Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1909, Image 1

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The Omaha
t. y and warmer.
This is Science's Century
t perature at umana yesterday;
Many Older and More Prominent Me .f TfW
Are Hot Re-elected. n
Democratic Legislators Make Slow
Progress in Redeeming Promises.
Begins Discourses Connected with
Charge of Proselyting.
Saya Minister at Today Mast Be In
Sympathetic Toorh with Ntn
World Life Not aa Age
of Dogmas.
mW .-TP "V "V " , . Jb, rv. t "V 1.- a f
Problem of Reorganisation Begins to
Trouble Leaden.
Western Member Obejct to Buffalo
Man at Successor for Burton.
nrcnirii Maiat Be Feaad for Hfp.
bin, Jenkins and Orerstreet
Several Ranking Member
Alio Oil.
WASHINGTON. Jan. St. With the con
veiling of a near congress scarcely more
than a month distant, the selection of the
stsndlng commltteea of the next house and
particularly the award of chairmanship, has
become the subject of keen speculation and
ource of some anxiety.
The understanding among members gen
erally is that the rule of the seniority will
bo followed In selecting chairmen, but there
may be aonie exceptions. In cssei In which
the. chairmen are re-elected. It Is expected
that tbty will be retained In their present
Pisces with the possible exception of Mr.
Fowler of New Jersey, chairman of the
committee on banking and currency. There
are. however, some Important committees
whose chairmen will not be members of
the next house, and the selection of their
successors Is csuslng no little speculation.
Among these rommltteea are those on
the Judiciary, where Mr. Jenkins of Wis
consin Is chairman; Interstate and foreign
commerce. Colonel , Hepburn, Iowa, as
chairman; rivers and harbors. Bonator
eicct Burton, chairman, and poatofflces and
post roads. Mr. Overstreet of Indiana,
chairman. These are four of the most Im
portant committees of the house and the
chairmanship of each ia highly prised.
Objection to Alexander.
The name of Representative Do Alava 8.
Alexander of Buffalo. N. T., Is atrongly
mentioned In connection with two of these
committees. He will be the ranking mem
ber of the committee on rivers and harbors
after Chairman Burton of Ohio takes his
sest In the senate. With the renewed
agitation In the middle west for waterways
Improvement there has sprung up a keen
desire to keep the chairmanship of the
rlvera and harbora committee In that ter
ritory. For this reason Mr. Alexanders
appointment as chairman does not appeal to
tne western representation.
The western members want Rrprcsenta-
tivea James M. Davidson of Wisconsin, who
ranks after Mr. Iawrence and cornea from
a state that loses the Important chairman
ship of the' jnrtaiy.'' Vlie Interstate and
foreign commerce and postofficn and post
r ada commltteea also are being paired
Unless Colonel Hepburn of Iowa desires
lo contest for Ills seat In the house, and
the chairmanship of the committee on inter
slates and foreign commerce ia left vacant
on that account, there will be a big
problem to be solved In that committee.
The ranking member below Mr. Hepburn
Is James Sherman, vice president-elect,
Next comes Messrs. Wanger of Penneyl
vania and Mann of Illinois, respec
lively. The tatter's activity on the
floor of the house and In this committee Is
being urged as a reason why he should
be given the appointment.
roat office Chairman.
The suggestion has been made that Mr,
Wenger be appointed chairman of the post-
office and post roads committee to succeed
Chairman Overstreet of Indiana, retired.
Representative William II. Stafford of
Wisconsin may be pressed for the post-
office chairmanship, although John J.
Gardner of New Jersey, who outranks him
pn that committee. Is said to be satisfied
with the chairmanship of the committee on
labor. Representative Nehemlah D. Sperry
of Connecticut, the oldest man In the house
and chairman of the committee on alcoholic
liquor traffic, ia among the other members
of the postofflre committee mentioned as
possible successor to Mr. Overstreet as
It ia generally conceded that Representa
tive Perkins (New York) will suocecd Mr.
Cousins of Iowa as chairman of tho com
mittee on foreign affairs.
