TT THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, M V 11, 1 mM E . a i HOSIER. Saturday's Big Speclais 86c wide, All silk TaN A )Xf fata Rfbbons, pec yard . . J -2 35C All Silk Veilings 20a All Silk Ribbons 75c Horn Hair Pine, floien '. .'. $1.00 811k . ElAAtlo Bella at 10c lie 10c 49c 35e Pad Hose Supporters, IBo 'All 'Linen . Hapdkarchiefs ..lie 16e Side Hofl Supporters, at ...... - lie SPECIAL IN GAS MANTELS and LIGHTS IN OUR ..; , Crockery Dept. A xompUU Inverted light with man tle and shade, regular value II ' at ...40 Genuine Welsbach Upright Gallery Burner with mantle shade and globe, regular $1 burner 50 Complete Gas Portable, with burner, mantle and shade and six feat of rub ber tuning, rwulir $3.76 value 98o Om Hurners, nailery and upright. . ..So Genuine Welsbach Mantles, Inverted, two tor IBo Genuine Welsbach Mantles, upright, two for IBo Colored Globe, upright, each Bo Air Hole Globes, two foe loo WHAT It will pay you to ses these articles for 10 cents Saturday. Worth up to I So regularly. . ... 10-qt. Flaring Water Palls, all slsss Roasting Pans up to 14x17, 26c Cotton Mop Heads, all sizes Frying Pans worth nn At7rnl!'r, THE RELIABLE STORE SUIT TO BREAK WIFE'S WILL A. J. Williami of Benson Sue to Get In on Heritage. .EELIGIOUS SCHOOL IS BLAMED CkariM tsmt It Frarl Slgaatare at His Wife la Her Dot by Vsla laiM Over . Her. Fighting wills Is all the fashion. Whether the rnuclt talked of litigation over the last tealaiuent of Joseph A. Connor Is responsi ble or not Is beside the point, the fact re maining that three other wills have been attacked since the Connor case started. Andrew J. Williams of Benson la the last disallowed heir to attempt to break a will. Ha makes a serious charge against a religious "hoa' In his ' formal, protest against the probating of the testsment of his wife, the late Mrs. Josle Williams, who left about $l,0uu. It Is charged by him that hla wltawas in her dotage and "that her signature, wss procured by fraud and un due Influence on the part of the officers, agents and servants of the Institution named In" the alleged will, namely. Clod's Bible school snd Missionary Training school." " Mra Williams' Will bequeaths all her NO MORE STOMACH Eat your favorite foods without fear of indigeition or upset stomach. Take your apur stomach or maybe you cail lt Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gastritis or Catarrh of Stomach; it doesn't matter take your stomach trouble right with you ta-you Pharmacist and ask him to open 10-cent case of Pape's Dlappa4a and let you eat -one SJ-graln Triangula anl ses If within five minutes there Is left ' any trace of your former misery Tne correct name for your trouble i Food Fermentation food souring; the Di gestive organs become weak, there is lack f gastric juice; your food Is only half digested, and you become affected with o ot appetite, pressure and fullness ftr eating, vomiting, nausea, heartbura, griming la howls, tenderness la the pit f SPECIALS 39c quality Importod Lisle and Mnco Cotton Ladies' Hose; special at 25c 35c quality wool and heavy fleeced Ladies' Hose on Bale, to close. 19c 19c Ladies' Hose Maco cot- ,ton, in plain black, black with white feet or tans rib or garter top, at 12V.C Boys' 19c heavy School Hose special at 12Vj? New Book Barg'ns Alnew $1.60 copyrights Qgp All $1.00 copyrights 43c ' Henty Books, big assort- inn ment, for UC Alger Books, bis tuisort- Q ment, for LOL 25c School Paints, ' " X9c $1.00 Fancy Nets 49o A beautiful line of fancy nets' for waist patterns, best values ever shown. Ladies' Underwear Bargains It's seldom that th opportunity Is offered for selection from such unlimited assortment, and Saturday's Special Values are a Revelation In ttargaln Giving. Muslin Underskirts,' worth to $5.00; elaborately trimmed, splendidly made, matchless at sale prices .