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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1909)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 7, 1900. r ami "(M mwmm BABIES No more grateful and comforting treatment is possible for skin tor tured and disfigured infants and children than warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle appli cations of Cuticura Ointment. For eczemas, rashes, itchings and chafings; for sanative, antiseptic cleansing; for skin preservation and prevention of infantile hu mours, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are unrivaled in purity, safety, efficiency and economy. lis. R Ten. mi Cg. SroT: ? & . ifT Calcutta: CI. ma, Hnl l( prof ,QMt hlanire. Lid . Teste: ''V-ZTTS; . iiTTT o. Africa .Lenses. Cn Tow r.A, Dr. Lyon's PERFECT J .. Tooth Powder Cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and purifies the breath Used by people of refinement for almost ( Half a Century n 2 MMF VAI F'S 8 a o D o D a I HAIR TONIC - " : .. O This well known toilet article U Q extensively used and highly rec- q nntms itilftil Kv sn n anil tvANiAn aw M Q ery where. It U a standard article Z O of lastlnr reliability. Mm. TaU U n says: "1 can conscientiously rec- O q nmmend my Hair Tonic to all who 0 Dare in "need of an artlcla of thla q kind. 1 have used It myaelf for ft jj over thirty yeara, and the perfect JT S4 " . ...... vl mm O - sutflclent proof of Its excellent U Q and harmless efficacy. Hundred! O q of tliouaanda of people all over the Q D civilized world will aay aa much In Q favor of Vale Hair Tonic aa I can." fl S? Vain H.ilr Tunic 1 mcumt rf f.n U u c lrg Hair. Thin Hair and Uray 2 Hair. It is also recommended for M iij.Iii Tr.ilm.nt S4 c. a nivM unarm eair stressing u 11 Kor the perfect Brooming of the O S hair nothing escele Yale Hair fl " Tonic. It elves the hair a delight- H Q ful texture, gloss, softness and 7i rlchneaa of tint. Everyone can use fl J It with decided benefit to Hair and H 8CP- " 2 g Yale's Hair Tonic cornea in three fj Ji slses. Our special prices JJ U 26c stse. special 23 S O 60c sis, special ...... 45 U Q $1.00 six, special O O Ask for a free copy of Madame Q D Tale's f-pa Mouvenlr book at O our Toilet Uooda Departmnnt. Al- M O mailed free to those living out U f of town. Write for a copy. For O S D a ril" I I K mm rt Trsa- Dept.. Sowtn Itde Mew Store. BOa0n0E30ISOE10E3OE3OCIO Ha! Ha! He! ' TWt'i tb) wsf ss) fee BVEY ONB Vms lUt take CASCA&BT satffcf BBPORB, wW ka Ueks at sksj teiknr wtMsUds't. Par OVEK-BATINO aaa poaononononoaonong 1 I V. DsUNUNO swdbassj Bmth tlmm r ( 7 sast M CABCA&BT, taeaflf aastty, 1 . J wisBMt dast asMe sick fseAng. Daa't V f sfW-s Mdsm-4 P.M. sw 4 A.M. J, sTf srs s t" H It. DsUNllNO swdbassj s Bmth CASTA IT tea a be far a , Wlassat. aOaWstlsta. Kcgeat sa Um stula. HunssJ Mbmbs WOMEN HELPING AT PANAMA Their Part in Canal Digging Will Be Unique in History. CHEER AND COMPORT HUSBANDS J Preelaaa Rerere1 sf Horara Aldlaat la Ureat Pabllp Work er of aesi Per lee aa Wnmea'a tlaka la Zone- Reader. The part that women are taking In the building of the Panama caral Is unique o far as tha records show In the history of great public works. The record of the Tower of Babel la of the briefest and only affords material for the Imaginative para grapher who would also be a humorist. The building of the Pyramids is loet in ob scurity. Tha organisation of Chinese so clety with Its Immutable traditions makes the presence of women along the slopes which tha Great Wall climbs and descends and along the level lengths of the gran J canal unthinkable. A search of the records of the French attempt to build the canal gives a no more pleasing or Important account Of the part taken by women on the Isthmus than the story of how little Mile, da Lesseps (To totte) gava the first stroke to tha great work with a gayly decorated pickaxe brought from France by vicariously turn ing up the dirt aboard ship, as the low tide prevented a landing. Thus sfter five days' festivities the canal was begun. "The scene of operations Is a jungle. In tensely hot, swarming with mosquitoes, snakes, alligators, scorpions, centipedes, the home of even as nature has made it of yellow fever, typhus, dysentery and now made more deadly by the multitudes of people who crowd thither." The description was not exaggerated. Now