THE 0MA11A DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JANUARY 30, 1D00. Want - ads Al.nUf.t. f.r the want ad riliau wilt tnkea aatll 1J for tilif aad Sanday dltteoan. Cash asnet aeeasannar a" orders -rr((4 for lr tana lO caU far first laartlaa. Ratee nnnly ( either Taa Dally Sanday Haa. Always ( el wards ta a llaa. Combinations at laltlals ar nnmbere teaat as aaa war. CASH RATES FOB. WAT AM. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, nej llaa, lO eents. Twa ar Mara enaeeeatleexlaeertloas, ar rente. Esek Insertion saade aa add days, IO reals ef llaa. fl.80 er laa per aneata eseeatln tnat FURNISHED ItOOM ADS. rtatn necemnanled by cash, the rate will bat Oaa insertion, 4 rente r line tbrea ar six aeeentle laser tleas, 8 crate per llaa mmem lasertloai erea ar mora eaasaaatlra lasertlaae, 8 reals per llaa aaefc laartlaa BO cents per llaa per amenta. Wail nds far Tba lira assy be left at aay af the following dm stores ne Is year "earner dregglet" they are all branch emcee far Tba Bea and Son ad will be Inserted last aa promptly and aa tba same rataa aa at the mala afflra la The Bea Belldlng, Seventeenth nad Parana atraaUl Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A.. 1403 b. lth Bt. Bechf Pharmacy, 730 B. loth Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bsmls Park Pharroscy. 83d and Cuming. Uiska's Pharmacy, 2626 Bherman Ave. Cuuiihlln, C. R., till and Pierce Bin. Clifton 11111 Pharmacy, 221$ Military Ave. Ccmte. J. B., aiat Ave. and Farnam BU Crbsey pharmacy, 24th and Lake 81. C-rmak, Emil. 12t4- B. 13lb Bt. Khiers, U. li. 2KU3 Leavenworth St. Foster ft Arnoldl, 218 N. 25th Bt. Freytug, John J., 1914 N. Z4th St. Florence Lrug Co.. Florence, Neb Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake BU. Urrrnough, Q. A., 1624 8. loth St. Oieeno'Jgli. U. A.. 1634 B. 10th St. llaydin William C, 290 Fatnam St. Hanscii.i Park Pharmacy. 1401 8. 29th B.. John, oi4 N. llh St. Huff, A. L., 28V4 Leavenworth St. 1-unK. It. h.. 2J38 Farnam 81. Houni Mace Pharmacy. 21 N. 24tl St. '-hi 1. 1 op, Charles 13J4 N. 24th St. Put rick Drug Co.. 1802 N. 24th St. 1'cyion, I E., 24th and Leavenworth St. baiatoaa Drug Co., 24tn Bt. and Ames Ave. Schgefer's Cut Price Drug Co.. 16th and Ctihago hta. . Hchaefer, August, 2031 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. 11., 24th and Cumin Sts. Walnut HIH Phurmacy, 40th and Cuming Sts. Walton Fhaimaey, th an J Grace Sts. Aonh, O. 11., 4th and Hamilton tits. DBA I II AMD fliJtfcRAL NOTICES. CONOYER Charles M.. aged 88 years, 6 umntns and 'M days, at lainlly residence, '..4 Pierce Hired, Friday at 9 a. m. r uncial at rangemenls later. 1IIKTHS AMU DI2ATHS. I.ii His-John tlr pson, ut"5 Decatur street, buy: wert Dcl'liuif, (Kiu Iteicu street, boy; V. C. KalLiuuiie, als hmiui Twentieth s.ieci, lio ; MicDhvI wiilnlun, 2311 Bancioft KiMC'i, buy; Jtum.'i- Voicott, liiol Kinmet s.itai, ho) ; liilu t'. Alerrlman, Military ruail. Kill; ICddic MuriK 2K)i South Klghlii stieet, boy. Deaths Mjr' Maltjke, 314 Woolwoith avenue. 60 years; W. W. Ulggs. iiclhany liospilal, 37 ytars. l.ODUK MIT1CES. Attention, Painters 1 ' Local union No. Hit. Speclnl niectingl called Monduy, I'diiimrv 1. Kull attendance lefiucsiod. llltam E. .Murray, secretary. MAItKi.Vt.i: LICENSES. 'Permits to wcil luivo seen granted the rollowina: Name and A iflrtHs. Age. Aaine mill i.i..kiim-c. Age. Adam HcpliiKKi, boutn UiiimIih Tony KIlpa, ooiiiu umuha IS Ramuel M..y. rson, South Omaha 22 May voii.,suii. council Bluffs 19 John pet i rseii, Omnlm over 21 Emma I.. Kwi;, b'auence oer 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS tlli.N i'A.M I NG 3. 11. Cult 13V2 Douglas. ill-, si AUTOMOBILES DEHIGHT AUTOMOiiti.r; COMPANY. Ib'l f aiimm bui-ei. (tuUdard Diiytou itouUslui, IJ.luO. i.o 'touring tf, M.u. i-oid, lnoaci N, 4j0. Ford, li, l.'W. riuicK ltui)4uout, nlmosi new, tiW. tietns uuryea, IUjU. uiagon 'louring car, 11,00. taerty Licciric, luu. All too ttbue guaranteed In good sliapt. Main agents Sluuuiird-Dayton. nluUdaiu-Daytou, !', 2,0ut, JJ.OuO. Open and ciucJ vaia fui rent day oi ftiguu Ttl. Douglas 353. EIGHT second hand Rambler automobiles at your own prices. Rainblur Auto Co., ;u44 l-urnam at. i.'j Kli Febla AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL !' KOFI TABLE position open In the au lomoollu Held; luciiiiicai Instructions on bout sieani and gas inginti; students Lid tor lepmr wur. Address Omaha hWnool of Auiomohli Engineering, '.tit Leavenworth bi. M7ti BARTER AND EXCHANGE tt-ACUE. highly improved fruit and poul tiy farm miles Irom posloffice. Coun cil Bluffs, la.; s-room house, iaiga barn, a chicken houses and yards, water sys tem and sewerage, d acres fruit, gjod roads; 25u pot acre; nun., ti.tnO; tx . change euuliy for improved farm in Iowa, Neb. or llj., or slock of groceries and building. Aiex Smith, Council Bluffs, . la. vl)-M6w TRADES. TRADES We are the trading (ciiier. Tell us what you have. ti. E. Watt Co., 817 Bee Blog., Omaha. Tel. Dcug 1392. li M608 3 EXCHANGE A fine paying general mer chandise business In a good Nebraska t'-wn; might take part in good land Box 72V Columbus, Neb. (3 812 lx BUSINESS CHANCES ESTABLISHED Incorporated