Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Hae Boot Print It.
fionglee Printing Co. Bntli' phones.
mouse tt Smokes, J 8. llth.
Bndolph T. wobod, raello Aecountaat.
Klnehart, photographer, 1 8th ft Farnam.
etot, removed to 1 at Howard.
OIotm Cleaned, Thnst. Kllpatrlcks glove
Sqnltabl tlfe folloles, sight draft at
maturity. H. O. Neily. manager, Omaha.
T. O. Htait at the American Safe De
posit vaults In the Baa building aalla
bonda paying 4 to t pr rent. They ran
txi cashed anytima and you hold your
wit aacurity.
Button Permits Wo JTew Trial Judge
Button has overruled a motion for a new
trial In the case wherein Martha M. John
eon recovered It verdict for $2.70 against
the Model Steam laundry on account of a
crushed hand.
oha Bltnlk Buried at Waatoa The body
of John Zltolk, the Union Pacific
track walker, who was killed In the yards
Saturday, was taken to Weston, Tuesday
noon for Interment. Tha family formerly
lived there and now resides at 1C7 South
fourteenth street,
ays She Didn't Make Blm Wad Bar
. Eleanor Griffin Krafft, In an answer filed
In district court, denies that any force or
threat u used to compel Henry Krafft
to marry her, as alleged by him In a peti
tion for divorce now on tha record. 8ha
therefore pray a that his petition be dis
missed. Bond Are Bejected Frank Sampson,
John Reeves, A Myers and Jake lAeh, who
gava the name of John Smith, who were
fined In police court last Wednesday on
the charge of being Inmatea nf a disorderly
house, filed appeal bonds In police court
Tuesday morning. Only one, that of
Reeves, waa accepted, the other being re
fused on account of the fact that the bonds-
men were not known. The men were ar
rested at the Murray hotel when caught In
an alleged poker game.
Satisfies Cariosity aa to Revolver aad
Now Searches for Shot
lat Leg.
Sam Melchar, a lS-year-old boy living at
Fourth and Center streets, has satisfied
his curiosity aa to firearms. The thing
he Is Interested In now Is the location of
the 44-callbre revolver bullet that entered
the fleshy part of his right hip Tuesday
morning while ha and Claude Shaylor, 12
years of age, were examining young
Shaylor' brother' revolver.
Melchar Is now at the General hospital
and hi condition la not considered aerlous,
the bullet having lodged somewhere In the
flesh after having coursed through the
right hip. The police patrol removed the
lad to the hospital, where he was attended
by Police Surgeon Barbour. It 1 thought
he will not suffer greatly from the accl
The Shaylor boy lives at 1906 South
Fourth street. He says he and his com
rade knew the gun was loaded, but wanted
to see how It worked. The weapon was
In his hands when It went off.
"If Any One
ver had that tired faellng I had It.
" My health and strength were all
run-down, and I waa ae tired that
tt waa not mere physical weakness
but a prostration of the whole
" I was tired of life and thought I
was a burden to those about me.
"I suffered often from rheumatism
so that I had to walk with a cane,
and was also very dizzy at times.
"My attention was called to Hood's
Harsarmrilla by a kind friend, so I
got ft bottle, and before I taken It alt
1 knew It was dome me food. So I
continued and soon felt so much bet
ter I seemed an entirely different
."When I commenced taking the
medicine I weighed 134 fjounds. Now
I weigh 174 and I owe my present
good faith to Hood's Sarnaparllla."
fontaine, Kansas'
Hood's Rarsaparltla effects Its won
derful cures, not simply because It con
tains sarsaparllla but because It com
bines the utmost remedial values of
mor- than 20 different Ingredlente, each
greatly strengthened and enriched by
this peculiar combination. These Ingre
dient are the very remedies that suc
cessful physicians prescribe for the
name diseases and ailments. There la
no real substitute for Hood's Sarsapa
rllla If urged to buy any preparation
said to be ''Just aa good" you may be
sure It Is Inferior, costs less to make,
and yields the dealer a larger profit.
0t Hood's Sr.nrlll tod. In luusl Haul
or Ublsls called Saraaisbs. 100 doses I.
Public Spirited Cititens Endorse Plans
for Seat of Learning.
Three Haadred Thoaaaad Pollers la
Sight If This City Will Raise
Two Haadred Thoaaaad
aa a Starter.
