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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1909)
The Omaha Sunday Bee PART VI WANT ADS PACKS t TO -L VOL. XXXVIII NO. .14. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 190!. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. i 01 EA . ."' Want - ads REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOH ALIO (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 9AI.W (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRT X FOH il.K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE TIKAIj KPT ATK DEAI.KRS. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRT Y TOR "ALE (Continued) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRT V KOll SAI.B (Continued.) f AWT ADS J i . . i' 'Mir in if rr 1 ' atm w r ssai ft a. II K 'I r AlTtrllwwili tfca waat rolaaaaa will ha akea til 13 m. Ike evening; edition aa4 aall for Ik mora lac aa lailtr a'Mlaaa. Caah snast aeewatSMsar fafJ ha arrested fa laaa thaa 10 eeats far first laaarllaa. Ha4e eaaly ta altkar Tka Dally aadar Baa. Always tout at waras Canklaatlaaa at Initials aamkara raaat aa aaa wr4. CASH RATCI rOW W"T AOS. nKGCLAR CLASgiriCATIOTt Insertion, aa: line, lO eeats. Twa ar marc roaseratlve laeertlone, aar Itaa. eaata. Kara laaanlaa aaaae aa a a tars, 1 , cents aar llaa. 0tM9 llaa ar III asaaatlaaj that FTTRNISHRD ROOM ADA. arkca acaaaaaala4 kr eaaa, tka rata will bei' Oaa laeertlaa, 4 eaata Una I tkraa ar als aaaareatlTa laaar tloaa. a eaata par llaa each laarrtlaa ar snora casmeeatlve laaartlaaa, eaata aer llaa aaek laaartloai 0 enta aer llaa aar aaaatk. Win a4a far Tka Baa near Mt at aar at tka fellawia drag stares aaa la rear "earner alraajslet' -tkar ate all braack aflleaa far Tka Bea aa4 a a4 will aa Iaaerte4 aat aa pra.atlr an aa tka eaae ratea aa at tka mala la Tka Baa Ball4la, seventeenth aa4 Farm as atreatai Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam, Beranek. S. A.. 140$ a. 16th St. Bechr Pharmacy. 120 8. 16th Bt. Bensor. Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hernia Park Pharmacy. S3d and Cumin. Blake's Pbarmaov, tb2i Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C R.. 6th and Fierce Sta, Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 1211 Military At. Conte, J. B., llat Ava. and Farnam BU CrUsey Pharmacy, Mtb and Lake Sta. Crimes. Emit. UM-I 8. 13th St. F.hlers. B. H. iH Leavenworth St. roster Arnold!, 21 N.Joth BU rreyteg. John J.. 1914 N. 14th Bt. Florence Lrug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, loth and Lake BU. Ureenouch, O. A.. 1824 8. 10th Bt. Greenough, O. A.. 1614 8. 10th Bt. Haydcn, William C Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. lb St. Hoisl. John, 624 N. 16th Bt. Huft,, A L., tW4 Leavenworth St. Kins. R. 8.. 231a Farnam Bt. Kountxe Dace Pharmacy, 2601 N. Mti BL Latnrop, Charles U24 N. Mlh 8L Patrick Drug Co.. 160a N. 14th St. Peyton. L. K.. 14th and Leavenworth Sta. Saratoga Drug Co.. Mth St. and Amea Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Plica Dm 4 Co 1Kb. and Chicago sta, Schaefer, August, tm N. lfth Sr. Sohmldt. J. H.. 24th and Cumin Sta. Walnut 11111 Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming ls. Walton Pharmacy, tntb and Oraea Sta. Worth. O. H.. 40th and tiamlltoa Bta. DKATUa AND FUXEHAL NOTICES BCHORK-Mri. Thereala M., widow of the late Ueorge N. Bchnrk, died at 701 Ban croft atrei't Saturday afternoon at o clock, after an lllnesa of two months. necomied la aurvlved by three daughtera ami throe aona. Funeral Monday, 1:30 p. m., from Grace Baptist church. Interment. T'ormt l.own cemetery. Mlnneapolla and Winona. Minn., papera please copy. BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. Blrlha John J. MrDonough, 308 North Ti-iity-alxth street, boy: John Pwyer, lfilS ('Mlirornla street, boy: T. U. Btonly, 203 North Nineteenth street, girl; Krnest I.tnd tcig. SiJii Charlca street, boy; George Skou, b.i'l North Fifteenth street. girL I caths August Zlfbell, St. Joseph's hoa-l-tral. 1; Jamea N. Drake, 4S Majle street. 