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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1909)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 7. 1909. JIMS CET AFTER ED HOWELL Dak' man Democracy Unlimben Iti ' Oratorical Mud Batteries. SENATOR ROASTED A DEEP BROWN (Followers f the Mayor's Banner Vie with Karh Other In Harllea; a li es and Akue at Man In Lincoln. Execrations uid denunciations wore heaped I hick and fast upon tlie head of Stale Sen ator Edward E. Howell at a meeting of the Dahlman Demoerncy club Friday night by representatives of a half doxen nationali ties, who gave the legislator nearly every name they could lay their tongues to. From Mayor Dahlman down tho senator was roasted, and roasted unmercifully, the club winding up by passing a strong set of res olutions denouncing Howell for hia Intro duction In the legislature of e. !,;'; to take from tho city the power to tax public setv Ice corporations. While Mayor was the most prominent speaker, Councilman 1ce Bridges carried off the palm in denouncing the sen ator, talking for a half hour and only stop ping then because he had said all he could think of that was bad about Howell, as the councilman confessed. "I've got no use for Ed Howell, for a fel low who lias no spunk to say what he Is r where he is In a campaign Isn't worth i curse, and that man Is Howell," said Bridges. "He has played traitor and been .'alse to his pledges and his party. "Twelve years ago this man Howell killed the democratic party, and It staid dead un til Jim brought It to lire three year ago. hut now Howell Is trying to murder it again. If we've got but one Howell down to Lincoln I will run for re-election, but If we have too many, God forbid." Mayor Jlm'a Lament. "We are here to condemn one of our sen ators, sent to the capital to represent ut and to uphold the will of the people, but this man proposes to violate every trust Imposed In him and to trample under foot the will of the people," was the message of Mayor Dahlman. "The democ ratic party Is on trial today, but any cur who will go out and ask for the votes of the people and then gives them tho throw-down makes me dlsgucsted, and t brand him a traitor md a trimmer. This club Is a club of the plain people, and we will meet here every Friday night to tell our servants what to do and what not to' do, for tho men we elect to office are our servants and wo are their masters." Colonel Fanning spoke briefly of the re sult of tho tutors of the Jim committee sent to Utiouln and In the course of his marks he said: "Howell didn't repre ion'i Stoy Fat I Want To Prove To You Before Your Own Eyes and At My Expense That I Can Reduce You to Nor mal weight safely, si or iirescme txerc ses. It Doesn't MaU.r What You HmTrlod. Snd For This Frio $1.00 Box of My safe Fat Riducer Today. i ' f i a H, . - .' .""'-. ! l ' 1 1 i ! V :,,-!,. : .. 1 Knew FrwN Experleaoe Thar la No Longer Any Exeuea Far Anyaaa Ta Be Too Fat. Try Kollogo'o tifo Fat Reauoer, Aa I Old," says Aea Raaar. Free, positively free, a ll.0i hox of Kellogg's Safe Fat Reduier, to every sufferer from fat, Just tu prove that It actually reduces you to normal, doen It afely. and builds up your health at the aame time, I want to send yuu without a cent f expenao on your part thla II. uO package of what I ajn free to call a really wonderful fat reducer. My treatment I. prepared ai lenurican It doee not atop or hinder digestion, on he contrary. It promotes Pr'Pf '1 lgee tlon and aealinllation of food, w hl.-li t ft people In a hundred haven t aiJ tt . why they are fat. Leave No Wrinkles Tou ehould have no fear, otter being reduced by. KeJI.-fg'. ,! that your ",r- "... sent anything; he la misrepresenting ev erything; and no one can get his ear ex cept the attorney or representative of some rotten corporation." W. F. Ptoecker. one of the Douglas county rereaentatives told how Howell, whom he tailed the "big chief." refused to recognise him; George rtogers. former president of the Jim club, told of Howell's refusal to listen to the delegation, while all the others trea'ed the Omaha men with every courtesy; and the senator Was remembered by President Tom Flynn, Jamea O'Hara, Charles E. Kelpln, Charles Coleman, Joe Besto, Charlea Shartata, E. A. Worm, Hyman Ievy and Albert Kap lan. . . Reeolatlona Deanaaee Howell. The club rooms were crowded to tha doors and the speakers were frequently; applauded, ' especially when some fresh