$1.50, $1.98 and 82.98 Ladies' Muslin Gowns All new clean stock,. sev eral styles to select from, values to $2.50; on sale Saturday in three lots 50c, 75c and 98c Corset Covers and Drawers Values to $1.00; on " sale in two lots. ;.39c and 49c 9 to 10 A, M. Corset Cov ers, worth to 50c, at, choice of lot 15c 11 A. M. to 12 M One lot of worth to $2.50, at, choice Four Grand Special Bargains in Knit Underwear Ladies' Union Suits Med ium weights, regular $1.00 values 50c Ladies' Fleeced Vests and Pants, up to75c values, at, each, 25c, 39c and 49c Sole Omaha Iff oewng t I Agents -j imim in mlw..ffi m OTTSIwrflSS 1 tfTfir -'i m srfirrotrr rotnc ManK 1 lor mc WORLD RENOWNED GRtFFON BRAND SHIRTS Highest quality of workmanship- and fabric Is combined with best patterns and styles, all sizes up to 20-inch neck band, cut to fit; built to satisfy 08 VP See our great display of New Spring Styles. TEN CENTS WILL BUY AT HAYDEN'S ..n , ae it.. ro rm .n'a Jaoannad 2oo Blnk Strainer, lTqt. Dlhpan, 4 ot Pinner Bucket, three rolla Jewel Toilet Paper, 2o Padded Hleeve or Shirt Walt Boards, 6-qt. white lined Milk or Pudding- Pans, PolUhed Mop Sticks, white Enameled Wah Basins, 25o Steel Wire Covered Bread Toaater, 260 Japanned Folding Lunch Boxes, 1 gallon Covered Buckets, Knameled -ut. Preserving Kettles. leatherette Chair Seats, Zinc Wash Boards, five 6c boxes Tooth Picks, flva 6o Tin Plates, five 6c Wire or Wooden Coat Hangr, 26c extra heavy Wire Carpet Beater, Woodn Knife -and Fork Boxes, Large Nickle Plated Trays, the above rt not the cheap articles made to sell (or lOo regularly tl.ey are good, well made goods No other store can sell them property to an adopted daughter, Ruth Esther, on condition that the child, who Is now 8 years old, be placed In the school named, which Is located In Cincinnati, O.. "and that the said estate be used for ber maintenance therein until she becomes of age (18 years old); that of what remains of my estate snd property she Is then to receive one-half In cash and the other' half to go to the said school. Should she de cide at that time to devote her life to mis sionary work, all the estate is to go to pay her salary therefor." Jainea A. Howard Kaeeator. James A. Howard is named as the ex ecutor. The terms of the will are vague with regard to the disposition of the prop erty if the daughter decides to "devote her life to missionary' work." - The will says the estate Is to go, to pay her salary there for. It would seem that the Bible school Is thus left the money In trust for this purpose, but the stipulation Is not clear. Williams, the husband, beside the charge of fraud referred to. swears that his - wife was not of sound mind,, but Jn her dotage, and that the will was not signed In the presence of the wltutstQS. Mr. Howard named In the will as executor is a banker st Benson and he himself drew up the will for Mrs. Williams. He stated Friday that Mrs. Williams settled upon the Cincinnati school from reading an ad vertisement of It in a paper sent her from Ohio. . ' The other wills which have been fought are those of Mrs. Frederick Lessentlne of Florence and Edwsrd Elster of South MISERY OR DYSPEPSIA ' stomach, bad taste In mouth, constipation. pain iu limbs, sleeplessness, belching of g-ti, biliousness, sick headache, nervous ness, dixsiness and many other similar symptoms. ' If your appetite Is fickle, and nothing tempts you, or you belch gas or It you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you.caa make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there Is but one cause fermentation of undigeated food. Prove to yourself, sfter your next meal, that your stomach Is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop thin fermentation and begin eating what you wui without fear of discomfort c. mis sry Alnoat instant relief is waiting for you. It Is merely a matter of hawsoog you taks aema Piapci Don't Forget the Great Site of High Grade Silks Monday, Feb. 8. .. See Windows. Wakh Papers. Eia Sh Our Buyer secured BEST bargains ever brought to Omaha. This sale will include Men's Shoes from the Spencer Shoe Co., Boston, Mass.; Women's Shoes from Adams &Heinze, Boston, Mass.; Boys 'and Youths' Shoes from T. R. Marston Co., Haverhill, and Misses' and Childs' Shoes from the Logan Shoe Co., at Lynn, Mass. These goods were all bought for about one-half the regular prices and will be sold accordingly. - Something new each and every day. Men's patent colt, gun metal, box and Russian calf bluchers, worth $3.50 and $4.00, at .