Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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FEBRUARY 3. 1900.
. Office 15 Scott Street.
Stotkert Mil carpets.
Ed Rogers, Tony Faust beer.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phona IT.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. J31
Ma.le.tlo range, r. C. Da Vol Hdw. Co.
Cut flnwera. Herman Broa., florists, 10
resrl street.
Two, three or fiva roorai for rent 631
West Broadway, upstairs.
There will be holy communion at 7 and
10 a. m. today at 8t. Paul a Episcopal
8iar chapter. Royal Arch Muoni, will
meet In regular convocation at Masonic
temple thla evening.
Lady Mary hive, Indies of the Modern
Msccabees, will meat In regular aeialon
Wednesdsy evening.
Michael B. Cutler and Margaret A.
Mankel, both af thla city, were married yes
terday by Rev. Henry DeLong.
The regular monthly meeting of tha Board
of. Park Commlaalonera will be held thla
evening at tha park cottage In Falrmoun
The women of the Second Preabyterlan
church will give a kenalngtnn Friday after
noon at the home of Mra. Kinney, 702 East
Fierce atreet.
A meeting of the newly organised Junior
Loyal Temperance league will be held Sat
urday afternoon at the home of Mra. Cora.
Hopkins, 804. Avenue A.
The Helping Hand society of St. John's
English Lutheran church will meet Wednea
day afternoon at- the home of Mra. Fred
Rlckee, 3i2H Seventh avenue.
The Ladlea' Aid and the .Woman's Foreign
Missionary socletiea of Broadway Methodist
church will meet thla afternoon at the home
of Mra. Charles H. Parks, 107 Fourth atreet,
at which time a, prealdent will be elected.
During January of thla year 16ft transfers
of real estate were filed In the office of the
county recorder, with an aggregate con
sideration of tW.iSS. as against 301 transfers
filed during the same month of last year,
with a total consideration of $298,619.34.
Miss Florence Wlleoxen, teacher at the
Iowa Schpol for the Deaf, who underwent
an operation a few days ago at the Ed
mundson Memorial hospital, waa reported
yesterday to be much Improved, with every
prospect for her speedy and complete re
covery. The case against Jennie' and Jessie Rude
and Charles Deeds, charged with assault
and battery on Mra. 'Annie Ward, was con
tinued Indefinitely yesterday In Justice
Gardiner's court, owing to the Illness of
Mrs. Ward a daughter, who la an Important
witness. , , j .,- .
31aa' satisfactorily, fitted make friends.
We have made lots of frienda because
people come in and say , "one of your cus
tomer told me to have my glasses fitted
by O. Mauthe, 228 W. Broadway; he'a
good and knowa how to fit glasses right."
Come In and let us fit yours.
There will be a general meeting of all
tho committees and othera Intereated In the
Indoor circus at the auditorium Thursday
afternoon, There will be a general meeting
Thursday evening In the lecture room of
the First Congregational church, when all
who Intend taking part In tho affair are
requested to be present.
Karl D. Patterson left last Sunday for
Faribault, Minn., where he will enter Shat
luck school. The young man has been
proctor or the choir of St. Paul'a Episcopal
church for the last year and has been prom
inent In the work of the Brotherhood of
8t. Andrew. Before leaving he was pre
sented by the rector, Rev. J. W. Jones,
with a puree made up by the members of
the pariah aa a token of appreciation.
F,xerrlse Be Meld in Evening at
. Opera Hons.
The 'public celebration of Lincoln's
birthday anniversary on the evening of
Friday. February 12, will be held In the
'opera houae. Thla was decided upon at
the general meeting last night of. the
varlou committees, having the celebra
tion In charge. There will be no admis
sion fee. With the exception of a few
for specially Invited guests, no seats will
be reserved and the entertainment will be
open to the public. v.
There will be music by an orchestra,
and Colonel Tulleya. chairman of the
commlttea on music, reported his commit
tee was preparing an Interesting program
' of ecal and Instrumental numbers ap
propriate to the occasion. ' .
The committee on program, of which
Victor Bender in chairman, waa not ready
to make a report last night beyond that
It had an assurance from Gen. Grenville
M.. Dodge that lie would deliver an ad
dress." ..The other speaker has not yet
been' secured, but tho committee Is In
Lorrexpondcnce with two or three and
expoct.i to be able to make a definite
announcement In the course of a day or
so. It was stated that one of the num
bers of the program would be a reading
by Miss Fanny Dietrich, the talented and
well-known elocutionist of this city.
