TTTK OMAHA DAILY BEEi FRIDAT, FEBRtfABY 12, 190ft Ui i i - 5 i N V i i ; W ! I "DIISC OOURS OF LINCOLN EecolleetioM of a Fayiician. Present ia the Death Chamber. i - - HISTOiDGAL PICTUB.E RECALLED , Member f the firwep at the 'rf Living Maay I RM- ( the ftreet f :.r b.ptorio" group of grlef-tricken wtchers who stood 1lently waiting about th death bed of Abraham Lincoln . when the aplrlt of the great amanctpator took Ita mht on the morning of April U. 1. only two arc living today to tak part In tha exercise commemorating the on hun dredth annveiery of tha birth of tha martyr jrte.dent. In that d'fcd group, made familiar by tha painter' and tha engraver' rt. were a acore nr mora of persona m embers of tha dying president 'a peraonal and offi cial famlHel.' army officer and medical men. Tha ol aurrlvora now, after hta lapae of more than forty year, are Robert T. Lincoln, aon of tha war president, and ainca then hlmaelf a distinguished aeo retary of war In a . later cabinet, and Dr. Charles A. Leale, a pbyat rlari of New Tork City, living at No. 4 Madlaon avenue. The late John Hay waa al member Of that group, too. He waa than the privat secretary " to" the president. Later he became one of hla biographera, and later still tha gifted cabinet premier whose name has been affixed to noma of the met Important treatiea and state I umen'ta ' In Ma country'a history. The death of John Hay reduced the number of survivor to the two named. (in that fateful fi'grtr Ford's theater, when comedy ceased ilf mimicry on tha taae while tragedy wrought out ita treach erous crime in the flag draped preaidentlal box. it was the hand of. Dr. Ieale that fiiat Draught '.to- the akl cf the atrlrken n:es:dent tfr touch of surgery. It waa due largely to- Dr ' LeAtfs pfompt attention that Abraham Lincoln did not expire im mediately and that the promulgation of the T'rcidtnt"a lire for a period of nine I out permitted film to be aurrounded by fan. IK and friend af4 enabled the national government to adjim itaelf aomewhat to i ne ti;aljwi caused by the tragedy. The Hart la Martal. Dr.-'rv -when he made hia first examination.- raid to. thoee othera who had crowded in to hear tha tidlnga of the chief -iaia whom they loved: "The hurt Is mor tal. He eannot recover." The grim dlag r.osl. declined to be verified before tba next noentMe. waa teigraphed and cabled wherever exit ling facllitle would permit. There waa no Atlantic cable in thoae daya. Dr. Leale directed the - removal of the wounded preaklent. when he waa carried ai'rosa thftieet and- laid upon a bed on the aecond floor of a stranger a house. The young surgeon stood to hla poet throughout the rilae. houra of auspense by Die. deathbed and when the finaj hour had cntre bekL,gently In bis grasp tha limp r'ght hand of 4 he., dying prealdent. hia f . rs f tiger pressed to tha flickering pulse until. jt at Jat ceased tto bL Dr. LtjaJe.ia only W yaara old and look younger.. When, he sst In Ford theater watching, tha performance of "Our Ameri can Cousin" oa-the night of April 14. IS-, and heard tha crack cf John Vllkea Booth' a P'Stol; tha doctor waa an athletic young man of -TS. Bat young aa ha waa. ha had beeen detailed in charge of the commis sioned officers rof the army hospital, in Washington, D.'C. a post which ha had f'1'M untlf the, Vd of the -wart after haw Ing served hla. term aa a medical 'cadet and earned Ms cromlssinn aa a aurgeon In t!ie Vnlted States army. On the night of the asaaesination. Dr. Lealo had gone to the theater leas for the T'Urpoae of seeing the play than in the hope of obtaining a close view of Preal dent. Lincoln. 'pi Leale had laid aside- hJa uniform and attired hlmaelf In cltiaen'a a arb foT,.th occasion. Prompted by the wfsh to watch the president at cloae range, he had femiglrtwicket for a seat close enough ts the preaidentlal box to Permit hint to command a' view of Ita dia t npiished. occupant. t Heard Crack er Ptstal. t the moment when" Booth leveled hla weapon and fired at the back of tha presi dent's .head it chanced that Dr. Leale'a e ts wei a turned toward Aha etage. and ontPay One Cent s UhHI YouAro CureSr Piles, Fistula, Rectal Diseases. I eea't ears aew fee eaw K. .M4t aoa't esre wtst vmrwrr of Pike yoa B waetker Wind. Bteedia. latarasl er Itchuur W ri kT mlnAj tried 1 ssy T c" be cured. Mr kwtawt wtuck 1 riai aaMd M rears aa ia tba surest, ssiest aa4 aukkett ia tie werld. Huadnda kava - - aaaaa ss ssaible is yea. Ts preee -ui twmm wiuirui siklng yoa ear eeereaar is arce. M k Usee cared - - T """w i prsaaiseaM yea m. mrm wmw an wwmy rarucuiaff test rear trouble w a Uilng ef the sast; taca sad tLea A m t"u ',, 1 . M aa a V 1 fsHtesfccssyaaiSMjss. FurtW 4l Be 1 UI p ve a writMa gaari that tha curt wiU hut a litstiase 2 tusw. r 5:EnyQS era rwtal ditaasa ei aas cksiwc. tsr let ate eumiae yea asd aiva mr epiniaa ef seur cue. M 1 a mi ia paauote I wUl gvaraatee ta ae as. if I fail It! tM you aetaug. Kcatember mr trtmoci U I bI ewtccrous. I sim ktas-as ctlorato t a cwasiela permaaeBt cure. Aa ortot luu j oitar aad U bnt eawsrtuaitysesr premted to I ad your sunrriai aa tke aayleasaataass tkst i trass anutoaee sf Uti caaractar. Call On M OrWrire to Day If ru caaeet caae ssee wriarl tor air tree rocv. n u aoour bit i ueabweel leiisaowsuuesstoj it im mmm auay eiasi uapanaBi i taat wiU kateren every sunw r, I' It -Tmrrm jjs bm a.imio. 9Btf 00 Wait for the Great Piano Sale 5 l!ayden's ; aUfifisini Saturday Uarniog. Feb. 13th, Bp'clock he did not the rtrlcken man fall for ward from the rocking chair In whtch he was seated. But he had heard the ahot and a moment later he heard the agonised cry of Mrs Uncoln for help. P.ealliirg that the president had been injured. If not killed.' Dr. Leale forced his way through the excited throng and Into the flag-draped box. out of whtch Booth only a moment before had leaped to tha stage flourishing a dagger and paualng only for hia melodramatic cry of '81c semper tyrannis!" When the aurgeon reached the aide of Mr. Lincoln ho found her aupporting the head of the dying man. He relieved her of that task and at once took charge ot the ettuation. at Mia. Lincoln' request Placing his patient prone upon his back on the floor of the box. tt-e Burgeon made a careful examination arid then removed the clot from tha bullet around m the back of Mr. Lincoln a head, relieving thu the pressure on the brain. One of the flrat to reach tha presidential box from the stage waa I .aura Keen a. tha actresa, who had been playing a star part In the comedy, "Our American Cousin. She begged that she might be permitted to pillow the head ef the wounded preal dent upon her lap. The aurgeon demurred at first lest the slightest movement might hasten death, but, after having made more thorugh examination of the wound, he assisted Miss Kcene, and. as ahe eat upon the floor, the president's head waa gently lifted In such a way as to cause no shock and was rested on her lep. There It remained until tender hands carried tha patient across Tenth atreet to the house opposite the theater, which by the merest chance was destined to become tha set ting for the final scene In a great career. The Vteaaaval. "'My first thought, said Dr. Leale, re calling the memories of the night, 'wss to get the president to some place of safety. All of us thought there wss plot to blow up the theater and we felt that the mine might be fired at any moment. One of the first things I said after having made a superficial examination waa. 'Hi wound is mortal; he cannot recover." Two other physicians. Dr. Taft and Dr. H. E. A. King, had come to my assistance, and the preal dent waa carried acroaa tha street. Several army officers and soldier with drawn swords went in advance of us and cleared the way. The president was carried up to the second floor and placed on a bed. On account of hi great stature, for he waa lx feet four lnchea tall, Mr. Lincoln waa laid on tha bed diagonally. "On our way over I waa twice obliged to relieve the pressure on the patient'a brain by again removing the clot. Mr. Lincoln was shot at 10:30 o'clock and lived until 7:2) the next morning. Before hia death the cabinet officers had time to assemble, and he died with his family at his bedside. A his spirit paaaed away I waa holding hia right hand." As Dr. Leale said thla he took the hand of the writer In a firm but gentle grasp and illustrated bow he had held hla Index finaer on the pule of the radial artery until It had ceaeed to beat. Much that had occurred during thoae nine houra while the prealdent' life was slowly ebbing Dr. Leale hold of too aacred memory to repeat even now for publication. Much that he hlmaelf did during thoee crucial hour he la too modest to repeat teat he be thought by some who do not know him to be indulging In peraonal ex ploitation. It was only at the urgent re quest of hi colleague of tha Military Order of the Loyal Legion that he finally