitfs society
Ul rrea t neaartaaeats mt Weaiaa'i
Clak r Artlve.
M;a. FYank Keeline will be hoatea to the
Pmto Card club Wedneaday afternoon.
Mrs. Keeline of FYank atreet will enter
tain the Wednesday Afternoon Fork club
this week.
Mr. Robert M'jliie haa returned home
from an extended it with relatirea and
fnenda in Kaneas City.
: . .-Jinan n miner or nmn
j iai tn j-ieat of her mere. Mra
E. Mc
j v.-nurn Vi iuiey avenue.
j . Thw T-sdav History cljb wil meet Tuea-
u iTieraoon at tne home or Mra. t.
L. Milne, on Bennet Avenue.
Th Council Bluffs pt-k ard tVhita e'nb
will met Fridav afternoon at the horns
of Mrs. B. C. Towner. Avenu A.
The B B. Kensington club will meet
Wednesday afl-mm.n at the boma of Mra.
O. Mauthe. H North Eighth etreet.
The TMesday Bridge club will be enter
tained Tnsday afternoon at the horns of
Mrs. C. W. WatU. 3t'7 South First street.
Mr. G. vr. Hamilton of Prairie. 111., has
arrived for an extended vlait with hie
won. Mr. George F. Hamilton, and family.
The Dinner Bridge club will be enter
tamed Friday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. G. Turner. jn South Eighth
Th" .I'erature department of the Council
Bluffs Women a ciut will meet Tnuredev
afternoon at the horn- of Mrs. H. L Otie
meicr. i E.gltth avenue.
Iowa lodge No. C Mixi-rn Brotherhood
of America, will entertain its members and
trier.os at a card and dancing party Tues
day evening in Grand Army hall.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Farrand have as
IS'lT. over Sunday Mr. and Mr.
r. . farrand and aufi.r Ui.. rih.i
rarrand of Columbus. Neb., and Mr. and
Mrs. F. Loomls of Houston
Miss Mildred Vogeler entertained twenty
. ,uuni irienos r riday evening at
a valentine part v. a color schem. of
was carried out In the decoratlona and
refreshments. Games and dancing were
enjoyed until a late hour.
Mrs. J. A. Kelicy entertained tie Friday
Fork cl-ih last wk. The cut-for-a'.l pnse
waa won by Mrs. F. Hendricks and Mrs. J.
nail was awarded tne pnre for the high
Si3r for th - season. Tie club will meet
next with Mrs. A. Farr!l.
daT Vight" c?.h tT t'S ,h
uy -'gnt club last Tuesday ev-emrg 1
t her nome on Gl-n avenue. Pnsen wr" I
wlri1' Harry Smith and Mr. Dell
?unThto"n tLJ'T f "m ',
lunc neon was served, covers being laid for
twelve guests.
Mr and Mra. Ever of 110 Ninti avenue
inr jony sixteen Card club on
i . .i r . 1 1 evntre . w r
?.L H."rv .Srn"dI?-. Mr. Ottermeier.
4r llorrr fVnnki.tnn
The club will meet next at the horn of Misa
,'nJfon' "irt vu- on Febru-
. .
io have been held Monday evening in tne
0,1,0 rooms, was postponed ur.til next Mon-
?"y JV"",!" Mr- E" ,nnev w"
,ct rhairman of the meeting and the
evening will be dvnt--d to the euidy of the
hfe and worka o,' Dav d Wilkie.
Miss Lucille MeAtee entertained the E.
G' ? cl ib Mondav afternoon at her home
" - "i'ir. x iivs in a sruesstna ron-
w,re won by Miss Madaline Kinadun
and Miss Hazel Mmrfn
-oro a.inng ine arternoon.
v. & Li vi airnue,
Travel!. Eraa.rll.t W ark.
Gaas Tsait Peasile.
IOWA FALIS. la.. Feb. 14. Special.!
' gospel and that they should be better fitted
j for this work urged them to take a course
' in ministerial training which was to be ac
I compllsned througn the medium of the unl
t versity extension work. It was held out
i that a complete course could be taken and
be reaiated in the courts on th grounds
that tu contracts wer fraudulently cb
. lained.