7. ' REAL ESTATE nEAL ESTATE DEALERS. RF.ED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 18M; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. (1 7 CONRAD TOUNO Special cara given to selling and rentin property 20 yeara exiierience. IMS Dodge St. TeL Douglaa 1571. 09 6 PAYNE INV. CO., flrat noor, N. T. U (l-7 RKAL F.STAT K TITLr TRUST CO., CUAS. hi W1LLJAM80N. President. (l)-74 GEORGE at CO.. liiOl Farnam. Tel. Douglas m BENJAMIN R. E. Co.. 477 Brandels Bldg. M)-7 CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. ONE OF DUNDEE'S MOST BEAUTIFUL LOTS AT A BARGAIN. One-half block from ear. New, expensive homes being erected all around. Lot la bOxUS. Shade, sewer, cement walks, city water and gaa. Big bargain for immediate aale. 'Phone owner at Harney MB. (IS) 471 7x $1,350 Kour rooms, full lot and partly modern, nar lHtii and Maple. BKMJS, (Kstab Itahed 1M, Paxton Block. Ui Cheapest Lot in Town 30x17 ft. at SXb and Nich olas for aale this week for 1673. Owner across the street refused 14.009 cash for a lot last week. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 197. 212 3. 11th St. (.!) THE REAL ESTATE OFFICE Where you can always find what you want If you want to buy. aee me for bargains. If you want to sail. 1 ran find a buyer. If you want an exchange. I caa make tt. Send for card and llat of property with me. nun wuiih wxm. E. S. Weather! pv. S10 First National Bank Bldg. (U IF TOU HAVE City proBertr, faraoe. ranch lands a mer chandise to Ball or trade, llat them with ana. It eoata you nothing unleae I effect a aala W. W. MitobaU. ail Board ef Trade a- 0 M4U XJ8T your prvrwrty. with ChrU Borer, Ed aad tvumtavf ( HOW YOU CAN GET A HOME OF YOUR OWN IN "BUNGALOW CITr ON EASY-T0-BUY TERMS BEST BUILT BUNGALOWS are those now under construction by the P. V. 8 holes Company In Crelghton'a Second addition, "Bungalow City." The location Is ideal the lots are sightly and of uniform grade each has water, S'-'wer, gaa and concrete sidewalks. Shade trees, too. are easily accessible five-minute car service and now ready for your Inspection. Some are completed three already taken by wise buyers fifteen are In course of construction. Take a Wal BEST BUILT BUNGALOWS BEST BUILT nut Hill, Benson or ana lucre you are at will stand the most D"Bt materlala better y" ft tr V.... . an uuiNUiiLAjw o lows are being buiu. BEST BUILT BUNGALOWS are up to now In Pacific coast BUT placea that make up warmth (furnace heat BEST BUILT BUNGALOWS are In various sizes and styles, but If it should happen that, our plans do not exactly suit you we will build Just what you want. Go out and1 see "BUNGALOW CITY" TODAY or any day soon. If you sea what you want, we will auote a close price on 11. It you don't see what you want, we will build it for you. In either event, ask D. V. Sholes Company for easy-to-buy terms. Phone. Douglas 49 or Independent A-2049, or call at our office, 110 Board of Trade Building, Itjth and Farnam streets. $ 700 Unfinished 6-room cottage and full lot 0x175 feet, at 28th and Crown Point Ave. House Is shoe led, roo fed and rough plastered, but not sided. Blie of building 24x30 feet $450 cash required. A bargain for the man who can nntsn 11 up. Two blocks lro m Florence car tine, opposite Ft. Omaha. -Close in renting for $33 per month. 11 -room house, with large lot 60x183 feet, city water, sewer, gas and electric light, brick basement: first rate re $2,800 pair and a big bargain. 2576 Pierce St. This house Is renting to two fami lies and is a splendid bargain, or a good home for a large family who want to be close In. 4;"? 