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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1909)
THE-OMAHA- SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 7, 1900. "U Sum. SIS Both Fhonea UmIi AU Peptn. lad. A-t4l remarkable: values Monday 5000 Handsome Colored Dress Goods Remnants Left From the Grcsxt January Sale Must Go. Every woman In Omaha and vicinity known what this special sale of remnant mans to her. The one sale of the whole year you cannot afford to miss. We hare Justvclos'ed one of the most uceeeeful January sales we ever had. As a result of the enormous ruttlnf of dress too (is we have accumulated Quantities of remnants. Waist lengths.' lengths for children's dresses, dress lengths and skirt lengths by the hundreds. Now the remnants must go. Every remnant has the stamp of style and newness. Important Read Carefully Such little prices on skirt lengths Monday that many come close to being absurd. A fourth, a third, a half of the original prices ru le the sale. Hundreds of skirt lengths to choose from. Select a skirt length, have It mantallored to your special measure. Style, fit and workmanship re perfect. Special arrangements for taking your measure and net keeping you waiting. NOTE Road carefully each item below and the special reductions. . Thousands more to choose from than the window or papers hint of. AH Worsted Panama English Stripe Tailor Suiting .Pretty new shade of brown, ji.R0 quality, 64-in. wide, 44 yards in remnant, $1.47 Cream Silk and Wool Crepe de Chine, very stylish,. $1.00 quality, 1M yards In the remnant for $S.4. . . ; - Fine imported 8ilk Voile, very stylish for a dainty, pretty gown, $2.00. quality,., 44-, Inches wide, 9 yards In remnant for $4.19.,'. ' ' Novelty Stripe Panama. The new steel gray In pretty stripe effect. Regular $1.26', quality, 4 yards. In remnant for $2.08. Novelty Check Tailor Suiting, tan color In pretty check effect. 64-inches wide, reg ular $1.26 quality, 6 yards in remnant for $2.98. Navy Blue Basket Panama; good weigut, all wool, regular $1.00 quality, 6tf yards In remnant for $3.19. . New mixed effect, $1.00 quality? 6H yards In remnant for $2.39. I Oxford Gray Rainproof, 64-lnchee wide, regular $1.60 quality, 4V yards in rem nant for $3.81. New Tailored Striped Suiting, one of the latest, cream and light gray stripes alternat ing. $1.76 quality 66-lnches wide; 4 yards In remnant Tor $3.19. Pink Silk and Wool Crepe de Chine, the new shell pink, regular $1.00 quality, 44 yards in remnant for $3.09. v Silk and Wool Poplin, strictly high-class in pretty reseda green, $1.00 quality, 1 yard In remnant for $8.29. Navy Blue Broadcloth, $1.60 quality, 54 yards in remnant for $3.49. Women's Wearing Apparel Correct Modes for 1009 Suits, Dresses, Separate Skirts, Separate Coats, Waists and Pet ticoats comprise the new things now being shown. We show Suits all the way from $30.00 to $76.00. The same Suits if bought In Paris would cost $150.00. And we don't believe they would be as well made as those which we sell. All alterations made free of charge on the 1909 models. Monday Special Sale All Silk Taffeta Ribbons These beautiful all silk ribbons are six and one half Inches wide, colors light blue, navy, brown, cardinal, pink, white and black. Just the ribbon for hair bows, girdles and sashes. 50c quality, Monday 36 cents 'per yard. - New Wash Goods The choicest and most perfect products, fresh from the looms of the world's greatest textile artists are here in a bewildering array of daintiness and beauty for your inspection. Come and see them at our Wash Goods Department. DEATH IN DIXIE TORNADO Doien Killed Outright and m Many Mor Fatally Injured. BEPOETS ARE STILL MEAGEB Many Tewas Which Saflre4 Heavy Daaaaa Cat Of and Later Re porta Mar Iereae the Death Llat. ATLANTA. Oa.. Feb. S.-Th storm which passed Over Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia yesterday in numerous sections reached the proportions at a tornado. Re port received up to today tell of the deaths of mora than a dosen persons, the fatal Injuring of almost as many mora and serious Injury to many others In thJ states named and It is believed that re ports from the devastated district today will greatly Increase the number ef fatalities. Telegraph and telephone service Is bsdly crippled, this condition extending Into Bout It Carolina, and It will mean several days be fore communication with some of the towns uid villages which suffered moot from the effects of the high winds will be restored. The storm center traveled aaat from North Texas and appeara to have wrought the greatest havoc in northern Alabama, al though high winds prevailed throughout the length and breadth of that state, reaching a velocity of forty-six mllra per hour as far south as Mobile, where a torrential rain wss accompanied by hall. Until today It waa Impossible to communicate with hun dreds of towns in the tornado swept flint r let. