Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Linen Cambrics for Ladies'
Tailor Made Waists.
Oar 40c Linen Cambric, In this
Mle 25c a yard.
Our 60c Linen Cambric, In thla
ala 33c a yard.
Our 05c Linen Cambric, In thla
aale 45c a yard.
Our 75c Linen Cambric, in thla
aale 60c a yard.
Our 11.00 Linen Cambric, In
thia aale 9g a yard.
Saturday Grand Opening Display 6t Lovely
New Waists, Second Floor Cloak Department.
We wish to announce that all our new spring models of beautiful
waists, consisting of plain tailor made linens, hand embroidered linens,
dainty lingerie, net, crepe and messallne, will be ready for your approval
Batnrday. We consider this the reatBt assortment of really high class
waists ever shown in Omaha.
New Models in Separate Skirts
Hundreds of the very latest style skirts now on exhibition. You do
not know what a' real beautiful skirt Is unless you see our new garments
made by New York's foremost maker, Bonwlt & Brand.
Black Panama skirts from $6.50 to $13.60.
Black Voile skirts from $12. 60, to $35.00.
Fancy mixed skirts from $.50 to $16.60.
Alterations free of charge.
New Suits
Wa have probably 300 new suits ready for Saturday's selling. Our
styles are more handsome than ever and are In a class by themselves.
New Lingerie Waists, 1909 Models
values up to $1.50
Saturday, commencing at 9 A. M., we will sell in our New Bargain Square in basement,,
a magnificent line of new style waists at much less than regular prices.
These waists have just been received from the manufacturer and every garment is
fresh and clean. We can guarantee every buyer of one of the greatest values ever offerd for
new, clean merchandise. Come Saturday and share in these bargains.
Silk Skirts and Petti,
coats to Your Special
The beautiful lines on
which our underskirts and
petticoats are made to your
special measure are attract
ing a great deal of attention.
The superior quality of our
tailor work and the elegance
of our styles are very pleas
ing. You choose any ma
terial you like, taffeta silk,
sateen, pWcaline' or heather
blooiu, we make . them to
your special measure.
Snd Pickens has In on vfor nonpartisan
County superintendents. ,
J OkJteU tm Weight osj Package.
Dave. O'Brien came down from Omaha
io look after hla Interests In the pure food
(aw. The honorable David does not want to
ttsmp the net weight on his boxes of can
dle, though he Is willing, he said, to
tamp on the boxes the price of the can
dies. He did not bring any samples along,
which la considered very bad taste.
Serasabllas; for Pie.
Democrats have demonstrated beyond any
doubt they are a hungry lot and that no
tons will ba left unturned to make room
at the pic counter for every man who voted
for the leer!ess eLader. Bills to that end
Ml thluh and last in tha house this morn-
Talcott of Knox threw a measure Into
the, hopper providing for the creation of a
Slats Normal board to take the place of
the present Stat Board of Education.
Vnder the provisions of this bill the gov
ernor shall appoint five members of the
board and the state terasurer and the
Stats superintendent shall also be members.
It It provided that, the members shall not
all be of the same political party, which
means that no republican will get a Job
under . Governor Bhallenberger on this
board, as the treasurer 'and superintendent
are republicans. The board under this
bill shall also have charge o tthe Junior
normal schools -nd of normal work In high
schools. The emergency clause Is attached
bu the present board shall hold on until
tha next board Is appointed. It Is set out
In the bin tha': all appointments shall be
continued by fit senate and It In vacation
when th- legislature meets the next time.
If, not continued the governor shall make
new appointment.
A second bill provides that the duties of
Saturday w will be prepared to take care of all who wish to take ad
vantage of th shoe bargain. Great reductions on our famous shoes for
Boys' 11.00 shoos sell jg
Boys' 'H'U shoe" sell " " J 2 19
Boys; '" ahoas siti J gg
Girls tt.OO "Startrtght" 2.2B
Mtses""Vishca"s;i'" JJg
Girls' M 0 shoes sell J2.80
Girls'" Viib'shoes'seil " $2.49
-xifjqk: fiufi yiM
m ahaes In
Wibar in hlsh
leathers la the
ral pair; theyr
I . . 1-4 I M fl
I V II I .11.
milt acd dull calf
IMiodels; some buy sev
lc-c3 lii-yyiza Eovcutl ricvizy
) u iumtt.
