12 TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1900. tistf ' j i W If rni7rcanca Special Notice TI1E MOST REMARKABLE DAR6AIIIS OF THE Steinfeldt Sale Will Do Offered WED NESDA Y When we place on sale a Big New Shipment M IS 111 Underwear ; Finest lots that we have yet received from the "Wholesale Dry Goods Stock of S. Steinfeldt, G00-602 Broadway, N. Y. Some of the Undermuslins are wet, others "are not, damaged in the least.' The entire stock will be sold at less than actual cost of materials. All the Corsot Covers and Drawers from the new Steinfeldt stock shipment some are damaged, others are perfect. Worth iip to $1.50, i?... All the Night Gowns from the new shipment just received some sliditlv wet. others are un- B damaged. Ft n Worth up to $1.50, llSBb A'ho Petticoats 11 from the new shipment of the t' " Steinfeldt stock some are wet but many of them are absolutely sound and perfect. I u worm up to ' S1.S0. kAjIsC 6EaEi BRANDEIS STORES 19 om of these garments have, been shown In tli wlndowi. Thousands have marveled at the bargain. 0 ... M 35c Embroidered Flouncings at 15c Yd. These are 18-Inch flounclngs. skirtings and corset cover widths all new designs of cambric and nainsook worth up to 36c yard, at, yard . . fc 15c Neck Rvchings at 25c Yd. Chiffon and crepe tissue ruchlngs a new shipment ' of late novelties white, cream and colors special at, yard 25c 10c Embroideries at 2c Yd. l our great sales of edgings and inser- s 1 slightly mussed and soiled worth up V.C them quickly. In basement, yard Accumulation from our great sales of edgings and inser tions some are to 10c- to close n 3 Big Basement Specials Remnants, of 25c and 35c Summer Wash Goods at 12c " a Yard White, cream and all desirable colors of mer cerized eolienes, soiesettes, mercerized lengths at, yard. BJS u creiuu buu an uesuuuiw cuiors 01 mer--mercerized silk voiles, .oj ized poplins, etc., in waist yqQ D JUrarhVd Muslin, Ixing Cloth and v Nainsook Remnants Regular 10c and 12Vc grades; on sale all day, Wednesday, yard 5c 10 Bales Unbleached Muslin, In 8," 10. and 15 yard lengths on sale all day, Wednesday, yard - SA UBVUW enononoaonoaoaoooaoaoDonoaoaoaon o D o n See the prettiest of the new Valentines for 1909. o Nowhere else is the variety so great or tlie prices D so moderate. Many are absolutely new this year; p .also Valentine Tost Cards, in hundreds of styles. o . , :-? . Stationery Department. . Q fc30E30C10E30C30nOE3Oa0C10aOn3Ot30a0E30EIOE3O T ' M -.NEXT f?JGTO&Y t - ' Is the Big Gale of All the T7 From1 the -' i. W S. Steinfeldt Co. Stock Some are Slightly Damaged by Water. Others are Absolutely Sound and Perfect, K, ICS All the Lace Curtains slightly damaged by water 'but fj r.tl.ap.:........12!c aml39c a All the Lace Curtains not damaged in the least and worth II TiTTTiTTTT B4. 40 OS riOKT" A MWtrtnl B. im.raon Xonarn. d.dlaat4 to rr.atd.nt T.lt fresa zrom tn. pma, si.uv. xou 5SB353BSSSESSS8 BmTi tmum n ftiga. wr l f ii V IV IS w rtory by 11 if H I SI M II u warn KJlJT H THIS IS FOR YOU Last Friday we advertised ft suit sale that was remarkable in many respects. Our buyer bought these suits in New York because the price was such that he simply could not resist even in spite of the late season and in face of the fact that every other fellow in town has been crying "sale" at the top of his voice for a month or more. Notwithstanding the extreme cold Saturday several hundred men braved the elements and came out and bought. , There are several hundred suits Just as big value as any that went out, slill htre. They are Just the kind or suits that make you feel satisfied with yourself and your ability to detect a good bargain when you see it. They are "toppy" suits with snap to them, full of quality and style and not too heavy in weight. You'll wear It Into late spring if you are fortunate enough to get one of them. If there's a desire lurking In your breast for a new suit you'll have to put action into it fofopportunitles like these don't linger long. The "Do It Now" motto Is particularly appropriate. . 