President Tfwasball Quits, bat Hold
regie Says Wo Other Changes
Will Bo Made.
George W. Holdrege, general manager of
the Burlington, haa returned from a trip
over the lines of the Colorado &. Southern
railroad, which he took In company with
George A. Harris, president of the Bur
lington, and Vice Presidents Wlllard and
Miller and with the officers of the Colo
rado & Southern.
"The plan la to continue the Denver of
ficers of the new road Just as they are
and to keep the c f flcea in Denver as they
are," said Mr, Holdrega. "I took the trip
with the officers as a sort of a vacation
and also In consulting capacity. The work
seems to be In good hands snd It was de
cided to make no change."
Tresident Trumbull of the Colorado &'
Southern,, who Uvea In New York, will re
algn at a meeting of the directors which Is
soon to be held.
Mr. Harris Is to be president of the new
line as well as the Burlington.
Make Increase for January of Nearly
Two million Bushels.
Shipments Oat of Omaha Alao Are
Mark Heavier Than la the
Same Month for Last
Grain receipts on the Omaha market for
the months of January just passed were
4,277,700 bushels an Increase of 1,730.300
bushels over the receipts of the same month
last year when 2,647,400bushels arrived on
the Omaha market during the month.
The principal Increase Is shown In the
receipts of corn, though 200,000 more
bushels of wheat were sold here. Oats
broke even.
Shipments were much heavier, the els
valors having vast amounts of wheat In
storage unloaded a large amount during
January and while the receipts of wheat
were 1,022,400 bushels, 3.649,000 bushels were
sold and shipped out of Omaha, Corn ship
ments were so much smaller than the re
ceipts that the report of the grain exchange
for the month indicated that much corn
had been stored.
For the first time In many months, the
barley shipments were heavier than the
receipts. The consumption of barley by the
Industries of Omaha has kept the ship
ments low.
The following shows the receipts of grain
during January, 1H08, aa compared with the
receipts for the same month of 1908:
To Yellow Peril.
Jaundice malaria biliousness. vanishes
when Dr. King'a New Ufa Pills are taken.
Guaranteed. 28c. For sale by Beaton Drug
Wheat 1,0.'1!,400
Corn C. 2,2S3,900
Oats , 4i400
Rye 26.000
Barley SS.0UO
The following is a comparison
shipments for the same months:
Wheat 0,640.000
Corn .. 83,000
Oats 1,51,000
Rye 18.0DO
Barley 54,000
of the
Hoarse ceughs and atuffy colds that may
develop into pneumonia over night are
quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar,
and It aoothea Inflamed membranes, heals
tha lungs, and expels the cold from the sys
tem. Sold by all druggists.
Cleaning; Slalas on tilaaa.
Badly atained decantera and flower vases
may be cleansed with a little diluted hydro
chlorio acid. After using the acid be aura
to rinse very thoroughly with clear water.
Better, Busier
In The Bcs
-That's what ad
does for your
Our February
Clearing Sale
Is Now in Full Force
Offered at Discounts Ranging From
The throngs of eager customers that visited our store
yesterday is good evidence that they appreciated the great
values this sale offers.
Throughout the entire store we are pursuing the same
methods we employed during our February sale of last year,
and are offering liberal discounts on entire lines. In all
cases the original price tickets remain on each article, and
the clearance price is marked on RED TICKETS, enabling
you to see exactly the amount you are saving.
' ' This stock represents One Hundred Thousand Dollars
worth of HOUSE FURNISHINGS, and every article is of
fered at a liberal discount.
Purchase now the goods you will need for spring, which
is only a few weeks off. Goods can be held for future deliv.
ery if desired and no charge for storage will be made.
Miller, Stewart
& Beaton
Resolved. Thst this company of represea
tstlve cltisens of Omaha cordially endorses
the project of establishing In our city a
university for the promotion ofound learn
ing and training under such
Christian auspices, as shall be free rrom
,iitiri rAtiirni while, at the same
time, conducing to the highest and moat
useful tvne o f oltlsenshlD. and that we
hereby tender the project our encourage
ment and sunoort.
