THE OMAHA DAILY DKK: WKDNKSDAY. FEttftnATlY X 1000. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA esBnanmaanwa Xtor .Vetoes National Construction Company Paying- Contract. COUKCIL OVUUtlDES THE VETO tery aad Discovers atorna Does PIT Aeadred Dollnrs Dam Mayor. Prank Koutsky vetoed the con tract with tha National Construction com pany yesterday awning, returning tha seme to tha council with hi objection. Theea were that Hugh Murphy had tha lowest bid, that ha waa a responsible bid der and that his brick proved better in tha last. Tha mayor dcacanted on tha pol icy of encouraging competition in con tracts for city improvements to insure tha work being done for reasonable figures. Ha asserted he believed that it was illegal to let the contract aa proposed. In sup port of' his report on the tests made, he submitted the figures of Andrew Rose water, ' the city engineer of Omaha, who personally conducted the test. This report showed, the Purington block was the poorer brick, having lost 17.05 per cent In the tum bler while th Coffeyvllle brick lost only 14 per cent. Tha council also had a communication from the Oood Government league ask ing that tha contract with the National Construction Company be reconsidered. On the formal motion, "Shall the previ ous action of the council be sustained not withstanding the objection and veto of the mayor?" Frank Dworak voted "no," while tha other councilmen voted "aye." thua overruling the - veto of the mayor. The contract with the National Construc tion company was then approved and the mayor and city clerk intsructed to affix their slgnlture. Swat) Larson explaining his vote, said: "In view of the fact that Mr. Murphy has caused much delay in the city contracts, and whereas h.e does not employ South Omaha labor 'to do' the work, and alnce tha decision of,lhe court In the recent pav ing of East Q street makes it discretion ary with the) council to-accept or reject bd of this kind. I shall sustain our previous action and vote to carry the previ ous action ever the veto of the mayor." " The rest -of the session was taken up With routine. The building Inspector re ported' to the amount of 17.116 during Janu ary.' The elty treasurer reported obligations falling due ln,Nejv York to the amount of II. 2fl.M. These 'are to be met by warrants on tha Interest fund. The meat Inspector reported the condemnation of, thirty cattle, forty-three sheep .and three hogs during January. Cheif Brings reported all the arc Ifghte In the city out since Thursday evening. Tha English Lutheran society ssked' that tha taxes for the paving of Twenty-fifth street assessed to the lols on which Its Church stands, be cancelled. Tha ordinance waa paased changing the grade of Twentieth street from N to 9 street. The contracts and bonds for all the suc cessful bldds In the annual budget of sup plies were approved. Tha regular bills for the month of Janu ary were allowed. y ImtI of Bdaention. Tha session of the Board of Education concerned Itself chiefly with affairs of routine.. Themoet Important business waa tha arrangement mads to aend Superin tendent N. it. Graham to the annual meet ing of the National Association of Super intendents and Principals, which is to meet In Chicago February 23 to 17. Mr. Graham waa allowed five days' leave of absence and M for expenses. Ha attended the conven tion held In Weshington last year. The board took a summary of the effects of. the recent windstorm on the various school buildings. It is estimated that the losses will approximate $500. The buildings suffered from broken glass, and aome roofs wsr seriously damaged. The tiling on the high school building were seriously dis turbed In number of places. The cora- miiiee cm uuiiuina wiu ivuiiui wa em powered to Aiake the necessary repairs. resolution waa passed commending all teachers and principals for tha plana In prorreae for tha proper observance of Lin coln's and Washington's blrthdaya. A sewing department waa provided for the West Bide school. This will be de- COULD HOT CURE WEEPING EH Disease Begin over Ear and Spread - till FaceandNeckwere Raw Itch- ingy Inflammation and Soreness ' were Terrible Lasted Over a Year and All Treatments Failed ear. VVfcS UNTIL CUTICURA AGAIN PROVED GREAT SUCCESS "Ernsts bfea over the top of my It cracked ana then began to spread. I had three different doctors and tried several things, but they did me no food. At last on aids of my face and my neck clear lip to my hair wens raw. The water ran out of it ao that I had to wear modulated cotton, and it waa ao Inflamed and sore that I had to put a piece of cloth over mv ' pillow to keep tha water from It, ana it would stain tha cloth a aort of yellow. Tha ecaema itched so that it seemed aa though I could tear mr fae all te pieces. The dissaaa began in the fail and I did a-rerytbing for it until tha next winter. Then I began to us the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and it waa not more than three months before ft waa all healed up. I atill use the Cutloura Resolvent Pills one in a while to cleans the blood. I am very thank ful that I tried Cuticura. and I can recommend it to any one. Miss Ana earaona, aortufleld. Tt Deo. 19. ,07.ii GROWS HAIR Cuticura Removes Dandruff and Soothe Itching Scalps. Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap, and light dressings with Cuticura, pre vent dry, thin and falling hair, remove orusta, scale and dandruff, destroy hair parasite, soothe irritated, itching aurfaot. stimulate the hair follicles, loose, the scalp akin, supply tha roots with energy and nourishment, and make tha hair rrow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy aoalp. when all ether treatment fafla. (MMi gvwnutl ea4 IsMeaal TmaUMat few SWr at iBlMia, CkudrM us ASoitt oi feM ml (XiUrars 6uS (J& ) W I'luM tk. Skin, utfcXjr (MULMt (VN K Bl th. Sua snStuU fir I (MM . m la t ktrm of IVnM ht,u4u. ls fr vU of SO) krurtfrlkBiou e.44 & rid. fMM ln4 Cava. . straUMd faaWui M sa at velnped, aa one of the features of the man ual training department. The general bills and aalarles, amounting to $l,tfi9, were allowed. The teachers' pay roll amounted to $13,117. . - Ante Driver "Arrested. Bedrtck Cramer, an automobile driver, with J. C. Root in the vehicle, was arrested In South Omaha last night for exceeding the speed limit. The machine went south on Twenty-fourth street psst Chief Brigg's at a high rste of speed. When the ma chine returned the chief was Waiting with a revolver In his hand, and commanded the driver to atop and submit to arrest. Brtggs sfterward said he fully intended to shoot up the machine, if his order had not been obeyed. His aim would have been at a tire and thus cripple the machine. It Is under stood by the patrolmen that this method of stopping vohicles will be excusable when It becomes the last resort. The automobiles from Omaha often come. through ths city of South Omaha so fast that only good fortune has prevented many accidents. After the arrest of theee men the driver was released on. the recognizance of Mr. Root. The driver will 'appear at police court at a. m. today Magic City Gossip. C. W. Night recently returned from a trip to Sioux City. Samuel Myerson and Miss May Wolf son of Council Bluffs were . married at the Danish Brotherhood hall Sunday at 2 p. m. Kabbl 8. Ornglnsky performed the ceremony. The couple will live at 104 South Fortieth street. - N. E. Carter Is spending a vacation of several weeks In Oklahoma. Jetter s Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of the city. Telephone No. 8. Mrs. A. Ij. I,ott, 100 North Twenty-second street, will entertain St. Martin's auxil iary Wednesday afternoon. The body of Albert Tighe is expected to arrive from Kansaa City today. ., . COAL! Try Howland s celebrated Silver Creek. Office. f N. 4th 8U Tel. South 7. The vital statistics show fifty-seven births and twenty-four deaths in South Omaha for the month of January. For Rent February 1, store mom 'now occupied Dy A. DeLanney. the florist, 628 North 2Uh St. A. 1 Bergqulst. Miss Jeane MacDowell entertained In honor of Miss Adelene Dlmock last even ing. It was a shower In honor of her ap proaching marriage. The death of Mrs. Dr. Mary Newton, aged 82, occurred yesterday. The funeral will be from I,efler Memorial church at J:30 p. m. Wednesday. Ed Miller caused the arrest of Harry Conn yesterday on n charge of petit lar ceny. He charged that Conn had short changed him Sunday evening. Men's silk finish hose, regular 2tc ar ticle, come in 14 different plain colors, sale, price 2 pairs for 25c. Nebraska Shoe and Clothing House, South Omaha. . MlJ5.le c,ty Kln' Daughtera will give a tea 1 hursduy afternoon, February 4. at the home of Mrs. E. U. Howe, Twenty-fourth and B. streets. All are cordially Invited. The 8outh Omaha police received a letter from Hutchinson, Kan., giving the full de tails of the finding of Chris Bean. The de tectives are working on a good clue in the case. The Ladies Aid society of the Presby terian church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. R. U Wheeler, 90S North Twenty-second street, Wednesday after noon. Miss Florence Jewell, Miss I.ulu Case and Miss Pauline Bayer of Newman Grove will arrive In South Omaha this morning to visit Miss Adelene Dimock. They will remain for several days. HOPE OF SUFFRAGIS tTdASHED Lower Honae of Soath Dakota Legis lature Kills Proposed Amendment. PIERRE. 8. D Feb. 2.