TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1009. .ECCSXIKE SUCCETS OF COLD Ordering Three for Breakfast Vulgar Display of Wealth. GULLS GRAB FOR POULTBY MAN Swamp John Air of Rlalr with Pro 1 pouli WfcfB He Advertises that Ha Haa Kg as for air. Egg dealers at well as consumer arc mere calculator! of chance and will be during the present week", when there may be a chance In priced of from 5 to 10 centa. Sharp udvancei In the price of eggs threaten to cause, some peculiar changes in old cuatomi of the people. It I already considered a vulgar display of wealth to order two or three egg for breakfast; children are ho longer allowed to catry them from, the grocery stores; the time honored wooden cases may be replaced by ateel safes before the express companies will accept eggs for shipment; while throwing- eggs at such distinguished citizens as Carrie Nation will have to be discontinued altogether and Some cheaper material used for showers. When John Aye of Blair, a bachelor of no mean standing, advertised In an Omaha newspaper that he bad eggs for sale. It is aid he received seventy-eight proposals of marriage In the next days mall. A far mer's daughter with, several baskets of eggs la looked upon even by the boys In the cities, and, who hold responslbls positions as clerks In the dry goods stores, as an heiress. ' The young farmers who have no eggs, simply have no prospects beyond upending their lives pulling a pair of bell cords over the backs of a team of roan mule and following blithely in the wake of a double shovel plow. " . Caut la a Riddle. I Just w'hat caused thu advances on the Omaha market Is a matter of conjecture to the dealers, but It Is already known that anyone with a string of egg shells has a surer way of showing prosperity and opu lence than one with a string of pearls. From 30 cents per dozen eggs jumped up to S3 cents, then to SI and finally to 38 cents, the price paid by commission dealers for the fresh oandled varieties. The retail ers had to have the eggs included In their insurance policies when they secured a case or two that they might play safe with their creditors and protect their families from bard times in the event of a fire, and they were compelled to charge the consumers from 40 to 43 cents per dozen. It was then the poor people quit buying eggs and substituted the less costly articles of food which , contain no eggs, such as eingemachtes veal, pommes de terre fr aloes, oysters sJgonquin and pommes de terre a la Julienne. The- well-to-do have potatoes shoe string" Style and buckwheat cakea for breakfast Instead of two fried straight up. "Caught short when the wind began to blow," explained a commission - merchant when asked the reason for the advances. "There axe so storage eggs in Omaha and any-one who thlnka there are knowa noth ing of the Iroublee of the dealer. - The eggs have to come In from the country and they have not ben earning In. The price Tues day" eased off a little and It was safe to quota the farmers 35 cents for their eggs, but it mighty uncertain proposition. They may go off to 30 cents this week and they may get back up to 38 and even reach 40 cents." The outlook' is for eggs to go dwn, but It l nl 'e' af to carry a basket home after nightfall', as there are stilt those who will ho?d up peaceable citi zens If they are assured of articles of value which can be easily converted Into loSg-green." V? ? COASTING ACCIDENT IS FATAL Perry Lytic Dlea at Methodist Hos pital from ladlrect Results of ' Injury W hile filed dins. . ferry Lytic, 18 yeais of age, died at the Methodist hospital Monday afternoon from the effects of abdominal abscesses that followed an Injury which he sustained in a coasting accident before Christmas. He had, been at the hospital for about ffffl c BY CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH . V t j W. E. WHEELER I take a few doses, and I have not been bothered any more, to the manufacturers of this remedy." Cfeamlb Tnis remedy is especially suited to the treatment of bronchitis, as it causes the expulsion of mucus from the bronchial tubes, making breathing easier, and minimizing the danger of con tracting pneumonia.' This remedy has a world wide reputation for its cures and can always be depended upon. It contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a child ai to an adult. Price per bottle twenty-five cents, large size fifty centSg three wcks under the