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF LACE CURTAINS All the odd Curtains that have accumulated-from our regular stock, small lots of two, three, four five and six of a kind are to be closed out Monday at greatly reduced prices. All kinds of pretty and de ' sirable curtains are Included In this sale. Some are slightly soiled, all at ridiculously low prices. See for yourself: Two $4.50 Two-Toned Nottingham Curtains for $1.39. , Three $3.60 Ecru Nottingham Curtains, all for $1.78. Two $5.75 Ecru Cluny Curtains for $2.4t Five $2.75 Ecru Nottingham Curtains, all for $2.98 Three $3.00 White Nottingham Curtains, all for $1.98. Three $5.76 White Brussels .Net Curtains, all for $3.39. Four $1.50 Ruffled Swiss Curtains, all for $1.50. Three $5.00 Vbite Cable Net Curtains, all for $3.39. ' There are about fifty lots In all to pick from, prices mentioned give an idea of the reductions. Bargain Square in B&scment Serpentine Crepe. The Genuine article, full 30-inches wide, in beautiful new designs, suitable for Kimonos. Dressing Sacques, Wrap pers, Drapery, etc., in remnants of from 2 to 10 yards. Regular 18c quality on sale Monday at 12 per yard. Special Sale of White Goods in Our Economy Basement, Monday sale of White Madras for Ladles' Tailor Made Waists and Suits. One case 30c, 35c and 40c White Madras in this sale, your choice 16c per yard; in all lengths. v Sale of English Long Cloths One case 12 &c. 15c and 20c English Long Cloth, your choice 8s per yard; in all lengths. February Annual White Goods Sale Special Sale of Imperial Long Cloths B0 pieces S60 Imperial Long Cloth, lie quality. In this sale lOe a yard. 10 pieces 100 Imperial Long Cloth, l(o quality, in thla sale Ito a yard. 60 places SSO Imperial Long Cloth, 17e quality, in this sale lie a yard. tO places 400 Imperial Long Cloth lie quality, in thla sals 14c a yard. M pieces 100 Imperial Long Cloth, 20c quality, in thla sale 1 So a yard. Special Sale of White India Linens for Ladies' Tailor Made Waists. All 180 India Linon in this sale 10c per yard. ' All too India Linon 1n this sale lie per yard. All 25o India Linon In this sal 18c per yard. All too India Linon in this sale 20e per yard. All 3 Be India Linon In this sale 25e per yard. Special Sale White Madras All 86c White Madras, In this sale, 25c per yard. All 60c White Madras, la this sale, 39c per yard. All 5c White Madras, la this sale, 45c per yard All 75c White Madras, in this sale, 69c per yard. Special Sale of Trench Figured Piques Our tl-00 Trench Figured Piques in thla sale 'fo a yard. Our 65c French Figured Piques In this sale 4 So a yard. Braoxax saxa or nncx tat moxsssss riQUKg - Onr $1.25 Embroidered French soft Piques In this sale 8 sc. Onr $1.71 Embroidered French soft Piques In this sal $1.25. Our $2.00 Embroidered French soft Piques l. this sale $1.(1. Special Sale of Colored Whip Cord Piques Our 11-00 Whip Card Plipm tn tfels, sale ; 7 6c par yard. Special Sate ef Colored Xdaeaa Set UiUit Baits ma. Kdxta, Monday we will place on sale all our 60o Colored Llnena. 1 Inches Wide; In ail shadea Tour chotoe Mon day SSe per yard. pedal Bala ef Freaeh Catered fctaeaa, 48 Tan sea Wiaa. AU SL2S French Una Sotting: in thla sale Tc par yard. New Bargain Square in Basement Yarns 5c Skein. Mondsy we will aell a quantity of Shetland floss, four fold sephyr, Spanish and Quaker yarns In colors; aome sltarhtly soiled; former prices 10c, 12H and J0c per skein; special Monday, per skein. Sc. Bee, S-7-'69. New Bargain Square in Basement Laces 5c Per Yard. A special sale Monday of Valenclennea. cotton and linen torchon laces. .Perfect goods and a good assortment of patterns. You should visit the New Bargain Square dally for special values. HOME, SWEET HOME (Continued from First Page.) the president er the secretary ef the navy has the power to remit the unexpired por tion of 'the sentence of a court should ho decide to exercise clemency. From a lengthy report, sent by Admiral Sperry the vessels will need much less In the way of repairs after the remarkable voyage around the world than had been expected. Following the review at Hampton (loads the vessels will proceed to their horn yards for repairs, whlrh It Is expected will be completed by May 17. after which the entire fleet will again reassemble for the summer maneuvers along the Atlantic coast. The vessels will take up the record target prac tice In Cape Cod bay, Massachusetts, late In the summer. 