-Special Tele gram.) The house sent the hopes of the equal suffrage contingent soaring today when It cut the property qualification from the senate resolution granting suffrage, only to drop them into the slough of do spodn a few minutes later when they killed the resolution by a vote of 64 against 47 for the submission of the question to the voters at the next general election. Whllo the house refused to accept tha aenats amendments to the two-cent rate bill. It did not call out the expected hot contest on the proposition. Bartlne, chairman of the house railway commit tee, opposed concurrence and waa backed by Taylor of Brown, and the matter was brought to a vote, in which the concur rence waa refused, and Bartlne, McDon nell and Newell were appointed house conferees on the bill. The senate con ferees selected were Norbeck, Byrne and McCullen. After keeping quiet alnce the opening of the seaslon, the'blll to allow attorneys and physicians to; crawl under the fence so far aa the anti-pass law is concerned, it was presented In the senate this after noon by Curtis of Brown county and will be a factor .In legislation for a few days until It is disposed of. Ths senate paased railroad bills re quiring railroad companies to report fatal wrecks to the railway commission, and authcriztng the railroad commission to appear in cases In which tha state la interested; requiring railroads to report to the commission tha number of elevat ors along their lines; and requiring rail roads to maintain toilet rooms at all of their atatlons. The house psssed the appropriation bill for the completion of the atate capital; and tangled up on the bill providing for hotel licenaea, which was ended by an adjournment In the middle of the mlxuy. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS John W. Battln has returned from a busi ness trip to New York. J. O. Clifford, freight auditor of ths Northwestern, was in Omaha Tuesday. A. P. Akerlund of Valley Is home from a trip to Europe which extended over aeveral weeks. Dave Shankland of Txts Angeles, 8. P. Weeks of Hastings. M.-Sweeney of Lincoln, H. W. Moore of Auburn and C. L. Atherton of Shoahonl are at the Murray. John Eyler, general live stock sg.nt of the Burlington, who has been confined to hia home. 2116 Blnney street, for several weeks with tonailltis, Is improving. Miss Hattle Goff, Infant wear buyer at the Lilliputian, has Just returned from the New York markets and reports many attractive departures for the spring season. E. E. Acton. J. H. Haskell, Adam Ickes, J. E. Vogel of Uncoln; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wiltss sad daughter of Pender and J. V. L,usk of Greeley, Colo., are at the Hotel Loyal. T. V. Golden of O'Neill, Mr. and Mra. 8. P. Grayton of Dead wood. Mr. and Mra. H. Ross of Tacoma and Jack Whip of Lin coln are at the Senilis. W. E. Randall of Lincoln. D. W. Thsyer of Washington. J. H. Falrchild of Minot, J. R. Hanna of Greeley and L Little of Clarka are at the Her Grand. T. P. Reed of Weeping Water. O. A. Brown of Kansas City. V. O. Langtry of Cody, Wyo.; C. E. Smith of Lincoln. M A. LaFleirhe of Belle Kourche and A. T. Young of Cheyenne are at the Henshaw. United States District Judge W. H. Mun gvr Is rapidly tmprovlug at tha Wise Memorial hospital. He spent a very com fortable night Monday eight and hia con dition is reported most encouraging. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex E. Blsslng of Hays, Kan.; E. H. Miller of Sioux I'Tly. George P. Thomin of Kansas City, G. M. Thorp or Meetings, w. j. Aiorecni or rriena ana W. J. Niernan of York are at the Millard. Mrs. W. Aimers of San Francisco, Mrs. t. C. Congdon of North Platte, Mr. and Mra 8. B. Parker of Tampa. Q. B. Jack son of Dallas. 8. D.; F., Brny of Hum boldt, E. B. Btephensoa, ft Lincoln and J. Wevvls of Albion are at the Home. L. G. Comatock of Central City. J. C. Berzlna. Mrs. Bersina of Whitman, Mra C. 8. Fogg of Tacoma, C. A. Dunlap of Te cumuli. J. E. Becker, of Gordon, W. A. Hard of Bioux Falls. A. F. Harsh of Lowell, Mrs. J. Johnson and daughter of Hastings. T. B. Huston of Denver and L. R. Foots of Lincoln are at the Paaton. W. F. Young of Oxford. J T. Foye of Hastliiga. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Keenaa of Bpauldlng. J. li. Horton of Grand Island, G. 8. Harris of Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bean ef Lincoln. J. T. Bbtmpton of Fre mont. A. A. Etewart of Oakland, H. Mor ton and C. A. atortoa or Valentin are at the Merchants, TWO DRAINAGE DISTRICTS Such it Result of Conference of County Bepresentatiyei. LAND 0WNXES ASSESSED FOR COST Dae fossly Men Ofcjert to I. Inking Their Interests ie. One, o Tot ' Divisions Are to Be Creeted. Douglas county commissioners, sfter a conference at the board rooms Tuesday morning, with a delegation interested in drainage, adopted a resolution to form a district taking In a large section of Doug las county, and a portion of, Sarpy. An election of throe directors to have charge of the work contemplated will be held at the office of County Clerk Haverly on. Tuesday. March I. These directors will give bond in the sum of $3,0f0 each. All property owners to be assessed for the ditches will be eligible to participate and to vote, according to their holdings; for instance, a man owning a quarter section will cast 180 votes. The proposed district will take In all of the Elkhorn valley In Douglas county, from the Piatt river to the bluff, and south to the county line, and all of Sarpy county east of the river. This meins that, In stead of one large drainage district, tak ing in Dodge, Washington, Douglaa and Sarpy, there will be two districts, with Douglas and Sarpy pulling together and Dodge and Washington coupled up. The Dodge county drainage advocates were apparently unwilling to link their county in a general scheme with the others, de spite the fact that In such an event the national government would have made the surveys and had a sort of general super vision of the work, Attorney Courtright of Fremont opened the discussion by an elaborate explanation of the law, also outlining the feeling of his home people as indicated above. J. C. Robinson of Waterloo nnd others were also heard In advocacy of the scheme as now agreed on, and the general sentiment of a large delegation present was shown to be favorable on a standing vote. One man owning land In the district protested because of the Inclusion of a certain tract of land near the Junction of the Rawhide with the Elkhorn, but he was nlone in his protest. Our Letter Box Contributions on timely topics Invited. Write eglbl on one side of the psper only, w'th name and address appended. Unused contribution will not be re turned. Letters exceeding 300 words will be subject to being cut down at the discretion of the editor. Publication of lews of correspondents does not com mit The Bee to their endorsement. Mink's Sheet Bill. HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. SO.-To the Editor of The Bee: In your' morning issue of January 29 under the heading, Hotel Man lias Nightmare" you take another shot at the Sink bill for sanitary measures regu lating hotels. The Bee has not treated this measure with the fairness It deserves. The bill does not specify nine-foot sheets, but does specify that the top sheet shall be three feet longer than tho bottom sheet and fold back over the top clothes. There have been many inquiries as to why this provi sion waa asked for, and here is the reason: At this time of year the hotels provide an extra comforter, which the guest usually finds rolled up on the foot of the bed. L'pon unrolling It he finds that all four of (ho edges are rotten filthy. He must either sleep with this filthy coverlet under his nose and mouth or sleep cold. Tho long top sheet folds back over this, thus keeping the dirty comforter from coming in con tact with the face. We have many laws to protect the health of our people and why this one -should an tagonize anyone is beyond our ken. Public sentiment was enough to put long top sheets on Pullman cars, but it requires a law to protect the poor devil whose home from five to seven days a week is the hotel "catering to commercial trade." In the Sink hotel measure the 4,000 trav eling men of Nebraska axe asking for noth ing beyond the bounds of reason, and in the asking deserve to be treated with fair ness and not with ridicule. H. A. MOSS, Chairman Legislative Committee Nebraska Division Travelers' Protective Association. HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 80,-To the Editor of The Bee: In your paper of January 29 you ridicule Mr. John Slnk'a bill. Now this bill was gotten up by the traveling men of Nebraska and la not the drummer's dream. In the first place the bill does not call for a nine-foot sheet, but calls for the bottom sheet to be of sufficient length to cover the mattress, the top sheet to cover the bed and turn back three fft. Now here Is where the hotel man gets off: The three feet extra sheeting covers the bedding so that the top bedding will last three times as long and Insure the person who sleeps in the bed that his face is not coming in contact with the bedding used by everybody. The traveling salesmen are In great de mand about election time, but when they want a little legislation for their own bene fit or comfort the press of the state take It up and ridicule the salesman who Intro duces our bill. Very few of the hotel men are kicking on the