Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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v ;
Desie He is Mahmout's Manager or
Crowded Westergaard Out.
Fritnklin Automobiles
- You never aw the necessity for great weight in a horse-drawn
carnage, It would be a loa"d on the horse and would serve no
practical purpose. Excessive weight in a carriage is just as sen
sible as in an automobile.
An automobile is necessarily heavier than a carriage, but only
enough heavier to take care ot the fact that it and the power
plant are self-contained. The lighter an automobile is the bet
ter it will stand up and the easier it handles. Excessive weight
it a weakness. It racks the vehicle, and makes unreasonable
operating and repair expense.
Franklin Moflel H seven-passenger touring-car weighs 2750
rounds; Model D . five-passenger touring-car, 2200 pounds.
Weigh other automobiles and ride in them. Then weigh a
Franklin and ride in it over the same road.
..' .There it a Franklin for every U9e four- and six-cylinder
tduring-cars, runabouts, closed cars and commercial vehicles.
Model D. $2800.
f. o. b. Syracuse, N.Y.
(Top extra.)
;: ' GUY L. SMITH,
310-312 South 19th St., OMAHA, NEBR.
District Attorney Told to Go Ahead
with Prosecution of World.
. - .
. ,, .
.. I. "v." ', '
, , , " . ' '
Employe ml Paper Who Refused to
Testify laWuhlna:ton Cited to
" Rxplala Action to Justice
NEW TORK, Feb. 1. United Btl Dis
trict AUorAey Henry UBtimson made pub
llo tonight a l'ettor . In repjy to one written
by District Attorney Jerome on the aubject
of beginning an action for criminal libel In
the state- courts, against, i) publishers of
the New .York.; World because of published
chargea . regarding "tha Panama canal pur
chase. Mr. Stlmson tells Mr. Jerome to go
ahead and" "asaurenhlm r,'fhat such action
on your part will In tjo, wise be regarded
as an Interference", but. on the contrary,
we ahaU regard it. as our duty to co-operate
with yon In -all proper and lawful
ways." '' . .
Mr, . Jerorhe, had asked If action in the
state court-on; 'behalf of Douglas Robin
son, the tnsMtnt'a brother-in-law, would
be an unw Interference with the actions
begun under -federal jurisdiction. -
Mr. Stlrhaori answers this question nega
tively, but he does not state that the fed
eral Inquiries or prosecutions will cease if
Mr. Jerome begins an action.
It la. apparent that while the federal au
thorities eonrede to Mr. Jerome the right to
appVaf-aa protector of Douglas Robin-,
son's .good , name, they reserve to them-
elves the privilege of acting In defense
of thK; Veortldn bt areatleman""wha oc
cupied' Uit, position pf head of the War de
partment ln( anyfederal Jurisdiction where
the case, .applies.) - ' , .
The. : reference to the "gentleman who
occupied -the position of head of the War
department gave 'rise In some quarters to
speculation as to the person mennt by Mr.
8tlmon.v An official of the government,
whi 'detained to permit yie use of tils name,
said' tha-statonient was Intended to refer to
Ellhtl"JTrrrt,:riO as secretary of war when
negotiations 'for the purchase of the Pan
ama canal property waa concluded, though
the deeds of ' the 'propory ' were actually
turned over to this country when William
H. Taft waa secretary.
' V, , . Shaw ' Cited to Coort.
WABHINQTQN, Jan. 3I.-An important
step Jn the Panama canal libel proceedings
before the grand Jury of the District of
Columbia' wW be' taken tomorrow, when
District' . Attorney Baker will ask Justice
Ashley M." ; Gould, presiding In criminal
courr-Ifo.- 1, to compel J. Angus Shaw,
secreYary-'treasurer at the Press Publishing
company, i "publishers Of the ' New York
World, ta.answer certain questions perti
nent tp.the Jijaulry. Mr. Shaw has declined
to answer any questions except a .few of
a formal character, ton the ground that It
waa his constitutional prerogative not to'
respond upon-matters which might Incrim
inate himself:
This phase-cf the -case has given rise to
considerable interest. If Uie usual pro
cedure la i"iilnwe4, when court convenes
the court will consult the witness privately
and" If t. Information sought would tend
to Inorintlnate him. the witness' request
prohably', would be granted. Mr. Shaw,
however, wilt. .-be required to explain to the
court' hew the questions he refused to an
I swer fall , under . the privilege guaranteed
by -the-.conatltutlpn;
Dumerit Clarke, president of the American
Fxcnange National bank of New York and
trustee if tne Press Publishing company,
and three or four. Other witnesses from New
York, wyl appear as witnesses before the
grand Jury tomorrow.
others have suffered from Injured knees,
bruised heads, etc.