Iowa .Nests .Notes.
. T i ' . i V" a W . l . n-. I ..
. . .iici n,iuincn, . .m auction-
ee-r of Sexton wno was bajly injured while
trying to Jump off a moving tram near
iww:in a tew aa s ago. uiea 01 ais In
juries today. The lmmiate cause of ms
deatn waa concussion of the brain. He
never i -gained consciousness after his in
jury waa received.
MASON CITY The annual meeting of
the Mason City Denial eucteiv. which n
cluriei. in its mem tiers up dentists of How
srd. 'hn-kaaw Brmer. Cerro Gordo.
F.anklin. Mitce'l. Worth. Winnebago, and
K..IM.IITV. cuin'Ua t& ill Km in t . ......
on Krbiaari- -'T I r. A. L. Von Brra. of
th a city, ia pn-i deni.
4 ; MI'S'AT1NE Dr. G. O. Mora-ridge, a
1 pn; u .j-i of thia city and one of Maca
j una a f-.rt-most i itirena. died here tbis
. morn. rig. Ha it a member of ue Soiion
mnn jnit-ni commisa on. and he was aei
:lto knoan througnout Grand Armv circiea 'n
' tr.a sta'e. Heait disease waa the cause of
j ms drain. He was .
I MARSHALTOWN-Because th board of
t-iia ! st:iri-viaors of Mar:.ail county awarded
'. the contract for x reinforced concrete
I bridkea to M. M. Stark & Co. of Des
I') ; Moines, for 1U.... s few di) s agj witb
j out advetuamg for bids and letting t.te
l.a I work in the usual manner, ons coruractor
j te preparing to briiig an injunction autt
i a;ami t.e board to restia.n them from
; carrv mg out tne contract, and other suits
30b i are
VnTrr,,,. n:r,n,: I'.
Araer . an Revolution in this coi.nry h..
just ben urgauuurd at Aiueo. The of'i-
-.T.!J?f Ji1.h2tW Z?2'lTl mw..11" v"tn of
j American patriots, are as foll'owsiTion -
I orjry legnt. Mary Dunn: regent. Ei!m
Tusiier: u-e-regent. K,la Furry; irgistrar.
I'r.'.iliard: e-v-retai.. Malinda
ton; t measurer, Mfnii. pianist. Lena
Co usin.
IOWA FALLS-A camp of the Span eh-A.-netua
i u.r te.ei.iu ha Jos; Leen or
t.nix"! a: Hampion an. I ia :o be known aa
i t e David Muir camp No. 7. The of'irr
camn are aa fallows: Com-
: mander.
Cola-,1 3 J. Parker: senior i-JZ.
J conimandrr. K. A Beebe; junior vica-ej.w- : cam The State Pr-sa association in ses
i '' t'r e'?rkUr: enp1. J- W. sioa ttniay selected as officers for the com-
Jiita.n. i. T Mct'reilia: nurr.mi.u.. .
F. Roemer: irostees. Mefsr. Parker. Mey-
j era and MoCreli.a.
I .
1 C R. Kluger, the Jeweltr. lia) Virginia
, Ave., IndUnapolia. luL. antes; -I was ss
wca. iron kianey trout)! nat I could
hardly walk a hundred feet, rour bottle.
j af Foley-. Kidney Remedy cleared my com
pie lion, c sred any backache and the Irreg
ularities disappeared aad I can now attend
to business every day. and recarnmeed
Foley's Kidney Rejnedy to all sufferers.
aa U cured me ..ler the doctor, and oti...-
reeneoiea kad failed.
For sal by all drug
Little Basisess Transacted en Account
of Small Attendance.
) Joist Coaaaalttee of Ha aad e-aat
to twit tke ariwoa Stat
laetltwtlwaa Darlaar tke
Preeat Week.
i From a Staff Crrepondent-)
DES M'1NES. Feb. 14.-ipeciaJ. i-A
short aesslon of the house of Die Iowa
legislature waa held Saturday, but because
of a small attendance there waa no rail
call. In the meantime the contest com
mittees were at work upon two of tha
contests. In the Buchanan county con
test. Involving ths seat of Mr. Stoddard,
challenged by Mr. Springer, the commit
tee, after tak'ng testimony to show that
ths ballots had aot been kept In goj
order, decided that the ballots were aJ
mlesabls and this afternoon commenced
ths counting of th votes. In the Marlon
county contest case the counting con
tinued, but not so Viat any Indication of
the outcome could be found.