to this same scr-ne hundreds of American women and children have gone fearlessly to live. Henry Eavage Iandor says that the Americana are monomanlaca on two subjects, sanitation and educa tion. This Is an Indictment Americans can well afford to let stand. Thanks to ths medical department of the army, as repre sented by Colonel Go r gas, sanitation ap plied to tha canal cone has taken away Its reproach. Dettth Rate Broaght Down. The death rats Is knss than that of New Tork City. Already In consequence a do mestic civilization has been grafted on to the colossal undertaking, and thla haa been done with an apparent unconsciousness of Its larger import and uniqueness In the history of great undertakings that la as amusingly naive as It Is wholly admirable. Calmly these women wives, mothers, helpers have transferred to the Canal tone the social organisation of Dayton, Peoria and Muscatine of the countless towns and villages of the I'nited States. They have taken there their children, their sawing baskets and afternoon teaeloths and have set up as composedly their household gods under tha palms and beneath the trop ical aun as under the beach, buckeye . and elms and beneath tha shifting skies of home. Already tbey have become component parts of the great scheme. Their work Is staked out and they follow It with as close a devotion to the ultimate end as the army engineers show In tbelr labors. That the work Is self-imposed doos not affect the sit uation. . In looking after tha odds and ends and In lessening tha shock of an alien life for thousands of homebred, hard working men. In cheering, sustaining and diverting, in transporting tha Influence and example of family life they are rendering a service In the building of the canal not to be esti mated In cubic Inches or In congressional appropriations. It Is one of the unforseen designs of prov idence that the women's clubs and their social machinery, which beguiled the leis ure of women at home, should have been so easily adapted to these new and untried conditions. The dredges and steam shov els have not been mora quickly effective. The canal, from Colon to Ancon, Is forty seven miles long. Like beads on a string, or rather like ganglions on a nerve whence come the Impulses of action, are the small towns that correspond to the sectional divi sions of the work. Each of these towns has for Its Inhabitants the battalions of workers, their foremen and their mora re sponsible heads. Each of these towns has Its community Ufa In barrlcks, Its family life. Its homes, its wives and children. Be fore It lies the great ditch. Behind are the hovering forest, swamp and Jungle. MIh Boswell Give Credit. To Miss Helen Varick Boswsll Is given the credit of carrying to the Canal sone the machinery of the Women's clubs and organising these Isolated groups of women for work. Ey federating the clubs all the women were brought In touch with one annother. Ancon, Colon, Culebra. Empire Gatun, Paralso, Las Cascadas, Crle tobol. Corsal. Pedro Miguel and the rest touch hands in organised Interest and common endeavor. The Canal Record, the official journal of the Canal sone, which presents the doings of these women's clubs with the regularity and exactness that it gives to the excavations, presents the following roster of the officers of the federation: President, Mrs. George E. Goelhals: vice presidents, Mrs. Loiin C. Collins of Chris tobaU Mrs. William L. Siebert, Culebra; Mrs. Chester Harding, Colon; recording secretary, Mrs. F. M. Miracle; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Lewis Bsker. Gorgona; treasurer. Mrs. F. R. Robert. Pedro Miguel; auditor, Mrs. J. C. Barnett, Paralso; chairman of the advisory commit tee, Mrs. Frank Monaon, Gorgona. These clubs still write and read papers. But their concern Is not with Egyptian art and Bysantiue architecture interests them no mora. They listen and discuss "The Needs of Oatun." "Slum Work la Colon," "Community Life." such as the homeless men represent and how to ren der this more satisfying. tady Praetleal Karalaar. The head hospital nurse Instructs them on "Home Nursing." They tackle educa tional problems on the isthmus. "How Bhall We Bring About a Better Understand ing Between Teachera and Mothers?" "How Shall Schools Be Provided for Our Boys and Glrla of High School Age?" They or ganize a humane