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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1909)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 7, 1900. C HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Ofllc ntlaaed. MANAGERS Jewelry dept., int., I1"0; grocery more, $76; lumber yard, $16-175; office, $126; Investment required, drugs, rz. Salesmen: Groceries, 1100; beer. t7T; soaps, 176; staple Una of mdse., 176; specialties, salary and com. All good territories. Clerical: Rkpr., insurance. $l'; mfgrs., $5 $100; ledger clerk. commission firm, ff; Clerks: I R. R. rate clerks. 166, $75. $S5; young man. 18 to 20 yr.. tsfi. Stenographers: Real estate. $75: wholesale, $(56; R. R. $46; and several other begln nera, $40-$60. Miscellaneous: Retail clerks rent'" fur nishing goods. $.": shoes. $H0; dry goods, $6; furniture and draperies, $75. Appll canta for above should either call, writs or 'phone, Monday. Writs for a complete llat of vacancies. WJESTTCRN REF. ft BOND ASSN., INC., 723 N. Y. Ufa Bids (Est. 7 Yrs ). (-M499 7 DRUO CLT&RKA positions. Knleet, N. T. Ufa Bid. (91-642 BBCRETART and treasurer local company. Oood salary and Investment required. Offloa manuer and bookkeeper, $ to $1U0. Two bookkeeper!, $75 up. Tbrea aaleamen, aoap and provision. Offlca clerk, wholesale house, $f0. Kxtenslon clerk, $60 to $75. Jt will pay you to eee ua If you want to se cure a position where ability counts. Call or write ua (or complete list. TUB NATIONAL, RRFKRBNCB AND IN VE8TMKNT CO., Home Offlca 674-s Brandels Bldg. Omaha. (9 M2M 7 "WANTED Man with some experience In bookkeeping, for about one week, who writes a rood hand and Is quick at fig urea. Btate age, experience and wages re quired. Address A 409, Bee. (9)-nM475 T ..ii Faetorr aad Trades. DO TOU "WANT to become a competent automobile operator? The Northwestern Automobile and Gas Engine ecTtool can $nit you In this class. Belter Investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg., lath and Farnam. 00-613 MEN and boys wanted. Learn plumbing, bricklaying trades; tuition $60; no extras; rosltlon secured; free catalogue. Original Coyne Trade School. 6177 Kaston Ave., St. Louis. (9)-M673 Feb. llx ANTED First-class harness makers, machine work, good pay; apply at once. Fremont Saddlery Co., Fremont, Neb. () M708 T WANTED Several first-class harness makers; plenty of work. Oskaloosa Sad lery Co., Oskaloosa, la. (9)-M213 10 IWANTED Men to learn barber trade; thoroughly practical course by free clinic and careful Instructions; our system em brace all leading cities; established In 1RS3; positions waiting Moler graduates. Tools given, diplomas granted; wages Sat urdays; just the time to begin; term com- filetea at busiest season; beautifully 11 ustrated catalogue free. Call or write, Moler Barber college, 110 8. 14th St. (9)-M246 llx THE Master Plumbers' Trade School of St. Louis wants men and boys to learn the plumbing and gas fitting trades, and will teach these trades and give practical experience on new buildings while learn ing. The course covers from throe to four months and the tuition fee has been reduced from $100 to $60, for a short time only. For catalogue and full information address Master Plumbers' Trade School, 8147 Llndeli Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (9)-361 7x FIRST clajra upholsterer. Apply a, m Monday. Millard Hotel. (9) M445 7 .WOMEN and girls can do piece work at homo on sofa pillows; experience unneces sary. Call forenoons, 2307 8. 13th St. (7)-M5l8 8x WANTED Engineer who understands gasoline engines, compressed air and vacuum system. Write experience to H. H. Ver Mehren, 200 Douglas Blk. (9)-M5l9 9 Miscellaneous. FRETO Employment Dept., Business Men's Aarn; no tees. Call Ua N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-44 .WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY: Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 16; eltlsena of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb., or Massachusetts Bldg.. Sioux City. Ia. (91-M9S6 WANTED Proofreader; accurate man on catalogue work; give references. Lecht nia Printing Co., Kansas City, Mo. - v . ()um t WANTED Railway mall clerke, salary $S0O to $1,400; no layoffs; examination In Omaha, May IE; common education suf ficient; candidates prepared free; write immediately for full particulars. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 662, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M202 Mch4x CIVIL- service examinations will soon be held In every state; full Information and questions recently used by the commis sion free. Columbian Correspondence College. Washington, D. C (3) AMBITIOUS parties to learn ad writing; we ' employ - you when you enroll. ' Oood compensation, with opportunities unlim ited as you oeveiop. iNauonai Aavenu lng League, Dept. , Rochester, N. Y. (9)-M400 7x MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mall order house to distribute catalogues, ad vertise: $26 weekly: HO expense allowance. Manager, Dept. $0, 3t& Wabash Ave.. Chi cago, w 121 IX KELP WANTED Oood pay, ahort hours; a life time Joh with an assured income; get Into the U. 8. Civil Service; 60,000 appointment annually; examination in very state soon. Our book free, "The Easy Boas," gives full Information re garding positions In all departments of the government, and how to obttaln them; no tultiou fee until appointed. Commer cial Correspondence School, 1406 Commer cial BuikUng. Rochester. N. Y. (9)-339 