'iOO Just finishing, modern 2-story,6-room house at 2815 Hamilton St., oak wood f 1 w work and oak floors downstairs, fine birch finish upstairs. Cemented base. ment, furnace heat, sewer, water, gaa, electric lights, porcelain plumbing, everything strictly new and up-to-date. Large porch and very tasty design. Beautiful view. On paved street. Lot 60x128 feet. Thin was built by the owner for a home, but cost more than he felt he could afford, ao you profit by his misfortune, (kO ff)() Close in 8-room. modern, brick dwelling;, east front lot 40x132 feet, newly .pujVvv pa,ve(i street, nice terraced lot, one block from the car, and five minutes walk from the center of the city. This house in new, built of best fancy pressed brick with stone trimmings, and Is the best close In noma that we know of. 1012 So. 22d St. d;I 7f)0 New, 8-room, modern house in Bemts Park, two blocks from the car, birch Wuu finish, thoroughly modern, built for a home and first class in every respect. You could not duplicate It today for the money and here It la all built, ready to move Into. 1319 No. 35th St. d4 lyV) 8-room, modern house, near 28th and Farnam, finished in fir, extremely neat p-,uvu design, strictly modern and up-to-date in all respects, east front lot 30x80 feet. Just the neatest little home for a man who wants to walk In town every morning, that could possibly be devised. 602 So. 28th St. 44 COO 2808 Dodge St., brand splinter-firing new house of 7 rooms. Just finished q-t,ow an( ready to occupy. . Lot 60x144 feet, paved street, two blocks to Farnam car and easy walking distance to the city. . Any old terms you want. Why do you pay high rent when you can own your own home, close In, and not have 10 pay any more man you are now paying as rent: Hot water heated oak finished residences In Orchard Hill, with two lota 100x130 feet. Nine large rooms, good barn, beautiful trees, paving all paid, $5,500- 21 oiockb zrom nm oar. , 11 you wanL a Dig; nouee ana pieniy 01 grouna lor half what It Is worth, let us show you this place. FOR LEASE We have a party who will erect a two-story, brick building In first-class down town location, suitable for any kind of factory or machine shop snd rent it for reasonable rste on five year lease. Slxe of building 66 feet square. 10 ACRES Five miles from Omaha, on the Center St. Road and U. P. Cut-Off: first class house, barn, chicken yards; 6 acrea of fruit in bearing, high and sightly location. One of the choicest places around the city for a country resilience or poultry farm. Price $6,(00. Will .take some g-ood Omaha income property in exchange. s $7nO acres at tha N. W. corner 17th and Newport Sta., high and sightly, 7 blocks w from the car. $ 500 60xlS0 'Mt & w- Corner Mth and Sprague Streets. $ 90044x, feet, west front oa Mth, $8 feet south of Martha St., paving all paid. $1,000 S E' Corner 2i ,nd Hamilton St., 60x125 feet, paving paid. $ g00 50x150 fet, weat front on 4 2d d-O 000 Besutiful south front building lot In the Field Club District, corner of two boulevards, no paving to pay. Two blocks from car. THE J. B, KITCHEN HOME Why Wait Worry Plan -For Your New Home? Months will elapse, even If you commence right now, before you csn begin to ee the fruits of your labor and many mora months before ynu can enjoy them. Eliminate all this worry and bother and waiting by taking advantage of what others have accomplished. ' You Can Buy One of Omaha's Finest Residences for less money than you could build a similar house under present conditions The pupcrty we offer is the 8PL-KND1D KU'CHEN RESIDENCE on Thirty-second Ave between Farnam snd Dodge Sts. This fine, modern house, with its spacious grounds, presents an unusual oppor tunity to the man desiring an elegant home In a fashionable quarter without the usual walling, worry and trouble. This licilfce wss most carefully planned and moat excellently built of the very best materlala. The interior flniah is very fine and in en tire accord with good taste. During the coming week we will have) ready for inspection floor plans of the first, second and third floors and of the basement, as well as holographs of interior views. It you want the best resldeav property now on tha market in Omaha, better get In touch with us at once. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 110 Board of Trade Pldg. ltih and Farnam Els. J. W. ROBBINS, BARGAINS L HOUSES $2,300 6-room House, modern except furnace, atf 8. Cd Su This la a special price tor only a few days. $3.7ao 8-room modern house and barn and full comer lot; 22d and Grant St. $3.800 New I room modern house, 125 S. 4id 81; finished la hardwood throughout. This will suit you If you see It. t7,4u0 Corner, xl32 feet, only blocks from post office, with three good cottaea, well rented and room for trlpple brick flat on vacant corner. GOOD VACANT LOTS . $1,500-50 feet, east front on 35th street, just north of Burt, tl.ouo a) large lota together on 63d Ava, south of Leavenworttt St. $mjo Kaal front on (tiih St., near Field club. $4UU Lot In Briggs Place on Capitol Ava BBB MB FOR OTHER BARGAINS. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. THE BEST LOTS FOR $375 Ixita in Boulevard Park are the beat values of any In the north part of the city. Look over other locations then let us show you that we can give you more value for your money than you can find elsewhere Finely located lots with sewer, gas, eleotrte llarht and 6 foot cement side walks In font for 1676. Other lots ). 50 and $;0u. SHIMER CHA8BJ CO.. U round Floor. 1 Farnam 84. Doug-. $867, A $642, Dear Institute car, get off at Parker street- Bungalow tiiy. ' 1 rigid Inspection. They are constructed of the' tlinn ore used In other houses built for sale. J .... 1 lL. V. 1.. -1 1 a 1 W . . I design, similar to the most popular ones on the BUILT FOR THIS CLIMATE. The cosy "Bungalow City" are planned for winter and for summer comfort. SL, Hi feet south of Hamilton St Telephones: Douglas 49, Independent A-3049. (IS) 10 ACRES Fine, high, sightly tract of ten acres, one mile west of Benson, and just south of paved toad. Price, $2,760; $600 cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Life Bldg. 'Phones Douglaa 1781, Independent A-11S8. 09- A LAKE STREET BARGAIN A fine 7-room, new. modern residence, south front, finished in hard wood down stairs, large lot, tine home st low prico. Can furnish another lot at a reasonable price. 6 ROOMS Modern ercept heat, south front, alee lawn, stone walks, house in very good con dition, some fruit trees; a nice flower gar Urn. THE WORLD INVESTMENT COMPANY, 601-4 N. T. L. Bldg. Ind.. A-UbS. BelL D., 19. I HAVE three a-roora cottages, each on lot 60x160. renting; for $33. which I will trade for Omaha property. Will assume small mortgage If necessary or pay dif ference in cash. TeL Douglas 4567 or ad- ' dress M 403. car Bea, atWO 1 J, A. LANGAN & SON EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY $ 900 3-room cottage in north end of city, not modern bnt with out-buildings, shade and fruit trees and convenient to school, stores and car. $1,600 5-room and bath, in north part of city, partly modern, with gas, city water, cistern, double cellar, fine lawn and garden, and with good car facilities. a n-A " 1 1 lL j aii.,voJ 1-iUUUlB uuu uaili. muutlll VACfUl lieu I. Miuue trees, eis- 1 ' tern, house almost new and $2,800 S-rooms and bath, in walking distance, strictly modem, with new furnace, on a sightly lot and where property is rapidly increasing in value. $3,000 8-rooms, in West Farnam district, strictly