The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXV1II-NO. 198. OMAHA. TUESDAY MOKXIXO, PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TAFT AS PACIFICATOR rresident-Elect Pours Oil on Troubled , Political Water in Panama, SALUTES LIRE NAVAL BATTLE OLDHAM MAKES MOVE Exchange of Courtesies at Gibraltar Takes Place Monday Morning. SPEERY CALLS ON GOVEENOR Through Attorney Seeks to File Ac 1909 FEBRUARY 1909 SUN MON TUE WEO THU FRI SAT '.A 12 3 4 5 6 ; 8 9 10 II 12 13 -t ' c id it 10 ir. or. tion to Oust Judge Dean. :0MMISSARY WILL MATTER IS UNDER ADVISEMENT CONTINUE K Colonel Goethals Sayi Canal Will Bei Runs Afoul of Long-Standing Rule of the Supreme Court. FKBRLTAUV 2, 1909 TEX ; SUMMARY OF THE DEE Tuesday, February 2, 10O0. 23 24 25 26 27 Finished by January 1, 1915. RAINEY CHARGES ABE DENIED President of Panama and Members of Assembly Sig-n Statement. TAFT AND CEOMWELL IN NO DEAL tames of Amrrlram ever Mfailoard In Connection with Tlmhrr Con tract Alone Atlantic (nut, Smj Officials. I'ANAMA. Feb. I.-That Mr. Taft la act ing ns pacificator In the strong post-elee-tlon factional feeling which at times hu been very marked, Is shown by the fact that Invitations have been sent to both President Ohaldla and Honor Arias, at one thn? opposition candidates for the presi dency, (o tlie dinner and reception arranged for tomorrow by Herbert Q. Squlers, the , 'Jbcriran minister. In honor of Mr. Taft. .Mr, Taft this afternoon called on ex-Pres-dent Amador; who In 111. Amador and President Obalcllu have not been on friendly terms for a long time because of political differences. Mr. Toft wishes to m ike It plain that his cordiality is toward I'inama as u whole and not toward one or another pollllcnl faction, and he has en i! avored during his stay h"re to treat all n Hi same cunllal mnnnr. I'olh aides of the controversy which has misen through the commissary system will t" given a hearing, but lie will make no recommendation with regard to th treaty, which refers the cioustion to arbitration. Without doubt tie commissary will con ilnue, although so-callrd luxuiles will be i 'linhvited. Mr. Taft Ins expressed full r mlldence In the Judgment of 8?crct:iry I i-l l.t thin matter. Prior l- the vial! of Mr. Taft and th? Inn cl of engineers tJ the Culebra cut to i ;iy all tlynnmite was removed from the w rklnfis. so that possibility rf accident n Ulit be avoided. Although not speaking f ir publication, the engineers do nut con ceal th: Ir satisfaction at the feasibility of t ic Clatun dum. Colotul iloethals and the engineers engaged hi the construction ;.w-.k aie much gratified at the results of t;ie investigation of the special engineers. ColoneT Ouethuls said today that naval v.eatla would sail through the lock canal ., January 1, 1915. I Thb charges made In the United S ates , lmue of reprewnlatives recently by R-pre- Jliniy T. lUlncy of Illinois I Unmlnaci I Ohaldla. president of ! . .. u. ,.i a. ; am-mu, mid others, have brought out do- .,.. . .i.. .i.i... m.m. ... ki.. tk ...0 1 ! rrs (if I ha nalioy I ua mbly. The asaem- i ll.imru .vt ai'.ocd a statement as- i s ulna tt-at they ere i reseul at a meet 'r lit U,c' prosliA rifs "office, where the utiacl for the o: ijltatlon nf the tlmler Mi.:iiiy iiIouk t'e Atlantic coast of , J" ii airs was oUiitiKS-'d nnd that during U' m'lirf neither PtesUlent obaldla not , ,.r.. PVj at Implied that Charles v, T ft, Will'mn Ntlion Cromwell or Roger T. Fi i nliniti had nny' direct or Indirect ',i lli.ii jtlnn I" business. Among those - 1'iii tin state-ni'-nt are Pr. Pablo Ar s"!cnii. Jul' j F .-liregar and other promi se nt , '!' a'tl"'i lenders of tiie asi"mhly. ( dne": ring some of l'ie charges President i 1 i;i.i .ni!1 fc'veti out tiie foM.iwlng state jv -in i" t ' '.''.1 : in : it' 'tudc. while In the Colnmb'an 1,.'i!-m of It-'J my entire public life I i l-eyopd t.." i each o slanderers. The . -i-iicl- i -A i las povrninent was not nver i r-nii l u aft t the expiration of It e , in I it ii'. lentil tcim I- was defeated In a :. el ctlop. .' t i.l neetin(r in "iy efflee neither Mr. t l i-.riii rer nr.v outsidt-rs were present, :,l tn.-itlcn wns made of Charles P. i'a't. r.l!m N'lsnn Cromwell or Roger , I'firr'iim. The vnilwav pr ipeeal was '.He'it'd Ij II' ajsem'ily by n Mr. Ward rl'ftsv le.ieelvV T b" Hssrmbly then en-rt-t.d r '' t'inr!liiB the construction . ; ii '!' with iiiitional funds to be i Mine a i.Jtlinnl pronerty. Mr. Khrman'a I'.mtier ootrsct nls. was rejectfd by the a w'i'Wv, wtier' a bill is now being dls i ish.d. itKUlatlng th foreign exploitation ibo Atli-itli- cc ast between the river nincfpl'ot and Costa Rlea. including the ntt-e CI figres vilify." ' Pr-p!dent ChiM'n has discharged a lx-al frn'olTet" criticising" William Nelson from- en ami President llooarvelt. .i-ffiimont cmi-loe who publlsneo ALTON OiL REBATE CASE Jrtrtne l.anilla aboenaea Fifty Wlt nnwi to Test If r la Ser-cii-1 Trial. CHICAGO. Feb. l.