bill, as they say it will save them money In the long run. It a few of the editors in the state would get out on the road for one week and go up against what we do year after year the preas would all be for us. W. C. ALEXANDER, President Nebraska Travelers' Protective Association. Most Wonderful Healing After suffering many years with a sore. Amos King, Port Byron, N. Y., was cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. STREET DUELN CHICKASHA Chief ef Police Killed end Joe Earl Woses by Mht Assist ant Chief. OKLAHOMA CITY. Feb. 2. -As a result of a street duel at Chirkasha, OWL, tonight, Emmet Goodwin, chief of police, la dead, Joe Earl Is seriously wounded and William Thomas, night chief of police, Is In Jail, charged with the double shooting. The trouble occurred over a dispute regarding ths crusads against "bootleggers." THE BEST POSTUM has received. i tha voluntary testimony of B tboae who have found it the eaay way out of coffee aches and alia. "There's a Reason." A heating karmony Cold is discord. Warmth is harmony. Cold is brutal it exposes moods and often , opens the way for discontent Warmth is a homemaker; it puts heart in the home. Cupid wears no clothing he shuns icy blasts. That is why lovers are always given the most comfortable room in the house. So, too, a harmonious and happy household depends very largely upon bodily, com fort. And comfort depends upon the heat question. A li MERlCANx I DEAL Radiators IBoilers for Hot-Water, Low-Pressure Steam, or Vacuum heating give out nothing but pure, clean heat, mak ing every nook and corner of the home livable and enjoyable. High winds cannot arrest nor chilling cold offset their ample flow of warmth, which floods the whole house like a melody. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators are made in sizes to fit cottages, mansions, churches, schools, stores, and larger structures. They will put new life into old buildings, and add a permanent selling value to any property. House-cleaning work is reduced one-half and expensive damage to furnishings is avoided. Savings in fuel, labor, and absence of repairs will soon repay cost of the outfit A No. J-M-W IDEAL Boiler and 700 ft. of . 38-in. AMERICAN Radiators, costing th. owner S315, were used to Hot .Water heat this cottage. At these prices the goods can be bought of any reputable, competent Fitter. This did not include cost of labor, pipe, vslves, freight, etc, which installation la extra and . variv according to climatic and other conditions. A No. 1-21-W IDEAL Bailer and 422 ft. ef 38-ln. AMERICAN Radiators, coating the owner $205, were need te Het-Water heat thl. cottage. ' 1L Four cold months still ahead t These outfits can be put in with, out any tearing up, annoyance to occupants, or disturbing old heating methods until ready to start fire in the new. Tell us the kind of building you wish to heat. Prices now most favorable, and you get the services of the most skillful fitters. Buy now and " Home, Sweet Home " will become a harmony in praise of good heating. Ask for book (free) "Ideal Heating." AMERICAN Write to Dept. N-80 ADIATOXflOMPMY 413-417 South Tenth Street, Omaha, Nebraska Public Showrooms snd Wsrehouscs located at Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Pittsburg. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis St. Louis, Kansaa City, Omaha, Denver, Seattle, Sao Francisco, Brentford (Ontario), London, Paris, Berlin i 4 A V WHAT IDE WOMEN ARE DOING Omaha Women's Christian Temper ance Union Offer Frizes for Essays. CHILD LAB0E AT WOMAN'S CLUB Deleaates ,o Ilecent Conference at Cklragro sad Washington Report Sessions and Their Impres alons ef Meetlnas. Omaha Women's Christian Tcmperence union has established a definite campaign of scientific temperence instruction through the essay plan, which with the permission of the school authorities has lead to much effective work in the city schools. Several weeks ago three cash prizes were offered for the best essays on scientific temper ence Instruction written by pupils of the seventh and eighth grades. Fifty-eight es says were turned in this week and will be passed upon by a committee including Mrs. George Rice, Mrs. I. S. Iavitt and Mra. D. C. John, the three prizes being JlD. $6 and 12.50. In addition to tlieae prisea the union has offered a state prize of $10 for essays from pupils In the tenth grade and a national prize of H0 for the same class of essays. During the coming fortnight the union will go still further and will offer a prize of $50 for essays from high school students and a prize of S100 for osssys from col lege students, the offer to be open to students of Bellevue and Creightnn col leges. J. Q. Wooley, one of the nitlonal