Ia the house Representative Meredith
introduced an Important, bill which la in
tended to make perfectly clear the law
as to th tights of women In voting oa
certain questions in lows. This law ha
been th cause of much trouble and many
lawsuits. The Meredith bill would make
It clear that women have certain rights
without regard to the constitution and
would permit women to vote on any and
every question submitted to the voters
other than that of the election of candi
dates. This would mean ail questions of
bonds, taxes, county seat removal, mu
nicipal propositions, etc
Messarlal Ckarles Aldrlrk.
Th house adopted a memorial resolution
in regard to the late Charle Aidrfch. cura-
I . .t . . .
j w. v r3 aim awmu ur'ri;ilfni, rs-
clUn hi" ion nd ctiv tr"er P
tics and as a Journalist and building- up of
ths department.
A number of petitions were presented to
th house relating chiefly to prohibition and
Sunday amusements.
The committees of th house reported
ln favor of the burketshop bill and for an
appropriation on the soldiers' roster, and
fixing the tlmtf for all official terms to
commence on the second secular day of
the year. The committees reported ad
versely to the bill to appropriate for re
moval of the body of Governor Ansel Briggs
from Omaha to Iowa, also against the bill
to Increase the pay of shorthand reporters.
Y 1st tlaa; tke laetltattaaa.
! Ths committee on visitation for the vari
ous stat institutions will start out next
week. It consists of Senators Maytag and
Stuckslager, and Representatives Lee,
Swift and Wilson.' Th entire committee
wlil visit the educational Institutions and
will divide up on some of the other insti
tutions. Tha committee la headed by ths
chairman of th senat appropriations com
mittee, which mean that the only matter
to be considered will be that of appropria
tion. The plan of having Just one commit
tee to consider the entire matter will en
able th appropriations committee to secure
advice as to the relative merits of various
propositions at the eighteen state institu
t.ona. asaew His MIMtary taT.
Governor Carroll today n aired bis mili
tary staff as follows:
Acijutant general. Guy E. Logan. Red
Oak; assistant adjutant general, E. E.
Lucaa. Fairfield: quartermaster. J c.
I.c-ptr. De Moines: surgeon. D. S. Fair
child. Clinton: signal officer. L. w. Ami
worth. Des Moines: judge advci ate, Charles
G. Paunder. Council Bluffs: aides w n
unwi. cedar Kapids: H. B.
Hede-e. Des
Moines: G. S. Goodaie. Lennox, and G I.
Garton, Des Moines
Colonels Loper, Hedge. Dows and Saund
ers have aerved on the staff before.
ebel Bill aetla.
The moat Interesting matter brfore the
astern oiy at th.a time ts the school bill by
which it is proposed thst there shall be a
general codification of the school laws of
I the state and the adoption of a more
modern system as to the laws. A strong
effort is being made to kill off the measure
and this ia largely due to a misunderstand-
ing of tb purposes of the measure. The
moit vigorous opposition to the bill comes
trsat Sines wne believe that the plan of
const Jerlnf tt ISatir '.k aoit ina-a4 af
ths townsaip J3&ns in abaiitaba at Jis)
lural schools and centralization in the
town tchoois Thia. however, is not con
templated, so the advocates of the measure
Freauare far Weaver Portrait.
Monday afternoon in tiia bail of the house
the oil portrait of General Weaver will be
presented to the slate on behalf of those
I . . .
' wno "' contrtbutt-d to the fund for the
san e. The portrait is a handsome one,
shewing the standing. It was
rairtad by Prof. Charle. A. Cummins of
t,' is city. William J. Bryan will be present
and will speak, and in lhe evening there
wiil be a banquet in honor of General
Weaver at which Brvsn will tpeak. Th
presentation of the portrait will take place
before a joint session of the legislature,
I W ell Kaosra laaaraaee Ma
Edward A. Temple, president cf tile
Bankers Life association, died today at
Orlando, r.a. His desth was due to heart
failure and was unexpected. Mr. Temple
was years old. be had been in the south
for a month. Mr. Tempi, was prominent in
banking and Insurance cvre-aies of Iowa.
