TIIK OMAHA DAILY 13KK: SATURDAY; FEBRUARY 13. 1Dtf). f I i 5 ALES flT ft If VI ll UJ InilSa I 11 !! n X EasiiilllimiianiniisiiErssaiia' ' y I - thy . x T W3 OMAHA Brandill Qre.tsst Shoe targalns , New Lots Drought Forward In Our Great Extraordinary Bargain Event $ SATURDAY IS THE GREAT WAIST SALE I:i:i:i:!:ra!iEf:a!iiC!i:iiii;Ii;lii ALE Entire Surplus Stock of a St. Louis Shoe Mfgr., together with the en tire Floor Stock of a leading Shoe Manufacturers' agent, Chicago. This Bale is a tremendous success. You can find your size and just the quality you want at half what you usually pay. Entire Excess Stock and New Spring Samples Women's $3 O High or Low Shoes Mostly small sizes and samples of patent colt, gun metal, vlcl kid. Oxfords g High Shoes & Welt sewed, metal. patent vlcl kid and gun 29 Women's M" $5 Quality $0 Oxfords and High Shoes...- Finest grade patent colt, tan, wine col ored calf, gun metal, etc. Women's $2.50 and $3 1p Spring Style Shoes . . & f . Every one guaranteed to give satisfac tory service. Men' $4.00 and $5.00 $ sheet Spring Styles 1 1 Ml 1 v siwi From a New York Waist Manufacturer Our New York buyer secured an unusually big bargain here. That is how we can offer you such bargains as these for Saturday. Stunning Waists, Worth Up to ' $10, at S1.50-S3.S0 Silk, lace and net waists made of satins, fine taffetas, messalines, etc. Correct style features for 1909. The major ity of these have long sleeves in the new shapes, tucked and button trimmed, also waists of fancy designs with lace and insertings and medallions. All newest colors grey, taupe, new browns, blues, lav ender, green, maize, wines, blacks, tfti etc. Plain and embroidered taffetas ) and many fine black net waists. Such beautiful waists should -ordinarily sell up to $10.00 Satur day at $2.50 and $5 Net and Silk Waists at $1.50 Net waists in ecru and white also black silk waists. The net waists are in many different designs, trimmed after modish Manufacturers' Samples of Men's Spring Shifts Fresh, New and Up to Date Worth 51.50 and $2.00. at 69c Each spring models. Many black plain silk waists good quality all sizes hundreds to select from and positively worth from $2.50 to $5.00 in one great lot Saturday. 1 50 232 nneat patent colt, vici kid, velour and box calf shoes. A. SPECIALS in BASEMENT CL6AK DEPT. jononQnononononononnononQciqFTnnonnnno" Saturday Glove S&Je Women's Short Kid Gloves 1 and 2-clasp, real kid and cape gloves, in black and col ors some have slight imperfections worth up to $1.50; on bargain LCI square at C Cape Gloves One-clasp, street gloves, in English tans, Paris and spear point stitch ed worth $1.2o a pair; Saturday, QO a pair Zr OC Womem! Cashmere Gloves--clasp, black and colors, worth 25c p pair. Saturday, at pair IDC WOMEN'S and MEN'S 25c HANDKERCHIEFS at 15c women b hemstitched fine linen and fancy scalloped, also men's ir Odds and ends women's long mixture Coats, children's coats In plain colors, mix ture coats, etc. ages 2 to 14, -also women's brllllant- ine skirts worth to 15, at . . 98c Women's heavy and medium black and mixture coat all long coats plain and trimmed, worth. Cf)Jl $2.50 LINGERIE WAISTS at 69c Some Slightly Soiled. Thousands of dainty white lawn and lace trimmed lingerie waists, some show slight imperfections, but are the genuine $2.00 and $2.50 spring WaUts for 1909, at 69c LINGERIE WAISTS at 35c Home Slightly soiled. In this group are hundreds of dozens of waistajnore or less soiled or imperfect, but all pretty new spring styles and would sell regu larly at $1.50 or even $2, at t Spring 2 Styles 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4- mg Purchase I'M U i lei .:-?