printing plant ! will enlarge, wants cracurrjaca solicitor, pressman, compositor; eich must take 00 or more stuck. Address P 473. Bee. (4j-lt4 TO GET IN or out of business call on GANGES TAD. P.oom 403. Bee Bldg. (4,-784 PLUMBING SHOP for sale at Casper, Wyo. ; growing town, gixd business; terms ressonsble. Address E. P. Palmer, Casper, Wyo. (4)-Ml5s 30 WANTED To buy meat market and gro cery and meat market in some Swede lo cality. Address Fred Borene, Silver City, Iowa. 141660 29x WANTED Man with capital to take Inter eat In an established hardware, imple ment, grain and seed business; 1908 aalea over llOO.OuO; located In county aeat town of five thousand; Canyon county -took first prises at Council Bluffs and Omaha; want to extend business and add jobbing liars. Addieas Box 48. Caldwell. Idaho. (4 M62J Feb FOR SALE-An up-to-dats hardware stock at once: Inquire quick, no trades consld eied: U." Stock. Including fixtures. Address Wm. . Dickinson, Exeter, Neb. tO M 709 4 CRL.G slotes fur sale. Knlcst, N. T. Life. , 44) 78S BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. FOR BALE Rakerr and lease; reasonable rent; centrally located. Address W 74. care Bee. (4-MT14 tit t24.nm General etrvk merchandise for west ern land. Address Andrew jniuer, rr-.i-fort. Ind. 4)-M7t FOR HALE Oond Unit store, clean stock. In town of about 2,nno and rood drawing emmt.rv; am going out of business: will discount to buyer. Address T K4 Ree. f4;-M5o Fl WHEN you writs advertisers, kindly mention the foxrt that you saw the ad In The Bee. GTtL'B STAKK Nevada fields wanted for prospecting have twenty-five years' xnerlenre. Address E 398. Omaha Bee. ' (4J-MS94 SIX FOR BALK Confectionery and lea cream parlor In good county seat In Iowa: elec tric power frreaers: a money-maker; cheap on account of owner going to Kur oiie. Address C. A. Llnstedt, Tipton, la. (4)M;4 Ulx ll.ftfio will give aruarsnteod Income of lii.fXO yearly. Bank reference required In replv. The A. A. Company. 07 Bmplre Bldg.. Denver. Colo. (4)-n34 31x WANTFD-Physicians In Iowa. NebraHka or Missouri to take charge of specialty offices; state age, experience, etc. Address room 6, Corby Block. St. Joseph. Mo. (4) M742 31 IMM.M NET PROFIT. 16.500 stock of genersl merchandise. This stork Is new. clean ana siapie gooas. Dvery dsy aellers. 75 miles west of Omaha, main line Of U. P. R. R. 123.270.52 sales In 190. For sale or trade until Feb. 8. Reasona for selling-, poor health. Act quick and get first choice. Address T 22S, care Bee. (4)-M746 31x RESTAURANT Polng good business; a snap; leaving city. 107 8. 17th Bt. (4) M757 1x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arvbltects. OLIVER A. HALL, classy bungalows, flats and apartment buildings. e'JS N. Y. Life. Phone Douglas 23b. (& M566 FXx DR. ROT. R. 2, 1506 Farnam Bt Doug.6417. to)-7 Creameries. DAVID COLE creamery Co. (5-7M China Painting. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty, lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, atalns, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungate. 894 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. (5)-51 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIBS, Miss Sturdy, Tel. Doug. 4221 6)-790 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. (6) 790 EXPER1ENCE3D dreaemaker sewing In families by day; good work guaranteed. Tel. Web. 1809. (5)-720 F12x Dentists. BAILEY ft MACII. Id floor PaxtoB. D. 10R8. (6) 79J PERCIVAL. Id floor Barker block. Tel. Doug. 1186. Perfect dentistry at reason able prices. (6) 79 F13x Kdacatloanl. NOWOPEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF HOYLES COLLEGE Every day Is enrollment day. Enter any time for complete, thorough Instruction In Bhorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Telegraphy. Catalogues are free. H. B. Boyles, president, Omaha. Official Training School for Telegra phera for U. P. K. R. Telegraph Dept. (b) M4ol Financial. MONEY!; TO L O A N L O W RATE, in sums to 310 Bee bldg . 'Phone DouKlaa 29ol UNION LOAN COMPANY. (D-796 Florists. HESb 4 SWOBODA, 1415 Fart) am St. 793 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. S)-794 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. TeL Doug. 8000. (6-796 Hotels. DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge, best for Us class in the city; good restaurant In connection. to) too Ft Massage. GENERAL treatment, also fare and scalp massage. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Benda Mane. Rooms 23U-2-4, Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 190. (5 M240 F21 Moving and Storing. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 114 N. 16tb St., warehouse 2207-9 Izard St. (6)-8jU Osteopathy. JOHNSON 1N8.. 418 N. Y. L. TeL D. lGi, (6)-79? ! Dr. Katberyn Nlckolas. ttw N. Y. L. Bldg. 45)-;8 Flnmblntu CAMPBELL i DILLON, piactical plumb ers: special attention given to repair work. Tel. Doug. 4u42; Independent, A-1343. (6)-M408 F gafes. Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specially of fire escapes, shutters, doors ..nd safes. G. Andieen, Prop., 102 B. loth. (5)-; Shorthand Reporter and Notary. F. J. PUTCLIFFE Depoeltlona, Bldg. Tel. Doug. as line. 628 Bee ia) eul Shoe Repairing:. BHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Snoe Repair Co, 18U4 Farnam St. TvL Douglas 7587. (a) 03 Undertakers. HL'LSE t RIEl'EN, successors to Harry li. Davis. 