Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Ball Don.
Every Day -
Here, has its Special Features.
! as, if not better, Values than you
tional opportunities of special
ued long of special interest
nnvsnal opportunity to prepare for your Spring Sewing and save money. Come Wednesday.
New Wearing Apparel for Women
v Season 1909.
Among ihe many .things this store excels in style is one of them and it is wonderfully ex-
cmplified in'the. New Spring Garments which we are now' showing on our second floor.
" New Suits', hipless models. New Dress and Street Skirts, models specially designed for
us. New. Waists, plain tailored and dress styles. New Silk Petticoats at $5.00, value $6.50.
Olir Annual February White Goods Sale
February Long Cloth Sale
. All onx.,14c 250 Imperial Long
, C0j(b in "(ihli white sale.,
- Alf 6$f ifrc 300 Imperial
Cloth, in this white sale..
All our 17c 360 Imperial
Cloth. In thli white Mle. .
All our 18c 400 Imperial
- Cloth, "In this white sale. .
All our SOC-600 Imperial
; Clqjhj, in thja white tale.,
, .IOC
. .12c
. .ISc
. .14c
. .15c
February Sale White Sheer
Handkerchief Linens for
1 Embroidered Waists and
i -
t Fine Underwear.
r' All our 65c-Sheer Handkerchief
... Linen, in this white sale. .. ,45c
-All our 75c Sheer Handkerchief
Llnln, in this white sale. . . .fioc
All our 41.00 Sheer Handkerchief
' Linen, in thli white sale. . . ,75c
' All our $1.25 Sheer Handkerchief
., Linen,' in this white sale. . . .80c
All our $1.50 Sheer Handkerchief
' Linen, in this white tale.. $1.00
tFebruary Sale of French Em
i broidered Piques.
' Alf 1 1.25 Embroidered Piqued in
wa'aaw . .., sac
Ail 11.76 Embroidered Piques, In
Uistiale . . .fl.JW
AjVSOO Embroidered .Piques, .In
this sale $1.60
port of his family shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and subject to Imprison
ment in tha county Jail for not exceeding
three .months, . ,Fcoviionris made tot'.w
pension "tt sentence" upon' 'furnishing a
bond k1--for- parole upon application oT
any suitable person on consent of the per
son convicted and the person to whomhe
has been paroled shall collect his wages
and pay-the same' as the court may direct
for the support of ths family and for fail
ure ttf maintain good conduct a person so
convicted may be broaght.back Into court
for further order of that body. Jurisdic
tion 1 given a Justice of ths peace In the
rase. 't
errett Defines Intoxicants.
If Barrett of Buffalo county has hie way
about It, It wlll be Impossible to even get
"near beer" .at the little picnics and the
little restaurants .In the country towns and
the big towns. Mr. Barrett Introduced a
bill In ' tha house today providing that all
decoctitms Which contain more than 1 per
cent of alcohol shall to Intoxicating liquor.
This wllf'put out of business. -It Is aald,
all noo-lntoxlcetlng drinks which became
popular around Ldncoln after tha recent
"VataWeek.Ir Holiday.., ,
Fred ftufbfihfey'of Lancaster county, a
member of the house. Is s baseball fiend
and thst is apparent This morning he In
troduced ft bill providing that from 1
o'clock ; until 10 o'clock p. m. of Saturday
hall legal holiday. Mr. Humphrey
before 'the legislature convened announced
that he Intended to Introduce such a meas
ure because ha believed that after a half
day lit which the working man might
ruminate around about things lit general
he would be-In a gvod frsme of mind to
absorb 'some, religion on Sunday.
To 'Abolish Examining Board.
Boyd' of .'Hamilton county Is after the
stats examining board, whJoh now has
authority to , Issue teachers' certificates.
Mr. Boj a' tht reduced a bill In tha house
providing for the abolition of the 8tate
Board .-and the re-creation of the county
boards ' of examiners. Under this bill
teachers shall be examined by the county
superintendent and two others whom he
shall appoint and they shall have the
power- r 1u-; first, second snd third
grade certificates! Should a teacher teach
successfully nrlnr' ths life of a second
grade certificate,' he or she may secure a
rCutthe Clolhes
vWre Cutting the Prices
Your dollars never bought so much
, real clothes value as they will iecure thft'week; '
" unlike the cuatom In many stores our original
. prices are baaed oa manufacturing coat, and any redaction Is a
REAL saving; preeeat prices must appeal to you when you see
' tho goods .