1 An Active Salesman A Bee Want Ad. Potter Palmer Bare Mlae. CHIHUAHUA. Mexico, Feb. a -it Is an nounced that a deal has been closed whereby Potter Palmer, Jr., of Chicago be comes the owner of the Promonotorlo sil ver mines at Culshulrlachlc. The mine waa previously owned by Francisco Delgado and John B. Barcenas and during the laat four years has produced 1300.000 worth of ore. The Pimple and the Face First Show Signs of the Blood Pot erty Which Causes Most Skin Diseases. for Its pumice or cleansing properties may have hard sledding when the legislature wakes up to what this does. The Cudahy Packing company haa a pumice mine In the southwest part of the state and should this bill become a law this firm, or some other corporation engaged In manufacturing or selling cleansers, would be able to get hold of all of thla property In the state. One man who owne a forty-acre tract which is underlaid with pumice said ha valued this property at $5,000. Jab far Omaha Maa. James Craddock of Omaha, formerly of Lincoln, la booked for a Job under Gov ernor Bhallenberger. provided that the bill Introduced by Holmes of Douglas beoomos a law. This bill gives the governor author ity to appoint a state architect and pay htm what he thinks is right and proper. Now the story comei te IJncota from a nan uno says he got it straight that Craddock Is- fixing to have the lightning strike him If tho biil goes through. Anyhow, the bill takes the power away from the State Board of Public. lands and Buildings to appoint the architect, and the board Is compoaed of rapubllcana . , ' Te Stedwew C-arperatloai Filing Fees. bome corporations, apd1 may be a lot of tiiem, . want to decrease the filing fee for articles ef Incorporation. . Two years ago these fees were Increased, and as a result the secretary o. state haa turned Into the state treasury during the bicnnlum StiO.000. '1 he ',blll ,! given to ope country member and after: sleeping over, it he refused to introduce If.. Progress Baak Gnaranty. he second meeting of the subcommittee to or.-ft a bank guaranty law will be held Monday night, at which trraxe a decision . will be reached whether to foil ow the skeleton of the Volpp bill or the skeleton of the Wilson bill aa ground work for the new act. At the meeting last night the members merely discussed tho proposition without reaching an agreement, though they were to the view the Wilson bill offered the best mode of procedure. The Volpp bill, it is declared, was drawn by capable counsel. Judge Albert waa not prepared to say definitely whether , the matter desired to be Incorporated in the new law could be legally arrived at through one bill, but ha was Inclined to this view and the senti ment now seems to favor such action un less It may be necessary to draft a new act to give national banks permialoa to take advantage of the law. "Sentiment Is Increasing In favor ot a smaller and continuous tax," said Senator Miller, a member of the subcommittee to day. "The bank guaranty la merely follow ing out the principle of insurance, and in so doing one must provide for the San Franclscos and the Baltlmorea, which, while they do not come often, still when they do come must be met. It Is wonderful how large a sum of money a small tax will raise with over tSO,000,009 of deposit. Early in the session few members were heard even to suggest a tax lees than I per cent of the deposits the first year, but now the sentiment is growing more and mora in the direction of making the amount small, but continuous, so that in tha long run tha money shall be on hand when it is needed tn case of a panic" The unlimited guaranty fund, it Is de clared now. Is being favored by Mr. Bryan, who at first was Inclined to the view that It would be necessary to Impose a tax suf ficient to draw the entire amount desired within a short time, provision alwaya be ing allowed for emergency assessments In case of need. PROCEEDINGS OF THB5 HOUSE ta Sessher af AsMssaitsU Made National Baakratrr Law. WASHINOTON, Feb. .