War Correspondent, Who Was Cham
ol Henry M. Stanley, Dies
la at. Loots.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 31. William Fayal, once
I star reporter and war correspondent, who
refused editorial positions repeatedly be
cause his ambition was to be a good re
porter, died last night of old age at the
Memorial home. His active career aa a
reporter ended when he was 64 years old.
He was 8 years old.
Fayal was a chum of Henry M. Stanley,
and for a time they had a room together
before Stanley went to the New York Her
aid and became famous by finding Living
atone In Africa, Fayal was born In 18
in Otsrgo county New York. (
For the lsst five years Fayal and his
wife, who was All. la Jackson of Lock port.
N. Y., have lived at the Memorial home.
Final Pnymrnt to Slaaa.
SIOUX FALU3. 8. 1,, Jsn. M.-tSpeclal.)
The n)ork of making a payment aggre
gating tlt.Ott) to the Sioux Indiana belonging
at Yankton agency has been concluded by
agents of the I'nlted Stales government.
This was the last annuity payment to be
made these Indians under the terms of the
treaty of lie.
Another payment of $775 per Indlun will
suon be made to the Yankton Sioux by the
federal government. The money will bo
paid only lo such of the Indiana aa wish to
receive it as the final payment on lands
which the, govt foment purchased from them
some years agtl and opened to white settle
ment. The Yankton Sioux made a good
bargain with (ha government when (he
land wre surrendered and alnce that time
many thousands of dollars have been dis
tributed among them as payment for the
land nod interest on the purchase price.
Many of the Indiana have saved their
enoney and are quite prosperous, owning
small nerds of cattle and horses, good (arms
and delate their attention to firming and
stock raising on quite an extensive scale,
but theie are a number who have failed to
take Wantage of their opportunities,
squandering the generous sums which the
government has dtatrlbuted among them
from Vase to time, and now are la very
poor fliaaclal circumstance
Hour. Ueg.
. 6 a. m 2
a. m 2
7 a. m t
x a. m S
a. m 5
10 a. m C
It a. m (
12 m 16
1 p. m IS
2 p. m ?:
3 p. m M
4 p. m "o
h p. m 25
8 p. m 2R
7 p. m 25
Prospect that Attempt of Democrats
to Repeal liir Passed Last
Fall Will Fall.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Jan. 31.-fnles
the democrats of the state legislature get
together In their caucus tomorrow night
there seems little chance to repeal the
county local option law, adopted by the
special session of the legislature Isst Sep
tember. A special caucus of the demo
cratic representatives last Thursday ended,
when several members who opposed the
repeal, left the room during a heated argu
ment. A second caucus called for Friday
night failed tor lack of a quorum.
A special committee of six. three of the
members being those who opposed the re
peal of the law, has so far failed to draft
bill that would satisfy both factions.
This committee will meet again before the
caucus tomorrow night. A bill prepared
by the temperance members will be con
sidered by the committee. The bill con
tains the township and ward local option
features, as advocated in the democratic
state platform, but has no clause repealing
the county option law. The enactment of
tills measure would bring about the so-
called dual option and would have a more
far reaching effect than the present law.
The senate Is controlled by the republicans,
while democrats are In the majority in the
The operating of the county option law
has been watched with Interest by the
legislature. Thirty-two of the ninety-two
counties of the states are without aaloons,
nine of them having so voted since the
county option went Into effect. The other
twenty-three were made "dry" by re
monstrances. Four counties will hold elec
tions under the county option law this
Only 4,000 Can Witness Laying; Cor
nerstone of Memorial Hall by
President Roosevelt.
LOUISVILLE, Ky Jan. SI. Only the
number of people who can be called Into a
great tent will be permitted to witness
near Hodgrnville, Ky., on February II,
the exercises commemorating the centen
nlary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, when
President Roosevelt, Cardinal Gibbons,
Bishop Galloway, Amabassadors Jusserand
and Boyce, Senator Dolllver, former Gov
ernor Folk and other prominent men will
make addresses.
In February roads leading from Hodgen
vllle to the ferm where Lincoln was born
are by no means smooth, and the short
period during which work has been done
on the farm alts has provided no shelter
large enough for the accommodation of a
throng. . A tent which will hold about
4,0)10 people has been provided. In this
addresses will be made and the corner
stone of the memorial hall be laid by
the president.