Children'- Russian and sailor
. blouse Suits, M 60. $7 SO and
' ft Is values, are now fi.00, and
the JS.ttu suits sre now....B-TS
Boaey Bales, lliao e I MO Batly.
For the benefit of men and young
men who have a moment to shop
during tho noon hour there wl.l
be Offered dally la tho west
.room sum staple articles from.
the furnishing goods- Hues.
For Wednesday SO doaen Men's
. atd Teuihe' Boa; very best tic
qualities, Wednesday noon, per
pair ........ ..,
Watch outside display case. Some
thing new every day,.
ens on aTh o rne G
Gar vzet &Ppa?e fotYonnafnU b?
oth rhonea Beaeh All It. Ia.
At all times, in every department, Tre aim to give as good
can get elsewhere. But there's
values of new arnvAl of offerings too great to be contin
this month is our Great White
February Sale of White
India Linons
All 18c India Linons, In this sale,
per yard 10c
All 20c India Linons, In this sale,
per yard 12 He
All 25c India Linons, in this sale,
per yard 18c
All 30c India Linons, In this sale,
per yard . . . . '20c
All 35c India Linons, in this sale,
per yard 23c
All 40c India Linons, in this sale,
per yard 29c
February Sale of White Per
sian Lawns and Batistes.
45 Inches Wide, for Gradu
ation Gowns and Evening
All 50c French Lawns, in this
pale . . . v 85c
All 60c French Lawns, in this
sale 40c
All 65c French Lawns, in this
sale . . i . 45c
All 76c French Lawns, In this
sale BOc
All $1.00 French Lawns, In this
sale Bc
February Sale of Fine White
" Figured and Striped
25c, 30c and 35c quality, In this
sale, per yard 16c
certificate to
teach In any county In the
nrritAGE Lobby isks banner
Women Decorate Walls of Honse with
.Flaring; Petition. '''
(From a Staff' Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 2. (Spe clalTelegram.)
The house for the first time this session Is
decorated with petitions from the lobby
ists. Pasted on tho walls, suspended from
the gallery and pasted to the front of sev
eral desks la a large yellow poster with
these words printed In large letters!
And for sill other officers In all elections
on the same terms as men In
Wyoming, Colorado. Utah and Idaho.
Why Not In
Of the Douglas delegation Jeremiah
Howard Is the only member whose seat has
been decorated and on several ocoaalons
one of Lincoln's 'most - prominent women
haa used up a lot of her time on Jeremiah
and she has converted him.
Committees of Both Honsee Hard
Work on Party Men a re.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Banking committees of both house
and senate are busily engaged trying to
change the Wilson and Volpp bills Into some
form that will be acceptable to the Bryan
Idea of a guaranty fund measure-. Meetings
are being held every day and -amendment
after amendment Is being proposed to
each bill In the hope that finally the out
come will satisfy the Nebraska: leader. It
la a safe prediction that In ths end It
will require a conference between the two
houses snd possibly ths evolution ot
practically a new mil out of the wreck of
the two measures m' which ths Introducers
now have so much faith..
There Is much diversity of optnlon and
so many Interests are to be satisfied In
drafting a new banking law that Chairman
Graff of the house committee has almost
thrown up his hand and he Is said to think
It feasible new to enact merely a law pro
riding for a ststs guaranty fund and
Tom Miri s)trrra ajtb
A few nobby sulta and overcoats,
fashionable colorings. In the new
"bainpeck" models. Many are buy
ing now for neat eeason and get
several months' service tlits win
ter, too.
