Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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aU mmrv. lft Berth Tm Mk AH IMtpt. Intft. A-ltMlJ
Our Annual February
White Goods Sale
February Sale of White
Persian Lawns
U plwn 30c Per? I an Lawn, In
this white Bala 20c
60 pieces 35e Persian Lawn, la
thla white aale . . , ........ . .25c
60 pieces 40c Persian Lawn, In
this white sata... ........ .20c
50 pieces 4 Be Persian Lawn, In
this white sale. . 83o
50 pieces 60c Persian Lawn, In
this white sale. 89c
60 pieces 60c Persian Lawn, In
this white sale.. 4 He
50 pieces 66c Persian Lawn, In
this white sale. . ; 49c
February Sale of White
Imperial Long Cloths
60 pieces 14c 250 Imperial Long
Cloth, In this white Bale 10c
60 pieces 16c 300 Imperial Long
Cloth, In this white sale. . . .12c
50 pieces 17c 360 Imperial Long
Cloth, In this white sale....l3c
60 pieces 18c 400 Imperial Long
Cloth, in this white Bale.... 14c
50..pioces 20o -600 Imperial Long
Cloth, In this white sale.., .15c
February Sale of White MaL
ras for Ladies' Waists
5.000 yards Vh foe ' Figured and
Htrlped Madras. 25c, 30c and 35c
quality.. InrthTs -white sale, per
rd 15c
February Sale of White
India Linons
60 pieces 18c India Linons, In this
white sale 10c
50 pieces 25c India Llnonsln this
white sale .12 He
60 pieces 25c India Linons, In this
white sale .rc
60 pieces 30c India Linons, In this
white sale 20c
50 pieces 36c India Linons, In this
white sale , 2.V
60 pieces 40c India Linons, in this
white sale r ....... .20c
February Sale of 'Wnite
Suitings y.'.:-'
10 pieces 15c White Panama Suit
ing, In this white sale. , . . . I lOfr
10 pieces 30c White Repp Suiting,
In this white Sale. ...... ...20c
10 pieces 40c White Repp Suiting,,
in this white Bale. ..... .... .20c
10 pieces 30c WJiite Duck Suiting,
In this white sale. w . 15c
February Sale of White
3.000 yards 16c, 20c and 25c qual-
ity of Fine White Lawns, In all
lengths, in this sale, per y.8ic
February Sale of White
Long Cloth
1,000 "yards 15c and 20c quality of
long cloth, this sale, per yd. 8Hc
senled to a county c-lTk, he I commanded
to call a special election In not Ions than
ten days after filing and the election shsll
take place In not less than ix,ty days
therefrom nor more than ninety days.
The hallot shall read: "Against aaloonf
In county" and "For saloons In
' county." The voter ahall murk the
ballot In the usual manner and the ma
jority vota shall decide. All election lawa
governing other elections ahall apply In
this Instance.
If the county goes dry, all Issuance of
licenses shall cease, hut If It gi es wet,
nothing In the law shall he construed to
prevent the authorities of the municipali
se to exercise their present functions,
which give them a right to refuse to grant
licenses should they so vote.
The law Is amendatory of the Plocumb
law and re-enacts a number cf sections of
this act, but In so doing It la declared by
those behind It there Is no effort to alter
the law aa It stands except as to the option
, 1909 Egyptian Tissues Are Here ,
It s not too early to think of the new wash materials, especially when
Its the well known -Egyptian Tissue." The new designs and colors
lni?s are very pretty and you know how scarce they are later In the"
Kcaeon. They li be in large demand at, a yard .23c
u. r- v. Bargain Square in Basement
Remnants of 32-Inch new Madras, absolutely fast colors, woven de-
sl6rt9 In new atrlpes; great variety, regular 18c quality; Tuesday at.
jard... 10c
Tuesday Continuation of That Great Embroidery Sale
, (At the New Kaaement Bargain Square.)
;Dtautiful Fiounclngs, Edgings and Insertings are Included in this sale-'
. .. alues up to 20c at, a yard. . i l0o
. , . Values up to 60c at, a yard 20c
, Values up to 75c at, a yard go
Values up to, 1 1.25 at, a yard 50c
ilcttlort where such right to canvass and
..iiLita'n su.'li icaiill nrtii not been clele-ali-ti
by me l-ijilntuie to some cither
i iiu I'Ctltiun continues to state that the
law . of lij77 has never been modified,
H.ncndcri ui- repealed and under this scc
i.on u,e autliomy of the governor to make
1'ioclainatlon tliut ' constitutional amend
ments are canlej does not exst until after
J:e Itglslture hua caiivasstd the vote, It
I aliened that ilihe constitutional abend
incite mlopto.1 last November expressly
postponed the power, and authority of the
Kovymi.r to appoint any of Ilia Judges until
M.trr the prorltiiiiatlon has liven Issued
end 'that therefore Governor Sheldon had
n authcr.'ty to appoint when he did.