care of Dr. Bridges. Pleurisy set In soon after the accident and lter the abcessrs appeared. Operations to relieve the latter were unsuccessful. Toung turtle wss a former student at the high school. Tie lived with his mother at 1!19 Cass street. His father in nnw In his way to Omsha to attend the funeral, the? ar rangements for which have not been com pleted, pending his arrival. He lives in Seattle. AKERLUND REPORTS DISTRESS Cora Klaar of Valley Say Yankee F.aergr aad System Is Keeded la Scandinavia. Afler a three weeks' stay In the Scandi navian peninsula and brief visits to other plaies A. P. Akerlund of Vallay has re turned home with a distinctly unfavorable report of conditions abroad. As a success ful farmer Mr. Akerlund was most deeply Interested In agricultural development In the countries visited. "In Germany they are better prepared In every way for the rainy day. than in any county I visited," said Mr. Akerlund. "In Norway, Snellen and Denmark time are very poor. Strikes and labor disturbances of one kind or an other have upset things In the cities. In tiie country the farmers are attempting to struggle along, as a rule, with small and poor machinery, exactly the contrary meth ods prevailing In this regard to what we are using In this country. So It Is little wonder that the people there are In hard straits. Since seeing the actual conditions I do not wonder that the wise men in the cublnets of those countries are making an endeavor to have certain prominent Scandi navians now living In this country return and take hold 'of things of a practical na ture in their old home. The driving power of American energy, coupled with Ameri can methods. Is badly needed If those coun tries are to make the progress they aspire to." AUTO FOR THE POLICE FORCE Oae Maehlae la Ordered by the Board aad Others May Be Bought. Omaha will soon have an automobile po lice patrol. After an extensive Investiga tion the Board of Fire and Police Commis sioners authorized the purchase of a ma chine Monday night at Its regular meeting. For some time Chief Donshue hss been considering the matter, It having been de elded last summer by the commissioners that auto patrol was necessary for the city's police force. Several burglaries last sum mer and fall, which were not frustrated nor the burglars caught because of the in efficiency of the old-fashioned patrol wagon and team, emphasized the need of a ma chine, and the long looked for auto will probably arrive from the factory about April 1. It will cost between $4,200 and $1,S00 and Is of the steamer type made by the White company. Several members of the police force are said to be expert machinists, two of them being the emergency officers who run the motorcycles. These men will be trained to become expert chauffeurs, so that there will never be any Oelay In an swering hurry calls on account of a short age of men or trouble with the machine. Foley's Honey and Tar clears the air passages, stops the Irritation In the throat, soothes the Inflamed membranes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strength ened, and the cold la expelled from the system. Refuse any but the genuine In the yellow package. 8old by all druggists. "GUS" GETS T00FULL OF GAS Teamster la Overcome at Howard Street Boardlag Place, bat -r -.j jy-J JWTIIl BeMeT, v ye V j -A msn wbose full name' Is not known to the police, ' but who Is known to his friends as Ous, was found in Mrs. Black's rooming house, 1817 Howard street, shortly after S o'clock Tuesday morning, suffering from gas poisoning. His room was filled with illuminating gas and he was uncon scious, but after working over him for some time Police Surgeon Barbour said the man would recover. He is a teamster and lived at the Black house. OT MMCIillLllS erlain's Cough Remedy SUN DOES NOT SAYE C. HOC Little Animal Has Hi Door on Park Side of Block. EARLY SPRING, THEREFORE, DUE Jadge Day aad The Bee's Special Proarnostlcator show by Science that Tradltloa Is a Dead One. Tap, what are the squirrels doing?" "Laughing at the groundhog, my son." This was it 8 o'clock this morning, when two fnt and furry little red tree-men were having a circus and pantomime frolic at the foot of a big tree on the northwest corner of, a large lot. At 7 nninr-ir m f.v fox terrier had ap proached the habitation of the groundhog and had whispered down his hole, lr you hnw tin tlulav T'll llrk hlSXCS OUt Of VOU." He meant