Mrs. Drayton W. Buehnell, being unable
to act as chairman of the decoration com
mittee, Joe W. Smith waa named to act
lit her Bleed.
it was decided to have Invitations
printed and these will be sent to the min
ister of all tho churchee. the secretaries
of the various fraternal and civic organ
isations, the Judges of the district court
and -other prominent persona In this
vicinity. ,
Mra. Thomas Metcalf. prealdent of the
local chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution, presided over the
x meeting which adjourned subject to the
vail of President John M. Calvin.
: , , Real Kalat Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bte
February 1 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
J P. . Greerehltlds and wlfo to Anton
Vend, lot 2. block 2f. in Railroad
add to Council Bluffs, w tl t S
P. E. floss and wife to Harriet Stev
enson, lot S In Auditor's sub of lot
4 in Greenwood add to Council Bluffs, '
w d t
Amanda C. Armstrong and' husband to
P. M. Hoffnion, wSO feet of lot 4.
block B. In Curtis ft Ramsey's add
to Council Bluffs, w il 2,0u0
Fremont Barnes and wife to Charley
Whitney. nW acres of swV. sw of 29
and wVi nwv ot :---, w d 3,i)0
George Cartland, executor, to Wil
liam Gray and John M. Bowers, un
divided 1-12 of lota 4 and . block 13;
lot 7. blo-k U. In Hjghes Dunl-
E nan's add to Council Bluffs; lot .
luck 11, and lot t. block 11, same
add. d - 71
Jorgon- K.. Nelaon and wife to R. I..
Kloedel, lota IS and 14. block t. In
Steele . aV Woods' aub In Council
Bluffs, w d 2.S00
D. j;ollschlld Grain company to Mary
Lariger, all) feet of w2 feet of lot 7,
block 1, In town of Carson, w d 1
Seven tranafers, aggregating .13.0U9
Lcflert's'.S? Lenses
Criatsrt Cearfart Kaeweie Wearm at Chase!
si to i m yCT" ImU m H
mt Ml i ' . ,
al a IUT UN ijf a
aaa a ana irmm
a I ratal, Baa. met tsrt.
eewaeav auarra, te
I nflf. MIViFV ftfl
i Twenty roars mi Bibbs fm ITsfnr .
rA eorMUi witn IB rum 1 ting
both ruosm sit.
Both 'Phones 43.
City Serrei Notice on Company it Will
Not Pty for Thirty-Nine.
City Officials ta Dee Mela to
Boost far the Passage ( the
Railroad Teraalnal Taxa
tion Bill.
The committee on fire and light, of
which ' Councilman Younkerman Is chair
man, submitted at the meeting of the city
council last night a list of thirty-nine fire
hydrants which, it waa stated, did not
come up to the test required by ordinance
and did not furnish the required fir pro
tection. Accompanying the. list was a rec
ommendation from the committee that no
further rental ib paid. for the, hydrants
by th city until they are put In condition
to furnish the fire protection, required by
th city ordinance.
The city council -concarred in th recom
mendation and Ipatructed . the. city clerk
to notify th viltr work company that
no further rental would b , paid on these
hydrants. Befor voting to concur in th
recommendation of the. committee. Coun
cilman Bellinger .inquired If th hydrants
Included In the Hat had been properly
tested. On assurance from Councilman
Jensen that they had, Mr.. Bellinger voted
with the rest of the councllmen.
The report of th fire and light commit
tee was in pursuance of the following reso
lution adopted by the city council on Janu
ary 11:
Whereas, Rome of the hydranta of the
Council Bluffs Water Works company are
by reason of their location utterly uaeleas
to the city of Council Bluffs and that other
hvdranta.are situated so low aa to require
digging about them when making connec
tions; that aome of aald hydranta are fur
nished with auch insufficient water pres
sure as to be uaeless In case of fire, and
Whereaa, The city of Council Bluffs has
been paying hydrant rental upon the same,
therefore be It . . .