Cambric Hull For Ladies'
Tailor Made Waists.
Our 75c Cambric Mull 48-in.
widethis Bale 50c a yard.
Our 85c Cambric Mull 48-in.
wide, this sale 69c a yard.
Our $1.00 Cambrio Mull 48
in. wide, in this sale 75c yard.
$1.48 each
values up te $2.25
$1.98 each
values vp to $2.75
Special Sale of White
Goods in Our Econ
omy Basement, Satur.
. day.
Long Cloth.
One case 15c and 20c
Long Cloth In this sale, your
choice per yard 8 He.
Special Bale of White Madras
and Waitings.
One case . 30c and 36c
White Madras for ladies'
tailor made waists, your
choice 16c per yard.
8pcUl Sale of Fine Lawn.
One,, case 15c and SOc
India Lawns in all lengths,
your choice 8 He per yard.
The clean
la an opportunity not to te (Unregarded.
Dress Goods
thu purs food commission shall be split in
half and the salary doubled and an extra
mitn given a job. If this bill passes the
governor has authority to appoint a food
and dairy commissioner and a dairy and
food commissioner, each of whom shall re
ceive 11,800 a year.
Then comes along another bill providing
that the governor shall appoint a state
accountant at 12,000 a year. The present
law provides that the state accountant
shall be appointed by the state auditor and
endorsed by the governor. Under that law
Auditor Barton has appointed John Tulleys
state accountant and he has been endorsed
by Governor Bhallenberger.
Penalties for Failure to Promptly
Forward Goods.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Feb. 5.-Speclal.)-The Joint
railroad committee today reported a recip
rocal demurrage bill agreed upon practically
as drawn by EVnator Banning of Cass
county. The bill ' entitled, "An act to
rogul&te demurrage ' and storage charges
and to prevent delays In the transportation
and delivery by railroads of freight other
than perishable freight" The measure pro
vides that when freight Is tendered to a
railroad company for transportation the
company shall receive the earn for ship
ment and Issue bills of lading and when
the shipments have been received, they
must be carried forward at the rate of, toot
less than fifty miles per day of twenty
tour hours. For failure te receive and
transport such shipment within the time
prescribed, the company shall forfeit fl a
day or fraction thereof on all carload lots
with' minimum charge of t cents for any
package as liquidated damages, together
with all other damages th consignor or
Children's $1.(9 "Start
r If lit" at
Children's ft. 00 shoes
at ,
Children's ft. 00 "Start
rldht" at
Babies' It. 60 and H.15 .
"Btartrlght shoe at....
A special lot of Misses' and Child
ren's new style $1.10 flc.
shoes selling at .016
to all the cmLp&Ett.
bath low and high Patterns tan calf.
shoes: black suede, brown sued tan
Oxfords and low shoes; newest O S.Q
all ana anoea senilis;
Shoe Bargains
iit - iOTn moiei baoi axi. ptrtt.
India Linons.
Our 18c India Linons, in
this sale 10c.
Our 20c India Linon9, in
tlii a sale 12c.
Our 25c India Linons, in
thia sale 18c.
Special Sale of
Long Cape Gloves
Saturday 9
A. M.
To close out the balance of our
line of long cape gloves We have
marked them at a "giving away"
price for Saturday. They are
standard makes and sold regularly
from $3.75 to $4.50 per pair.
Colors tan, taupe, and black.
Your choice Saturday at 9 A. M.,
at per pair 95c.
$2.48 each
values vp to $4.25
Toilet Goods Saturday Specials.
Mrs. Graham's Cucumber and Elder Flower
Cream for J8c.
Colgate's Tooth Powder, 115c.
Roarer and Oallet Powder de Ris (Anthca) 69o.
Powder Leaves (book form) 7 He
Complete Manicure Hot, 19c.
Rubber Complexion Brushes, 10c each.
Witch Hazel, Ulyoerlne sod Oatmeal Soap, Sat
urday, 10c per box.
Monday, Beautiful Colored Dress Goods
Remnants at Sweeping Reductions.
up from the great January Belling.
Remnants of
now displayed In our Sixteenth Street
Window. Remember we make skirts to your meas
ure, i
consignee may sustain thereby, providing
that In computing the time freight is in
transit there shall be allowed twenty-four
hours at each point where transferring
from one railroad to another Is Involved.
An additional twenty-four hours is allowed
on all oars weighed In transit within the
boundaries of th state.