7x DELIVERER and collector, either sex. fa miliar with Italian or Catholic settle ments; $76 monthly; no capital requited. Address National, 1083 Lakeside building, Chicago. (9) 832 7x RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED-800 first year; promotion to $1,800; examination In Omaha May 16; common school educa tion sufficient with our coaching; we guar antee where others promise; full particu lars free; ask tor booklet R. O. Wash ington Civil Service School, Washington, . D. C, () J30 7x WOCNO MEN FOR RAILWAY MAIL MERVICE Examination in Omaha, May U. Intending appllcanta should begin . preparation at once. Sample questions and How Government Positions are Secured " sent free. later-State Schools, 7X7 Iowa Ave Cedar Kaplds, Iowa. ( M3S0 13 GOVERNMENT - POSITION8 Examina tions held soon In Omaha. Circular Zil, . giving full particulars as to salaries, positions,' dates of examinations, sample questions previously used, eta, sent free ; by National Cor. Institute, Washington. & C (9)-M4a 7x .WANTED Married man to live on, work , and take care of country place near Omaha. Must be temperate, good gardner and understand care of stock. Free house rent, firewood, milk, vegetables, etc. Btate age, nationality, experience, present oocu pation and wagea expected. Addrvsa O m. Bee. (9) 3 J0 7x .WANTED Railway mail Clerks. Thousands of positions to be filled. Kxcellent op porfumty for young men. Salary .n0 to il.100. Examination here May 16. Free In . structloa. Write Immediately. Govern meat Positions Bureau, Bvchester, N. V. (!-ia 7x ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come correponalng for newspapers; r. pertence unnecessary; no canvassing. . bend for particulars. Press UyniiK-air, Box 766. Lockport. N. T. (9i I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mail -erder business; began with $5. Anyone ran do the work at home in spar time. Send for my free booklet; tells how to get started. Heaooca. Box 776, Lockport, N. Y. ()- .WANTED Experienced man to handle a large retail city coal business. . Must have extended acquaintance and furnish satis factory referenrea. Permanent situation, with good salary guaranteed to suitable AAjrwer. y sue, cos oince. " - (-H47S HELP WANTED MALK AJID FEM1LB AN EXCELLENT opportunity for writers of realistic flrtlon and rood feature stories to make good money. Bend cents for detail. f7ditor. Room 1,100, Tribune Bid., New York City. 10)-30 Tx POTS and (tirls earn spending money. Sell thirty chamois for 10e each. Keep $1; send me balance. Write 620 Monroe St., Little Falls, N. Y. l T T-9 7x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Iforaea Vehicles. FOR QUICK SALE Closed carriage, almost new, depot wagon style special large; built by Omaha maker to owner's order; also a Stanhope. Ingle buggy, with top, in first-class con dition. Apply at once. H. Cohn. Ne braska Clothing Co. (11)-261 FINE Arabian saddle gelding, 6 years old. sound, uu Lincoln Ave. in CHEAP work mare, cash or time. 4M and Center Sts. Ky-asa ix A GOOD horse, harness and covered wagon, cheap. 718 N. 21st bt. (Ill M44I 7 Poaltry and Eggs. S. C. Rhode Island Reds; fine eastern stock foundation ot my hock; eggs ana cany chicks; order now. Carroll Red Yards, Box C, Carroll, Neb. (ID- Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. FOR BAJLTJ Beagle hound IS month old; well trained; well marked. Write me at David City, NeU, A. B. Parker. (U) 8T1 7x . LOST AND FOUND UPHOLSTERING Tel. Webster $296; Ind., li-ziil. 1012 IN. ztin oh i. nmxra. (12) M207 Mch4 LOST Dark brindle Boston terrier. Re ward, situ fo. autn. jrnone ui. (12) MilS "X LOST Iownt own or on Farnam car, black net veil. Tel. .Webster 8075. (12-363 7 LOST One small black and tan dog. Tele- pnono weDsrnr 040. w. ai-uioi, 2O0S Locust St. QX M470 7x MEDICAL TUB SICK MADK WELL WITHOUT M KD1L INK 'l he oxygenator cures ois eases with oxygen; free book; agents wanted. C. C. Johnson, Beatrice, Neb. (13) M3 9x BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 646 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention j.ld to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-123 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. DON'T GET STUNG. Come to the loan headquarters and see how pleasant we make our loans. Pleasant from start to finish. There Is no humiliation In borrowing a small amount ot money on your furniture to pay your grocer, landlord or anyone yoa owe, but there la humiliation In having them call and you can give them only a small part of what you owe. Give us a small payment each month. We'll be sat isfied and you will soon be out of debt. Then you'll be satisfied. TRY IT ONCE. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of, Trade, 16th St. Entrance. U4J-M975 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Of fices In 66 principal cities. Tolraan, Room 613 New York Life Bldg. (14) 646 MONEY TO LOAN ON FUR NITURE, PIAN08 and SALARIES, at lowest rates in city. 'Phone Douglas 2036. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 601 Brown Blk.. S. E. Cor. 16th & Doug. Sts. (14J 962 IS THERE some poor woman who la ter rorised into nervous prostration by a loan shark? Sea us. Citizens' Protective As sociation. 410 Barker Blk. (14) M648 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooma. THE BACHELORS. 