7u Bo. lUlli 81. Both phones. I5J-337 Feb! Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD ST. trial. Missouri filter; 15 days' 6 788 WANTED Bright young lady that writes a good small, neat hand; one wlto woiks in lawyers and abstract office; experi ence unnecessary; to go to Fairfax, 8. D. ; salary 850 pr month. Tel. B. 21. (7 M739 n HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced fcklrt operators and finishers; applications 'of those that know how to run power machines in other lines of work will be considered. Good wnges, steady employment. Those who belong to any union need not apply. Novelty Skirt Co., 1215 Harney. (7)-M743 Hoaaekeepere aad Ooasestiea. RIGHT smart girl for general housework. Call 934 No. 27th Ave. (7) 684 Mix WANTED Girl for general housework. 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1438. nt 12k x HELPWANTED MALE Agents, SoUelteve aad dnleemea. , n . ivn ... I. - . ... J r . . . i vj iu' u in... uwuejr getting our siae unr; civs permanent adUresa. Hi UO, Omaha. (8) 17 I Wo Would you like to speak a few b words to aayv i nen use "BEE HELP WANTED MALE Agents nnd talesmen Continued. WANTED Cigar tiaveling salesman in your territory; experience not necensary : will pay right man a good salary and ex- reuses, ledo, O.. .Natlonal Cigar gales to,, in-t9)-M737 30x 150 TO AGENTS Selling Easy Wringer mop; turn crank to wring; women all buy. Snyder. Ohio, made 124 In ten liouts. Catslngue free. I'. 8. Mop Co., Main St., l.-ipslc, O. t! M73; 30x WANTED Cigar, traveling salesman In your territory; 1100 a month and ex penses; experience not necessary. North ern Cigsr Co., Detroit, Midi, (9l M736 30x 135 A WEEK all; hustling agents; workers: every wife buys. Andrews can vassed 115 homes; sold 101 ; no experience. Toledo Cooker Co., Toledo. O. 19)-M733 SOx WANTED Two competent traveling whole sale grocery salesmen, for Nebraska and South Dakota; unless you have hsd at least one year's experience In our line do not apply. If yon meet these require ments, write, slating age,, experience, ales, salary received, territory traveled and giving references. Wm. Tackaberry Co., Wholesale Grocers, Sioux City, la. (91 M747 6 WANTED Experienced furniture sales men. Hayden Bros. (9) M717 29 AN EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY sales man wanted who Is capable of earning 11.800 to 13.000 a year selling the Standard Line of Live Stock preparations to the re tail trade. Salary or commission. Most at tractive proposition ever offered to deal ers. We can use only a high grade, suc cessful salesman. Give full psrtlculirs In first letter. Standard Stock Food com iwny, Omaha. Neb. (9 223 Fet-,2 WANTED A thoroughly reliable and wide awake man to represent one of the old standard life Insurance companies; liberal contract with good chance of promotion will be made to the right man. Corre spondence confidential. Address M 487, care Bee. (9) M5o3 31 x WANTED High-class specialty salesman to sell food products to grocery trade in Nebraska, with headquarters at Omaha: salary position. Write Columbia Conserve Co., 223 E. Kenzle St., Chicago. 111. (9) 725 31 X Clerical and Offlvt. DRI'G CLERK'S position. Xnlest. N. T. Life Bldg. (9 J -806 S TRAVELING salesmen, staple line, $75, 1100 and expenses. Bkpr. and office clerk, small office, 185. Bkpr. and steno.. $65. Hkpr., young man, $55. Young man, wholesale house, 18-20 years, 136, W. Call or write for a complete list of vacan cies. We can place vou on short notice. See us AT ONCE 1? in need of a position. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASS N, INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9I-7J9 29 FOR good positions try National Ref. & Surety Ass n., ti45 Brandcis Bldg. t9) M751 31x Factory and Trades. DO TOU WANT to become a competent automobile operator? The Northwestern Automobile and Gas Engine school can put you in this class. Better investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg., 19th and Farnam. (a)-Miu WANTED Experienced operators, cutters and pressors on ladies' skirts and suits; good WHges, steady employment; no union men need apply. Novelty Skirt Co., 1215 Harney. t91 M744 WANTED Men to learn barber trade and take positions watting our graduates; few weeks completes; constant practice fur nished; schoUrship includes tools, demon strations, examinations and diplomas, call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th 8t., Omaha. (9J-M732 4x WANTED Young men In all parts of the country, 20 to 40 years old, for steam railway firemen and brakemen and elec tric railway motormen and conductors, tiiO to 1130 per month. No experience neces sary. Write at once for full particulars, stating position desired. National Rail way Training Association, 903 Central Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (9-M61 JO MEN and boya wanted. Learn, bricklaying trades; tuition $50; no extras; position secured; free catalogue. Original Coyne Trade School, 6177 