10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TTirRSPAT. J A NX ART 29. 1909. ii n gain ia 1mr3 CSSSSC ICBiBt We Offer Thousands of Beautiful EMUS ft, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STOCK S. Stoinfeldt Go or 600-602 Broadway, N. Mihtli Watir Otmaged bj Burst . t , Inef Sprinkler Plpa. These aee all elegant white tettlcoata with elaborate trimmings of embroidery and deep lare flounces, all tsee an extraordinary bar- Undersklrts, Positively Worth Up to $5 Each, at (oNCo)C Pure Linen Laces 5 Insertions FROM THE STEINFELDT STOCK-Worth 10c and 12 l-2c Yard, at, a Yard OK - Torchon and medici effects neat designs that re-semble-the real laces very closely and are very serviceable. 25c and 30c Embroideries i Kc From the Steinfeldt Stock A 18-inch embroideries, fine jcambric and nainsook flouncing, skirting and corset cover widths all new designs, crisp and fresh, on big bargain square. THURSDAY IS CHOCOLATE DAY in 1 ' S WEETL AND ' ' Brandeis East Arcade ITALIAN BITTER SWEETS The chocolate with the hell crack. Crushed Fruit Flavors: Pineapple, Raspberry, Orange. Strawberry, Always sold for 4 0c pound, at, teas Omaha's Greatest Store for Bovs' Clothinu Offers These Special Second Floor Boys' ; $3.50 and $4.00 Knickerbocker - Suits at $1.98. The1 most extraordinary offer we ever made;in boys clothing, all new shad ings, stylish and sewed with silk and linen thread. Mothers, it is i is 10 your '$1?8 t interest to oome to Bran deis and get a positively $4.00 value at Boys' $5.00 and $6.00 Overcoats, Ages . . . 4 to 16 Years, at $2.98. Broken lots from our boys' overcoats thrown all into one huge lot. All of e 101. ah 01 $2?8 this season's newest patterns and designs, at Little Fellows' Overcoats Ages 3 to 8, worth , up to $3.00; at . ... . .08c BRANDEIS Advance J FRIDAY Ve will place on great Steinfeldt stock, slightly damaged by water. M SATURDAY- 10,000 women's spring waists from the Stein- U feldt stock. Many are slightly wet, but they are worth It $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 each; your choice,'. 50cU SATURDAY AVe will sell all the Men's Furnishing Goods f from the Steinfeldt stock. The most amazing bargains U ever offered in the west. '1 M 2sj nALSTON. STOVES SELL FAST ' Howmr4 Take Orders for 43,000 . . v Worth la - Tnrnlr Days .it ' - TBiraoah W ft. V 4 - i UL ntni.ni, yi r.i'it ill i f tun u n . V1X 'Stove eoftpt,ay of. Kslston, .' has TeturSeJ )tropi a western, trip of twenty days' durs vlloevsdurlnc which he sold $i3.0uD worth of !stov.tJM naanufactured at Ralston.' ' . "Tha trs M thm most succssfu I ever maoa ts swok short Uave," said Mr. How- IEibiibibI lCIS3f 1ESp3I D LBN SaTrrj P a II egg Cream Nut Centers: Almond. Filbert. Walnut. Also Vanilla. 25c D lb.. Bargains Thursday Old Store. J to your $1 and $1.50 Knickerbocker Pants All sizes, on sale at pair 39c D STORES u Notices! sale all the Remnants from the U ard. "The people of the west seemed to like the Idea of buying- stoves made ' In Omaha, and I received some rtmarkabla orders, from one firm I got an order 'or 1,30 stoves, from snother sn order for l.0tt and from a third sn 'order for SU0 stoves. ' "Our plant Is rapidly rearing- completion and ty jrebruary J we will have quite a ffw 'men at work making stove and by March 1 w eipect to have IAS men at work, and U tha ordars keep rolling- in w wuj hav ta tnoreaas aar capaolt. Only 3 Days More of the 25 Per Cent Discount Shoe Sale at Drexel's High grade shor at 25 per cent off, including Italian's, in men's and women's; C'lapp and Hoyden's in men's. WOMEN'S SHOES All of our Hanan'a Winter Tans, regular $6.00 r values, for 7 13" All of our Foster Gun Metal Calf, regular $5.00 sr values, for 7vft) All of our Armstrong Gun Metal Calf, regular $3.60 and A A $4.00 values, for $eJVU 175 Talrs of Broken Lots, small sizes, regular $3.50 frf A A and $4.00 values, for . . ?1VV 100 Pairs Children's and Misses' odd lots, $2.00 nr values, for I t MEN'S SHOES All of our Hanan's Winter Tans, leather lined, $7.60 tfp value, for 7t)0e) All Hoyden's Enamel Calf, double sole to heel. $7.00 r or values, for 7)ij9 All Clapp's Winter Tans and French Calf, double sole r or to heel, $7.00 value, for. Fine lines Plump Patent Colt, double sole, $5.00 i?r value, for ?! 