consented to read a paper at a recent me morial dinner of that organisation at Del raonlco'a, embodying at aome, length hia reeollectkxia of the nation' tragedy. . Othera have told, however,' of tha prea- ence of mind, skill and efficiency wK.i whtch Dr. Leale atood to bla poet from the flrat moment to the last throughout tha ordeal. Amid the confusion ef the emptying theater aad the ever present dread of some further calamity he coolly examined hia llluatrloua patient and mad hi prognoale; he arranged for- the re moval to a private houa without unnec essary delay; he dee patched the meaeen- gers that soon brought hurrying to the deathbed the aon. Robert, then a captain In tha army, and Mr. Lincoln favorite clergyman also. As one of the surgeons who had been la attendance. Dr. Leal had a prominent place during the funeral aervtcea In tha White House and at tha oapttoL stand ing cloae to the bead of the casket while the body of the prealdent lay In a Lata In tha funeral proceaalon h roda In the carriag immediately preceding the cata falque, attired, ef course, in hla uniform aa a aurgeon ot the army. Ha baa never worn that particular uniform alnoe, . The aword which formed part ef hla equipment, its hilt knotted wit a bow of black crepe, waa laid away and haa never been donned since that day. Dr. Leale keepa it In a cabinet la hie home in Madlaon avenue among tha relic of a buay life. Tenderly, almost rever ently, he took It from Ita re ting ptac and ahowed It to the writer. Ita acabard aomewhat tarnlehed by til year M Ita hrunken. crumpled bow of mourning crepe yet drooping from the hilt where he bound it on the morning when h had followed hi chieftain to the tomb. Plaster t'Ml ef Llaewla'e Head. From another cabinet Dr:' Leal took a plaster caat of the hand of Lincoln, mad during the preatdent'e life. It ahowed a remarkable hand. Strength waa written there in every line ef thoae corded atnewe and firmly clinched digit. "The aame hand." waa Dr, Leale' comment, 'that apllt the ralla In hia rugged pioneer day and that Inacrlbed later fn the year of hi fullne that strong, but dslical chlrograpby In which he penned hi famoua public documenta; the hand that wrote the emancipation proclamation free ing the slave. " Laying the plaater rep Ho carefully back in Ita caa. the surgeon pointed put the framed picture hanging aa tha wall ef hia library copy of an of the well knowa painting depicting the deathbed scene, historically accurate and mad from photographic studies of those who were present. It ahowed the young surgeon as be had stood during that last hour of the fateful Bine, close by the head ef tne old-fashioned bedatead on which LlncffTn died. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Honest Wins Hall Handicap at Emeryrillg From Tom rCEEELLO FETISHES THTJLD flrat Ilaaap la Many Weeka Oeeara Whea Jeba Prater Advaaeee Price at Trole Tea pa ta $1,M8. OAKLAND. CM.. rb. ll.-The tiret run-up In many weeka at Emeryville took place today when John Prater, owner of St. Ftancia, advanced the price of Trol Temp from Sf to 11.00. Archie Zltaj mer retained him and retaliated by claim ing St Francis, which ran aecond. for S:S. A light rain fell all the afternoon and the track waa somewhat muddy. Honeet beat Tom Shaw and Fordello in the Hull handicap. Summaries: First race, three and a half furlong, puree: Cinnamon (104, Ullbert, 17 to 1 won, Aldergulch (101. Taplin. 11 to J; aecond. Judge Henderson (10. Keogh, S to 1) third. Time: e.Jtfe. Elfin ieau, Hun Brooks. Sixteen, Napa Nick, Clan. Jim Brady. Bay Ktreak, Tugboat anl Prince Winter finished aa Mml. Second race, six furlongs, selling: Trol Temps (111, Fcovlile, 2 to It won, 8t. Francis (112. Mentrv, to J ) second. Toll Box (11S. Keoah. 11 to II third. Time. 1111). Argonaut, iady Carol. Descom- net, uuorln ana aiuisong unisnea as named. Third race, mile and seventy yard, sell ing: Okenlte (10. Butler, I lo II won. Kokomo (lOt. Sullivan", IS to 1) aecond, Agnolo (1). Cot ten, 1 to It third. Time: 1:V Red Ball. L. C. Ackeriy. Palaalni, Invader, Saineaaw, Celeres. Cayenne Cora, Billy Curtla and Inflammable finished aa named. , Fourth race five and one-half furlong, handicap: Honest (110, Keogh, 1 to 1) won, Tom Shaw l!0, C. Mllier, 11 to 1) second, Fordello (114. Lee. to 10) third. Time: l:0S Palo Alto and Creaalna fin ialied aa named. Fifth race one mile and aeventy yards, selling: Dollie Dollars (11. Gilbert, S to fr won. Kalelgh 101, Kalne. & to 1) sec ond, Msry B. Clarke (in. Mentry. 