It, too, but very soon something attracted his flighty attention and away wnt th fnrrtcr. The groundhog, being of the real game bird variety, paid little or no attention 10 the threats sent down to his winter head he bad rubbed his eyes and worked the sleep-cramp out of his dexter hind leg. lie proceenea v a rough-hand toilet and sallied up the left gallery to the main door of his vault. K-nw it the rroundhoa's hole had been on the northeast comer of the block, hu would have seen his shadow as clearly as a white cameo on an ebony ground. jui it ,.nnsn that Mr. G. Hog has his sod the dirt cabin on the southeast corner of the block In which he lives, and nence u . .ith mathematical exactitude that the official groundhog of Omaha could not possibly have seen his shadow when he made his appearance this morning, though it was a clear dswn. Father Rlgge, the Crclghton astronomer, can verify this. The Bee's special weather prognostlcator a-hn nraHicted an ooen winter tne year oe fore the pey dandelions almost choked Judge Day s lawn to death Insists that an early spring Is dated for this region beyond possibility of charge. In partial corrouurm iinn hn noints to the plentiful and fast springing crop of candidates for the sun light nf niihlle favor. Threats or. com awi age scsre such to death, and at certain im,. when the wind Is right, tney can ..n frost afar off. But now they are plunging Into the possibilities with laugha ble abandon, simply ana soieiy. special prognostlcator asseverates, because they have a hunch that the burgeoning and the blossoming are to come along ahead of regular schedule. Judge Day, aforementioned, has been a close and Interested observer of all the peculiarities of seasons for a long time. With trie late record-making piece of weather under the spectroscope, or gyro scope, he has been able to reach the con clusion that squirrels know considerable more than they can tell, except by ocular Interpretation. "They are solemnly wise," says the judge, . "and wisely constituted. Their frisking and frolicking has purpose and every positive swing of their talis doth a tale convey to observers who are on their visiting lists. So, taking outdoors by and large, with squirrel lore for our sheet anchor, we may safely say that a ground hog living on the southeast corner of a block, with all the signs as they were this morning, and the sun rising early to take an advantageous position could not by any possobility have seen his own shadow. He dare not fare far afield, as that Is against the rules, and his momentary observations being made close to his Dim door, he is right now. weparing to get out and hustle as a wide-awake groundhog should do." CHANGES AT FORT CROOK Several Transfers In OIBcers of the Sixteenth Infastry Are Me Je. These changes are announced in the per sonnel of the Sixtaenth Infantry at Fort Crook: First Lieutenant R. W. Kingman a REMEDY Bronchitis is a much more serious disease than an ordinary cold, and much more likely to result in pneumonia. It is commonly spoken of as a cold on the lungs. There is little if any dan ger, however, when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is judiciously used. Only Few Doses Required Before I learned of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I suffered with an attack of bronchitis two or three times a year, and each attack seemed to be worse," says W. E. Wheeler. 423 W. Ninth St, Los Angeles, Cal. 'The medicine the doctor prescribed seemed to give me relief, but did not afford a cure. My daughter used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in her family, and one day when I was visiting her she advised me to try it. I felt so wretched that I was willing to try almost anything, and so took part of a bottle she had on. hand, and then bought a large bottle and one more, and that cured me. Whenever I - feel an attack coming on 1 have much cause to be grateful promoted. First Lieutenant C R. W. Mor rison, having resigned as battalion adju tant, becomes first lieutenant of company ' First Lieutensnt D. E. Shean becomes sdjutant of the Third battalion, vice Morri son. First Lieutenant M. R. Hllgard is tranferred to company K. Flrat lieutenant J. F. Ware, recently promoted from sec ont lieutenant, goes to company C. at Fort Logan H. Roots. Second Lieutenant O. S. Wood Is assigned to company B, at Fort Logan H. Roots, snd Second Lieutenant F. C. Rogers Is assigned