Four trains will be run to Hodgenvill
out of Louisville on that day.
Daughter of General Gerard of t hi
es 8 o Accidentally Killed by
Brother of Mayor Basse.
CHICAGO, Jsn. 31. George Busse,
brother of Fred A. Busse, mayor of Chi
cago, tonight accidentally shot and killed
Mrs. L. C. Tuckerman, 32 years old, of New
York. '
The shooting occurred In the Walton
apartment building. JD6 North Clark street.
Mrs. Tuckerman was visiting her father,
General A. C. Gerard, retired, who occu
pies an apartment in the building.
George Busse, in hi sapartment across the
areaway from the Gerard's, wss demon
strating the use of a revolver to Bertha
Lambke, his housemaid, so that she could
use the weapon In case of burglars. Sud
denly the revolver was discharged and the
bullet went through two windows Into the
Gerard apartment and pierced Mrs. Tuck
ennan's heart. Mayor Busse was present
and aa soon as he learned of the fatal con
sequences notified the police.
ftanatortera of fenatnr Promise a Sara
prise Wbik Balloting: Is
Res a me 4 Tomorrow.
6PRINFIELD, 111., Jan. 31. The Illinois
assembly will resume balloting Tuesday In
an effort to break the the senatorial dead
lock. Little or no change in the situation
Is evident, other than that the calling of a
republican caucus to dispose of the contest
Is being urged.
The caucus Idea apparently Is being re
ceived with but little favor, but should one
eb held It is generally conceded that the
deadlock aoon would disappear. The Hop
kins men refuse to be discouraged despite
the steady loss experienced by the senator
last week. Numerous conferences have been
held in an effort to line up the legislators
for him.
The Hopkins people ssy the vote Tuesday
will reveal a surprise through which their
candidate will benefit.
Man Formerly of Baffalo M ordered
In Sensational Maaaer la
ABERDEEN. 8. D., Jan. 11. A specisl
to the Wurld from Oskville saya that
Meres Schlfln killed Arthur Gestland yes
terday by throwing hlin upon a revolving
saw at the Harris mill, nesr Oakville. Bad
blood existed between the two. The saw
cut its wsy through Gestland's back, dls
rmbomtllng him. Sheriff Payette says
Geatland formerly waa a fireman on the
Lake Shore 4 Michigan Southern and lived
in Buffalo.
Pari Arrin. Balled.
KliW YORK Mianaasalia
NKW YoRK Koanls Alawt...,
S.EW YORK Panylais
NT rnr ?llw4 haltii.
south iarTON PkU4lpkla.
1 HHISTIAN1A - MUls Olal.
, L'..
HA Vgg
. OtlaaMi.
. RrnSaaL
Ls fcrs
Rev. Frank L. Loveland, D. D., pastor of
First Methodist church, last night preached
the first of the series of discourses relative
to which he addressed letters to men of
other churches, and drew forth the asser
tion from other members of the clergy that
charges of proselyting would be filed
against him In the Ministerial union. The
character of the discourses does not enter
Into consideration with the alleged prose
lyting. The objection the other ministers
have found is thst Dr. Loveland "is Invit
ing men from our churches to his own."
"The Relation of the Minister to Modern
Life" waa the aubject of Dr. Loveland s ad
dress last night. His addresses give con
sideration to the answers he has received
from the men to whom he sent these let
ters. He deals the doctrinal preecher a
blow, pays his compliments to the "minis
terial fossil," and declares that "the min
ister of today must be in sympathetic touch
with the new world life."
sihonld Be Practical.
In the main. Dr. Loveland said:
"Ministers should have more practical
conceptions of the business, professional
and Industrial world. To acquire these he
should know the world of men as well ss
the world of books. The theological educa
tion Is not sufficient equipment for the
modern minister.
"For yeais I have sought not only to
know the "mind of the Master,' but the
mind of the great throbbing, busy world,
and its real attitude toward 'Master.' If
Christianity and the church are to accom
plish their mission todsy they must keep
in touch with the present. The ministerial
fossil must disappear. Theological fulmlna
tlona that belong to the carboniferous age
of the church only excite a smile today.
Fifty-two sermons a year on 'Baptism,'
"Free Grace' or 'The Five Polnta' no longer
serve as a magnet to draw men to church.