-Judge Landis has sub n m.aed fifty witnesses for the second trial of the government's case against the ta,,d.ud Oil company of Indiana, the first ,1.,1 in n fine of nearinK 'i ' - - f'."9.'js).ix) against ihe company. Th trial will atari In Clilcagj, before Judge A. B. Anderson of Indianapolis. Feb ruary a. who consented to preside st the rqiieit of Judge Landis. According to repot t one subpoena was Issued for J. A. Moffat, president of the Standard till company of Indiana. Those of the Standard Oil company offlciala who thua far have been served are Q. W. Stahl. t:csurer; John C. McDonald, auditor; Ed gar Bogardus, traffic manager. Other witnesses are George Roberts and t Crossland, expert rat clerks for the Interstate Commerce commission; Secretary Kllpatrtck or the railroad and warehouse commission; K. 8. Hollands, rate clerk for ,h Chicago Alton railroad, and J. 8. ' Howard, former auditor of the Chicago A Alton railroad. MEXICAN ROADS ARE MERGED tatlonal io eroment Take Over Hevesj Taoasaad Mile ol Meal ran Central I. lac. illiXICO CITT. Feb. l.-Th physical merger of th Mexican Central and the National railways became effectlv today, nnd the Mexican government has taken ,ver l.Vr: miles of line. E. N. Brown has been named president of the new company, g. M. Fulton, formerly president of th Central, will remain In Mexico aa th ep icsentallvc of the minority stockholders, consisting of a group of Americans headed by II- Clay Pierce. The financial corpora tion or th Central, of which Mr. Fellon tcmalns Ui &t ' PQ disturbed by tb nirger. 2v 2L r. v. v mnnm run v " . i iiri iij niyi r r a nnu 11 1 1 r FOR I Tuesday. nd warmer Tuesday SKA Fair and watmer FOR lOW'A Fair and warmer Tuesday. temperature at Oman a yesterday Hour. Peg. . . . . J5 .... 24 .... 24 .... -a .... 2 .... 'M .... 30 .... 3K .... 3 .... 41 .... 41 .... 45 to .... 43 .... 42 .... II .... 39 6 a. m a. m 7 a. m a. m a. m If) a. m.. 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m 2 p. m 3 p. in 4 p. m E p. m K p. ni 7 p. m ft p. m 9 p. m WASxaroTOzr. The house yesterday passed the Payne bill prohibiting the Importation of oplun . Fag 1 The senate passed the house bill mak ing burdredth birthday of Abraham Lin coln a legal holiday. Fag 1 DOafilSTIO. New York In grip of cold wave and heavy frost In south mark proffre of Miinu which recently passed over tint west Fag 1 Prci-ldtnt of Panama and sixteen mem ber of assembly sign statement denying statements made by Itrpresentatlv e Kuli.'F. Fag 1 FOBEIOIT. Atiitrlean battleships arrive in Gibraltar an I hh lutes resemble naval cngagemnt. Fag 1 VEBKA8KA. A in ( uneeinent Ismade at Lincoln that P. t". Ueafey wilt be the Jacksonlan cun clldat'J for mayor of Omaha. Fag B Joe: N. Weal, acting for YV. 1). Oldham asks leave of supreme court to file quo warranto suit against Judge Dean. Fag 1 lr. Young and other democratic em ployes take charge of the Norfolk Insan hofrtital. rag 3 X.OGAL. The Conner will ease has been post pctic'l. awaiting the arrlvul of Rt. Rav. Itli'hard Scannell, bishop of Omaha, wlio will lie culled to testify on his return fro'ii Ireland, where he Is at pres- rn- Fag 8 1 1 hm acciulreil some new cltiueni l rp(le,'al building Monday, but some fttl'e1 l Px examlnationa and cannot "Pt ""er the nag" until they know a 'cw more t l.lngs Fa,. 3 J- tn"p"- "y frHlclsfrt by Judge . (3. Sears In open letter, rep l.i " ' ' ' , , to bPur- 11,8 --ltlrn. and defends his d- fense of Wetmore nnd conduct during the c Tf COMMEftCXAJC AJfD tWDUTIAI.. l.lyntnrk inarkrts. ., rag T (iralii niaiket:i. Fag 6 Stocks and bonds. Fag 7 MOVIMZKTS OF OOXAIf BTX AXIHIF3. Pnrt. Arrived. NKW VnrtK.... Kurnpa t-IVKRPOoL.... Svtvanla ... HALIKAX Hlvrford... CIHHAI.TAR.... l.rmnl. .. Ut'KKNRTOWN yt EBNSTOWN I.ONHON HI MK D'iSTON Uurtntlan. . .. rampants. ... Cytnrta ... Philadelphia. ...caronla. ... lbrlan. MINERS NOW READY FOR WORK MalUer Faction t.lves I s KlKkt aad Decks Are Cleared for Banlneao. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. I. -The cause of the anti-Lewis faction In the I'nited Nine Workers convention has been lost, John Walter of Illinois, who opposed President l-ewls for re-election tonight that he would not contest Lewis' election, which probably will be reported to the conven tion tomorrow. , '8uch action would be hopeless." he nld. "The convention has been packed against me." President lewis' malnrity likely will be COK). Walker learned the sentiment of the delegates toward him when by a vote of l.ii7 to 1.054. he was refused an ex tension of time a speak against the com mittee report approving the course of President lewis and the executive board In suspending President Van Horn and other officials of District No. 11. Indiana, hsvlng disobeyed the mandate of the national officers to discontinue the Hudson mine strike. i The refusal of President Lewis to aid the striking miners of the Mercer-Butler field, Pennsylvania caused a debate. Thia brought a r.-mark from Mr. Iwls that there should be no further quarreling over personal differences and that the business of the convention should be disposed of as ; quickly aa poslble. He would give all Information asked for In regard to the Mercer-Butler s-rlke, he .aid. but would noi Dicaer won . u . . i. i u. .Mr -u It will be necessary to elect a vice presl- dent and a secretary treasurer during the session, as during the December electln no candidate received a majority. FAMOUS SHOP IS BURNED Rnlldlas; In Wnlcn Steamer Monitor Was Ballt Darlngr War De stroyed by Fire. SCHENECTADY. N. T., Feb. l.-Th Central Arcade, consisting of twenty stores on the ground floor and offices, society rooms and printing plant above, waa de atroyed by fire today. Th Central Arcade wa formerly the Clute Brothers machine shop, where th famous United States steamer Monitor, which defeated the Merrimack on tlw Hampton Roada during th civil war was built. Th fliemen fought th flames with the temperature registering S below xero and scores of them wr frost-bitten. FIRE AT REPUBLICAN CITY Two Bnlldlnajs Bnraod, with F.stl aated of Nino Tkonsand Dollar. REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb.. Feb. I. (Special.) Fir In this city early yesterday morning burnt two buildings owned by a nonresident. On was occupied by Tom Gorden, for furnltur and undertaking goods, th other was used by Harvey Raiter as a restaurant. The estimated loss on building Is I. 000; th Insurant- on buildings. 13.000; furnltur. C.OQO; restau rant and fixtures, StXi, Korfalkahlre Rrglmrat In Coats of Red Forms a Gaard of Honor for American Admiral on Official Visit. GIBRALTAR. Feb. l.-For one hour this morning the port of Gibraltar seemed to be the scene of a naval engagement t close range. The American battleships that ar rived yesterday were exchanging salutes with the shore and the foreign warships In the harbor that were omitted because of Sunday. The Connecticut saluted the port and flag of Vice Admiral 8lr James Good rich, the commander of all the naval estab lishments at Gibraltar, with twenty-one guns, and when these had been returned gun for gun from a shore battery and the Hrlllsh battleship Albemarle other salutes were fired to and answered by the Rus sian, French and Dutch warships In port. The reverberations were Incessant for an hour and clouds of grsy smoke blew over the waters. The colliers promptly took up their posi tions alongside the Minneapolis, Vermont and Kansaa and before the sound of the saluting guns had died away the bands on board these, ships were playing "rag time" to liven up the dirty and arduous work of coaling. Each ship requires from 1.2(0 to l.WO tons to fill lis bunkers for the homeward voy age. The Rhode Island and New Jersey came Into port at 10 o'clock thia morning and were followed an hour later by the fourth division, the Wisconsin, Illinois, Kearsarge and Kentucky, which anchored outside the breakwater. The third division, consisting of the Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio and Vir ginia, brought up the rear and presented a beautiful picture as they steamed In, glistening In the sunlight and their signal flags cracking In the smart breeze. The warship basin is too small to permit the entrance of the entire American fleet; con sequently some of the vessels had to an chor outside. Rear Admiral Sperry. accompanied by the members of the staff, came ashore at noon and called officially upon General Sir Frederick Forrest ler-Walker, the military governor. A guard of honor, consisting of a company of the Norfolkshlre regiment. In red coats, met the admiral's launch at King Stairs and escorted the carriages of the American naval officers to the resi dence of the. governor. WAR CLOUDS ARE DISPELLED nsjasla Presents Plan to Iteeonrlle filapnte He t ween Turkey and Rnlararla. ST. PfcTKRSBl'RG. Feb. l.