The petition concludes:
'VI ci Wore, relator prais that the said
:i'i-)t.iii em . Jsmes R. Dean, be ousted
::om the ,ffi,.,. f ptiiige of the supreme
'','.!". , r' trr rncxplrlng In January.
? b-tho term for which he claims
-.: cr t in amendment .an appnintment bv
J e huM Oo- emor George L. Sheldon, anil
'at the re'atir he required and adjudged
t lipid said office for the terma aforesaid,
-l tl-et the said relator have and re-
1 rr or ine
peifted. '
respondent his costs herein
.Inck'snnlana Make the
t l.lneala.
,iFr iii a Staff-Correspondent.)
ICOiN. Feb. l.-Speeial )-P. C.
I M'- v li a tandld.ite for the democratic
n inilnillt'.i for mayor-nf Omaha, and his
fame- w!H he Inrown to the hreeces by the
,'ei'Kon!n club shortly.
Tills In.'oi nifu'uii aii brought to Uncoln
t il morning by an Omaha man who at
tended -a meeting of the faithful In the big
c ity yesterday. He was appointed an agent
to Ijnrg-lh news to 'Uncoln and have it
announced from this end.
"I told Mr. Ileafey that f would give the
news ti the papers," said this messenger
from Olntha. "and he said all right.
Heafcy is a candidate and you can bet
your boots, will alact him. He will get
the nomination hands down, and he can't
he defeated. We held a meeting yesterday
and Mr. Ileafey agreed to make the race,
and the Jacksonlan club has agreed to
aland' -back nf his candidacy and support
him In preference to any other candidate."
. Ilsjae Finally Recovers an. Kills the
f '.'Bill.
tKrom'a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. l.-(8pecial.)-Judgt W.
H. Bboemaker taught the house of repre
sentatives a lesson this afternoon, a loaaon
the house will be alow to forget. The Judi
ciary -committee actually reported for In-
grnnue poatponement the Judge s bill to
ri peal the Sackett law providing for the
removal of derelict officials by the gov
ernor. Of course, the house sustained the
Judiciary committee, but not until Judge i
Shoemaker had raised hla voice In solemn
warning: not until his oratory had stirred
the breeies Into waving the flags; not until
the raftera croaked and rattled; not until
Connolly 1n a stage whlaper said that he
was'seaslck; not until Connolly actually
iiked the Judge tq desist; and then the
Judiciary committee carried its point only
fcr 'the very close vote of 75 to 14. But
Judge Shoemaker only lost four of the
ouglas members by his speech-Connolly,
Kraus. Howard and Holmes. Thomas was
not present during the splendid effort of
the Judge.
Shoemaker inaisted that the constitution
provided for the removal of officers who
failed to do their duty, He loudly pro
claimed that .the Sackett law "hi a sad
commentary on our boasted civilization."
He was Joined by Scheele of Seward, who
asked that the bill be recommended for pas
sage In the name of "home rule" and "per
sonal liberty."
When Shoemaker had become finally ex
hausted Wilson of Polk told the house to
repeal the Sackett law would be a hack-
ward atep and Taylor of Custer suggested
that It would be expedient to kill the bill
now rather than to go through another
auin experience in the committee of the
whole. And so the statesman from Doug
las county was shot to pieces, but he died
game. x
One of Wide Srope to Re Introduced
br4 Taylor of Caster.
tl-'rom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. l.-tSpeclal.)-Several
bllla for the Initiative and referendum ap
plicable to state laws aa well aa cities and
school districts are ready for Introduction
according to Representative Taylor of
Custer county, the house leader. At
present there la a law on the statutes pro
viding for both the Initiative and refer
endum In municipalise and school dis
trict with definite provisions for the sub
mission to a special election of all ordi
nances on a petition of 20 per cent o the
voters or the Initiating of ordinances on
the same plan. Under thia law tho people
of Lincoln several years ago voted on the
question of closing- saloons and lost by a
narrow margin. The act was Introduced
in the le gislature of lt97 by A. E. .Sheldon,
then representative from Custer county,
and now head of the legislative reference
library at the capltol. The populist plat-
lorro rana lor an act of thla aort, but
doe? not specify that It shall affect all
hranchea of the state government. Mr.