Resolved, That the committee on fire and
llghta be inatructed to report the number
and location of hydrants which are of little
or no use to the city, and be instructed to
report the number of and location of all
hydranta which do not come up to the ne
cessities for furnishing fire protection
within the localities where situated, and
to report the location of such hydrants and
to report the condition of hydrants gener
ally over the city, with a view to their use
by the fire department, and to report the
condition of the sam as to being burled or
out of repair or unsuitable for use for fire
purposes, therefore be it -
Resolved, That the city solictor be in
structed to collect from the Council BluffB
City Water Works company by suit or
otherwise any and all sums which may
havs been overpaid to the said company
for hydrant rentals due to clalma made by
the said company under any former ordl
nancea or by reason of mistake, error or
defective and Inefficient hydrants or which
said sums msy have been wrongfully ex
acted from the city from any cause what
ever. Location of Hydrants.
The thirty-nine fire hydrants as reported
by the committee are located as, follows:
In front rf 876 Lincoln avenue.
Correr of Frank and Elm streets.
Corner Benton street and Hyde avenue.
Corner Vine and First streets.
Corner Vine and Second streets.
Corner Second street and Lswton Terrace.
Corner Second street and Sherman ave
nue. - .....
Corner Oakland and Lafayette avenues.
Corner Oakland avenue and Law ton
Corner Park avenue and Reaervolr.
Park avenue, about 200 feet south of
Pomona street.
High School avenue, between Glen avenue
and Third atreet.
Corner Madison and Stall avenues.
Corner Madison and Kappel avenues.
Corner Graham and Falrmount avenues.
Graham avenue, northeast of Tostevln
street. '
In front of Children's factory on South
Comer of Nineteenth avenue and TosUvln
Corner Twelfth avenue and Twelfth
Corner Eleventh atreet and Avenue J.
Corner Frank atreet and Mornlngalde
Graham avenue, aouth of Flrat atreet.
Franklin avenue, south of Beach atreet. .
Corner Franklin and Perln avenues.
Corner Franklin avenue and Beach street.
Corner Clinton and Damon streets.
Vine street, between Bryant and Second
Corner Tenth avenue and High street.
Corner Thirteenth avenue and High street,
Corner Seventeenth avenue . and High
Milwaukee yards, near Twenty-first
Park avenue, near Keellne's. '
Perln avenue, east of Nicholas street.
Benton street, between Hyde avenue and
Prospect atreet.
Corner Harrison atreet and Fuller avenu.
Wabash roundhouse.
Corner Frank street 'and Washington
Driving park.
There are 28 fire hydrants . In ' th
city, so the elimination of these thirty,
nine would leave 260, which are conceded
to be In good working order and up to
th requirements of the city ordinance
City Officials aa Lobbyists.
Tli mayor, th eight members of the
city council, snd City Treasurer Tru ar
to go. to Des Moines and mak a demojv
atratlot. in favor of the passage of th'
railroad terminal taxation bill which Sen
ator Eaundera expects to introduce Wed
nesday. It waa flrat auggeated by Coun
cilman Younkerman that the mayor and
city treasurer go, but Councilman Morgan
thoughc that the matter was of such Im
portance to th city of Council Bluffs
that th entire council should go and do
what It could to secure the passage of
th bill. City Solicitor Kimball will be
unsbln to accompany th delegation, as he
Is In Minneapolis on legal business.
At the inquest of the Trades and Labor
Assembly, conveyed In a communication to
th city council, a motion to employ union
labor on municipal work so far aa practi
cable, waa passed. The request was that
the city favor union labor on all city work
or work controlled by the city council. It
waa also decided to accept an Invitation
for the council to meet, some evening with
the Trades and Labor assembly at the
latter hall.
The advisability of constructing crossings
st Broadway and Flrat atreet,' la th mid
dle of the block between First and Second
atresia and at the foot of Glen avenu waa
referred to the committee on atreeta and
alleys with power to act. These crossings
were asked for by buainess men on that
part of Broadway.
C. J. Smith waa granted a permit to con
duct saloon .it 418 West Broadway.
Th , Pottawattamie Abstract company
aubmltted a proposition to furnish names
tor special assessmenta at t cents a name.
horses, cattle and
triers IT Tb Clark Morta-ar ra.
jo. p. tTlX" jwst-
The city has been paying at the rate of
10 cents a name. The proposal was re
ferred to the committee of th whole.
The Bosrd of Fir and Police commls
aloners reported that the fre department
waa In urgent need of new hoae and the
matter was referred to th committee on
fir and light.