20TH AND FARNAM, FAMILY HOTEL, AMERICAN PLAN. (15)-641 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15 60 1818 Capitol Ave., beautiful, well furnished room, with excellent aboard. Steam heat; strictly first class. Reasonable. Phone Red 6037. (16)-M184 lOx STEAM heated rooms with best home table at the Pleasanton, 206 S. 85th Ave. (16)-Ma3 7 ONE nicely furnished warm room and board; modern conveniences; on car line. 21U8 Sherman Ave. (16) 226 7 FRONT room, with alcove In modern home, furnished or unfurniahed, with or with out board. 2704 Farnam Street. Tel. Harney Dtxil. (lfi) M381 TABLE BOARD Tickets, 21 meals, $3.50. 2O02 Farnam St. (15) M440 7X LARGE room, strictly modem, suitable for two; board If wanted. 9018 N. KM St. (16)-MS07 13x FIRST-CLASS room and board. The Pratt, 212 S. 25th St. Tel. Douglas $38. (15) M608 Fnratshed Rooms. ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th 8U (16)-6SJ NICELY furnished or unfurnished roomi for light housekeeping. 2465 Harney St. (15 M2 H FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON & CO.. RENTAL AGTS., 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phono Doug. 2204. (15) 651 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, 644 W. Broadway. Council Bluffs. (16) MI30 7x COMFORTABLE south front room In mod ern brick house. 2208 Douglas St. ' U6)-M991 I DESIRABLE room In a new, modern home, hot water heat; gentleman only. 906 S, (1st Bt. (15) 268 8x FLAT of rooms, or will rent separate; all modem; steam heat. Flat 4. Davldge, 18th and Farnam. (16) 370 8x FOR RENT 1. or 2 furnished rooms; nice and warm. Mrs. A. G. Vroraan, 1721 a. iota St. come and see them. (16)-363 7x LA RUM southeast room suitable for two; also other room. 2703 Farnam St. (15)M454 13x NICELY furnished rooms, all modern. C'4 ronn ivtn si. (15 M473 lit TWO nicely furnished rooms in private I home. 27 Capitol Ave. 15) M479 13 x DKSIRABLE front room in new modern flat; all conveniences; hot water heal. 2405 Harney. (15)-M521 13 Apartments aad Flats. STEAM heated flat. . rooms, modern, liaruwood. shades, gas range, hot water, walking distance. Heated, $&. Summer, $26. Keferencn required.- BEMIS. Paxton Blk. tJ6) M990 13 UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, steam . heated. 4-room. corner flat. " 330 N. XM. (16) MK FOR RKNT New modern 6-room brick flat. 1107 N. 23d SU 'Phone Harney & C16)-27 IX OFFERED FOR RENT Aeartaaeat aad Plate Coatlnaed FOR RENT . 4 and ( room apartments fir light housekeeping. Modern except heet. New and clean. Reasonable rent. Mxtland Investment Co., MiCague Bldg. 'Phones; loug. 117,2, Inu. A26n. (15)-M452 7 MODERN 6-ronm. steam-heated apartment on February 1 In the Dunsany. 10th and Pierce Sts. Conrad Young, 1618 Doclt St. (16)-o3 STEAM HEATED FLATS. Three and four room steam heated apartments; modern; Janitor service, $18 and tM; Hon. 8?l-823-fLS S. 54th ft., in building rear of court. ' . GARVIN BROS, 1604 FARNAM. (13) Housekeeping Rooms. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. Tel. Doug. 6943. (15) M138 9x t ELEGANT furnished front rooms In new brick flat, complete for light housekeep ing, 2018 Davenport. (15) Mot 13x HEATED front furnished rooms, privilege housekeeping. Tel. Harney 37:W. 3ni Web Ster St. (15) M503 13 Hoasrs and Cottages. Jlst and Chicago, ten rooms, rew, $53. 8116 Chicago, 6 rooms modern, $30. ww rvensier, s rooms. $33. 1606 N. 20th, four rooms, $15. RING WALT BROS.. BARKER BLOCK. (15)-M254 7 -ROOM COTTAGE, 1937 8. 11th St. . (15) M261 7x -ROOM cottage, modern except furnace; within walking distance, for $20.00 per month, W. J. Dermody Investment com pany, 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6108, or A30S3. (16) M214 7 -ROOM modern home In first class repair, within walking distance of the business district of the city, one block from car line, corner lot, with paved street, for $40.00 per month. W. J. Dermody Invest ment Co., 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6108, or A2033. (lo)-M215 7 -ROOM cottage, partly modern, with large yard; $16.00 rr month. W. J. Der mody Investment Co., 8.16 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6108, or A2033. (16) M216 7 ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat, 1908 N. 26th St., $16. 10-room modern house, 938 North 25th St., $30; with barn, tJb. 6-room modern house except heat, $309 Maple St., $18. 5-room modern house except hent, 23d and Kprague St., $20. rooms, 2d floor, 1108 N. 20th St., $15. 7 rooms, 2d floor, 1306 N. 24th St., mod ern except heat, $15. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming Sts. Tel. Doug, and B-2"49. (16)-265 6-R. modern, heated apartment, heat and janitor service furnished, 104 S. 24th St. 6 It., mod. ex. heat, 607H N. 21st St., $26.60. 6 R., mod. ex. heat, 2622 Sherman Ave., $15. 7 R., mod. ex. heat, 13U6 N. 24th St., $16. 7 R., mod., 2202 N. 21st St., $21:50. 7 R., mod., 619 S. 19th St., $45. 8 R., mod.) 315 N. 20th St., $45. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1701 Farnam St. (15) M443 7 120 N. 25th St., t rooms, modern. $35. 1004 tTnderwood Ave., Dundee, $27.50 1M4 Grace, 8 rooms, $22.50. 3616 N. 20th St., rooms, $20. 3047 California, 5 rooms, $19. 8008 Hamilton, 6 rooms, $14. Rear 2515 Rees, 4 rooms, $. JOHN N. FllENZER, BOTH 'PHONES. (15) GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 8-r., mod. house, 1302 N. 40th St., $3S. 7- r., mod. house. 1J08 N. 40th St., $3160, 8- r., house, mod. except furnace, 2548 Davenport, reduced to $30. 7-,r., house, 907 8. 25th St., $22,50. 2 rooms In Davldge Block, $20. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 Farnam St. (15)- 619 N. 17th St., 6-room cottage, city water, gas, $20. $401 Decatur St., 4 rooms, rent to colored family part of house, $12.60. 1313 Georgia Ave., 5 rooms, all modern, first floor, $30. J. H. SHERWOOD, 616 Branded Bldg. - (15) ' 8-r. mod., 1723 So. 26th St,, $22.50. 8-r. all mod., choice, 3645 California, $25.00. 6-r, part mod., 2464 So. 17th St., $12.50. BIRKETT & TEBBINS. 423 Bee Bldg. Phones, Doug. 4754-A1754. (15) OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, . store, H. H. good, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. office 1608 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (15)-654 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. BIdk. (15)-659 FOR RENT Nine-room house, all modern. 614 N. 22d St. low rent if taken soon. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. (15; M740 2513 FARNAM St., 9-r., all-mod., $45. 1313 Park Ave., 8-r.. brick. $37.50. 641 & 27th St., 7-r., all mod., $30. 1324 S. 80th Are., 7-r., all mod., $30. 2613 Spencer, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $25. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life, Doug, or A 2153. (15)- nnTTS5FN ,n Part of the city. " ureign Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. (15) 660 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Co., N. Y, Life Bldg. (16) 6ti2 MAGGARD VAN & STORAGE C, Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (15) 665 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co.,TeL Doug. Slit. (15)-66 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-tb7 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15) 668 EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern house, ex cellent heating plant, good neighborhood. walking dlstsnce. M. j&ennard Co., $10 Brown Blk. (16) M186 STEAM-HEATED 8-room house, bath and large hall; full bricked cellar; large barn; large lawn; elegant shade and fruit trees; newly papered and repah-ed; 1622 Wirt St., $27.60. W. E. Yarton, Tel. Benson 581. (15)-90t 7x NEW MODERN HOUSE. 2217 N. 19th Bt. Just competed, bIx rooma and reception hall; hardwood floors, hot water heat; all modern. A gem, $& per month; will leaae fur one year to first class tenant with small family. GARVIN BROS. 1604 FARNAM. (15)- BEST 8-room, all modern house for money In Haiisuoin park; furnace, open plumb ing, bath, closet, lavatory, $24. 'Phone Webster 1798. (15)-363 7x 2604 Saratoga. 6 rooms, nearly new, $13.50. 4t43 Farnam, 7-rooms house, modern except heat; fine condition; only .u. F. C. BEST, 1008 N. Y. L. (15-M469 7 l-ROOM strictly modern house; one year old; will decorate to suit tenant. B. 80th Bt. Tel. iiarney 4221. (16) M383 8x 7-ROOM cottage, on car line, $26. Harwood t Harwood. 4lf Bee Hldg. (16) M464 7 FOR RENT Cottage. 7 rooms, bath and furnace, 2420 Caldwell St., IX. (I5I-M444 7x FOR RENT Modern house. Call 24" Dav enport St. (13) M 137 7 A SPLENDID new cottage, papered throughout, modern exerept furnace, six rooms, rent $20. $109 Corby St. Key one door east. lo) M3 7 NHW. modern 6-room St. Uuls flat. 210 Shlatev. ont-half block from euw ite oar. $2,760. I151-M2S1 SIX-ROOM house, all modern, except fur nace, Davenport St.. tli) M292 8x 5-R. cottage. 3128 Half Cass. $12 50. 5-R. cottage, 7u W. 32d, ciiy wsl-r, $12.30. Will rent to colored. J. H. PARROTTE, 826 Board of Trade. (15) SEVEN-ROOM house. $12 Park Ave.; modern except heat; (25. 'Phone Doug. 2147. . (15) lVx HOUSE, t rooms, modern. 120 8. 44th St.. on West Faruam line, $30. Tel. Harney X.O. (15-M50Bl2 OFFERED FOR RENT Meases aad Collages t'oatlaeed. LOOK AT TILES; TODAY 633 Chicago St., $ r., well and cistern, close In, $14. 24;3 Kranalin St., ( r., all modern except heat, nice location, only lAK 14U s. 17lli St., 6 r., city water, close In, $16.50. 2412 Seward St., ( r., strictly modern, in fine shape, reduced to $26. 2518 Indiana Ave., r., city water, gas, etc., $l. 411i Dodge St., 6 r., all modern, reduced to 1711 N. 23th St., 6 r., all modern except heat, only $20. 320 N. 26th St.. 6 r.. new, St. Louis flat. strictly modern, $32.60. 1402 Cuming St., 6 r., modern except heat, close in. $26. 24-jj Btlstol St., 7 r., all modern except neat, big bargain at $22. 2430 Bristol St., 8 r., all modern, a snap at $26. 3208 Poppleton Ave., 8 r., all modern, will paper throughout with pattern to suit tenant. $.15. 4042 Seward St., 8 r., all modern, fine shape, $32 50. 2051 N. 19th St., 8 r., all modern, close In, $J5. 81 8. 35th Ave., 9 r., all modern, $27.50. 508 N. 21st St., 9 r.. strictly modern, walk ing distance, only $"0. 2103 Farnam St., 10 r., right downtown, all modern, $4o. See our list before you move. Payne, Bostwick & Co. . Main Floor, N. Y. Lire mug. (15)- 2921 Douglas St., 2 rooms, modern, except furnace. $11.50. 423 N. 18th St., 6 room city water, sewer and electric light, $15.00. 1128 Georgia Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $21.60. 645 8. 24th Ave., 6 rooms, modern, except furnace, $30.00. 2736 Piatt St., 6 moms, modern except furnace. $26.00. 1141 Georgia Ave., 8-room modern house. nearly new and In excellent repair, $46. FLATS. Flat No. 11 Her annex, 7 rooms, modern, steam heat, $47.50. Second floor 2024 Farnam St., 6 rooms, modern, steam heat. $60. 618 S. 22d St., 14 rooms, modern, $"A Flat on Farnam St., near nouievarn. s rooms modern, oak finish, laundry. Bp cinl Inducements for lease of one year, $45. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (13) HOUSES. 