Easton Ave., St. Louis. (Vj-Mo71 Feb. llx WANTED First-class harness makers, machine work, good pay; apply at once. Fremont Saddlery Co., Fremont, Neb. t) M7U8 7 WANTED Experienced stick candy roller. Apply R. C. Phelps, Brandels Candy Dept. (9)-728 81 Jdiseellaaeaae. FREE Employment Dept., business Men's Aki n; uo fes. Call t2o N. Y. Life k-ldg. (9) iw WANTED Collector for large wholesale and retail business in city. Experience necessary; bond required; state age and if married. Address C 377, care Bee. (9)-M753 2 BOY. living In north end of city, to work in yard coal office. Address, with refer ences, to P 372, care Bee. (9) M7U 31 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY: Able-bodied unmarried men, between agea of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, l.lth & Douglas Sts, Omaha. Neb., or Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City. la. 9)-M9il HELP WANTED MALhi AND FEMALE. WANTED Educated men and women capable of earning 12,000 a year, by Dodd Mead Co., to sell the new International Encyclopedia. 610 N. 21st St., Omaha. il0)-M77 Fb6 LOST AND FOUND LOST W-caret diamond In part of setting. Reward If returned to 1210 Howard St. 1121-620 SI lOST White poodle dog. black nose. Re ward for return to Haverly Hotel, South Omaha. (12)-ll 2D LOST Gray squirrel throw, between 20th and Farnam and the high school. Phone Harney 783. Reward. (12) 730 29 LOST Small black rat-terrier; feet white; reward. 'Phone Doug. 2740. (13I-M74 Six MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at (824 N. 24ta St.. Omaha. Neb. U3)-M5S3 BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray s Nerve Food Pills," II a box. postpaid. Sherman ft McConnall Drug Co.. Omaha. (U iis) vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las llt7. cans answered uy or nignc. (U)-121 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tlon The Bee. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without seeumj. suisma. unices In principal cltlea. Tolinan. Room 61J Mew York torn i , Bldg. U4 til) 19 THERE soma poor woman who Is terror Ued Into nervoua prostration by a loan snrk? 8e ua. Citlsena Protective asso ciation, 410 Berks Blk. UO-Mtil FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment I new store and 6-r. mod cottage, at Crelghton Medical College, 14th and ullage. 1128 Half Cass, $12.60. Davenport fits.; special attention paid lo t-r cottage, mod.. 1708 N. 29th. $16 confinement cases; an treatment supti-I i w PARROTTE. 326 Bd. 1 150,000 people every ONEYJO LOAN Salary nnd (battels lentlnned. OtimUt YOU WANT MONEY tUWUl lJI DON'T PAY HIGH KATES (WM H$t SEE C3 FIRST. UU4 U We loan you any amount on l tt furniture, pianos, etc.; or, if you M 14 have steady employment, on your St M pUln note at ine cneapesi rsies in It the city. Open until 6:30 p. m. Phone U DjukIhs i03o. M ! It OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. UUi R. &1 Brown Bik., titty flttUt Opp. Brsndels' tUII imitlflt 16th St. Entrsncc. JUmi 14J-11 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rssaa. THE BACHELORS. SOTH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL, AMERICAN PLAN. (li-17 CLOSES IN, nice large room, suitable for two; references required. 114 S. 19th 81 'Phone Red 4033. (15)814 ELEGANT, strictly modern, large, newly furnished front room, with board If de sired, In excellent neighborhood, con venient to two car lines: private resi dence; no children; references ex changed; rates reasonable. 1907 Wirt. (15 M406 30 DDWEY European Hotel, Utb and Farnam. 110) 1B ROOM with board, 24U Capitol Ave. (16)-M259 Feb.2 Famished noosna. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED nd HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON CO.. RENTAL AGTS.. 703 N. Y. Lifu Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 23o4. 416) 817 A NICELY furnished room at 2243 Howard street. Phone. Doug. 6303. 81 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St. llfij-elt LARGE southeaat room, suitable for two; aiso otner room. 3iW rarnam i. (15) M388 80X TWO furnished rooms, modern, prlvste family. 618 North 23d St. Tel. Doug. 53J7. (16) M456 3ux COSY front room, modern flat; walking distance, 2407 Harney. (15) M472 30x HEATED furnished rooms; private family. 3018 Webster. 'Phone Harney 1738. (16)M37 2x FCRNIMIED rooms, with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1810 St. Mary'a Ave. (15) M01 t Apartments aad Flats. UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, . steam heated 4-room corner flat. 220 N. 23d. (16) M59S FOR RENT New modern 5-room brick flat. 1107 N. 23d St. 'Phone H. 980. (16)-M752 1 OUT8IDE STEAM HEATED FLAT. Six rooms, every room outside, hardwood, modern, shades, gss range, hot water, walking distance, heated, 132; summer rate, I2fi; references required. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (15I-M691 I MODERN 5-room steam heated apartment on February 1 In the Dunsany. loth and Pierce St. Conrad Young, It 18 Dodge Bt. (li)-M361 Honsekeeplan" Rooms. TWO light basement 112. 09 8. 27th St. rooms, furnished, (15) M438 30x HEATED housekeeping rooms; private family. 3018 Webster, 'Phone Harney 87S8. (16)-MS77 2x FOR RENT Bedroom, also light house keeping. 