encomium was handed out to the atata sen ator from Douglas county. A short resolu tion thanking the house members and Senators Ransom and Tanner for the courtesy extended the delegation sent by the club to Lincoln was adopted, as well as the lunger resolution censuring Sena tor Howell. These were drawn up by. a special committee composed' of' George Rogers, Charles E. Fanning, T. O'Con nor, I.. J. TePoel' and J. J. Mahoney and were tdopled with a whoop. The resolu tions follow: Whereas, An effort Is now being made by Senator K E. Howell of Douglas county to so amend the charter bill now rending in the legislature as to deny to tlie city of Omaha as well aa the other municipalities of the state the right and power to Impose or collect nny franchise tax or occupation tax from any conra tlon or company engaged In a pubHc call ing; and, Whereas, We believe either a franchise tax tor an occupation tax when properly Imposed and Judiciously levied to be a wise and wholesome public measure as well as a Just and equitable means of raising public revenue: and, Whereas. We deem any attempt to deny to our city the right and power to fully and freelv exercise this fundamental power of government (the taxing power) a men ace to our community, a step backward in the solution of municipal problems, a violation of the "home rule" pledge made to the people of this city and a breach and betrayal of the trust and confidence re posed by the people In those whom they have chosen a stiielr representatives. Now therefore be It resolved: That we emphatically and unequivocally declare ourstilvea uncompromisingly op posed to any such action or any other action by the state legislature which might be construed as an attempt to restrain or curtail the rights and powers of the mayor and city council in the conducting and controlling of municipal affairs that we belive tho right to Impose and collect either a franchise tax or an occupation tax to rightly fall within the sphere of municipal activity and that a denial of that right by the legislature would be the repudiation of a campaign promise, and be it further resolved: That we respectfully solicit the efforts of the other members of tho Douglas county representation to stay any such action by the legislature; that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and made a part thereof; and that a copy of them be sent to the Douglas county representation In the legislature. without Starvation Loses 150 Poundsa" Mrs. Rosa Steesy, of Elk Point, South Dakota, writes: I have lost 10 panada, and am still losing: slowly. When I commenced your treatment 1 welgke4 SUM iounda now I melgrh 313 Bonnda. Your Reducer la all right and did Just as you said it would. I can hardly be lieve that I am the. aame woman. My daughter Is greatly reduced in weight and I don't think she will need any more of your Obesity Reducer. We now are both cured. Tou may refer anyone to me. 10 IV, Pounds Gone ! The remnrkable case of Miss Artie Adams of blielby. Ohio, Is illustrated la her own words: "When I look back to the time be fore I took your wonderful obesity cure I do not see how I stood It. My weight is now 163H pounds, and I have lost Just 101 ' pounds. I can hardly believe that there has been such a difference in my feelinga and ap pearance. But oh! how thankful I am that I found a cure for my awful bur den of fat. In Kellogg's Safe Fat Re ducer, I can hardly realize that I weigh now only K3H pounds. Tou can use my letter aa a testimonial if you wisn. many treatments used for flesh reduction. ir you are too fat don't fail to fill out free toupun below and mall today. $1.00 Fra Packaga Coupon This coupon Is good for a 100 parkage of Kellogg's 8a fe Fat Re ducer and a book of Photographs and trkiimoniala. Fill tn your name and addreas on tlie blank lines below and inclose 19 cents In silver or stamps a.4 an evidvn-e of good faith and to help cover postage and packing, and by return mail you will receive a $1.00 package prepaid. T, J. Kellogg, 04 Kellegr Bldf ., BatUe Creek, aUea. Name Street No City and citato AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Council Keitrained from Consummat ing- L Street Paring Contract. NUMBEfi OF REASONS ALLEGED Art Hill' Arrestee) on Cfcarae of Rob. nine a ria'ar Store ant Job a O'Brien, Ills Coajpaaloa, Kladee Police. The South Omaha dity council was served with a temporary restraining order yes terday afternoon to prevent the comJJletlon