1117 S. Kd St., 8 rooms, modern, $40. 17(3 S. 2Hth St., 7 rooms, modern, $26. 1337 S. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern, $26. 3 J) N. 18th St., 7 rooms, part mod. $25. 2K4 N. 22d St., 6 rooms, part, mod. $18. 1306 S. 2fth Ave.. 6-r. partly modern $18. 605 S. 34th St., 6 rooms, city water, $16. 4117 N. 25th Ave.. 4 rooms, city water. $U, 2018 Pierce St., 4 rooms, city water, $10. 1040 S. 18th St., 4 rooms, $7. FLATS. 2011 Miami St., 6 rooms, modern. $18. 3004 a 17th St., 6 rooms, city water, $15. 240 Capitol Ave., 10 rooms, city water. $27. 2319 8. 16th St., 6 rooms, city water, $12.50. 3016 Ames Ave., 6 rooms, city water, 19. 2214 D St.. South Omaha, 4 rooms, city water. $9. GARVIN BROS, 1604 FARNAM. (15) OPEN FOR INSPECTION We have Just finished overhauling two 10- room houses at 664-688 s. 28tn St., ana they are open today for Inspection. Everything that we could think of to make tni'ae houses sttractivo, modern and up-to-r'at has been done. They now hsve, fas and electric light, modern plumbing; every room has been newly panered and We know you cannot find better house anywhere for the money. Price $42.50 and $4u. Payne, Bostwick &Co. Main Floor, N. Y. Life, (15)- 64TH AND Center Sts.,' large 6 room, large lot. $10. Hatler, 641 paxton mock. Tel. Doug. 6477. fl5) M376 7x STRICTLY MODERN, 2-story frame, 8 rooms, in Bemis park, nnisnea down stairs In blrchwood, with V. G. flooring and 6-panel blrchwood doors; upstairs in white pine, with hard oil finish and all 6-panel doors; full slse basement; . built by owner; best of material; just finished last November. Make on offer. HARWOOD '& HARWOOD, Both 'phones. 416 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT. 2774 Webster St., 9 rooms, all modern, oak finish: fine condition: close in $40. 3012 Chicago St., 8 rooms, all modern, close in $32.60. 4212 Cuming St., 6 rooms, all modern; gas stove rurnisheu-.'6. 2103 Maple St., 7 rooms, modern except fur nace $20. 314 North l?th St., 7-room, new, modern riat, close in $50. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781-"A" 1188. (15) F. D. WEAD. lft-r. modern house and barn, VX3 Seward. 8-r. modern house, 3012 Chicago. 8-r. modern house. 2720 Howard. 8-r. modern house, 2820 Dodge. 6-r. modem house and barn, 2630 Parker. 6-r. house, large ground, 4K23 N. 27th. 5-r. house, city water, 2611 So. 20th Ave. 5-r. modern brick. 1313 Bo. 29th St. 6-r. house, 1209 William. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., lstn ant Farnam. (15) M490 7 SIX-ROOM house, near 27th and Charles Sts.. gas and city water. M. J. Kennard & Co., 310 Brown Blk. (16) M504 9 6-ROOM cottage Including bath, unexpect edly vacated, $15. McCague Co. (15)-M193 8x Offices. RIGHT NOW We are possibly better able to furnish you just wnat you want than we nave been for some time on account of one of our tenants vacating one of the best , suite of rooms In the building. Rooms are Just being overhauled and put In first class condition. We have especially desirable single offices ranging from $8.26 up. Call and see us. REAL ESTATE TTTLE-TRUST CO., Ground Floor 1201 Farnam -St. (15)-M496 7 On account of changes In office arrange ment we will sell the counters now in stalled In The Bee office and Hastings & Heyden's offlca These are handsome carved and decorated oak counters, having, a marble base 10 Inches high. The counter stands $ feet high and 3-foot top, and there Is a total of about 46 feet In length. These will be sold either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. (14)-I74 DESK ROOM for rent In an orfice located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office. 8. O. branch, 24th and N Sts. New address. (li M477 PART of office for rent, fine location, with use of vault and 'phone. Call Har ney 2216. C6 M710 Stores. CORNER store room, 702 N. lth St. (1)-M9U Tx 903 N. 20th St., 20x60 feet. $30. 2110 Farnam St., 22x60 ft. and basement, $40. N. W. I 'or. 16th and Jackson Him., ran lease room 22xti0 feet, or 44x60 feet, new front it leaneti I or one to two years rent reasonable. CEOritiK at CO., 1901 FARNAM ST. Feb. 7. 1908. (15) GOOD store room. 20x40. with nice 4-room apartment upstairs; modern show win dows; also 2 nice rooms suitable for doc tor o- dentist; splendid location. Inquire St Gentleman's grocery, 24th and Ukt Sis. (15) M294 7 L'422 and 2421 Leavenworth St., slse store 4.:x) rent $45.00, or will divide at $25.00 PIHKETT TEBBINS. 42J lire lildg. Phones, Doug. 4754-A 1754. (151 FINE corner store for rent. $116 per month Lease and fixtures for sale. Address D 412. care Bee. (16) M601 lOx BRICK store room, with full basement. 1706 Cuming. F. D. Wead, Wead Blk.. lstb. and Farnam. (15) M4S8 T WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly msa tlon The Bee, OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. TWO folding counter steols, mahogany finish: been used a short time and will ell cheap. Call at Bee office. Omaha. to 141 NEARLY new sanitary couch and parlor chairs, cheap. 1310 St Mary's Ave. (lt M400 FOR SALE Pier looking glass, music cabinet and onyx table. Fist 4. Davldge Bldg. (!) M257 7x FOR 8ALW Household goods at 817 N. 26th 8U Call afternoons after 8 o'clock. flS)-K4 9x FOR RALEl Radiant Home kitchen range. 1 Athanoor Self-feed base burner. Will be sold very cheap If taken Honday. 