136.00 values are now,... gss.oe
130.00 values are now .... sjao.00
126.00 values are now .... (XTJM
111 0 values are now .... S 11.00
Boys' Knickerbocker Norfolk Suits
with or without belVfs.60. 17 60
and 60 suits, all now eltlng
at asJod
A-1M1 1
Every Month
a daily changing of excep
Goods Sale, which offers an
February Sale White Linen
Suitings and Waistings
All our 65c Linen Suitings, in this
sale, per yard 49c
All our 76c Linen Suitings, in this
ale, per yard B9c
All our 85c Linen Suitings, In this
sale, per yard ,ec
All our $1.00 Linen Suitings, In
this sale, per yard 75c
All our $1.25 Linen Suitings, in
this sale, per yard $1.00
February Sale of Fine White
Figured Piques
All 65c White Figured Piques, In
this sale ; . .45c
All 75c 'White Figured Piques, lir
this sale ...,59c
All $1.00 White Figured Piques,
in this sale 79c
February Sale of White Sea
Island Nainsook
February tale of White Em
broidered Batiste.
February sale of Checked iTine
February sale of Fine Silk Repp
February sale of Linen Sheet
ings. February sale of White Llneu
Cambric. . . ,
February Sale of Long Cloth
1,000 yards of 16c, 20c ana Z6a
Long Cloth. In all length, lu
this sale, per yard 8 Ho
omit the drafting of a new banking law.
While It Is true the tssk Is much larger
than he or any other member of the legis
lature Imagined when they began, yet the
possibility of .getting control of more
offices and, more, political provender by
creating a banking commission that demo
crats, may fill will be too great an attrac
tion for ths rank .and file of the party and
no matter how difficult tha work or how
unfit the party la to carry on, they will
make the attempt and a new banking law
may be regarded as a certainty. This Is
especially trun In view of the bills already
started to secure control of new offices. .
Mr. Bryan's Idea as expressed at the
secret meeting held at the home of Gov
ernor Shallenberger was for an Immediate
payment bill with a guaranty fund un
limited save that the tax for one year
should be 1 per cent of the deposits, and
not greater than 2 per cent In any one
year in case of emergencies. There was
no specified percentage mentioned by Mr.
Bryan, which the fund should gradually
Differs Materially fromO ne Intro
faced by Tanner.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. ' Feb. l-(SpeclaI.)-Jeremtah
Howard Introduced In the house this morn
ing his chsrter bill for South Omaha and
It differs In numerous ways from the char
ter bill Introduced by Senator Tanner. The
Howard bill provides that the atreet rail
way company shall pave between Us tracks
and also eighteen Inches on the outside
and for the double shift for firemen. Con
trary to the Tanner charter Howard alao
makes a real officer of his tax commls
Since the Introduction of the Tanner
charter Mr. Howard has received numerous
letters opposing It from some Influential
cltlsens of the Mario City. One letter
stated that ths opposition .to Howard had
been circulating ths reports - that . he bad
gigged back on the double shift for the
firemen, when, ss a matter of fact, that Is
tho one thing that the South Omaha states
man-Is fighting tooth and toe nail for.
Another letter said ths Tanner charter
was "ten times worse than ths old charter
and Howard was congratulated for taking
a stand against It.
One letter said an amendment had been
mads to tha Tanner charter providing that
the mayor and ths city council ahould have
authority to enter Into a contract with
the Barrett Electrto Light and Power com
pany "and very ahortly you will have the
pleasure of seeing -Mr. Barrett In repre
sentative hall lobbying for that amend
ment." This letter said 'ths same "gang"
that wanta that amendment to tho charter
Is the same "gang" that fought the issu
ance of bonds providing for a municipal
lighting plant.
Another letter stales that when - tha
charter waa handed to Senator Tanner he
returned to South Omaha with ths com'
mlttee that brought It down to Lincoln and
the charter waa then passed upon by ths
"corporation" represenlatlvea. - This letter
"The corporattona have fixed the tax
commissioner so that he can only assess
railway terminals and publlo corporations,
but cannot touch the property of the pack
ers or stock yards."
On Faction
Is tor at Taylor of
(From a Staff Correspondents
LINCOLN. Feb. l-tBpeclal TeUgram.)-
Th democrats of tha house are so disor
ganised and so badly spltt up among them-
aelvea that a blow-off la liable to occur at
any flint. . , -One
faction Is badly put out because W
JJ. Taylor of Custer county persist In
working with ths republican minority for
good legislatloa and at toe first oppor
tunity. Mr. Taylor's head Is booked for a
fall off.