93S N. 24th St. (15) M706 31 Untarnished Rooms. NICE rooms, modern house, on car line, private family. 3651 Leavenworth St. (15) M536 3x lioases aad Cottages. A GOOD IJST TO SELECT FROM. 3S16 Harney St.. 9-r., all modern, new, has to bath rooms, 11,000 per year. !S10 Dodge, 9-r., all modern, 150. 418 S. 26th, S-i., all modern, 146. 2916 Mason. 9-r., all modern, 131.50. 1214 N. ifith. 8-r.. mod. except heat, 130. 3H19 Burt, 8-r.. mod. except heat, 126. 2124 Chicago, 8-r., mod. except heat, 126. -1812 Davenport, 6-r., modern, close in, 125. 1054U 8. Doth, 6-r., mod. except heat, 818. 3211 N. 25th, part modern, 317. 1819 N. 23d, 6-r., 113. 2T3n Capitol Ave., 8-r., modern except heat, 122.60. 82 N. 24th, 3-r city water, fete, 18. 2923 Parker, 4-r.. 110. THE BYRON REED CO., 'Phone Douglas 297. 212 8. 14th St. (16)-616 29 6-ROOM. nearly new, modern house, 833 Main St., Benson, till, "-room, modern brick house, fine for price, 29th and lsard. tX. TURKINGTON. 602 BEE BLDG. (15) M731 31 1312 PARK Ave., 8-room brick. 137.50. 641 8. 27th. i-room. all modern, 130. 2051 N. 19th, at Burdette, 9 rooms, 130. 2K13 Spencer, 7 rooms, barn, 25. 3302 Sherman Ave., 6-room flat, IJO. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 New York Life. Doug, or A2152. (15) M764 31 2H23 Douglas 8t., 3 rooms, with bath, 111.00. 1129 Georgia Ave., 8 rooms, modern, 121.60. 2402 N. 27th Ave., 8 rooms, modern except furnace, very desirable cottage, 122.50. 545 8. 24th Ave., 8 rooms, modern. I30.0A. 3224 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, 125.00. 1812 Spruce St., 7 rooms, modern, 135.00. 7-room heated apartment in Her annex, across from Rome hotel, $17.50. 2024 Farnam 8t., 6-room apartment, steam heat, $50.00. 518 8. 22d St., 14 rooms, all modern, 8H0.00. GEORGE & CO., 1801 Farnam St. (16-M719 30 NEW 7-room cottage, modern. 2678 Jones St. 415) 647 1 1217 S 18TH, 6-room modern flat, for colored family. $15. i R1NGW ALT BROS., SOI 8. 16th fit. (15) M808 I ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat, llxni N. 21 1 1 St., $18. 6-room modern house except heat, 3309 Maple St.. $18. 6-room modern house except heat, 23d and Sprsgue St., $.0. rooms, 2d floor, 1106 N. 30th St., $15. 7 rooms. 2d floor, 1306 N. 24tb St., mod ern except heat, $16. S-room house, city water and toilet, 2124 N. Mb Ave., $10. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming St. Tel. Douglas and 20(9. (15-M749 rrade. (Is) MI06 SI OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store. H. H- g-ods. storehouse 11J0-24 N. 19th, office 1609 Faiuain. Tel. Doug. 166. (li.)-81 ONLY $20 -room. modern except furnace; elegant condition; 4648 Farnam St. F. C. BEST. 10U8 N. Y. Life. l7)-585 29 HAGGARD VAN ft STORAGE CO.. TeL D. 14M. We guarantee moving I'lanos. H. H. goods. (li) HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressman Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 4. tlJ-24 want ads" J OFFERED FOR RENT Hoasea and Cottages Continued. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1(04 Farnam. FOR RENT 4 nice 1st floor, city water, gas, toilet, tttii, 4 nice rooms, 2d floor, city water. gas toilet. 110. rooms In flat, city water. 1518 Burt St., III oo. I rooms, city water. 1919 C-lark St., IS. C. M HAC1IM ANN, 43tt Paxton Blk. (15)-M230 HOUSES, nsurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15)-S27 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (16) 829 TOR RENT J-room house, all modern. 614 N 22d St. Lew rent if taken soon. Apply at 07 N. 19th 8t. (li M7(0 ...I v Kid. ST.. good repair, best of fur aaces; first-clsss neighborhood; eight large rooms: P" raonin. rirant. narney ttti. (15)-621 Fl iTrvTTClT'C! in all parts of the city. UUUojo (reigh Sons Co., Bee Bldg. 16)-8JU SEVEN rooms, modern, hardwood finish, 901 Park Ave.. 142. Tel. Harney 1510. (15) MtilO 30 2011 CLARK. 4 rooms, 112.50. 3009 Webster. 8 rooms, bath, 123. 31st Ave. and Chicago, 10 rooms, new, modern, 55. RING WALT BROS, 308 S. 15th St. (16) M607 7-ROOM. all modern house, gas stove, gas water heater, shades, furnace. lt12 Spruce K. The Chatham. 11. 1. Plumb. (15J-M8;:? 5- R. cottage, 1209 William. 6- r. modern cottage and barn, 119 So 29th. 8-r. modern cottage and barn, 2VW Park. 6-r. modern house, 2008 No. 271 h. 8-r. modern house. 2013 Seward. V. D WEAD, Wead Blk., 18lh and Farnam. (15)-701 30 3-8TORY and basement brick building In wholesale district, with electric elevator. Low rate to good tenant. F. D. WEAD, Wcad Blk., 18th and Farnam. (15)-20 30 6-ROOM cottage. No. 1319 Pratt St., mod ern except beat 120. Tel. Douglas 6351. (16) 461 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-826 Offices. COUNTER BARGAIN On account of changes in office arrange ment, we will sell the counters now In stalled In The Bee office and Hastings & Heyden's office. These are handsome carved and deco lated oak counters, having a marble base 10 Inches high. The counter stands 3Vh feet high and 2-toot top, and there Is a total of about 45 feet In length. These will be sold either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam. (15)-274 PART of office for rent, fine location. with use of vault and phone. Call Har ney 2215. (15)-M710 DB1K ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th end N Sts., South Omaha. Call at B?e office, 8. O. branch. 