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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1909)
TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 7, 1909. REAL ESTATE ctt morcRTT ron salb OrcBea-Csst laasd. OrVO WF5TT Ask shout Harrlsburg. Ore gon, 10 ml I mi south of rortlan.l. Fruit and dairy I a ml $2 lo W per acre. Writ 4 D. Morgan, oecrelsry, Hsrrtahurg Improvement club, Harrlsburg, Oregon. t)- eta Dakota. A DAKOTA bargain. 180 acrea. two miles from Huron; 100 tcm tilled, 10 arrta ftoa frova; a number of large, bearing plum raaa; t arrca of asparagus that produces about sfioo worth a year; new l-roora linut 24x36, new barn lsx2; another build ing iKiH; a large root cellar; a new 2-Inch (lowing wall, (lowa 40 gallona par mlnuta. Vagelel.lee and grain took m worth of prlxee at the South Dakota atata (air In 190$. Boll la a Up sandy loam, with clay aubaoll. K taken soon I will sell (or $11, $,0O cash and 36.000 on tlma at 4 par cent. D K. MuMontes. Huron, 8. D. (3tM tost Teaas. AU, ABOUT T E0CA 8 The Taxaa Raalty Journal fives reliable Information on en Mr stste; It tells about landa, producta ralaed. developments going on; puts you In touch with thoaa having farma and colonisation landa (or aala; glvea all mai ler of Intercut to thoaa contemplating moving to Texas. Don't make Invest ments until you read It: 1 tnonthe' sub arrlptlon 2fte. Texaa Realty Journal, Houston, Tex. ()- 7x A BARGAIN FORCED TO BELL Will aell cheap two sections land north went of Hereford, Tex.; aniooth s a door, 4 and 7 mllea from R. R. town. Good terms. Address Box asaekln, in. Miscellaneous. ARB YOU aeeklng a home or business lo cation? Bend the, stamps or coin, and we will furnish you clear, concise Informa tion covering aoll, climatic condltlona, crop value, market facilities, ato. Where grain, graxlng. rice, cotton, timber or Fruit land ny be purchased on easy terms. Location and character of free public lands and how obtained. We have no land to aell and Information given la unbiased and absolutely reliable. Maps and printed matter of any section eent with Information. Thirty years' experi ence. Highest reference Address Home, seekers' Information Bureau, Fargo, N. D. (20 IBI.B OF PINES Fine climate, orangr.g, pineapples, other tropical fruits, tobacco; make fine living on twenty acree. Folder prices on application. John Bchoepfle, Bandusky. O. (20)-M414 7x GOVERNMENT FARMS FREE Our 11 raga book, "Vacant Government I.nd, describes every acre In every county In U. S. How secured free. 1909 diagrams and tables. All about free Irrigated fnrma. Price 26c, postpaid. WEBB PUB. ''P.. Pert, is. Bt. Paul. Minn. ran)- ANNOUNCEMENTS OUR PARTICULAR PRIDE THE BOYLES COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR STAFF Boyles College has been for ten yeara erwi Is today the most auccessful college in Omaha. Vim can't deny that! Nor can anyone els-?! ' H is the only business oollege In Omaha -jr in all Nebraska, Iowa, North and Hiuth Dakota. Mlasourl or Kansas that nwna ami occupies a building devoted wholly and solely to business college pur poses not devoted half to business college purpeses and half to atores, theater, etc. Vuu know that to be ao! it la THE college having the largest en tailment today of any oollege in the hls- trty of all the I'nlteil Status west of the Mississippi river, enrolling every year over t . students from Nebraska, Iowa, Illi nois, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Missouri. Kansas. Colorado, Nevada, Utah and Idaho, who come all the way to Omaha by the fame or Hoyies col lege and Boyles College graduatea. It has achieved this fame and thla high osltlnn In ten short years. co run boyles college possibly HAVE GAINED ITS POSITION OF PRE EMINENCE AMONG ALU BUSINESS COLLEGES WEST OF THB MISSISSIPPI -COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE 80 GAINED THE HIGH ESTEEM OF TEACHERS AND BUSINESS MEN AND PARENTS THAT IT ENROLLS 1,200 STU DENTS ANNUALLY, UNLESS IT HAD A PARTICULARLY SUPERIOR BTAFF OF INSTRUCTORS" Your own calm, quiet judgment tella you that we simply MUST have the most cap able teachers. The really remarkable suo crss of Boylea College and Boyles College giaduatra would NOT have been possible otherwise. That's aood logic, ian't It? We know you II recognise Its sound n'lVM-and we know you'll realise Its truth evr-n more thoroughly If you'll Just read our fieo catalogue that we want to aend yiu Just rs aoon aa you express a wish for us to do so. Why not alt down and send a postal fur a copy RIGHT NOVy Or, Det nr mill, come around here tomorrow and ! I us Introduce you to the instructors themselves. They d be glad to meet you. BOYLES COLLEGE Do v lea Bid. II. B. Boyles, Pres. Omaha Official Training School for Union Pacific Ha In aa Telegraph Department. 1- V li..T L new In town? Tel. Red 42; A4J03. (H-M45H7 "I'ARMKK" BURNS WRESTLING SCHOOL Oren for pupils. Kor particulars ad drtfcs care Omaha Commercial College, mil and Karnain. (1) Mm pit. C. ELIZABETH LYMAN wlahea u announce thai ahe haa moved her office from log Neville Block to Pax ton Block. (1) MSG 7x 6IGN PAINTING-8. H. Cole. 1101 Douglas. AUTOMOBILES DE-RIGHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. 