society to look out for the welfare of the dumb animals and ap point committees to work among the Jamaican negro women. Now It la Aacoa that forms sa altar guild of St. Luke's, while Paralso starts a Suaday school. Corazal goes In for horti cultural work and Junior leagues are formed for beaatlfytag homes. Una club urges ehurchgotng ainuag the men. AaotSjer eoetalders tha need of providing rsaoplas for tha stretchers that earry sick la tha rala. Bvery ciua has Its phtlan tastofiia oomeiHl tot lacking after cases of daatsuattash Aa4 Cartatobal, with Its gass afar, pansy Is foster farorablo raiser thtm ejefaverabU criticism of tha canal ssu aa4 tha great undertaking, Bt SU s Sut work aad duty. There are eUaaas Um sxtrlsg aajenasfi, far leoklag us sthentaa hastarr. fur studying tha relatioa ec tM AawVsa feewbiloa, Xsrtfc aad Suth. snd the relation of the Panama canal to the world at large. The hollldaya sre eelebrsted. even Hal lowe'en, which haa always seemed to be long to frosty nights. Thanksgiving. Christ mas an raih observed a nearly a at home ai a torrid sun permits. At Christ mas Culebra had a real rir tree from the states, while Gorgona constructed a fire place from whkh a Santa Claua csme forth long bearded, ermine coated, with a pack on his bsck laden with gifts for the chil dren and not forgetting th native chil dren, a-Iio shared in the happintss and good will of the day. Vlsltlagc Relieves Teaslea. At other times there is visiting by dsy and night all along ths line. Ancon gives a flower dance, each of the guests person sting a flower, and Pedro Miguel enter tains with a clipping social, whatever that may be. and sivea crises, rnl.lir. ! mrmmt on whist and chess. There sre concerts and the trip of merry feet Is heard from Colon to Ancon. The men have their cluhe. base ball and other 'Ports, and the Toung Men's Christian association has produced all Its varying diversions for the dttc diggers. There Is an Interchange of amenities and hospitali ties between the men snd the women; and If the days be filled with labor and sweat It Is not all work and no play. Montaigne saya, "Let nothing be done without gayety." The American sa an In dividual takes his tasks lightly. But never berore has play as a by-product of work taken organized form and assumed such importance as part of the great whole as In the digging of the Panama oanal. While government bands are heard all along she line, even the administration became an hnpreaarlo and sent four young women with their fiddles to the Isthmus to give concerts for the men. ' When the canal Is finished every man who pas borne his share In making It an accom plished fact will receive a medal of honor. But when the story of the great ditch Is written it will -be an unfaithful hWtorlan who wiH forget the courage, the devotion and the labors of the women and even of the children, who stayed by to cheer, ti comfort and sustain. ODD OLD BEAUTY RECIPES Toilet Tricks tkat e Woaaea f Cea tarles A aw Tried Wayside flowers Were Csed. "It is wonderful," remarked a well known doctor the other day. "to what lengths folks will go In order to become beautiful. A perusal of tha old medical and other works show a surprising number of Infallible remedies, many cf which are horrible, some quaint and others amusing. "The common wayside flower, the lady's mentle. was once In great repute with the ladlea, as it was thought that it had the power of restoring feminine beauty, how ever faded, to its early freshness, and tha wild tansy, laid to soak In buttermilk for nine days, had the reputation of making the complexion very fair. 'The maiden who on the first of May, went to ths rields at break of day and washed In dew from the hawthorn tree, would ever after handsome be.' The common fumitory was used when gathered In, wedding hours and boiled in water and whey aa a complexten wash by the country maidens. In Algiers, even to this day women eat a plant called fenu greek In order to secure red cheeks. "An old book says that if one will mske a powder of elder flowers gathered on midsummer day, dry them and use a spoon ful thereof In a good draught of water morning and evening for the space of a month It will make him or her young and handsome for a long time. r "Rose water made ovrr the fire or in the sun's rays, cleared away spots and phnples upon the face and