24th and N. Sts. New. address. (16)-M Stores. DRUG, also grocery, location Two Al store rooms, 20 and 23x55 feet; can unite; place for live man to get big local trade; plenty money spenders to be supplied; also corner drug store; all steam-heated. Special terms and lease to right man. Owner,. Hoi North 18th St., 9 a. m. to p. m. (15) M458 30 STORE AND HOUSE. Cor. lot, 31st and Ames Ave., house haa 6 rooms and barn in rear, owned by non resident; must be sold 12,250. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk.. 18th and Farnam. (15) 619 30 120 PER MO.. 803 N. 20th St.. room, 20x60 ft. M per month for 2210 Farnam St., 22x60 ft., good basement. GEORGE & CO., 1801 Farnam St. (151-M720 30 RETAIL LOCATION N. W. corner of 18th and Jackson Sts.. good storeroom, 22x60 ft., finished base ment, steam heat, fine show window; lease, one to three years. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. V (1..) M721 30 OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltnre. A FULL set of quarter sswed oak office furniture. 214 First Natl. Bank Bldg. (16) M7V7 80 TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cneaD. Call at Bee office, Omaha. (Il-ai3 NEARLY new sanitary couch and parlor chalra; cheap. 1810 St. Mary's Ave. til) M600 HOUSEHOLD Miami St. furniture for sale. 1M6 (16)-M596 SOx Typevrrltere. B. F. SWANSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 , TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER 20 ditiertnl nidwcs lo scitel irom at a saving of 8o to mi per cent of mfia. prices ($16 and upi. tillghliy used and genuii.e re built machines practically as good as new for sale or rent, rent applied if bougnt. Full guarantie. We ship unywheio on p proval for examination Without a deposit. Write today for bargain list and receive cur riffer. U. l bwanson Co. (tsL 1U4. 417 8. 16th St.. Omaha. (11 4a Plnnos. FOR SALE Cheap, a good second hand organ and an upright grand piano. Ne braska Cycle Co., (lb) MTU 31 SI Iscellaneons. I FOR SALE New end 2d-hsnd billiard and pool laDlea. We lead Hie wot Id in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Urunswitk balke Collcndei. 407 8. loth 8u (16) -K4 FOR P.LK-I good blllard tables cheap, luqulve West Q dt.. South Omaha. J) 339 Fsbax 70.O00.0O9 FT. pine sturapuge on 8. P. R. It.. California, near Pacific nccaii; cheap; well located. Box 37j, Grand Junction la. ' (I6)-M741 3x FEBRUARY 12, 19f9. For Lincoln Memorial day and the Lincoln monument, 6.UD0 beautiful Lincoln buttons at 10 cents each, madu for tiie Monument association. Public schools. G. A. It. posts and other organisations supplied. Send In your orders early and, help the fund. Address Addison Walt, Corresponding Sec retary, Lincoln, Neb. (16) M515 31 CINDERS FOR BALE A special price for the next alxty days of 30 cents per loud will be made on cinders. Omaha Gas company, 2oth St. and Lincoln Ave. (ID-M52J 1 WE HAVE -n band a number of Ink bar rels which we will hell at buc each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (18) 277 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue frte. Sherman ft McConntU Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (1&)-U OFFERED FOR SALE Mlsrellaneeoe rnntlaaed. Sl'ND us your .mall .orders for drugs; freight paid or 110 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co , Omaha. t'J THF. OLD TRUSTT Incubators. For low special prices, freight prepaid. days free trial. Write the Old Trusty Incu bator Co.. Clay Center. Neb. (18) Ml"l PATENTS D. . BARN ELL. Paxton Block. Tel. Bed 7U7. (17)-3 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of o post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-81 pacific Bldg., Washington. t. C. Estab lished 1889. (17) 8 PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. ' (18 e4 HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1811 Farnam. U8 84V JOHN CANE Is In towu. It will soon be time to trim trees, trellises, grape vines, Telenhone Douglas 4o4 or A-3M9. tlSj Us. Febll THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff clothing; In tact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and aell at 184 N llth St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4Ui and wagon will calL (18-78i AT A53AnFi Electric vibratory, uo a AliiOOAUL ith. Room 808, fourth floor old Boston Store. (18 895 Fll YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, lata Farnam St., wheis they will be directed to aultabie boarding place or otherwise assisted. U8)-a t A flMTTTTntfe-tment and bath. Mme, ftlAUiniiiV4mltl)( un. litn, 2a iloor (18)-627 LIEBEN, costumsr. 1410 Howard. Open Eve. (18)-843 8YR1NGBS, rubber goods, by mall; cut rices. Send for fret, catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 844 VIAVI Science of Heslth cloth bound book free upon application. Lectures for women Thursday 2:30 p. m. 812 Brandels Bldg. 18) 896 Fll REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1856; prompt service; get our prices, iiiu f arnam u (19)-84 PAYNE 1NV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. (19)-647 CONRAD YOUNG Special care given to selling and renting property; 20 years experience. 