Ralph Clark, chairman of tha finance
committee, baa been forced te make bis
fights alone, to save tha treasury from the
onslaughts ' of His .appropriation seeking
members, fend becsuSe he has made thrse
fights to save the state .from being- rushed
back Into a tig debt, he has won the en
mity of a, lot of 'members,
On the bill appropriating t.W.ono for a
binding twine rilsfur srine atate peniten
tiary Clark Insisted that-- the -bill . should
be killed because, the expenditure was not
Justified and that frequent legislatures
In the past had investigated the matter
and refused to make favorable action.
But every .Jumping member who la lookl
Ing for an appropriation for a state Insti
tution or for an, agricultural farm or an
experimental station at once Jumped on
Clark with both feet and the bill Is on gen
eral file with a fair prospect of f going
through tha house In some shape.
But thess members who have Institutions
to look after may find in the long run that
Clark of Rkhardson has the long pole and
will take care f them later. Should the
$jnO,0OQ binding twine bill get through the
house over the protest of Clark, he may
aa chairman of the finance committee be
compelled to Cut that amount out of tho
other requests. '
But as a matter of fact the bill providing
for the approplatiori ot $200,000 for the
blndlrg twine plant os drawn is unconsti
tutional but a little' thing like that appear
to have rio'erfect on ih housl when It
makes Its onslaughts on the1 state's strong
box. The $300,000 is to be raised by the Is
suance of state bonds' to that amount. The
constitution limits the state bonded In
debtedness to $100,00.
Convicted Oil ran pa ny Ready
Compromise 'with
JEFFER90N ' C1TT. Mo., Teb. 2.-Attor-ney
General Major had not decided this
morning whether he would recommend to
ths supreme court of the state the accept
ance of the novel ' proposition which the
Standard Oil eompany, through Its 'attor
neys, filed with that tribunal today. The
proposed procedure I. said to be without
precedent and state officers are puss led
by It. . . .
The suggestions , to the court com
prise 25,000 words of matter, ,lhe principal
point being the proposal that In lieu of the
ouster decision against the company a new
Missouri corporation be formed to suc
ceed to the business of the Standard Oil
company of Indiana in this state. .. The
stock of the .new company, less enough
shares for the .qualification of directors. Is
to be Issued to two . trustees, one named
by the state and the other by the company,
but both approved by the supreme court.
These trustees are to act as officers of the
court and as such vote and control the
stock of the new company. The stock of
the Waters-Pierce Oil company, now owned
by the Standard OH company of New Jer
sey, Is to be turned over to the new com
pany also. '
Nothing Is said as to the remission of the
$160,000 In fines levied against the com
panies and the supposition Is that they are
willing to pay these' without further con
troversy. The announced Intention of the
1 company is to preserve the big Sugar Creek
refinery near Kansas City.
(Continued from First Page.)
to travel, a, jpigh,, which wss Jhelrs by
treaty. v
Count HaUorre speech- Wss greeted"by
continued chrarlng by the .ODDOsiLion.
roreign siirvs.!. 4.oraurv.repllet with a
few words, -aaji!ng thst he - had outlined
the fixed otlby oP his government and
fhat he had nothing' to, Odd. and-poOUng to
retract. :- .
The house the adjourned. '
Two HtTe Been Convicted and
Third .1 Now InirestI
gated. NASHVILLE, ,Tenn.. Feb. 2. Although
most people arer under the Impresnlon that
the trial now In -progress Is that of Colonel
Duncan P. Cooper, Robin J. Cooper and
John D. Bharn.' chirged with the killing
or rormer united states Senator E. w.
Carmaek, Judge Hart gravely inslats that
it Is the jurors who are on . trial. Two
have been convicted and excused on
charges. The case against the third, J. M,
Whit worth, was resumed today.
Despite the sero weather, the sheriffs
deputies had ridden hard -and well, and
when court opened nearly alt of the fourth
venire of 600 men were present. They filled
the court room, and left little room for
Oil from Cocklebars.