-After devoting almost Its entire session considering the subject tha house today passed a Mil mak ing several amendments to the national bankruptcy law. Mr. Clayton (Ala.) made a desperate but unsuccessful attempt to repeal the law. he and his supporters claiming that it Kid served Its purpose. The bill Is designed to correct certain Stars and Stripes c A beer, just suited to quaff at home a night-cap for the sociable evening a refreshing draught for the late supper a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes . is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for th connoissieur. W9 Creen Trading Stamps 140 la Stamps (It) Siven with each two oien case of small bottles, de- pa r llvered In 5 I S ths city for... a.oo la ".tamps (tO) fivea with each twe Oosea case of Wee the city for.. . Out ef tewa cus tomers add tl St fox case and bottlea Km a Cass fiellm: i 13 jtur t .Willow Springs Browing Co. I! OfflM, 14T Karaey l, -- Faaea Pm. isea. rewery, aa aaa Xlekery. Fatrse statf. laaa. Inequalities in the administration of tha bankruptcy law In various parts of the country, and amends the law by regulating the duties and compensation of receivers. In order to prevent excessive fees. It also provides that any Individual, firm or commercial corporation, except a municipal railroad or banking corporation, can fits a petition for bankruptcy, thereby ollminating the discrepancies whelch here tofor existed where some court decisions barred many corporations In one circuit which would be admitted Into bankruptcy in another, and restores the language of the act of 1867, which has been fully set tled by decisions of the court. It provides further that In any compromise proceed ings It will not be necesary to have an adjudication where a compromise is af fected, thereby removing the stigma of bankruptcy which always attaches under audi circumstances. It prevents a few creditors from forcing, by Involuntary proceedings, a debtor Into bankruptcy and thereafter receiving aecrtly their adltional compensation, or otherwise adjusting their affairs with bankers In order to have the petition dismissed without the knowledge of tha other creditors. It enablea t truss es, with the consent of the creditors, to appear In their behalf In proceedings In court connected with his discharge, thereby lessening the expense by separating It from the whole estate. It confers ancil lary jurisdiction so that all tho asets of tha estate can be marshalled substantially in one oourt, thereby obviating tho filing of suits In different courts where ths prop erty might happen to lie. It provides also that if a creditor haa reasonable causa to believe that he was receiving a preference, that shall be a bar to the debtor's discharge. With practically no debate the message of the president vetoing the census bill and the bill Itself were referred to the com mittee for appropriate action. At 4:40 p. m. tha house adjourned. and child protection bureau In the state, with nine members, all appointive by the governor, to serve without pay. Tha house adjourned at 11 o'clock until Monday at t:. BOOST FOR COfJMTV ATTORNEY Taaaaas Haa Bill Iaereaslnar Salary 'rasa $3,0OO ta 04,000. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. a (Special Telegram.) Thomas of Douglas, Introduced a bill In the house this morning increasing the salary ot county attorney of Douglas county to 14,000 from S2,6flu, Butt Intro duced a bill permitting screens in saloons In cities of metropolitan clasa NetUeton of Clay, Introduced a bill appropriating (6,000 to pay back to members of soldiers' homes any money the state may have taken out of their pensions. The house adjourned at 11 o'clock until t:S0 Monday after reading bills for first and second tlmea SENATORS EULOGIZE ALLISON (Continued from First Page.) ROUTINE ROCBEDINGS OF HOI SB Bills Jatrodaoea aa ASJrnse t Take ta Moadar. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. a (Bpeclal.)-The follow ing bills were Introduced tn the house: H. R. 306. by Thomas of Douglas In creasing the salary of , the county attorney of Douglas county from CM to I4.0UO. H. R. 306, toy Bygland ot Boon-Provldes for letters of adniinintratlon up.i the estates of persons presumed to be dead by reason of long absence from their foimer domicile. . H. R. 307. by Butt of DouglaaProvldlng that In Omaha the Slocumb law shall not apply in its provision that saloons must not obstruct he view through their win dows. H. R. o8. by Btedman of Otoe Providing that Jb per cent more than the wholesale price shall be the maximum charged for feed In any stock yards In tha slate. H. R. SOO, by-Bygland of Boona-Pravld-ing that failure to object wvh1n one year ta boundaries established by survsy of the county assessor shall establish their valid ity in law. H. R. 810. by Klllen of Gage-Making "misbranding" under the pure food law to cover ufcing false labels aa to place of manufacture on any goods made in the Slate. H. R. Ill, by Baker of York Repeal the statute of im. which allowed county treas urers to Invest sinking funds of the county In feed and aeed for farmers who were dis tressed by drouth, suck Investment to be made