1518 Dodge St. Tel. Douglaa 167L UD-Mobi REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President. , (18)-846 GEORGE A CO., 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 758. (191-848 BENJAMIN R. E. Co., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19)-84 CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE 7 ROOMS. NEW. MODERN. ONLY $2,900. East front lot close to car. W. H. GATES. Room 017 N. Y. Life. Phone P. 1294. (19)-727 31 FOR 8ALE On Installment plan nine room, all modern house, near high school grounds, for home or rooming. Will con sider change for other income property in part. Address C 478, care Bee. 09)-M46 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Seven rooms, hot water heat, oak finish first floor, combination fixtures, closets; In fact, everything for a modern home; located West Farnam district. Price. 15,600. BEMIS, Taxton Rlk., (Established 1868.) (fl)-M71S 31 HOME IN KOUNTZE FLACE. 14,500 Brand new 6-room house, with large reception hall, oak finish, strictly modern. fronting on Kountze Park; 12,000 cash, balance to suit. Investigate at once. GEORGE & CO., ItiOl Farnam St. (19)-683 2 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts (19)-61 AN eastern owner has two houses In Hans com Place rented for $70 a month; every ' thing modern; paved street; east front: will sell at a bargain; one block north of Hanscom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Building. U3)-S5I IF YOU HAVE City property, terms ranch lands or mer chandise to sell or trade, list them with me. It costs you nothing unless I effect ssle. W. W. Mitchell, tS2 Board of Trade Bids'. (19)-M443 LIST your property with the Newell Realty Co., In tne new location, 684 Brandels Bldg. Doug. iolZ, A-3334. (18J M748 F13 12 PER CENT Income, 1$ new modern brick flats, close In, 149x170; $22,600, half cash. Patterson, Omaha, (19) M606 FS REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAA CH LAND FOR SALE Colorado. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver-Greeley district, under Irrigation; sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and fruit ralslua: low price, easy payments National Investment Co., 681 Brandels UiUs., omana. lei. Douglas o91. (20)-85l Kaaaaa. BARGAINS In North Dickinson County, Kansas, lands. Send for list today, E Fackler, Manchester, Kan. JO)-M373 Fab. 3x Mlssoarl. 160 ACRES, $1,350, half down, balance 6 per cent; To acres In cultivation, spilng, three-room frame house, 6!i miles rail road town. Other lands. L Hudson llutlon Valley, Mo. (20) M592 3x Nebraska. FA KM NEAK VALLEY 112 acres one mile northwest of Valley on north side f railroad, and adjoining land owned by W. G. Whitmoie; 90 acres under cultivation, balance pasture, fair improve ments: rent from land for iws. XSOO. Price IS.OOO, or little less than $72 per acre. Ottered for short time only. GEORGE & CO., loi Farnam fit. (201 M718 30 ONE of the best sections of land in Ne braska; three miles Irom Hpaldlng, Greeley, county, and within walking dia tance of the new college ; good rouse, barns and outbuildings of sll kinds; fenced and cross fenced. Ten-scr grove and 4n0 acres under cultivation; 50 acres In alfalfa and bromos grass: this land will be sold at a0 per sere If taken be fore March 1; terms reasnnsble; this will besr the closest Investigation. John E. Kavanaugh. Spalding, Neb. (30)-M 437 30x Keith Co., Neb., Lands Only 8 lo 10 m. of R. R. town and near the Keystone, German Lutheran colony. I have several sections snd quarter" sections which is part of a large pasture I am dividing up. All fine farming and meadow land; water from 20 lo 45 ft.; prices from $7 to $11 per acre; deeded titles, perfect with abstracts. DELLGKECJOKY, 477 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. (JU)M740 1x f PER CENT money to loan on eastern NeurasKa larms. auoiwi h .sr.- nte. (20) M 755 31 BARGAIN RANCH. 1.7-iO acres. Rock Co., Neb., build ings limed, running water, timber, 40 acres plow land, bal. pasture and li, 12 ai res slfalfa; 19 00 per acre. Writu E. li. Havlland, So. Omaha. Neb. . (20)-M7O3 Six REAL ESTATE FARM ASD RANCH FOR At.F. Nebraska (n tinned. a ivin For SO days, one of the finest farms In central r.eorwewn, wirrn in in. isr famed and fertile Clear crerk valley; black loam, clay subsoil; nn sand, slkall, rock or gumbo: best rf alfalfa, mm. an I winter wheat land; fine Improvement; price 40 per acre. J. T. Campbell, Litch field. Neb. 13U)-M2ft Seoth Dakota. A DAKOTA bargain, 180 acres, two mllei from Huron, loo acres tilled, 10 acres fin grove; a number of large, bearing plum trees; t acres of asparagus tnst product about $400 worth a year. New 6-room house 24x38, new barn 18x28; another bundl ing 88x50; a large root cellar; a new t-inch flowing well, flows 40 gallons per mlnute. Vegetables and grsln took IM worth of prises at the South Dakota state fair In 1906, Soil Is a deep aandy loam, with .clay subsoil. It taken soon I will sell for $11,000; 16.000 cash and $5,000 on time at 6 per cent, D. E. McMonlra, Huron, 8. D. ()-M-3 SOUTH DAKOTA RANCH. We own and offer for sale one of the finest ranches In the west. In good neigh borhood, near railroad; 6.0no acres fine al falfa bottom land. Good building, artesl.m well, etc. Without question the finest farm and ranch In the west. We offer It to tin right party on easy terms. Write at unci for further arttcuJara. We have a large list of both Improved and unimproved farms In North Dakota and 'South Dwkota and a few large tracts along the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. laul coast extension In eastern Montana. Fine colonization propositions. Before b lrig land In the west let us figure with you. EG ELAND'S liANt) AOTOTCT. 