Railroads shall give within twenty-four
hours of the arrival of a car notice of the
same to the consignees under penalty.
When cars enter the state from other
states the time of entry of this state must
'be furnished In the notlco of arrival. Cars
shall be placed on trricks for unloading
wTTiln twenty-four hours after arrival. A
per-alty of fl a day for delay shall be taxed
against the railroad. Shippers on consign
ees shall have thirty-six hours for loading
or unloading a car of less than 60,0u0 ca
pacity and sixty hours for loading or un
loading those of 60,000 capacity or more,
subject to a demurrage charge of not more
than Si a day when said periods have been
Provision Is made for extending the time
when cars are bunched upon him and when
they are changed on the track and placed
In Inaccessible position, and when a storm
causes delay during business hours.
Forty-eight hours Is allowed before stor
age charges may be applied In warehouses
and railroad depots for package freight.
Jurisdiction Is given the courts to tske
suits In these cases and provision Is made
for allowance of attorneys' fees, but this
allowance shall not exceed th amount In
Aceas Htm and Other Democrattle
OSeUli ml Playlasr Politics.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. S. (Special.) The '
three senators from Douglas county today
Joined In a letter to Mayor Dahlman and
President Johnsoa of the council In which
they ask why all the storm has been raised
In Omaha over tha occupation tax when
th members do not Intend to enact any
legislation that shall tak away th right
of th city to levy th occupation tax.
Although, th amendments of the committee
on municipal affairs provide for removing
from th charter th clauses conveying the
right to levy such taxes th senators in
dicate they bav no desire to push this
through. Th charter bill was not consid
ered again In committee of th whole today
In th senate and pending th Saturday and
Sunday adjournment tha seen of conflict
will be removed from Lincoln to Omaha.
Th letter of the senators la as follows:
We note. In the public press, your letter
to th Douglas county delegates In the leg
islature, though tha letter Itself has not
reached us. We take It for granted that
the press Is correct, and w know also that
it wss evidently given out for horn con
sumption. Replying thereto for ourselves, we desire
to impress upon you and th public that
there is no legislation which we know of
that "looks towards eliminating from the
Omaha charter or the laws of Nebraska
th right or authority of th city council
to regulate public service corporations, or
to Impose such sn occupation tax upon them
as will in their Judgment b Just and
equitable." We also deal re to say that
though this power has been a part of tha
Omaha charier at all times aloe you were
elected to your present or (ice. we know of
no on of you taking any steps whatever
to enact any ordinance under this author
ity, at least not until very recently.
W fully know why you are writing lat
ter to us now, for there is an election to
take place thta spring: we understand this
thoroughly. But why have you not exer
cised this power beore? Why bav you let
this power In you aa officer It dormant
and unused for throe years, and during all
th time you have been la officer Why are
you so xer9lsed bow as to declare this
supposed, turi not contemplated, actloa by
us a dutnmenlal action against the city
ina. a-iS4i
White Madras for Ladies'
Tailor Made Waists.
Our 35c White Madras, In this
sale 25c a yard.
i Our 60c White Madras, in thla
sale 39c 'a yard.
Our 60c White Madras, in this
sale at 45c a yard.
Our 75c White Madras, in this
sale at 59c a yard.
' A big cut In prices Saturday on men's union suits and separate gar
ments. Men's pure silk and wool shirts and drawers, regular price $3.50 per
garment, reduced to $1.50.
-Men's white wool shirts and drawers, regular $1.50 quality, reduced
to 96c per garment.
Men's Wright Fleeced lined underwear $1.50 and $1.00 qualities
reduced to 50c each.
Men's regular 60c ribbed and fleeced lined shirts and drawers at 25c
per garment.
- Union Suits
Regular $5.50 fine mercerized suits, underweight, Saturday $2.50 suit.
Regular $6.00 natural wool union suits, Saturday $3.60 per suit.
' ' Men's pure silk union suits that sold st $20.00, Saturday $10.00 suit.
Note:( We have not a complete line of sizes, but we may have yours.
We have other good values In underwear not advertised.
Special Sale of Dressing
Sacques Saturday
at 9 A. M.
Ladles' dressing sacques and short kimonos In wool albatross and
challle china silk and cotton crepe at one-half regular price.
China silk sacques, figured and plain, colors, light blue, pink and lav
ender, slightly soiled, Saturday one-half regular prce.