The council adjourned to this afternoon
when It will meet to esses up some more
brand Jarr Charged to Investigate
tho Coanty Jail.
. In hla charge to the district court grand
Jury which was Impaneled yesterday after
noon' Judge Thornell Inatructed It to In
quire into the conditions of the Jails, and to
report Its findings to the court, that h
might make suitable recommendatlona to
the board of supervisors or other respon
sible body.
'The former grand Jury reported that it
had . found the county Jail In this cty In
an unaatlafactory and unaanitary condition
and that the conditions aa found by It wer
a menace to the health of tha prisoner.
Th attention of th supervisors was called
to the need of radical Improvement In the
county jail by Ed Canning before he re
tired from' the office of sheriff, but up to
date the board has don nothing In th
Delay In train servlc prevented some of
th grand jurors from reaching tha city be
for noon , and It was not until after the
noon recess that th grand Jury was Im
paneled. A. K. Chambers of Hardin town
ship was appointed foreman and the other
members are B. F. Koch of Mlnden, H.
C. Jenkins of Lewis township, O. B. Mc
Bride of Boomer township, H. J. Bchier
brock of Neola, P. H. Moran of Council
Bluffs, and George W. Jensen of Norwalk
Prospects are that there will be sufficient
work to keep the grand Jury busy for the
remainder of the week at least. Since tha
last session of the grand Jury Borne ten
defendanta have been bound over.
Among those bound over to ' await the
action of the grand Jury are Walter Good
win, the "boy burglar" who confessed to
a number of robberies, and Jim Qulnlce,
the Greek cook boss of a railroad section
gang, who Is charged with having acted
as fence for Goodwin. Mike Rappe was
bound over on the charge of forging tha
Indorsement on an expreas money order
belonging to another foreigner. George
Prultt was bound over on tha charge of
aaaault with Intent to kill. It being alleged
that he slaahed hla brother-in-law, Nell
Walters, , with a rasor. Pruitt lives at
Honey Creek.
It now looks as If it will be the middle.
or perhsps the latter part of the week.
Derore the trial of C. A. Wilding, charged
with trying to extort money from Charles
McKeown, a wealthy farmer of Creacent
township, by threatening letters, can he
taken up.
Mrs. Ivy Ooldsberry haa filed an amnriri
and substituted petition in her suit against
Hansen A Nielsen. saloonmen. Hh.
damages sctual and exemplary. In the aum
oi o,uuo ror alleged sales of liquor to her
minor son, Bert Suit, now said to be 16
years of age. The sales are all. o ,..
taken place in 1907 and 190.
Breakdown of High School Heating
riant the Cause.
Tha students at tha hih ..hni
given a houlday yeaterday owing to a
m tn neating plant. When It was
found that It would take th greater part
of the day to repair the break Superlnten
dent Beverldge Issued Instructions that the
pupils be dismissed.
Yesterday waa thn riav kr W k. b.j
- - area, MJ J IIIQ OUifclU
of Education on which atudents of the
Council Bluffs Dublin irh nnl at hrtMuM Jk
continue membership In any secret socie
ties or fraternities tn wMh k. iw. ...
long. Owing to the fact that there waa
no aeasion of the high school classea. noth
ing waa done in the mm., it k. Ji
iimu urrn
intended to have had a meeting In tha
afternoon at which Superintendent Bever
ldge was to have Inform. th. ....j .-
' - w .lUUCIHfl
Just what th action of the board was In
regara to such secret societies and Just
what the meaning of the order waa. This
meeting will be held today.
nuperlntendent Bevei-tit. ..... j
opinion last evening that the whole matter
-nuouoieaiy would b settled amicably,
and h did not believe from what he had
learrd that there was any Intention on
th part of any of the students, boys or
girls, to oppose the re.nlii .v..
- - v. lug OUITQ
of Education. "No drastic measures will
do taxen, said Superintendent Beverldge,
-...:.. i.. is snow of open defiance,
Condition Which I feel r.rt.ln n. .
occur. The boys and girls will .imply take
the order in regard to this question as they
would were It any other matter over which
ie ooara or Education has control."
iner are. It is said, about fifteen mem
bers Of the boy fraternity V-
.tiw.ii ms
Omega Eta Tau, and about the same num
ber of girls who belong to th sorority.