2k to 1), third. Time: 1:4. A. Muskoday. Jacomo, Confeseor, Mattie Mack, Colonel White and Tetanua finished aa named. Sixth race, six furlonga. puree: Roe Queen (S, Clark. 11 to 2) won. Berry Maid (lot. Lee. 1( to & aecond, Mlver stocking (107, Taplln. to i third. Time: 1:15. Charlie toherty. Ocean Shore, Llaaro. Kddas, ' Tom Hayward, Alneaa and Osceola tinlsbed as named. Resalts at Oaala Anita. LOS ANGELES, Feb. XL Summaries at Santa Anita: First race, on mile, selling: Homeless (121. Mcuee, 7 to i won, Vivant (lis. Bul- wtu. 1 to 1 aecond. Pacific Electric (Ul Kennedy, t to It third. Time: 1 -Jo- aepn k.. 'town Topic and Milpuaa aiao ran. Second race, 2-year-olds, selling, three and one-halt turlongs: Klora tl'-'T, Powers, 1 to 6 won, Sepulvedj due, uugan, 7 to 1) aecond, Mary Van Buren (119. U. Burns, to 1) third. Tune: 0:41. Heima S. Del- maa, Sam Sneak. Pbosphoreia and My lea ucenneu aiao ran. Third race, selling, seven furlongs: Stsr in is tie (W, rsge. U to 1 won. Grande Dame (HO, Schilling, 7 to o) second. Snow Ball U'. Bui well, 3 lo 1 third. Time: 1:. Pretension. Fredonla, Whip Top, Director and .Wleechild also ran. Fourth race, one and one-eighth mile: Cxar (104, Mugrave. t to 1 won. Jack At kin OS. Power. 7 to 10) aecond. John Car roll (10, Schilling, a to S) third. Time: 1:61. Cotytto and Go wan also ran. Fifth race, eelllng, alx furlonga: San Vito (lit. Cullen, 1 to a) won. Howard Pf arson (110. Power, to 1 econd. Bile Carman (112. Bui well. S to 1) third. Time: 1:14. Provedore, Aseo, Bucklehorn, Little Flueh, Melton Cloth and Empire Expedition also A Daaaterwaa wad la rendered antiaeptic by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the healing wonder for sore, burn. pUea. ecaema and aalt rheum. Sc. For aale by Beatoa Drug COj MEIKLE is SOON MARRIED k Lral leal Batata Maa Rea.r Di ve reed Take Aaetber Wife la er Yerk. William B. Meikle, real estate dealer in tha Rami block, ha married a New Tork young woman. Th notice at hla marriage waa received la letters from Kw Terk yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Meikle are at preaent atopplng at the Seville hotel la New Tork. but expect te come te Omaha Saturday. Since hia divorce last spring Mr. Meikle be a living at the Omaha cluu. Sixth race, eelling. five and one-half fur longa: Kerry (10. Schilling. S to l won, Jane Swift (H)l. Goldaleln. to I) second, Molll Montroae (101, Kennedy, IS to 1) third. Time: 1:0S. Free ivn.ght, Th Bear, Marble. Ailalone, Bellalrome, Haber, Tramotor, Lord Nelson and Kavaria also ran. Seventh race, eelllng. five and one-half furlong: E. M. Fry noL Muagrava, 1 to 1) won, Shirley Roaamore (101. Goldstein, 7 to S) aecond. Guiding Star (Ut, E. Dugan. 14 to 1) third. Time: 1:. Prolific, .Mattie Bumppo. Teo Beach. Merrill. 11m O1 Toole, Captain Emerlch. Oxane. Salvage, Orelio, Ben Stone and Charley Heer.ey also ran. tea a Ita at 1 p. TAMPA, Feb. 11. Summaries: First race, six furlongs and sixty yard: Autumn Maid 1, Bums. & to It won, Kiystura (102. Smith. 4 to 1) second. Hawk a Flight (1. Hannan. to 1 third. Time: 1:34- Ramble, Lady Ripple, Gun Shot, St. uclaire. Lord Direct and La Toeea 11 aiao ran. Second rate, five furlonga: Daisv Shine (ST. Hlnchltn. 12 to woo, Charley Luak (KM, Loveil. 4 to 1) second. Joe Fallen (Ul, Mc Artie, to I) third. Time: 1:0&. Tomo chlchi. King Thorpe, Canada, Amador and Merrlgo also ran. Third race, six and a half furlong: Malediction (10S, Lovell, S to 6) won. Annji Smith OKI, Brannan. 7 to J) Second, Hooray (ST. Murphy. to 6) third. Time: 1:. Trey of Spadea, Druid, Momentum and Ben Doubt aiao ran. Fourth race, teeplechaae handicap, one mile and a half, over ahort courae: Lixxi Flat OM. McClaJn. 7 ta It won. Easter Joy (167, Pending, even) aecond. Profitable (118. Garwood, i to !l third. Time: S:ls. Dr. Young fell at flrat Jump and Jigger at the eleventh Jump. Neither horse or Jockey were hurt. Yumurl also ran. Fifth race, one mile and m aixteenth: Judge Dundon (104. Crowley, 7 to 2) won. 7nlit (104, Hannan, k to II aecond. Merry Bell (104. Hayne. x to l) third. Time: 1:47 V Mia Vigilant. Richmond Duke. Laughing Eye and Gowang aiao ran. Blxth race, rive lurionga: Lajcuuua u. Smith, even) won, Minnehaha (101. Frank lin. S to 2 aecond, Dooaido (91, Lovell. S to 1) third. Time: 1:06. Haymarket, Fancy Pi en. Carrie Elder and Rexall also ran. Retara RISe Match. Tha Council Bluffs rifle team will