Dullness and piety are not synonymous
"The business world is struggling with
new problems. The Industrial world has
undergone a complete change In the last
two decadea. New varletlea of sin are rap-
Idly appearing that seem to demand an an
nual supplement to the Sermon on tho
Mount. The minister of today must be In
sympathetic touch with this new world life
or he will see the multitude pass his
church doors and he will 'waste his sweet
ness' on empty pews.
"The church never had so great a mission
or so vexed a problem as today.
"Some would make us believe that the
church Is a tottering tower' that the gos
pel Is an 'extinct volcano' that the pulpit
la 'falling. Into decay,', but. people talk
thus when they talk foolishly.
Men Art Wot Atheistic.
"I find in the replies received In answer
to my letters that men are not atheistic,
nor violent opponents of the church, aa
m the days of old. They are simply In
different to its services and unattracted
by the pulpit and they give some pretty
good reasons not excuses for their atti
tude. "I believe It would be a means of grace
to every minister and church member In
Omaha to read the lettera I have received
la the last three weeka. The suggestions
they make to the ministry are wholeaome.
"First 'Ministers should be more demo
cratic' a Prince Albert coat and a white
tie no longer serve aa a substitute for
enthusiasm for humanity.'
"Second "Preachera should be more In
dependent,' should refuse to be quasi ob
jects of charity; the half fore, the dona
tion, the discount, too often make him ap
pear aa a mendicant; people 'pay' tho
doctor, but they 'give' to the preacher.
"Third "The preaching does not meet the
demands of the times' two many sermons
drip with mildew and smell of the 'barrel.'
"Too much stress Is laid on unimportant
"If you get the ordinary man to listen
to you today It la because you are com
petent to interest him petty dogmatisms
and theological, trivialities ahould be barred
from the pulpit. The following epitaph
would be most appropriate for many a
minister's tombstone: 'He was a good
man, but he couldn't preach.' Then ahould
he have been called a 'preacher? No!
"Fourth 'The ministrations of the pulpit
never so much needed aa today. The
issuea of life end death for modern bust
ness and social life are in the pulpit. The
great longings of the human soul are for
comfort, peace and rest. Riches, power
nor fame can bring these. Sorrows come
to all, high and low alike for in one as
well as the other the great agonies of
life are located. Into this busy world of
commerce, this whirling world of society.
this heart-broken world of sorrow, comes
the minister with the message of worries.
of aspiration and of solace. He la the
escort of the angels of rebuke and of com
fort. The relation of tho minister to mod
ern life should be close, sympathetic and
altogether helpful."
Wholesale Dlsehnrare of Men nt Phila
delphia Da t Lack of
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. SI. -There wss
another wholesale discharge of employes at
the Philadelphia Navy yard today. From
the construction and repair department 10S
painters and stesm engineers were dis
charged. A wholesale laying off took place
In tho electrical engineering department, all
but three men being laid off. Several hun
dred more were dismissed a week ago. The
workmen are organising through the vari
ous labor unions and through the executive
committee of the shops. A majority of the
skilled mechanics have Joined the unions,
which have taken the preliminary steps for
making formal complaint to the represen
tatives of the government Several poata
of the grand army have also entered vigor
ous protest agalnat the dismissal of
veterana and reducing the rating of others.
Their protests are to be presented to con
gress through the local representatives. Ths
officers at tho yards say here Is no work
for tho men and that there will be none
until the battleship fleet arrives home.
Rt Roacfcea Hot rings.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Jsn. l.-Senator
elect Flihu Hoot arrived at Hot Springs
loaay in gei away irom (no strenuous lite
and give a snrainea anee a chance to
mend. Ho will remain three weeks. His
knee was Injured while he wss alighting
rrom a carnage ar, waamngron.
From the Baltimore Sun.
Stories, Wondrous But True, Told by
Travelers in Recent Blow.
Two and One-Half Daya Is Time Made
my Connie Esreste to California
in Covering 8T0 Miles of .