MHiiy of the students Interested In sports
are that the dances he restricted
to a certain number each year. The pres
ent condition keeps the track men from
working In the gymnasium; it handicaps
the practice of the basket ball team, and
It renders gymnasium instruction almost
Impossible. The soetnl element of the uni
versity wish it to be used for dances at
least twice a wet'k. ,
Many American Horses , Entered In
Blsr Events in; Ensrlaad.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1. The English rac
ing season, wliicn begins early In tlie
spring, will attract wlue attention in this
country because of the large number of
American horses that will participate. The
decadence of racing here as a result of leg
islation in various (tales, has resulted In
many of the best American horses being
shipped abroad, where the sport is unham
pered. Anions the nromlnent owners who have
sent hoi bos to England are James R. Keene,
August Belmont and Harry wnuney, wnne
scores of young horses purchased here by
British sportsmen will make their appear
ance on the tracks.
Colon and Prlscllllan, two unbeaten
racers, head the long list of American
horses now preparing for the races on the
other side. Other well known animals there
Include Ballot. Fair Play, Dinna Ken, 8uf
feragette, Wedding Bella. Sir Martin, which
will try for tho Derby for his English
owner: Bobbin, Mellsande, Helmet and
Baby Wolf.
That the English handlcapper holds a high
estimate of the American bred runners Is
evidenced from the fact that Ballot, Colin,
Fair Play and Prlscllliun all are asked to
carry In their engagements several pounds
more than Llangam and Your Majesty,
reckoned the best English horses of last
Many of the big English atake races
have ellglhles from the American Invading
Hqutd. These include, besides the - Derby,
the great English classic, the Ascot Hold
Cup, the Great Jubilee handicap, the Lin
colnshire handicsp. the Babrahn plate, the
Metropolitan stakes, the Liverpool cup, the
Great Burrey handicap, the Victoria cup.
the Ecllpso stakea and the Jockey v Club
fttakea. ... ,. , . ... , ' . ..,
Two Omaha Men Eleeted to Offices In
Mlddlo West Conarreas.
ST. JOSEPH.' Mo.. Feb. 1. St. Louis se
cured next year's -tournament of the Mid
dle West Bowling association at an execu
tive meeting held here today. The officers
elected were as follows:
George Strots of Des Moines, president;
George Qualey of St. Ixnils. first vice
president; C. W. Grotte of Omaha, second
vice president; Charles Nichols of Kansas
City, third vice president; D. D. Sweeney
of St. Louis, secretary; G. O. Francisco of
Omaha, treasurer.
The leaders In the tournament now are
Kid Nichols' five-man team. Kansas City,
J.SS1: Amling-Freeman, two-man team,
Bt. 1-ouK l,.'t; Herbert, Individual, St.
Louis, 6iS.
Glllan Belarus from t'tilraa-o, W Here
Me Went to Match These Two
Giants for Friday at the
George Kennedy, the wrestling promoter.
has addressed a letter to th sporting edi
tor Of The Bee, r. which he Says he Is nt
msnager of Youslff Mahmout. the big Turk,
who Is to wrestle Raoul de Rouen, the gi
gantic Frenchman, at theAudltorlum Fri
day night. Also he denies that Jess West
ergaard was crowded out after accepting
the challenge sent by the Turk to the win
ner of the Westergaard-de Rouen match.
Mr. Kennedy writes at much length and
goes Into detail in order to establish his
statement that he has "nothing to do with
Mahmout." He says Joe Coffey, president
and matchmaker for the Empire Athletic
club of Chicago Is the Turk'a manager and
that all engagements tor the Turk must be
made through Coffey. He said the present
engegament, the match of Friday night,
was made by Manager Glllan cf the Audi
torium, with Coffey In Chicago after
three-fourths" of a day was spent In tha
Mr. Glllan, . who returned Monday from
Chicago, confirmed this statement.