$5.50 china silk sacques. at $2.75 j $6.75 china silk sacques, at $3.38
$5.60 china silk sacques, at $3.00 $7.60 china silk sacques, at $3.7&
$10.00 china silk sacques, at $5.00.
Ladies Wool Challie and Albatross Sacques, in Light and
Dark Colors at One Half Price.
$4.60 sacques, Saturday, at $2.25 $5.00 sacques, Saturday, at $2.50
$7.00 sacques, Saturday $3.60.
AH the soiled dressing sacques In figured or plain white lawn, worth,
up to $1.25, special Saturday, 39c each.
All the soiled dotted Swiss and fancy white sacques, worth up to $3.50,
Saturday 96c each.
All the fancy white sacques, worth up to $6.50 ;Saturday, $1.60.
All the flannelette dressing sacques and short kimonos, all sizes from
34 to 44 at about one-third off the regular prices.
80c sacques, Saturday, 60c each,
$1.00 sacques, Saturday 65c each,
$1.25 sacques, aaiuraay oc eacu
$2.25 sacques,' Saturday, at $1.60 each.
Special Sale of Hosiery Saturday.
Wayne Knit Cotton Hose, excellent for
wear, nave auuma "i
heels and toes. 39c qual
ity, Saturday at 26c per
Children's and Wo
men's 25c Hose, Saturday
at 15c per pair.
administration who have this most vital
question" before you "for consideration, in
vestigation and action?" .Why have you
not Investigated and acted In those tnree
years you have been In office? Evidently
you did not want to do so, but now when
an election Is nearly at hand, you put in
the public press, for home consumption,
you letter wherein you state you consider
such power of vital Interest to your ad
ministration. You need not fear It will be
taken away from you. What the public
need to understand Is that you have not
used this power, and what they need to
fear is that you are not in earnest now
since you hav had th power for three
years and have not shown any desire what
ever to use it If you had spent your time
In endeavoring to act under this most vital
power, instead of spending your tlir In
trying to prevent the present democratic
delegation of Douglas county from re
deeming Its promise to give home rule to
the city of Omaha, you might have accom
plished something along the line that you
claim now you Intend to .accomplish.
Coaslderable Addition to th Grlat
ytlroady Haad.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 5,-Special.) The fol
lowing bills were introduced in the house
H. R. M4, by Henry .of Holt Making It a
misdemeanor to seil liquor to Indians.
H R. 26, by Young of Madison Provid
ing that the governor shall appoint a state
accountant at f2,000, and-allowing him $6'J0
traveling expenses. .
H. R. 288, by Talcott of Knox Providing
that Junior normals and normal training in
11 he undtir control of a
state normal board, to be created by the
act. The governor shall appoint five mem
bers and the state treasurer and superin
tendent are made ex-offlclo members of the
board. . ,
H. R. 187, by Smith of Cass-Amends the
gam law to provide for th sale of wild
game during th open season.
H. R. 2A. by Connolly of Douglas To
regulate moving picture shows and placing
them under th Jurisdiction of the labor
commissioner. .... , . .
H. R. by FICkens or jerrersuu r
lshes the office of county superintendent.
H. R. tW, by Boyd of Hamilton Provides
for the incorporation and regulation of the
Afro-American society known aa the jNa
tlonal Free Home union, at Aurora.
11. R. 2V1, by Hefferman of Dakota Pro
vides that writ of attachment may be
served on a debtor who changes his place
of residence, even within the county.
H. R. iiSa, by Pickens of Jefferson Pro
vides for the election of nonpartisan county
superintendents. ' ...
' H. R. tw, by Gates of Sarpy-Repeala the
law exempting the capital stock of build
ing and loan aseoclatlona from taxation.
H. R. 294. by Humphrey of Lancaster
Providing thaC the trustees of Wyuka cem
etery at Lincoln shall be appointed by the
mayor and city council.
11. H. a, by Humphrey of Lancaster
Lincoln city charter.
H. R. 2)6, by Humphrey of Lancaster
Members of the city council in Lincoln shall
compose th board of trustees of the san
itary district . .
II. R. 297, by Humphrey of Lancaster
Provides for nonpartisan school boards In
cities the sise of Lincoln.
H. R. K98, by Pickens of Jefferson Takes
name of couuly superintendent off of party
ballots. ,
H. K. t. by Thomas of Douglas-Providing
for election of th Judges of tha mu
nicipal court in Omaha.