1814 Farnam Street. Btoddsrd Dayton Roadster, $1,100. Heo Touring car. $440. Ford, model N, $450. Ford, R, $o00. Bulck Runabout, almost new, $3(0. Stevens Duryea, $J6u, ' Dragon Touring ear, $1,060. Waverly Electric. $400. All the above guaranteed in good shape. Slate agent ittoddard-Daytau. b oddard-Duyton $i,&u0, UwuO, t2,S0O. Open and clvaea cars for rent day or night. Tel. Douglas K3. EIGHT second hand Rambler automobiles at your own price. Rambler Auto Co., 2044 Farnam St. 824 Feblt FOR BALE Cheap, five-passenger automo bile la good condition, $Tjo. Address Y 1M, . Bee. ()-M42 12x AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PRIFITABLE positions open In the auto mobile field, technical instructions on both steam and gasoline engloea; students paid (or repair work. Addreaa Omaha, School of Automobile Engineering, litis Leaven- worth St. TL BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR GOOD LAND $14,000 stock of dry goods and ahoa In good town of t.OuO. Want good land that is clear. Hotel building and about $4,000 cash for good, clear land or clear Omaha income. Omaha t-room residence, $4,0u0, and $1,0U0 cash for good stock Implements. The Jones-Vick Co. M Bran dels Bldg., nana, N MX T FOR EXCHANGE. $lfi,00 stock general mdae. for acreage near Omaha or Lincoln, or will put in SO acrea of Cms aounty farm tec 10 acrea near moeoa. C. P. TRAVER, 0S-4 N. T. L Bldg. roR BXCHAKGe-S aoreo raw Canada - liuid. Trade equity of $4,700 for email farm, Ioa or Nebraska: buaineaa and property In good town. W. M. Ivuilao, OUawood, Lju (3j-Wyv Ix BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) MBRCHANDISO Hall county, OO.or. for Improved In no. Resilience Hall county. $4,000. for Improved lend. Three Ints-Detrolt. Mich.. ITifl. What lava you' 1J0 Acres Hall county, IS.'"", fur harriwatc. I Acres Oklahoma. 85.0W, for merchan dise. IKt Acres Improved. Burwell, Nth., t..il0. for HO seres (Improved lncsstrr county. Hotel Neosho, Mo., M.M0, for Improved (arm. Reeidence, Neosho, Mo., $4,500, tor improved (arm. Hclel-Crawford county, Iowa, 111,000, fur Improved farm. Rrlck Block Ravenna, Nab., tfi.jOO, for farm or city property. Residence Omaha, Neb., II. BOO, for Douglas or Barpy county farm, aao Acrea Holt county, Nebraska, $14,000, for merehandlae. g4o Acrea Cheyenne county, Kebrssks, $7,040, equity for city property. BEM1S. (Established 18fts, Peyton Block. 3)- EXCHANGE 80 acrea. Improver?. Sarpy Co., farm, price $9.0ii0. Want cheaper land. 16$ acrea near Calhoun, Neb.. Improved, price 310.000; mortgage 11.700. Want income properly or merehandlae. ia acres, nnnois. improven iirm, priun $16,000; mortgage, 15.0O0: for western and. I HO acres. Hitchcock Co., Neb.. Improved, Rrlce $4,300. Want town property In eastern leb. up to $2.o00. balance cash. Furnished hotel in eastern Neb., price $10,000; mortgage, I2.M0; want land or city property. UlSt WIIB m II you win rrvuna. V. S. FRANK, ta Neville Block. (i) M467 STOCKS of merchandise wanted In ex change for Irrigated farms In upper Snake River valley in eastern Idaho. County adjolna Yellowstone . National Park. Beat grain and augar beet lands. Forty acres will make a living; 160 acres a fortunei. Unrivalled small fruits. Three sugar factories Ijmd values will double In five years. Beet big game hunting and trout fishing In adjacent mountains. Come to the mountains for health and happiness. Farmers make easy money, fjugar beeta up to thirty-five tons per acre; wheat seventy bushels; oata lifl bushels; onlona l.OOO bushels, and potatoes too bushels per acre. Cther landa for sale. Charles W, Thompson, St. Anthony, Idaho. ()-MJ02 7 WANTED Five-passenger automobile In exchange for good 60-acre farm near Council Bluffs; fair Improvements; must be In good repair. J. T. Collins, HH S. Main St., Council Bluffs. (S M6U 7 A GOOD -room house in Council Bluffs to exchange for Nebraska or South Da kota land. When answering deacriba land fully and give price. Address H 4M, Bee. ) M1M 7 BUSINESS CHANCES YOUR MONEY Is Idle part of the time if earning only per cent. If Interested In an Increased Income, where your Investment would be abso lutely safe in a manufacturing business established In 1884, Address Lock Box 1M, Omaha. (4)-M201 T I HAVE on my Hat," about 10 good rooming houses for sale, ranging In price from $0 to $1,600; would Ilka to show you some of thorn. J. J. ROONBY. S17 BBE BUILDING. ' ' " (4)- FIRST CLASS elevwtor and ooal bualnees in southern Nebraska for sale. Muat be old thla month. Big corn crop ail in farmers' hands yet. Address Y 190, Bee. (4) Mill Ul FOR SALE $3,000.00 medical practice; es tablished fifteen years. Address Y Sti, Be. (4 M17J 7x BLACKSMITHS For aale at bargain, blacksmith shop, tools, established trade, six-room house, barn, three Iota, at Val ley, Neb. If not eold March 1 will rent. Reason for selling, falling eveelght. Ad dress "Enterprise." Valley, Nab. (4) MOO 7x MINING ENGINEERS, practical experi ence. Services at disposal of mine ownera, inventors, corporal Ion a. Mine examina tions in Rocky Mountain districts. Cor respondence Invited. O. Whitney Adams, Box !. Central City. Colo. (4-M3U6 7x IF YOU are not a auooeaaful trader In wheat, or if you want to make money trading in wheat, address Lock Box US. Chicago. (4)-09 7 START A MAIL ORDER BU8INTC8S We furnish everything neceaaary; only few dollars required: new plan, success cer tain; costs nothing to investigate. Mil-bu.rn-Hl.ks, 232 LaSalle St., Chicago. 4-Ma02 7x FOR BALE OR TRADM Three-atory brick hotel of 100 rooms In Lincoln, Neb., central location, completely furnished, modern In every respect. Now returning net annual Income of $4,600 on 8-year lease: would bring more. Price, $.0ti0. Clear of all encumbrance.' Will take one-half value in clear land or smaller city property. Balance cash or mortgage. D. V. 8WOLB8 CO.. Omaha. Neb., Ul Board of Trade. lth and Farnam Bts. Telephones Douglas 49; Ind., A-204. (4- FOR 8 A LB OR EXCHANGE FOR LAND The Crystal Palace. Jewelry, china and fancy goods. Thlat business haa been con ducted for 80 years by the undersigned. On account of death of my son and my poor health compels me to sell out. Stock will Invoice from $4,000 to $4,500, nice clean stock. Thla Is a rare opportunity for the right party Addresa (only men that mean business) Anton Zlmmerer, Nebraska City. Neb. (4) M377 7 GROCERY stores for sale. I have 7 or I of them, that will be auld cheap. Come and look overy my Hat. J. J. ROONEY, 617 BEB BUILDING. (4) WANTED Information regarding good store or buaineaa for sale In good small town or city. Located anywhere. Gfva price and description. Will positively deal with owners only who will sell direct to buver. Norman E. Mack, Drawer aU-A. Buffalo. N. Y. (4 Mto7 7x PATENTS NEW BOOK FREE This new handbook on patents tells how to obtain a patent and