made the skin clear and rosy. Tha oil of walnuts, prepared In the same manner aa oil of almonds, made smooth tha hands and face and removed scales and scurf. , "In France and Italy It Is believed that rosy cheeks will come to the lass who buries a drop of her blood under a rose bush. In many parts cf this country lsdies wash their fsoes In dew before sunrise on May day In order to become beautiful. In the old days It was quite generally be lieved that the eating of hare's flesh would cause the ester to look fair, lovely and gracious for a week together afterwards, while the entrails of crocodiles were con sidered excellent to whiten the skin. The same was true of the grease of lion mixed with oil of roses. The ashes of an oyster shell calcinc-d and then mixed with honey will remove wrinkles and make a woman's skin smooth and soft. "The eyes of tha pike powdered were wonderful in Increasing beauty, accord ing to one old writer. In England It la believed even now that the eating of herring's brains gives one beauty. The fat of tha grayling placed in a bottle In the sun with a little honey for a day or two makes a fine preparation for cleaning the skin. The fat of the lamprey, although the animal waa of 111 omen, was very efficacious in making one's skin smooth and clear, and would also remove small pox scars. An ointment made from the grease of the glutton or wolverine Is a certain cure for cutaneous eruptions. The Chinese believe that water In which cockles have been boiled possesses certain medicinal properties and apply It to tha bodies of persons suffering from skin diseases and particularly of those suffering from small pox. The monks of the tenth century ordered the ashes of burned fllos for the complexion. "Freckles have always been the bane of the ladlos exlstance, and many and varied are the receipes for removing them, which have prevailed through the agea. Cabbage seeds, young lilies ft the valley gathered before sunrise, and nutmegs were especially efficacious In removing them. The Norwegian peasaats consider the blood of the hare excellent for removing freckles, aa well as scorbutic eruptions, from the How Many Heals Have Ycu Saved? Vo you show your meals do you good, as the saying goesT Have you the pro duct of former good dinners tucked away around your walat line? Lo they reproach you? Do they lie heavy on your physical conscience, as It wsre? Are you anxious to rtform? Well, then contemplate a period of pen ance. What do you aay to a month of un modified breakfast food diet- made thin; to be followed or accompanied by thirty days of road work or kelght lifting. No? How about a few months' course of some acrid (put your teeth on edge) arid, heartburn-causing, wrinkle-forming, stomach-upsetting, high-priced patent adver tised 'fat remedy," then No? All that remains tor you to try, then. If you really wish to re-form, is Marmots Prescription Tableta. Theaa tableta poa seas special virtues tha moat Important of whlcti is: they eauee not 000 ripple of Internal unaaslneaa. Neither de ther leave wrinkles behind; nor Is dl sting aad a a ar sis required te kelp eut. Tel, in a rea souable time they are capable of reducing, possibly, any man or woman aa this areas earth a pouad or so dally. How aaout year trying this safe as weJ Inaorssd plea If you do not care ts esereise or diet? Ths Martnela Cembaor ef ri rolt. Mies... or any dntcrist wt:i give ym, tor aa little aa is eeaia, one larae ease, so Well eteeaed taat lost tkai ea wM saew yea m s preaWa er reduc ing safely ana quicaiy ea three" luij uy has free e Manufacturer's Sale of adlies9 Uedereiuslins Monday, Feb. 8 Aft '.e. if Special Children Drawers Made of a good quality cambric, finished off with hemstitching and tucking. Sold everywhere Cl'w for loc. This manufacturer's sale price. ...... el Special Women's Drawers Made of a good quality Cambric, embroidery trimmed. Drawers that never sold for less than 39c. This manufac turer's sale price . . . Corset Covers The finest quality cambric, trim med with lace, embroidery and ribbon. Regular 50c values. This manufactur er's sale price 4CDC Corset Covers Handsomely trimmed with lace, embroidery and ribbon, front and back. The best of mater ials and made to sell at 75c. This manufac- A r turer's sale price ,tJC Women's Chemises Made of fine nainsook with full length round yoke