1L It. ), by Raines of Webster Calling
for a constitutional convention.
H. R. 301. by Thomae of Douglas Th
municipal court for Omaha.
H. R. a. by Thomas of Douglas Pro
viding that members of the municipal court
may (1U vacancies In the police court In
H ft. by Bowman of Nuckolls Pro
viding for two deputy food, dairy and
drug commissioners at sslaries of I .Wl
H. R. lot. by Bowman of Nuckolls Pro
viding that the county assessor shall pub
lish at the expense of the county In suine
newspaper of th county the names of all
parsons or corporations whose personal
property Is listed at mors than fwuft.
In th commute of th whole th house
recommended for passage th following
H. It. n by C of Front We Providing
a lhfn'"g board to aaamui and Usu
IVmm to urofimtonal aurs.
H, K 1U, b Taylor of CJusUn-Fennlt-.
Special sale Linen Sheetings.
Special sate Persian Lawns.
Special sale French Emb. Piques.
Special sale French Mulls.
Special sale Checked Dimities.
Special sale White Panama Cloth.
Special sale Linen Suitings.
Special sale Imperial Long Cloth.
$1.60 sacques, saturaay si.uv eaun.
$1.76 sacques, Saturday $1.15 each.
$2.00 sacques, Saturday $1.35 each.
Saturday Candy Special
Balduff's delicious
maple cocoanut bonbons
regular price 30c, Sat
urday at, a pound, only,
ting counties to appropriate money
. ..pimiltiirkl annotations.
H. R. 127, by West of HalN-Provlding for
correct pedigree or ataiuons.
xi r 17J hv Holmes of Douglas PrO'
vldlng the governer may appoint a state
architect when one Is needed to "raw plans
for a state building, to be paid what the
srnvernor elects to pay.
The house adjourned until 10 o'clock to
n,n,m. after voting down a motion to
adjourn until Monday afternoon.
Number of Bills Passed and Others
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 5.-(Speclal.)-The senate
today passed the following bills on tnira
S F 62. by Miller of Lancaster Curative
bill to make consuruuonai
ing extortion and blackmail m ui.
I F. 65. by King of Polk-Kor the collec
... . 1 -. .:.i4i... r.intiva to divorce.
S F. 4" by Buck of Otoe-To prevent the
importation and sale of adulterated ;d.
ft F. to, by Randall of Madlson-Placlng
truancy cases in small cities under the Jur
isdiction of the polic Judge.
The following bills were recommended for
rm.Kajre in committee of the whole:
S F 18. by Tanner of Douglas For the
appointment of a board of osteopathy to
reguiaie me
L.. . UI. ...hnnl nf nifMlclne.
H H 36 by Henry of Holt-Appropriating
f25,C00 for a Lincoln monument on h stut
afltol grounds on consideration ofthe col
lection of flO.OOO additional for the aRrne
purpose by lhe cltisens of the state. The
Sena te without discussion agreed to a raise
In the appropriation recommended In the
house bill, which was originally 116,000.
On reports of standing committees the
fnllowina- bills were Indefinitely posiponea
S. F. M. by Banning Increasing the test
of keroseno trom in ei 1 i , " , , '
a u. im li Ruhrman of Howard Quid-
Ing' the title to certain lots in the city of
S. F. 78, by Bannlng-Placlng sheriffs on
a (m basis.
Made of pure New Orleans
open kettle molasses Saturday
at the special price of
20c Pound
The regular price is 40c lb.
For the benefit of those who
have never tried this delicious
confection we make this specia
price for Saturday only.
Special in the Lunch Room for
Braised Sirloin of Beef with
vegetables and cornbread, 25c
1520 Farnam St.
" 0. S. COBB, Receiver
F. ITS, v Myers To provide for the
destruction of sweet clover.
Senator Ransom's committee on privi
leges and elections met today and recom
mended to pas 'the bill by Representative
Taylor of Custer county, II. R. ft, con
ferring upon the state canvassing board
the power to canvass the votes on amend
ments to the stato constitution,
Tho Randall Mil, 8. F. K. giving women
the right to vol In municipal elections,
was also recommended for passage, as was
8. F. 16. by Kctchum of Thayer, which
provides for an open primary, at which the
names of candidates shall rotate on a
ballot on which all parties shall be repre
sented. The bill advances primary day to
the last Tuesday In August.
