9 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. TEHKUAHY 2. 1PM. Want - ads Advertise-real for the want a rolnmna 'will he taken aatll 13 a, tor the errata edition aad aatll a. ". for tha snoralaa; Saaday edltleae. Ink naat ancoaspnay all nrdere far waat ads aad aa advertisement will he aerrpted for lean than 1 ceata for flrat taaertloa. . Ratea apply to cither Tha Dally or Bnnday Mao. Alwaye ooaat nl werde t a llao. romblaatlona nf laltlala or naken 'out aa oao word. CASH n ATF9 FOn WT AD. REUULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa j Iniertlna. pel liar. lO cents. Two or more roiietallte lasertloas, per lta. reals. Each lasertloa road on add days, JO reate per liar. fl.oO per Una per month excepting that FlnjIHHED ROOM ADS, when accompanied by euah, tha rata will he i Oao Insertion, 4 eents per line throe or elx eonaeentlfa inaer tloaa. 3 cents per llao each. Inaerttonl etta or more oonaeeatlTe laaertlona, 2 eenta per lino nek inaerttonl BO tenia per line per month. Waat ada for The Bee may ho left at aay of the following dreg- nteree oao la yonr "corner dron-a-lst" they m all branch offices for The Bee aad voo ad will ho Inserted Jest aa promptly and on the aanao ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee Balldiac, Seventeenth aad Farnam atroctat Albscn. W. C. oth and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A.. 1403 fi. 16th St. Becht Pharmacy. 120 8. Wth St. Benson Fharmacy. Benson. Neb. Wemls Park pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blaka's Fharmacy, 2KU Sherman Ave. Coughlln. C. P... 6th and Pierre Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. Z213 Military Ave. t:onie. J. R, 41st Ave. and Farnam Su CrUsey i'harmacy. I4lh and Lake Sl Crrmak. Krnii, 1204-4 8. 13th St. I'.hlcrs, B. H. 'i Leavenworth St. Foster & Arnoldl. 21s N. 3Sth St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence 1 run Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake St. Greenotigh, U. A., 1624 8. 10th 8U Grecnough, O. A.. 1834 8. lHh SU Hayd.n, William C. 2920 Farnum 81. llanaccr.i Park Pharmacy. 1401 8. 28 in St. Hoist. John, l24 N. 19th St. Huff. A. L 2924 Leavenworth St. King. K. 8., 2338 Farnam HI. Kountze Place Phaimacy, -0I N. C41H St. '..athrop, Charles E.. 134 N. 24th St. Patrick Drug Co., 16MI N. 24th St. Peyton, L,. IS., 24th and Leavenworth Bta. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th 81. and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cat Price Drug Co.. 16th and Chicago fits. Sohaefer, August. 2021 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut 11111 Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming Sis. Walton Pharmacy, jnth and Grace Sts. Worth, O. 11.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. 1) BATHS AM D I'l.M Ell A I, NOTICES I'AKKY John L., at the hotne rf his brother. George Catty, 1116 . 31st St., at .1:5a Sunday afternoon. I'ut.eral from residence of his brother Tuesday utter.'.oon at 2:30. MORGAN Frank C. at St. Paul. Minn. Remains, will reach i;nion station Tues day morning at 8 a. tn . go direct to St. Jnlin's church, high mass at 9:45 u. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemeterj'. MARH14UE LItE.SES. Permits to ned were Issued to the fol lowing: Name and Residence. Age. John II. HKglns, St. Lous A! Anna M. Harper, St. Louis 22 Atonzo McCartcr, Burlington Junction, Mo 23 May Maupln, Boulder, Colo 21 Albert J. Schwab. Wlota. la 2 Ella Faesslcr, lone, N. M... 2u Hcrnard A. McDerntolt, Omaha 27 Sophie H. Shirley, Ottawa, Canada 24 BIRTHS A.D DEATHS. till tha Salvatore Sehastino Tesco, 71S Ixavcn worth street, boy; Alfio Sal va tore Sacca, it J Pierce street, girl; Giuseppe Car. malts lmzulonc, leavcn worth street, iKiy; John Ramillo, 2710 South Twentieth strict, boy; James Ban, 1520 Pinu street, boy; Milton Johnaon, 130 Grand avenue, lioy; Peter John Hawkins, iSl:i Dorcaa street, boy; Charles Wilson, 2437 lavenport afreet, girl; Christian C. Klinger, 2632 South Ninth fctrcut, girl. , Deaths Bennle Talbot, 4214 Burt street. 22 year; Mrs. EUlxa Kroitsxch. 1416 Chicago street, bi year; Louis Chleborad, South Eighteenth street, :9 years; C. M. Conoyer, 1M Pierce street, 6S; Hannah E. Brown, 4I2 North Tlilrty-lhird street, 75 years; Glenvllle Roberts, 1S06 Ohio street, 2 months. ANNOUNCEMENTS UGN PA1NT1NU-S. 11. Cola. 1302 Douglas. U-itil WHEN vou want your books audited call or write, Hlggins, rcom 19, continental Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 156b. U U 1)-M7; 2x AUTOMOBILES DERIGHT AUTOMOB1LK COMPANY. 