-The Turko RulgaTlan deadhek over the Amount of money to bo paid Turkey by Bulgaria be cause of the Bulgarian declaration of Inde pendence Is practically broken and the war clouds In southeastern Europe have been dissipated by the acceptance of a plan pro posed' by Russia which reconciled In a'nvvel manner the Turkish rTalnr tif Slf.tWO.OOO and the Bulgarian offer cf H6.00n,000. ' This plan Is based on the war Indemnity of $1.6(i0,0i)0 a year, which, in accordance with the Berlin treaty of 1S78, Turkey is to pay Russia for 100 years. These pay ments bcai1 no Interest. The Russian pro posal Is to remit them until the Turkish claim against Bulgaria is satisfied. Rus sia will collect Instead SIS.400,000 from Bul garia in similar installments. These pay ments will bear Interest and the amount of this Interest will recoup Russia. Bulgaria has formally assented to this proposal and the Russian government has assurance that the plan is satisfactory to the Turkish government. COURT HOLDS OIL COMPANY Affirms Verdict of 914,500 for Death Due to Substitution of t.aao llne for OH. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. The supreme court of the United States today held the Waters-Pierce Oil company of Missouri re sponsible for the death of the wife 'and two children of Albert Deselms of Orlando, Okl., thus affirming the decision of the su preme court of that atate, which affirmed an award of SI 4,500 damages by the trial court. Mrs. Deselms and the two children were burned to death en February 4, 1903, in a fire which consumed Deselms house and which It waa claimed originated in kindling a fire by the use of what was supposed to be pur coaloll supplied by the Waters-Pierce company, but It is now con tended that there was such a large per centage of gasoline as to render It unsually inflammable. RIDGE WILL CASE IS SETTLED Contest Over Distribution of Over Million Averted by Com promise. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 1. The con test over the $1,300,000 estate of Dr. I. M. Ridge, a pioneer physician of Kansas City, who died in 17. waa settled today through compromise. By th term of settlement the doctor' widow, who was his second wife, will receive two-fifths o fthe tslate and th; three children by Dr. Ridge's first wife, each one-fifth. The will of Dr. Ridge left the entire estate to his widow, cutting lh children by his first marriage off with S500 each. Dr. Rldge'a first wife is dead. It waa alleged that Mrs. Ridge had exerted undue Influence over her husband at the time he made his will. RIGHT TO USE PART OF PARK House Committee Vote to Grant Two Valleys In Yosenalt to San Francisco. WASHINGTON. Feb. l.-By a vote of S to T the house committee on public lands today decided to report favorably th reso lution which grants to the city and county of San Francisco the right to us th Helehy and Lake Eleanor valleys In th Yosemlte National park for reservoir pur poses. SECRETARY ' GARFIELD ILL Cabinet Officer Confined la dence by Attack of Grlapo. Real. WASHINGTON Feb. 1. Secretary of th Interior Garfield has been confined to hi residence for the past two or three days with a severe attack of th grippe. His condition is marked by high fver. H was much improved today. I 'x-"0 rzz o ' o Bryan Mother, I want you to get me a sled like Georgie From the Spokane Spokesman-Review. NEW YORKERS SUFFER IN COLD Lowest Temperature of Year, Ac companied by Biting Wind. MUCH DISTRESS ; AMONG POOR Soup l.lne Longest In Year and Many Arc Sheltered In Mission Killing; Frosts In the tooth. Bl I.LKTI??. WASHINGTON, Feb. l.-Killlng frosts as far south aa the twenty-sixth parallel and temperatures from to t degrees below freesing were reported from central and north Florida today. The cold wave contin ues eaat of the Mississippi river while to the westward temperatures are again above the seasonal average except in the south west. The weather bureau today an nounced that the cold anap will continue tonight In the east and south, followed by rising temperature Tuesday. Freezing tem peratures will again ooour In the south At lantic states. Poor Suffer rn n York. NEW YORK. Feb. l.Swept by a biting northwest wind. New York City today ex perienced the coldest weather of th winter. The temperature It, .vt .po .ions of the greter city was down to sera Just before daylight and the official thermometer of the weather bureau registered S degrees above xero. Two thousand applicants for food and coffee, were lined up at t3ie Bowery mission during the night, the largest number fed there this winter. In addition to these 31S persons, . including twenty-four women, were given shelter at the City lodging house and the pier of the Charities de partment, at the foot of East Twenty-sixth street. The street cleaning department had 600 men at work removing the snow during the night, but when th cold became so In tense the work was discontinued. Eighteen families were driven from their homes In a tenement house In East Seventy-seventh street by a fire early today. Policemen whose, pity was excited by their suffering from the cold went through the adjoining houses In search of neighbors who would give them shelter. The fire caused little damage. Kentucky Is Shivering;. LEXINGTON. Ky., Feb. l.