Taylor has been utudytng the Oklahoma
law with a view of bringing It duplicate
before the present legislature.
The Oklahoma law la of the widest pos
sible scope, taking in state, county, muni
cipal and school district divisions of the
government and making It possible for the
people to originate any law or ordinance
or to act upon them In the last Instance
if they so desire. The scope of the law
on me rweorasaa hooks at present Is not
appreciated by the members and many of
them do not even know that It exlsta In
the breadth It doea.
There ia a provision In . the Omaha
charter for the reference of franchise
granta to a popular vote' requiring
majority vote to carry.
Amendment to Both Omaha
Nonth Omaha Meaaare.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 1. (Speclal.)-Both the
Omaha and 8outh Omaha charter bills were
reported from the committee on municipal
affairs In the senate today and placed, on
file with amendments. The changea In the
caso of the South Omaha bill have been
given, but a number of changes have
been made in the Omaha bill, none, how
ever, affecting the elective fire and police
commission. The salaries of firemen and
policemen are raised and provision Is made
so the city council may not charge an occu
pation tax on telegraph crmpanleR, street
railways, electric light and power com
panies or water works and gns companies.
Thla is done by removing from the bill the
permission granting the city council the
right to tax for revenue the six special In
terests above named.
The council is given power to license
shows, circuses, exhibitions for pay. billiard
tables, ball and tenpln alleys withuut regard
to the number of pins used, hacks, drays
and other vehicles running for pay, and to
prescribe the compensation charged by
these hacks and vehicles, with the special
provision this section shall not ally "to any
persons, partnerships, associations or cor
porations engaged In transferring persons
tr property through the city where such
persons, partnerships, association or cor
porations do not solicit business on the
streets of the city."
The salary of flmmen and policemen is
fixed as follows, being a change and slight
raise over the original bill:' First six
months' service; JtiO a month; second six
months, $15; third six months, $70; fourth
six months, ITS; fifth six months, ISO, and
after that $S5; captains of police not less
than $125 nor more than )150; aerg-eants of
police on detective duty, $100; senior cap
tains of the fire department, $115; Junior
captains of the fire department, $100; offi
cers of the fire or police departments and
each senior engineer of the fire department
and others under the rank of chief or as
slstant chief or captains or sergeants shall
have $95 a month; Junior engineers of the
fire department, $92.50.
Officers of the fire department are rajsed-
08 follows: Chief, from $2,600 to $3,000; first
assistant chief, from $1,800 to $2,100; second
assistant chief, from $1,500 to $1,800.
The lire fund Is raised from $:'2o,000 a year
as in the bill originally, to $250,000.
The power to appoint the third assistant
city attorney, which In the bill was first
given to the city attorney, ia taken from
his hands and Imposed upon the mayor
and city council.
The provisions with respect to the city
engineer's office are - slightly -changed ' In
that there- Is no provisions for the change
of contract when once entered Into, but
modifications are specified. . The city en
gineer must prepare and algn all contracts
and then submit them to the council and
Two weeks' notice of new plats of ground
to be added to the city must be given be
fore the same may be legally added.
The allowance for the city library is
raised from $25,000 a year to $30,000.
fift.-eii dHvv. before ilectrlon of all Mima,
over ,'iil ffniii oru- pi!on.
II. It. 2-Ct, bv Tn(cif of lltteliuock-l-'.stah-lintiina
an experiment station at Culbert
son; $ln,ikm appropriated.
II. R. 244. tv McVtckcr of Dodge Fees
and siilnrii'S for town officers.
II. It. 24.-.. hv Jl, VI. ker of Dodge-Pm-vlding
town clerk, assessor and JiiHtice of
the peace receiving the largest vote shntl
constitute the town bnsrd.
H. K. :;.. by Oinnolly of Douglas-ren-slon
fund for firemen of ftmnha.
norTisn pno FF,lii! of k'tf.
Two Rllla Relatln to Omaha Recom
mended for. Pnssaae.
tFrom a Statf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 1. (Special Tele
gramsThe senate. In committee of the
whole, recommended fnf passage two bills
by Senator Ransom. -One. B. F. H. raises
the possible bonded Indebtedness of the
city of Omaha frrtm $2,700,000 to 5 per cent
of the cash Valuation of"the city's property,
and provides that the total bonds that may
be Issued In any one year, exclusive of
bonds for special assessments, shall he
raised from $200,000 td $250,000, and In" addi
tion, that there need not be a special elec
tion to carry sewer and- Intersection paving
bonds. The bill also .permits that bonds
Issued now. tor the purchase of. any pub
tic gas or water works may also be Issued
for their maintenance.