As to Jess Westergaard having been
crowded out, Kennedy says: ,
"Westergaard was offered the match, but
declined It because he didn't feel, any too
well at the time. I will make you a pres
ent of SJ00 If you can get Westergaard In
the ring with Mahmout."
Kennedy Insists that the Frenchman and
the Turk are two of the best men In tho
world and that the winner of Friday night's
match will try for a contest with Gotch.
Referring to Mahmout's challenge of the
winner of the Westergaard-de Rouen match
In Omaha announced at the ringside. Ken
nedy says: "This man Mahmout, has two
managers and one of them asked me to
aske the winner of the Westergaard-de
Rouen match to meet Mahmout and I did
so, and when one manager told tho oflier
what he had asked me to do the reply he
got was all business through manager A,
so this Is the telegram that was sent.
Westergaard Is not within reach Just
now, but Mr. Glllan confirms what Ken
nedy says as to Jess not wanting to meet
the Turk for a while.
Jes Says Barns la Better.
Westergaard made thes remark after his
match with the Frenchman that he beileved
Farmer Burns, In his best trim, could beat
either do Raoul or Mahmout, though he did
not try to say that both these giants were
not good men. Their tremendous weight
and strngth give them an advantage
which is hard for a man like Burns to
overcome. Burns weighs 170, wnne me
Turk weighs 198 and the Frenchman 240.
Conceding that the Farmer probably knows
mora about the game than either of these
men ever will, his age 8 oou pled with his
light weight, would placo him at a great
disadvantage against either one. Yet all
these things considered, the popular feeling
In Omaha Is that the old man would dis
pose of de Rouel without serious dlfflcutly,
and beat Mahmout after a hard struggle
But Burns doesn't want to do such heavy
worlt for a while. He ssld some weens ago
though with no referennce specially to
either of these fellows, that while he still
felt good for several years of hard work
he preferred to let, the weighty chaps alone,
far oven -though not as good wrestlers as
soma lighter men, working against them
was wearing and tearing on him and he
did not want to undertake It unless neces
Mr. Kennedy's views to the contrary not
withstanding, there is still ample belief In
Omaha that Jess Westergaard Is a better
wrestler than the Frenchman and would
have beaten him In their match had It
gone to the finish.
From Indications It appears that a large
crowd will turn out Friday night to see
the two big fellows go It. Manager Glllan
says the aeat sale Is going on rapidly al
ready. There Is no reaso nwhy these men
should not put up one of the best matches
ever seen at the Aurltorlum.
.."Athletlea ts. Society.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Feb. 1. With eight
athletics is apparent in the student body
of the t'nlversity of Iowa In regard to
the uaa of the gymnasium. Bo msny dan
cina parties bava-heau held In the ryin
natiium trie last three weeks that the floor
has been gendered- slippery. Three students
h-avo sprained ankles and a half-dosen
Ela-ht Teams Enter Klah t-llour-a-llay
Contest at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb., 1. With eight
teams reputed to be the cream of the six
day bicycle riders of the country as con
testants, the eight-liour-a-day six day bicy
cle race began here this afternoon in
Convention hall. The following are the
Morgan and Kramer, New Jersey team.
Fogler and Root, New York team.
Bardgett and Mitten, Iowa team.
Demaia and Hill. California team.
Walker and Palmer, AiiHtralian team.
Wilcox and Sen house. Mormon team.
Wiley and Cameron, Brooklyn team.
Pevoinvitch and McKay, Rusxian team.
Each day's racing, will begin at l!:3o In
the afternoon and lust until 10; JO p. in.
nival Target Shots Get Ready.
Ten of the crack target rifle shots of
Omaha are organizing to swoop down upon
the cracks of Council Bluffs Thursday
night. Considerable rivalry exists between
the marksmen and they will decide which
la the better inursoay ntffht.
Babies Strangled
by croup, coughs or colds are Instantly re
lieved md quickly cured with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 60c and 1.(M. For sale by
Beaton Drufc Co.
Oratorical Honors fur Corey,
JOWA CITY, la., Feb. 1. (Speclal.)-
Chester A. Corey of Iowa City won the
Northern Oratorical league preliminary
contest here and will represent the Uni
versity of Iowa at the Northern Oratorical
league contest, which will be held at I'r
bana. Ill.i In May. Ills subject wss "A
Living Issue."