Stories of the recent storm have replaced
the time-honored Jokes of the "drummer,"
and tales of the wind, and anow of Thurs
day are about all that ia heard in the lob
bies of the hotels. Most of the hotels are
sheltering people who were snowbound for
hours on trains tied up at small stations or
blockaded on the prairies of Minnesota and
Nebraska, and though the storm la now a
matter of history four dsys old, blockaded
passengers arrived In -Omaha as late as
Sunday. . -
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rood of Minneapolis
hold the record over all others In the
length of time they were snowbound, hav
ing been on the road from St. Paul to
Omaha a total of aUty hours. Mr., and
Mrs. Rood reached Omaha Sunday morn
ing and spent the day at the Ixjyal, leaving
In the evening for California, where they
hope to escape cold climate.
"We were stalled a number of times."
said Mr. Rood, "and the supply of provis
ions In the diner ran rather low. We were
tied up several houre at Mankato. and
again at Lake Crystal, Minn., but at the
former place the porter of the diner se
cured a partial supply of food stuffs and
we managed to get to Omaha without any
serious pangs of hunger. I am now blam
ing myself because we did not leave Min
neapolis before the atorm. Instead of dur
ing it or In Its wake."
Mr. and Mra. Rood came over the Omaha
road. An earlier train made the run from
the Minnesota metropolis In fifty-three
hours. W. E. Kennedy of Philadelphia,
also at the Loyal, waa on this train. In
the run of J70 miles the train waa not tied
up many times, but the delay was occa
sioned by the cold, which prevented getting
up much steam. This made the cara cold
as well, said the Philadclphlan.
Women Have Some Storlea.
Mra. Evelyn Gurley Kane, a well "known
dramatic reader from the Bush Temple con
servatory, Chicago, waa on the first train
to reach Omaha over the Northwestern
after braving the storm between Mlnnesp
olls and this city. With about sixty Mher
psssengers. she left the Twin Cities Thurs
day evening, and took fifty-two hours to
get to Omsha, having been snowbound at
Bingham Lake, Minn., for forty-eight
houra. ,
'It waa the most strenuous etperlence I
have ever had in all my traveling and rail
road Journeys," said Mrs. Ksne at the
Rome Sunday noon, as she sat in the cafe,
enjoying her first square meal after two
daya of fasting. "We were caught with a
dead engine and snowdrlfta all around ua
several feet deep, with hardly anything in
the larder and the nearest town hslf a mile
"WTien our predicament was discovered
by the few Inhabitants or Binghsm lake,
which la over 100 miles from Minneapolis,
they did their best to help us, but the
number and hunger of our weatherbound
fellow-passengers made the efforts of the
townspeople seem insignificant. They
brought us drinking water, a puilful at a
time, and alao aandwlchea. but I'm glad
that our alay there In tho snow did not
last longer.
"Friday morning we. found an Inch or two
of anow on the flcor of the Pullmans and
buffet car. and when we became curious
and wanted to aee the outside world, we
gave up the idea of digging out after going
a few feet from the car door. The conduc
tor told ua that it waa the worst stcrm
he had experienced in his twenty years of
railroad life.
"If it had not been for the train crew
and employea we would have fared much
worse, for they did everything to make
things comfortable and did not aleep a
wink during the whole experience. Aa It
was, conditions were dull enougn. w'lh
nothing to do, almost as little to eat, anow
sifting in onto the bertha and floors and
no heat in the cars."
Fifty-three hours wss consumed by a
Great Western train In making the run
from Minneapolla to Omaha, acccrding to
C. C. Bobb of Kalamazoo, who apent Bun
day at the Puxton.
C. W. Ullger of Rapid City, S. D., left
Chicago Friday night and arrived in Omaha
Saturday night, while Mra. tillger left Chi
cago Saturday morning and reached
Omaha the aame night. Mr. and Mra. Uil
ger were at the Paxton and he left Chi-
(Continued on Second Page.)
I f,V...-,t 1 1 K jS-'. I 1 7?V "S.
w AT f-J m m t wn llv ilff-p- ',.ws m
looks as if we might as well go
Cabnn Emeeotlve Withdraws Nomina
tion that Threatened to DIs
rnpt Cabinet.