of the contract with the National Con structlon company for the paving of West Li street. This order was Issued oa the petition of Fred Offerman, representing the Interests of Offerman Bros., contractors. . The petltlor asks for a hearing and a permanent Injunction for several reasons, all attacking .the legality of the procedure up to trie present date. . The points are: First, the appraisers appointed .to adjust damages' by reason of any grading opera tions on the street have never made a report to the council; secondly, the plans and specifications do not contain the Item of a storm water sewer In regular form; no ordinance has been provided authoris ing the necessary bond issue, and no funds are available for such a purpose; the Na tional Construction company la not the lowest-and ' best bidder, having submitted a higher bid than; Hugh Murphy; the 4 est of materials to be used in the construc tion of this paving showed that the ma terial offered by the National Construction company was Inferior to the samples of fered .by Hugh Murphy, For all those reasons Fred Offerman has secured a re straining order to prevent the council from taking any steps to perfect the contract and bond of the Rational Constructlcn com pany. The mayor and city clerk were not Served with this order, it being evident that the mayor would not proceed willingly after having vetoed the contract. The h ar Ing will be during the coming .week. ' Search : for Robbers. The South Omaha police were on a man hunt yesterday seeking to apprehend the Bang which Thursday evening broke Into William Bennett's cigar store at Twenty sixth and O streets. The entrance was forced through theback door. Borne cigars and tobacco, a number of pipes snd 95 cents In change were secured. The value of the stolen property was about $18. Art Hill was arrested at i a. m. on a street car going toward Omaha. He was captured. by Offi cers Ringer and Gaughan. His companion, John O'Brien, escaped. These two men were suspected of the burglary and were seen by the officers at a distance walking on Twenty-fourth street. The officers took a northbound car at Twenty-fourth: and O streets, and it I street the other two took the car. When the attempt was made to arrest them, both left the car In a docile way, but on touching the ground they broke for (rover, aa fast as they Could go. Ringer fired four shots after O'Brien, but only succeeded In stimulating his flight. The two officers, however, succeeded In recspturlng Art Hill. He was taken to the police station and searched. Five pipes were found in bis possession. These Ben nett Identified as his property. The Omaha police were notified and a hunt for O'Brien was Kept up all day and Is still on. Both of the men sre. young fellows, but have an unsavory record with the police. Innovation, at Parkins Plants. The Omsha Packing company has in stalled one of the new scrapers for the rapid dressing of hogs, such as Is in use in Armour & Co.s plant. This scraper la a horizontal machine instead of the old vert ical cylinder commonly In use. The hair Is taken off by a revolving apparatus con structed of flexible belling with a metal scraper fixed at the end. The hogs are carried between two of these beaters. The work Is much more rapid and effective than the .old method and has proved a great success with Armour & Co. The other packers are now Installing the scrap ers as fast as the condition of their ma chinery will make advisable. At Kansas City, Armour A Co. are ex perimenting with a moving platform for the cattle beds, add it Is said the new de vice is liked so well that It will be used In Chicago also.'" One of the principal ad vantages Is that it requires each butcher to work up to a certain standard of rapid ity to keep the carcasses moving. Tho other plants have not yet been convinced that there is any great economy in the moving bed. It may be installed In Armour ft Co.'s South Omaha plant. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The men's meeting Sunday at 4 o'clock will take the form of a conference. Sec retary Bailey will meet with . the board of directors and any of the active mem bers that may attend. Cards have been sent to the 'members explaining the pur pose of the 'meeting. All friends of the association are invited to attend. There will be good music by the association or chestra and a song service. The membership contest, while not pro ducing the results expected, was by no means a failure. The reorganisation of the LJenands and again making them a work ing force of the association has been well worth the time and thought put Into the contest.. . Kenneth White has been engaged to look after the class work of the gymnasium until such time as the new secretary shall have been secured. Mr. White has been one of the most efficient class leaders the association has had tn Its membership. If he likes the work and can do It he will eventually train for a physical dlrecor ship. ' Snarfay Services. "The Triumphs of Faith" will be the sub Ject of Rev. George Van Winkle's Sunday sermon at the Baptist church. Iv the even ing he will conduct an evangelistic service. "An Apology for Faith" will be, Dr. R. I Wheeler's Sunday morning topic. In the evening the service will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Abra ham Lincoln. A musical program by a quartet has been provided and the program will be conducted by Judge A. !. Button. Charles Mahl will present the cause of the Presbyterian Brotherhood, under the aus pices of which the service Is conducted. A. H- Murdock will mske an address on Lincoln. Holy communion will be observed at St. ClonienV" church 'at 11 a. in. This will be followed" "ry Sunday school. At St. Ed vArd' '.v;r:.'a 'Xnenty-slxth and Adams, i':;r; Thoiy eomrounton W'il be observed at K n in. Sunday mi:o..i will be convened l.'i. i a. in. A vesper service will be con J.i.'.ted at 7:30 p. m. Owing to the illness ft Dr. Bothwell, rV:rtary Young of the l kl Toung Men's C'V.rlktian association wi'.i fill the pulpit of ttw First Methodist Episcopal church both morning and evening. "The Great Lift" wlil be the theme iu the morning service; "Come," the subject of the even ing addreas. Magrio City Geaalo. The funeral of Miss Susan McCJuIrk was held yesterday morning. The Tuesday Night club met this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Miller, 2U F street. a -. Uavennort of ths Dally Steckmsa will return today front a months' visit to Florida. The friends of Joseph Vosacek gave hUn a surprise a a WIET You can get a mighty clear idea from the offerings below as to just about what you can save if Hartnian supplies that com plete home outfit. The savings on single articles are great, but the savings -possible on complete outfits arc even greater in proportion. Select the handsomest and most complete outfit your fancy could suggest and then let us have the pleasure of quoting you a special price on it that will make jour eyes fairly dance. We like to show goods. 4 ROOMS Credit Terms: DRESSER SPECIAL Made In golden oak, highly polished, made with the new laminated supported con struction, twice as strong as the old method: back made In one piece: mir ror extra large. special, this sale 10.75 I J r COMBINATION KITCHEN TABLES These tables are complete with flour bin. drawer for -' cutlery and sliding bread board as shown above. Outside of a kitchen cabinet It Is one of the handiest articles you could have In your home. Special . . . Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed Sli Hole , Stiil Ringi Complete with warming closet, as shown above, has -six 8-inch holes. full nickeled trimmed, -large, square oven, OC 75 asDeston lined, teed baker . . . guar- hall Thursday evening on the eve of his departure to Clarkson. Superior lodge. Degree of Honor, will give a dance Wednesday evening, February 10. at Workmen temple. Miss Effle Copenharve entertained about twenty-five young people Friday evening, the occasion being her birthday anni versary. George Bolen of the firm of Schwarts Bolen, commission men, received news of the death of his only daughter in his home in Kansas City. The death occurred on Wednesday. The death of Raymond K. Saunders,' son of l W. Saunders, Thirty-second and A streets, occurred Thursday evening. The funeral will be held Etaturday at 10 a. rn. The burial is in Laurel Hill. The funeral of Frank P. Morton at the United Presbyterian church was attended by a large number of friends. Rev. D. A. W. Johnson conducted the service. The police generally attended In citizens' clothes. The burial was at Laurel Hill. The death of Mrs. Viola Bullock, aged 47 years, occurrd at the, home of her father, SC. A. Mitchell, Thursday night. She was here on a visit from Lincoln. She la the wife of W. K. "Bullock of that city. The body In all probability will be sent - to Lincoln. AID FOR GARMENT .WORKERS Central