of lace, em broidery and ribbon. Made to 1 seU at $1.60. This manufac turer's sale QP price VDC MANY EQUALLY AMAZING BARGAINS NOT MENTIONED akin. Some people in this country believe that the blood of a white hen smeared all over the face and left to dry, and then wiped off takes awsy all the freckles and spots. Tha entrails of crocodiles, according to Ovid, were excellent to take away the freckles. "In this country other popular ways of getting; rid of them are to wash in rain water caught the first of June (this is good for all skin diseases), or In water in which a blacksmith has cooled -llis iron, to wash In water standing In an urn In a graveyard, in dew gathered from wheat before sun up, in whey, or washing at night In water on which the moon shines. Wash ing the fsoe during the passing bell on Good Friday is also very good. "Still another good method is to count the freckles, put the same number of peb blea Into a paper, and throw It In the path. Whoever picks It up will get your freckles. "The picking of the common red field Illy is supposed, by manyi to make one freckled. "Among many peoplea fat la considered a sign of beauty and should this not come naturally, artificial means are resorted to. In Egypt the women burn and grind up black beetles and mix them with beef fat; sesame oil and muffets. This mixture is boiled together and a cupful of the liquor takon dally by women desirous of getting fat. In England in the middle agea the ladies used the fat of the lliard when desirous of becoming stout. "Still others wish to be lean and for these the old remedy la three or four leaves of the ash tres Uken in wine each morning, which is guaranteed to make those lean that are fat and keep those which are now lean from getting fst. In the north of England the old notion still prevails that "Kiss the black cat, an' 'twill make ye fat; Kill the while one, 'twill make e lean. "If the eyelaahea are trimmed while the moon is on the increase they will grow losg and beautiful. "Lives the bald-hesded man. " or one verging upon that condition, who does not wish to repair the damage nature has done to him? Bartholomew recommended broth made from the myrtle aa a remedy to pre vent the falling of hair. Uustard waa a:o a good preventive should the myrtle fail to act. The fat of a goose bruised with vine gar would also answsr the earns purpose. The skin of ths viper, according to Topaell beaten to powder and laid upon ths places where the hair Is fallen doth wonderfully restore hair again.' " For these who were in the Kst stages and had but lltt'.s mora ta lose, there wsre Riaay remedies proposed. One of the most eurtous was ts reduce a mule's hojfs to ashaa and apply ta this ta tha head, whisk would infallibly resiors tha hair, la the 'I tortus laal talis' (laW tha head ef a hars burnt wKa bear's grease aad used as a alaaiae, a a saols's blau4 sprtaklaa ea a bald hea4, would surely make ths half oeeae feet a. The sasss abieet saula be sXuttaiU4ed fc atin&I.Pa tha eyas at tha 3C r" Commencing MONDAY We will offer several Women's and Children's bought at a great sacrifioe. This sale gives you a fine chance to get New, aFresli, Clean Undermuslins at less than cost to manufacture. Extra Special, Women's Gowns Of the finest materials, embroidery and lace trimmed. You will never be able to duplicate these for double the money. Made to sell o. fx t $L and $1.50. This S manufacturer's sale price. . . 19c Muslin Gowns Of a good quality of cambric, lace or embroidery trimmed, extra good values. ThlB man ufacturer's sale f" price rtDC Muslin Gowns A splendid lot of nicely trimmed cambric and nainsook Gowns. None better sold anywhere at $1.00. This manufac- f turer's Bale price t DC Muslin Gowns A beautiful assortment of high grade Gowns, handsomely trim med, all $1.60 values. This manufacturer's Q f ale price J DC lisard with oil, or tf files were burnt and mixed with honey and applied to the head. Again, grated radish mixed with honey, or the juice of an onion, or the kernel from a peachstone. or the shell of a walnut ground fine and boiled with vinegar until reduced to the form of an ointment, if ap plied to the head and the patient sat In the sun until it had thoroughly dried on ths scalp, hair would surely appear. The froth of the sea would also help bald nuas." TO SAVE FIDO FROM FRIENDS Lovers at