1 MEN'S $fv75 MEN'S ,$ mg suits, (U suns I f worth ny worth C $18, at.......... $25, at....-"" Wednesday in the Busy Notion Aisle Black Skirt Braids put up In 6 yard bolts, per bolt ....... .5 Children's Hose Supporters, worth more than double, at, pair... 5 Elastic Remnanta, in silk and cot ton, to close out at 2 prs. for 5 Pin Sheets, assorted sizes, worth Be each; special for one day two papers for ............ Wire Hair Pins Regular 6c and 10c quality; Wednesday sale day at two boxes for Machine Linen Thread 12 spools to pack, black only, per pkg. ot 12 spools ! Shopping Bags Usually selling for 25c; our Wednesday price, only . ..f... ..1 15c Safety Pins NIckle plated, usual 5c kind, two cards for. JjC Coats n orth Dp to $12.50 Women's t Goats Coats worth up to $40.00 SI 1 JSA li JctojriiN coxrvir THE GREATEST Cloiliiii g Sale Ever Held in the West! Your unrestricted choice of any SUIT or OVERCOAT In the house, worth up to $32.50, SATURDAY, FEB. 6th, only- One Day Only! WAIT FOR THIS GREAT EVENT! SEE WINDOWS "A" AND "C" SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY Men's Fine Gray Sweater Coats, and cardinal trimmings, worth up to $1.50, WKDNKHDAV 8KB WINDOW "G blue 59c Corner 14th & Douglas Never was an advertisement written that stuck more closely to facts. The heading tells the whole story concisely. In addition to the great coat purchase Bennett's ever made .we Include in the sale every single cloth coat from our regular stock, and offer at same low price. The highest priced cloth coat in the store is only $10.00 now; absolutely season's best styles, actually wor$A$25.00, $35.00 and $40.00. You can take your pick. There's another lot all new up-to-date, too, that were $10.00 and $12.50, now $5.0O. s Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb can...... 48o and 40 Green Stamps Teas, assorted, pound 48o and 40 Oreen Stamps Tea Sittings, pound .150 and 10 Green Stamps Wax Beans, Capitol brand, 1 So can for ; lOo White and black Cherries, '"Beat We Have" SOo quality, two cans tor .... .450 Waldorf Relish, bottle lOo and 10 Green Stamps Full Cream Cheese, pound ...SOo and 20 Green Stamps Bennett'a Capitol Wheat, pkg- Ho and 10 Green Stamps SUCCOTASH SrECIAL Splendid chance for large consumers, our ''Best We Have brand'. 15o cans $1 20 a dozen, each lOo Burnham's Clam Chowder, large can Economy Clothes Cleaner, bottle Charm Table Syrup, bottle Allen's Brown Bread Flour, pkg- Maryland Cove Oysters, 20c cans for Yankee Rose Toilet Soap, S cakes for New Cleaned Currants, three pounds for ... 12 Vic Evaporated Apples, per pound . ..BOo and SO Green Stamps ...850 and 10 Green Stamps ...160 and 10 Green Stamps .'; , lOo ; lBo ...SSo -and 10 Green Stamps a so so ' -8 FOOD CENTER OMAHA'S PURE It's So Easy to Get What You Want If You Send to Courtney's. YXCXAXi at XriUMk Counter la Baa.in.Bt, ISo Flats Dinner. We are agents for many Spe cialties, Including: Battle Creek Sanitarium Foods. Johnson's Educator Crackers. Mrs. Peterson's Milk -Wafers. Gordon & Dlllworth's Branded v Fruits, Etc. Omaha's Most Oonv.nl.nt and Most riMsant Bestaurant is Located ea Our BMond Tloor. Dr. Price's Celery Food Large slie pkg., for 5 Holland Rusk 5t X-IUy Stove Polish Regular 5c sUe, for 2 Dunkley's Celery Salad Regular 25c Jar. for .15 Puree of Tomato 2-lh. tins, strained tomatoes, for soups, gravies, etc., for 15s Fancy Jonathan Apples, pk.50 Florida Grape Fruit, each .... 5 Cranberries Cape Cod.'s finest production, per quart .... 