HAVANA, Jan. Sl.-The first serious clash
between President Gomes and Vice Presi
dent Zaya over political appointments,
which occurred yesterday when the . pro
posal was made to appoint Ricardo Ar
nauto chief of the aecret police In place of
Jose Jerez, has resulted In a victory for
Benor Zayaa, who, It Is believed, presented
an ultimatum that he would Immediately
resign If the obnoxious appointment was
Tlelding to the urgent remonstrances and
threats of the vice president and a storm
of protests from all quarters, President
Gomes tonight announced that he would
appoint Jess Vgarte chief of the aecret po
lice. Shortly before this the president stated
that he never had received an application
for the appointment of Benor Arnauto from
the secretsry of government whose func
tion It was to make such recommendations.
Secret try Alberdl said yesterday thst he
had made such recommendation and that
Arnauto s appointment practically had been
effected. It was thla atatement that pre
cipitated action on the part of Vice Presi
dent Zayas, whose resignation, together
with that of half the cabinet,' would have
followed had not Arnauto's ' name been
To what extent cordial relationa have
been re-established Is doubtful, but Senor
Zayaa is believed to be satlafied with the
appointment of Senor Vgarte, who - form
erly was secretary of the police depart
ment under the government of the flrat In
tervention. The Incident haa created Intense excite
ment and much relief la 'expressed that the
threatened trouble has been averted. Ar
nauto's only clsim to office Is to be the im
portant secret service rendered to the lib
erals In connection with the revolution of
Preaident Gomes has received the follow
ing belated wireless message, via Guantan
amo, from President-elect Taft, on board
the cruiser North Carolina, dated Janu
rv f7:
"I congratulate ' you on your Induction
Into office aa president of the Cuban re
public, and I congratulate the Cuban peo
ple, on their Independent government. I
hope and pray that it will prove stronger
and stronger, more and more prosperous."
President Gomes tonight cabled an ac
knowledgment of the message and his
thanks to Mr. Tsft.
Peenllar Decision of California Coart
of Aniteala la Contested
Will Case.
SON DIEGO. Cal.. Jan. 31.-In a decision
received here today from the court of ap
peals, that tribunal holds that a man's di
vorced wlfs Is still his wife, although she
be remarried and' the wife of another man.
The decision waa rendered In the appealed
will case of Frank Abbott, who was left
J50.000 by his uncle, Jacob Gruendlke, the
will providing that a third go to Abbott's
wife and a third to hla child. Abbott, be
ing divorced, conteated the clause on the
ground that ho had no wife, she having
been remarried afterwards. The lower
court decided his dlvorcsd wife waa atlll
his wife and entitled to the bequest and
the court of appeals sustained the lower
Verdict In Damage gait la Callforala
that May Have Fnr-Renehlnar
LOS ANGELES. Jsn. Jl.-Mark B. Ham
bit, a Southern Pacific conductor, received
a verdict for. damages in the federal court
her today for 119.000 against the Santa Fe
railroad f r personal injuries sustained in
a wreck at Tenacnapi in r eoruary, jse.
He sued for Ss.000.
As affecting the Interests of railroad em
ployes this is considered one of the most
Important vsrdlcts ever rendered.
llamble contended that ths Santa Fe train
entered the "Block" upon which he Was
running before It had any right to do ao.
The Order of Railroad Conductors aided
Hamble in the ault.
President by Praelnmatloa Donbles
glso of Hnmhaldt National
WASHINGTON. Jan. $1 The preaident
has signed a proclamation adding auO.llS
acrea to the Humboldt national foreat re
serve In the northern part of Elko county,
Nevada, bordering on the Idsho line. Ths
area contains pine, fir and aspen timber
estimated at 4, 000.000 feet. This addition
gives the forest a total of 1.U44U acres.
out of business!
Has Extended Conference with Chair
man Hitchcook.
Report that Hltehrork Will Retail
Chairmanship, with Mr. Hay
ward in Active Direction
of Affaire.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 1. ( Special.)
William Hayward, secretary of Uie na
tlonal republican committee, who came to
Washington lsst week for a conference
with c.l-. '-man Frank Hitchcock and also
to atu-nu dinner of the Gridiron club.
left for the west today.
Secretary Hayward will stop In Illinois
to try a lawsuit and from there will re
turn to his home In Nebraska City.
, While Mr, Hayward refused to discuss
the outcome of the conference with Mr.