only oa application by petition of per rent of the qualified voters of the county. j H. R. SIS. by Kettieton of Clay Appro- fiitatee to.ono to repay Inmatea of sokJtars' tomes at Mllford and Grand Island any peuaion ntoueys heretofore excepted by the state. H. n. &!. by Humphrey of Lancaster providing for tho crealWa of aa animal democrats on the appropriations committee than he did to members of his own party. It was this uniform courtesy and desire to be obliging that made him so desr to mem bers ot this chamber. He waa as much liked by democrats as he waa by repub licans." Senator Beverldge paid a fitting tribute to the great' worth of Senator Allison and spoke of his lovable qualities of mind as well as of his ability as a legislator. CosaaUlat at Legal Delays. Senator Burkett haa received complaints from attorneys . In Nebraska agalnct the delay of cases In aome divisions of the federal court by reason of the law provid ing all issues of a lawauH must be tried In the division where they originate. The senator has prepared a proposed amend ment, which ha expects to Introduce In a rew dsys, which will permit Judges to hear Interlocutory motions anywhere in the dis trict. He said there had also been a re quest that the iterm of,court In Lincoln be changed to the first Monday in October. He probably will offer this smendmcnt at the same time he does the other. Mlaor Matters at Capital. Rural routea ordored established April 1: Nebraska-Hartley. Red Willow county, routo t. serving seventy-three families; Bayard, Cheyenne county, route 1, WJ families. lowa-Lltile Sioux. Harrison county, route J. fifty-eight families. fcouth Dakota Chamberlain, Brule county, route L seventy families; Frederick, Brown county, routes 1 and t; 114 families; Saint Lawrence, Hand county, routes 1 and 2, 130 families. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes: Kellerton, route 4, William Hale, carrier; no substitute. Schleswlg, route i, Albert W. gtegeman, carrier; Otto Hollander, sub stitute. B. C. Miller of the firm of Miller Paine. Is in Washington on hla way to New Tork. LEGAL EXPENSES ONEROUS ((Continued from First Page.) The Right Beverage for Oood Health is POSTUM after coffee bag bean abandoosd. There's a Reason" e Read "The Boad to Wellville" In pkga. missing who should be in court. Striking caaes from the docket la not common, al though possibly a little mora frequent In recent years than it used to ba Both liti gants and attorneys or litigants on the ad vice of attorneys-seem to cherish the no tion that the court and its costly machinery are maintained for their special convenience. In but few of the cases tried, or carried on the dockets, does the public have any direct Interest; but the general cltisenshlp feels the heavy pedal when the music Is to ba paid for. The Clerk's Office. A study of the items of Income that go to make up the total received by the clerk of 'the court shows he received from sources other than the county $10,860.07. Fees were received from the county amounting to tJ,613 tS (paid in); yet due from the county, $6,000, the two amounts totaling tl0,llS.SS. This, added , to the first amount, with tl .(26.04 of fees collected earned by the former clerk, makes a total of t31,e0.6. and shows a slight surplus as compared with the $21,147.4S charged to expense of the office. It Is a surplus In name only, how. ever, and some serious consideration will evidently have to be given to readjusting the weaknsss of the present system, even though It Is far better than it used to be, so fsr aa collecting fees In advance goes. Below Is a tabulation of the various Items of expenditure charged to the office of the clerk of the district court and to the dis trict court Itself. To make tha tW,SS7.1S mentioned above as cost of the court, there hss been added to the total of the comp troller's table the H.O0O yet owing from the county, tUlT.77 charged to furniture and natures and S3.8lti.OO of fees. Detailed Statement mt Kistatra. LtTisuea statement of expenses of the cierx of the district court for the year IMS: Roads expressed the greatent satisfaction with the around-the-world cruise. Ha then made the following statement: "This cruise marks an epoch in our naval annala, for th fleet has found Itself been welded Into a unity. An aggregation of battleships irrespective of tha power and efficiency of the units Is not a fleet In tho highest sense ef the term, until by long, faithful and harmonious work on the part of th personnel th spirit of the fleet has been developed. That has now been ac complished. The American people have coma to appreciate what It means to