-Although the weather was Intensely cold throughout cen tral and eastern Kentucky, the temperature continued slowly dropping today. Great Buffering Is reported In the mountain dis tricts and much live stock is reported to have died from the cold. Great snow drifts in this section are being plowed through today and rural mail service will soon be resumed. Canadian Town Out of Coal. WINNIPEG, 'Mm., Feb. l.-A telegram last night from Aberdeen, Saskatchwan, on the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, said: "The worst storm of the seaaon is raging and the town Is completely out of coal. Traffic Is also blockaded." It Is believed her that a number of places In that region are similarly affected, as the Grand Trunk Paciflo haa not run a train over that portion of Its line for three weeks, owing to snow blockades. Suffering la Mexican Adobes, EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 1 The coldest weather of the season has prevailed In northern Mexico for the last few days. Great Buffering is reported among the poorer classes, who live in a. lobe huts and are unprepared for anow and cold.. GRANT B. SCHLEY WILL APPEAR Manager of Syndicate to Testify Be. fore Steel Probe Committee of Senate. WASHINGTON, Feb. l.-ServUe has been secured by the sergeant-at-arms of th aenate upon Grant B. Bchley of New York and he will appear before the epe clal commute of the senate tomor row when it resumes consideration of the resolution' providing for an Investigation of the president's authority for permitting the absorption of the Ten nessee Coal and Iron company by the t'nlted States Steel corporation. Mr. Schley is a member of the brokerage firm of Moore A Schley and was named by Oakletgh Tliorne. president of the Trust Company of America, as one of th man ager of the syndlcat which held a con trolling Intereat In the stock of the Ten nessee Coal snd Iron company at the time of the merger. TWO HUNDRED LOST IN FIRE Charred Bodies of 1TO V lot lass of Coaflacratloa la Fleet of Flower Boats Heeovered. CANTON. Chin. Feb. l.-At least XX) lives were lost in a fire which oceured to day in a fleet of flower boats. Th charred bodies of 170 victims hav already been re covered, but manjr Jerioo alUl missing. FORTY OF CREW DROWNED British Steamer Clan Ranald a Total Wreck Near Melbourne, Australia, MELBOURNE). Feb. l.-Th British steamer Clan Ranald is a total wreck near Edlthburg and the captain and forty-six of the crew, most of whom were Asiatics, were drowned. The vessel was drifting ashore last night, but sank before boats could reach it. Eighteen members of th crew, including twelve coolies, were picked up. The Clan Ranald was struck by a heavy aea yesterday afternoon and rendered un manageable. Then being driven ashore It turned turtle. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. l.-There Is con siderable anxiety over the German steam ship Maria Rlckers, now thirty-one days out from Grenock, Scotland, and more than ten days over due. The anxiety Is made all the greater by the fact that terrific storms have swept th Atlantic lately. The ship Is under command of Captain A. Rupp and carried a crew of thirty-two men when it left Grenock, January t. It has no cargo but Is to load case oil here for Japan. To the recent storms shipping agent ascribe the tardiness of the Hamburg American liner Louise, for Hsmburg; the Cosmopolitan liner Canadia, from Rotter dam, and the Atlantlo transport liner Mon tana, from London. Vhey ar from two to four days overdue, but ar expected to make port trday. PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY MEETS Governor Smith, In His Message, Sharply Criticise Municipal Government of Manila. MANILA, Feb. l.