15 Sliced Pork Chops Finest of pig 1 pork loins, per lb. . ... . . lla Philadelphia Scrapple, lb.... 15 oruvifi Ail' 1 1 J I - ......... -. tr . ... ... Ankola Coffee The talk of tha town 3 Jbs. for...... $1.00 rnoa.sl rr.nU.tk and Bonalas Streets. Douglas, MTi Xad. A-1318. rrtvats Bxchang-. Connects All D.partm.nts. i t 1 li P r A S3 Shoe for Women If $3.00 is all you care to pay for a pair of shoes to finish the winter with, come and see the shoe' we sell at that price. We be lieve it is equally as good and stylish as any shoe you can buy elsewhere for $3.50 They come in all kinds of leather and 'we show you 23 different styleB to select from. FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOERS 10th and Douglas Streets. TO". JBJ f f4BratfBjaaa kAriTfjrtlJikil IF YOU ARE CURABLE WE CAN CURE YOU Averar. Tim. to Onr. Ruptur.....On. Visit bnlaraed veins. One Visit Cataracts ...10 Days Catarrh 10 Days Goiter 0 Days Piles . . . . S to t Days Office Honrs S to S ' Dally. Writ, today to GERMAN DOCTORS Main and Broadway, couvcu. BLurrs, i IOWA. mfr i7Atn Weak and r.ervous men EVXU a UR who find th.lr power to MFPVFC work and youtnrui vigor nilIIi3 rone as a result of over work or mental exertion should take GHAT'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will mak. you eat and sle.p and bo a man again. SI Soil a boxes S9.60 B ma IUSmas a MccoararEU bsua co C?r. 1SI and Dodr Streets OVL iSUO CO Mr AWT ;ar. lSth aad IUiiii sta. Omasa. B.t Announcement The business of W. S. Balduff will continue the same as ? heretofore, being conducted by O. S. Cobb'- receiver. ' All departments being run as usual Orders in all departments ill receive prompt and careful attention. ' i . ' 1 W. S. BALDUFF, w Q. S. COBB, Receiver. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Sooooaaor to Dr. H. I BamaeetottL) aMIBTAjrr WTASM TBTBBJ OftkM aaU Xecpltal. BS10 Masos Stroet. Calls Promptly Answered at All Hi IVEDHESDAY'S DARGAKJ GULLET!!! Omihi Agents for the Famous Griffon Brand -Men's Shirts NAMES THE RKUABLK STORE Scte Omaha Agents for Zion City Laces The Very Best -A-W-F CCKJGH Ther. is no better remedy for a cough, cold, sore throat or lung trouble than Ho well's-Anti-Kawf Try a bottle. ZSo and 80a EOTIU DBTJO CO, Kiddle tno Block Xot.1 Loyal K Soh pofe and i Annual February Clearance Salo of all Women's Winter Garments. Begins Wednesday. Feb. 3d. at 9 A. M All Winter Oarments will be shown at prices so surprisingly low that you'll admit this the greatest Clearance Sale oppor tunity of j our experience. Your Money Cheerfully Refunded If You Can Match Our Values. $18,50 Tailor Suits 55.95 150 in the lot, newest styles, satin lined throughout, some of them have been on display in our windows the past few days regular $18.50 and $20.00 Val ues, at HtSl IfW UaJ S $5.95 None sold before 9 A. M. $10 $25.00 Winter Coats for $10.00 Broken lines, colors and black. all sizes, over 200 to select from at our clearing sale price 175 Handsome Tailor Suits $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 values colors and black, the season's choicest styles; clearing . sale P"ce .....$14.90 Children's Coats Regular $4.00 values, curley s bearskins and Astrakhans in all colors; clear ing sale price ....$1.39 Children's and Infants' Bonnets, $1.00 values, to close. . . . .25c Children's Bearskin Leggings Values to $1.50, at. . . . ..49c Fur Coat Snaps Values to $75, Russian colt, Astrakhans, Krimmers and Near Seals, just 50-in the Jot, on sale, choice, for only, $25.00 Great Showing of the New 'Spring Suits and Waists All the spring season's choicest de signs. , - ' V Extra Size Dress Skirts and Un derskirts A complete line for selection. ( HEW DRESS NETS A full line of 42-inch Dress Nets, regular 85c yard values. In all the popular shades. ....... 49 VALEHTIiiE SALE Every Imaginable kind 6a display comic, sentimental, -postals, mechanical and drop' styles; spe cial values, prices from 1 L'P Extra Specials for Wednesday Trom 9 to 9:30 A. M. One case of 36-in. unbleached muslin, worth 7Vc yard; 10 yard limit, at, yard 4c Fom 2 to 2:30 P. M. One casej . of fine Cambric, regular price 10c yd., 36-in. wide, soft finish ed, 10 yard limit, at 5c FOR ALL DAY Apron Checks, fast colors. SVaC 12y2c Flannelettes ...... 