18'4 Farnam Street, "loddard Dayton Roadster, $1,100. Reo Touring car, S460. Ford, model N, tiM. Ford, R. $500. Bulck Runabout, almost new, ISOO. htevena Duryea, $350. Dragon Touring car. $1,050. Wavetly Electric, $400. All the above guaranteed In good shape, onto agun'.s Sloddard-Dayton. tiloddard-Dayton. $100, $2,0u0, $2,600. Open and closed vara for rent day cl UighL Tel- Douglas iai. 2)-2iv EIGHT aecond hand Rambler automobiles at your own prices, itaaibler Auto Co., 4Fjirnatn iit. 2);4 Feblfc AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In the au lomubila Held; Ischnical Instructions on both stcsm and gas engines; students I'aid tor repair work. Addreas Omaha Scnool of Automobile Knginsating. :'41$ 1 x a venwortlt ri r M 761 BARTER AND EXCHANGE . IS-ACHE, highly improved fruit and poul- I try farm av "nites irom posioince, coun cil Blutis, la.; 8-room bouse, laige barn, 6 chicken houses and yards, water sys tem and sewerage, 5 acres fruit good roads; 2&t) pet- acra; mig . $3.4u0; ex change equll for improved farm in Iowa, Nob. or Mo., or stock of groceries Mild building. Ale Smith. Council Bluffs, la. (1) Miii TRADES, TRADES We are the trading ii liter. Tell ua what you have. 8. E. Wall Co., 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Dcug. $) al608 l EXCHANGE A fine paying general mer chandise business In a good Nebraska U v.ii; might take part in good land Box 727. Columbus. Neb. (3) 612 lx WHAT HAVE YOU? 1 have a good 8U acres of land in northeast .Setirsska. 8 miles from Spencer; all nice, level land, good soil; price. $ per acre; no Improvements. Will exchange for Komelhiug good of equal value. 8. E. Wait c Co.. 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. tS)-M9Q6 2 FOB EXCHANGE 6i acres fine western alfalfa Nebraska land. Increasing in value every day: no sand and plenty of water; fine buffalo grasa. lind partially level; equity of ti.ouO. for good home In Omaha. Addresi K 461. rare Bee. - (J) 'it 3 BUSINESS CHANCES SPLENDID location for grocery store and butcher shop hi best residence part. Lot iner will erect suitable building at ne nnd make reanouable lease. .N heller location could be found for a fust for a first 17lli St. D-MJ94 3 c;as4 busincaa, Inqulie 22u 8 10 BUSINESS CHANCES Continued..) TO i;rT IN or out of business call on GANOE8TAD, Room 403. Bee Bldg. 14) 7M WANTED Man with capital 10 lake Inter est in an established liardware. Imple ment, grain and seed business; 1! sales over $100.0"0; located In county aeat town of five thousand; Canyon county took flrat prize at, Council Bluffs and Omshs; want lo extend business and add Johhlng lines. Address Box 48. Caldwell, Idaho. 4 M523 Feb FOR SALE Good shoe shop, all mi chlnerv, good trade; sell at cost; part anii, balance time. Box H04, Chadron, Neb. (4) M8K4 lx FOR 8ALE An up-to-date hardware stock at once: inqur quick; no trades consid ered; $J.' atock. Including fixtures Addresa Wm. F. Dickinson, Exeter. Neb. (4) M709 4 ICR Another cold wave coming says forecaster Welch. Hire teams and fill the houses In the neighborhood. I.iwo tons. Only 10 cents per tun. Clear tring water. I.ake James, east of Coun try club and Krug perk. REAL KHTATB TITLE-TRUST CO. Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam St. (4I-M102 2 DRUG stores for sale.- Kniest. N. T. Lire. (4) 785 WANTED A good .live hustler who can sell land and city real estate. N IW7, care hep. 4 M917 6 MARKET FOR PALE CHEAP FOR CASH fiood meat business at Geneva, Neb., owner retiring from business, will sell s.t a low figure. His business Includes tip-to-date fixtures, etc. Business mn In build ing built cielally for that purpose, ce ment floor, modern refrigerator, etc. Write quick If Interested. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, OMAHA. NEB. OR ATHERTON ft EVANS, GENEVA. NEB. (4)-M914 2 FOR SALE Cheap, furniture for a 3-chair barber shop. G S81, Bee. (4) M772 2x I'P-TO-DATE job printing office and small lino of office supplies, located In Omaha, for aale nt a sacrifice. Globe Iji.nd In vestment Co.. Omaha. Neb. (4) M965 6 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. OLIVER A. HALL, classy bungalows, flats and apartment buildings. D-T xs. i. iiie. Phone Duuglas 2ot. t5) M666 F2x Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R, 2. loC Farnam St. Doug.l7. (6-7S Creameries. DAVID COLE creamery Co. 5)-7M China Palntln. CHINA decoratinr: order work a sneeialry, I-eions Tuesds, Tliursdsy and Satur day. Firing daily. Leather craft, stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungata, 834 Brandela Bids. Tel. Red 6486. (5) 6al Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 422a (6)-7W M ''Do well Dressmaking school. 162S Farnam. &) 790 EXPERIENCED dreasmaker sewing In families by day; good work guaranteed. Tel. Web. 1809. (D)-720 F12x Denttsta. BAILEY MACH, Id floor Faxton. D. MR. (S 792 PERCIVAL, Sd floor Barker block. Tel. Doug. 11S6. Perfect dentistry at reason able price. (6) 798 F13x Edncntlonal. N0W0PEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Every day la enrollment day. Enter any time for complete, thorough Instruction In Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping and Telegraphy. Catalogues are free. U. B. Boyles, president, Omaha. Official Training School for Telegra phers for U. P. K. R. Telegraph Dept. (5) M461 DRAFTING Evening classes: terms easy; draftsmen command highest wages, Omaha Technical School, 626 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 2369. (5 M789 Mix Financial. MONEY I TO LOA N L O W 1ATE. in sums to cult. 810 Bee Bldg.. 