He was formerly the cashier of the Fir-.
x.-..i -i k.-i. . ,,,
National bank of Chanton. I a. He or-
. . ,. . '
ganised the Bankers Life association in 1ST
. . v ... . ,
and haa been at its head sine that tim.
' 'rr far Ottaaassat Mtraer.
The local police believe that Forrest
Stellis. a negro arrested last night by on
01 in oetecuvea. know, wno muraeraa
Clara Rxiaen at Ottumwa last week. Tha
vercoat which bad been
i recently cleaned and pressed. He waa ar-
rested just as be waa boarding a train for
! St- JPh. Mo. He denies that h bought
i lne overco-t n wearing and declares
' he traded sua own for it a few daya ao
I with another smto. The n.ilics hava taken
the matter up with the Ottumwa officers.
Saatb Dakota Newissser Mea
Aaaaal Meetlag.
1 '"- rel. IC-fpecial Te!e-
1 1n" yr: C' ,L D,y' Bio"1 Falls, president
i W. F. Ban i? i oft. Watertown. first vice nresl-
dent; R, O. Scnaber. Hudson, second vice
! . , T . . ,,
I i if .ii . junn i . LUfin. O.UU1 cans, sec
retary: H. O. Sturges. Beresford. treasurer.
J. F. Hailaday, E L. Sena. George Schloa
ser. directors.
Maat W Materiel Mealies;.
After suffering many years with a sore.
A .no. King. Port Byron. N. T.. waa cured
by Buiklen Arnica Salve He. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
j B gger. Better. .
wnat ad
for our
vert ie ing u Ttte Be Ooea
"The Cleanest Story Ever Told"
The days of back-tanciing cleaning are over in the
household where Gold Dust is used. Old Fogey ideas give
way to modern methods and Gold Dust is taking the place
of all other cleaners and justly, too, for it is the only
washing powder worthy of the name. It does its work
more quickly, more thoroughly, more economically than
any other cleaner.
Do not be misled by substitutes which claim every
virtue under the sun. There is no product on the market
today that will do anywhere near the work that Gold Dust
accomplishes every dav in thousands of American homes.
Join the ranks of Gold Dust users and be a contented
Do not uie Soap, Naphtha, Borax. Soda, Ammonia or
f !T?" Kerosene with Gold Dust. Gold Dust has all desirable i L -cleansing
qualities in a perfectly harmless and lasting
form. The Gold Dust Twins need no outside help.
Maaerg of Fairy Soap (tac ml caka)
"Let the Gold Dust Twins do your work."
Bockefeller Corporations Disagree
Orer Settlement with Mis o an. DISLIKES STAJDABD PLAN
Ie '! State ta H
Stork la His Cass pa ay
Legal Battle Ia
r rotable.
ST. LOVIS. Feb. 11-That the Waters
Pierce Oil company of Missouri will on Mon
day ask the supreme court of this state for
a further stay of execution on that por-
1 tion of th recent decree sgainst It reuuirtnar
lit in '.nose itself fmm ih. Hnmin.ti,. e .,.
Standard Oil company of New Jersey, was
th intimation emanating from the offices
of the local concern today. The fine of
. which was assessed against the
Waters-Pierce company, probably will not
be contested, the attorneys for the corpora
I Hon saying that tuey see no recourse from
thia portion of the penalty.
The Waters-Pierce company did not join
with the Standard Oil company of Indiana
i ni kie Republic Oil company of Ohio In
j lh proposition which was made to the
"JPreme court recently by which the s'.a'.e ,
wouId ,in direct voice in the manage- i
ment of those corporation's interests In Mi.
souri. Part of that proposition waa that
the to per cent of the Waters-Pierce stock
held by tha Standard company should be
pla cd in the hands of trustees appointed
by the stale and companies jointly. Tins,
the Waiers-Plerc management assert,
would result ln preventing the Missouri
corporation from severing itself from tha
foreign company's control and. they ssy,
would only strengthen tne position of tne
Standard ia th state.