8. F. 45, also recommended to pass, gives
the Firo and Police commission of Omaha
and South -Omalw the right to sit sixty
days before the municipal year, and fixes
the beginning at January 1 for the purpose
of granting licenses for the year next' en
suing ; '
The senale-passed the following bills this
S. K. 60 To repeal the present law mak
ing the county comptroller ex-offjelo city
8, F. 35. by King of Polk Memorlajlzlng
congress td permit natinnitl luniks to take
advantage of a stare-bunk guaranty Iaw.
S. F. 76, by Myeen of Rock For three
demonstration larips in northwest Nebraska-
8. F. 3, by Ruck of Otoe Permitting' the
surviving person -or either of two to with
draw money deposited together In a bank
when the condition Is made at the time of
deposit. '
The following bills were Introduced In the
8. F. 202. by Klein of Oage Amending
section 1M.I4 of Cohbey'S statutes.
8. F. 103, by Kiel .of tlage Amending
section P47ti of Cobbey's statutes. .
8. F. 204. by Tlbliets Of Adams For re
view on error In district court or tne nets
of BJiy Inferior boards that exercise Judicial
functions. t .
8. F. ao6. by Tibbcta of Adams For lien
on horses for cost of shoeing same.
8. F. 206. bv Tlhbets of -Adams KLvlna
cities of first and awonri class and v.illiiKes
right to establish heating and lighting
s. r. ny lionets or uage io cancel
unsold city or vlUHge-,bonds registered with-
firm of Smith. Carey A Co. of Chicago
and removed for a time from Omaha, but
when- the .Chicago firm became Pmlth
Rrothers, Mr. Carey returned to Omaha.
Two daughters, four sisters and the
brother at whose, home Mr. Carry died
survive him. " The sisters, who live In Iow a
and Illinois, will arrive today to attend the
funeral, as will also John Smith of Chicago,
his former business partner. Other mem
bers of the family are at distances which
will make their attendance Impossible. Mrs.
Carey died In Iowa several years ago.
8. F. 20S. bv Tlhbets or Adams State
school fuhd maybe Invested In irregular
F. 200. by Miller of Lancaster County
option mil
H. b iw. by urown or uancaater itoteis
of more than tT atorlea must furnish
rone laders or firo escapes In each room.
8. F. ill, by Brdwn'rfC Lancaster Amends
Section cur code:
S. F. 212. by Howell of Douglas Amends
Section 9M2, Cobtey'B Btatutes.
8. F. 213, by Howell of Douglas For a
civil war officer's anmlty honor roll.
Memorilizlng congress to pasa II. R. 23244.
S. F. 214, by Hesse (ReguesO Amends
Section 9444, Cobfiey's statutes.
Section 944 Cobbey's statutes.
S. F. 215. by Gummlll of Frontier To
present publication of false and fictitious,
statements of hewarmper circulation.
8. F, 21H, by Tan"T Amends Section 60C7,
Cobbey's statutes. . .
8. F. 217. by Tanner Amends Section, Cnbbev'a sra'tutes. ' '
8. F. 218, by . -. Raymond Permitting
election time to, vote, where they may be.
8. F. 21. by Ransom (By Request)
Amending1 Sections T7H, 67(16, 5768, 6771, 5779,
5Sii5, Cobbey'a
8. F. 220, by Riyisom By Request of
Dn Bufler Amends Section 5SS2, Cobbey's
statutes. "
8. F.. 221, by OHiaCompelllng all stock
life Insurance .comjinn.les to filo statement
of salaries and cornrnlfRions paid.
S. R 21"jrllt -of-'ValleyAnMnil
HecUyn . j'Vrf, CpbliftY statutes, .jne .anil
pass law. '
. 8. F. 223, hy Olils-rtiendlng Section 10602,
Cnbbev'a statutes.. ..
8. F. 224, by OJlls . of Valley Annual
statement of life Insurance companies, as
sociations or fartefhal beneflMary societies'
8. F. 226, by Howell of Douglas Presents
writing special kinds, of Insurance except
through authorised agents and prevents
rebates on same, v
Dressmaker Loses Twenty-Five linn
fired In ( ronnse Block Fire and
Una o Insurance.