modern, fine terrace lawn, house fitted with new furnace and also has new roof. Exceptionally good terms can be had. $3,500 6-rooms and bath, within short walking distance, strictly modern, furnace heat, house almost new and on large corner lot. 817 New York Life Bldg. UN A Few Rare Ones Not Raw Ones But Rare Ones $3,330.00 All modern 9-room cottage, well located, block to car. A bargain. Terms, $500 cash, balance monthly. $3,400.00 New 6-room all modern 2-story house; well located, block from car, in Dundee. $4,000.00 Nice 7-room all modern home, has never been offered before; sightly location, half block to car. In Dundee: south front, ce ment walks, fruit. Very desirable; built and occupied by owner. $2,000.00 New, modern 6-room cottage, four blocks from car. In Benson. Price. $2,000 with two lots. Terms, $3X cash, balance monthly. $1,500.00 Ten full sized lots three blocks south of car in Benson for $150 per lot. Adjoining property selling for twice this amount A sure chance to double your money. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, 'Phone Douglas 1722. 642 Paxton Block. (1 FOR YOUR GROWING FAMILY Nine rooms, (five bedrooms.) Floored attic South front, well located. On paved street and paving paid for. Htrlctly modern and exceptionally well bullv Convenient to two car Lot 60x147 with good barn. A desirable home for a large family tired of living in close quarters, and at a bar gain aale price. POTTER-VALENTINE COMPANT, 'Phone Douglas 470. 419 N. T. Life. (II) Cottage Home Here Is a chance to get a nice 6-room cottage within walking distsnee at a reason able price. It is modern ex cept furnace, has electric fix tures, nickel plumbing, full basement. Price, $2,710; $5tiu cash. The Byron Reed Co, 'Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 14;u St. C19)- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. One 7-room house, lot 60x135 feet, strictly modrn. gas, electric light, bath, furnace, hard wood finish, paved streets and per manent walks, located near 24th and Spalding Sta. Price $3.50u. Nice 6-room house on 41st snd Nicholas Sis., modern except heat. Price $J,75u. Eight-room house and full lot, modern except hea', on North 20th St., near Corby. $2,500. New 6-room house, full lot, all modern, between Webster snd Bun Sts., on 90th. Price $3,400. J. J. ROONEY, 617 BEE BUILDING. tll . $300 Cash Will Handle This t-room cottage, new, all modern except heat, half tilcx a from car: balance terms. Two 6-room houses near 2otu and CastelUr Sts.. $2.sli0 for both. s-room cottage in Be nils park district, nearly new, hot water heat. Must sell tan quick. C. P. TRAVER, 706-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. U HOUSE and lot cheap. Call or add Mrs. . fenapp, 1ih 8. Uih m. 11.1.1J1 a bargain. BARGAINS Two stores on 44x132 ft. of around In busi ness district: two-story building; will rent for $300 a month. Price. $18,000, on easy terms. Eastern owner wsnts 6 per cent on deferred payments. Psy $6,000 and the rents will pay the balance In five years. $3,000 will buy modern house and full lot on Georgia Ave., near Poppleton Ave. East front. Street paved. Permanent sidewalks. I want an offer on the two modern houses st 1128 and 1130 S. 81st St. Everything In first-class condition. Houses weiPrented. Small payment will be accepted, balance at 6 per cent. West Farnam Street District J I have two modern brick houses here which I will sell for $6,000 each. House and lot cost $10,000. f Vacant Property Lot on Webster St., near 20th St. Paved street. Permanent sidewalk. Just the place for flats. Only $:,ooo. Two lots southwest corner Sth and Hickory Sts., only $2,200. Money to Loan On Omaha property at lowest rates on In terest. Thomas Brennan Room 1, New York Life Bldg. US) $3500 $fl02 North 17th St., One block to car; Corner lot; Facing east and south; 7 rooms strictly modern; 6 rooms and bath on first floor; 2 large bedrooms on second; Nicely papered downstairs; Oak finish In three rooms; Best of plumbing; Terms to suit. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 1704 Farnam Street. (i) SARATOGA COURT Go today snd see this beautiful addition, water, sewer and cement sidewalks, with a beautiful park in the center. Nothing like It in OmaJia, and the price cf lots very low from $45 to $75). See it today, ' or call and get plat. Located on 24lh St., just north of Grand Ave. $1800 Six-room house, modern except furnace; lot 60xli4 ft.; paved street; permanent walks, all paid. Just reduced from $2.3u0, and a great bargain. Near 28th and Parker. See me for genuine bargains and fire in surance. P. C. Best, 1008 N. Y. Life PHONE DOUGLAS 2244 OR HARNEY 3714. (1S1-M468 7 INVESTMENT 1313 Douglas St., three-story brick building, 22x132 ft.; leased for two years; only $17,500. Fixtures In first story of this building cost $20,000. These are included. Terma reascnsble. See W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. 'Phones Douglas 1064. Independent A -1064. U 36th and Sprague Corner 50x130 ft., south front. Price, $200. $10 cash and $5 monthlly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Life Bldg. 'Phones Douglas 1781, Independent A-1ISI. (19) INVESTMENTS. $4.260 Two houses, four tenants, full lot, raved street, 26tb near Cuiulng; rents ao2. Kitzy terma on fcia-'-t tots, 2 corners, 4 blocks from iaveoworth car; can double your money in t yeara. $V,000 Six brick flats In West Farnam dis trict, 1 apartments; rent, $2,324. Easy terms; i per cent Interest. $3t,00O-Pu!l lot thxin. with building cover arlng entire lot. on Harney gt near court house; rent $S,6U). Will sell oa easy terma $17,600 6-story building on Douglas SL; rent, Sl.aua. K, P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Farnam St. " ' us.-ii4u i DUNDEE t.m to n,W for a few choice corners. 100x1.16 ft., on or close to car line: trees, cement walks, city water and sewer covered by these prices, t orncrs or till site In this locality selling for 2,000 or more. Some well located single lids can also be purchased at low prices. See us for prices and terms, lists upon application. DUNDEE HOMES 4,20 for T-room, all modern house, frontlna: south, with especially attractive living room, large brick fireplace, cheerful dining room, 4 bedrooms and bath second flcoi ; cement driveway, close to car line. . , 4,6O0 Practically new (-room house, strictly modern, uarter-sawed oak rinun. 3 bedrooms, on car line, near Happy Hollow club. Sl.Tno for S-room bungalow, brand new, well built, lot 60xl3o ft., south front, near Dodge street. KOUNTZE PLACE $4,350 for lftfl Pinknev St. This la a 6-room, two-story frame house, with recep tion hnll, strictly modern, oak finish, lot 60x124 ft., fronting Kountxe park. Reduced from $4,500. ,, L $.&uO lo-room house, all modern, steam heat, decorated throughout, excellent cor ner, 74xUt ft., one block from car line. $7,000 for one of the most complete houses In Kountxe Tlace. south front on Intn rop St., near boulevard. rooms, white ok finish, hot water heat, laundry, finished attic with heat, 4 bedrooms second floor; convenient arrangement. MODERATE PRICED HOMES $1,476 for 5-room house, modern except rhs, hot water heat: ensy terms. II. o"i 6-room cottage, modern except liiat, on Grant St., near 2Uh St. $1,9008516 No. 88th St., new 6-rooni cottHge. 3 lots, good barn. .',750 Now house, modern except heal, 24x) ft.. R large rooms on first floor, lo cated on :4lh St., near Fort St., cast front lots. 60x128 ft. Good shade. $3,000 for 3212 No. 26th Ave., new 6-room house, strictly modern, close to car. CLOSE IN FLAT LOCATION $3.S00 70 ft, fronting on 80. 