-. $2.50 Men's patent hpx calf, vici kid and gun metals, all welts, worth up to $3.50, at $1.98 Women's patent colt, gun metal, Russia calf bluchers and buttons, all Goodyear welts $2.50 Women's shoes in all leathers and styles, worth up to $3.50, all sizes $1.98 'Boys' youths' and little gents' box calf and vici kid shoes, absolutely worth $1.50 '. .$1.19 10 to 11 A. M. Gowns, worth up to $1.00, at one price, choice 39c Ladies' Muslin Underskirts, 98c Children's Wool Underwear heavy quality, regular . $1.00 values 50c Children's Union Suits that sold up to $1.00; on sale at, choice i...49c When you see the Brand you Know IPs Best. .... . v... - . L for 10c without losing money. Washing- Machines, Tabs nd Bollera This will be the last sale we can make on the $10 fcaay Ak-Har-Ben Washing Machine, at a cut price, as we cannot . buy them now on account of selling them below eost to manufacture Saturday S3.98 Round American Washers, worth 14.60. Saturday a.SS at". W-74 Medium slse aa.M No. 1 Heavy Galvanised Wash Tubi at 3SO 10-quart pails ISO Largest slse. No. 9 heavy copper Usk wash boiler; best copper boiler made.. worth 14.76. Saturday, only . . . (uuaraoteed 10 years.) Omaha. The latter's Instrument was dis allowed as not having been properly drawn. He left his estate to his widow except $3,000 to go to his mother It alive; If not to bis father. The will of Mrs. Ellss Helmrod, wife of George Helmrod, consul at Borne, . has been forwarded front Kwitserland. Mrs. Helmrod leaves her estate to her husband in trust for their children and he la to have half the lnoome, the other moiety to be spent on them. The children are given sums outright for their education as fol lows: Clara, H,eoO; Albert, 81,600; Dora, S&00. BUSY DAYS WITH THE GIRLIES Oas Pair Lady Makes Skirt Cenpaay Hsa Bar Dlaaaaada, Aa otacr Lawyers. Whils wedding bells are ringing for J. David Rosenberg, superintendent of the .Novelty Skirt company, Joacph Engleman, president of tho sams concern, is hiring a lawyer to defend himself against a 85,000 damage suit brought Friday by one of th girls who went on strike recently. Rosen berg Is buying a diamond for Miss Lena Marqueese ot Syracuse, N. T., and Erlgle man Is perchance saving his' money In the event of an unfavorable verdict. ' According to the petition filed in the office of the district clerk, Dora Or lot f. a comely young woman. Who formerly worked for the company on Harney street, was publicly denounced by Engleman on the street In front of the company's building, Engleman, it being alleged, uttering a aerloua reflection on her character. FIGHT ENACTED IN THE COURT Haeaaater ,ea Street Is Repradaeed for the Beaeat at h Po . Ilea Jadgje. Recounting tha thrilling clashes which they had with one another over the de bated question. "To air Ike or not to strike, that is the question." half a duxen strikers and strike breakers of the Novelty Skirt company, entertained Judga Crawford aad a roomful of spectators in police oourt Friday morning. After tha revroducUoa of the street fight that jwcurrsd between tae two factors Wednesday evening on Four teenth street had bees fully staged the judge discharged Max and Louis Abraham and Philip Salouaky, who hade sea arrested on the cUaxgs X Xlfutlujc "" '4 GilAYiEliJs THB RELIABLE STORE oe Sale S while East some of the BIGGEST and calf, vici kid Little gent's satin or kangaroo calf shoes, worth $1.50 up to size 13, at $1.00 Childs' and Misses $1.50 vici" kid shoes, blucher cut, sizes up to 2, ftt....v- $1.00 We are agents for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for men and the Queen Quality shoes for women. We sell and are ' the. third largest customer of the Orover shoes in the world. They are made for Tender Feet. For that "tired feeling" of the feet use Grover shoes. MILLINERY New Early Spring Styles It's economy to buy these hats because they 're suitable to wear now and all spring. Beautiful Tucked Chiffon and Maline or Chiffon and Braid Hats newest designs, matchless values $2.50, $3.95, $5.00 and $7.50 EXTRA SPECIAL; Black Turbans, to $5.00 values your choice $2.95 and $1.95 i All hats marked in plain figures here. Extra Specials In Our High Grade Linen Department for Saturday v 60 dozens strictly high grade towels, in cluding Turkish and Hucks, good value, at 15c. Saturday, each.. g ou dozens Dieacnea ana silver Dieacnea . Napkins, worth up to $2.00 doien, Sat urday, 6 for. 50 260 full size, 81x90 sheeta, heavy, atrong and durable, worth 66c, , Saturday, ech 40 zao piiiow casoa, sizes .zx30 ana 4bi3o of same material as sheets, worth 16c, Saturday, each .....10 Cough Syrup Saturday You can't afford to be without them In the house. Save now while you can. 25c Wizard Cough Syrup 18 60c Wizard Cough Syrup.... 