eroaa th river thla evening for a match with ten picked men from Omaha. The match will be ahot at the shooting gallery on Douglaa atreet between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. These aauna teama ahot a week if reaaaylvaata Rank Falls. PITTSBURG. Feb. 11. An Inxeiunlary petition la bankruptcy was filed toiay in tne I'nlted Siatee dlatrtri court eaalnvt . tne K!4ie1 hank, a prtaie institution of r Idled. M Kaa upty f-ean l ante lie bask aaa ergauised by Peaasyltanla. Aiaham aad Oklahoma men aad the petitioners' ilalma are fur email aueuata. The Vest 10 c Cigar Made Don't leave it to the man behind the cigar case to select your cigar for you. Say CIGAR One puff, and you'll know it has no equal at the price 10c. Once smoked, you'll if solve to always ask for it. Havana filler, Sumatra wrapper. , Mild, smooth, sweet. AlOl TOT CK2AJS MJLS. Ctuam. IVo vaa Cigar Co, saaha, S'hlal" Olty. to LAKtik-R fcLLK. E&eiow your J own State : Everybody knows that Nebraska is prosperous. Many people, how ever, even in Nebraska, do not know the source of its prosperity, except -in their own neighborhood. Neither is it always understood in the cities, as to the cause of the general prosperity of the farmer, and the farmer may not be familiar with what has been most essential in bringing about the;, - DrosDeritv of our towns and cities. - - . . -ww jf raar'.i In the coming article6, descriptive of the diferent counties of the state, the Commercial Club and their good roads campaign will receive attention; from what the state has been develop and the place " holds today in the industrial world; the advantages Nebraska offers to those who may come here; what . the farmers of today have accomplished, and the possibilities for the farmer of the future; what th stock-breeders and stock-feeders have developed and what they are trying to develop; what the dairy- -industry has to offer and how it is being received or rejected by the average farmer. The fruit industry has added to the pleasure and profit of the home; the corn grower has learned and is learning, and his knowledge of improved methods are of immense value to himself and his neighbors. The railroads have done much for the state and have receivd much in return from the people. Thrify towns and cities of " , the state are growing, and how they are making progress will be told. The county schools, the school ' teacher and county superintendent of schools are entitled to notice and will be touched upon. , All of these things will receive special attention in the future articles. No one can be well posted unless they know their own state. Your friends, elsewhere, will be glad to receive a copy of the issue containing the account of your home county. ' Next week Hamilton County T OMAHA NDAY B to In Council Bluff, th Omaha team winning, and now tha Bluffltea arc after for. CORK HI SHERS LOSE TO DRAKE Peeallar Arranaeaaeat ef Field Heine the lewa Teaa. Dt! MOINES. Feb. U.-(8pecial Tele gram.) Nebraska loat th flrat baket ball game of th series to Drkke her tonight by th aoor of IS to 15. The gam waa merely a "fight for the ball" eonteet in dead ot basket ball. Th larger Drake team had a alight advantage becauae of the email at of the court. There were no boundary line on th aide and th Drake team used tbl to a great advantage In making carom paaaea, which greatly be wildered the Nebraska five. The lineup: NEBRASKA. I DRAKE Hughe V Total IM UNION Matthea . Willey .. Tempi in Total .485 41 PAC1FIC8. lat. M. .. ITS 2W .. 1X 140 . It 2tt 2n 627 T7 l.i( M. Tot1. 1? 1X1 m 46 MI 444 4" 1,474 Maratkaa Rare at Haatlas. HASTINGS. Neb.. Feb. lL-fSpecial.) Th Marathon fever haa atruck Haatlnga. Bec Tetary McMlchael and Physical Director McLean of th Young Men' Christian aa aociatlon are conaldering the advisability uf promoting a Marathon race for Hastings to be run esrlv in the SDrinr. Such a test of speed and endurance would call for much Witab ., Weo U r.l.,f ..,... Fetmahrt C. C... Beii it. f .11.1 U djU !,...... Official referee: - Haftkttt,, 'T 1 ' aee. . . ROD. A.D 6L'W , tl.ll .. Tarlor ... tan. . ... Lan. Hinirt .. VrlUka AFFAIRS training on the part of the contestant, but It is belit veil thst there are a doaen or more I " " "T ' J men and boya here who would gladly pre- tnft Omaha Jobbers and manufacturer. JEWELERS MEET IN OMAHA Wholesaler aad Retailer Plea braaka Aaaaelatlea'a Ceavea. tlea Thla Meath. for Who) seal asd retail jeweler of