Stolen Tools Identified.
Th preliminary hearing nt rv..
th alleged tool thelf. was continued In police
'mT until this morning. Aa
the -district court grand Jury Is now In
session it Is likely the case will go dl-
revi uo inai Dooy,
Two Informations charalna brukin. . n
entering wer filed yeateiday morning
agalnat Mooney. One Information was
sworn, to by Charles H. Robinson, who
laenimea tools which wer In Mooney's
possession, when arrested. These tools
wer taken from the shed at the comer
of Mynster and Scott streets, where the
new First Christian church la being
erected. Th second information waa
worn to by Charles W. Lee, a son of
W. ' Lee, proprietor of th old Graham
planing mill at Second avenue anrt t,i--
teenlh atreet. Leo Identified some tools
recovered by the nolle from Junk hop,
where Mooney Is alleged to hava anM ih.n
Th tools belonging to lies wore stolen
m m planing mill on th night of
January 18.
Mooney's bond, waa fixed by Judge
enyaer yesterday at 600 In each case.
V. Bf. C. A. Fornaa.
Th weekly sessions of the Young Men's
Christian association forum, which were
discontinued about three months ago, will
b resumed this avonlng. As before these
Informal gatherings will be held at the
association headquarters, la South Main
Toung Man's Christian association build
ings will be th basis of th program for
thla evening and Secretary Curtis has se
cured Btereoptlcon picture of about forty
association buildings, which will be used
to' Illustrate thla feature of th evening's
entertainment. Thar will be several musi
cal numbers, both vocal amd Instrumental,
and all young men ar corilally invited to
attand. -
f avrrlBsr Ltoosiaca.
IxniMi to wad war Uiuid yesterday to
th following: v
Nam and Reatdne. Age
EXbvr A. Oarula. Undrwoo4. Ia........... a
Urac E. Cason, Naola, la 23
Harry H. Millar. Ddmrrln, In JO
Annl Uaiakett. Bllvar City. Ta 13
Michael B. Cutaon. Council Bluffa XI
Marart A. Maakck Council BUtU S)
All Are Important and Each Was
Passed by Unanimous Vote.
House Member Not to Be rernaltted
to Pot Their Feet on Their
Desks While Dictating to
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Feb. 2.-Speclal.)-The
senate made a good start for the week by
promptly paasing four bills on the calen
dar, and among them two of very great
Importance. Yet every one of the bills
waa passed by a unanimous vote of the
senate. The most Important was the bill
to give specific duties to the county at
torneys with regard t6 the enforcement of
all lawa of the state. This Is a bill by
Senator Cosson as a supplement to the bill
he had paased laat week with regard to
giving additional dutlea to sheriffs. It re
quires the county attorneys to prosecute
all offenders, and it open the way for the
removal of such officers If they yield to
local sentiment and refuse to prosecute,
The Dowell bill to require th payment by
banks In which county funds are depos
lted of 1 per cent interest and forbidding
the county treasurer from recelvelng any
benefit therefrom, was passed. This Is a
departure from the custom which haa given
to the county treasurer th benefit of this
The senate also passed tha Francis bill
to require the placing of lights on steam
and sail boats in Iowa waters, and the bill
to legalise the act of the town of Anamosa
with regard to waterworks.
Protect th Committee Clerks.
In the house Mr. Allred Introduced a
resolution to forbid members from having
their feet on the desks while dictating to
stenographers, and compelling them to re
move their cigars. It also requires the
members to go to the cloak rooms for
smoking. The resolution went over.
A resolution In th house by Stillman
would provide a special committee of seven
to draft amendments to the drainage laws
to conform to the new amendment to the
A resolution by Dewev would lesaen .the
number of bills with a publication clause.
For State-Wide Prohibition.
Senator Whipple prcaented a petition
from inmates of the State Institution for
Inebriates at Knoxvllle, asking for the sub
mission to the voters of a constitutional
amendment for total prohibition of the
liquor traffic. He also presented a num
ber of other similar petitions from persona
not In the Inebriate hospital.
The house passed a bill giving $60 for
the burial of a aoldler and a bill exempting
dentists from Jury service. 1
Want Report of Elections.
In the house White of Story Introduced
a bill to require that judges of election
shall telephone to the county official
newspapers the results of the election.