speakers in the temperence work, has been engaged by the union to apeak in Omaha in the near future, the time and the place being as yet indefinite. Cleb Considers Child Labor. It was child labor day with the Woman's club at Monday afternoon's open meeting, the program being provided by the social science department. J. J. Ryder, ex-deputy state labor commissioner and secretary of the Nebraska Child Labor committee; Rev. Jamea Wise, chairman of the State Board of Inspectors and E. D. Gepson, attendance officer of the city achooia, all of whom rep resented Nebraska at the recent conference of the National Child Labor committee at Chicago, reported that conference, while Rev. A. W. Clark of the Child Saving lnstl tue told of the reoent conference called at the While House by President Roosevelt in the Interest of dependent chlldrn. Mr. Ryder, while recognising the full value of the conference, made the criti cism that there was not time for dlacussion of the practical work; that there waa too many papers instead cf time for discussion of the problems that havs been met and overcome by aonse and that othera atill have to meet, and regarding which they need Information. Recognising this defect Owen Lovejoy, chairman of the National committee, has promised that there shall be time for sectional conferences of work ers In ths future. Mr. Ryder also advo cated that these conferences in future be held In smaller cities where there will be fewer things to distrac t ths deli gates. lie spoke of the evidence that public sentiment has been aroused against child labor and that the public will stay awake, being now willing to fight against the evil. The Nebraska child labor law he esteems above the average and from experience aa state labor commissioner he said that Ne braska employers of children fully recog nize that It would be futile to try to over turn this law or attempt to make more than minor amendments to it. Nebraska Law Net Severe. Mr. Wise took Issue with Mr. Ryder that the Nebraska law ia In no danger and held that only through the recognition of Indi vidual responsibility In Its enforcement will It be retained safe and efficient. He spoke of the necessity of some feasible legislation prohibiting child labor In occupations un safe to the life and limbs of children, citing the atatistlcs of one state where serious accidents to children were 400 per cent greater than to adults, and another state where they were 1,100 per cent greater. He urged the need of a chlldren'a bureau auch as congress is now being asked to provide, where official statistica may be gotten re garding working children. He also urged Industrial training In the achools and the acholarshlp system, whereby children whose Income is absolutely necessary to the maintenance of a famly may be al lowed to go to school and the atate or county pay the family the equivalent of what their earnings would be if they were employed. Mr. Gepson emphasized the need of co operation among all workers along these lines that their efforts might supplement rather than duplicate. Mr. Clark aald he was especially Im pressed with President Roosevelt's evident intimate knowledge of the conditions snd needs of dependent children and his direct and practical Ideas for the alleviation of these conditions. During the business hour of tha meeting the club voted to Invite Governor and Mrs. Shallenberger to be its guests at the next open meeting, February IS, the governor to be the principal speaker of the afternoon. A luncheon will be given In their honor at 12:30 at Hanson's cafe, which all mem bers of the club will be privileged to at tend. A resolution waa passed condemning the Indiscriminate cartooning of public men, officials and things, aa demoralizing and conducive to disrespect. WOULD KEEP GENERAL OFFICES Bill Intredneed at Denver te Prevent Removal of Colerade Sc leath ern Headqnartrrs. DENVER, Colo.. Feb. .-To prevent the removal of the general offices of the Colo rado and Southern railroad, distinctively a Colorado Institution, is the purpose of a bill introduced In the senate today bv Senator Irby. Tha Colorado and Southern was recently acquired by the James J. Hill interests, and rumors have been current that headquarters were to be removed from Colorado and consolidated with tha general officea of the Burlington road, which is a part of the Hill system. KIERAN GOES ON THE STAND Head of Defnnct Financial Concern Describes Hit Methods. LIBEL HEAMNG TO BE RESUMED Employee ef World Will Appear Be fore Federal Grand Jarr in New York TodayPall tser Re turns to City. NEW YORK, Feb. 2. Business methods followed by the Fidelity Funding company were described today by Patrick J. Kieran, former president of