The following bills were passed by the
senate on third reading:
S. F. 79. by Volpn of Dodce Permitting
change of the site of school housese at spe
cial meetings instead of at the annual
a F. 61 by Howell of Douglas Permitting
Increase In the levy for school purposes
from 25 to 40 mill In cities of over 1,600
II. H. a6. bv Henry or Holt ArDronrlatlna
t-'b.tHX) for a statue of Abraham Lincoln on
the state rapltd grounds on consideration
of a donation or 10,000 by cltisens for the
sain purpose.
The afternoon was spent In commute of
th wholo, but th senators who hav Sun
day law bills unanimously requested that
they go over. The following bill war
acted upon In committee of th whole:
8. F. 88. by Ransom of Dougla Permit
ting a surviving huaband or wife to take
property of the deceased under th laws of
inheritance or under tn win. nwom
mended to pass.
8. F. 48. by OlllB Of Valley Providing
railroad companies must furnish comfort
able cabooses properly equipped on stock
trains and must run them not less than
isrhteen milna an hour on main lines or not
less than fourteen miles an hour on branch
lines, exclusive of the time In loading or
unloading. Recommended to pass.
S. F. 19, by Ransom of Douglas Permit
ting crlpplod firemen to draw fOO a month
when totally disabled, in cities of the first
class and metropolitan cities, and their
lary for not over eighteen montlia wnen
partially disabled. Recommended to pass.
6. F. 146, ny itansom ot jjougms w nere
two Justices of the peace are elected, the
one rece'vlng the higher vote shall be a
member of the town board. (Recommended
to pass.
S. F. 20, by Ransom or uougias in incor
porated villages and out In the country
railroads shall not be allowed to block
rossings for more than ten minutes st a
time. Recommended to pass.
S. F. 89, by Ransom of Douglas ro pro
vide for the mortgaging of lands of minors
and using and controlling and Investing
the proceeds tnereoi. Kecommenaeu w
P"- . ...
8. r a, ny Ransom 01 uouiiwrroiiu.
Ing for accurate aocount of material useu
by county boards In the repair of bridges.
Recommended to pass.
S. F. 86. by Fuller of Beward Providing
tnr ih. mnwlns- of weeds along highways
and taxing the cost of same against abut
ting property. Kecommenaea ror pmmsc
a v irT hv Klein of Oasre For the ex
penditure of Inheritance tax In building
and graaing roans in counties ui ,n.c
than 45,000 population. Recommended to
B F M hv King of Polk-Amendlng me
chanics lien law. Recommended to pass.
S. F. 111. by Raymona 01 won s niun
Relative to Impannellng of Juries. Recom
mended to pass.
8, ji", 124, Dy Cain or runnaruauu
1.. r .u van,,, method of remanding a
prisoner convicted of murder In first de- '
gre to tne penueniuirjr, inn. 7
decree of governor stating when he shall
be hung. In effect tn aoouiiou 01 c.,i.-.
Bill Flrat Heading.
a -a om k nrnwn nf I jincaster Ceme
tery trustees of IJncoln shall be appoint
ive instead 01 hwuyb wiiccio.
8. F. 262. by Brown or wiiwiujr-m.i-
tiriMi nf iMtv in sanitary drain
age district shall be trustees of said dls-
kg"' " p. 253, by Brown of Lancaster-For
nonpartisan school board in cities of from
40.OU0 tn l'W,l"t popuiaiiun.
8 F. 264. by Randall of Madison Re
quiring railroads whose lines connect or
Intersect with each other to make reason
able dally time connections, uj iirevwo
that tho State Railway commission hall
enforce such regulation, fixing penalties
for th violation tnereoi, ana aeciarma
emergency. . .. . J. .,
S F. !i66, by Rannau 01 mnamn-m i
vide for transfer facilities at track cross
lugs at grade of common carriers, deter
mining how the extnes of such track
crossings shall be paid, fixing a penilty
for the violation of this act. empowering
th State Railway commission to enforce
the same. Union depots shall be ar
ranged where tracks are not more than 000
fs' lK6. by Raymond of Scott's Bluff
Rolitlve to school advances in small dls-
trsCtF. 257. by Henry (by request of IT. 8.