Omaha met at the Commercial club Thuredey noon to diot'a plan fo- entertalfilng the Ne braska Retail Jeweler' association, which meet for Ita third annual convention in Omaha. February 14. S and 38. The first thine th Jeweler will do 1 to hold a banquet, which will be a Joint affair to th Nebraska Optical society and Nebraska Jewelers' association, given by Oaleere and Directors fkaaea Febra ary lft Mare Greaad Is "reared. Director and office ra of the Omaha Rod and Gun club will be elected ThureJay night. February 18. at the annual meeting of the club, which will be held at Crelghtou Institute hall. fTinre th close ot last aeaaon thv club haa secured considerable ground of Ita own, and It i lo intimated that tha Crelghton eatat will give the club a right-of-way through ita land to the lake front, which added to the lease already held by the club will give greatly increaaed faclli tlea. Since ita reorganisation two year ago th club haa proapnred moat materially and ita membership ha also grown. WITH THE BOWLERS. In the special match game of ten pin laat night on th Omaha league alley be tween Brogele Pet and th People Store Star, th former won two gme. Laond green of the Association league ha picked five men from the league and challenges th On! mod team for a match gam th first open night which will probably be next Wednesday. The Onlmod are game and will probably accept. Tonight the Chancellor and Fslstaff. Score: BROGELES PETS. 1st. 2d. Id- Total" C 115 114 V 4fil 111 106 17 J K 141 V MS 137 142 141 4J0 1M IM 17 642 Ttiompon, Brown Thompson, Abbott ... Brogele ... Total C40 710 C60 1,000 pare for the event. One plan Is to have the race from Hastinga to Grand Island, a dis tance of Just twenty-five mile. If this is alupted a challenge may be laaued to the Grand Island runners and the event ao ar ranged aa to have the runners of both town atart simultaneously. Grand Island to finish her and Hastinga to finieh in Grand Island. The plan will be talked over with the local men who have favored the contest and If a sufficient number can be Induced to un dertake the necessary long distance train ing a dale will be arranged. Athletes Defeat Meelclaaa. DORCHESTER, Neb.. Feb. 11 (Special.) The Dorchester Aihletle cli'b basket bail team defeated the Cornet band laat night by (he score of 4 to la. Th band boya played a brilliant gam In the first half, but were outclaaeeAl in the laat. The Ath letic club carrieo off the featurea of the game by handling th ball ao accurately and with such ease, while some fine goal 1 mrow mg waa made tor tne nana Dy Ken oo, Villi and Wlckerkamp. Richard O'Neill of Lincoln I to b th toastmaater. To thi is added on the offi cial program: "W. J. Pilklngton, Mack A. Hurlbut nd Rv. F. L. Loveland will peak; ome Joker will Jok; some tlnger will lng. th mnsic will amuse, and Jeweler Emll Geiat of ft. Paul. Minn., will be her with hi cither." A the National Retail Jeweler' associa tion meet in Omaha this yrsr. the laat meeting of that organisation and the com ing meeting will be, discussed at the con vention of the Nebraskan. Mack A. Hurl but, ex-president of the national asaocU lion, and S. Calhaon, secretary of th na tional organization, will, both atttend tha state meeting. PEOPLES STORE STARS. Fleming Bllgen .. Johnson Landon East .... 1st. 11 IS M IB lift 2d. M 4 M IT M Sd Totals. 1J7 S4t 16 13S S 16 4M lit 41. Total TO 1 In th regulr league gam on th Omh league alley Tudy night between Gold Top and the Gate City, th former won the series. Henley of th Jelter took both high mgl and totals, with an rrorlce aerie ef ail Score: GOLD TOPS. lat Sd l Hartley .. Ma honey . Greenleaf Starr Reynolda Total 14t 170 17 ltt ::i 14 157 14 1H Sd Total. ZM CU 1S 4 17 41.7 1M 4i 143 alO GATE . S4 12 CITTS f 2. 1st. 12 lit 1M 1M 140 Id ITS 15 1 Iki 174 Sd Totals. 