to company E. NOTES CN OMAHA SOCIETY Rrldae Lssrseoa. Mrs. Oeorge Titus of Holdrege, Neb., and Mrs. (Robert Updike was the guests of honor at the bridge luncheon given yesterday by Mrs. Nelson B. Vpdlke st her home. American Beauty roses were used in dec oration through the rooms. For luncheon, the guests wete seated at small tables, baskets of primroses formed charming centerpieces for each and gold monogram place cards marked the places for about thirty guests. Bridge whist was played after luncheon. For Mlae Oalkshaak. Miss C. Barkarow was hostess yesterday afternoon at a delightful bridge party given In honor of Miss Gladys Cruikshank of Hannibal. Mo., guest of Miss Frances Wessels. Falms and spring flowers bright ened the rooms and those present were Mrs. George Redlck, Mrs. Louis Clarke, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Misses Gladys Cruik shank, Frances Wessels, Marion Haller, Wary Alice Rogers, Marlon Connell, Jeanle Aycrlgg. Catherine Orable, Mary Morgan, Dorothy Morgan. Isabel' French. Hilda Hammer, Louise Lord. Eugenie Whltmore, Elisabeth Congdon, Helen Davis, Amy Gllmore," Brownie Bess Baum, Miriam Pat terson, Kathryn Powell, Gwendoline White, Faber Dow and Carolyn Barkalow. For Mr. aad Mrs. Baylies. Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Smith entertained at dinner Monday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baylies of Chicago, who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Swobe. A low mound of pink carna tions and ferns made an attractive center piece for the table and covers were placed for ten guests. Complimentary to Mrs. Frederick Baylies of Chicago, guest of Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe, Mrs. Smith entertained informally at bridge this afternoon at her home on West Harney street. The rooms were decorated with carnations and palms. Three tables of players were present. Birthday Celebratloa. Saturday evening Dr. Pulver gave a theater party at the Orpheum and supper at Hanson's cafe in celebration of Mrs. PulverV birthday. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry, Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Wag goner, Mr. snd Mrs. R. V. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Garloch, Miss Grace Shaffer, Mr. William Lyon, Dr. and Mrs. John E. Pulver. Boosters' High Five Clab. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wilson entertained the Boosters' High Five club Monday even ing. Prices were won by Mrs. C. A. Sipple. Mrs. B. A. Golden, Mrs. H. M. Stuben, Mr. E. M. Wilson, Mr. H. M. Btuben and Mr. Ralph' Howard. The next meeting will be a valentine party, .February IS, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sipple. Class Party. The grammar grade graduation of Long school entertained their teachers at a "class party" Friday evening at . the home of Miss Hasel D. Iaverton, E8Q5 Ohio street. The evening was pleasantly spent with music and games and refreshments were served. Those present were Misess Powell, Flske, Shlppey. Wood, Isaacson, Alter. Hattenhauer. Carrie Bosseltnant Isabell Olsen, Mabel Inman, Elvira Strom, Rita Maloney, Blanch Ekdahl, Norma Erkkson, Emma Vlckers, Ethel Rathkey, Myrtle Mickelson, Beatrice Chapman. Hazel Leaverton, Messrs. Kent Wlthnell, George Larsen, Carl Stors, Cedric Anderson, Harry Johnson, Patrick Duncan, George Gorham, Edgar Leaverton, Verncn .Johnson, Isador Tinkensteln, Fred Seroy. , Henry Grieb, Clark Noble, Charles Black, Robert Brewer, Maurice Ewers and Johnson, Mrs. El rick and Mr. and Mrs. Leaverton. Elaaess Clab. The Elaness club entertained for Miss Florence Cook Saturday at luncheon at Hanson's followed by a theater party at Boyd's. Those present were Misses Kathryn Hantlng, Heilen Brandeia, May Hauting, Florence Cook, Mesdames F. Rainey, George Gruenig and H. Ramaciottl Prospective Pleasures. The alumni of the high school are to en joy a dance with their younger high school friends In April. It Is announced that in place of the usual matinee prom, generally given Immediately after the Lenten seasae, an alumni prom will be given at Chambers' academy. It will take place on the evening of Monday, April 12, being the first event to be given st Chambers' after Easter. It is expected that a large number of univer sity and college students will attend, as the prom occurs during Easter vacation. Several Omaha bachelors will give an Orpheum party Monday evening of next week for a number of the army people at Fort Omaha. Miss Frances Gilbert will give an Informal tea Saturday afternoon for Miss Lucille Kitson, who Is the guest of Captain and Mrs. George Ball at Fort Crook. Mrs. Harry Wllklns will entertain at luncheon Saturday in honor of Mra George Prlnr. Come aad Go Gossip. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Patrick and Mr. A. 8. Patrick, left Tuesday for Los Angeles. They will remain about three weeks and return by the northern route to the Patrick ranch In Wyoming. Mra Clay Clement is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huteson, ICS Emmet street. Mrs. Clement will loin her husband I the last of the week at Louisville. Ky. Mr. Clement played "the Dralnman" In the 'Servant in the House" at the Boyd last week. Mrs. A. Mandelberg and Mr. Max Ros enthal have returned from a month's visit In eastern cities. Including New Tork, Bos ton, Buffalo and Washington. Miss Abba Bowen leaves Wednesday for Germany, where she will visit the princi pal cities for a year. Miss Melvina Danlelson left Saturday for Lincoln, where she will study music. Mrs. F. L. Axtell returned Saturday from a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Arthur Whit worth, In Lincoln. Mrs. Lillian Jacobs of Shreveport, who has been ill for some time at the home of Colonel and Mrs. 8. 8. Curtis, is now greatly Improved. Mr. Ben Rosenthal left Monday for a month's stay on the Pacific coast. Miss Ada Goodman has gone to Kansas City, where she wtll be the guest of friends for a few weeks. Mrs. Armstrong of Duverne, Minn., is visiting ber sister, Mrs. C. 8. Montgomery. Mr. George Noe has returned from a pleasant trip to Cuba, Mr. John R. Manchester Is visiting his son, Mr. Frank Manchester, in Denver. Mrs. W. H. White bas gone to PUtls moulh for a few weeks' visit with friends. Mrs. George It. Emory of St. Louis Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Btxaio. 1014 South Twenty-eighth street. Dr. Harold Glfford, who underwent a slight operaTion laat week. Is now reported as recovering rapidly Bnvigorafing and Mealing Cling of Restorative I ;- ' I - MR SILAS ROCKWELL. 2 Tears Old. Oufffy's Pure Malt is an absolute cure and preventive of chitis, coughs, colds, malaria, low fevers conditions. If you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, ac cording to directions. It tones and strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire system. It is invaluable for over worked men, delicate women and sickly children. It aids digestion, quickens circulation and builds new tissue. It is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. CAUTION' When you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Pare Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. It's the only absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey and is sold In sealed bottles only never in bulk. Look for the trade-mark the "Old Chemist" on the label and make sure the seal over the cork is nnbroken. Price Sl.OO. Write Consulting Phyntrian, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N". V., for a free illustrated medicinal booklet and free advice. IMPORTANT RULING BY DAY i Decision in Carpenter Case Touches Fraternal Societies' Bylaws. MAY STAET FLOOD OF LAW SUITS Qaestloa lavolved Is the Definition of Representative Form of Ctov eminent In These Insur ance Orders. Judge Day possibly started something In overruling a motion for a new trial made In his court Tuesday morning. The motion was made In behalf of Mrs. J. Frank Carpenter, widow of the late mem ber of the wholesale paper flrmif Carpen ter Bros. It was that a new trial be granted In the case of Carpenter against the Royal League on an insurance policy for Jt.00- A directed verdict a few days ago allowed Mrs. Carpenter tl.Sn.VT. fig ured by the court to be the proportionate amount due on the policy under a certain clause of the by-laws of the order. The Royal League indicated a willingness to settle on that basis, but Mrs. Carpenter and her attorney Insist on the full amount of the policy. The case will now undoubtedly go to the supreme court of the state and on the final ruling of that court will depend whether or not a great many of the fraternal insurance companies operating in Nebraska will have to change their laws. The whole question Is vitally concerned with what is a repre sentative form of government In such so cieties or associations. Judge