Hitchcock, It' Is believed that the chair
man and secretary reached an understand
lng as to the work to be done during the
next four years.
Mr. Hayward will continue as secretary
of the committee and will probably estab
lish headquarters In Chicago, from which
city publicity work will be carried on.
It la thought that Mr. Hitchcock will con
tlnue an chairman, even though he enters
Taft's cabinet as postmaster general. Gen
eral Secretary Cortelyou remained chair,
man throughout McKlnley's admlnlstra
tlon and that of Roosevelt and there are
other precedents confirming Mr. Hitch
cock's determination to hold the position
of chairman, leaving details to Mr. Hay
ward, who Is eminently qualified for the
work to be done.
Neither Mr. Hitchcock or Mr. Hayward
would say anything In confirmation or
denial of these plans, but there Is strong
ground to believe them substantially as
here given.
The presence of Mr. Hayward in Waah
Ington gave new Impetus to the cabinet
buildeis and conferences between the lead
ers of the republican party have been gen
eral. It seems settled thst James Wilson
will he asked to continue at the head of
agrtculture under Mr. Taft, but as for
any other member of the Roosevelt fam
ily being asked to remain Is -extremely
There Is a very decided movement In be
half of Mr. Nagel of Missouri for a cab
inet place, hla old , friends on the na
tional committee being enthuslaatlcaly
for him, and it Is possible he will be
made aecretary of the interior. The rumor
that Mr. Balllnger of Oregon has been
sgreed upon as Secretary Garfield's suc
cessor is being generally discredited by
the knowing 6nes.
Malllnson's Grocery Accommodates a
Cnstomer aad Loses Twenty
A clever stranger, who gave the name
of Johnson and for whom the police and
detectives are now looking, "flimflamed"
Charles Malllnson's grocery store, 1612 Cap
itol avenue, out of 118.60 and 11.40 worth of
groceries Saturday afternoon.
Ordering some groceries by telephone,
"Johnson" told the grocer to send them
to his room, 217 North Seventeenth street,
with change from a $20 bill. The goods
were taken to the place specified by a boy,
who was then sent back to ths store to
get one or two other articles. Returning
to Johnson with them, the boy was met
on a street corner and told by Johnson
that as he had moved, he would take the
second lot of groceries to his room with
tbe change and then bring the $:-0 bill to
When neither Johnson nor his $30 put In
an appearance at the atore, the affair was
looked up by Mr. Mallinaon, who came to
the conclusion that he had been "buncoed"
out of his goods and money. The police
were notified snd are trying to light mat
ters. They are in possession of a good
description of the msn and his srrest may
Barllngtea a,ad Mlssoarl Paeige Coma
to Agreemeat A boat gltaatloa
In St. Joseph.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. Sl.-After pre
venting the Missouri Pacific railroad from
gaining acceaa to its terminals, upon which
$1,000,000 had been apent, for a period of
two years, ths Burlington has entered Into
an agreement by which the former road
will cross the Burlington tracks, the only
way of reaching the tennlnsls and freight
house. The Missouri Pacific will build
lino from here to Atchison and construct a
double-track road In conjunction with the
Rock Island. It will erect a nsw passenger
station barn, , v
Only a Start is Made Toward Revenue
Committees Are Divided, but Both
Will Obey Orders.
Democratic Heads of "tats la-
atltntlons Are Mare Insistent
Than Their Prede-
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. SI (Special.) With the
legislature beginning Its fifth cslendar
week, the democratic majority has to Its
credit the agreement on one of Its pledges.
thst of physical valuation of corporation
property, a start on the change In road
laws and the beginning of a hlg mlxup
over the bank guaranty bill all matins
embodied In the state platform. Only a
atsrt has been mado toward revenue legls.-
lation whlrli, as the majority committees
in both house and senato take it up, looms
like a specter 'before them with tliclr
membeishlp divided on what Is best to ac-
compllsh. Demands for appropriations conm
from tho democratic heads of stste Insti
tutions with Just as much Insistence and
more than they ever came under past ad
ministrations. Tho democrats ste by no means sgreed
upon the changes to be effected in tho
primary law to which both branches of tho
demopop regime aro committed and lo
secure which bllla covering a wide range
have been Introduced. The populist
declaration In favor of county option at
tho piescnt writing looks like a bushel
of potatoes hidden under a twenty-ton hay
stack and as for the Initiative ami
referendum proposed by the populist pat t .