-Tlie Philippine as sembly opened todsy with simple cere monies, president Osmena presiding. Th first business to come before the body waa the annual message to the assembly of Governor General James F. Smith. Governor Smith deplored the growing gulf between the Americans and Filipinos in the Philippines, and strongly urged that they draw closer together and act In unity for the best Interests of both.' His message sharply criticises the -municipal government of Manila and the municipal police force, the personnel of which, he said, was not equal to that of the public servants of the city. Th provincial government Governor Smith pronounced to be entirely satisfac tory. The annual report on the revenues of th Island shows a decline of sbout 1,000,000 pesos (about $300,000) for 1908, under the fig ures of 1907. DEATH CHAIR FOR GOVERNALE Murderer of Policeman Electrocuted at Slue Sinn-- Bllllk Goes to Penitentiary. OS8INISG, N. Y.. Feb. l.-Salvatore Governale was put to death In the electric chair at Sing Sing prison today for the murder of two New York City policemen, George M. Sechler and Albert A Sllleck, on Sunday afternoon, April 14, 1908. The double murder followed a fight In Washington square during which Governale fired a revolver at a fe'.lew countryman. The policemen Interfered and chased Governale Into a hallway from which he fired on the officers, shooting both fatally. CHICAGO, Feb. 1.-Herman Billlk, after two years 'mprisonment In the county Jail, during which period he has five times been respited from death on the gallows, was tsken to the Jollet penitentiary today to begin a term of life Imprisonment for the murder of Mary Vrxal. The death sentence was commuted to fe Imprison ment by Governor Deaeen. MANY INDICTMENTS EXPECTED Al Least Three Handred Billi Looked for In Oklahoma Grand Jury Case. Ml'SKOGEE. Okl.. Teb. l.-It was stated here today from a . reliable source that ihe government expects the federal grand Jury now in aesalon here to return at least 300 Indictments Involving from fourteen to twenty persons In the alleged Muskofee town lot fraud cases. The Jury resumed its session today, examining several wit nesses. It hopes to have heard all the evi dence by Thursday evening next, when it is believed any Indictments that are to be made will be returned promptly. PORTSMOUTH BANK REOPENED Examination Falls to Show Wrong Doing by Cashier, who Killed Himself. PORTSMOUTH. Ia., Feb. 1. The State Bank of Portsmouth, which has been n the hands of the slate bank examiner sine th suicide nf in cashier, C, 8. Serogglns, was ropend In temporary charge of T. J. Ko,-th of Coi.ncll Bluffs. There war but few withdrawals of deposits. Th bsnk exsmlner reports th bajik in excel lent condition and says no evidence waa found of wrong-doing by th cashier. Chamberlain's. PAYNE OPIUM BILL PASSID Measure Prohibiting Importation of Drug Goes Through House. ARMY BILL IS CONSIDERED Provision to Pay Traveling; Expenses of West Point Cadets to In. angnratlon I Stricken Out. WASHINGTON, Feb. l.-Vnless the senate comes to their rescue the West Point cadets will not be able to attend the inauguration on the tth of March at the expense of the government. The cadets have been one of the big attractions of the Inaugural cere monies for many years past. By a point of order an Item providing funds fof the cadets' trip to Washington was stricken from the military appropriation bill. Another item removed from the bill was an appropriation fur the construction of an asylum for refugees In time of war and another for a storehouse on Corregldo Is land In Manila bay. On account of time consumed with bills under suspension of the rules the consideration by the house of the appropriation bill was not completed. Under suspension the house passed the Payne bill, prohibiting tho importation nf opium, but refused to pass the senate bill to pension ' federal Judges. The Bennett bill, for the exportation of aliens convicted of ft felony, was also denied passage. A limitation was placed upon the cope of the Olmstead special committee to Investigate appropriations for and the work of the secret service of the various depart' ments. The house adjourned at 6:28 p. m. PHOCKEDJMiS OF THE SENATE Mr. Foraker Attempts to Get Consld eratlon for Brownsville Bill. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 Seventy-five bills on the calendar of the senate were passed today. The consideration of these measures, most of which were of local character or of minor Importance, con sumed nearly the entire session of the senate Senator Foraker attempted to get con sidoratlon for the Aldrleh substitute bill providing for a court of Inquiry to pass upon the qualifications of the discharged mgro soldiers of the Twenty-fifth regi ment, charged with having shot up Brownsville, August 13-14, 1906, but post poned making a motion for that purpose In order that Senator McLaurln of Mis sissippi might speak on the Brownsville affair tomorrow. Mr. Foraker announced that after Mr. McLaurln'a speech be would endeavor to get action on the bill. The senate passed