-' These shirts are made with plsited and plain bosoms, coat styles, cuff attached or de tached. The shirts made up for some of the best shirt shops In the country. It is the" greatest chance ever offered to buy your spring and summer shirts at less than halt price, $1.50 and $2.00 values, at On large bargain squares In the old and new stores. life Men's spring shirts, all new patterns, worth to $1.00, at each Men's medium weight underwear, values to $1.J'5, at Men's 50c and 7ftc Shirts on sale In the basement, ' at each 49c 35c-50c 29c f lf lp Wj Wjj oaonoaonoiaoaoaoaononoaonoaoaononoaonong Women's Neckwear S l 4- 4- 4 4- 4-4- to $7.50, at 1 All Our Winter Goods Must Go Quickly f CHILDREN'S COATS Ages 2 to 14 odds and plain and barred linen hand embroidered Initial, each. All the Fur Coats, Suits, Skirts, Etc., at big sacrifices. Women's and misses' Coats that were formerly priced at $15 to $30, broadcloths, kerseys, striped coverts, etc., at. Misses' heavy and medium weight long Coats, blacks and colors, worth up to $10,' at Women's and misses Sweater Coats at $2.50 ' and Fine panama and cheviot Skirts, in blues and blacks, good full Skirts, worth $5.00. at aoaononoaonononoao lononoi Saturday Specials SWEETLAND ed with 35c Oar Popular l ib. red Valentine Heart box filled choice chocolates and bon-bons, . for. C3OE30E2O O D o D o D o D o D o D o n o D o M2c o a goaoacLgjjj EXTRA Cho c 6 1 a t e cream drops, all day at, lb., ononoaonononononoQOQo a o a o D o D o D o a o o lonoooaononoDo ' ends of reefers and other styles, worth S98 to $10.00. J at " .Ti-i.Jt-'.-v.-k.-'- . CO AO iS7 O.VO kTu h $3.98 I g $2.98 I 8 $2.98 S 8 &30X30DO The latest novelties Gibson stocks,. lace jabots; special, each m Ascot ties, fancy o 25c-50c-75c 8 o Women's All Linen CollarsFancy colored quality at, each embroidered effects all sizes, 15c C i.v Misses wool swIbs ribbed vesU and and pants, also Misses' Union Suits, fleece lin ed, worth 60c, at each 39c Old Fashioned (hocolates a Those luscious pure fruit and 2 chopped nut centers . covered Q with delicious chocolate coating, O the kind with the snap in it. Our Q regular price is 40c lb., m O Saturday's' special M lC D . price, per pound 0 a r . f 3000C20 UN 3 a g Flowers for Valentine Day S In Oar Cot flower Dept.' LARGE, BOtiTOV FERNS Regular 75c quality, on sale Saturday, at 89c. Large variety of cut flowers for Valentine day at special prices. Double and single Violets In great quantities,' South side new store. . HOSIERY sale Women's m.rc.rli ed ILL. frlaln bib and colors, fancy O , mbrotd.red, Oov.r lac. anl koot af facta. doubL hwl and to., worth up to 60o pair, at pair O n o a o D o a o a o a o a o a o a o a o a o 25c 35c Women's and man's Black Cat and Uur uoa brand plain lisle, blaclc ana tan also children's fine and heavy ribbed, worth to 16c, at per pair 15c Women's plain black and fancy colors, fine, cotton hose seamless mer cerised, also fleecy lined, worth 16c, at pair. . O D o D o 0 o D o D o n o D o D a o D GREAT SHOE SALES o D o D S o a a at pair Misses' and Children's $1.50 all solid leather Shoes, at pair Women's small ie Slippers, worth up r to $1.50. at pair &DC ' - 7 Y ::'tX:;i'. if -' t Men's $5 and $(5 Odd Coats 1 and Coats and $198 Vests, at .... DUY A GOOD SUIT OVERCOAT SATURDAY for $6.50 CLOTHING SALE Choice Lots of the Rosemond & Brown Stock, N. Y. AT ABOUT Yt THE COST TO MANUFACTURE The values that Brandeis offers the, men of Omaha have won us the position of the first and best store for men In Omaha. Saturday we offer. a bigger bargain than ever. Good, well made, up-to-date clothes at a phenomenal bargain. Genuine $12.50 and $15 Suits nd Overcoats at SPECIAL All Our Winter Clothes Are Bein Sacrificed ALL OUR MEN'S $15 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. fiOQ ALL OUR MEN'S $18 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ( VXX ALL OUR MEN'S $20 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ( CO) ALL OUR MEN 'S $22.