Miss Mary Kcanlad, a dressmaker whose
workshop and residence Is room S of the
Crounse block, southeast corner of Six
teenth and Capltol avenue, lost all her
possessions and was herself almost cut off
from es?ape In a fire at 3:15 Monday after
noon. The blase completely ruined her
apartment and Its contests, doing over
$2,500 damage. It Is not known Just how It
John Scanlan, a brother of Miss Sranlan.
happened to be in her room when the fire
started, end. she says that his presence
was all that saved her from being burned
to death. Both were cut off from the door
by tho flames, which originated . near a
coal box and another door leading to the
next room. Miss Scanlan started to rescue
some of her more precious belongings, but
her brother saw the danger she was in
and dragged Iter past the fire and through
the door Into the hall.
The room was a furnace of flame within
a minute, and everything In the place was
practically destroyed before the firemen
arrived. Their prompt work limited the
blase to the room of Miss Scanlan. Pas
quode Maasel and Jacob Rlngle, tailors oc
cupying the rooms on each side of Miss
Scanian's shop; a printing shop, and the
private apartments of 8. B. Stewart,, es
caped with only slight damage from smoke
and water, or else were left entirely with
out damage.
Assistant Fire Chief Simpson says that
the fire had its origin in Miss Scanian's
apartments, although It was thought at
first that It started In Massei's room near
the door between his shop and Miss Scan
ian's. A bucket of water put out all the
fire that was in Massei's room.
According to Miss Scanian's estimate of
her loss, It will reach $2,000 and may ex
ceed that sum, aa everything she possessed
was burned up. She did not carry any In
surance. A fine organ, valued at $175,
handsome furniture, rugs and dresses, her
sewing machine, a $.V)0 stock of dress
goods and several hundred dollars worth
of dresses already made up and belonging
to Omaha women,' were included In the
list of property that was burned.
The building Is owned by Sir Horace
riunkett, for whom Conrad Young is agent.
The latter says that $200 or $300 will cover
the damage to the building, which is fully
rhnjrf in i fca.Uaakt Out Wak,
, This is the week of good
bteakasts-r-4'Quaker Oats
Week," observed all over
the United States. Do your
part; eat no other cereal
.... x
this week.
Ttx beat ot all carea! foods.
Miller Present a Mraaara Endorses by
Ontloa Members.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb, l.-Speclal.)-The
county option bill aa prepared by the al
lied temperence societies of the state was
Introduced In the senate oda by Millet
ot Lancaster, it provides for a vote on
the aale of liquor In counties-on petition
of 20 per cent of the voter which shall
be submitted not oftener than once In two
years. The petition calling for the election
must be verified by ten resident free-
holdis. Petitions may be circulated by dif
ferent Individuals and may later be col
lected and presented as one.
wnen a duly verified petition la pre-
Stop it t Why cough J Stop it!
Stop coughingi Coughing rasps and tears. Stop itt Coughing
prepare the throat and hings for more trouble. Stop it t There is
nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Stop HI Ayes Cherry
Prtnral U a medicine for cousms and colds, a regular doctors meai
cine. I Te it t Ask your doctfMf if this is not goof advice.
Sloecker BUI Places Control of All
I'nder Hallway Commlssloa.
(FYom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Feb. l.-(Speclal.)-Stoecker of
Douglas county would place In the hands
ot the State Railway commission practi
cally complete control over every public
franchise corporation in Nebraska, and to
that end he has Introduced II. R. !9, which
was read a first time today.
The. bill provides that no corporation op
erating under a franchlae shall extend that
franchise or exercise any of ts rights
without first having obtained the. consent
of the railway commission.
It provides further, that no corporation
operating under a franchise shall assign,
transfer or lease, nor shall It make any
contract or agreement affecting its fran
chise without first obtaining permission of
the railway commission.
It prohibits any corporation operating
under a franchise from obtaining the cap
ital stock of any other corporation orga
nised under the laws of the state, unless-
authorized to do so by the railway com
mission. This does not apply to stock al
ready acquired. xza??k:k!k
To Issue bonds, notes or other evidence
of Indebtedness for more than twelve
months for the acquisition of property. It
Is necessary first, for the corporation to
secure permission from the tallway com
The bill provides a heavy penalty for i
failure to comply with its terms.
Deceased lias Been a Prominent Flap
ore In the Live Stork
Baal nea.