'Phone Douglaa 2901 UNION LOAN CUMPAfS. -7 Florists. HESS at BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. )-79J L. HENDERSON. lbV Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. ti TV 7. H. BATH, 162S Harney. Tel Doug. 8000. Hotels. DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge, beat for Us class In the city; good restaurant in connection. () 466 Ft Massage. GENERAL treatment, also face and scalp massage. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Benda Mang, Rooms 230-2-4, Pazton Blk. Tel. Doug. 190. (5)-M240 F21 HoTlsg and Storing). EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office HI N. 361 h St., warehouse 2307-9 Ixard St. t3)-j0 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 41$ N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664, -iti Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, (08 N. T. I Bldg. FlnsahlngT. CAMPBELL & DILIA)N, piactlcal plumb ers: special attention given to repair work. Tel. Doug. independent. A-134J. (&)-M4CN Ftf Safes. Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire eacapes- shutters, doors and aaiea. u. Anaiean, crop., uu ts. touu Shorthand Reporter nnd Notary. r. J. SUTCL1FFE Depoaltlona. Bldg. Tel. Dougiaa Ifen. US Bee ia-dul Shoo Repairing-. SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Snoe Repair Co.. 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglaa 7567. (a- Undertakers. HULSE & RIEPEN. successors to Harry B. Davis, it) So. 16 Ih 8U Both phones. (W-J37 Feb! Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD ST., trial. Missouri filter; IS days' i)-7WI HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageata and Salesladies. . LADIES-Iarn lo become traveling and city salesladies; tremendous opportuni ties: hundreds of openings and big pay. Write for prosimctint. Mary A. Reynolds, Box 641. Minneaiolls. Minn. (7M869 F3x Clerical aad Office. ON B typist. $:0-$26. Two steuogrspliers, good chance for ad- v am merit. Counter clerk, must be neat, $8. Registration fee refunded if ws fail to lo cate you. , NATIONAL REFERENCE A INVEST MENT CO., ' 671 Band, is Bldg., Omaha. - t7)-P58 1 i W H I lion EN writing to advtrtlkere, kindly men The Bee. r A "want stops many HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad OM.ce Continued. OFFICE clerk, good penman. I.'A meno who understands tjkpg , WESTERN KEF. BOND ASIN, IM., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7I-8S3 1 Factory aad Tradea. LADIES and girls wanted who can do piecework at home whole or spare time. Call forenoons. 2307 8. 13th. Co M8 2x Hoesekeepere aad Domestic. WANTED-Competcnt nurse girl. 2619 Web ster St. tJ) M21 ax WANTED At once to go to Hot Springs, 8. D., a middle aged responsible woman for good housework In a family of five ndult persons. Every convenience; steady poottlon; good wages. Also, about May I. strong intelligent ambitious man and wife to leam the bath and masst business. In the best institution in the west. Living wages while learning. Also, a first clans masseur and mabsetise. One bath man and bath woman, full and see proprietors. Wednesday and Wednes day night, room 124 Her Grand hotel. No one but responsible white people, need apply. (7) M998 3x WANTED Girl to cook, wash and Iron; small family; good wages. Apply 3o!b Farnam St. between 11 and 12 In tne morn ing. 7)-MW 3x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors nnd Salesmen. TRAVELING men make money getting our side line; give permanent address. Box 63. Omaha. PJ 617 i . , - WANTED Two competentravellng whole sale grocery salesmen, for Nebraska and South Dakota; unless u have had at least one year's experience In our line do not apply. If you meet these require ments, write, slating age, experience, sales, salary received, territory traveled and giving references. Wm. Tackaberrj Co., Wholesale Grocers, Sioux City. la. (9) M747 a TRAVELING salesman to sell large 'con sumers new brilliant electric Incandescent light, also establish agencies. Territory Nebraaka and Iowa. Experienced man preferred. Address C 461, Bee. (9I-M977 2x AN EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY sales man wanted who Is capable of earning $1,800 to $3,000 a year selling the Standard Line of Live Stock preparatlona to the re tail trade. Salary or commission. Most at tractive proposition ever offered to deal ers. We can use only a high grade, suc cessful salesman. Give full particulars in first letter. Standard Stock Food com pany. Omaha. Neb. (9)-223 Feh.3 IK YOLT want to earn $50 to $200 a week right In your own city, write at once for full particulars. J. M. Harris & Snyder Co., Mnrbridge Bldg., 34th St. and Broadway, New York. (9I-M108 8x Boya. WANTED Bright, honest, high school boys who desire earning $10 weekly after school. Very easy. Answer quick. Address D-462, care Bee. (9) 979 lx Clerical aad OOet, TRAVELING salesman, $75 and expenses. Clerk to copy orders on typewriter. $50. Bookkeeper, young man, $50-60. Steno.. real estate experience. $75-100. Call or write for complete list. WESTERN REP. BOND ASSN. INC., 722 N. T. Life Bldg. (Est. 7 years.) (9)-9t4 1 TWO experienced bookkeepers, $75. Three salesmen, provisions and soap spe cialties. Secretary who can Invest some