have a fleet like this. The lessons of the cruise have been many and K w no exaggeration to say that the condition of the ships Is better today than when they, sailed from Hampton Roads In December ot 1TB7. Dur ing these fourteen months the fleet has been practically self-sustaining in the mat ters of repairs. The officers and men re sponsible for repairs have met every test and the results prove that the ships have been better cared for than when they de pended upon the navy yards. Will Stlmalate Enlistment. "Enlistments in tha navy will certainly be stimulated by the general interest in this cruise and the splendid opportunities offered the men te see th world. Cruises to foreign ports, which keep the men In terested and contented, should be ths rule and not the exception. "New standards of efficiency la steam engineering, which means economy, in coal consumption and Increased radius ot action, have been established. The voyage of S.IH miles from Honolulu to, Auckland was the longest ever undertaken by a large fleet without recoaling. yet we reached stckland with coal enough In our bunkers to steam an additional 1,090 miles. For ' technical work the cruise has been ideal. The long cruise between ports permitted unremitting daily exercises and maneuvering. The de gree of gunnery efficiency haa been greatly improved, as the conditions Of drilling and training under long-distance cruising can not be equaled in home waters, where there la constant interference. This Is proved by the un equaled results of the target practice at Magdatena bay and Manila The fleet everywhere has encountered unbounded hospitality. The lavish entertainment and good feeling displayed were almost without precedent and they should always be re membered by our people. While the cruise baa been Interesting and valuable to off! cers and men, there Is naturally widespread elation throughout the fleet at the prospect of reaching home in a fortnight" Tha American battleship fleet, composed of sixteen warships. Is now on its last run of Its famous cruise around the world. It left Hampton Roads December It, 1307, and when It again anchors in that port, February 22. It will have been gone one year and sixty-eight days. No accident has marked the progress of the greatest armed fleet that has ever mad such- s. long voyage. The cruise has been In every re spect an unqualified sucoess. WelMnted n All Parts. The trip haa been watched with the great est Interest by all foreign powers, and wherever the vessels called South America Australia, Japan, China, Ceylon, Egypt and the ports of the Mediterranean the officers and men have been given hearty official and private welcome. Th fleet left Hampton Road under Ad miral Robley D. Evans, who conducted it a far as San Francisco. Rear Admiral Charles H. Thomas then took, command, but he was succeeded May 14 by Rear Ad miral Sperry, who brought the vessels home. Rear Admiral Arnold s third squadron of th Atlantic fleet, consisting of the bat tleships Maine, Mississippi, New Hamp shire and Idaho and tha scout cruisers Chester, Birmingham and Salem, will meet Admiral Sperry's fleet In tha Atlantic about 1.000 miles from tha coast, and then, with Admiral Arnold's ships as an escort, the world touring vessels will proceed to wards Hampton Roads, where they will be received by President Roosevelt on Wash ington's birthday. Salaries Postage stationery, books, printing, etc Fixtures snd furniture Telephone Rubiier stamps ', Fees Miscellaneous expenses Kmployes' per cent, F. A. Broadwell $i,a.N0 1043.6(1 1.417.17 SOUS 3S.60 taiauo la. 30 9W.30 Total expenditures t36.3Sl.Sl Cost of Cwarts. Expenditures of the district court for th year 1908: Balarle (bailiffs) 7.au0.08 Jr-etlt jurors ,W.7 Orand Jurors J im 16 Grand jury witnesses 1, SMS 06 District court witnesses 7... I,Mn.9 Grand Jury bailiff S70..4 Rooms snd meals for jurors 884. X uerenaing prisoners (attorneys fees) S.145.00 1 ranscripts, etc SM.7& Reporting m 13 Photographs, etc 4l.oe Telephone SO 21 Dipsomaniac and witnesses 17.00 Printing, eoc 2.u0 Rmil ior oourt rooms S,Tai.uu Ice 17.3 Grand Jury miscellaneous expense. 