Coroner at ChlcaaTO Retarna Verdict
on Caae of Dr. Holyoke of
CHICAGO, Feb. 1. Nephritis caused the
death ot Dr. R. A. Holyoke, a politician of
Lincoln, Neb., according to the verdict of
a coroner's Jury returned today. Dr. Holy
oke was found dead In bed In his room at
the Windsor-Clifton hotel Sunday morning-.
LINCOLN, Jan. SI Dr. R. A. Holyoke,
found dead at'CBIcago today, has ben
well known physician of Lincoln Tor nearly
fifteen years, arid wea at one time county
cofoher;-1 A 'wife and daughter survive him.
Mrs7' Holyoke secured' a' divorce two or
three years ago. Dr. Holyoke went to
Chicago nearly' a month ago for treatment
for an ailment, . the nature of which his
brother, a physician of Lincoln, did not
sat ON
Business Residence Property,
Privilege given to pay whole -or any '. '.
part of principal sum - twice a'xcajv .:
205 Ramge Building
-1. '
UCiSt '. '
'.' !t-.M-:
'..; ,.-
M ere-,
the association, has received Information
which leads hint to believe the convention
will be the best attended and moat success
ful ever held by the association.
Mlaaonrl Assembly Snetatna Commit
tee In Contest Without
a Vote,
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Feb. l.-The
Joint session of the Missouri general as
sembly this afternoon declared Jacob e.
Gemlich elected to the office of lieutenant
governor of Missouri. No vote was taken.
the speaker declaring the result when the
recount committee of five republicans and
five democrats reported its findings, as
"For Jacob F. Gemlich, republican, 55,612;
for William R. Fainter, democrat, 346.4H5.
Gemllch's plurality, ITT."
Her Men Organise,
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Feb. (.-(Special.)
The honey bee industry in South Dakota
is expected to enjoy a rapid and substantial
growth as the result nf a meeting held In
this city by a number of bee men during
which a state organization was perfected.
The following officers were elected: Presi
dent, Henry Qlnsbach, Sioux Falls; vice
presidents, II. M. Stearns, Dead wood;
Louis Thome, Spearflsh; R. A. Morgan,
Vermilion; secretary, L. . A. Syverud, Can
ton; treasurer, O. 8. Jones, Madison.
New Hall for Odd Fellows.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Feb. l.-(Speclal.)
The Odd Fellows of Wessington Springs
have Inaugurated a movement for the
construction of what will be one of the
largest Odd Fellow's hall buildings in South
Dakota. The building will be 100x100 feot
In slse, three stories In height and will be
constructed of brick. It Is planned to
have the building erected during the
coming summer.
Qr. Lyon's
PERFECT.''-; ?:
Tooth Powder
Cleanses,,, beautifiqs ranrJ ...
preserves the..vleeth and
Used by; peoplof
refinement foV' almost
Half aCeniurfe
lithe watchword for health and vigor, com..,
fort and beauty. : Mankind is learrifnf "riot
nljr the necessity 'but tae luxury aft clean- :
Mness. SAPOLIO, which has Wrought '
tuch changes i,Vhe home, announces bar
titter triumph i v, ;- '
' H A N'D'1"': ;
A special soap whrca.enetgites the wholt
body, starts the circulation and leaves s
axJularating glow, AUgnttnmnddfttgrut,
t t. :
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulne Tablets.
Drurglets refund money If It falls to cure.
B. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 26c
Bloomflrld Man Had 910,000 In
rockets When He Died In
Bill Prohibiting Dlacrlmlnatloa la
Grain Dealing; Hrt-onimr ndrd.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 1 ( Special. )in the
committee of the whole the house this af
ternoon recommended for passage the bill
by Bo win an of Nuckolls prohibiting dis
crimination in the buying and selling of
(rain. Elmer Brown of Lancaster spoke !
aganst the bill, while Stnitji of Cass
thought it was too much in the interest
of the farmers' elevator companies. These
companies, he said, had practically put
out of bueiness the independent elevators.
The binding twine bill was again up and
went over again until more Information
could be secured by those who favor it.
Harry Llndsey, clerk of the supreme
court, sent a communication to the house
saying It would take him twenty daya In
which to get out a copy of the fees col
letced in his office for the year I9U8 and
thai it would require one man working
all that time to do It. The house gave
the twenty days.
The following bills were Introduced:
H. R. 238, by Leldlgh of Otoe Providing
a clerk of the supreme court shall be paid
a salary and put feea In the treasury.
H. K. a. by Stoecker of Douglaa Pro
viding that corporations operating under
a public ranchise shall extend their tran
chlaes or exercise any of their franchise
rights only with the consent of the railway
H. R. 20, by Bowman of Nuckolls Ap
propriating tJ.ono for marking the Oregon
trail in Nebraska.