10 171 171 1M 4 544 4, t S 4 4 SI) Z.taJ w Raekles aad Haasew Will Boa. Guy Buckle and Battling Hanaon will box ten rounda thla evening before the Ster ling Athletic club at Wolff hall on Twen-ty-aecond and Cuming atreet. Thi club ia composed of the bueinesa men of Cuming street and haa a memberahip of about SOD. SMOOTH MAN SLIPS AWAY Otto X. Fraakferter Leave th City aad Maay Dlstarhed Credit re la It. Borrowing clothe, money and confidence from hla church and buaineaa friend. Otto Nedham Franforter. about S2 year of ag. , haa mad hi aplaah and la now being searched for by the police of the country. Fancy vest and gift of flower to hi young women friend are aaid to hav been hi long cult, a a number of local tailor and florist can testify from th bill he owe. It i aald he i indebted to on firm, th Richardson Drug company, to the extent of about 11 50 for unauthorised draft, hotel bill and collection. Becoming suspicion not long ago because no reply could be obtained from th persons he gav reference on hi bond, th wholesale drug firm waa satisfied a to hi character by the recelpt of several hotel bill and th new that some of it cus tomer had Indorsed drafts for Frankforter. H had been working aa a traveling alea man for If in Iowa, but th firm ordered him to report to the Omaha office, which he failed to do. Joining th First Methodist church om tim ago. he made soft spot for himself ia the heart of local churchmen, according to th atatementa of hla former employer. A bill of tX for room rent at th Toung Men Christian association building 1 outstanding agalnat him. and a local flor ist's sliop lias prutided him with about SIS orth of rosea and violets fur which ha was alloard credit. Frankforter. who also goes by the nama ED MAURER OUT IN FEW DAYS Reapeada ta Treataaeat Readily aad Shawa Every Blarw f Karly Recavery. Encouraging report about th condition of Ed Maursr, who haa localised blood poisoning, ar being given out by hi phy sician. Dr. Scdlacek and Allison. They lanced Mr. Matirer's tongue, which I th Mat of th trouble and he I now feeling much relieved. He will soon be over th effect of the Infection, which, the doctor ay, ia not dangerous, hut which ha con fined Mr. Maurer to hla home. He will be 'out In 'a few day. th uai .i.y lor p..i. iuc . Q Frankfort and Ned Frankfurt. I ... Iwayw flag w rZl"lmS 7WI. ZTfZ I"" L "ffi-fL f Py .... , . ; rer uiedicmea every "T V. 7..;.i.7i: , - . . ni ui coat of your tment will be pa B K . . . 1 . . . 1 neaicio gna w ul csue Cliandier Ohnecrg Jone Gjerde -Reed. H. i Totals If th Onimods can get two garaea frum th &mpeck Friday nignt iney win aia- h ii.i. 1'tiv ror aixin dibcb in lue Tracy, captain or tne unimoas. issuea a -..,.t ..... ..., u -i im challenge to the Commercial league, the and worked with the Oml Drug company tarma of which r that he pli k five I an( later waa put on tha road. During hia team captains from the Omaha league to . . . K- . bowl fi team caplalna from the Commer- I r,r,t ,rlP er nm rntr ha me-ely made vial league: six gamea to be bowled, three j friends with l is customer, but on the ec on each at t of alle total pin to count. ond time over the atata ha ia aaid to have Thi iaa gooo one ana ououeas win j begun borrowing money and cashing draft 7 rli.chr says number 1J is lucky for i on tr' conipany. him. He wa thirteenth at St. Joe. Ilur- ' The last heaid of him waa from Dt teent'o in tn City tournament, and tliir- ; jjoinea. Irom whlthcty he checked a grin leenih in the Omaha le.gue one -ar ago. . k umaha He ltft K,.,. ,h High roll, three games aj far Una wk 1 ?,ek to, mn- ' "'' me fnr th weeklv cas.i prise, waa made by ' day and detectives are now trying to lo- O. D. K .." w ho got 4-lh--JI. -Kip" t cate him. ia an old-timer, and rf he geta ba.k In tne ' game again look out for tne high scores, j ..,., ,h. , . In the Merry-go-round on the Aaoc.laik.n ' C P- K,ur- -r. 1J0 Virginia alleys C J. Franc toco ia tied up with three ! Ave., lndianapolia. Ind . writes: "X waa ao ainereni paj-uca im arc una iiian acurs weak Irom kidney troubl that I cauld DRIVER HANGS0NT0 REINS Wllllaaa Field, Teeetster. Displays Resaatrkahle Ser at th Rlak f Hie Life. Desperately hanging onto the rein of hi horse thst were running away down hiU William Field, a teamster working for th People Ice and Coal company, created quit a sensation in th neighborhood of Twenty-ninth and Franklin street lat Thuredey morning. H waa badly hks up, considerably bruised aad thoroughly frightened with the possibility of being killed under the horses or wagon, but was not seriously hurt. A cut on his hesd waa th worst Injury he sustained. '' Field was picked up by him of th hundred or trior peopl who witnessed th mad course of the runaway. H was found to be In better condition than waa at flrat auppoaed, so he waa taken horn In hi employer' buggy. . H Uvea at 12Z7 South Twelfth street and has a family. SECRETARY TO MR. HARRISON Celeael E. W. Halferd, Oar raaaUiar Whit Heaae . Flgare, ta la Oaaahat. Lieutenant Colenal Elijah W, Halferd. United State army, retired, waa m Omaha