3 All Men's $4.00 values, Patent Colt, button and 04 A A Blucher, for ijeJevU Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnim Street HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet something to ba an Joyed. It removes all stains and roughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which do common soap can equal, imparting the vigor and life sensation of a mild Turs.it. rstfu Au Grocem and PboootK L trade marks, when prop erly designed and used add a producing power to your advertising. Our suggestions are free. Our quotations cost you nothing. BAkEK BB0S. ENGRAVING CO. Bad Taste in four mouth removed while you wait that's true. A Cas caret taken when the tongue is thick coated with the nasty squeamish feeling in stomach, brings relief. It's easy, natural way to help nature help you. 9j CASCARST3 ioc box week's treat ment. All druggists. Biggest seller . la the world. Million boxes a month. -A-W-F SSsh There Is no better rsmady for a cough, cold, sor throat or lung trouble than Howell's-Anti-Kawf Try a bottle, ISO and SO a xowelii smuo CO, HUddU tii Block motl tyal MOEEMKE pd other drag babtu ar poalMrely eared bj HA6ITIN. ror D7poarmio or inumii . Sample Dt to maf drag BsMtne tr E.1 Regalsr prio IV 04 per bottle "JB your drairglsl or by mill la plala wrapper. Mail Orders Killed Br HAYPEN KKOK.. (I.MAK.i, NEB. A Papar for tha Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best Vest FLORIDA RESORTS. srv a r j m a, a i krcoAs?ai HOTEI l.c""' - - - 8U Ausuetin L 'z .7 T rami Beach ftovsi eoiNCIANS . . .Paitn Beach COtONIAt . KasaaVBakaaatals. At LONO NCV, ftSirilitoiihcf lUsmi. been eiublialiig an ideal fUbing camp, with rjr comfort. 117 MILES NIAHCS OUSt. iw Mil line along Florida Her is completed to Knivhukey.con necting wtta w mrtup fur Utviu ccg Key Wst. .... xamt.tsu rviailTfJ fO lICKsTU FLORIDA EAST COAST CMica t-J mtw vasa 1 - sr. ..... rta. mUm mJm fflOKJlMI TP1? WTATTF HJf INTER Ql ARTEUIiV INC1ADINH A PHENOMENAL LACE SALE THURSDAY Bennett's buy from X. V. importers 25,000 yards beau tiful Oriental, Venise and Point de Paris laces, bands and all overs, in most sensational low price purchase any store ever made. The window display has attracted thousands. Iaces that everybody is buying now. New, fresh goods in exquis ite patterns. On sale Thursday. Be early. 5,000 yds. cream and white Oriental and Venise Bands; values 15c and up. on sale at 7ic Point de Paris Laces, 5-ins. wide, net top Oriental laces, 7 and 8 ins. wide 5c TAYtroltTrn solid gold UeWeirythe big Buyers' Managers' Sale Thursday at SATIN PETTICOATS The tuaon'i nnrfit craze, and, of course, Bennett's are the first to fea ture them. Satin petticoats are the natural result of the Satin wave of pop ularity thnt Is sweeping the country. The present day vogue In dress demands a softer and more cllnsrlnc undergarment and the new Messallne satin petticoats we show fill the want to a nicety. These are all silk Messallne of the softest texture, free from the bulklness and swlah of the taffeta garments. They set snugly. Imparting a subtle slenderness to the figure, Just as the There are two styles now on display; flounce, the other baa a corded effect at bottom; both lines hare underlay of self material colors, tan, brown, cadet, navy, peacock, also black and white on sale at Suits, Formerly S85 and f $45, Reduced to Close. . nJ1U taffetas, panamas, serges and worsteds. In fact identical to the materials shown for coming scprlng; choice colorings, too. Wonderful bargains, these. $25.00. $35.00 and $46.00 values at $10.00. WAISTS SKIRTS White lawn with lace and Black taffeta embroidery Insertions, at 25c also fancy steds, values to $16.00, at. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY UATiM THIS B, F. Japan Oolong, Gunpowder or English Breakfast, all 4?e . teas;-Thursday at, pound 36o Mansanllla Olives, per quart g&o and 20 Green Stamps Ripe Olive Sale 50c cans ripe California Olives. .300 OSVaJryiATBP UvaJLM, twenty pounds for Sl.OOj SeededuKalsins, Orlffen's select, llc pkg., So two for ISO Corninaal, white or yellow, 8-lb. sack ....ISO Minute Gelatine, assorted flavors, S pkgs... BSo Polk's Tomato Soup, three cans S5o and 20 Green Stamps BurnHam's Clam Chowder, large can SOo and 80 Green Stamps Pure Honey, pint Jar - SOo and 10 Green Stamps Mignonette extra Marrowfat Peaa loo Bennett's Capitol Buckwheat lSVto and 10 Green Stamps Rex Uys, three cans for SSo and 10 Green Stamps Charm purs fruit Jellies, tumbler lOo and 10 Green Stamps Economy Clothes Cleaner, bottle SSo and 20 Green Stamps Diamond Crystal Salt, sack lOo and 10 Green Stamps Franco-American Soups, quart can 3So and 40 Green Stamps Redland Sweet Oranges. 20c size, dosen ...laVkO Hen food, lb So Bone Meal for chickens. .Ho Oyster Shells, lb le H Sxa I I M M sr I 1. m y Lym m iu .1 i syr -w Mil III! Ml n m . km i iuj y h 1 Ml W A 1 III Jylllj 1 The "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe If A IK lightness and flexibility. It M I I m ,nd accurate fit-u not R Y ( K hU what you want in a shoe) Y J I ' : BENNETT'S J ( HOTEL ROIVIE -l 1 Tble d'Hote Dinner $1.00. every evening 6 to 8 ' GOOD MUSIC Ono Agreeable of good teeth, Is an easy effort to keep them healthy. Most people who begin at the proper time to give their teeth the car that Is due them, find It an easy and pleasant task, be cause there Is an absence of annoyances that accompany bad teeth operations that my patients receive to return when theJr teeth are In need Th suggestions that w well worth your call. inch TAFT'S II B IF "X aar a ST I-K BOOK 20 FREK rATTKRN. Allover Oriental Nets, exquisite pat terns for waists, yokes, sleeves etc., worth two and three times our price 39c piece of Jewelry in our stock In and niCAint nf 9flc lildtUUill Ul IN Jo late fashions demand. one has a corded L95 with a ruchlng Not many of them, so you must be prompt. Suits we carried from last spring, materials are silk Ralahs. SWEATERS Coat styles, very newest. In all heat col- tj ne ors, values to 1 9U $3.00. at and voile. wor $495 Feature Th give such satisfaction that they wont of experienced attention. will give you about your teeth will be A Satisfaction Dontal Rooms STUPENDOUS BARGAIN OFFERINGS' IN OUR MID-WINTER MANUFACTURERS' SALE PRICES QUOTED ARE FOR THURSDAY ONLY. SEE Ot'R NEW HOMTS-MADK WRA 35c Embroideries, C2M1EK THE RSLIABLE STORB . hi I A I h 1 I MlMUIf 1 II liilil All the Sample Strips of Embroideries and Insertings from the largest Embroidery fanut'acturers in Europe. A tre mendous assortment of Edges and Flouncings in Swiss and Cambric, a beautiful assortment of new designs. Values to 35c yard, on sale in five great lots, Thursday, at yard- 2ic 34c Four Great Specials Thursday IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM FROM 9:00 TO 9:30 A. M. One Case of $1.50 Gray Blankets 11-4, good, heavy weight, only 2 pairs to a customer, at pair G7 FROM 10:30 TO 11:00 A. M. One case of 85c Sheets, heavy cloth, fine weave, size 81x90, only 6 sheets to a customer, at each 58 WHITE GOODS SPECIALS FOR ALL DAY. HAVE YOUR SKIRTS MADE TO MEASURE We are pre pared to make them for you from any fabric you may select, in any style you may choose. All work done by one of the best ladies' tailors in Omaha. Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. For particulars inquire at Main Dress Goods Department. : The Highest Quality if Groceries. Butter. Cheese. Crackers. Fresh Vege tables, Teas. Coffees and Spices. It will pay you to trads at Hayden'a first, last and ail the time. Buy flour now while the sale Is on. 48 lb. sack highest Patent Flour, per sack $1.88 10 bars IMamond C Soap Ho 3 10c pkgs. Lp-to-Daie Washing; Powder, at ioc ( lbs. best bulk Laundry 6 tare h .... 2 60 6 lbs. choice Japan Whole Rice.... 26j Bromar.gelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg., at 70 1 lb. cana assorted Soups 7 fee Malt Vita, E. C, Egg O Bee or Corn Flakes, pkg 7 He tr. Prices' Breakfast Food, pkg.,.. lc 2 lb. pkg. best salt rising Pancake Flour at svc OH or mustard Sardines, per can .... 