fully explains the coat of a patent, and also glvea full par ticulars of our special advantageous methods of business. Oive each and every aiep fully and clearly. Writ at once for free copy. O'Meara & Brock, Pat. Att'ys, m r 8t, Washington, D. C. (4-il 7g THE best proposition In Nebraska on an Investment of $9,0uu. In general merchan dise. Owner clearing more than $ft.Ouo a ytar and he will prove It to you for good land In eastern Nebraska, good realdonoo In Omaha, or cash. Good reason for sell ing. Ntw stock general merehandlae and bind ing In small Nebraska town, doing a $)u.0H) annual business at a good profit. Good opening for the right man. GOOD DRUG fcrOKE. Wrll located In a good Nebraska town, do ing a good business! $4.eU0 stock; half cash, balance real estate. RESTAURANT. The only one In a good town of $.000 In eastern Nebraska. Buaineaa averagra $46 a day; tl.ouo worth furniture and fxturea. For quick aale, $600. Good reason for selling. Hay, feed and eoal buainesa, well located. In city aad doing s profitable business. Cheap on account of aicknaae. Borne good town lota In a gulf coast; re sort town; for Omthi property, W. W. MITCHELL. K Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha, Neb. tt- BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. ICE. Another cold wava la corning, says Fore cantor Wrlah. Hire teams and fill the house In the nelghbomnod; 1.000 tona; Only 10 cents per ton; clear spring water. Lake Jnnn a, east of Country club and Krug Tark. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. Ground Floor 121 Farnam Bt. (4-U46 1 WANTED-Men with references to invent I gata a good business opportunity; $.100 capital required; something new; no can vassing. Apply at 1611 Dodge Bt., Room $6, between i a. m. and I p. m. (4)-M187 8x TO INVESTORS-1 have for sals a limited amount of 7 per cent paper baaed upon first-class mortgagee, vendors' lien notes; absolutely safe. D. W. Otis. 117 Pearl St., Counoll Bluffs, la. Both 'phones 60. (4 Mill 7x ROOMING houses and bearding houses, close In, at bargain prices; see us first. Palmer, Rattigan Co., 6 Paxton Blk. (4)-MJll Mch4 PHY8ICIAN of experience wanted In town of 6U0; good farming community in central Nebraska; married man preferred. Dr. D. J. Smith, Rising City, Neb. (4)-MK2 7s FOR BALE Fine grocery Stock; doing good business; sella at invoice about $1,000: no dead atock; county seat; population 6,000. Alliance, Neb.. Box 1M4. (4 M247x FOR SAINTS Half Interest In best paying barber shop in finest health resort In U. S. Address. J. S., 607 South St., Excelsior Springs, Mo. (4)-Mt 7x COMMERCIAL APPLE ORCHARDS In the Spokane country preewnt "The Op portunity of the Hour." You can eiare In the growers' profits. Writ for FREE1 BOOKLET entitled "APPLES FOR PROFIT." It tells all. A. G. HANAUER, Pres.. Meadow Lake Orohard Co.. 316 Stevens St., ftpoltane. Wuh, ( MSH Tx MARCONI wireless telpagmph ; free history of world's greatest invent I jn sent to all who write. Explains preatnt elHtus of wireless. FREDERICK W. STEWART, Paterson, N. J. (4) 17 7x FOR SALEr The only hotel and restaurant In one of the best towns In Polk county, Nebraska, Price, $4,700. One complete stock of drugs and sundries and soda foimtaln, combined price. $2,600. Up-to-date new stock of farm Implements, will sell at Invoice price. These are If taken quick. Larson Land Co., Osceola, Neb.. 'Phone J16. (4) 801 Tx ' CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, ga and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to investors; commission basis. Samuel Graham Co., selling brokers, 43 Sacrament St., Montreal Canada, , (41-M404 7r ART OF FINANCIERING Skowlng how buaineaa men may ralae capital for busi ness projects; valuable booklet free. Bus iness Finance Co., 117 Nassau 8t.. New York. (4) J10 7x ioo down buys an Interest In big paying fruit lands In Yakima Valley, Wash. Wrte for details. Kiona Orchard Co., 853 Central Buldlng, Seattle, Wash. (4) MR78 7x CIGAR stores; five of them for sale cheap, from $300 to $1,000; every one a bargain, J. J. ROONBY, 617 BEE BUILDING. (4)- FIFTY new Improved Hllo Penny Peanut Vending Machines will earn $45 weekly and not Interfere with your work. $2,340 yearly profit on $500 investment. Beware of unscrupulous Imitators. Hilo Gum Company, (Inc.) 127 Market St.. Chicago. (4)-M3M 7x WANTED Information regarding good patent which would be money maker. Only Inventor, who wishes to sell out right or on royalty basis, need answer. Give price and brief description. 8. M Box 34B. Rochester. N. Y. (4)- FOR BALD Small grocery and confec tionery; living rooms in rear. Rent, SO. Price, SG60. Phone Harney 4312. (4) M2N8 Tx IF YOU wish to organise and Incorporate a company, mercantile or Industrial, we can help you. Reasonable charge for services. C. P. NOR WALL tt CO., 478-480 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. (4) M288 TO GET IN or out of business cell on QANGBSTAD, Room 403, Bee Bldg. (4-42S DRUG stores tor sals. Knleet, N. T. Life. . (4 4S4 FOR BALE House, office fixtures and practice of successful dentist In a good Nebraska town of 1,000. Address Y Z32, care The Bee. (4)-M148 ax WANTED Man with capital to take In terest in an established hardware, Imple ment, grain and seed business; 1908 sales over $100,000; located In county seat town of 6.000; Canyon county took first prise at Council Bluffs and Omaha; want to extend business and add Jobbing lines. Address Box 48. Caldwell. Idaho. (4)-M623 F8 FOR SALE Moving picture business in town of 12,000 Inhabitants. Business will pay 10 per cent Interest per month on In vestment. Addreaa, Y-233, care Be. (4)-M x SITUATION Is offered by large manufac turing concern to competent man, that will yield big returns on Investment; carry honor r.nd prominence In business. Can be treasurer. $26,000 $60,000 required. Has entirely outgrown present capital. The people associated with this enter prise above reproach. Demonstrated very profitable and increasing every month. Address, W. P. II., 1779 