H. R. 241. by McVlcker of Dodge Prov Id -Ing
county commissioners ahall be paid 15
a day when actually emjloyed, except In
Douglas rounty. where the salary la fixed
at ll.swi a year. Minimum and maximum
salary fixed.
11. R. by MeVicker nf Dodge Provide
lag for publicity ot cainuaiaa cuutributiuns
John L. Carey, a pioneer stockman, who
has been an influence In building up the
South Omaha live stock market, and a
member of the -firm of the Carey & Benton
commission house, died suddenly of neural
gia of the heart .a t the home of his brother,
George Q. Carey, 1118 Vuth Thirty-first
street, where- he made his home.
Mr. Carey'g) death was announced at the
South Omaha Live Stock exchange Monday
and the exchange -called a meeting to -ar
range with membera of the family for the
funeral, which will be held from the home
ef George Q, Carey at 2:30 o'clock this aft
ernoon. Rev. B. Scott Hyde of the Hans
coin Park MethodlBt church - will conduct
the aervlcea.
The honorary pallbearers were selected
by the South Omaha Live Stock exchange
as well as a committee to draw suitable
resolutions. Those who will serve as hon
orary pallbearers are: John T. Frederick,
Captain. D. S.. Parkhurst, Al Powell, Frank
Chittenden, Lee Rothschild and Henry T.
The active pallbearers will be Alexander
Buchanan, Theodore Saunders, W. F.
Denny, John Fltirobers, William I'nder
wood and W. H. Wood.
The body will be. deposited for the present
In a receiving vault at Prospect Kill ceme
tery. , . .
Though Mr. Carey had been In papr health
for the last year, he had been active in
business and had been an Influence on the
Omaha market daily, acenrding to mem
bers of the exchange, who deeply regret tho
loss of a member who has done so much to
bring the live stock commission buainesa
In South Omaha to its present high baris
and develop the market. Ho was but 48
years of age and had been interested in
trading and live stock commission business
in Omaha for the lst seventeen 'years,
coming here from Canada, where ho was
torn. At 0119 time he was a member of the
DUBLIN, Feb. 1. An inquest was held
here today into the death of Hugh Murphy
of Bloomfleld, Neb., who died suddenly at
the Glenageary railroad station last Satur
day, and the verdict was that Mr. Murphy
died of heart disease. Credit notes on
Kuropean banks to the amount of 110,000
were found in his possession. The Amer
ican vice consul here attended the Inquest
and will take charge of the body until Mr.
Murphy's family, who are supposed to be
at Omaha, are ehard from.
The Eminent ComaaUan '-
In His, Bast Comaayi,
r,N :
THUKS., rI.; BAT. SAT., MATINEE -Charles
Frohman Presents Win. JC. Crane;
In Hla Greatest I.aughtitg Success ("
BTOEOal i AD!." -; ' 'l
Beats Hot Bemag . j-
A Fortunate Texaa.
E. W. Goodloe, Dallas, Tex., found a
sure cure for malaria and biliousness in
Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. For pale
by Beaton Drug Co.
t hnnh Dedicated aad Paid For.
MITCHELL. S. D., Feb. l.-(Speclal.)
The dedicatory exercises of the new Con
gregational church, were held yesterday
and ended in a very successful affair. At
the morning service Pr. Frank Fox deliv
ered the dedicatory sermon on the "Church
of the Living God." Rev. Dr. Thral, su
perintendent of missions; Rev. W. T. Daw
son and Pastor Bowdlsh contributed In
various ways and a good program of music
was rendered by tho . choir. George A.
SUsby made a report of the building com
mittee, which showed how much the debt
was on the church building and how much
muBt be raised so that the structure could
be dedicated without any Indebtedness.
This sum was placed at i,500, the church
costing without the art glass and the deco
rations, about $r:,WX). This sum of 16,500
was raised in less than an hour's time,
ni t the features of the contributions
was the donation of $1,3 by the Ladles'
Aid society of the church. 1,00 of which
was In actual cash and the balance to bo
raided later.
does all it does by virtue of
one thing Power itspower
to create power.
As fire turns water into steam
so Scott's Emulsion trans
forms thin, impure blood
into pure, rich blood, giving
nourishment and vital energy
to every organ,. every tissue
and every muscle.
Send this ad., four cent for postage, saea
Uoatiig this paper, and we will tend o
a "Come4t Handy Atlas of the World."