1817 South 81st street. (16) M484 7x Typewriters. B. F. SWANS0N CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER Twenty different mskes to select from at a saving of 30 to 80 per cent of manu facturers' prices ($16 and up). Slightly uied and genuine rebuilt machines, prac tically as good as new for sale or rent; rent applied If bought. Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on approval for ex amination without a deposit. Write to day for large bargain list and receive our offer. B. F. Swanson Co. (Est. i:4 , 417 8. 15th St, Omaha. (16)-66$ TYPEWRITERS for rent, $2.60 month. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. 06) M976 F4 Pianos. UPRIGHT piano for sale. Tel. Webster 2639. U6)-229 7a Sewing; Machines. Sewing Machine BARGAINS This is the best line of used machines we have ever offered for salo. Most of them are drop-head, complete with attach ments. Have been put in thorough condi tion to give satisfactory service and guaranteed: One 7-drawer, D.-H. Singer-$22. One 6-drawor, 66 Singer $20. One 6-drawer 66 Singer $18. One $-drawer D.-H. Singer $15. One 6-drawer Singer $17.50. One Davis $1126. One D. H. Eldridge-$1S. One D. H. Domestic $12. One D. H. Whlte-$25. One 8tandard-$27.50. Ono Box-Top White $10. One Box-Top Singer $10. . ' One Box-Top New Home $8.50. One Box-Top Marguerite $11.25. One Box-Top Singer $5. One Box-Top White $2.50. We sell parts-for and repair machines. We rent machines. Nebraska Cycle Company 334 Broadway. Cor. 15th and Harney. Council Bluffs, la. Omaha, Neb. - . - . (16)- Mlscellaaeoaa. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures! easy payments. Brunswlck Balke Collender, 407 8. loth St. (16)-664 WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar . rels which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room, Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-665 12 CAJIDS with name beautifully written, or 6 post cards in tinsel or gold for 10c. Address Box 1614-L, St. Louis. (16)-3 7x SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. ' (16) 666 THE OLD TRUSTY Incubators. For low special prices, freight prepaid. 60 days' free trial. Write the Old Trusty Incu bator Co., Clay Center, Neb. (16) 192 FOR SALE 26 h, p, gas producer; 25 h. p. gasoline engine. Several gasoline gas lighting machines; bargains. Termaat & Monahan Co., Oskosh, Wis. (16) M402 7x FOR BALE One complete set of saloon fixtures, nearly new. Address Atlantic National Bank, Atlantic, Iowa. (16) M431 7 IDEAL concrete brick and block ma chinery; combines simplicity, adaptability, duration, rapidity; write for descriptive catalogue and price list. W. M. Donelan, Diet Agt. Glenwood, Ia. (16) 367 7x SETND us your name with a stamp for Illustrated catalogue of many useful ar ticles at cost; among others, a family record; sample 25c. National Distributing Co., Box 1312, Tulsa, Okl. (16)-31 ?x WHAT'S new In town? Tel. Re 4302: A4203. (16)-M459 7 BOOKS ON NEW THOUGHT, MENTAL DEVELOPMENT YOGI PHILOSOPHY AND ORIENTAL OCCULTISM Sent by mall. Send for list free. T. C. SCHAD, 992 Trinity Ave., New York City, - (16)-364 7x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Block. Tel, Red 7117. (17)-7 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of Vo post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, rooma 29-51 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1W9. (17) 6a PERSONAL ' DRS. EOGERS. private confinement home. 1U Martha Bt 'Tel. Douglas 6230. (1 M343 M6x WANTED By two professional entertain ers, engagements at private parties, stags, club aad lodge entertainments. Mem bers of amusement committees write us at once. Terms reasonable. Out-of-town clubs write-Address DA1NTRE as SCOTT. Room , Davldge BlUg. (W Ma Sx OMAHA Btammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (1I t9 HALL'S safes, new, Sd-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18-70 f A A CIV. Electric vibratory, 120 8. JUAOOAUti lt)tll Room M fourth floor old Boston Store. (18) 96 Febll THE SALVATION ARM Y solicits caatoff clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor- Call 'phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (18i 75 ARE you thinking of getting up a play or entertainment of any description for your lodge, church or clubT If so. write us. We stage, direct and produce any thing in tbe line of entertainments and save you all the worry. Amateur perform ances a specialty. Out-of-town clubs write. DA1NTKE SCOTT. Room , Davldge Bldg. (18)-M240 8x VIAVI Science of Health cloth bound book free upon application. Lectures for women Thursday 2.30 p. m. 812 Brandels Bldg-. (!$)- FeU.ll' PERSONAL (Continued.) YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlsttsn association rooms. 1618 Farnam St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. 118) 268 .UAUHitlVgmh mN ijth. 2d floor. (18)-627 L1EBEN, coslumer. 