Active Salesmen Bee Want Ads.
i. . . - - w i f
ll SlrtcV
U 1857
has a rich distinctive flavor that
'is the n.iik of a perfectly pure
whisker clentitically dittilled
from only the choicest grains;
aired and matured in government Z,i I mm
bonded warehouses: then bottled (
. under Gov't, supervision, with j'A
alt of it goodness and purity 0
protected by the little green f
stamp. It istrua hospitality to -
oflr your guests such a fine ff
... whiskey. It is good judgment to ?
. lA lf always in the housa in it
" fify ' fs ' fatigua or sickness. Sz
' ' ft v ' . - fjZ
ye""' - H'yoar tit cast supply you. ff
A h ' X aararilai ki a Inf hss rti nna srhii n W ft
wiKt SQ r bum of on srtio caa.
a r-....L l.-; . jb. n- Z4
js "h ' iiw.hga4rd a 4 n j
maha and Sonth Omaha Teams Meet
at Y. M. C. A. Satardny..
The old rivals. Omaha and South' Omaha
High schools, will clash in a basket ball
game Saturday night. The contest will be
played on the floor of the Young Mens
Christian association and will start
promptly at s o'clock. Both teama ahve
made a fine showing so far this season and
as neither haa been defeated the game will
be watched with a good deal of interest.
Last yesr the Omaha boya defeated the
packers by a very close margin and the
latter team Is determined to make good
the loss.
Tho local team has been greaily strength
ened by the return of Nagl, who waa can
tain last year and one o fthe beat players
on the team. McWhinney at center is Im
proving rapidly and will soon be as valua
ble a man on the team as was Arnsteln.
who made such a nenvlablo record last
The preliminary .game Is creating almost
as much interest aa the big contest. Last
week Morris Cohen, a former star of the
South Omaha team, met Coach Cherrlnaton
and Issued a challenge to the alumni of the
Omaha High. Aa Cherrlngton is a graduate
of the local school and waa a member of
the basket ball team during the four yeara
he attended there, he could not let the
deft go unanswered. Accordingly It was
agreed that a team representing the alumni
of South Omaha waa to meet the alumn
of Omaha In a preliminary game next Saturday-
night. Two former atars on the
South Omaha team are now on the Stale
unlveraity squad. These men have been
sent for and Cohen feels sure thst he will
have a winning team, on the other hand
Omaha contains many graduatea of the
high achool who were playera on the team
and Coach Cherrlngton says that his bunch
will make them go aome if they win.
At a meeting of the high school basket
ball team held yesterday afternoon Edward
Burdlck was chosen captain for the coming
sehson. Burdlck hss been a member of the
team for three seasons and has well earned
the honor wnicn nis team amtes have be
stowed upon him. Since entering the Hlarh
school he has been prominent in all forms
of sthenics, in the annual field day of las
spring he carried off the gold medal for
the best all around athlete in the achool
He waa also a member of the relay team
which won the state meet and established
a new record for the distance. Burdlck Is
very popular among the students, having
been ctioaen as tne president or nis class by
a large majority in tne iau eecuons.
lawn Team Badly Battered.
IOWA CITY. Ia., Feb. 1 (Spejla.) Iowa s
basket ball team returned yesterday from
the eastern trip In a bait-red condition fo
the game scheduled tomorrow evening with
Maurice Kent s Haskell Indians.
The players are badly bruised from the
three hard games against a strong trio In
the conference Chicago. Indiana and ePr
due. .The allowing of the team is consid
eied satisfactory though, three defeata
were registered. The team ha had little
experience In hard games and not a slnale
contest had been played by the team off
the home floor before the eastern trip.
Coach Griffith will start linmcdlat-ly
toward getting the men In ahape fur th
Minnesota trip the last of this month
when two games will be played wU the
Uopliers and one witn Wisconsin.
The feature o fthe trip was the contest
between Page of Chicago and Stewart of
Iowa In the fliat game. The allowing of
the Hawkvye against Maroon Star waa m
tho Hawkeye against the Maroon alar waa
moat favorable.
Better, Bu:-That's what ad-
la Th aa tut your
The MawhMeey Myai Jewelry Store
IStlr and Douglas Sts.
Will continue during the coming week with two sessions daily, 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Sm TT tl A IT! fl Monday and
pecia! Night Sales- s:
An Unusual Event in tho Qusinoss History of Omaha
This immense stock, by far the largest and finest in Omaha, is being
offered at auction daily to the highest bidder without reserve.