money, $100 16'. Experienced grocery clerk, $12. Registration fee refunded If we fall to lo cate you. NATIONAL REFERENCE & INVEST MENT CO., 574 Brandela Bldg., Omaha. (9)-987 1 DRUG CLERKS position. Life Bldg. Kniest. N. Y. (9)-S06 Factory and Tradea DO TOtT WANT to become a competent autoinobila operator? The Northwestern Automobile and Gas Kncine school can put vou In this class. Belter investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg.. 19th and Farnam. () M806 WANTED Men to learn barber trado and take positions waiting our graduates; few weeks completes; constant practice fur nished; scholarship includes tools, demon strations, examinations and diplomas, call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th St., Omaha. (9I-M732 4x MEN and boya wanted. Learn plumbing, bricklaying trades; tuition $50; no extras: position secured; free catalogue. Original Coyne Trade School. 6177 Easton Ave., St. Louis. (9) M673 Feb. llx WANTED First-class harness makers, machine work, good pay; apply at once. Fremont Saddlery Co., Fremont, Neb. 19) M708 T WANTED All-round machinist for a large wholesale and retail establishment; should alr.o bo handy with tinner and carpenter's tools; steady work; middle-aged man pre ferred; must have good references. Ad dress P 456. Bcc. (9)-9S3 2 COMPOSITOR on straight matter, at once. Man or woman. Good wages. Holdrege Citizen, Holdrege, Neb. (9) M107 3x JMlaeellaaooae. FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's An n; ao fees. Call 126 N. Y. Life Bldg. (91 ius WANTED Collector for large wholesale and retail business In city. Experience necessary; bond required; stale age and u married. Address c m, care Bee. (9)-M763 1 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY: Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 15; cltixena of United States, of good character nnd temperate habits, who can apeak, raad and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer. 13th A. Douglas Sla., Omaha, Neb., or Massachusetts Bldg.. Sioux City. la. () WANTED Bricklayer lo put up smoke' stacks.. 1437 No. 20th St. (9)-9i9 lx HELP WANTED MALU AND FEMALE. WANTED Educated men and woman capable of earning $2,000 a year, by Dodd Mead A Co., to aell the new International Encyclopedia. $10 N. 21st St., Omaha. GO)-M770 FebS LOST AND FOUND LOST Thursday evening, miniature por trait set in gold pin; reward. Tel. Har ney 2192. (121-M923 3 LOST Package containing silk dress pattern, either In Hayden's, or the Ten Cent store. Plesse return to the silk de rartment. Brande I s, ( 12) M103 3x MEDICAL ANT poor gir 'n nd of friend call or write to the matron of tha Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 K. 24tn St.. Omaha. Ntb, !$ MS83 BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co- Omaha. (1J 8u FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical College. 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment aupti vlsed by college professqrs. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. U)-123. WHEN writing to advertisers remember it only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. ad" in The BEE "long-felt MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS. DON T GET STt'NG. Come to the loan headquarters nnd sc. how pleasant we make our loans. Pleasant from start to finish. There Is no humiliation In borrowing a small amount of money on your furniture to pay our grocer, landlord or anyone you owe, but there is humiliation in having them call anil you can give them only a mall part of what you owe. Give us a smalr payment each month. We'll be sat islied and you will soon be out of debt. ihen you 11 be satisfied. TRY' IT ONCE. OMAHA MORTGAGE I f . N" CO., 119 Board of Trade, ltilh St. Knlrance. (Ht-M9;; Money TO LOAN ON FI IINITI RE, ! and Salaries, at low- i es In the city. I Phone Douglas :. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 501 Brown Blk., S. E. Cor. 16lh & Doug. ,ts. 14i!2 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In hfi principal cities. Tolman, Room i13 New fork IJ.'e Bldg. 14 H 19 THERE seme poor woman who Is terror ized into nervous prostration by a loan shrk? See us. Citizens Protective asso ciation. 410 Barker Blk. '14) M418 offered rent Boarding and Rooms. THE BACHELORS, 20TH 4ND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL, AMERICAN PLAN. Gi-917 CLOSE IN. nlc large room, suitable for two; references required. Ul S. 19th St. 'Phone Red 4033. .'i)-M4 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. VloJ-815 LARGE front room; steam hrated for three Retitlenien; rates reasonable to right party; table, excellent, i S. 2oth Ave. (15I-M9I4 2 ROOM with board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (1) M259 'eb .2 STEAM heated rooms with best home table at the Pleasanton. 206 S. 2Sth Ave. 115) MM6 I THE GRANT, rooms and board. 1015 Park Ave. (15) M951 2 Famished Rooms. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Coats you nothing. P. O. N1ELSON & CO.. RENTAL AGT3.. 703 N. Y. Lifo Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (15)-17 ROOMS, for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 S. 13th St. lW-8il HEATED furnished rooms; private family. 