Other bills:
Wilson, to establish an antitoxin labora
tory at Ames.
Smith of Wright, to punish for disturb
ances in stations.
White, to require advertising for bridge
Qulgley. to permit counties to emulov de
Smith of Mitchell, to describe and lecalize
billa of lading. i. si-
Jarrabce. to revise th law aa to motor
vehicle numbers.
Hunter, raising the age for commitment
to the reform schools to 18.
Receiver for Meek Brother.
Meeks Brothers, manufacturers and mill
men of Bonaparte, la., have been forced
into involuntary bankruptcy in the federal
court. They ar one of the blggeat and
best known companlea in Iowa.
The bankruptcy action was started In
the eastern division of the federal court
and became known here thla morning
when C. L. Powell and J. J. Johnscn were
appointed receivers. Meek Brothers mak
woolen goods on a heavy scale and theli
goods are known all over the United States.
They came before the public when at
tempta were made to remove th Bonaparte
Railroad Holds Election.
IOWA FALLS. Feb. J.-(8peclal.) The
new financial Interests that lecently came
Into control of the St. Paul A. Dea Moines
Railway company, manifested itself In the
annual election of officers held In this city,
and as a result there are several new faces
on the board of directors and the new offi
cial personnel of the company. F. W. Es
tabrook of Boston Is the new president of
the company, F. C. McMillan ot Des Moines
Is secretary, William Welden, treasurer;
Being a Little IMaseH-Uon on the
Pioneer Bald-Head.
STsbraska Is la tha Thick of a atorsmsnt
inai is Msstorlnr to Fraanatarolj
Oraj Bssdsd tha Color of Toath.
Juat when tha flrat bald-headed man
traveled over the pike la an svent not
chronicled tn the world's history. Bald
ness with some people Is hereditary.
There Is no more chance of putting a new
crop of hair on bald heada of that sort
than there is to grow rosea In a gravel
Dr. Nott. however, with his Q-ban Hair
Restorer, has made it possible for thou
aands of bald-headed men to stop the
loss of the hair that remalna and to re
store to thousands of others, hair that
wis loat through seborrheal ecsema. The
record of hair crops to the credit of this
Q-ban Hair Restorer Is phenomenal. Thla
Is really a wonderful preparation. It Is
not a hair dye, but It acts aa If It was
dipped from the Fountain of Youth. Old,
faded, gray hair ta restored to th nat
ur.ij color of earlier daya.
This la no empty claim. It Is backed
up by a guarantee as good as money In
tha bank. If three bottles of Dr. Nott's
Q-ban Hair Restorer uaed as directed
do not restore color to hair so treated,
druggists of whom you bought the
magical preparation will give you back
very cent you paid for it. One bottle
can be had free.
These druggists are not philantroplsts.
They are fortified In this offer by the
great Tennessee house of Hesslg-Ellls
Drug Co., of Memphln, who control all the
valuable formulas of Dr. Nott, whoa tri
umphs In medieal science ar part of the
story of th South.
Dr. Nott's Q-ban Hair Restorer will not
enly restore natural color to hair, but is
guaranteed to snabU you to keep th hair
you hav and provide you with a lovely,
luxuriant, silken head of hair.
It is a delightful hair dressing a most
valued addition to anybody's toilet
wemaa or man and can be had on your-money-back
plan at Th Myera-DlUon
Drug Co. drug store.
For sal at all drucclat.
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Will contain the following valuable contributions to hiatoryi
Full page illustrations, made of
half tone reproductions from Ida M.
Tarbell's rich collection of Lincoln pic
tures, caricatures of him made during
the war, illustrations of his earlier life,
his home, etc.
Special articles as. follows:
Senator Cullom on "Lincoln and
Congress. "
Booker T. "Washington on "An
Ex-Slave's View of Lincoln."
Alex del Mar on "The Inside His
tory of War Time Finances."
Clark Howell on "A Southerner's
View of Jeff Davis."
" Horace "White on "The Critical
Period in the Republican Party."
Alex del Mar on "Andrew John
son Justified."
Several other important articles,
one by Admiral Dewey on "Lincoln
and the Navy," and one by Elihu Root
on "Lincoln as an Executive," are ex
pected to be used in this number. -
Order it NOW from your Newsdealer or address:
The Omaha Bee Omaha. Nebraska
3. H. Funk, counsel; W. J. Souder, super
intendent. The new board of directors in
cludes the names of Messrs Estabrook and
McMillan and O. A. Fernald of Boston, W.