This resolution was unanimously aaopiea
by a rising vote at the close of a banquet
at the Rome hotel Monday night at which
tha orolect of a new university for Omaha
was discussed by the leading cltisens oi
the city. About seventy of the most promt
nent men of Omaha gathered to hear ei
the project and to learn of what had been
done looking toward the establishment of
the university, which Involves the moving
of Bellevue college to Omaha.
That considerable rjroat ess toward the
establishment of this university has already
been made developed from statements made
bv Dr. H. H. Maynard. financial scrs-
tar'y of Bellevue college, and by Dr. D. E.
Jenkins of the Omaha Theological seminary.
These gentlemen made the statement that
1300.000 will be given to the unlverelty from
the general educational fund of 143,0(10,000
given by J. D. Rockefeller, provided Omaha
would give 1200.000. It was also stated that
$28,000 of thla money had already been
given, $6,000 of it having been given by one
donor who was present, but whose name
waa not given.
General C. F. Manderson was toast
master and enlivened the meeting Dy
several byplays. At the close he told of
the good such a university could do to the
city and bewailed the antics of city or
ficlala, high in office, who delighted to sot
in a most undignified manner.
Where the Trees Stanas.
Another Interesting episode was called
forth when General Manderson called upon
Victor Rosewater to state what the atti.
tude of the Omaha press would be toward
supporting the new university. Mr. Rose
water replied that The Bee always stood
ready to support any proposition which
was for the good of Omaha but aald h
could not speak for the press of the other
side, which had opposed the acceptance
of Rockefeller's tainted money for the Uni
versity of Nebraska. He suggested that
as a representative of the World-Herald
was present he might be permitted to
state what the attitude of his paper would
be in this case.
General Manderson then called upon W.
R. Wataon, managing editor of the World
Herald, for his views. Mr. Watson side
stepped from the former position of his
paper that it was not right for an educa
tional inatltutton to accept tainted money
by stating that the World-Herald would
not take a back seat for any one but
would stand up tor anything that waa for
the good of Omaha.
"All big things of Omaha have had a
small beginning," said General Manderson.
"It was so with the Transmlasisslppl ex
position, suggested by E. Rosewater. Live,
vigorous men carried It forward to a great
success and Omaha owes all these men a
debt of" gratitude. Success has come to
most things Omaha has undertaken. Tou
are embarking in an enterprise of great
Importance to Omaha but when the citizen
ship of Omaha puts Its shoulder o the
wheel' It Is sure to succeed."
Judge Howard Kennedy told of the his
tory of Bellevue college from its founda
tion to the present time and told of the
greater advanluges of such a college if it
was located In Omaha.
Great Field la Omaha.
Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, pastor of tha
First Presbyterian church, told of the needs
of Omaha for just such a university as is
planned. "We should look forward to the
days that are to come," said Dr. Jenka.
"We are proud of our atate university, but
we wsnt to form ours on a little different
plan. A university helps to complete the
fabric of a great city. This Is not to be
a Fresbyterlan university we have one
now-but we want a university on broad
"I know of no place in the country where
there Is an open field for a great educa
tional institution like Omaha," said Dr. H.
H. Maynard, who Is in close touch with
those who are giving Urge sums to educa
tion. "Can it be done? That Is the ques
tion, and I turn that question right back
to you gentlemen. Societies have advertised
it to the world that they are tn the field
to help Institutions of this kind. The board
now has $43,000,000 and I understand there
is more to come. The income of this money
Is to be given to Institutions which will
meef the conditions, which vsry as the
board thinks fit. When that board takss
hold of an Institution it sticks by It.
Andrew Carnegie has also gens Into the
college business as he expressea It. if the
conditions are right the money will be
given to you. It all depends on Omaha.
We want $300,000 from Omaha and we will
engage to put up $300,000. That will not
make a university, but It is tha first sten.
That will give us a campus and a liberal
arts building and considerable ever for a
neat egg. I think I know of three people
who will give a building apiece."
H. H. Baldrlge spoke of the elvie side of
the project snd gava It as his opinion that
ma great universities should be In the
centers of population.
Edacater'a Vlewaolat.