Broadway, New York City. (4) 80 7x A NEW LAW In Delaware charters 10c a $1,000; return mall: no red tape; our fee small; everything furnished; stock wc4 and guaranteed by a deposit of U. 8. government bonda. lawyers' THle and Trust Co.. Wilmington. Beware of Iml tatora with no testtmonlala. (4) WOULD like to bear of good Investment opportunity where a few thousand dol lars could be profitably Invested. Good mining or other stock considered. Give Erlce and description. Norman E. Mack, rawer 86-B, Buffalo, N. Y. (4)-M408 Tx 'ON THE LEVEL" trade atlmulator ma chane: something new for operators; write for particulars. Pope Co., Com Exchange Bank Bldg., Chicago. (4) M428 7x IF you can Invest $200 we will start you In an amusement enterprise that will net J'ou $180 every month; receipts all profit, ess your rent; write for full information. Buwl-at-lt, Winona, Minn. (4) M4A 7x FOR SALE Best psylng locsl newspaper in southwest Iowa. In corn belt; gaa power. After 14 yeara owner wanta to quit. Information, copies of psper on re quest. Address Box A, Rlenchard, la. (4)-808 Tx WANTED Partner with about $3,000 to take half interest In paying business; one capable of taking full charge of the offli'e work and handling the finances of the concern. Address D-I78, oars Bee. (4-M379 7 GILT-EDGED paper ($800), drawing 8i per rent, for aale at discount. Will trade for lot. Dr. R. D. Mason, 40t Brandels Blk. (4I-M474 7 FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise and brick store building. Kor terms and further particulars, addrsss R. Tweed & Boa, Davenport, Neb. J AliS IX MAKE money tradins In wheat. I teach you how. No losses It you trad gg taught by ms. No fee unless yuu are satisfied. Writs Lock Box 680. Chicago. (4)-M39 7x WOULD LIKE TO HEAP ot stock tor sale In any enterprise where an Investment of several thousand dollars would be safe, L Darbyshlre. Box 1S16A, Rochester, N. T. (4)- TO INVESTORS If you are a prospective Investor In the new gold fields send for our 118-paga book on Southern Nevada and Death Valley country. Free. Ortn . Merrill, Bkidao. Iayo CoM California. CO- PATENT SECURED OH FEB RE TURNED Illustratod guide book and list of Inventions wanted, free to any addreaa. Patenta aenured by us sdwtiavd frsa In World's Progress; sample copy free. gTvans, Wllkens Co., 6M r Bt.. Wash ington, P. C. 44) A LOCAL manager wanted, salary $1,500 annually and eommlsisons, both paid monthly; Investment $1.0u0, satisfactorily aeeured; references required. Write Man ager, 610 Tribune Bldg., Mew York.. U)-MiJ 7x BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Oen't mdae.. Bn. west Nebr . $1" m. Implement stock, west Iowa. $3,5io. 1 .mil-acre Im. Nch. ranch, A No 1. $."."'. n acrea, iinlnip , north Nebr., a'..'' HI arrrs. Imp., central Missouri, $(.;'"). fn'l mili.iv, central Iowa, $lt.ono. CVntral Nebr. telephone plant. $M.o. H.ftll acres. Lincoln Co.. Nebr., at $7..0. INTERSTATE EXCHANOM, Modale, la. i i4i-M31 Vx FOR BALE Have 6.000 shares gllt-edgs mining stock In Nevada for sale cheap; I) acres deeded ground now being li -velopcd; 90-foot leilgn of free-milling ore; timber and water In abundance. Ore averages I.'i20 per ton and can be mined and treated for $2.40 per ton. Full In vestigation asked. Address E 413. Bee. (4i MS13 7x FOR BALE Half interest in steam laun dry doing good business; reason for sell Ing. poor health. F. Bowden. Fremont, Neb. (41-Ma 8x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. OLIVER A. HALL, classy bungalows, flats and apartment buildings. o2i N. Y. Life. 'Phono Douglas 23W. 6 MS68 FJ6x Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1508 Farnam St. Doug. 64P7. (5 2S tTreamerles. DAVID COLE creamery Co. (IT) 638 China Falntlagr. CHINA decorating; order work a speolalty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains, leather and destgng. Mrs. C. C. Hungata. 8M Brandels Bldg. Tel, Red 6486, 5)-flSl Collections. OMAHA Collection Agency. Blow accounts solicited. 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3367. (5)-Ml57 Mch2 Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4220. (5)-7 McDowell Dressmaking school, 123 Farnam. (5)-e28 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing In families by day; good work guaranteed. Tel. Webster ISO. (5) 720 F12x Dentists. BAILEY MACK, I floor, Paxton. D. 1086. (6) PERCIVAL I floor Barker Block. Tel. Douglas 1186. Perfect dentistry at reason able prices. (6) 7S6 F13x Edaeattonal. NOWOPEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Every day Is enrollment day. Enter any time for complete, thorough instruction in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Telegraphy. Catalogues are free. H. B. Boyles, president. Omaha. Official Training Bchool for Telegraphers for U. P. R. R. Telegraph Dept. (5)-80 DRAFTING Evening classes; terms easy; draftsmen command highest wages. Omaha Technical School. 626 N. Y. L. Tel. D. ZStit, (6 M7a Mix LIFE INSURANCE SCHOOL Its prlncip'es snd how to get the business by experienced men. Address H, Mitchell, Superintendent, 2576 Harney St., Omaha. (51-181 10X BaglaeertasT, ENGINEERING contracts, specifications, estimates,, reports and designs; an expert for every line; work handled by corres pondence a specialty. Western Engineer ing Co.. 110 Third St., Counoll Bluffs, la. (6) -Mia 7x rtaaaclal. MONEY; ,TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 810 Bee Bldg., -Phone Douglas 2804. tJNIOIf LOAN COMPANY. Florists. HESS A BWOBODA, l'6 Farnam Bt. 6)-J U HENDERSON, 1K1 Farnam. Tel. D. 1283. 6)-638 3. H. BATH, 1621 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. (5)-4 Hotels. DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge, best for Its claaa in the city; good restaurant in connection. (6) 466 F8 Maaaage, GENERAL treatment, also face and scalp massage. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Benda Mang, Rooms 230-3-4. Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 190. (6)-M240 F21 Movlag and ttorlagr. EXPRESSMEN'B Delivery Co., office 4 N. 16th St., warehouse 2207-9 laard St. 1 (5)-635 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1B64. (6)-a8 Dr. Katheryn Nickolas, 608 N. Y. L Bldg. (6)-637 Printing;. C. M. JARVE PTO. CO.. Job printing snd calendars. 16th snd Cap. Avs. Phone. Ind. A 2630. (6)-MJ0 Safes, ghatters, Bts. OMAHA Safe snd Iron Works makea a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafea. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth. (8)- Shorthand Reporter aad Notary. 8UTCIJFFE Depositions. 62S Bes Bldg. Tel. D. J906. , (5)-6W hoe Repairing. , SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co 18C4 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7567. - l6)-40 Watar Filters. 1310 HOWARD ST., Missouri filter; IS dsys' trial. (5) 41 HELP WANTED FEMALE Areata aad Salesladies. L'APY agents wanted to sell our attrac tive dress goods, silks and fine cotton fabrics; popular prices; easy work; good pay; large sample outfit free; secure ter ritory now. National Dress Goods Co., Dept. 21, 200 W. Broadway, New York City. (7)-3U 7x SALESLADY. Suit department, $16 to $2". THE NATIONAL REFERENCE AND IN VESTMENT CO., Horns Office 674-6 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha Neb. (7)-M2S6 7 Clerical aad Office. STENO.. law office. $b0-$t. Steno., insurance, $50. Steno., mfgrs., $00, March 1. " Saleslady, traveling, good reposition. Multlgraph operator, $40. If In need of position see us at once, or write for a complete list of vacanclea. WESTERN RBF. BOND ASSN.. INC.. 733 N. Y. Life Bids' (Est. 7 Vrs ). (7)-M500 T OFFICE plrl wanted. Apply 444 Bes Bldg. (7-s I SALESLADY, millinery. $40. BILLING CLERK, retail. $30. STENOGRAPH KR, experienced, $46-$50. BILLING CLERK, R. R., $40. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE! CO-V7I-7V77 Brandels Bids. D- HELP WANTED FEMALE Cl id Olfles Coatlaaed. HOTEL CABHIKR (out Of town), $46. Btenogrspher, $46. Ptenographer snd Clerk, $40. THE CANO AGENCY. 4 BEE PLDG. (7) M4;w 7 70 GIRIX to pr-pnre catalogue for mailing. Aiplv at nftlce. third floor. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) MX Housekeepers nad Doaaestlea. GIRL wsnted for general housework at 1301 H. 31st Bt. Tel. Harney 125. (7W-260 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Apply be-tm-een 11 and 12 In the morning at 3626 Farnam- 8t. (?-& 8x WANTED A housekeeper. German pre ferred, to do general housework, on farm, family one man nnd four children. Ad dress. Luilwlg Mnhn, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 63, Grand Island, Neb. (") M:t 9x COMPETENT girl for general housework: no washing. 3ot7 Howard 8t. (7 M288 i YOUNG girl wanted to help with baby and houaework at once; family of two; no waahlng. 1201 N. 34th St. Tel. Har ney 3360. (7) M520 7 WANTED Elderly lady as housekeeper. Apply Bunday 1610 No. 7th Bt. C?)-M5o$ 7x Mlseellsaeoas. ANT Intelligent person may earn good In-con-a corresponding for newspapers; ex rerlence unnecessary; no csnvsaslng. Bend for particulars. Press Syndicate. Box 848, Lorkport. N. Y. (7)- HELP WANTED MALE A are a to, golleltsrs and lalMssea. TRAVELING men make money getting our slds line; give permanent addrsss. Box 6u3, Omaha. 9)-n IF YOU want to earn $60 to $300 a week right In your own city, write at once for full particulars. J. M. Harris Snyder Co., Marbrldge Bldg., (4th Bt. and Brondway, New York. (W M1Q$ $x AGENTS Men snd women wanted In every town to sell the wonderful Triplex hsnd bag for women; by a mere twist of ths wrist It becomes a purse or a music port folio, a small sstchel or a shopping bag; four separate bags for four separate pur poses, all in one; you enlarge ths bag to meet your needs; large profits. 8. A. Dlsmond Bro., $6 W. 31st St., New York. () M348 llx AGENTS Italian Earthquake Horror, new book. Just out; big money for hustlers. Write quickly for instructions. The Na tional Mfg. Co., 12th St., Dayton, O. (SI- SIDE LINE Specialty salesmen to sell high-grade cottage dinner set to dry goods, grocery and furniture stores for advertising purposes In small towns; big repeat orders; largo commission; state your permant address. The Business Builder Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. (SI- INDEX MANTLE) BURNER fits any kero sene lamp; Increaaes light five times at half oil consumption; sells on sight; ex clusive territory. F. A. Gottschalk, 87 Chambers, New York City. (9) TORTRAIT AGENTS. Just published our 1808 book. Secrets of a Picture Man. It's great; you want one. Send name and address. It's free. Garden City Portrait Co., Inc., Dept. J, Omaha Bldg., Chicago. ( WANTED Salesman to carry up-to-date souvenir post cards as side line; money making proposition: some ot our men making $200 monthly; stats references. Gartner & Bender, Chicago. () 312 Tx AGENTS $76 monthly; combination rolling pin; nine articles combined; lightning seller; sample free. Forshee Mfg. Co., Box 619, Dayton, O. ) 311 7x AGENTS make $7 dally advertising and taking orders for our new, quick-selling necessity; every men and woman buys it on sight; permanent business; experi ence not necessary, darks Co., 108 Park ' Ave., New York City. (9) 814 Tx OUR ANIMAL FRIENDS, weekly organ the A. S. P. C. A., pays agents liberally, devoted to animals and children. Stamp brings samples and terms. 60 Madison Ave.. New York. ) 16 7x AGENTS Portraits, pillow tops, sheet plrtures. etc., free samples; get our proposition to hustlers; will finance re sponsible men. Fidelity Portrait Co., 124 South Paulina St., Chicago. () M410 7x FULL assorted line toilet preparations; $3 worth for 60c to agents. Particulars free. Peerless Hygenlc Toilet Co.. 112 Clark, Chicago. (9)-M408 7x AGENTS wanted everywhere; latest and most sttrsctlve raffle proposition article; the Electric Light Mirror; big profits; quick seller. Advance Sales Co., Til Flet cher St., Chicago. (8) M 40T Tx WANTED Salesmen; exclusive territory; liberal commission; best line in America; possibilities for earnings unlimited. Roberts-Putnam company, exclusive calen dars, signs, sll kinds advertising novel tics. 340 Dearborn St., Chicago. ()-M406 T "ON THE LEVEL" trade stimulator ma chine: something new for operators: write for particulars. Pope Co., Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., Chicago. (9 M42J Tx A FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman to aell Mttchem'a Patent Remnant Systems and mill remnants to the trade; we have four men making one hundred dollars weekly; excluslvs contract and territory; hlgh grado position affording commission on re-orders: dry goods experience not neo esssry. M. M. R. Co., 120 Franklin St.. Chicago. (9)-M427 7x AGENTS make quick sales and big profits selling ARNO MILK BOTTLE OPEN ERS; everybody buys on sight; sells It self; sample and terms. 