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ) o) Two SPECIALS in UNDERWEAR. Women's Munsini? Union Suits. Q fine cotton, low neck, Cfi0 sleeveless, each ,(OC oaoiaoaoiOBoaononoaoaosoaoaoaoaoiJi naonononononononoDonoBnnAM. --wuu VALENTINES and Valentine Decorations, Fartiei, Eta. For the last day before Val- t eniine aay we naye specially priced some of pur most beau tiful lots of Valentines. We have the largest variety of val entines in novelty designs. , Articles for decorations, favors arid parties n p in great profusion crepe tissue paper, plain 2 o red hearts, all size arrows, dinner and tally o cards, etc. on sale in Stationery, department. H D o D o D o 0 o Men's $2 Fancy or White Vests, e...49c Greatest Pants Sale of the Season at Brandeis Saturday Men's S5.50 and 54 Pants Strictly High Grade at gl 39 Never were good pants offered at such a low price. .Pants for dress or H ss street wear good pure worsteds and uil wool cassimeres some psg tops 'iSSBESBEam D o D o 30 10c IN THE BASEMENT Infants Shoes tites J to 6 worth 60c, at pair JJC Boys' and Youths' M5 Shoes, r( at pair yliJU Women's Comfort Juliets and Nurses Slip- OA a pers, worth 1 1.50, at pair JOG Women's 60c Felt Slippers. TO S8c A Sal of Manufacturer' Sample MEN'S and BOYS' HATS a! 98c-'li! The entire sample lines of two eastern high, grade hat manufacturers, soft and stiff hats. Come in all the new spring blocks and colors, positively worth up ffKn $fl50 Men's and boys' Sample aps at 15c and 25o. New Spring styles. Every shape and col or, worth UP t 1 75c. at each ,.IJC'6JC John B. Stetson Hat ETery tblng ' new In i Stetson soft and derby f rl) , at.4cl.tl hats for spring 1909, DRUG SPECIALS loc Dr. Crsve's Tooth Powder ..180 t5o Hydrogen Peroxide te 25o Colgate's Dental Paste 800 25c Rublfoam 10 25c Banitol Tooth Powder le :6c Colgate's Dental Powder lBo 25c Satin Skin Cream SOe 25c Pond's VsniKhlr.g Cream... 80s 50c Stlllman's Freckle Cream ,...390 25c Colgste's Talcum Powder . ...IBo 60c Danderine 4 So 25c Orange Flower Cold Cream ..16e 25c Liquid Shampoo 17s 50c Kweet Lrftus Perfume, ounce BSo 50c Violet Perfume, ounce ....... Se 25e Roger A Uallet Rice Powder ISe 50c lime. Isbell's Powder Ooo 60c Jsva Rice Powder, special . .. . 87o Kc Chamois 10o 15o Package 20 Mule Team Borax 10 FATUWT KBDZOUTBS SOo Syrup of Figs Pitcher's, Castorla , 8So bOc L.istertna 40o 11.00 Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey 9. fl.00 Lydla f'inklmm's VegeUbla Compound sao 60c 8wainp-Koot 45o 11.00 8. M. H. for 80 BTIlia OOODI Jl 60 Fountain tiyriiigo for .... S80 i 60 Com bi nation Fountain Syringe,' for 81.60 t5u Founlain Byringe 49s 5o Hot Water Bottle ..40 tl.OU Hot Water Bottle ...T6 ovt men ciaams ItaffmanetleH, per box of .u, .p'fUl at S1.SS Owl, per bos of 10 tl.as Fl Capllaii special T for 86e ododoi D o Q o D o D o a o D o D o a o D o D o D Q o D o D o a o D o Special Sale of Boys' Clothing We offer an extra special Monday. Boys' Knickerbocker and straight panta suits In all sizes Russian blouse and Bus ter Brown styles many strict ly all wool brown, blue and red serges also boys' fine over coats, ages 3 to 8, at 98c and -T T feononononononononononononon BRANDEIS STORES OMAHA I Rimember the D&t 8 NEXT MONDAY Brandeis will hold the Greatest RUG SALE ever known In the west. Watcti Sunday Papers. E3oaoczoc3oaoi3oaoaoaoc30caoczoE30C3d o D oaonor D o a o a o D o a o a o a o a o a o a o D o D o D o D o a o a o a o D o a o a o a o ) li II r )