Labor Vnlon Endorses Strike and Contributes to the Fnnd. The strike of ths garment workers against the Novelty Skirt company of this city came in for a major share of attention at the meeting ef the Central Labor union held last night at Labor temple. It was the sense of the meeting that thn strikers are entitled to both the moral and financial support of organised labor In the contest they are now carrying on and a contribution of $23 was voted to assist them. Steps were also taken to have accredited committees call on the unions of the city for contributions to aid in the same purpose. The women garment workers were repre sented by a committee of four young women at the session held last night. In the me connection 1 .s said that there probably will be some .developments today In the atrike In regt .-d to wages alleged to be due the garment workers at the tlms they stopped work for the company. The claim is made that about forty-five girls have sums averaging IS due them from the skirt company. They say they assigned HOME - MADE QUININE HAIR TONIC The high cost of a good quinine hair tonic prevents thousands' of men and women from using such a preparation dally on the hair. Tills has resulted In the study and InvestigUlon of the sub ject by some bright me.i and women who use quinine hair tonic regularly but vho do not care to pay for the expensive ready made tonics. They find that by simply mixing one ounce of Beta Qulnol with hair a pint of water and half a pint of alco hol that they can make more than a full pint of a quinine hair tonic of better quality and more beneficial to the hair than any ef the widely advertised brands. A tonic made as described here will help the hair to become beautiful, gloasy, long and abundant. It tends to prevent dandruff and falling hair and keeps the scalp In a healthy condition. This home-made tonic Is used by women who have most besutl ful hair and plenty of It. 3 well as thoe whose hair and acalp are not In Perfect condition. The Bt Quinl and lohol can be procured at any drug store for 7e or 0c. and they will make more and better hair tonic than you coul buy for li.uo In a manufactured state. Figure Your n n U fil goSTp'LY $6516 ROOMS SS&WEblv $105 $6.50 Cash, $5.00 Monthly. You will be pleasantly surprised to see what really handsome furn ishings arc included in this splen did outfit. A number of stores in Omaha make a similar offer, but you'll find that' not one of them comes anywhere near equal ling In quality of furnishings or In number of articles our 4-room outfit at $65.00. Parlor, Oed Room, Dining Room and Kitchen This offer includes every thing needed to furnish in a complete, cosy and artistic manner, the . four , rooms above mentioned, . or any. other four rooms you' may desire to furnsh. We'd like to show you the furnishings.: This Rocker $5.90 Made In Polish Mahogany fin ish. Exceptionally large and massive, carved , heads on arms. Spindal support from arms to rockers,' well made and dur abilty guaranteed. It's a world beater at the price. Let Hartnian Feather Your Nest n.48 DAVENPORT Made with a massive solid oak frame and upholst ered in beautiful imported velour. It- opens auto matically luto a full sized bed. Back and seat are tuitea over on tempered .Front of davenport is handsomely ruf fled. A marvelous yalue, at Catalogue Free to 22 GREAT rrORES mm 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET 3r all of these amounts to two representatives for collection nd that the skirt company refused to honor the assignments. A meet ing of the strikers will be held today to consider the matter. The Central Labor union also adopted a resolution setting forth that the organiza tion eadorses the principle of the Initiative and referendum and the state lesislature Is petitioned to pass the Joint resolution In troduced by Senator Miller submitting to the voters a constitutlcnal amendment for the Initiative and referendum. A copy of the resolution will be sent to each house of the legislature, with the request that the same be read as the petition of organized labor of Omaha, and the law committee of the Central Labor union was Instructed to appear before a committee of the legisla ture to present reasons for the resolution. Another resolution was also adopted pro testing against the age limit as now drawn by many corporations and also protesting against the present plan of pension funds, mutual relief association and similar or