710-11 New York Life Bldg , St, Paul, Minn. (20)-M73S 3(x Texas. They Are Going: to See the Famous Cold Water Tract in the Panhandle of Texas. Our buyers go on our Dvery Day Ex cursions. Buy a fine grain farm at a graslng land price. Write us at once and arrange, to gs now. The World Investment Co. 801-4 N. T. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. ()-Miti9 m SPECIAL TRAIN Of Pullmans and dining car will leave Kansas City for Parmer county tii. garden spot and cream of Texasi, Febru ary 2. Total cost besides ticket about $J.o per day for five days. No crowded tr.tms to contend with. Nineteen automobiles lo show passengers the land free of charge. Enjoy a week sway from home and view the beautiful land which Is selling $15 to $20 per acre (small payment down), and producing more grain and alfalfa per acre than Nebraska land. Write us tor par ticulars. We leave Omaha next. Tucmlnv morning. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (Established 1868.) (20)-MT0t 30 Miscellaneous. I OWN two fine sections rsw land 9 mile of Tulla, county seat of Swlaher Co.; price, $16.60 per acre. I have other lands. J. C. Hunt, Canyon City, Texas. (30)-M3S4 30x COLONIZATION TRACT. 4,480 acres, Carbon county, Wyoming, near Rawlins; can be Irrigated; $2.76 per acre; will mske good terms. J. G. Bone, Coun cil Bluffs, la., 312 Bhugsrt Blk. 'Phone 814. (JO) MWHJ .fi REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IMPROVED ACRE TRACT FOR RENT. 26 acres on Dodge St.. macadam road, iual south of Dundee, all good tillable iHml, 7-room house, barn and other outbuild ings; lesse, one to two years. GEORGE ft CO., 1001 Farnam St. (21') M722 30 WHEN you write to advertisers, remem ber that It takea but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that yon nw the ad In The Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith as Co., 1320 Farnam Sr. (221864 PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. N. Life. Private money; $600 to $5,000; low rate. )-655 $500 TO $6,000 on homes In Omaha. O' Reefs Real Estate Co., lOOl N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-Z152. (22) 664 SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18. 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglas 2318. (231735 PRIVATE MONEY NC DELAY. OARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. . (22)-8S7 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22)-6S3 CHOICE LOANS ON IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY OR FARMS; low rate, no delay. I. Slbbernsen, Old Boston Store Bd. (22)-M427 FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. (22)-85l LOWEST RATES Bemia, Paxton block. (22) H6i $109 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22) 861 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. . (22) SiJ MONET TO BUILD. $500 to $2UI),000 at current rates. W. H. THOMAS, 608 First Nat l Bank Bid. (22) -86:; PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Bherwond. at Brandels Bldg. (22) 8j SIX PER CENT money to loan on eastern Nebiaaka farms. Address P 422, care Bee. (201 M803 I0 WANTED-TO BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3uiL - (3)-M6 BEST price paid for second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. f(:d 6401. (25) 868 WANTED All kinds of 2d-hand furniture; will psy highest price. J. Levlne. N. 16th. Phone Douglas 771. (26) M358 AUTOMOBILE WANTED Equity of $l) In 80-acre farm In western lows. Will take good automobile as part pavment. Address Box 374, Ncola, la. (25) May' 31 WANTED-SITUATIONS SORFCK, middle sged msn wants steady employment. Audicss 8 873. care B-e (27)-M712 31X YOUNG msn desires place to work for board while attending school. Boyles Col lege. Hoth 'nhoiies (271867 STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam ana hot water repair; Thermostats and other heat regulators; new furnaces and hot water combination beating. Omaha Stove Repair Works, .12U6-12U8 Douglas Bt. 'Phones: Ind. A-3:l; Bell Douglar-MO. -441 LEGAL NOTICES SEALED PROP08AI-8 WILL BK Ft re ceived al Hie of I lie nf I lie Iriaauier, Rattle Mountain Sanliiiriiim. N. II. li. V, 8., Ilot Springs. Fall Itlver coiimy. Hotitli Dakota, until 12 o'clock ni., February 19n9. and then opened for constructing ami completing a band stand and a tubercu losis ward, in accordance with Instructions and Sieciflcations, i-opl-s of which, wir, blank proposals and other tnfarmiitj , may be hsd upon application to W . Tucker, treasursr. Jaii)-Feu6-lJ