35 Chamberlain's Syrup ............ 23 Piso's Cough Syrup 23 Foley's Cough Byrup 23 aii patents ana arugs st cut rate prices. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Mall orders given prompt attention. Try Here First TAX TO MAKE GIRLS MARRY Law Proposed by Dahlman to Believe Poet Clark. LATTER PLEADS FOB LITTLE WIFE la God's Hut It Psssles Me, a Popalalloa ot Two Hsadred Thoa aaad Clalulasj to Be Chris, tlaaa aad Me Slaglet" "Suppose a woman marries a poet, does that make her a poetessr" That one came In over The Bee'a tele phone Friday morning. Strange aa It may seem, but a' little while before that Mayor Dahlman had v received a letter from his old college chum. Poet Clark of South Omaha, in which the poet eloquently pleaded for a wife. Passing up the Inquiry for the moment, let attention be directed to what the mayor had to say: "In Oklahoma they have a law taxing bachelors as a means of compelling them to get married. Now, in Nebraska, I pro pose that we have a law taxing spinsters for the same purpose. Of couree, I have just been turned down' by the legislature, but I believe I still have influence enough to have such a law enacted. It Is a shams to let all the pretty girls and women of this ststs remain single when there are such men as my friend, the poet, going around looking for wives. "It might be well to lssus a proclamation calling upon all the old maids to take hus bands unto themselves at once under pen alty, or it might be better to address a com munication to the council and ask that body to draft an ordinance providing for a tax against all the girls above a certain age who remain In single blessedness. Something must be done." Plea af tha Poet. Accompanying bis communication to ths mayor was this poem: Mayor Dahlman, Honcrxi and resDeoted sir It Is now with the greatest ot rlcasu.- 1 will kindly write you ths tew ! tend. lines, aa you are the head one Iwra In Omaha, hoping that you will fcu rtly answer me this question through the pjo Uo papers: "In God's came. It pusalee in, oven if I am gifted to know what kind of women and gu-la we have gut in our city, now a population of .(Vj, and claims to have ChrufUaolty and loves Uwd wita all their Ma Orders Given prompt and careful attention. Ijotn H'wrrrrd for sale goods for oat of town customers. IT ami Grand February Clearance Now All' winter garments must closed quickly and we're making: prices on .all lines that insure quick dispersal. None can afford to miss Satur day's Extra Specials. $25.00 Tailor Suits $8.50 Chiffon, broadcloths, Panamas and fancy weaves; black, browns, greens,, bluos, reds and fancy mixtures coats satiu lined throughout; all sizes and styles; actual $6.50 values to $25.00, at ... . A beautiful line of Silk, Net and Messaline Waists; values to $7.50; choice $2.95 These are the waists which have attracted so much attention in our window the past few days. SWEEPING REDUCTION IN FURS $0.00 Siberian Squirrel Coats. blouse style, to close, at $45.00 $50.00 Near Seal Coats, XXXX quality, on sale, to close. $25.00 RuBBlan Pony Coats, values to $76, while they last, in two lots at, choice $30.00 nl $35.00 BIG SALE of CHILDREN'S COATS All Winter Coat go at a fraction of real value. Children's $4.00 Bearskin Coats, to close $1.3 Some Interesting Prices on Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, 11 lbs. beet Pure Cans Granulated Sugar for $1.00 48-lb. Back Highest Patent Flour fl.23 I4-lb. sack best Rye Flour for So The best Whits or Yellow Corn Meal, per sack 15c 6-lb. choice Japan Rice for 26o S lbs. best Pearl Tapioca or Bago..25o The best Hand Picked Navy Beans, per pound to The best domestic Macaroni, pkg.IVi0 Malta Vita, Etf-O-See or K. C. Corn Flakes, per pke "Ho Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, pkg-...7tto