30J8 Webster. 'Phone Harrlcy S738. (I5)M376 2x FURNISHED rooms, with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1810 St. Mary's Ave. (15) M601 3 LARGE southeast room suitable for two; also other room. 2702 Farnam St. (15I-M788 6 DESIRABLE! front room In new modern flat; all conveniences; hot water heat. 2400 Harney. (15)-M781 6x DFJSIRABLE room-treasonable rates. 114 So. 26th Ave. (15) M916 6 COM FORTA BLC1 south front room In mod ern brick house. 22o8 Douglas St. (15) M091 8 Apartments nnd Flats. STEAM healed flat, 6 rooms, modern, hardwood, shades, gas range, hot water, walking distance. Heated. 132. Summer. $25. Reference required. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (15) M990 13 MODERN S-reom steam heated apartment on reuruary i in ine uunsany, loin and Pierce St. Conrad Young, U1S Dodge St. (15)-M351 Don't Freeze or Shovel Coal Six rooms, steam-heated, all outside; hardwood, modern, hot water, range; walking distance; heated .$32; summer, $25; reference required. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (15) M771 6 OUTSIDE STEAM HEATED FLAT. Six rooms, every room outside, hardwood, modern, shades, gas range, hot water, walking distance, heated, $32; summer rate, $ffi: references required. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (15)-M5D1 3 UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, steam heated 4-room corner flat. 220 N. 23d. . (15) M598 Hoaaekeeplagi Rooaas. HEATED housekeeping rooms; private family. 3018 Webster. 'Phone Harney 3733. H5)-M377 2x TWO light basement rooms furnished. $13 909 S. 27th St. (15) M9ti0 Ox TH'RlfiH elegant rooms strictlv modern, steam heat. 216 N. 22d St. . (15l M9y3 8 Unfurnished Rooms. NICE rooms, modern house, on car line, private family. 3551 Leavenworth St. (15) M596 3x Boasea and Cottages. NEW 7-room cottage, modern. 8t. 2078 Jones Il5)-e47 1 1217 S 16TH. 6-room modern flat, for colored family, $15. R1NGWALT BROS., 306 8. 15th St. (15) M606 -ROOM modern house, on carline. 2-J05 Sherman avenue. Phone Webster 3743. (15) MHO 3 6 ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat, lloSJ N. 2tith St., $16. 5-room modern house except heat, 3309 Maple St.. $18. 5-iom modern house except hent, 23d and Sprague St.. J0. 6 rooms, 2d floor. 1106 N. 20th St.. $15. 7 rooms, 2d floor. i:in6 N. 2ith St., mod ern except h"at. $15. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming Sis. Tel. Douglas and B 2049. (15i OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store. H. H. goods, storehouse 110-24 N. 19th, office 16u9 Fkinain. Tel. Doug. 1559. (15) 819 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (15)-29 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern. $14 N. 22d St. Low rent If taken soon. Apply Ot 607 N. 19th St. (15-M740 408 N. 23d. ST., good repair, best of fui naces; first-class neighborhood; eight large rooms; $35 per month. 'Phone. Harney 4411. (Ij)-j-I Fi llUUOt0 CreigU Sons & Co., Bes Bldg. LIST your vacant houses Breen Co.. N. Y. Life Bids. rilh Walter (15) 828 e-ROOM rottsge. No. 1018 Pratt St., mod ern except beat $20. Tel. Douglas 8351. Hi)--464 HOUSE, 8 rooms, modern. 120 8 . 44th St., on West Farnam line. $30. Tel. Harney 3361. (15) M9J 5x MAGGARD VAN A STORAGE CO., Tel. D. 14M. We guarantee moving pianos. 11. H. goods. '. . (15) 820 HOU6EH01.D GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 314. 11&J-824 wants." I OFFERED FOR RENT House and Cottagra Contlnaed. NEW bri k 8-room house all modern con tinences. Apply 1517 Georgia Ave. (lnl-763 2 FOR RENT 10-room house; 3S.V) Harney St. Tel. Harney 3072. t'5 758 lx MOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. U6-62 HOL'SES. insurance. Rlngvvalt. Barker Blk. '151-827 Offices. COUNTER BARGAIN On account t changes In office arrange ment, we will sell the counters now in stalled in The Bee olCice and Hastings & llcyden'B olfice. These are handsome carved nnd deco rated oak counters, having a marble base IK Inches high. The counter stands 3'j feet high and 2-foot trp, and there is a total of about 15 feet In length. These will ba sold either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17lh id Farnam. (l5)-274 FART of offtre for rent, fine location, with use of vault and 'phone. Call Ilnr ncy 2215. (16)-M710 DEK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts.. South Omaha. Call it ije office. S. O. branch. 24th and N. 3ts. New address. (15)-M6i1 MODERN house for rent, 8 rooms. 418 8. -tit h St. Inquire, p. KlikendHll C. (l5)-9;8 3 Stores. STORK AND HOUSE. Cor. lot, 31st ami Antes Ave., house has 6 rooms and barn In rear, owned by non resident; must be sold $2,250, V. 1. WEAD, Wead Blk., IMh and Farnsm. (151-619 30 CORNER store room, 702 N. 1Kth St. (15) M913 7x STOREROOM centrally located. F. D. Wead. 1S01 Farnam St. ilo)-9!7 6 3-STORY and bnsement brick building In whnlesalu district, with electric elevator. I.ow rate to good tenant. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., ISth and Farnam. (15) 620 30 OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltare. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap. Call at Bee office, Omaha. OA)-443 NEARLY new sanitary couch and parlor chairs, cheap. 1810 St. Mary's Ave. (16) M600 Typewriters. B. P. SWANSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER 20 dil Lei tin inakth to select from at a saving of S) in !i imr cent of mfrs. prices (Jli and up i. Slightly used and genuine re built machines practically as good as new for sale or rent, rent applied if bought Full guarantce.We ship anywhere on ip prcval for examination without a deposit. Write today for la.ge bargain list and receive our offer.' B. K. Swanson Co. (EaL 1U4), 417 S. 15th St., Omaha. (16) tie AS I have no use for my typewriter will sell very cheap; perfect condition. Call 424 Brandeis Bldg. (16) M954 2 TYPEWRITERS for rent, $2.50 month. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. (16)-M976 F-8 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New end 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the wot Id In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke Collendcr. 407 8. loth St. (16) 831 FOR ALE 8 good bllUrd tables cheap. Inquire 3129 West Q St.. South Omaha. G6 S3 Feblx 70.000.0IX) FT. pine slumpage on S. P. R. R., California, near Pacific ocean; cheap; well located. Box 375, Grand Junction la. (16)-M741 3x WE HAVE an hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sell at 5oc each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room, Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 pai She $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (18) 832 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 838 THE OLD TRUSTY Incubators. For low special prices, freight prepaid, ao days free trial. Write the Old Trusty Incu bator Co.. Clay Center. Neb. (16) M193 PATENTS D. o. BAKNELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-S38 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. S. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29 21 Pacific Iildg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished WJ. (17) 83K PERSONAL OMAHA siaimnerer.V Ins., RamgeBldr HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. M A3Af!li Electric vibratory, 120 MAOOAUU iotn- Room 308. four 8. Ibth. Room 306, fourtn floor olu Boston Store. (IS) 695 Fll THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; in fact, anything you do nol need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4Us and wagon will call. (18) 785 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers aio invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association looms, lain Farnam St.. where Ihey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. 18) o Kf A nKF,TTniretment mna bath- Mme. uLdUWDilUi,,,!,! Jl4 w. litii. 2d floor. (18)- UEX. costumer. 1410 Howard. Open Eve. (U)-843 SYIUNGB. rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers billon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 844 VIAV1 Silence of Health cloth bound book frco upon application. Lectures for women Tiiuisday i!.3u p. m. 812 Brandeis Bldg. lS-a6 Fll PRIVATE heme during confinement; baoles adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 740 First Ave. Council Bluffs, la. W M963 REAL ESTATE HEAl. ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO.. Eat. So; prompt service; gel our prices. 1.10 Farnam St. (l)-645 PAYNE 1NV. CO.. vjirst floor N. T. Life. (19)-47 CONRAD YOUNG Special care given to selling and renting property; :o years experience. 1518 Dodge Si. Tel. Douglsa 15 JL U-U6 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. til AS. AC WILUAMduN. ficsident. U9J-84S REAL ESTATE ft E Ali ESTATE DEALERS. (Continued.) . GEORQlfi CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 51 UD-MS BENJAMIN R. B. Co., il Brandela Bldg. U9)-4 ClTlf PROPERTY' FOR SALE ARE YOU A "REAL ESTATE OWNER! IF NOT HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A LOT IN DIX, NEB., AT spL'O.OO $2 CASH, $2 PER MONTH Of 150 lots we aold since December 18 R lots. DIx la a new town on I'nlon Pacific main line. DIx has a general merchandise store, school snd stock yards. DIx Is growing and lots will soon advance. For further particulars write to HASTINGS HEYDEN LAND DEPT.. 220 8. 17th St., Omaha, Neh. (191-981 1 FOR SALE On Installment plan nine room, all modern house, near high school grounds, for home or rooming. Will con sider rhange for other Income property in part. Address C 478, care Bee. (1)-M4S LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 52d and Cuming Sts (19i 1 IF TOU HAVE City property, farms ranch lands or mer chandise to sell or trade, list them with me. t costs you nothing unless I effect a sale W. W. Mitchell, $32 Board of Trade Bldj. Ut) M442 Wind, Storm and Tor nado Insurance. 'Phone for rates. W. L. Selby, 436 Board of Tiade Bldg. 