JONESVILLE. La.. Feb. J.-The despised
corklehur bids fair to become a product of
cultivation. An experiment of making oil
from the weed In a mill erected for the
purpose at Vidalia La., is said to havn
proved very aucceasful and the farmers In
this aectlon have gone In for Us gathering
on a large acaio. 1 ne promoter of the
Clan say the future may develop a cockle
ur plantation In place of cotton.
Orasse Croat Damaged.
NEW ORLEANS, La.. Feb. 2 -Reports
rerelped here from orange growing sec
tions south ef New Orleans Indicate that
serious damage waa done by the freestng
weatner wnicn extenaea to tn guir aoast.
Tho orchards were in bloom and the com
Ing crop has not only been Injured, but
ft Is believed many trees have been seri
cusly hurt.
Can Live
on Easy Street
The old days of cooking cereals
for breakfast are gone. All that's
necessary- now-a-days Is to pour
out of the package some perfect
ly cooked, crisp, tempting, golden-brown
bits of
and serve with cream.
The food expert has produced
from pearly white corn by skill
ful cooking, a food delicious be
yond the comprehension of the
past a flavor one doesn't forget.
-"Thr Taste Llnjjef"
Voyolas pkg. 10ej X.args rasnll els Is.
. . Mad by
lUttle Creek. MUg
Artist Makes Public Correspondence
with Wife and W. J. Bryan.
Appealed Hint to ralat Ills Great
rirtare While She Took
Year to Reeeter Her
PARIS. Fob. 1 Homer P. Lesvttt, the
srtltt. who recently was sued for divorce
by his wife. Ruth Bryan Iavltt, daughter
of W. J. Bryan, has given out several let
ters bearing on the separation of the couple
prlrfr to the filing of the action.
In the letters, all of which are of a
friendly nature. It Is shown that Mrs.
Tjeavllt had asked for a year's separation
In order to recover her health. Apparently,
from her letters, Leavltt had Importuned
ter to Join him, for she Insists thst she
have her full year, n uch of which she de
voted to travel.
Mrs. Leavltt, In Inst 1st ing that her will
prevail, urged her husband to spend his
mt ney In behalf of Ills srt, srd not In fur
rlshing a home.
"Make your way, paint your big picture,"
is Mrs. Leavitt's cry.-
One letter in the series given out by
Leavltt Is from W. J. Bryan. The letter,
among- other 'things,, sympathizes with
Leavltt when the artist longed for his
children, Mr. Bryar. saying he. himself,
was found of them.
Haa to Do What She Thinks Best.
One of the letters, written from Lincoln
on July 19, 1908. Is as follows:
Dear Peter: It Is strange that you offer
In one letter to do nnylMng X wish and In
the next lay down a line of duty for me
to follow. I have to do what 1 think best
to do and there are other considerations.
Mother needs me and I am glad to be able
to help her, for she has three hard months
before her.
I am going to remain here to help her
with her mall. For the time being It la
my 1 ighest ruty to take all the care I can
off her shoulders.
I have had some new photos made and
will aend you one when finished.
Sotry you were annoyed by that news
paper Investigation of our affair out here.
Nothing will start from this end, I can as
sure you. and if you carry out your sum
mer pl.ins as arranged no one can com
ment, for they are perfectly acceptable.
Wants Tear to Recover Healtb.
In March of last year and writing from
Constantinople Mrs. Leavitt says:
You affirm that you will do anything to
please me and In the next, letter you In
sist that I shall change my plans for the
ummer. I Insist that my way will Drevail
In this case. I have toldi you time and again
that I wanted a full year to recover my
health and to make ud my mind about
the future.
You say you will do as I wish, and I
write you that I wish you to continue your
wora in rans.
Bryan Correct Separation Rnmor.
Mr. Bryan took part In the correspond
ence, as Is evident by the following letter,
addressed to Leavltt, on the Commoner
March 15. 1908. Tour favor found on mv
deak on return to the city. I can appreciate
your aesire to nave the two children, lor
too. am fond of the children. But. In
Ruth's case, the first thing to be considered
Is her health. You know she had a narrow
escape last summer, but Is now Improving
and l tbink the Mediterranean trip has done
tier good, besides being an advantage In
the way of education. Aa you know, travel
broadens one. Ruth enjoyed the holy land
.especially. .