1410 Howard. Open eve. (18)-4i71 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; rut Crlces. Send for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co., Omaha. (IS) 4f72 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Oood Samaritan San itarium, 740 First Ave. Council Bluffs. Ia. (18)-MH63 WANTED By professional palmist, re fined and clever, engagements to read at private parties, clubs and dances, beau tiful costumes, high class entertainment only. Terms reasonable. Address DAIN TRK A SCOTT, Agents, Room 6, Davldge Block. (181 M241 8x WANTED Persons afflicted with piles or rectal troubles to send for one wefk's free treatment, postage paid. Guaranteed remedy. Pllo company, Anderson. Ind. (I8)-M403 7x WANTED Manuscripts for. publishing new authors: meritorious work prominently featured. Aberdeen Publishing Co.. 226 Fifth Ave., New York. (IS) M.S9 7x WHAT'8 new in town? Tel. Red 4202: A4103. (1S)-M460 7 AMERICAN GUARANTT COMPANY, con tract holders and agents, communicate. Object forming protective association. Address, Committee, care Nelson Ches man Co., Chicago. (18) M395 7x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. (18) REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Fanck Lead. TEN acres near Florence, Neb., 6 blocks from car; vacant March 1. See Chi is Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (21) 117 7 IMPROVED ACRE TRACT FOR RKNT. Twenty-five acres on Dodge St.. macadam road. Just south of Dundee; good 6-room house and large barn; lease one or two years. GEORGE; & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (23)- REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. (22)-S3 PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO.. N. Y. Life. private money; ojo to a,ouu; low rate. (22)-6M (TOO TO $3,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Kerfe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. (22)-685 SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Room 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglas 2318. (22) 688 PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. (22) &S7 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22) 689 Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on band and for Bale in amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Ufa Bldg, (22) M3S5 8 CHOICE LOANS ON IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY OR FAKMS; low -rate, no delay. L Slbbernsen, Old Boston Store Bd. (22)-6S8 FIVE PER CENT MONEY 1o lean on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room I New York Life Bldg. (22)-6M LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton block. (2D-691 $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wesd, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22)-292 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-93 MONEY TO BUILD. $500 to $200,000 at current rates. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. (22)-6!H PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 616 Brandels Bldg. (22) -636 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy for cash an 8-room mod ern home between 24th and 40th and Dodge and Leavenworth. Address L 469, Care Bee. (23)-224 7x I MEAN BUSINESS WANT to buy for cash, 7 to 9-room house! Give number, price snd all particulars. Also want vacant lot. Address N 404, care Bee. (23) 271 7 WANTED Unimproved land or lots; will give my shares of stock In a reliable in dustrial corporation for same; describe what you have and slate value. Andreas Peter Mathews, Orion, 111. (23) M426 7x REAL ESTATE WANTED. Someone to build for or sell me on monthly payments of $40 or $50 a strictly modern 8 or 9-room house or bungalow; large lot, with barn. Dundee, HanScom Park or Field Club districts. Owners preferred. Address L 402 care Bee. - (23) M584 9x WE HAVE customers for close In invest ments, cottages and farms close to Omaha. N. P. Dodge k. Co., 1714 Farnam Bt. (23) M460 7 PRACTICALLY cash payment for 6-room modern dwelling. Give location. Address, P-406 care Bee. (23) M456 7x WANTEDA good two story brick store building on north Sixteenth or In retail district. Address 8-407, care Bee. (23)-M44T T WE have several customers for West Farnam homes. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (ID- HAVE buyers foe a couple of good 6, and 7-room houses. List quick. F. MENGEDOHT & SON. 218 South Fif teenth street. (23)-M4fl6 7 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, clotbes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 397L (26) 696 BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red noi: e&)-97 WANTED For cash, slightly used auto; Ford runabout or roadster or Bulck Model 10, 1908 model. In good condition. Give particulars and price. Address Y 236, care Bee. (26)-M30$ tx WANTED To buy residence near High school, with ten or twelve rooms and modern improvements. Address P. O. Box 436. ' (23)-M204 7x WANTED All kinds of 2dhsnd furniture; will pay highest price. J. Levlne. 804 N. 16th. 'Phone Douglas 771; (26) 698 WANTED TO RENT WANTKD To rent brick store building near 13th and William Sts., or in vicinity of this location. State price. Would give long lease for desirable place. What have you? Address, N 468, care Bee. () 189 llx WANTED Two unfurnished rooma; mod ern; must be reasonable; Just man and wife. Address K 468, care Bee. (36) M242 7l WANT to rent dairy farm near Omaha; state price and locality. Pat RIanchard, list and Vinton 8la., Omaha. () 227 7a WANTED SITUATIONS FARM WORK WANTKD Bv sister and brother; 15 yean experience. Address F ". Bee. (27)-M'22$ 7x Yol'NO stenographer with knowledge of hnokkoeplng and with a typewriter de sires position. Address, Y 237. Omsha Bee. (27)-M4"9 ;x jfi man witn gmxi voice wlslies por tion evenings ami Sundays: Illustrated songs. Address K 41 cHre Hee. (27)-M2 7x W A NT ED Hy man and wife; place on farm by month: good milker and team ster. Call, or address M Irvine. South 21st St., Omaha. Neb. C7I-M453 Sit WANTED Position In private family tak ing care of and driving automobile, by young man; good habits: Ivst of refer ences furnished. Phone Hvl r.WS. 2418 Leavenworth St. C7 M448 p FIRST Class laundress by the da v. Tel. Webster 6169. (27) 449 7x WANTED By refined