ganisations which are supported by money taken from the pay of employes without asking the consent of the latter. Information waa received from the Cali fornia Federation of Labor to the effect that the "piece system" of labor is being Introduced Into trie Mare Island navy yard, a government institution, and an effurt will be made to have the Nebraska delega tion in congress make a protest against tho system. POWDER RIVER LAND GOOD Man from Eastern Biff Horn In Wyo ming- Tells of Large Resoarees ' of that Section. ' "The upper Powder river country In Wyoming will some dsy become one of the most thrifty sections of thst state," said John Landers of Mayworth, Wyo Friday evening. "This country lies about nitdway between Casper and Buffalo, and being close to the Big Horn mountains. Is sus ceptible of grest development. We have an abundance of coal there for which we at present have no market. The coal is of the aame character as the Sheridan coal and can be as easily reached. There la plenty of It mined for local consumption, one or twe big mines having already been opened. "What we lack up there la a railroad. We were looking for the North A South railroad to run through that section, connecting with the Northwestern somewhere near Casper and then following the eastern foothills of the Big horn mountains and up Powder river valley to Crasy Woman and Clear Creek, thence northwest to Billings and Sheridan. "It Is a great stock country, and near the mountains, it is easily susceptible of irriga tion. Considerable Irrigation is being un dertaken along Clear creek and some in the Powder, particularly the north fork of Powder river. There are a number of good towns all through that section. Up st Buffalo is the Soldiers' home, at what used to be old Fort McKinney. The country Is fairly well aettled and aome farming is done. It Is a good cattle and sheep country and the caill'. and sheep men now get along fairly well, though they used to have a little trouble. "The eastern Big Horn country has not been given much, notice In ths public prints, Savings on a n7 M D Terms: $10.00 Cash, $8.00 Monthly. We make a special feature of furnishing single rooms and complete homes, and name prices on these complete outfits that you can't pos sibly match in any other store in Omaha no matter where you look. We have buying advantages which make it absolutely impos sible for others to give you so much value tor so little - in cost. Any Clx Rooms You Wish To Furnish Make up your list of rooms any combination you wish. We'll furnish the six com pletely and handsomely with goods of Hartman's thor oughly reliable character, at the exceedingly low price of $105.00. Its really a marvelous offer. SOFA BEDS ings are steel springs. qc CREDIT TO PEOPLE I VEPt YWHKR R Out - of - Town People THROUGHOUT THE U. . Ivi a-sndEI as all attention seems to be directed toward the Basin coui try. But we think wo have just as good a district. All we want Is a railroad up there, and there Is no city In the country that will profit more by a rail road through that section than Omaha." WATER BOARD PUT ON RACK Fifth Ward Improvement Clnn Makes Comparison of Salaries and Serv ices In Six Tears. The following resolution was adopted by the Fifth Ward Improvement club at its meeting Friday evening: Whereas, The present Water board lias been In power six years. during which time they, together with their special attorneys, have drawn mure than $110, 0UU in salaries and expenses; and, Whereas, Outing said time an ap praisement has been made valuing the water plant at $6i63.L".t5, which we be hove to be far too high, but which thj city will probably be compelled to pay; and. Whereas, During all these years the company has made no extensions or im provements, to the great detriment of the city; therefore, be it Resolved, That it Is the sense of those here assembled that thn Water board should he abolished and the power to negotiate returned to the mayor and council, where it properly belongs, anil that the members of the legislature and Henate from lunulas county be requested to amend tlie Onialia city charter to com ply wltli tlio above and that the secretary of this club be instruct" to send a ropy of this resolution to each of the mem bers from Imuglus county. ..... JOSKI'H ri:ijman. , President. W. P. MUMAGli, RABIES DEVELOPS IN DOG On Bitten by Canine Which At tacked Ben Wood's Son Now Has Hydrophobia. That often imagined, but actually