I do not know what dans she haa for
the summer. ' I shall urge her to conserve
her health until entirely well. Nothing else
to, be thought of. I will write you about
the plans, as Soon as I consult Ruth.
I . am glad your mother Is with you. I
was .prompt to correct the rumor about
the separation, but I had not heard ths
reports about yourself of which you speak.
Tell Him to Make Good.
, Mrs. Leavltt wrote her husband from
Cairo tn January, 1908. as follows:
My Dear Peter At last. In Egypt to find
your letter awaiting at the bank. I want
to thank you for looking at the convention
delegateshlp as you did. I haven't heard If
I have been appointed, except In the paper,
but Anything for father's interest Is what
both you and I would do. But tor-the next
few month I think you can help yourself
and pthera by making the most of your
My advice Is to peg away: make good:
do your big picture, and I will do all In
the way of aulet Influence to help father.
But you take tins ensnce. Make tne moat
of your chance while you are young. Also,
don't buy furniture or anything els for
house In Paris, rse your money for your
materials and models for tills year; It Is
your chance to do something fine and
something that will b more lasting than
Louis Quinxe furniture no matter how
preitty that Is.
'I don't think the Idea of Joining you In
England this year Is possible, for my year
of comfort, travel and recuperation does
not expire until the fall, and I think If I
stay at Falrvlew (Uncoln) next summer,
T can do a great aeaj to neip napa espe
cially if we are to be In another campaign
this year.
As you say. what Is my happiness Is
yours, and I answer that my desire Is to do
what is nest tor you and me ana mr pep
ohances. RUTH.
Regrets Publicity Given Tbena.
And another letter was written from Cairo
to Leavltt, the date being January 30, Ml.
It reads:
It is painful to me that the papers have aa
much to say aunut us. i win not nominate
father for the presidency: I will not make
a siieech In the convention, and probably
all this talking in (he prena means that
will not even be a delecite.
A little more worry of this sort and
will be back where I was last spring. But
I shall not endanger my health again by
accepting otner man tne easiest course with
mother and a rood nurse for the bahlea.
and I shall not, nor should you, expect me
to ahorten rfce year of rest you promised
Paclflc Mall
Waters of
Steamer Navigates
New Entrance
. PANAMA, Feb. 2.-The Paclflo Mall
Steamer Newport, used today for ths first
time ths new Pacific entrance to the canal,
which has been dredged to a depth of thirty-five
feet. Only a fow persons witnessed
the departure of the boat, which left the
dock snd steamed to the right of Naos
Island, ploughing through the new canal.
As the Naos breakwater la not completed,
the Newport had to contend with a strong
current, but It kept a straight course, and,
gaily decorated with bunting, aped down
the narrow way which In years to come Is
designed to become such a grest highway
of commerce.
President-elect Taft was not present when
the Newport started on the trip and there
Was no ceremony of any kind.
Natloaal Assembly Adopts Reselatioa
rrotestlaa Agalast Ralaey
tktrifi la Ceaarees.
PANAMA, Feb. I.-The National assembly
has unanimously approved a resolution pro
testing what It describes as "ths slanderous
sssertlons made by Representative Ralney
la the Americas congress agsJnst President
Obaldla, which assertion deserve to be
considered only because ef ths official
character of ths one who mads them."
The resolution concludes as follows:
."Ths assembly publlcy sod solemnly
protests against . ths Insult to the chief
executive of Panama, his excellency,
Domingo De Obaldla, ss Implied In ths
parliament of a friendly nation."
A copy of lbs resolution will be officially
to the government of tho
Vleo Freelaeat-Rleet Haye They
ahlo Majority to Transact
Baalaesa Promptly .
ALBANY. N. Y.. Feb. f.-Vlce President
elect James S. Sherman was s vlaltor at
the casltol tonight and addressed the senate
briefly. Introduced by Lieutenant Governor
White, Mr. Pherman said in part:
"We do business In Washington In In
house a little different from what ws do
n the senate, and from what you do here.