while bills are said to be In preparation,
none has yet been Introduced. The home
rule slogan proiosed by Douglas county Is
likely to be embodied in the Omaha and
South Omaha charter bllla that are in
process of Incubation, but there Is greut
likelihood that the pcopl ft these two
cities when they secure this prize will find
It resembling one of the packsges they ,
pull out of a grab bag. so numerous arc
the Interests pulling and hauling to pound
it into shape other than that desired by
the proletariat.
Hoaae Desires to Work.
In the house there has been a desire so
far to do actual work on legislation. Theie
always Is In this body, composed aa It is.
so largely of new member whm think they
have been sent to Lincoln to make laws
snd lots of them. In the senate, however,
the disposition is to sit In Judgment. Hem
are tho men who have had past legislative
experience, the politicians of the majority
party, and the men with axee to grind. If
anything gets by them the members of the
house may offer up thanksgiving. Tiny
aro bound to recognise the house as a co
ordinate branch of the government and un
a body that will pass On senate measures
to whom apparent consideration Is clue.
In the wlndup, It Will be strange If the
senators do not gel the better of the mem
bers of the lower body.
The Ollia physical valuation bill agreed
upon during the last week by the Joint
railroad committee ss the expression of the
majority of the physical valuation question
confers upon the nallroad commlaslon the.
duty of securing the value of the properly
of all railroads, telegraph, telephone and
express companies as It exists July 1, 1W,
the work to be finished and reported to tiie
governor in the annual report of 1910. Mr.
Ollls made a study of the Wisconsin plan
In particular, and haa embodied the prac
tice In that state Jn his bill. His measure
wss changed scarcely a particle as first In
troduced. Employment of Kxperts.
In tho Ollls bill the provision Is made
thai, the Railway commission shall secure
the valuation desired through experts, who
shall be secured with the consent of tho
governor. This will Impose upon tha board
the necessity of deferring to the governor
In the selection of experts, and Is In line
with the policy already indicated, that the
democrats will endeavor to bring politics
Into every possible department of the stain
aud secure whatever patronage and ma
terial advantage is possible, even at the ex
pense of rendering the . work Ineffective.
They first made their attack upon the su
preme court and are now about to begin
suit in the hope of obtaining on additional
Judge fur themselves. They next pushed '
iha Tanner bill to have the democratic gov
ernor Instead of the secretsry of state, a
republican, designate the newspapers which
nhall publish the constitutional amendments
bt 'mo election. They have now Introduced
a bl'.l to give the one democratic railway
conin luioner the power to block any of tha
acta of the republican Railway commission,
and specifying that the vole thereon and
the selection of all assistants shall be unan
imous, thereby conferring upon tha minor
ity of a popularly elected board the right to
rule It.
Option BUI Killed by Order.
The queation Is not yet far enough along
to reveal to what extent the corporation
managers of the legislature will be able to
carry their dictation into the more diverse
legislation In which they aro especially in
terested, but the manner in which the Doug.
laa county contingent was able to line up
senators last week against a bill which op
tion interests, really desirous of obtaining
whatever saloon regulation wss possible,
believing option Itself can not carry, was
sn eyeopener slong this line,. Everything
is apparently fixed to carry through In the
gulae of party adherence what the corpor
ation interests may dictate.
With the departure of Mr. Bryan for the
aouth at the time the members were resolv
ing that he come before them and make an
address, and following hla meeting at the
executive mansion with a few of the leaders
interested in the new bank guaranty law,
renewed Interest has been taken in the big
question tiie democrats have before them.
They were so badly divided before Mr.
Bryan led them up to the trough to drink
that no progress whatever was being made
toward agreement on a hill. Consequently
Mr Bryan ordered them to confer Willi
him and while en route to a lata train,
which he waa taking lo escape the con
stant pounding given Mm for views on this
and that question, ha dropped in at l".
meeting at the executive mansion ani
posted a few gvnsral orderg or tha kiillvU
B.. tm ihii)'ssi