woman, position ss housekeeper for widower, bachelor or as traveling companion. Address (' 411. tare Bee. (271-M4S:: 8x WANTED Position ss stenographer; ex perienced and excellent references. Ad dress B 410. CHt-e Ih-e. (27 MIM 7x ADVERTISING manager, trained and ex perienced; now employed by large manu facturing company; possesses dilative, originality and genuine ability. Open for. Immediate e-ngngcmcnt. $:n per week. Franklin Butlt-r, Walnut Court. Kala maioo, Mich. (27) MI32 7x YOUNO lady desires position as stenoera pher and general office girl; experienced; references. P. O. Box 114. Wood River, Keb. (27) M 297 9x STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam and hot water repairs; Thermostats and other heat regulators; new furnaces and hot water combination heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 12o-12uH DoiiRlas St. 'Phones; Ind. A-Wl; Bell, Douglas 960. -700 " LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED I'Uu posal for sanitary sewer system In the city of Wayne, Nebraska, endorsed with the title of the work and name of the bill, der will bo received at the office of the city clerk until eight o'clock p. rn.. on March 22. 19n9, at which hour the bids will bo properly opened ami read, and rales of bids for definite Items noted. The (-It? council will proceed, without unnecessary delay, to award the contract for th: above work to tho lowest it-sponnthle bidder, with adequate security, the right being teserved to reject any and all bids. The ndcn.ti.tuy of the security will be determined by the city council. Permission will not be given fo the withdrawal, modification or ex planation of any bid or proposal. Bidder a'.-o required to state In their proposals their names, place of residence and exact postoffice address; also the names and similar addresses of all persons intercsti'il with them therein. Bidders are required to thoroughly examine the plans, specifica tions, form of proposal and form of con tract on file with the city clerk and It there be any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of any part of the same, they are requested, before making their proposals, to ask In writing for explanation, ami said explanation will be given in writing hy the city clerk. All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for the sum of $.i)i, made payable to the city clerk of Wayne, Nebraska, same to be retained by said city as liquidated damages in case bidder doc not enter contract as provided by this notice, in case bid Is accepted by said city. HENRY LEY. Mayor. MARTIN RINGER, City Clerk. Feb7dli NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of said company at Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. in., on the third day of March, A. D., 1909. C. H. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, February 1, 1!09. Fl-d30t i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lucy Weber and husband to Charles Ladd Thomas, lot 6, block 6, iiarl ford Placo $ Creigh Sons & Co. to John H. Uluss man, ali feet lot 6 anu ail lot 7, block 4, LaKcvlcw 1, Mary and red Aloraii to UUo F. iiuth, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, bimk 1, Pundt Place Edward Caasldy and wlto to L'auille Van Deu Biouckc, lot 22, block u, Llpton Place Commercial Land company to Charles M. Conuyer, lots 1 to 26, block 4, Schlesainger's add 1, Solomon J. Firestone and wife to Jo seph H. Overturf. lot 14, Firestone subdlv William 8. Frailer and wife to Joseph Gebells, lot 16, block 6, Albright s Annex City Trust and Safe Deposit company to Christina L. ThuitiHon, lots lu'.i, 140. 141, 150, 161 and 162, Redman a subdlv Anson E. Becker and wife to Frank T. Walker, s lots 1 and 2, Hlllatdc Reserve 6, Thomas G. Di gun and wile to James A. Howard, lot 21, block 19, Halcyon Heights 1, Balthas Jetter and wife to Adciuide Newton, s30 feet lot 1 and lot 2, block 3, Jetter's add County treasurer to Continental Trust company, w3U feet lot 28, block 4, and lot 9, block 12. Brlggs' Place Continental Trust company to George . T. Morton, same John O. Sterner and wife to Emily J. Mathews. w33 feet lot 2. block. 6, luf twt i'M i 100 1'iX ,.V8 ,i- ; ;j( '. Denises sdd Douglas Security company to Ira A. Underbill, lot 1. block 1. Virginia 2.J'K Place 1 .CO! Louis C. Plambeck to Mary Plambcck, lot 10, block 1, Okahnma Park Allen P. Miller and wife to Harry (1. Jordan, lot 10, block 7, South Omaha Theodore Vols and wife to same, lot 12, block IS, South Omaha Swedish Bethany Hospital to Andrew Swanson. eta lots 6 and 6, block h. 1 7M Omaha A 2, The John A. Crelghton Real Estate and Trust company to William K. Martin. n27 feet of e44 feet lot 8, block 106, Omaha 8: 000 .00') Samuel B. Curtis to Arthur M. Cowle. w25ta feet lot , Keyes' subdlv 6. 1.-J! Arthur M. Cowle and wire to Milton T. Barlow, same Milton T. Barlow and wife to Saund ers Investment company, same Omaha Real Estate and Trust com pany to Marthena Saunders, lots 1 to 24, block 9, and lots 1 to 17 and . 19 to 24, block 16. Saunders dc Hlmc baugh'a Highland Park 4 Marthena Saunders to Saunders In vestment company, w lot 2. block 14. Omaha 1 Mary 8. Harrison to same, e lot t. block 14, Omsha 1 1 1 7cfl 3' in KV) Total $40. Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you want something call 'Phono Douglas 238 and maka It known through a Bee Want Ad. D. C SC0TT, D.V. S, U Dr. & L Fsmsoslottt) Otxlee aeat Wsaiattal, afassa Calls) Promptly Aaswered at All Hewra, 1 ' ! si 1 r ft