Diamonds, Watches, Gold Jewelry, , Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Fancy
China and Pottery, Imported Bronzes and Brasses, all to go!
Bear Tills Auction Sale in IVIInd
Visit our store any day while it is in progress. We know you will
be pleased with the manner in which it is conducted.
Mr James L, Hand, our auctioneer, sells without misrepresentation.
We guarantee the quality of each article sold to be as he represents it.
You1 may select any article from the most expensive diamond to the
smallest bit of china and it will be put up and sold. Comfortable chairs are
provided for ladies. Expensive souvenirs are given at each sale. Visit
our store tomorrow, Tuesday, whether you intend purchasing or not.
We want you to witness the best conducted . auction sale ever held
in Omaha,
Another Shot in the Epistolary Duel
Jver Wetmore.
Conduct Dnrlna; the Tendency of tbe
Case Analysed by tse Attorney
Who Successfully . Defended
the Aeenaed.
OMAHA, Feb. l.-TO the Editor of The
Bee: The letter of Judge Sears in his
attempted defense of .Lawyer Daniel, Canon
Bell and Dean Beecher, demonstrates what
knew at the outset, that In the trial
of the Wetmore case I -was up agajnst a
pretty hard combination. If on that trial
In addressing Judge Bears, I had only em
ployed the words once addressed to the
fair Portia during her brief career as a
trial judge and had exclaimed "A Daniel
coma to judgment. Yea, a Daniel! O wise
Judge, how I do honor thee!" and had
lauded the preachera to the skies in place
of criticising their efforts to outdo Sher
lock Holmes, I would have been a good
citizen and a worthy member of the
legal profession in place if a target for
abuse and denunciation.
But, what would have become of my
clientT He probably, by this time, regard
less of his guilt or Innocence would have
been on his way to Lincoln.. I had a
duty to perform as well as the court and
that was to use all honorable means at
my command In the defense of my client.
This I did and nothing more. My criticism
of witnesses -waa Justified, by the record
they made. My objections to the course
taken by Judge Sears , had justice and
liberty for their basis.
And, right here is to be found tho Irri
tating sand-burr that caused Judge Sears
to come down from the Judicial bench and
recklessly rush Into public print as the
self constituted defender of his former
conferees. It was shown on the cross-
examination of Canon Bell that aecret
conferencea with Judge Sears had been had,
having for their purpose the indic'ment
and convlctment of Wetmore and that
Judge Bears who later on waa to hold the
scales of justice between the state and
the defendant had advised both Canon Bell
and Dean Beecher that the alleged con
fession of Wetmore in the Gardner Mem
orial Parish house was proper to be revealed.
What of the Defendant.
Under these conditions what show had the
defendant for his liberty? Even the ques
tion of the admissibility of testimony had
been determined in advance of the trial and
the attorneys for the defendant were fore
closed1 before their objections could be
made. Like the horse that was beaten in
the race before he started, they could not
possibly, win. It certainly was bad enough
for the preachers to abandon their sacred
railing and in the Interest of pretended re
form become sleuths in the Third ward. In
their case, however, the end might Justify
the means. But who can justify the course
ot a trial Judge who becomes both accuser
and prosecutor and commits himself in ad
vance to the decision of questions which
must ultimately arise upon the trial?
When this waa ahown by the cross-examination
of Canon Bell, Judge Bears un
dertook to Justify his action by a statement.
To this I objected on the ground that the
defendant was not present at these confer
ences and that if the Judge was to give his
eraion ot the affair it should be by sworn
testimony upon the witness stand, with the
right on our part of cross-examination.
The judge then announced he would make
hla statement In some other way at aome
other time. Tills episode in the trial was
i no of the Irritating aandbura to disturbing
to juUiciaJ equanimity.
Judge Sears In Ills letter says he adds
his word to the Interest of good ritisenshlp
becuuse the mouths of the witnesses ara
closed. Who closed them? Why are they
closed? They certainly were not- closed
when trying to swear Wetmore into the
penitentiary. The idea thut lawyer Dan
iel's mouth la closed. ' so that ha cannot
make defense for himself. Wtiy, even
Dsaa Ottchrr b his pulpit, ana ss tnusx
who have read the newspapers know, he
already has ued it in his own vindication.
No, the letter of Judge Senrs was not
written In the Interest of these witnesses.