A. Bradford and C. H. Starr of Chicago.
Animals Break from Faatare and
. Frees Death la Creek Bottom.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. Feb. 2. tSpeclal
Telegram.) Forty fat steers of the valuu
of $2,000, belonging to Jamea McManus.
near Stanton, la., perished In Friday's
billiard. The steers broke out of the pas
ture and drifted with the storm. Twenty
six were found dead In one place In a
creek bed where the animals were drowned
or froien.
Deatk Dae t Morpklne.
IOWA FALLS, la., Feb. 2.-(Special.-Judge
H. K. Martin, acting aa coroner,
impaneled a Jury, Saturday, to Investigate
the cauae of the death of Jamea Cogswell.
At the Inqueat It waa developed that Thurs
day afternoon Mr. Cogawell had taken a
dose of sixty gralna of morphine with sui
cidal Intent. Mr. Cogswell was a man
about alxty years of age and It la auppoaed
that he had become discouraged over do
mestic and flnsncial troubles. He is sur
vlvled by his wife, a son, snd a daughter.
The funeral will be held thla afternoon and
interment will take place In Union ceme
tery. Bar's Trlbat to Healy.
FORT DODGEX Feb. 2. (Special Tele
gramsJudge R. M. Wright of the dis
trict court has announced Saturday after,
noon at 2 o'clock aa tha hour aet aside fcr
commemoration services for Thames D.
Healy, tha bar association and public being
Invited to attend. Speechea will be made
by prominent attorneys and resolution of
condolence by th bar association read.
Many out-of-town people ar expected.
Aaareaa by Praf. B. A. Stlner.
PITT8BURQ, Feb. t With denomina
tional ralllea in a dosen different churches
th Pittsburg meeting of th National
Horn Missionary movement cloaed tonight.
Among the speakers were Professor E. A.
Stlner, Iowa college, "The Ministry and
the Immigrant." Rev. Ward Piatt, sec
retary ot th Methodist Episcopal mission
work In th wet, "Th Frontier."
Soma Issw la lawa.
BOONE, la.. Feb. (Special.) East
of Boone, near Story City, th billiard of
Friday ao drifted the snow that It has
burled th Unas of th Boon County
Telephone company, also piling over
twenty-five foot poles, covering the wires
and cross-arma. Th hug drifts look
like mountains.
Tot Stores Damaged at Fart Dodge
FT. DODGE, la., Feb. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Fire, probably from short-circuited
wires, did S&.000 damage In th D. M. Wood
en! candy factory and J. C. Waldburger'a
drug store, located In th buildings of L
Garmo and estate flundsy night.
law News Hate.
BEDFORD Bedford has decided to
pave a number of lis principal atreeta
the coming year.
ESTHERVILLE Ttie farmers' institute
closed a very successful session here laat
week. A larg number wer la attandanc
all three daya. W. P. Morrison of College
Springs, Judge Quartos of AJgona. Stat
ON FEBRUARY 12, 1909, will be olv
served the One Hundredth Annivcr
sary of the birth of the Great Emancipator
and Civil War President All over the land
the most elaborate preparations for properly
commemorating this event are being made.
While every publication of note is giving up
much space to articles concerning Lincoln,
The Omaha Bee, in conjunction with the
Chicago Tribune, will print on Sunday,
February 7th, the most complete and artistic
Lincoln Section of any paper in the West
Dairy Commissioner B. C. Ilif and Prof.
G. R. Bliss of Ames were on the program.
BOONE Robert Benson, a fireman, waa
seriously hurt on the Northwestern railway
Saturday morning, somewhere on the West
Iowa division. While looking out of the
cab window he waa atruck on the head
and ahoulder by a mall crane. He waa
rendered unconacloils snd wiien taken to
the hospital in this city was in a daxed
FORT DODGE The Haskell Indians were
defeated In Fort Dodge by the crack Com
pany O team. In the beat game ever wlt
neaaed In this city, the acore being ib to S2.
At no time was there a difference of more
than six points in the score and that num
ber waa reached only for a few minutes
In the first half, the difference being In
favor of Company G.