4 He Condensed Cream, per can 7 He Cross & Blackwell s or Kelller's Marma lade. Jar 2(j Crosse & Blackwell s Vinegar, per bottle, at 23c 3 lb. cana solid packed Tomatoes RVc 3 lb. cans golden Pumpln. Hominy, Sciuash or Baked Beana lUo 2 lb. cans fancy packed Sweet Sugar Corn st 7Hc t lb. ran Karly June Sifted Peas.... 10c Vor Table Bano. Onx rail Line, the largess ana iwsst in tns city at tns lowest prtoes. BTJTTSK, OXI1I1 BURIBin ASTD CSlACJtlJa DBrT. SAXB. Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 23o Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per lb., at zsc DON'T TRY MYDEN'S FIRST FORGET Ground floor office t . i' ! . ' in The Beo Building East front on Seventeenth street, one door-north of Farnam, size lGX'iOM;. The fire-proof vault, in connection with this room is 62x122 and there is also a cloak qnd wash room, conveniently arranged. There is an entrance from the court to this room, making a good and accessible office to reach the public. . It will be available April first.' i " Small officos with vaults Did you ever stop to consider the value of a vault In connection"' with an office? It gives you a place to keep your books and valuable papers In case of fire breaking: out In your office. You don't need to lock up your office every time you are called out. Many customer! are lost when they find the door locked and no place to wait for your re turn. '. ' We offer a small room with vault on the fourth floor Just west of the elevator. Easy of access and convenient to the public and the rent Is only 117.50 per month. The Beo Building Company ASK TO SEE THE Bl'PERIJfTEjrDENT OF BCmrSG, ROOM lOfJ. DR.BRADI3UKY, DENTIST Psinleas Extracting DO " 'fy Crowns, up from.. - Partial Ftataa, from rulings, up from, porcelain Filling, up from ai-SO i r DON'T MISS ONE ITEM THURSDAY. tiVOO COATS 2.fA Cho!c of 100 Winter Coats, In plain col. ors and fanrr mixtures, that anld up to 115.00, l9 QQ Thursday, at . . . tJC.UU ANY CliOTn COAT In th house, I . uintnot ill cm l v'ia w $y i' surit S10.00 940.00 FIR CO ATA Near SpsI and Astrakhans, Just 25 in tha lot, choice. $J1Q Qfl at each $ lu.UJ 2rt.no TAILOU' SIIT8 -BrosaV cloths. Panamas and Fancy MiJ Sol?'.?': $10,00 A HWKMi LINK of Spring tvoa styles In Lingerie and I.lnen Tailored Waists, charming vsl uea, at Openlrn Trices. IJ1 QJ S5, $3.98, II. PS. $2.50. ifl.uCl A nEACTIH Ii NKW MNK OK ON'K-PIKIK nRKHSKK choicest .iSosluna nnd niot beautiful fabrics and col- irlnj:8 ,. for upring isop. matchtws - assortment and values at from $50. 00, $20.00. $15.00. $12.50. iri3 ' sio.oo Thursday 11 Zc ic FROM 2:00 TO 2:30 P. M. One case of Fruit of the Loom, the genuine article, 10 yards limit, at pep yard ...... 1 6 H FROM 3:00 TO 3:30 P. M. One case of 18x36 Inches, Honey Combed Towels, 7 He values, 6 tow- eis num. ii (ca w?C: Fancy 2 lb. rolls No. 1 Butterlne, equal to lots of butter, per roli, 3 lbs ibo Fancy full cream N. T. White Cheese, per id 200 rancy iuii cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb Uo Imported English Stilton Cheese, per It). at 400 Imported lUllan Oorgonsola Cheese, per lb tc Hand Cbees. each ,. tc Neufcbstel Cheese, each zo rrssh TsrstobUs from a otl. ' Tb greatest market Ir the j)eopli ut Omaha. Tou can bur ' frssn vegetables here as ofceap as In tils summer time. 2 heads fresh hothouse Lettues for ra Fancy Head Lettuce, bead So-7'ao bunches hothouse Radishes fur ba t bunohes fresh Unions fur loo Fancy No. 1 CaullXiowar, lb., ;..,...,., ba Fresh Bests, sar bunch. . . , 40 Fresh Carrots, per bunoh , , . 40 Fresh Turnips, per buooh, .40 Fresh Cucumbers, two for ,. (a Fresh Spinach, per peok ..too Fanoy Jersey. Sweet Potatoes IWa Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt 14o 2 bunches fresh Celery for (0 Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 7Hs Fresh Cabbage, per lb. - 2 Ho Fancy Red Onlona, Carrots, Parsnips, Tur nips or Rutabagas, per lb So Another car of the famous Highland Navels In, to go on Sal Itiursdujf IT PAYO ISOe a-AvBLMAaf PTM.MMX. XlTiS twmmmt sc 17SS. Birldg Work. pr toth. up from a.gn Ksrves removed with out -pel n. UTSOLIB WOII A avraoioXTT. work (uaiaoierd ls yeara. ,1; 12 i c