7c 10c Flannelettes ,-5 12MjC Outing Flannel ,6VaC IOC ToWelS ..-iaJ.ia.TVSCJ 12M:c Towels . ....-:.v.813C 10c Dress Ginghams .- .5c 75c Sheets, 81x90 v.w.59c 65c Sheets, 72x90 V.-.V.W.-. 49c Patented . Sheets, 81x90," worth 75c, at ....v..;45o Patented Sheets, 72x90 39c It Pays You to Trado at Hayden's-for Groceries, r irsT, uasT ana an trie Time. Wo can save you from 26 to 60 on your housekeeping expenses. 21 lbs. pure cane Granulated Sugar i 00 8 lbs. choice whole Japan Rice 2fc Large sacks best white or yellow Corn meal ,i6e 24-lb. sacks beet Rye Flour ' 65c Egte-O-See. Malta Vita or E. C. Corn Flakes, ppr pkg 7c The Best Domestic Macaroni, pkg....8He 24 boxes best Parlor Matcha 24c Large bottle Worcester Hauce, Tomato Catsup or Pickles, assorted kinds, per bottle .8Hc Rurnham's Jellycon or JeJl-O. pkg....7Uo The best Hoda or Oyster Crackers, lb. c The best crisp Pretzels, per lb c Bnttr, ChMso and Butt.rin. gpooUU Choice Dairy Butter,' per lb... !le Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 23c l--ancy country Creamery Butter, lb... Fancy No. 1 Butterlne, Z lbs. for The Horn, of Trash Vegabl.s 8 heads fresh Ieaf lettuce 3 bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes.. 26c ,26c .Be . .6c Large bunch fresh Beets". 4o Large bunches fresh Carrots ...4c Large bunches fresh Turnlpa, ,...4o Large bunches fresh Onions ,. ,,ju0 Head Lettuce, per head ... .'to . Fresh Cauliflower, per lb. i. bo Fresh Sweet Potatoes, per lb u0 Old Beets, Carrots. Parsnips or Turntps. per lb ; jjo Fancy Cabbage, per lb 2Uo Fancy Wax Beans, per quart lOo New Honey, per rack .llVio Fancy 7-crown Figs, per lb .....ISo XXOBXAJTB HATXb OBABOB SAXB . The Highland Navels exiell all others for richness, quality sweetness and flavor. A. special car for Wednesday at Xne fol lowing prices; , Regular 12Vic size, per dozen,'..., ...7Ho Keguiar lbo sue, per aosen. Regular 10a siie, per dozen. Regular SOo size, per dozen. Regular 86c size, per dozen .... ... .. ,250 ah outer sizes in comparison, j DON'T FORGET i. ma , 1(10 j ...lKo I 20a I t i I TRY MYDEN'S FIQST PAYd GoriAfod NebrsLska Military Academy &xacozj . A Military Hoarding School for boys, now located for tha winter at Fourteenth and U streets. All ds artmvnts are iu full operation. A good place for boys who doa't fit lu publlo schools. No aotraooo axaiulnaUous are given; regular . das work 1. suppl.m.uUd bylo dtvldual Instruction; bc woia U aally mad. up. Puull. are racelved at any time from fifth to twelfth gradM. lnclualva. Wrilt for Catalogue. x . ja. xjl uTWiaO,. Bopoxlatoadeaai LlnMlo. NoU Ground floor off ib in The Boo Building' East front on Seventeenth street, one door north" of Farnam, size iSVsxiOYz. The fire-proof vault in connection with this room is"6V&xl2 and there is also a cloak and wash room, conveniently arranged. There is an entrance from the court to this room, making a good and accessible office to reach the public It will be available April first. Small offices with vaults Did you ever stop to consider the value of a vaul In connection with an office? It gives you a place to keep your -books and valuable papers In case ot fire breaking out in your office. You don't need to lock up your office every time you are called out. Many customers are lost when they find the door locked and no place to wait for your re turn. ,' .. . v" ; We offer a small room with vault on the fourth floor Just west ot the elevator. Easy of access and convenient to the public and the rent Is only 117.60 per month. j Tho Boo Building Company ASK TO SEE THE SUPERINTENDENT OP BUILDING, ltOOM 108. P rrfl .BAILEY (k MACH WuVft: DENTISTS . I Bot equipped Dental office Id tho mlddla waaa. Hlgh..t grad. l.nu.ry at R.aonable Pric. TTri ImIsJ flftlogs. just llso tho tooth. AU toStrUjli icarafully sl.HUzed afur aach p.Uant. JTUX&D KliOOIU p AXIOM JCljOCK SJSJMwSgSSss-w qf-nmrTTi-iiT-ii 11 iFmrT7iimr