rare sight a dog afflicted with rablcs-may be seen by Interested local physicians at Dr. P. P, Hull's veterinary hospital at Twenty fifth and Cass. The dog has been the prop erty of Ben Woods and was a companion of the one whicli bit Mr. Woods' son. The dog now in the hospital was also bitten by the A Clean Man era a a fnn i Ai ivl W Outside cleanliness is less than half tha kettle. A man rntj scrub himself a dozen times a day, end still he unclean. Good health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means a clean stomach, clean borre't, clean blood, a clean liver, and new, clean, healthy tissues. The maa who is clean in this wsy will look it and act it. Ha will work with energy and think clean, clear, healthy thoughts. He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate ia unclean stom achs. Blood disestes are found where there is unclean blood. Consumption and brooehitis mesa unclean lungs. ' Dr. Pierce's Golden Aedical Discovery prevents these disease. It make a ansa's inside cleea and healthy. It cleans tha digestive arcana, snakes pure, ' clean blood, and olean, healthy flash. It restore too t the nervous system, and cure nervous exhaustion and prostratioa. It eoataias no alcohol or hsbit-forming drug. , Constipation is to most nacUen unclcaalioes. Dr. Pieroe't Pleasant Pal lets euro it. Thay never gripe. Easy to take as aaady. : .. , 1 1. 1 1 -' Oi n n F II U U L SIDEBOARD "Profusely carved, made of solid oak. Large' l-'rench Plate mirror, drawer lined for silverware, roogny linen orawers. ami . 4 a Cn larae comnert- T ment, special, at it- 1 11 1 9X12 FEET BRUSSELS RUGS These rugs sre made without miter seams are made of best wormed materials and the color or the greatest possible durability. lou cant equal this rug value In any other store In Omaha It's ab solutely impossible. Halo price 105 I at LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS Pedestal Extension Table These Tables are made of solid oak. are massive and substantial, have large carved claw feet and highly polished round top. Specially priced for this sale, at 11.25 It- first canine, and after that taken to tlm veterinary hospital and closely watched. Rabies developed yesterday. Mr. Wood's son is taking the Pasteur treatment at the Chicago institute of the name, and Is re ported doing excellently. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS General Manager Srhantz of the Bennett company left Saturday for Rochester, N. Y. James J. Ryan of Memphis and Mrs. F. P. Reid of Weeping Water are afternoon arrivuls at the Henshaw. Charles L. Rrannen of Spiiulding. W. McDonald of Valentine and J. B. Dunphy of Duluth are at the Schlits. Joe J. Boehler of Alma, Paul Bairn, An ton Treber of Gordon and B. Henger of Lincoln are noon arrivals at the Merchants. A. J. Menter of Ogalalla, C. O. BhermJin and W. O. Freeman of Lincoln and John M. Livingston of Nebraska City are at tlie Merchant?. C. E. Baker of Beatrice, W' Ga'llner ami Fred Halsbach of AVoca, Jens Jensen of Lyons and H. K. Clark of Tekamah are at the Loyal. C. E. West of Peru. F. A. Strong of North Platte, E. Ii. Bauer of Buffalo and K D. Manrhester of Sioux Falls are at the Ilr Grand. W. H. Toxword of Omaha has been pro moted from the serond to the third class In the railway mall service on the Omaha and Ogden division. Gall B. Johnson of Ixs Angeles. F. A. Weutherly of Syracuse, E. E. Robinson of Hurtiiigtun and F. U Drinkwater of Parsons are st the Rome. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson of Corpus Chrtstl, Tex.; Henry leknian of vvesc Point, Q. B. Bates of Plattsmouth, 8. P. Ynhe of Lincoln and 8. L. Lease of Co lumbus are at the Millard. . 1 . . J. H. Nfff of Kansas City. J. B. Meckler of Seattle. R. E. Holmes of Kimball, B. J. Murphy of Toronto, N. A. Hise of Nor folk. J. P. Falter of Plattsmouth. F. IC Klngsley of Minden and R. A. Haynes of Lincoln are at the Henshaw. Cecil Hostetter, stenographer In the offles of the general passenger agent of the Bur lington, accompanied by Mrs. Hostetter, left Fliday for Hermosillo, Mexico, to visit his parents. His father is connected with the United States consular service. E. R. Griffin and W. H. Falk of Denver. I) Hunt, W. H. I'lapp and J. I. Boyle of Kearney, M. F. Harrington of- O'Neill. O E. Cole of Kansas City, R. 8. Payne of Nellgh, Jsmes H. Qulgley of Valentine and Mr. and Mrs. Ed A. Baugh of Oakland are at the Paxton. . tih so wynklea, aa u uauaujr