without amendment a house bill declar ing February 12, 1909, the centenary of th birth of Abraham Lincoln, to be a legal holiday and recommending a gen eral observation of that day. Senator Carter, In charge of the postal savings bank bill in the senate, today an nounced that he would endeavor on Wed nesday to get a vote on It. although he fully realised the Improbability of that bi'l becoming a law In the few remain ing days or this congress." Bills passed by the senste today fol low: Providing that sentences of the general coirt martial which Involve the dismissal of a midshipman at the naval academy shall be approved by the president. For the naturalisation of aliens who served five years In the United States navy or marine corps. Appiopiiatlng 180,083 to pay war claims of religious orders of the Catholic church in tho Philippines. CLEVELAND FARES INCREASED Two-Third of street Cor Patrons Are Now Paying Five Cents a Hide. CLEVELAND. O.. Feb. 1,-In accordance with instructions recently issued by Judge. Tayier of the federal court to the receivers of the entire street railway system of Hit city, the rate of fere was Increased, be ginning this morning, on all lines except upon those where the franchise specifically provide a rate of not more than S cents. Approximately two-thirds of the street car patrons are now paying a straight 5-cent fare, or eleven tickets for 60 cents. Patrons of the t-cent far lines ur compelled to pay 2 cents for a transfer, while passengers passing the regular S cent fare obtain ttans fers free to any line In the city. Judg Tayier ordered the rate of fare In creased because of the inability of the company to pay running expenses and to liquidate accumulated debts under the 3 tent fare, wh'ch raw has been effective on all line In the city since April 29. NO REHEARING IN GAS CASE Supreme Coart Denies Application of Company In Effort lo Void Eighty-Cent Law. WASHINGTON, Feb. l.-Th suprrme court of the United Slates today denied the application of the Consolidated Gas com pany ef New York for a rehearing. The case Involves th validity of th SO-cent gas law and was recently decided against the company and in favor of th law. DEAN NOW HOLDING THE EDGE Must Waive Rights in Order to Per mit Oldham to File. CONTENTS OF THE PETITION Allegation Legislature and .Not Board of Canvassers Has Authority tii Innvnss air and Sheldon' Appointment Illegal. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 1. (Special Tele gram.) Joel N". West of Omaha In behalf of W. D. Oldham, Governor Bhallcnberger s 1 latest appointee aa supremo Judge thi. afternoon filed a request with tho supreme cxiurt for permission to begin quo warranto proceedings to oust Judge Dean and seul his client. Tho supreme court took tho request under consideration. The reason for the court taking lh question under advisement Is the practice of the cyiurt heretofore In permitting tho filing of quo warranto proceedings directly In tho supremo court only when the action Is taken by tho attorney general. It has been the practice In all except these cases to require the, ..original filing In the dis trict court. Oldham filed with the supreme court a waiver of his right to a hearing In the district court and Jmlgo Dean wan also asked to do so. He has this matter under consideration, but has not Indicated when he will return an answer. Inasmuch as the case Involves the su premo court. It would seem rather ivculiar for district court to assume Jurisdiction. The suit, which Mr. West will file It the court grants him Its permission Is entitled Oldham vs. Dean, and the petition asserts the state board of canvassers acted without authority when It canvassed tie' vote on tho supreme Judgeship. It contends the legislature has the sole ngnt to con vass the vote nnd that therefore Governor Sheldon's appointees are without right tii the office. It also asserts the law of 1877 giving the legislature the right to can vass was never repealed. In conclusion It asks that Judge Dean be ousted and Old ham seated. The action of the supreme court In taking the application under consideration is taken to mean the application Is not considered a mere formality. Text of the Petition. Following is the Wxt of tho 'p"t.ii,f,n: The relator, however, shows to the court that the said board of canvassers tin can vassing the vote on the snld constitutional amendments, acted unlawfully snd wlihout authority and that their sets with reupect the vote wrro utterly void and. with no effect, for that secvtlon 4 of chapter 3 nl the compiled statutes of Nebraska of JHl as rnaeted In 1877 pxnrc"i1 provided: "Public notice that the pri