10c. Dept 18 Arno Mfg. Cc, Arno Bldg., Cincinnati, o! (9)-M124 7x MANUFACTURERS' agent for patented specialty wanted; only responsible well J.l'i." men "" reP'y: earning capacity !12'0C0.X,r-J,Mr- A,"n1 K"glneerlng Co, Inc. tlO Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ()-328 TX $50 TO $100 per week easily and quickly earned Billing a popular device that can be carried In your vest pocket. Wrtte quick for particulars. Cushman Drug Co. Vincennes, Ind. (9) 348 7x ' NEW FIELD 200 per cent profit; exciting business; sell at every home. Mr. Bleck. ner mad $11 In two daye; never falls below. $ JO a day. Write for county terri tory. Fire Appliance Sales Co. Toledo, Ohio. (9 340 7x SALESMEN experienced, who hsve sold mens pants and have large following by well known panta manufacturers, good inducements. I. 8. Pants Co.. 87 West 3rd St.. New York. (-41 Ti. AGENTS wantadr moat itiriAHu- H tlon aelllng our "self generating gas burners," fit all kerosene lamps, gaslight anywhere, no chimneys, brilliant white gaslight; liberal Inducements; description free, exclusive territory. Simplex Gas light Co., 23 Park Row. New York. ()-34I 7x WANTED Traveling salesmen to make monsy with side line of quick selling advertising fans. $26 to $60 per week easily earned. Samples light. Designs copy righted and exclusive. The Kemper Thomas Co., Cincinnati, O. (9) 348 Tx (9) 343 Tx CAPABLE salesman to covor Nebraska mlth staple line. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent posi tion to rlgh man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. (9 344 7x SALESMEN Calling on lea cream manu facturers, confectioners, soda fountain Ists. druggists, aaloonlats, etc.. are you willing to make some good side money? No risk, no expense, no sample. Start now. Davenport Ice Chipping Machine Co., Davenport. Iowa. ( 3le 7x SIX weeks Instruction In salesmanship and position as traveling salesmen with a re liable firm secured. Writs for our book, "How to Buoosed as a Ski soman." Brad street System, Rochester, N. Y. (th-Mt Tx SALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell to general trade In Nebraska. An unexcelled specialty proposition. Commis sions with 846 weekly advance for ax penses. Ths Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. OU'- l-47 Tx HELP WANTED MALE itii DRUG salesman; I3H rf cent commission to present new high clsss specialty to physicians. If you sre esrnlng less thsn ioO per week write today. Can be handled as a iliJi line. Exclusive territory. Ad dress Uterole-Co.. Eillcott 8'iuare, Buf falo, N. Y. () 349 7x AGENTS Wonderful proposition; $100 monthly made selling gusrsnteed pure Aluminum Kitchen Bets. Write for prices to sgents. National Mfg. Co., 12th St., Dayton, o. ti AGENTS Most attractive proposition; our self-generating gas burners for kerosene lamps; brilliant gaa light. Established, reliable. Description free. Eaatern Gas light Company, XO Broadway, New York. (S)-350 7x $86 WEEK sure all yuar. Hustlers make more. Jenkins, Kan., averaged $76 week first seven weeks. No experience, Every wits buys. Millions needud. Write now for best territory. Toledo Cooker Com pany, Toledo, O. (9) 368 Tx STOP WORKING Operate a "Lassetir Premium Bureau," now In successful op eration here; only a few dollars required; good for life Income; Jsnusry "Booster Magaslne" Instructs, starts you; this number also tella how to operate a mall order Installment business, the great bus iness of the future; get wise early; It also gives details of our automatlo press business, which Is clearing Its operators $36 weekly; business of your own with enormous possibilities; January number 10c. February Included free. F. O. Bur dick, 361 Dearborn St., Chicago. ()-338 Tx WANTED -- Calendar salesmen, experi enced, for extensive fins llns advertising calendars, Imported and domestic, over 4X0 numbers: also leather gooda, novtl tlee, etc Liberal terms, fair treatment, excluslvs territory. Deal with headquar ters direct, no middlemen; old estab lished house; capital. $x,ou0. Address, with reference, stating experience. August Oast Bank Mole and Litho Company, St. Louts, Mo. (91366 7x HIGH-GRADE specialty salesmen; salary snd expenses; splendid opportunity for llvs man. State experience, reforencee. Iroquois Msnufacturlng Company, Cleve lsnd. O. 7 AGENTS More money. New prlcesj Kitchen Bets. Aluminum Bets, books, Curtains, Post Cards, Household Articles, all descriptions. Writs Mfg. Co.,12th St., Dayton, O. (9) SALESMEN Wanted for best selling spe cialty on market. Samples weigh two C unds. Every business man a customer. Iberal, long time contract to competent men. If you are worth $300 per month, send us references. William D. Cannon Company. Iowa City, la. (9)-3&4 7x LIVE agents, either sex, for fast selling toilet and household speclaltlea. By cur new plans 25c articles cost you only 60s net per doxen. Myers Company, Atcht son Kan. (9)-35S 7x WANTED A few traveling men to sell side line pictorial sdvertlslng fans; lib eral commissions; exclusive designs: eas ily carried; light weight; $30 to $h0 per week; selling season Just starting. United States Calendar Company, Station H. Cin cinnati, Ohio. (91336 7x WANTED traveling sslesman In your territory; $100 a month and ex penses; experience not necessary. North ern Cigar