SCOTT A BOWNK, 409 Pearl St, N. Y.
X JWaiiMaunnsius 1 jam nm.uj).l
Kanrral of lr. I.tlllbrldge. .
SIOL'X FALLS. '8. D-, Feb. l.-Spectal.)-
Tlie funeral of Dr. Will O. Lilllbridgc, the
noted author who died at his home in this
city on Friday afternoon, was held Sunday
afternoon from the family residence at
tan South Phillips avenue. Interment was
made In a local cemetery.
Notwithstanding that he was ' only 32
years of age. Dr. Lillibridge had produced
fuur novels, one of which, "Ben Blair," led
In the sales of the year it was produced.
The book made the author famous. Ho fol
lowed this with "The Dissolving Circle,"
"The Quest' Kternal," and "Where the
Trail Divides." The books had a fine sale
and the author was on the road to fame
and fortune when ill health and low vital
ity niade their claims upon him.
At the time of his death Dr. Lillibridge
had made good progress on another novel
tiood Skatlaar al llaaacona.
The ice at Hanacom Park - has been
cleaned off and the skating Is good.
The $$$ arc Slipping
away, f rpm ' you as this kale- slips
Into the. past..' Better hurry! But we
won't 'tturry" the making of your
guit We won't slap-It out In a care
less hurry simply because we've slap
ped jha, regfular prices down to bedrock.-
This- sarre, is intended .;-ta do
three things cut down our. 'stock,
keep ouCvataff of 2, cutters, and 60
tailors buayT cqttlng and making gar
mpnts " of ' high quality degree and
"cut out" the dull season. The sale
$30.00 Suitings
rXK$ 15.00
$35.00 Suitings FOK $20.00
f 10.00 Suitings FOR $25.00
$45.00 SuitiDgs--FOU $27.50
$50.00 Suitings FOR ' $30.00
Tailoring Co.
804-S06 South 16th Street.
Near 16th & Farnam Sta.
HgaaBll rngnei: yow
Mats I ' Clyde Fid
Tues., I
Tburs., I
Sat. I
iao ; Ind..' A-l&lil-
I ha Big Success '
iR'S L.ANK" 7-
rente Production
Tab. 7, 8, 9, 10, "Ot
Coming Thura., rri.,
Savld Belasco's Ov
lit.. Tab. 11, ia, 13.
in Company in
With fAm KEEWA.ST, Seats Fab. 4.
February St It, 6 GO
$400.00 IN PRIZES
Admission 50 Cents Per Person
rrlses on Display in' Orchard fc WU-r
halm's Show Windows. . ' - f j
i' Sensational Worelty (
Ilmer Walters'
Tuesday "OV TKIAZ. rOB B$ ftyBV
f Given (ot any aubitance in-
r- i iTl i i (wi m
I leMUtiag from the-um oi ., B
Matins erary day 9:16; Yry nlf1t 8tl5.
will Rogers. Btaieys 'trauatormaunn,
Julia Kinah-y & Co., The Sand i'lRH. BWitr
Brothers, C'llvette,. Mathews V .Kaece' urnl-
Klnodrome. Prices luc, IScy coo.
Where to ea tj
ard otbar drag hablte are pnaltrraly eared ti)
UABITINA. FJt a yoon
armle or iDteroal aaa.
ample an to any drag bahlta br V-.-
Hoath Dakota Mert-hanta Meet.
SIOUX FALLS. 8.. P-. Kcb.. l.-(Speclal.)
The big event In South Dakota thla week
will be the twelfth annual convention of
the South Dakota Retail Merchants and
Hardware 'Dealers' association, which will
convene at Yankton Tuesday evening, anil
continue in scasion until Thursday evening..
Kal S. Tjicr of Hluua Kails, secretary of
.11. Raanlar erica M S par bottl
year 4ras(ll or by aaU la laia wrapper,
Mall Orders Filled By
Meal Book Free at ys,j.;.y
Table dllpte Dlititie
Every Sunday and Holiday-' V, .
Msa! Tickets Free al Hansoas
Every ieraun who taaea a Ael ii-fo,
Hanaon s baasmanl reataurant .may guaaa
tti number who viall there during ChaTday
Eveiy Oay ibe nearest gus.a wiiia 4 iuaj
Toll Hanson's Luach Room ;
VOa moat aitractlva. tiflgutaai, ' elrlaai
and noil nnomiral lunct' raun (u'Jiuaaa.
Table dHot Dinner $1.00. every evening 6