It was wrKten because he, as accuser,
prosecutor and trial Judge, was not spared
on the Wetmore trial any mote than Canon
Bell. Ho fh-st scored the Jury. He then
jumps on me. But, In doing thli. he for
gets that he no longer occupies the pro
tected position of Judge, who, like the
king, "can do no wrong." By rushing into
print he becomes plain Mr. Sears from
Tekamah. In repelling his assaults I do
not even unve lo refer to him aa "Your
honor." This Is certainly a relief. When
in his court I will endeavor, as I always
have, to show for him the respect his Judi
cial position entitlea him to receive. But,
when off the bench,-. I will treat him as
he deserves. If he wants to go into a re
cital or comparison ot recctds, I will gladly
accommodate him.
Power of the Court.
Cne thing, however, I wish to say at this
time, and that is tltt his reference to re
moving me from the Wetmore Cane or any
othur cases strikes no terror to my soul.
I recognize that a Judge on the bench for
the time being has power equal to that of
the czar of Russia and that such power
can be as arbitrarily exercised as hy that
despot. But, Judge Soars shoull know
that he has- uo. legal right to remove 01
displace any attorney in the trial of any
case. It may be such is his idea until r
the law In Burt county, but it la not tlie
law bb unanimously declared by the highest
courts of the land. A defendant, tindeu the
constitution, has tho, right to a Jury trial
and to make de fense by counsel of his own
selection. The tight of an attorney to ap
pear In '.he trial of any case Is a property
right that cannot be taken from him except
upon proper charges and a regulur trial. If
Judge Seara can catch me for contempt
he Is welcome to do so. When I am In his
court, however, I will try and keep out of
reach of the grappling hooks.
Some years ago a distinguished attorney,
while making his argument, was harshly
called down by an arbitrary trial Judge
with the query, "Are you trying, Mr.
Choate, to show contempt for the court?"
"No, your honor," replied that dlstin-
r : '
guished barrister, "I am doing the boat I
can to conceal my contempt for the court."
This precedent, when necessity requires,
I will always try and follow. I am thank
ful, however, that the occasion for doing so
Is rare. For more than twenty-five years
I have been engaged In the trial of cases.
Never , but once have I been charged with
contempt and even this charge was held
insufficient by the supreme court. As a
rule, the Douglas county bar has been
greatly favored with able and reasonable
judges. In the list headed by Judge Lake,
followed by such eminent lawyers as Wake
lay, Doane and Savage, we can Include the
pt-esent Incumbents, Kennedy, Redlck'. Es
telle, Day and Troup. One other thing t
am also thankful for and that is neither
Judge Sears or any one else has ever
charged nre with Incompetency or disloy
alty to my client. W. J. CONNELL.
Buajffestloiia of Executive Will Be
Embodied In California Allen
Land Bill.
SACRAMENTO, Cal. Feb. 1. Governor
rtillt'tt made public tonight the text of a
letter received today from President Roose
velt with regard to anti-Japanese legisla
tion now pending Iri tho California legisla
ture. President Roosevelt quotes from a
letter from former Secretary of State Root
to Governor Gtllett, and from a memo
randum, pointing out that Mr. Root saw
no objection to a law which treated all
aliens alike, but that to avoid conflict with
the constitution such statute should con
tain an expressed provision excepting from
Its operations any rights secured by treaty
between the United States and foreign na
tions. Mr. Roosevelt says that this view
has his cordial endorsement.
Definite action Will be taken during the
present week, It Is said, on two Important
subjects of attention In the California leg
islature race-track gambling and the re
striction of Japanese. In this state the law
against turf gambling, modeled after the
Hughes law in New York, which has al
ready passed the assembly, will be made a
special order of business for Tuesday. Sen
ator George S. Walker, one of the sponsors
for the measure, asserts that not more than
five senatora will vote against it.
A. M. Drew's anti-alU-n land Irill, us
amended by hlmto VohfurnTto. the wishes
of President Roosevelt, will he favorably
reported by the conimlttoc oik Judiciary,
and action may he taken on it Tuesday,
for which time It probably will be made
a special order of business. This bill is
almost an exact duplicate of the Oklahoma
law. It doea not specify that aliens must
become citizens' of the ' V'nlted Slates In
order to retain land or to purchase land.