'Phoiic Douglas 1510. (19I-M106 4 BEAUTIFUL HOME ON TERMS. IK") down and &50 per month will buy this beautiful $1,000 home. 7 rooms and re ception hall. Kino furnace. Modern throughout. Must be sold at once, lo cated 2622 Decatur. BEMIS-PAX TON BLK. I Established 186S.). (19)-M100 2 AN eastern owner has two houses In Hans com Place rented for $70 a month; every thing modern; paved street; east front; will sell at a bargain; onu block north of Hanscom Park. THOMAS RRKNNAK, Room 1. New York Life Building. (19) -858 FOR PROMPT attention and QUICK sales list your property with us. We have buy ers wanting 6 to 7-room houses. 8. E. Wait & Co.. 617 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1S92. (19)-M17 2 LIST your property wtth the Newell Realty Co., In the new location, 664 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 4512. A-3334. il9)-M74S F13 12 PER CENT Income, 12 new modern brlclt flats close in, 149x170; $22,500. half cash. Patterson. Omaha. (19) M505 F REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Colorado. FARM ANDFRUIT LAND. Denver-Greeley district, under Irrigation: sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and fruit raising; low price, easy payments. Nslionsl Investment Co., 682 Brandeis lildg.. Omaha, ici. Douglas tuOl. (20) -861 Idaho. FRUIT LANDS Along new trolley line In famous Boise valley. Idaho. For Illus trated descriptive literature send 2c stamp to the A. L. Murphy Co., Ltd., Caldwell, Idaho. (20) M882 4 Iowa. from Modale, la., $75 per acre; very easy terms. J. G. Bone, Council Bluffs, la., 312 Shugart block. Phone 814. (2-Mlll Sx 40 ACRES 3 miles Council llluffs. new 6 room house, cellar, cistern, cave, bain 48x50. 9 stalls, with large hay mow. chicken house and yard, now hog house and 6 acres fenced hog tight. Well, wind mill and tank. All In cultivation and meadow. Rural and telephone route. Level roads. $1,500.00. Easy terms. Alva Smith, Council Bluffs, la. (20) M966 2 GOOD small farm; 45 acrea, two miles 140 ACRES; two miles irom ModHle. la.. $26 per acre; very easy terms. J. G. Bone, Council Bluffs, la., 312 Sliugart bldg., phone 814. (20) M112 8x Kansas. BARGAINS In North Dickinson County, Kansas, lands. Send for list today. E. Fackler, Manchester, Kan. (20)-M373 Feb. 5x Missouri. 180 ACRES, $1,350, half down, balance 6 per cent; 70 acres in cultivation, spring, three-room frame houae. 614 miles rail road town. Other lands. L. Hudson., Hulton Valloy, Mo. (20) M592 3x Jfebraakat. THREE 3 GOOD FARMS FARMS , Eastern Nebraska hind is nol often offered ut prices we make on the three quarter section farms described below. Last week we advertised "two farms at a snap;" one of them was sold within three days; several forties wanted this wiien It was too late. This week we offer three quarter section farms, any one of which Is Just as good a "buy" at the prices quoted as t lie farm we sold last week. CLAY COUNTY SIX MILES WEST OF SUTTON lw) acres of first class farming land, with good buildings. This land should sell for from $100 to $110 per acre, but must be sold at once to close an estate and is offered now for $80.00 an acre; one-third SALINE COUNTY FOUR MILES EAST OF TOBIAS Rest I a it of Nebraska for general farm ing; soil Is good, black and deep. Lund slightly rolling, but not too much for successful farming. Buildings consist of frame house, barn, corn crib, granaries, sheds; two good wells and windmill; nice grove of trees, small orchard; well fenced and cross-fenced. On public road, rural free delivery and telephone. Farms all around sell for $100 to $160. We are au thorized to sell this tract, if sold quick, for $70 an acre: one-fourth rash. PIERCE COUNTY Six Miles North of l'Jainview All the land can he cultivated. Small house and grod new barn. Corn last year on this farm went 35 to 40 bushels to tha acre. Nioe gToves. Incumbrance $31 200; price $8.5T0. No trades considered on any of these three farms: they are too high grade. Cash talks; act quick If Interested. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., lit Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neh. C!0) M!)15 2 100 ACRES of Chase county surrounded by good farms at only $5 per acre. Owner may consider $300 of teleph-jne stock or other good stock as part pay ment. 220 S. 17th SI. (201 M99i 2 A SNAP. For 30 days, one of the finest farms In centra) Nebraska, 440 acres in the far famed and, fertile Clear creek valley; black loam,' clay subsoil; no sand, alkali, rock or gumbo; best of alfalfa, com, and winter wheat land: fine Improvements; pries $40 per gcre. J. T. Campbell. Litch field, Neb. l)-M52& REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA1SCH LAfTD FOR SALE Nebraaka Con t la aed. GOOD Chase county quarter section for salo $'. Terms easy. Owner mav accept good piano as part payment. He Bldg.. Room 4. (20 M7 2 GOOD C1IKP LAND. Strt acres western Nebraska, $.1.28 per acre; $v.00 cash, bslanre years, $1.Vr each year. P. O. Box 164, Council Bluffs, la. (WI-M968 6 FARM LANDS In western Douglas county. Can deal with the owners. PVacre Iran. lose In, 40 to 4V acres. Lock Box 0. Waterloo. Neh. (20) M972 3 $52.50 an Acre - I For lflO acres, 8 miles northwest of Fre mont. Neb., ) acres In timothy snd clover. ti acres In winter wheat. No buildings. Only two and ono-half miles lo Ames, Neb. W. L Selby, 16th and Farnam. 