noced amendment or ainenments Is, or arc to be voted upon shall be given In each county in the same manner aa is or may be required by law regulating general election, unci t lie re turns shall be made and the hooks can vassed In the same manner ami by the same effleers as is or may be required by law In the case of electing the execuiiw officers of the state." While It Is true there was contained ;n the compiled statute of Nebraska of ivtr,, which purport to be n law enacted by the legislature of lS9.r, whereby It. the law of 1K77 above referred to, nurports to have been repealed, and by which act of 1M5, th power to right to canvass upon flie con stitutional nieiidinents purports to be con ferred upoithe state hoard of canvassers, yet in that behalf the relator shows to the court that the said aet of IS! never was In fact legally and constitutionally adopted because of the following defects and omis sions, towlt: The bill for said aet of ISIS originated In and was passed by the senate as an aet entitled "An aet to amend section 4 of chapter1 3 of the compiled statutes of N.i braska" and as so passed by the senate contained no words or language whatever repealing or purporting to repeal or at tempting to repeal said section 4 so at tempted to be amended by said act, and was thereupon sent to the house where the said hill was amended by adding there to another sectlnn in the following words and figures, towlt: "Section 2: That said original section 4 of chspter 3 as heretofore existing Is hereby repealed." That there upon the said hill, as amended In the house as aforsald was passed by the house snd sent to the senate for Its concurrence, but relator shows to th court that said bill as amended was never voted upon by the senate nor psssed by the senal". but the bill, amended as It came front the house, without being voted upon bv thn senate or In any manner passed by the senate, was signed by the president of the senate and the governor and appeared In the com piled statutes of 1895 as the purported law; whereas. In truth and fact the same is ut terly null and void because not passed In the manner and form required by the con sclitulion of the state of Nebraska. History of Legislation. Your relator further shows to the court that afti-r the publication of the compiled statutes of 1H96 in which the said section 4 of chapter 3 as dassed In 1877 did not appear, and in which In lieu of said sec tion 4 of said chapter aa enacted n 1877. there did appear the alleged and pretended amendment of said section aa said amend ment was attempte to be made by the ac tion of the legislature of 1S05 aa herein above recited, and thereupon the said legis lature nf IS'J7 passed and adopted an aet as chapter 6 of thn laws of 197 entitled, "An act to amend sections 4, 11 and 18 of chapter of the compiled statutes of ISO and to repeal said section as now existing." That thereafter ill the compiled statutes ef 187 and thenceforward to and including the compiled statutes of 19c. the said sec- lion 4 of chapter 3 as enacted In 187 and hereinabove alleged, did not appear, out In lieu thereof there appeared In an alleged silt Ion 4 of chapter ft as the same was passed at the session of tne said legislature of IhfT. being a purported amendment not of the said section as adopted in 1877, but an amendment of the said section as at tempted and pretended to have been adopted in Vi- Said act of WSl did not attempt or purport to amend or repeal said section 4 as of the law of IS77. That therefore the legislature of lr7 passed and adopted an act known as chap ter i of the laws of 1!'7 and entitled, "An aet to amend section 4 of chapter III of the compiled statutes of Nebraska of lh year 16 It'. A. H. BKoti. and lo repeal said section :iuil also to repeal section 13 nf chapter Mi A. 8. &5:!. and thereafter there apnea red ill Ihe compiled statute of l'.io7 us section 3 of chapter ill thereof thn siid section 4 as attempted to he ammded by thn said legislature of I'.M that by said aet of ls'J7 the light and auiiorlty of tli state canvassing board to canvasu that votes upon constitutional amendments, if it ever existed, waa repeal d and thereupon the right to canvass the said vote upon constitutional amendments, and to ascer tain the result of the said vole and election thereafter Inhered In tho legislature and was pniirly and legally exereised by the legislature In the manner hereinbefore re lated; Ktiot lte ause of the Kalil law of 1K77, which ha never been repealed or amended, and. Second. Bees use ef the Inherent right, and power of th legislature to make sueli canvass and ascertain th result of