There has been much said, particularly In
tha recent past, in reference to the rules
Of the house ot representatives.
In my judgment, and I do not pretend
to know all the rules or all the legislative
bodies of the world, but Insofar na my
study of legislative procedure goes, I be
lieve the rules of the house of representa
tives of the United States are the best cal
culated to do business of any code, of rules
adopted by any legislative body in th
world, and the, great distinction between
the rules of ths lower and ths higher legis
lative body In Washington Is this: In ths
lower house the rules provide for a ma
jority to do business promptly snd In Its
own way, whereas In the higher body ths
rules make It possible for a minority to
prevent the doing of business, snd In this
practical twentieth century of ours, when
It Is our wish to go forward, to progress,
It docs not seem to me that It la quite fit
ting that the rules of our legislative bodies
should do Just what th rules of the house
of representatives do and that Is, to permit
the, majority to do business tn Its own time
nd then to lipid that majority to an ac
countability to Its constituents."
Clrealt Ceart of Appeal Hold Mna-
faetarer. Ha Right to Is
His Own Xante,
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. t-Holdlng that
manufacturer has the right to display
his own nsms on the articles he produces
without being compelled to qualify ths use
of ths name in any way, even should It be
similar to that of some other manufacturer
of the same class of articles, the United
Statea circuit court of appeals dissolved
today the Injunction granted by Federal
Judge Van Fleet restraining M. Anargyros,
an Oakland cigarette manufacturer, from
using his nome on box labels unless fol
lowed by words showing thst the enclosed
cigarettes were not manufactured by the
American Tobacco company.
The Injunction was granted on the peti
tion of the American Tobacco company
some time ego, It being slsted in the pe
tition that Anargyros, by placing his name
on tils cigarettes, made it appear that they
were a well known brand put out by the
company. The company's cigarettes were
manufactured originally by S. Anargyros,
no relative of the Oakland dealer, who aold
out to the big tobacco concern.
In rendering Its decision the court said
that If misrepresentation were actually be
ing made in the case it was by ths Ameri
can Tobacco company, which, by continu
ing the use of S. Anargyro s name on th
boxes, gave the Impression that he wss
still manufacturing, whereas they were
actually a product of the corporation.
Crawford at Llneola Centenalal.
HCRON, 8. D., Feb. l-(9peclal.) Ar
sngements have been perfected for tha
observance of Lincoln a centennisl here.
The address will be delivered by Senator-
Enjoy Your Meals
By Simply Eating A Little Pleasant
Tablet After Each of Them.
tVhen digestion Is perfect the fluids
necessary to this process come naturally
to tha aid of ths stomach. They sre of
right proportion snd do their work speed
ily snd well. When Indigestion an dys
pepsia sre prevalent, these same juices
come slowly lr at an, are wees ana in
sufficient or are filled with strong sclds
snd alkalies. '
When such a condition exists esch meal
Is a hardship upon the digestive organs.
The meal should strengthen the Juices,
but on the contrary it weakens them, so
thit man by the very act ef eating causes
conditions to arise which of themselves
bring him pain and loathing for ths next
By eating one of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets you mix the tablet with your
saliva and It goes Into your stomach a
strong, vigorous fluid, many times mors
powerful than tha natural digestive Juices.
Thess tsblsts sre made up from natural
vegetable snd fruit essences and ars com
posed from Hydrastis, Golden Seal, Lac
tose, Nux, Ascello Pepsin, Bismuth and
Jamaica Ginger. There Is ths formula
and one grain of It will digest 1,000 grains
of food in any stomach. Beside digesting
the food It will give ths blood ths power
to enrich ths dlgsstlvs fluids so sfter a
time nature will tsks care of Itself.
Though you have no stomach trouble one
of these tablets sfter each meal Is a
powerful assistance to nature snd Is sn
excellent habit to make.
Oo to any druggist and ask his opinion
of Stuart's pyspepsla Tablets. Ws will
abide his answer If he bs an honest man.