2xth St., near Howard St., paving In and paid for; ex cellent renting locality, within walking distance; ruusunablo terms. INVESTMENTS $19 500 for S brand new flats, with three large rooms, laundry and bath each, strlctlv modern, attractively finished, easily rented: bringing in $2,S) per year. $16,000 New brick building, with three apartments of H rooms each, oak finish, atrlctly modern, substantially well built, rented for ll.sort per year; close In. $6,600 for four 6-room new cottages, modern except heat, now rented for $978 per year; close to Farnam 8t. and within walking distance of the business district. George & Co., 1601 Farnam Street Feb. 7. 1W9. West Side $2,650 Eight rooms, all modern except furnace, hall, parlor, with mantle; back parlor, dining- room, large kitchen, front and rear stairway; four bed rooms on second floor; good cellar; new plumbing"; house In excellent condition throughout; 60-ft. lot on terrace; good barn. A snap at $2,650. Kountze Place 1808 Plnkney St.. lot 60x126 ft.; paved street;' south front; large reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, refrigerator room; three large bedrooms on second floor; large bath, large closets; full ce mented floor basement; best of furnace and plumbing; permanent walks. First floor finished In oak arid decorated throughout. Price reduced from $4,600 to $4,000. Easy terms. Vacant 0x132 ft., on Fowler Ave., near J4th; paving all paid. $1,000. 46x134, 26th and Camden Ave., cement walks, sewer, water, $450. Easy terms. East front on 24th, nesr Camden Ave., $550. Easy terms. Smith front on Taylor, near 26th, 46x126 ft., $350. Six lota near 60th and Decatur, on grade, bargain at $250 each. Two lota southwest corner S9th and Sprague. 40x134 ft. each. $300 for both. Easy terms. KLOKE HEADLEY INV. CO., 801 N. T. Life Bldg. -Douglas 1150, Independent A-3245. 'Phon 1215 NORTH MTH ST. Strictly modern eight-room house, large attic, full 'ce mented basement, atone foundation, com bination electric light and gas fixtures, large grounds snd plenty of fine shade trees: In fact, one of the best bargains In the City of Omaha today, $4,3u0. 1413 NORTH KTH BT. A very fine eight room, strictly modern house, never been occupied, on a corner lot, with the sur roundings and everything In first-class condition for a fine home. Will sell for $3,600 snd take $500 cash, ss first payment to right parties. You had better Inves tigate this and see what you think of It. G. W. GARLOCH, 3310 Hamilton St. Phones: Harney 3079; Ind. B-2hT1. (19)-M456 7x BRAND NEW HOUSE Modern dwelling, containing parlor, recep tion hall, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three krVge bedrooms upstairs, together with bath and ample closet rccm; birch woodwork throughout; eight foot cemented cellar under entire house; aewer, water and gas, together with com bination electric light and gas flxturea; equipped with excellent furnace; porcii around two aides; lot fsclng east snd south, 42x126 ft.; rooms on lower floor will be papered and house painted in pat tern! snd colors to suit purchaser; front ysrd will be sodded. 1034 8. Salh Ave ; dealrshte locality which is fast coming to the front; can be ready for occupancy within ten days. Price on'y $3,750; $750 cash, balance practically same as rent. C. G. CAIiLBERG, . 911 N. Y Life Bldg. $4,300 New 7-room house, all modern, with $400 hot water heating plant; haa reception hall, parlor, dining room, .kitchen and fiantry downstairs; has I bed rooms, sew. ng room and bath room upstairs; walls ape red and burls ped; bed rooms tinted; run basement, witn not ana coiu water; vegetable cellar, coal bins, etc.; lot 50x 1$2; south front: cement sidewalks; fine lawns; nice garden In rear; on Blnney, one-half block from Sherman Ave. Newell Realty Co. Doug. 4512. 