Dr. W. M, Davidson, superintendent ef
the public schools, told cf the relation of
the secondary schools to a university. He
told of the advantages of having different
centers of edeucatlon and aald that 40
per cent of the attendance at Harvard
came within a radius of 100 miles of Bos
ton snd that the same waa nearly true
of IJncoln. Mr. Davidson advocated the
establishment at the start of a school of
applied aciences, saying that technical
schools are coming to the fore most rap.
idly in this country -and that thla was
Omaha's opportunity. He said that anf
U per cent of the graduates of the high
scnooi at umana went to colleges or unl.
versltles. but with tha establishment of
university in Omaha that could be raised
to SO per cent lu ten years.
Dr. T. J. Mackay of All Saints' church
said that the churches were not meeting
nw uquirtratnn or giving boys and airla
a Christian education nor does the Sunday
scnooi meet me issue. He said the most
prominent ruins of ancient cities were
their amphitheaters and coliseums and said
ne nopca tnat, Omaha might become rather
noted for Its schools and hospitals.
The university is no longer a place for
leisure education," said Dr. Jenkins, "and
the universities of today are being planted
near the smokestacks. The city furnishes
the problems of today, both bf civilisation
and religion."
J. A. Munroa. freight traffle manager of
the Union Paclfie, said ha thought the time
waa ripe for the establishing of a univer
sity at Omaha, He said that Omaha was
now ready to handle auch a proposition aut
that as the west was growing (est it
well lor Omaha to step la ( uU time aad
make a reputation as a neat of learning j
before otner western cities were ready to
take up the task.
Others who spoke were Henry W. Tstes,
President Stookey of Bellevue, C. C.
George, W. T. Graham and Very Rev,
George A. Beet her, dean of Trinity cathe
Each guest was given n printed plan of
the new campus and the proposed build
ings. The grounds include the old Redlck
homesteal, the present residence of O. C.
Redlck, to be used ss the music and art
building. The grounds extend from Twenty-first
to TWenty-flfth streets and from
Ftnckney to Pratt street.
Following are those who attended the
O. F. Bidwell. John R. Webster.
Dr. J. P. lrd. Rev. J Scott Hyde.
Dr. R. B. A. Mc Bride, r. g, Wilcox.
Harry Lawrle. Dr. W. M. Davidson.
Dr. W. S. Olbba. t C. Harding.
Dr. W. O. Henry. , John U McCague.
W. T. Graham. Dr. D. C. Bryant.
C. F. Harrison. Dr. J. H. Vance.
Dr. U O. Balrd. O. C. George.
Judge W. A. Redlck. 0. E. Bruce.
H. A. uooriy. itaymona weisn.
Rev. Fred. T. Rouee O. C. Redlck.
H. H. Baldrlge. Victor Rosewater.
David Cole. , George A. Joselyn.
Ward M. Burgess. waiter H. Jardlne.
W. A. Glass.
J. A. Sunderland.
Wardon Bergers.
Byron F. Hastings.
John F. Flack.
Paul Kuhns.
J. A. Munroe.
Rev. D. E. Jenkins.
D. t. Patterson.
W. R. Watson.
Ijuther Drake.
N. P. Dodge, jr.
W. H. Buckols.
R. J. Dinning.
Rev. A. W. Clark.
Joseph Barker.
O. A. Maxwell
Kara Millard.
Rev. E. R. Curry.
H. H. Maynard.
Henry W. Yates.
Judge H. Kennedy.
Gen. C. F. Manderson
Rev. G. A. Beecher.
Rev. T. J. Mackay.
Rev. E. Hart Jenks.
Rev. W. S. Fulton.
C. I.ladsay Gets
Taroaga for Falat
Cares. People will faint In school and it can
not be helped, but they will not be allowed
to remain In a comatose state if the
Board of Education.
Under resolution of Member James C.
Lindsay, adopted by the board last night,
the secretary will lay in a full supply of
smelling salts, ammonia and other restor
atives for the high and various graded
schools to have In readiness should any
child In the school or visitor be overcome.
A small supply of smelling salts at the
high school has been exhausted, but under
the resolution this will be replenished at
"Children in the schools do not often
faint away, but visitors often lose their
senses," said Member Lindsay in explain
ing his resolution. "I mean no criticism of
the schools, but I deem it advisable to
have restoratives always on hand in case
of an emergency."
The secretary waa allowed to use his
judgment as to quantity necessary in
buying the drugs.