l-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes 8C i-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash or baked Beans, can 8 He I-lb. cana Fancy No. 1 Sweet 8ufr Corn, per can ' 7 c I-lb. cans Early June Sifted Peas..l0c The beat Tea Blftlngs, per lb 1J Choice Bun Dried Japan Tea, lb.... 263 Fancy Basket Fired Japan, Oolpng-, Ceylon. English Breakfaat or Oun- powder Tea, per lb ..So heart and soul, and full of so many old maida working against God and nature and ao many good and true honeat working men around them that wants wlvea and can't get any. Bo In God's name I will ask again what kind of women anJ girls are they or whst kind of men do they want hwe in Omaha. Are they born like animals, without a spirit, or whst seems to be the matter that a man can't find a woman that wants to marry among so many old maids of Christianity who claim they love God with all their heart and soul and here they are caring no more about God than a hog or a dog carea about his father, and for proof here Is what God says Himself la the holy scripture: "It Is sweet and better to marry than to suffer and live alone, for It Is not good for man U be alone." From your most sincere and humble servant, POET CLARK. SOUTH OMAHA. COLD WATER FOR SWINDLERS Police aad Folic Jadst faieellaffly Active la DIseoaraglasT Petty Thleviag la Third Ward. Following the reports of five cases of larceny, amounting in all to almost 8700, during the last three days, shout a doxen colored men and women of the Third ward have been arrested by the police and sent to jail for short terms. In no one of the FOOD FOR A YEAR Meats 300 H, Milk 244 a. Butter..... lOOSjs. Eggs 27 dos. .Vegetables. 600 Ba. This represents a fair ration for a man for one year. But some people eat and eat and yet grow thinner. This means a defective digestion and unsuitable food. A one-dollar bottle of Scott's Emulsion equals in nourishing properties ten pounds of meat. Your physician can tell you how it does it Ssad Ibis asvirtawnist todethar wkh bum si taper fat watch tt appears, yew aoVaos ana fear cents ta cover psstiss, aad we wul send yea a XmvU lluU? AlU o ths WurM" U SCOTT aV BOVVKfi 409 fcarl Street New York New Spring Corset Styles Most complete lino of modes in al! standard makes shown in any4 store in the west. Warner's, Kabo, Boyal Worcester,; W. B.t etc. Styles suitable for every figure, prices to fit every purse. .98c, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $5 Up. The W. B. Rednso for stout figures does what ordinary corsets will not do. Completely envelops the ab domen and hips, giving straight, smooth lines; price. $3.00 Valentines The best and largest line of Valentines ever shown here or elsewhere in Omaha at the prices quoted. Comio Valentines, each. . VaC Taney Card Valentines. Fancy Novelty Valentines, at 2c, 3c and 5c Beautiful Mechanical Valen tines. 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c be Children's Coats, worth to $8.00, all sizes and tsolors $2.95 $2.00 Flannelette and Percale Wrappers, on sale 08 Tour choice of loth Coats that sold up to $46.00, all the best winter styles, fabrics and colors t.$3.05 $7.50 "d $10.00 Carlcal Coats, For Lined Coats, Fur Collar Coats, that sold up to $50.00, go In two lots, to close at $12.50 nd $15.00 Dress and Walking; Skirts, fine voiles and panamas, all best styles Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb.... 15a Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee, lb.. 20a Fancy Ankola Blend Coffee, lb 26o arsenal, buttbb, nrnun aad OHSBBB SA&B. Cholcs Dairy Butter, per lb. ...... .sis Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb. 83o Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb.26u Fancy No. 1 Butterlns, 2 lbs. for...t5o rita Boxa or rmxsz txtabu3 t heada frenh Leaf Lettuce 6o I bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes. to Large bunoh fresh Beets 4c Larrs bunch fresh Carrots 4o Large bunch fresh Turnips 4c Large bunch fresh Onions IVia Head Lettuce, per head so Fresh Cauliflower, per lb 6a Fresh Sweet Potatoes, per lb 3Ho Old Beets, Carrots. Parsnips or Tur nips, per lb .20 Fancy cabbaff, per lb tHo Fancy Wax Beans, per quart 10c New Honey, per rack .....IZHo