IOWA FALU3 Rev. H. A. Noyes. pastor
of the Preabyterlen church at Dows, ten
dered his resignation at the morning ser
vice yesterdsy. This step is said to have
been taken by Rev. Mr. Noyea on account
of hla poor health. He owns a tract of
land at Warren, Minn., and hopes to Im
prove It this summer, snd at the same time
better his health by outdoor exercise.
IOWA FALLS To the Boards of Super
visors of Hardin, Franklin and Wright
countiea will be piesented petitions asking
for the establishment of one of the biggest
drainage ditch propositions ever contem
plated In thla part of the state. It la
proposed to drsln thirty-seven square miles
or lano, inciuaing Tour sections In Wright
county, five sections In Franklin nnd
twenty-eight sections In this county.
LAMONI A cablegram has Juat been
received here of the death of Mra. Carrte
Judd Brigga. in the Philippine Island
last Sunday. She was the daughter of
Newton .ludd, a wealthy rapltallnt of
Garden Grove, and the wife of Prof.
Ooorge N. Brlggs. a former principal of
me wmoni aciiooia. Mrs. tirlgga sisp
taught In the schools of Lamnnl and other
southwestern Iowa towns before going to
me isiannn. snout aix yeara ago, to teach
In tho government schools.
CHARITON By a ruling of Judge
Eichelberger In the Lucas county district
court, where Mrs. E. R. Crocker, wife of
the lata caahier of the defunct Flrat Na
tional Bank of Chariton, brought suit to
hold aa her share of her husband's eatste
the homeetead property, and a third of the
remaining property. It wai decided that
aha was only entitled to a third of the
eetat and that such third must come
The Greatest Comfort Known
to Wearers of Glasses ?
Vn by thous
ands and pro
nounced by all
ExSed LEFFERT,SConsiTec,,Ion
Br. J. W. TE1RY, Hfjr. Optical Dept.
409 Drcsdway
Some local illustrations, made up
of portraits of people who came in con
tact with Lincoln during his lifetime
and who can relate some interesting
stories of their experience with him.
These will be half tones from present
day photographs. '
General Grenville M. Dodge, tells
his story of Lincoln and the Union
H. H. Fields of Council Bluffs tells
of the visit of Lincoln to that city in
David Doran of Beatrice, who was
in Ford's Theater when Lincoln was
shot tells his story of the event.
J. W. Nichols of Omaha, who was
one of Lincoln's personal body guards,
gives an interesting interview.
How the city of Lincoln came to
be so named is well told by Mr. Albert
Watkins of Lincoln.
Many other equally Interesting and im
portant local stories of Lincoln will be pub
lished. . :
out of the homestead. If th value of
the homestead should amount to mora
than a third of the estate, the homestead
will have tn be sold and the widow re
ceive an amount equal to a third of the
C. R Kluger, th Jeweler, 100 Virginia
avenue, Indianapolis. Ind., writes: "I was
ao weak from kidney trouble that I could
hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles
of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my
complexion, cured my backache and th
Irregularities disappeared, and I can now '
attend to business every day, and recom
mend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all suf
ferers, as it cured me after th doctors
and other remedies had failed." Sold by
all druggists.
The Model's Secret
The Cloak Models' Association haa raised
their calling to th status of a fin art.
Th development and retention of a per
fect figure la made the study of their Uvea.
As a result they receive high salaries and,
of courae, live correapohdlngly well.
But good living and a perfect figure ar
seldom contemporaneous In the same lady.
They are so only when that lady Is willing
to pay for her good times by most stren
uous and persistent physical effort to keep
har fat down. Ho the premier models,
aome of whom are middle aged, have had.
to fight a good fight hitherto.
Hitherto is used advisedly, for now th
struggle is less keen. Instead of dieting
and exercise be Ink their reliance, the fol
lowing mixture Is asked to do th work
of keeping these ladles professionally fit:
One-half ounce Mannola, V ounce Fluid
Extract Caacara Aromatic, and 1 ounces
of Peppermint Water. j
This Is taken a teaspooaful after meals
and at bedtime, and reporta Indicate It
does not violate th truat put In It. Those,
with a tendency to fatten, up keep their
figures stationary by Its means, whll
many finding themselves overfat have loat
aa much as a pound a day by its use.
Pitted only by
our thoroughly
Reliable and Ex.
pert Opticians
Council DliilaS. lova