Doss Form goeletr te Pro feet Theaa frosa Tee Mara Kladaesa. LONDON. Feb. . (Special. -Som hu mane people here are forming a society which hss fcr its object the protection of pet animals from the overwhelming "kind ness" of their mistresses. What those pampered, overfed creatures suffer at the hands of their adoring owners la known but too well to professional vet a., who are just now in greater requisition than ever. These men find themselves compelled to study forma of diseases never before heard of In the animal world. Of late lap and other pet dogs have been showing symptoms of nerve troubles hitherto un known snd regarded as the outcome abso lutely of the lives which they are made to lesd. Fashionable dogs not Infrequently sit at the table beside their mistresses and go through almost every courss with them. A well-known woman residing In Grosvenor Square, noticing that her Iriah terrier, Pat II. who Is. by the way. a half-brother of the king's dog, Caesar, had a great par tiality for chicken, ordered that no matter whst else waa on the menu a whole fowl should bs servsd each night to Patrick. He flourished on it for some time, but even i us II y developed grave symptoms and a vet. being called in, pronounced that though the dog was quite a young one, he was suffering from fatty degeneration of the heart. Pat had to be taken to a nurs ing home for an operation to be performed upon him. Now l has to live on barley water, very old brsndy and a variety of heart tonics. lie looks venerable and de crepit instead of being in his prime. The noise of ths gold and silver Jeweled bells with which mondaines love to orna ment ths necks of tbelr pets have la soma cases produced nerve Irritation aad made the little animals snappy and cantanksrous. Another source of nerve trouble has bean the high boots and jeweled belts wrhkm so many small dogs have been wearing ef lata Much depends upon the temperament at ths animal. Moots dog eaa stand nay amount af ornament at lee an their small persons, while others aaanat heaur tee sUghtaat strata. PI'. Bettee, B)u -fast's What ertistag- ta dee far thousand nieces of Undermuslins. that we Special Children About 23 dozen children's Gowns, made of the best ma terials, embroidery trimmed, at 75c. This manufacturer's cambric Women's Drawers A special lot, made of good ma terial, plain and lace trimmed, finished off with tucks. Reg ular 50e values. This manu facturer's sale price 25c Women's Drawers Here Is a great bargain, drawers made to retail at 76c and $1.00. The best of materials, wide em broidery flounce. This man ufacturer's sale price 45c New Combination Sets Corset Cover and Drawers, or Corset Cover and Skirt In one, of fine nainsook, beautifully trimmed. Splendid values at this manufacturer's Af sale price ZfDC CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THE POTTER AMERICAN PLAN Rates Single $4.00 $5.00 - $6.00 $7.00 Has Its Own Squab Kancn, qq Live Stock Farm, $9.00 Poultry Ranches, Vegetable $10.00 Gardens, Private Country Club, $11.00 Race Track and Polo Grounds, , Private Livery, Wireless Telegraph, Art' Gallery and Picturesque Golf Links, Good Table, Good Living. Cheerful Service, Rates Graduated to All, Reasonable Requirements, Accommodations (or One Thousand Guests. Artesian Well and Refrigerating Plant, Conservatories, Green Houses, A, Whole MUe of Geraniums. Open All the Year Round, 80,000 Fine Rosebushes, Child ren's Grove, Zoo, 60,000 Pigeons and Would be Pleased to Send You Booklet MLLO M POTTER, Manager ' Boo Want Ads Produce Results Monday, . Feb. 8 Night Gowns regularly sold sale urice dmG Special Women's Corset Covers Trimmed with lace and embroid ery, made of a fine quality of and would usually sell for 39c. This manu facturer's sale price . , I9c White Petticoats A special lot. made of excellent ' materials, full embroidery or lace flounce, would be cheap at $1.60. This manu- QP facturer's sale price ., ZJDC White Petticoats Cambric or nainsook deep flounce trimmed with lac or embroidery. $$.60 values, Thla' manufacturer's 4 p ' sale price :.......4lf'3 Woman's Hlort Grade) Sample Pelllcoals Finest materials. full . deep flounce, beautifully trlmmea with lace and embroidery. Worth $3.00 and $5.00. Thla manufacturer's . tf Q sale price ......... $IJrU GREATER VALUES THAN WE EVER BEFORE OFFERED HOTELS. Rates Doubfo 17.00