five cases has slther money or thief been secured, but to discourage ths practlcs of Third ward men and women fleecing strsng ers, short jail sentences bavs been given persons who are thought to be counseled with the business, but cannot be proved guilty In any particular cast. YES. PITY THE POOR RICH Hlh Fiaaaoe Gets Severe Jolt Before the People's Bar, 'Where Three . Iadaetrlal Cantatas Are. Pity the poor rich I Didst ever yearn to be a captain of In dustry, a leader of haut finance, a John W. Gates, a W. H. Moors, or other msglo manipulators of stocks and bonds. Per chance it la not so easy as It seema There srs more "Oet-Rick-Quick Wallingfords" in ths maya lines than in real life and even the way of ths sharper Is sometimes hard. Take the case of Carl F. Huston, presi dent of ths American Investment com pany, Remember Karle K. Edwards, presi dent of the American Oum Vending Ma chine company. Copslder the plight of J. T. McNully, a fellow capitalist and In ths same hard way. These three who are well equipped with mining stock shares, glint machine shares, bank drafts unfilled or whatever one might wish In this line were sentenced to the county jail Friday morning by the po lice judge. High finance was discouraged in ths esse of McNully to the extent of twenty-five days; tho president of the American Invest ment company was given ten days to plan a raid on Erie or Missouri Pacific, and the head of the Gum Vending Machine company will deliberate for ths next fifteen days "ths immltagablllty of our moral predica ment," as Henry James is wont to ssy. Also in court waa John Woods of North Platte, who thought to dally with the In vestment of quick return and the golden scheme into which one is let on the ground floor. He testified against ths cspltuleted capitalists. t "Go boms and let your wife taks care of you," said an unfeeling judge, and one mors man decided to stick to farming hereafter. High Wlad at Maskosee. MrsxOGEB. Okl.. Feb. .-A terrible wind storm swept over Muskogee early to day doing much minor damage. As fur a known no one waa hurt. Four huge smoke stack were blown down at the Muskogee Gaa and Kleotrio company's plant. They crashed through the roof disabling the en alas and ruaolilneqr, icavuuj Uio cliy lu Ladies9 Neckwear Clearing up our entire fancy Neckwear stock before opening the new summer goods. All stock on sale at y to price Saturday.. Ladles' Fancy Neckwear that sold regularly at 6c to 60c, in six great lots, Saturday v 2H 5 7H 10 12 X and 15 Sale begins promptly at 8 a. m. Come early and secure first choice. in Full Blast and colors, values to $10.00; on . sale, to close, at . $4.05 The Largest and Rest Showing of New Spring Skirt Style in Omaha. Sole agenU for Maternity Skirts and a complete line of extra aised skirts always on hand. Let us show you. Fresh Vegetables, and Fruits Fancy 7-Crown Figs, per lb. ...... .Ite atrr owly the kiqbxato unu Ws srs headquarters In Omaha for these high quality Oranges. Regular 12tto stie, per doxen..... ,7Ho Regular 16o slse, per doxen. ...... .10c Regular 10c slse, per Regular SOo slse, par doien.. 2c Regular YSo slse, per doxen. . ......lie All other sixes in comparison. darkness. The storm passed to tha south west. WELL KNOWN QUARTET TAKEN Foar Professional Th lavas Said to Have Records la Valted States aad Esrsse, PITTSBURG. Feb. a-Samuel Kaufman of New York, Edward Johnson of Salt Lake City, John Ryne of Bt. Louis aad Abraham Klins of St. Petersburg. Russia, were held for court trial today by a polloa magis trate on charges of larceny and Wing pro fessional thieves. The four men were arrested lata yeatar day In a hotel and It Is said they are well known throughout the country and EXirope. Boy's knlckerbocker Norfolk suits, flit; T.50 snd 18.60 values selling at 16. OA. Ben son Thome Co. Between Season Weights. Suitable to wear, most any tlma of year. We are showing a generous as sortment of these medium weight lab rlca this month. They're Just the thing for those going South. Still including an extra pair of trousers with your suit order with out extra cost. Medium or , heavy weights as preferred. SUIT AID EXTRA TROUSERS S2S tl $45 WILLIAM JERREMS! SOXg. ZWhll beuLh 13U St. THE RIUABLB STORE