the now bankrupt con cern, at a hearing before Referee Peter B. Olney to determine whether the com pany la amenable to the federal bankruptcy law. Mr.. Kieran told of the application of the 8t- Joseph's congregation of Milwaukee for a loan of 1150,000. "We gave them Immediately STt.000. for which we took their notes,' he testified. "These notes we immediately sold to the Wisconsin National bank of Milwaukee. Later we took a mortgage on the property, called In tha notes and Issued our own bonds on the mortgage, which we deposited with tha Western Trust and Savings bank of Chicago aa trustee." Interest was charged at from 4 to ' 4i per cent on the mortgages, the witness said, but at 8 to 8'4 on the notes. Asked as to the company's working capi tal, Mr. Kieran stated that when lie wen', with the company in 1!K Its original work ing capital of t20,0O0 had been lost ' In I In business. "Inside ef a. year." RRld .the wit ness, "we had WO.uCO working capital." At tiro concluslt n of tho vxamination nf Kieran the case was closed. Transfusion of Blood. What Is believed to be the first case of blood transfusion from a white man to n colored person was made, here tonight at Bellevue hospital. The patient, Julia Her ring, a 27-year-old negro woman, was brought to the hospital suffering from in ternal hemorrhage. The surgeons deckled that the only hope of saving her life lay in the transfusion of new blond. The' sltua- tion vaa explained to the orderlies f tli hospital by Dr. Gelser, and several otfeK-.l their blood. Guatav Labrlnk, a messenger, waa clioeen for the operation. About- a pint of his blood was transfused. The Woman, the surgeons report, rallied, hut afterward she sank rapidly and died In a few mlnulca. WJII K tannine atramrr. Permission to dry doek t lie Hi. I ouis at the Brooklyn navy yard, if neceseary. was j received by the American line officials ' day.; The vessel, it was slati'd. would tv examined by a 'diver . when it reached il pier ' , . It is an eaay- matter to u business through The Bee Want Ad columns.. Common Sense my torn po I tion pf grtmt curatlv ; ' Pneumonia often follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, for la grippe coughs and deep seated colds. Refuse any out the genuine in the yslluw package. Bold by all druggists. Leads tha most intelligent people to use only medi. cines of known composition. Therefore it ia that Dr. Pierce's medicines, the makers of which print every infredicat eaterinf into them upon the bottle wrappers aae attest it correctness under oath, are daily growing ia favor. No SscaaT. No OacBmoN. Th composition of Dr. Pierce' medl- clon It open to everybody. Dr. Pierce ' being desirous ot having the search '. -light ot fnvtdtlgatloa turned fully upon -bis formulas, being confident that the better the these medicines Is known the more will their merits be recognised. , , - - Being wholly made of tha active medicinal principles cxtrscted from' native forest roots, by exact processes original with Dr. Pierce, and without the use of a drop of alcohol, triple-re6ned and chemically pure glycerine being used in stead ia extracting and preserving the curative virtues residing in the roots employed, these medicines are entirely free from the objectioa of doing harm ay creating ao appetite for either alcoholio beverages or babit-formiag drugs. Examine the lormula oa tueir bottle-wreppers the esme as swore to by Dr. Pierce, and you will Cod that his "Golden Medical Discovery," the greet blood-purifier, stomach toaio and bowel regulator the medicine which, while aot reeommeoded to euro consumption in it advanoed (tage (ao medicine will do that) yet 4tt curs all those eatarrhal condition of head aad throat, weak stomach, torpid liver aad bronchial trouble, weik lungs and haeg-on-oughs, which, if neglected or badly treated lead up to sod finally terminate id con sumption. Take the "Goldea Medical Discovery" im Umi aad it is aot likely to dis appoint yea if only you give it a fierce aad fair trial. Don't expect miracles. It won't do supernatural things. You must exercise your patieaoe and per severe ia its use for a rcesonable length of time to get it full benefits. The ingredient of which Dr. Pierce' medioine are composed have the unqualified endorsement of scores of medical leader better than any amount 'of lay, or aoa-professionel. testimonials although the latter are received by thousands. Don't accept a secret nostrum ss a substitute lor tbi time-proven remedy or inown composition. Ail. votia NsicMBoas. They must kaow of many cure mad by it during past 40 years , right ia your own neighborhood. World' Diipcnsary Medical Associatioa, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres , Buffalo. N.Y.