Co., Detroit. Mich. (9)-837 7x $100 TO $125 a month for hustling traveling cigar aalesmen; experience unnecessary; success sssured to workers. Nstional Cigar Sales Co., Toledo, O. (9)-836 7x AGENTS We have a good territory open for hustling agents in all localities;; kitchen article that sells readily; special Inducements. Write Domestio Manufac turing Co., Des Moines, lows. - (91-334 Tx SALESMEN Local or traveling, to sell fireproof safes to business men or farm ers; experience unnecessary; quick sales; big profits. Alpine Bats Co., 11, Cincin nati. O. (9)-333 7x WANTED Msn to travel in Neb.; begin new yesr; experience unnecessary; good pay and tailor-made suit tree In 90. days; write for particulars. J. R. McBrady 4 Co., Chicago. (9)-829 7x AGENTS for $1,000 accident policy; pays $1.0iiO death and $5 weekly benefit for $1 yearly; easy seller; liberal commission; assets, $626,000. North American Regis tration Co., Newark. N. J. (9)-&7 7x WANTED Experienced road man to sell ?ost cards; salary to right man; must urnlsh references; no other need spply. L. W. Snow, Columbus, Neb. (9)-M391 T AGENTS Wanted to handle lightning sell ing specialty in men'a wear; the six months unqualified guarantee makes In stant sale a lucrative business; depend able and high class; excluslvs territory. Iron Weave Hosiery Co., i. 237 B'way, New York. (9) M386 7X AGENTS don't miss our 1909 money maker, sells like hot cakes at a top-notch profit. (It's a household article).' Hllker, 371 . Grand Ave.. Chicago. (9)-M421 7x WANTED Salesmen for our spoclal offer of 6.000 free post cards. Vest pocket sam- ?les. Most profitable side line ever of ered. H. G. Zimmerman A Co., Chicago. (9J-M419 7x AGENTS Introduce Wood's curs for skin diseases; guaranteed; profits great; no talking; sample scheme does the work without csnvassing; people look you up. Haskel Rlghtnr made $9 one day. Write now. Wood Chemical Co., Helena, Ark. (9)-M418 7x A WELL known Jobbing house desires to negotiate with ten A-l salesmen for 19) contract; must bo producers, state fully nature ot present employment. Addresa 8. Griem, Schiller Bldg., Chicago. (9)-M417 7x EASY MONEY-Supply dally all coal users, saving half. Any stove, furnace, steam plant, without changes makea 4-cent water gas. Terrltoiy free. Kol Saver, Olen Ellyn. 111. (9) M416 7x STRANGE INVENTION Making agents rich. Korstad's aalos $2,200 two weeks; Stoneman. $1,200 monthly. Hundreds averaging $n weekly. Experience un necessary. New field. 60,000 already aold millions needed. Exciting business. Credit given. Allen's Bath Apparatus glvea every home a bath room for $5. energises water. Cleanses slmost auto matically. Investigate. Allen Mfg. Co., 2013 Adams, Toledo, O. (9)-M413 7x SALESMEN Leech Vscuum Show Window Sign Holders. Sell on sight. Agents are making very good. It's new. All mer chants want them. Beware of Infringers. We, the originators, will prosecute and protect sgents. We guarantee our suction cups. Particulars free. Portable Frame & Sign Co., Milwaukee, Wla. (WI-M412 7x AOENTS $36 a week, expenses paid, no experience required: Photo Pillow Tops. 80c; enlarged portraita, frames, lowest prices; free samples, catalogue. Dept. 78. Rittor Art Studio, Chicago, III. (9)-M4U 7x WANTED Experienced solicitor. Malnne Coffee Co., 2111 Cuming tit. (9)-M412 7 SALESMEN ran easily make $10 a day sell ing our Gold Window letters. Novelty Signs and Changeable 8tgns; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. (9I-M438 7x SALESMEN wanted to sell an sbsolutely new proposition to the general stora trade. Don't wests your tlmu on old worn-out lines. Territory will go fast, so get busy and writs at once for full particulars. Henry H. Roberts & Co.. 316-5C Fifth Ave , Chicago. (9)-31 7x AGENTS Big money in handling our line of lace curtains, shirtwaists, handker chiefs and dry goods. Largest assort ment Lowest prices. Newest styles. Big profits to agents. No experience necessary. Write today for dry goods catalogue and special offer. Address Dry Goods Dept., 253, Thomas Mfg. Co., Lay ton, O. () 317 7x AGENTS wanted to aell the Original Na- Write P. Melrose, Columbus, O. (9)-M433 7x AGENTS Invention never before sold by sgents Quick-Shift Anti-Rattler. Vehicle owners wild over it. 8mple free. Na tional Mfg. Co., 12th Bt, Dayton, O. (9)- W ANTED First class salesmen to csll on trade In Nebraska. Must bs acquainted with ths saddlery line. Osksloosa Sad dlery Co., UakaWosa, la. (9 M478 12 HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad galeeaiea Coatlaaed. AGENTS Resd this: "I msd $11 per day for one year selling your Kitchen Bets." H. . Cunningham. Indiana. "I mads 81$ 60 In three hours selling your Positive Ten sion Shesrs." V. O. Glebnrr, Oh!o;"I mede MSI profit In one hour." J. B. Thompson. Arkansss " I msde 88 sales In one afternoon on your Radlumlts Bolt honing Htrop, a profit of $18.60," F, J. King, Ohio. "I sold 16 shirtwaist patterns In one dav." Mra Kus Rahko, Wis consin. " I am thankfol for your Book of Instruction It helpa ms to mako mora money than I ever dreamed of mak-ng,"-Charles DeWalt. Kansas. Thsss are statements of a few of our 80,080 suc cessful money making men and women agents. We sell more goods througH sgents than any other house In ths United States. Over 3,000 money makers that ysll in ths country as well as In ths oltles. Experlencs unnecessary. Ws teach you all about the business. Fine premiums for agents, besides liberal commissions. Sample outfit and 800-pags catalogue free lo agents; also copy of "The Thomas Agent," full of new plans and money making pointers. Whst others can do, you can do. Deal direct with headquar ters. The Thomas Agent Is ths success ful sgent. No matter what you aro now selling It will psy you to let us send vou our free proposition. Writs today, ho It now. The Thomas Company, Dept. 69. Datyon, Ohio. (9)-M331 Tx UAKG money easy, quick, sure, men, wo men; experlencs unnecessary; spars or all time; se what others are doing: C. O. Gartnit, O, ahowed T families, sold 6, profit $1R: A. B. Verrett. La, sold one day, profit $34: N. Boucher, orders 71 more, says "everybody wanta one best buslnssa 1 ever hsd;" Mra J. Brown. Pa, sold R mads $30 first $ days: only two sales per . day means $38 per week profit; free sam pies to active agents; famous Easy Way 1 Clothes Washsr cleans family wash in 80 to 60 mlnutea. whlls you rest; no work, only move knob occasionally; not a wash In machine: nothina slsa like It: no chem icals, no rubbing, no washboard or hollar; evers fsmily wants one; easy to aell; low rrlce, $6; we create demand; writs today: 'specify territory; sot quickly; this won't niipear again. Harrison Mfg. Co., 71 Har rison Bldg., Cincinnati, O. (9 M430 Tx SALESMEN Boys with frit and "go." It's your chance. I want a few reliable salesmen to canvass ths retail trade. Ssmplrs light and convenient. Don't worry trying to revrvs dead lines. Get one with breath In It now. It's a boom esr for vou If you connect right, rrsa W ,V. Main, Dept. 10, Iowa City, la. t'JJ Sl IX WE want five first-class solicitors to sell fruit landa. We have a very attractive proposition and prefer to jft one, msn who could get together a toros of four or five A No. 1 solicitors to work with him. Write tor particulars, Address. T I3S. cars Bes. ()-f 7 AGENTS, secret out. greatest money mak ing proposition revealed, and certificate worth $6 free to each sgent writing im mediately: exclusive control; credit sl lowed. Hull, 203 Franklin Bt., New York. (8) $68 Tx SALESMAN visiting retailers, to carry spe cial side lino of dry goods on oommi salon. F. C. Rollroan Co.. Mfrs., Philadelphia, (8) 326 Tx SALESMAN wanted; man who has a first olass trads among gents and ladles fur nishers to carry a first-class llns of sweater costs as side llns. Only a man with flrst-olass reference and experience need answer. Eclipse Knitting Mills Co., 807 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. (9)-28 7x SALESMEN Best accident, health policy. Old llns company; $1,000 death; $5 weekly; $100 emergency: $2 yearly . Heal walle ; free. German Registry Co., 1014 Holland Bldg., St. Loula. Mo. ()-M4TT7x We Want Agents To sell small farms, $10 down and 110 par "our land ta ths famous MUton Tootln lsd, located along the Rio Grands river In Texas ths richest land In the world and offers exceptional opportunities for tho small investor. Ws pay liberal commission and assist you in making sales. Writ for sxoluslva territory. Kio Grande Valley Land Co., Oommercs Building, Kansas City, Mo. (9) M294 7t WANTED Salesmen ot ability and neat appearanoe to call on all merchants in their territory; elegant stde llns, conven ient to carry; good commissions;- prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Clncin- ' natl. O. AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire extinguishers; special starting offer; exclusive territory; $75 to $309 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. Wis. CD- AIR-GAS burners In cook stoves stops use of coal; no gasoline: agents make $5 each; territory going fast. Alr-Gas Com pany, Dept. 119, Columbus, O. (9) WANTED Advertising novelty sslesmen In Douglas, Washington, Cass. Saunders, Bsrpy, Lancaster and Otoe counties, Ne braaka; Pottawattamie, Mills and Harri son counties, lowa; excluslvs territory; references required. Address Stats Agent, 602 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. W WANTED Traveling salesman In Iowa and adjoining states thst call on confec tioners, etc., to sell flavoring extracts on commission. Good main or side line. American Extract Co., ffd B. 4th St., Davenport, la. (9) M284 7x STATE manager and salesman wanted for Nebraska and Kansas. Bond required. Davison Automatic Vending Mschlns. The only one in the WORLD. Machine on t-xhibltlon Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdsy and Friday, February , 10, 11 and 12. Par lors 20b snd 208 Loyal hotel, Omaha, Neb. Hustling specialty aalesmen Investigate this. Davison Vending Machine Co. x (9)-Mt U WANTED AGENTS LeglUmats substi tute for slot machines; patented; sails on sight for $1.00. Particulars. Gisha company, Anderson, Ind. (9X24 Tx AOENTS MAKE! FROM $3 TO $3 AN HOUR selling our latest household pso Inlty; something new; sells on sight In everr home; writs quick for free particu lars. WESTERN BUPPLT COMPANY, department D, Kansas City, Kas. i () 823 Tx CIGAR salesman wanted in this territory expertenon unnecessary. 1110 month and $6 a day expenses. Mauroos WtioJa sale Cigar company, Toledo, Cx. (9-82J 7x BALESMAN (specialty) at onoe, to call oa country merchants; hlgh-gTsds. legitimate proposition. Wa pay good commlaaloct and advance expenses. Good territory open and want good man to fill It Btata aga, experience and reforsnne. Dead ona have no chance. Sales Manager. M Fifth Aver. Chicago. (9-ttf Tx Bays. WANTED Boy of about 16 or it years) eld H., Bennlnghovon, Jl. R. No, 8, Seward, Neb. (9)-M3B TX ClsrtesU and OsSsa. DONT DELAY, but sss us at ones about these vacancies. Our terms ars vary reasonable. BOOKKEEPERS. Manager, building material department. $1,600. Bookkeeper, Insuranoe, $1,200. Bookkeeper and cashier, 86. ledger clerk, wholesals, $60 to 800. . Bookkeeper, out of city, $76 to $100, STENOGRAPHER Stenographer, construction firm, $&. Stenographer, real estate, $60, Stenographer and bookkeeper, 860. Stenographer and rate clerk, 866 to 875. SALESMEN. Meats, barber supplies, dry goods, liquor, Insurance, leather goods, real estate, eta, SEE US FIRST. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCB CO-673-76-77 Brandels Bldg. OS GOOD STENOGRAPHER, salary $76; stats experience and telephone number. "Raf ervnee" companies need not answer O-4H0. care Bee. (9) M464 T CLAIM CLERK. $76. Two Stenographers. $70 and $75. Two Salesmen, commission and Salesman, $75. Three Solicitors, sslary and commission, BUI Clerk (typist), Bookkeeper. $u. Hotel Clerk, board and room and 121. Clark (out of town), $i6. These and MANY OTHERS ars opsa NOW, No filing fee. . . THB CANO AvQENCT, 481 BETA BLTVs. ' a M4J6