They sell for 60c per package. . Send us
your nsms sn address and we will send
you s trial package by mall free. Ad
dress F. A. Stuart Co., ISO Stuart Bldg.,
to pick up patrons and make bus
iness bv unmaking all price records.
But atTf II Is OT a cue ef reduo
Ing the superb quality ef our well
known rerfeeS Tit or TJatsaUfie Sat.
isfaetloa of Tabrte Tela. We simply
mast keep up the quality If we ex
pect to keep the business up to Its
deserved pre-eminence among Omaha
tailoring establishments.
You, then, may safely select sny of
$30.00 smrrziroa
. ro ais-M
50 Sititiafs Osereoatlaga Tor 030
fSO auMlags II OsereoacUge Tut )SS
t Sultlags H OssreoatUgs Vet Is
Tailoring Co.
801.30 south lttth Street,
hear loth Faraant fcta.
eommun lest ted
Uulted States.
let Coe I. Crswford. The . people of
Huron and lleadle county hare also ar
ranged to give Senator Crawford a' fare
well reception on the evening of February
lfi. Just prior to his departure for Washing
ton. Prominent men from ' various parts
ot ths state will be present. l-
Rone Mill al Kearney '
KKARNKY. Neb..'h. J.lSpeclal Tele-
grain.) The Hardy hone mill, located Just
east of this city.-Inrrned this, sfternoon
shout & o'clock. The billl. Was not tunning
snd the cause of tit, fire Is not known, un
less tramp set It. The machinery'' was
badly damaged and the fertiliser and feed
stored In the mill wss sll destroy!. The
loss will be over IS.Ono, with tvnty In
surance. The mill was owned by C. A.
Robinson snd Robert Hardy. It will prob
ably be rebuilt. -
Ftknitrr IM U Sis, auku Oitt Wetk.
Days begun right are
days when you can do
things. "Quaker ' Oats
Week" has seven .such
days. Observed all. over
the United States. -; ' Eat
Quaker Oats this weeje...
Th favorite th world over.
Gigantic Wrestling Match
The Terrible rk"
Trie Bio Frenchman.
Prell miliary Match Between
TOL1VKK. -,.. -- v
Iloserved Seats- fiOci fftc.and $1.00.
Ringside Heats, $1.00. j
Seat sale opens Wednekday'no'rnlng.
Ths Smtaent Com Alas
Zn Kls Best Comedy -
Charles Vronman Presents " VTM. X.
CBAaTa la Kls Oreatest Z.aughlng uoeess
it osomoa ADB. . .
Seats Bow Balling
mobdatTtxtisdat, tub.
Beats Vow Selling. . .
Phones: Doug. liOt: Ind.. A-1I0S
Clyde mtea's Big Buoosss
Immense Boeaio vrodnetloa
Feb. T, , , 10, OVB B AOBBtiOBS"
Coming Thnrs Vrt, Bat, Vsb. 11, IS, 13,
Sand Belasoo's Own Company la -
With TBABK KSSBAB. Bests Vsb. 4, .
February 8m, 09
$400.00 IN PRIZES r
For Best Masked Costume. ' '
Admission 50 Cents Per Person
Vrlaes ea Display la Orchard ft WU
kelm's Show Wlnaows.
Tbe Sensational Military Melodrama .
Hattnas svsry day SilB svwy alffbt tils.
w nil V, IH.l.w'a T.i,,fft,M,llnn
TV 111 nuii J m . v. .w,.,
Julia Kinsley A Co.. Tha Sandwlnas. Swor.
Brothers, Cllvetta, Matnewa usees anu
Klnodrome. Prices 10c, 26o, Wo.
Where to eajUj
Meal Book Free at
Table d'Hote Dinner
Every Sunday od Holiday
Msai Tickets Frea al Hansons
Every porsoa whs takes -a -sisal at Toil
Hanson's basement restaurant may guess
tte number who visit there during Us aay
Bvsry Uay the neatest suess wtus a mni .
Book. ...
Toll Hanson's In oca Room '
Tbe most sttrsttlv., bflsntest, eirteM
an aooal evanomical lunch tuum l Omasa.
After Partaking of a
(Original with the Cnlomef)
one wonders how tia ever got aldng
without them.
1 1