31 00 Mlscetlaneoua expenses 4A.S6 It is a strange truth that pimples usually appear upon the face, thua Illustrating t'.iat nature uses the most direct method of convincing man that the blood Is filled with poison. ia Tlie human circulatory system Is ssld to be the most wonderful of all evidences of nature. It carries health, food and strength te every part of the body. It alee carries from every part of the body all germ life, waste material and decay. If through poor eating. Indigestion, con stipation, etc., the blood is filled with, poisonous, decaying, irritating fluids these' poisons are carried to the lungs, where they are attempted to be cleansed by thi oxygen from air Inhaled. If this does not accomplish the results demanded the blood takes away the poison and carries It to the little cells of the skin, where they leave it. Here these poisons irritate and decay, until at last they form pimples and blackheads and other skin eruptions; at last bursting or are removed by man. When you have pimples It Is a certain sign your blood Is wrong, that the great human blood system Is Mimed into an in tricate series of sewerage canals which are filled with Impurities. I Science long ago learned that Calcium Sulphide was the most powerful, harmless and beneficial blood purifier obtainable. Stuart's Calcium Wafers, tinder chemical tests, conclusively prove themselves to be one of the best method of preserving the full strength ot this great blood cleanser. The real beauty ot Stuart' Calcium Wafers lies In their rapid work. Their good effect are seen after only a few days' use and a face full of pimples has been made clear and clean after only five days' use of these wafers. These wafers, by ths peculiar Stuart r -process, preserve and hold the full strength of Calcium Sulphide, so that the system obtains this wonderful purifier In its most efficient state. . Other methods of administrating and pre paring Calcium Sulphide have proven Stuart's Calcium Wafers to be the best Go to your druggist and buy a box of thede" little pimple eradtcators today, pries 60c., or send us your name and address and we will aend you a trial package by mall free. Address F, A. Stuart Co., 176 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Totals tt4.S02.7S QtALTROlOH IS t'Olj.ND GUILTY Captain of Battleship Georgia Sat pended for Six Months. GIBRALTAR, Feb. t.-Captaln Edward F. Quultrough of th battleship Georgia, having been found guilty by court-mai tial of being intoxicated while on duty and of conduct prejudicial to th good of the navy, ha been suspended from duty for six month, with an additional punishment cf ths loss of ten numbeis in rank. Rear Admiral Sperry, commander-in-chief uf th Atlantic battleship fleet, which started on its homeward voyage today, has appioved th findings of th court-martial, but the secretary of the navy must lak official action on the recommendation for loss of number. Captain Quail rough has been delarhej from th fleet and ordered home. He went as a passenger on ths Georgia. Saeceasor for Qaaltrnagb. WASHINGTON. Feb. a-Several names of officers available te succeed Csptain yul trough in the command of the Georgia have been suggested to Secretary Newberry, but he said todsy that he' had not yet made select Ion. The secretsry does not expect o tske any action in tha case until th records of the eourt-martial reach Washington, which it 1 thought will be aboard the fleet Either Monday Specials at Beaton's $2.00 Chest Protector, Monday 90c lit Prophylatic Tooth Brushes, Mon day only 80c 76c Manicure Scissors, Monday only, at dsn SOc Manicure Scissors, Monday only, at 88c 35c 6-incn Nail Files, flexible, Mon day, at 10c SOc Rubber Combs, Monday only 95c 25c Armour's Glycerine and Cucum ber Soap, 3 cakes in a box, Monday only, per box 10c 50c ounce Perfume, 10 odors to se lect from, Monday only, per ounce, at 81c $1.00 Plnaud's Vegetal Lilas, our price, Monday only (limit S bottles to a customer) 49c Beaton Drug Co.,wj 15TH AND FARN'AM. f3 We positively guarantee to give you better hard ooal than you can Jtet anywhere In town for tlO.OO y bar ton I Mi I IsmI W im firm in our declaration that w have the beat hard eoal la town. W sell ear Illinois Mat for 95.04 sad 1 la tn best qaality that Illinois pre duo, other people charge yea M-M for coal not as good. From experience we cvtn say that during tl.e late cold snsp. we delivered our coal more promptly than any other firm, and we can attll keep up our record as prompt deliverers. Have lots of fresh coal on hand: can ssy thst we never try to buy any off grade cosl. we try to pur eaase th best that money eaa bay, veil all oar ooala cheaper from BOo te Sl.M than aay ether firm la town. We wish to thank the people for their liberal patronage. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRIOE COAL CO. 1833 sTloaolM St. . i SOTK 'FKOaTBS. of A CORRECTION eaaanasanaBsae Through a typographical error to our Friday ad a mentioned Rosen wald 4 Weil Cheerful Clothoa,) and In justice to this concern state ' we do not tarry this line in stock at the present time. PALACE CLOTIIINQ CO. j if - tM in 'I Jl V ,