Big Ftarbt la Praasjeet.
Tt is nmlinMl unofe(.i.ll. tn.t ma
Water.-Pi.rc company will ask the court
to declare th holding of lis stock Dy the
standard Interest, illegal, on th ground
that such holding contravenes the prln-
cipl laid down by th supreme court of j
, th United States In the Northern Se-'
j curitiea case. If this attitude ia ajoptei, !
i on of the greatest legal battles between '
corporations in the history of the coun- '
try m,r folIw. !
Th Northern Securities case is re id :
upon br th" overnment in it suit to ;
di,"olve the Standard Oil company of New
wn,cn ' to come u toT '"Sum.nt
ln the feJeral court h,T ntxt month- 1
.Jh' Probt,;e 'u"uJ of ,h wt"-J
Pier';e ' cm. was
intimated after conferences today be- i
! ., . '
' tween H. Clay Pierce, head of the com-
: . ,. .
' pany. and Ita atlomea. Mr. Pierc ar- '
i . . . . . .
I rived here this morntnerand anent th dav .
I .uh th i.wv-r. He refused himself to 1
j interviewers I
I Will Ask ranker ti. i
Th. Water.-Pierc comnanv must mak 1
. . .,-- i.. .... .. ... . ... 1
th Miaaouri ouater decree on Monday
next. Originally rti decree save th com- I
pany until January la la which to com-I
! ply with the court order. On the assertion
' of th company at that tim it had been I
j unable to secure the release of its stock j
! from tha Standard Oil the time
was eatended one month.
It is now said that the
ime plan will
brouxht forward
a aiku.g tor a further ,
fu t that th annual j
extensic-n and tne
., W l Ko .l.r f Ih.
is tn be held TjtsJay probably- will be
made ground for additional argument In
tnia regard. Ih entire matter is likely to '
o threshed out at this meeting and it is j
thought that the court will be willing to I
give the company more time .n view of thia
It ia the unexpressed li p. cf attorn.js for
th 'a;er-Pierc that ih ex
irnatcn. if granted will plac final ad
judiratioa of th case beyond the dtxlatoa
of the federal court in the dissolution sum
so that any favorable circumstances arising
frvm the big rase may redound to the full
est possible advantage ef the Missouri com
pany. B gger,
Better. Busier Thst s w la I ad
u The aiac doe tux jour
to furnished by each of the. two dallv trains to St.
Paul aad Mioaaapoha. via th
1 R
I I A ev?.LAa
I I La.
lnio Dapot, Omaha.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
$26.50 Washington. D. C. and Return. TlckeU good going Fb.
28, March 3. lncludlnt return limit March S.
$14. 2 Pittaburg. Pa., and Return. Ticket good joinj Feb. 2S.
March 8 and IS. Return limit, March 22.
Stop-over. t Pittabura. Washington and a!l pointa acuta. Aio
variable route. I
For information, address
B. X. AuiUn.
G. P. A.. Chicago.
Ground floor office
in The Bee Building
East front on Seventeenth street, one door north of
Farnam, size 16V2-401. z- The fire-proof vault in collection
with this room is S'xlCVa and there is also a cloak and
wash room, conveniently arranged. There is an entrance
from the court to this room, makiacj a good and accessible
office to reach the public. It will be available .April first.
Small offices with vaults
Did you ever atop to consider tha value of a vault la connection
with aa offic? It give you a plac to keep your book and valaa 1
paper in case of fir breaking out la your of tic. Toa doa't ad to
lock up your offic every time you ar called out. Many customer ar
lost when they find the door locked and no plac to wait for yocr rs.
W offer a amall room with vault oa th foarta floor Just weat
of th elevator. Eaay of access and convenient to tb public aad th
rent la only $17. SO per month.
The Bee Building Company
1:30 p. m. and :S9 a. m. daily
W. A. Pre.ton
P. A.. 244 Clark St.,
Ymmr Honofs Wacta
! 1