4,16 Board of Trade Bldg. 2)-M 106 .1 BIG BARGAINS IN NEBRASKA LAND. 320 acres, good farming land In Cheyenne county, for $2,!;. S'.n acres, a choice section, same counlv for $S50 an acre. Call and go om with us Thursdiy after noon to look ever thia land. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. Omaha. (20) M 104 2X A BARGAIN 4S0 acres of land mostly level, four and one-half miles from town. ! ai res of alfalfa, 4m Hcrej tilled, good buildings. The one-third rental amounted to over $1.7' 0. Price. $50 per acre. First National Bank, Litchfield. Neb. )-M9M 8 GMD QUARTER SECTION BARGAIN. Owner of lw acres of g.iod l.ind In Chaw f.unty. Nebraska, 10 miles from railroad will sell Ht $5 imt acre, half cash, balance to suit. May consider good horse nnd btmgv as p,t payment. 220 S. 17th St.. Omaha, Neb. (:oi M!95 2 South Dakota. A DAKOTA bargain. 160 acres, two miles from Huron, inn acres tilled, 10 acrea fine grove; a number of large, bearing plum trees; 3 acres or asparagus that producs about $500 worth a year. Now C-room house 24x36, niw barn 18x:8; another build ing :8x5o; a large root cellar; a new 2-Inch flowing well, flows 40 gallons per minute. Vegetables and grain took $sl worth of prizes at tho SmiiIIi Dakota slat fair In 1908. Soil Is a deep sandy loam, with clay subsoil. If taken noon 1 wll! sell for $11,000; $6,009 cash and $5,000 on time at 6 per cent. D. E. Mc.Monles, Huron, 8. D. ()-M23 'Wyoming;. COLONIZATION TRACT. 4.4SO acres, Carbon counlv, Wvomlng, near Rawlins; can be Irrigated; $3.75 pet acre; will make good terms. J. G. Bone. Council Bluffs, la. 312 Shugart Block.- Phone 81- (20)-Mft6l 6x WHEN you write to advertisers, remem ber that it takes but an extra stroke or two of tho pen lo mention the fact that vou waw the ad In The Bee. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT , Farm nnd Fanch Lnad. FARM and ranch combined. 610 acres It Rock Co., Neb.; buildings, fenced, sprlnf water, plenty range fenced. .'A). Rente must have some stock. Address C. C Van Kuran, 43S No. 24th St.. 80. Omaha. CD-MS41 F2x REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith 4t Co., 1320 Farnam Sr (22)854 PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. N. Llle. Private money; $500 to $5,0u0; low rale. ) 855 $500 TO $6,000 on homes In Omaba. O'Keefs Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. l22)-04 SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglaa 2318. 123) 738 PRIVATE MONEY NC DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. (22)-857 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 122)-6J CHOICE LOANS ON IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY OR FARMS; low rale, no delay. 1. Slbbcrnaen, Old Boston Store Bd. (22)-M427 FIVE PEfc CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. (22)-5 LOWEST RATES Bcmls, Paxton block (22)-8ti0 $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wear" Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22) 861 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Ce 22)-653 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwonif 1S Brandela Bldg. (22) 86$ MONTCY TO BUILD. $500 to $2oo,000 at current rates. W. H. THOMAS. 5U3 First Nat l Bank Bid (22) -ML! WANTED-T0 RENT YOUNG physician wishes to rent 2 room in congenial private home on car line near 4oth and Cuming; references. II 38; . Bee. (2HI-M777 2x WANTE0-T0 BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3977 (25)-66 B1?3T price paid for second-hand furnltuit carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. h'( 8401. (26)-64 WANTED All kinds of 2d hand furniturs will pay highest price. J. Levlne, 304 N 16th. Phono Douglas 771. (2a) M35V WANTED Second-hand Mucey hook case Addicts E 4ti3, care Bee. (26) 88ii 2x WANTED to buy, second-hand talking machine wltrr records, the kind that sell, from $40 to w, new. Address 243'. South 20th Ave. (25) 960 2x WANTED a second-hand safe, In good condition, nol less than 19 deep In the clear. Address Beatrice Poultry and Cold Storage Co., Beatrice, Nea. (5) MIPS 1 WANTED-SITUATIONS YOUNG man desires place to work for board while attending school. Boyles Col lege. Both 'uhoncs. (27) 867 JAPANESE young man wants a situation at geiutul house work. I'. O. Box 69. 8ulh Omaha. (27(-M;i92 5x STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam and hot water repalra; Thermostats and other heat regulators; new furnaces and hot water Combination heating. Onialia Stove Repair Works, 1906-1208 Douglas St. 'Phones: ind. A-U; Bell Louis-!M LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OK STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notice is hereby given that the regular annual mevting cf the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at Hie office of said company at Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a", m., on the third day of March. A. D., 1909. C. H. MORRILL. President. A. B. 81 1 Noll. Secretary. Lincoln, NebiaskH, Kebruaty 1, nv. D. C SCOTT, D. V. S. (Socxssecr It Dr. a U llamAesnottI) AMZVTAJrT RATI Office and BeeplhU. s10 tree. Caila Promptly Answered at All Tsaae Of flae Xnraey sot. aVea, trlM 4Ua