Conn)-Relatlve to qualification of county
ft F. 268. by Ketchura of Thayer Pro
viding for the establishment of a state
addicted to the excessive us of narcotics.
hospital for dipsomaniacs aim wr mwt
- AT
50c La Blache Powder 291
(Saturday Only.)
60c Pozzoni's Powder. ....... .27
(Saturday Only.)
50c Java Rice Powder. ...... -25
(Saturday Only.)
$1.00 Pompelao Massage Cream. 48t
(Saturday Only.)
12.00 Chest Protectors. All chamois.
Our special for Saturday, 50 less
than the wholesale price f5(
$1.00 Plnaud'a Lilac Vegetal. Don t
miss it 4UC
(Saturday Only.)
35c Nail Files, flexible 19
(Saturday Only.) .
75c Manicure Scissors, Saturday only,
at 4f
BOc Manicure Scissors, Saturday, only,
at 38
15th and Farnam.
1 lf
V6tnIander& Smithy
Saturday Specials
$1.25 Kttf 6!ofts for OOo
51.75 " " $1.25
$3.59 Loot Gloves $2.49
317 So. 16tii Street
Table dIIo4e Dinner $1.00. every evening 6 to A
(Continued from First Fage.)
Ing, declared that hla sole object was to
elicit explanations which would enable Mm
to "object Intelligently. The spesker be
came Involved In the controversy and war
called on to make a ruling, and then Mr,
Gaines threw th house Into an uproar by
charging thst the rules prohibited a "squara
deal" to claimants. He grew so vehement
that th speaker ordered a deputy sergeant-St-srms
to conduct him to his scat. Mr.
Gaines, however, sat down before the of
flclal reached him.
Tho president's message vetoing th cen
sus bill wss read Just befors adjournment.
It reached the house ahortly after noon, but
Its reading was held tip for fear that dis
cussion of It might Jeopardise, the passags
of a number of private bills which were
entitled to consideration under special or
At 6:.1ft p. m. the house adjourned without
any action being taken on the message.
That Is a Laxative Bromo Quinine, Look
for the aignature of E. W. Grove Used th
world over to Cur a Cold In On Day. aso.
JR.75 coat sweaters at IS; 13.00 coat sweat
ers, $2.50; J3.50 coat sweaters, $3.00; $2.00
coat sweaters, $1.50. Benson A Thorn Co.
Water Works for Edsrrmont.
EDOEMONT, 8. D., Feb. 6. (Bpeelftl.)
Bonds have been issued and sold for a
new water works system, which will be In
stalled hers In the sprln. Th water will
be taken from th Burlington artesian well.
This well Is nearly 3,000 feet deep and tht
temperature of the water. Is 126 degrees.
Charles rrohman Presents
la Xls Greatest LanffcUf sjnooeas.
bt oxomaa abb.
eats wow Uias;
MO WD AT, TtnBiAT,ri.
Keata Vow SUlas;.
Wednesday and Thursday Svenlnf
VMM DAXirrr ooatsoxxxm
February 8tlit,09
$400.00 IN PRIZES
For Best Masked Costumes.
Admission 50 Cents Per Person
mass oa Display to Orchard Ji WU
halm's Dhow Window. e
Phones: Dour 160S: Ind., A-1S04
Clyde ntoh's Bltf Bnooess
Xmatense Bosnia rrodnettoa
rb. T, 8, , 10, "Th Privet Voretary
Oomlnr Thnrs, TrL, Sat., Tab. 11, la, IS,
David Belasoo's Owm Ooapaay la
With mn MXSMAM. Seats UTow. ,
Hatlaee vry day 8il0 very alfht Sill.
Will Rogers, Staley's Transformation,
Julia Kinsley A Co., The Sandwlnas, 6wol
Brothers, Olivette, Mathews &. Reec anc
Klnodrome. Prices luc, 2&o. 60a
Where to eatJ
Table d' Hole Dinner
FROM 11 A. M. TO P. It.
Music by Mr. Hangauer, pianist and
singer. Sunday Mr. Taylor assist with
singing. ,
Meal Book Free at .
Table d'Hote Dinner
Every Sunday and Holiday
Meal Tickets Frea at Hansons
Every person takes a sual at Toll
Sanson's basement restaurant luay giMa
til a number who visit there during las iir
:v.iy ty th aeareai gucs wias a saeaj
Toll Hanson's lunch Room
The most attractive. trtht.sL. airiest
and Boost economical lunch sown la Otaaaa