City Treasurer Furay notified the board
that by reason of cancelling real and
personal taxes sggregatlng $1,574. 62, by
action of the city council, the income for
the board will be reduced $360.13. With
this decrease In funds the report of the
finance committee showed an Increase in
expenditures for January, 1909, over Janu
ary, 190$, of $560. The expenditures for
the month lust closed were I47.S71.83. and
for January, 1$0$, they were $47,021.90. I
This ahowing led John U McCague, chair
man of the finance committee, to advise
the board to "go alow" In Incurring new
liabilities as It haa about reached the
maximum in teachers' salaries. These
salaries have Increased about $50,000 tn
the last three years, and the' increase this
year will be $10,000 more, he said.
The board decided to buy desks and
chairs for several schools. Desks for
the principals In Lothrop, Franklin and schools were ordered, as well as
seven teachers' desks In the Lothrop
school, ten teachers- desks In the Frank
lin achool, five teachers' desks In the
Farnam school, and to teacher's desk
in the Dupont school, , Three dor en chairs
for the Lothrop school and ons dozen
chairs for the Franklin school were or
Miss Blanche Murphy, teacher in the
schoola sent in her resignation, which
waa accepted.
Board of Fire aad Police Commlsaloa
crs Paaaes oi Debated
Permits to sell liquor were granted to
twenty-eight druggists Monday evening by
the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
sitting as an excise board. These druggists
are all Incorporated and a question had
arisen at a prevloua meeting as to whether
the law of the state really permitted cor
porations to engage In the sale of liquor
at retail even for medicinal purposes. Pre
vious to this action Attorney Abbot, repre
senting tha Sherman-McConnell comptin-.,
had addressed the board at length, arguing
thai the recent , decision of the supreme
court in regard to the Hastings Brewery
company did pot bear on the given case.
The granting of psrmlta to the E. E.
Bruce Company and the Richardson Drug
company was opposed by Commissioner
Brandeis, who was outvoted, all the others
caating ballots for permits.
Aside from some unimportant routine mat
ters, other action of the evening was the
appointment of Thomas Ring and William
Bhoup to the detective force. A letter and
check for $60 from Mrs. E. W. Nash were
received, .the money being aent the relief
fund in recognition of the prompt work of
the fire department at the Nash home re
cently. The resignation of Captain Olson from the
fire department was accepted and applica
tions for the place pat on file.
The board adjpurned to meet In special
session Thursday night, when the renewal
of license for the saloons of J. E. Wyant
St 612 South Sixteenth street and Wlemer's
(The Chesapeake) will be considered. There
is a protest In each case.
Coaaes Oat Seeoad Best, as Baaay
Saralas His Thanh la the
William Haffke of the Byron Reed com
pany la carrying his thumb In a allng from
a sprsin he received la a wrestling match
with a cottontail Sunday. With six 'pm
rades be was shooting rabbits, which were
so plentiful that the seven shooters cab
baged seventy-two for their day's work.
The rabbits were so easy to find that the
hunters made it a point only to shoot the
rabblta In the head, ao that the bodies
would not be mutilated. One rabbit came
so close to Haafke that be seised It In his
hands Instead of shooting and la the "res
ale" which followed Haafke came out of
the melee wtlh a sprained- thumb.
Ioataro Aaoaaoosaeats.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn will address the
literature department of the Woman's club,
Wednesday morning, at 10:4 o'clock. In tha
east parlor of the First Congregational
church, his subject to be "The Ghetto."
All dub members ana their friends are
Under the auspices of the club's musical
department, the well known American
composer Keidlinger, will give an Illustrated
lecture ' in the Congregational church,
Thursday evening, February II.
James Hyelop of the American Society of
Psychical Research, will giv two lectures,
this evening and Wednesday evening, in
the Congregational church, under the aus
pices pf the psychology department of the
till. II-I I I HI I I H III. . Hill Ml.., .17.,,, Ill -I III- II I j
! -
When the Children come
from school give them
You will appease the hunger of the
little folks with a wholesome, nutritious
Smother these dainty crackers with jam '
or butter or even plain they are good.jt
Serve them to your folks, at any meal.
Have a package always handy in the pan
try so you will never be without them. .
Takoma Biscuit arc from a $1,000,000
bakery the finest bakery in the West.
All the baking rooms are on the top
floor, flooded with pure air and sunshine.
The ovens are all white tile.