Thursday, enroute from aflnneaota point! to Waahington. ' ' ' ' " Colonel Half or d waa privat secretary to President Benjamin Harrison. "I am merely paaelng through Omaha," aald Colonel Halford. "having Just emerged from a fight wltb two or three blistarda up near St. James and hav brought with me a magnificent cold. I hav not been much In touch with public event recently I hardly know whether I will be able to reach Waahington In time for the Inaug uration, aa I ahall do om vialtlng en rout homeward. My ty 1n Omaha will be o hort tht I will be denied th pleas ure' of visiting with old Omaha friends." Colonel Halford left tor the east at noon and will visit several day In St. Louis, Chicago nd lndianapolia. CHANGE IN NAVY AGENTS Aaaistaat Sargreea Bishop Will Be Re lieved at Reerwltlaa; Statlea by A. M. Realaett. Assistsnt Surgeon I W. Bishop. I. S. N.. ha been relieved' of duty at th aavy recruiting autlon in- the federal building nd I succeeded by Assistant Surgeon A. H. Roblnett. V. S. "N.. who haa been on duty recently with fhe marina corn in Cuba. Dr. Roblnett baa already, catered upon hi aew duties. Dr. Bishop will be trnferred to the Brooklyn nvy ysrd for duty. , ' It I also probabl that Lieuteaaat G. F. NeaU V. 8. N. who haa been In charge of the Omaha reeruttmg utlon, will be transferred about March 1 to another sta tion or possibly to sea duty. Lieutenant Neal will be uoceedd here by Lieutenant Paul B. Dung a. V. 8. N now on leav at Hasting. Neb. Lieutenant Dungn ha but recently been traasferrcd from ea service with the gunboat Panther. WE CURE Fwl EN rvAHYE8ucRuSI affUcUd with any allaaaat ahould aw ta th Zea tar lenses l tablishad, most eapsrleoeed aaa ke -T. Our r-enty-flve yeera wTfu?rWcUeT in auruZ abia ta ear patleata aad yew ay whew eWwa. r?. . . EstzHbEied la Caaba 25 Yein This rRuttto ..." u aaowlng Uialr true bi.tI. win o artc -111 be boatly axplataed aad treatedT Af ter a iaffeeT 1 ertandlng of each case, a fair, heaeat prie la aarieai po" b'lV ol' and pstl-tat. Including all iiedJuiea nUl cured. Our patleata know Just what it will east Hm a armaaBt cur befota the begin treatmeat. awaiuveiy 11 m lee lnciuaee the MED1C1M.B. If e lev Uss oaay thn any herepeeiaJlat and accept the aaaae la aa. Wly ! wiah ta pay. Nervou Debi't; Bloed Pouon. h.ldny and Bladder. Proetauo Treubiea. Weakn. Stomach and bkla bUtuM. all aameaia ef men, ao matter b9w go- PPPP WRITE FOR 8VMPTOM BLANK fXiR BOMB EXAMINATION' AND OUN8IXTATIOM.4 wnt .twwiifc.ii wui .ww. iT Vb aad Daa;laa. 'OiflitaVKsS of lJ3u Francisco M7 Seals S 1.3 Francisco M ABderaon 4 131 Francisco a"! Sherwood gal 1.23 Th Omaha National wan two out of three gamea from the Lb ton PaoilVa laat Bi:ht oa the Aasoclation alley. Th first game wa a tie and thi waa won by the Beauties ia the roil off ia the teath frame. Changstrom waa high for alngl game with Sfl. and Hughe bad high Uual of 7T. To night the two packer, krwift and Otdahy. meet. Score: OMAHA NATIONALS. let. Sd. . Sd. Total. rha&astreea 1 171 M aVdwoa HI lie 11 SS hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottle or Foley Kidney Remedy cleared my com plsxlon. cared my backache and tha Irreg ularitie disappeared and I can now attend to buaineaa every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy t all eufferera. aa It cured me after tha doctors and other remedied had failed." For sale by all druggist. Illy Saa day's Aaatetaat Dead SPOKANE. Wash.. Feb. 11. Rev. P Pledger, assistant to Evangsllst "Billy" Sunday, w tie haa Juat completed a all weeks revival aervioa here, died thle morning ef pneumonia aad a compllratloa of dieeaaea after aa illnea ef twa weeaa. WE CURE EN FOR By the Old Eeliable Dr. Searies & Searlei. Pi!bllJh a' " ' vTh many hou aoaa of cae cured by us maa u th moat exper ienced apeciaiiat in th We.t. la all diaeaaes lit til- rdn?ur. ThuIcuV"" ."V U1 "? We Cure You, Then You Pay Us Our Tee. W mk no iiualrading or laia statements er ofer ej cheap, wortnica IrMintnL Our reputatiua aaj faina aie tee favuiabiy knuaa, eeiy taae w treat eur leputatlen 1 at tak lour health, i.l and bappia.a ia toe aerioua a matter to place la the hande of a "SI ikllSkf liOOTOB. Honcat duilmi of tlj'ily u. taeir l MAB1A IM TalXIaV SPIIUML . aWrweea aVsMlity, Bleed Veieoa. Skla Diaeaaes. hiney a4 kJUi. dee avtaeaasa. all Special Slaae asA Alimaata ef at. a. Lxamlnation and consultative. Write for Dr. tSeaalc & dearies. 119 S. 14th. Cor. 14th and Dooarlaa. Qxathi.