Day held that certain amendments adopted In recent years were the result of the action of a representative body, as con templated by the laws of Nebraska, and therefore legal and binding, whereas cer tain earlier by-laws or rules were not, be cause of failure to file with the auditor of state properly certified copies of such laws snd for other reasons. Should Judge Day's decision In the Car penter case bo overruled by the state su preme court, good lawyers are of opinion that Nebraska courts would then become the scene of many legal battles over fra ternal insurance policies, and that litigants and their lawyers would flock here to fight out their contests, on the point that certain Inhibitions In by-laws or rules were not legally adopted and therefore of no force or effect. MAN KILLS HIMSELF WITH GAS Bert Wendt is Fonnd In Room at Pragne Hotel with Doors and Wisdom Closed. Bert Wendt of Rocky Ridge. O., was found dead In a bed at the Prague hotel. Thirteenth and William streets Tuesday morning. He had evidently killed himself by Inhiling gas. The Jets were opened and doors and windows closed. Wendt had spent three nights at the hotel. Joseph Vasko, Jr.. proprietor, had put him to bed at 11:30 Monday night. He had been on a spree on Ninth street, Is ssid to have let go of about S30 in the last few days and had nothing of any value on him st death except a watch charm. There was a theory of accidental death. but the fact of the door and transom being closed and locked gave ride to the belief that he deliberately took his lilo when despondent. Wendt was sis feet tall, weighed 170 pounds, had a bald head and was near middle "age apparently. The coroner took charge of the body. KEROSENE MIDST OF FIRE Open Can, Soaked Paper and Red-Hot Steve Fonnd la Burning Bnlldlng. We found an open can of kerosene In the middle of the room, a red hot stove and papsr saturated with kerosene scat tared about the room. I am Inclined to think the fire was not accidental." This Is the report of Assist it Chief Deneea on the fire at 2tX Cuming street. wtilcii burned some of the contents of Arthur Swsybark's taller, repair and clean big shop Tuesday shortly after noon. Swayback was not at the shop, nor was anyoua else wbsa U lira bruits out, or consumption, pneumonia, grip, bron and all wasting, weakened, diseased was discovered. le told Deneen his loss was Sl.OCO. He also said he took out his VCO policy some time ago, longer than a few weeks, which Deaeen heard was the. time. The building In which the fire occurred is owned by Gu stave Colin. MERCER TO BUILD NEW HOTEL Will Kreet Three-Story Strnctare at Northwest Corner Tenth and Howard Streets. The S. D. Mercer company Is asking bids for a new three story hotel to be erected on the northwest corner of Tenth and Howard streets, the hotel to be built as soon as possible. The plans as preps red by Fisher & Lawrle show that the lower floor, except the office, is to be used by two large commission firms and the two upper stories for hotel purposes. The new building will be brick and will be 6tizT0 feet. Bids are also asked by Fisher St Lawrle for a machine shop, 66x$6 feet, on Four teenth street, between Jackson and Jones streets, on the west side of the street. The shop will be two full stories and a basement and will be occupied by L. C. Sharpe. R. R. Evans will ask for bids Wednesday for his new 113,000 residence to be built on West Dodge street, opposite the Happy Hollow club house. The residence will be a handsome structure of colonial design, and will be built of brick. The work of tearing down the part of the Field club house, which is to be rebuilt. Is progressing nicely and the roof will be raised next week. The changes at the Field club, while quite extensive, will give the members 100 per cent more dancing space and 60 per cent more room in the dining room. FRANK C. MORGAN AT REST Former Omaha Business Man Wlis Dfed In St. Pnnl Is Bnrled at Holy Sepolcher. Frank C. Morgan, the former Omaha business man who died In St. Paul, Sunday, was buried In Omaha, Tuesday. The funeral service was held at 9L John's MISERY FROM STOMACH AND INDIGESTION Don't suffer another moment with a weak Stomach as relief is waiting. If what you just ate' Is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, re fusing to digest, or you belch Gas and Eructate sour, undigested food or have a feeling of Dizziness, Heartburn, Fullness, Nausea, Bad taste In mouth and Stomach headache this Is Indigestion. A full case of Pape's Dlapepsin costs only 50 cents snd will thoroughly curs the worst case of Dyspepsia, and leave sufficient about the house In esse some one else in the family may suffer from stomach trouble or Indigestion. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly printed on these 60-cent cant s, then you will understand why Dys peptic trouble of all kinds must go, and SUNKIST : V Orange W eek COMMENCES Monday, February 8th Every dealer will have a full supply of ltujcious, SunJrist Oranges, for health, :m SPECIAL PRICES EVERYWHERE So Says Mr. Silas Rockwell, Who is 92 Years Old, and for Many Years Was One of Cin cinati's Foremost Business Men. Mr. Rockwell's Grand father Was a Soldier With ' Washington in the Revolution and Was a Great Lover and Admirer of Washington. "It Is with pleasur I add my testi mony to the very many received by you of th efficacy of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I regard it as a mar relous panacea. Invigorating and healing-. I shall take much pleasure in recommending it to my friends. "I am ninety-two years old and. sub ject to many infirmities common to men of mature years, while Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey haa been a great Tellef in many ways. I can truly say it ia the King of Restoratives." Silas Rockwell. 314 Garrard Are., Covington, Ky. Thousands of unsolicited letters of gratitude like this of Mr. Rockwell are received from grateful patients who are anxious to extol the merits of this great life saver and renewer of youth Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key. Every testimonial la guaranteed genuine and Is published in good faith with full consent. lnJhisky Catholic church. Twenty-fifth and Cali fornia streets, at 9:16 o'clock, the body arriving from the north at 8 o'clock this morning and being taken direct to the church. Father Bronsgeest conducted the ser vice, celebrating requiem high mass. - Thu pallbearers were Thomas 8wlft, F, J. Burk- ley, C. J. Smyth, J. M. Daugherty, H. M. Itnyer and C. C. Balden. Burial was in the family lot In Holy Sepulcher cemetery. , . , FT. CR00K-P!LATTSM0UTH LINE Internrhan Bnllt by Cass Capitalists Strikes Wattles as Goed ' Proposition.' 4 "Our company would not look with dis favor on a line from Fort Crook 'to Platts mouth If the capitalists of Plattsmouth wish to build the line," said O. W. Wattles, president of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, and also of the Omaha & Southern InterurbSn company. A committee of the leading citisens of Plattsmouth was appointed a week ago to call on Mr. Wattles to see If something could be done toward building the line. Mr. Wattles says this committee tiia not been to see him, but that while the inter urban company Is not In a position to ex tend Its line this year, he will gladly hear any proposition the committee has to make. TWO MORE OUT FOR . MAYOR P. C. Heafey and M. F. Pankhonser Admit They Are Willing to Make Race. P. C. Heafey confirms The Bee's Lincoln correspondent in saying he la willing to ac cept the democratic nomination for mayor. Millard Fillmore Funkhouser, councilman from the Eleventh ward, also admits that he may decide to run. Both men expresi confidence In their ability to get votes. "I did not decide to run until In Lincoln and was approached by strong Interests,' " says Mr. Hesfey, who, does not Indicate who or what the "stropg Interests" sre. With Lobeck, Davs O'Brien, Funkhouser, Heafey and Dahlman In the race none but the mayor has filed his nam thus at why they usually relieve a sour stomach or Indigestion in five minutes. Get a cass now and eat one Triangula after your next meal. They are harmless and tests like candy, though each contains power sufficient to digest and prepare for as similation into the blood- all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a hearty, healthy appetite; but, what will please you most is that you will feel that vnur Ktrtmoyh .nrl 1 r I .u Hna aril clean and fresh, and you. will 'not- need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for Biliousness or Constipation. . .'. This city will have many Dtspepsln cranks, as some people call them, but you will Toe cranky about this Splendid slorasch prescription, too. If yoq ever have Indigestion or Gastritis or any other Stcmach misery, and eat just one Tri angula of Dlapepsin.