That's why Takoma Biscuit arc so
pure, so dainty, so crisp.
With all this extra care and expense
to improve their quality they cost you
no more than common soda crackers.
You can get them at your grocers in
triple-sealed, moisture-proof packages
two sizes 5 and 10c.
I iflA Ills 3 o!di?''!ff.".6
William Jennin
buys a ranch
He has purchased (gOjhcres of irrigated land near Mis
sion, Hidalgo County, Texas, on which he will at once
plant orange, fig, olive, pecan, almond trees, etc., and
if they "do as well as he expects" he will build a home
and spend a portion!of.his winters there.
Mr. Bryan has long contemplated improving a place
in the South, and it is not surprising that his selection
should be made in the heart of the Gulf Coast Coun
try, whose climate is almost ideal and whose soil is
so wonderfully productive that returns oi $10,000
from Zi) acres of onions such as that made by
Mr. Geoi Hoffman of Kingsville, Texas are
of common occurrence.
Mr. Hoffman's experience was duplicated by many other
growers in the Gulf Coast Country. That was two or
three years ago. I he change which has been wrought
in the Gulf Coast Country in the short time since
then is marvelous.
Prosperous towns and cities have sprung up irriga
tion has been systematized and extended methods
of marketing have been improved. Now large
areas of the Gulf Coast Country are dotted with
small farms, the owners of which are making for
tunes every year. '
On a small tract of land in the Gulf Coast Country
you should be able to make a good living and lay
sway .snug sum each year. Experience is not
necessary A It is simply making garden " on a
larger scale. v,.-.,.
Investigate this proposition while the land is within
your reach. Next year it will cost more.
A trip of investigation will be inexpensive. Twice
each month you can buy round-trip tickets via the
Rock Island-Frisco-C. & E. I. Lines to any point in the
. Gulf Coast Country at the following very low fares t
Chicago $50.00 Kansas City S2S.00 St. Paul tIS.SO
t. Louis 14.00 Fsorla. $0.00 Minneapolis 11 e
These tickets will be good 25 days, and allow liberal stop-over privileges.
. Jf you would like to know more of the big profits arrowers are
making in the Gulf Coast Country, write me today for some
very interesting literature we bare prepared for tree distribution.
Ma Sosestiaa. Tut. Traffic Mgr., Reck Uaaa-FrUco-C & L I. Ue...l&l7 LsSalle Sutioa, Chic. go. or 1807Fritce Baildisf, St. Leels
GartipTtif America
Wreetlias; Match Between (he Tark
aas tha Blgr French aa a Aroaars
Intense Interest.
Not since the appearance of Frank Go ten
at the Auditorium last winter lias there
been such an eager and contlnuoua de
mand for aeata aa thst which began last
week, as soon aa the match between the
Terrible Turk, Uahmout, and DeRouen, the
big Frenchman, waa vinounced. The regu
lar seat sale begins Wednesday, February
S, but the people simply would not watt,
ttut Insisted on registering their names for
eats. Business snd professional men, snd
many ladies have already registered, and
the balcony avals will go like but cakes.
Manager Gillan has received many com
pliments on conducting the best and chari
est wrestling matches between New York
and San l-'ranclsco, and he has been
especially praised for prohibiting smoking
during these matches. This has been highly
appreciated by the wrestlers themselves,
because they have to breathe very fast,
and dense clouds of tobacco smoke inter
fere very seriously with their breathing.
All who are Inconvenienced or distressed
by tobacco smoke feel very thankful that
they can enjoy thse great athletic conteeta
In pure air, where they can both see and
breathe with comfort.
A fine preliminary will be put on, con
sisting of a two-best-out-or-Uiree between
Herbert- Johansen ud Jack Tuliver. Th
bux office sale of reserved seats begins
at i o'clock Wednesday morning. -
Hint for Cattle Battonbole.
To cut buttonholes through two or three
thicknesses of material without separating
the fabrics, mark the place and aUe tif
buttonhole with basting thread or clialic
and with a fine etltch and thread to match
the buttonhole twist each stitch. wltH
machine each side of snd quite close to
this mark. Cut the buttonhole between the
lines of etltchlng. This will not only
hold the various thicknesses together, but
all form a slay over which the bulliniioU
may be worken. All buttuniioUg should
b dampened and pieatcd