The bills introduced hy Grove L. JohriBnn
early In the session, to prohibit Hlleim from
being members of boards of directors and
segregating Japanese In public schools, and
segregating all undesirable aliens In resi
dential districts, will lie taken up as a spe
cial order of business on Wednesday.
The combination 'of healthful vegetable ingredients of which S. S. S. ia
composed, makes it an especially desirable and effective remedy in the treat
ment of sores and ulcers of every kind. Since an imtmre condition of the
blood is responsible lot the trouble, a medicine that can purify the blood is
the only hope of a successful cure; and it should be a medicine that not only
cleanses the circulation, but one that at the same time restores the blood to
its normal, rich, nutritive condition. S. S. S. is lust such a remedy. It is
made entirely of healing, cleansing vegetable properties, extracted from na
ture's roots, herbs and barks of the forest and fields. It has long been
recognized as the greatest of all blood purifiers, possessing the qualities
necessary to remove everv impurity in the blood. When S. S. S. has purified
the circulation, and strengthened and enriched it, sores and ulcers heal read
ily and surely, because they are no longer fed and kept open by a continual
discharge into them of irritating disease-laden matter from tne blood. S. S. S.
brings about a healthy condition of the flesh by supplying it with rich,
nourishing blood and makes a permanent and lasting cure. Book on Sores
fend Ulcers and any medical advice mailed free to all who write.
"By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles.
established In Omaha for ti yeara The many thous
ands of cases cured by us make us the moat exper
ienced Specialists In th West, in all diseases and ail
ments of men. W know Just what will cure you-
and cure .xu quickly.
We Cure You, Then You Pay Us Our Fee.
We make no misleading or falsa statements, or offer
you cheap, worthless treaUnent. Our reputation and
tVine are loo favorably knovrn; every case we treat our
reputation l at stake. if our health, life and hnpplneas
is too serious a matter to pUce In the hands of a
"AMBLrU" IKJOTOR. Honest doctors of ability us
their OWN 1HS IK TII BUSINESS. sTsrvooa
DebiUty. Blooa Volson, Skin Iisaaa, jUaney and Bind
dsc Oiasaasa, all Special DImmwi aa Allaeata of afea.
, i.aamlnatlon and consultation. Write lor
Sviniitoru Blank for home treatment.
Searles & Searles, 119 S. lltb. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha.
Mother Finds Beaut Devon ring; Body
When She Returns to Family
Tamp Near Bnluon, Cal.
BAI.BOA, Cal., Feb. 1. Her 2-year-old
boy killed and his body terribly mutilated
by a .nonster mountain lion, and the fierce
beast devouring- one of the legs which It
had rorn from Its socket, was tho sight
that Mrs. Chris Brown beheld when she
entered the family tent four miles from
the Hotel Dlinar after a short walk yes
terday evening. When the mother realized
what had taken place she screamed and
almost threw herself on the Hon. which
growled savagely and hacked slowly out of
the rear of the tent, carrying a mouthful
of the human flesh In Its toeth, and disap
peared. The Browns arrived ' from Dola
waie two weeks ago.
T have a treatment for the cure"
of Rupture whluh Is safe and with
out pain; It Is convenient to tkr,
and no time Is loat, and costs noth
ing unless a cure is made, and it re
quires only a few days to complete a
-C5f .XT,.?'--:U4M '
My specialty is the CURING of
Rupture. There is no method that'
can be used at home that will cure.
When taking my treatment all' pa
tients must come to my office, and
if they live out of the city they can'
return home the same day and fol
low their usual avocation.
My Claims to Yonr Confidence.
I am a graduate and licensed
rihyslclan and permanently estab
ished In this city, and have first'
class professional and business repu
tation. I claim to be thp leading e
prt In this part of the country in
the successful cure of Rupture with
out a surgical operation, and have
cured hundreds of people In West
ern Iowa and Nebraska.
I Guarantee a Cart.
J will euro all .persons afflicted
with a Rupture that 1 consider cur
able after an examination haa been
made, before accepting their money,'
and furthermore, I will make my
charges reasonable. Call at my of
fice for free oxajiii nation or write
and I will send literature, and full
particulars. As to my responsibility,,
1 respectfully refer all to the First
National Bank ot Bloux City, la., or
tho V. 8. National Bank of Omaha.
Frank II. Wrar, M. II.
-Ruin Hee Uldgv