664 Brandeis Bldg. A-33S4. (19) LOOK THESE UP QUICK Several good lota only one block from the Florence car line. Commanding an east view. For sale on terms of $2 down, and $2 per week. Prices very reasonable. SHIMER aV CHASE CO., Ground Floor. 16t Farnam St. Doug. $867, A -1641 Uil pPEN TODAY. SEE IT P to i p. m new 2-story frame, at 1316 North leth. In Bern la park, one block from 31 St. car Una, strictly modern and fin ished swell; large lot. Coma and see it. 1 1st wood A liarwood, 416 Bee IHidg Hotb ptiooea. . lt AlfcU I CORNERS (19)- New Homes We are building two new houses on Harney St., just east of $3d, which will be ready for occupancy about February 15. The east house has 6 rooms and the west house 7 rooms. On Dewey Ave. And 34th St. we are build ing a 9-rocm, strictly modern residence. Everything in this ' home will be of the highest class. Prices upon application to The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 297. 212 8. 14th St. (19)- Why? Pav rent when a beautiful home near Nth and Decatur, all modern, with 7 rooms, can be purchases for $400 down and bal arce same as rent. L?t Us show It to you. BEMIS, (Established im, Paxton Block. !) SUPPOSE We offered you a new house, has hall front room, dining room, living room kitchen on first floor and four bedrooms and bath room upstairs, with new open plumbing, nice cemented and bricked cellar; in fact, a house you can't equal for $2,300 and a corner lot on paved street, near g-ood car line, school and church; termanent walks; all specials paid; nice terrace, and room for another house. The lot alone is 'cheap at $1,000. Suppose we say we will take $2,260, $000 cash, bal ance at rate of $20.60 per month, from the first good looking" man who will mako such offer Monday morning. WOULD YOU like to be the man. You may. See 2601 Parker street and be convinced. Robinson & Wolf 436 Paxton Block, (19) WIRT STREET BARGAIN ' Lot 44x127 ft. Sewer, water and gaa; brick walk, to grade, only $450. Terms $50 cash, balance $10 per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Ki30 Farnam St. 'PhonDoxiglas 1064, Independent A -1064. (IS) GOOD LOCATIONS Bemls park, on Harney line, S rooms, nearly new, entirely modern, complte altio and basement, $4,0u0. North 9th. one block from Farnam car. rooms snd hall, brick, barn, full corner lot. $5,000. . S. $Jth, one block from Farnam, S rooms, nearly new, east front, all speciala paid, $4,000. Special in vacant 60-ft. lot. JSth Ave., east front, price Includes all Improvements and paving, $.',600. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 10ul N. Y. Ufe. Doug, or A-2152. THIRTY-THIRD and Harney Sts., gxd s-room all modern home, for only $3,au0. $1,000 cash. Seven-room all modern home In Bemls Park, cheap at $3.5U'. $1,000 cssh. Eight-room sll modern home, close In. on Hived street; a bargain at $3,5uO. $l,5tx) rash. New 7-mom modern home, near 29th and l-ake Sts.. $2,500; $.i cash. New 7-room modern house, near JOth and Mandorson. $2.3iO. $400 caah. New 6-room modern cottage, near 28th and Spalding Sts.. $2,260. $3u0 rash. S2U3 Corby St.. new 6-room modern cottage, two lots. $2,609. tTO cash. New 4-roi m cottage, near Miller Park, $1,200. $J00 cash. i New, 6 rooms, city wster. nesr 24lh and Call and see our la rue bargain list. Ames Ave., $1.4011. $200 cash. J.-W. RASP CO., 6S9-91 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 1653, A -2661 (19) A GOOD ONE CHEAP. 2-story new frsme. finished In October; 6 large rooms, strictly modern, swell fin ish, best of material, full sixe brick and cemented basement, half block from 4 mllo car service, fine neighborhood, nice large front and back yard, with shade. Pait cash and eaiy terms. HARWOOD it HAH WOOD. Both 'phones. 4-6 Ben B'dc V)-AUJ I