Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday
roraltth New
Best & West
part n.
(Xenrr KIihi, Bayer.)
Bnrt'i Horn Library, 4nn volumes of standard works. In best cloth binding
ami Kilt Inpi never sold at lean than S'ic, B. St M. Hale price 8SO
RenlpntMh Vfilir lihrfl.rv lt' n f I no rhinr.
O. F. Williams, Buyer.
A week of wonderful Jewelry sales. A sule for omh day
each one carefully. Every article marked In plain figures.
800 boxes stationery, BO sheots and 60 envelopes, very special, at
l.UOO Books for Boys The fa
Knimtrlnir Offer Kxrentlonal low
MONDAY Any watch In the house, aolid gold or gold filled, 20 OFF
mous Alger books, about SO
titles, splendid cloth bound books
printed with good, clear type,
on excellent paper. Publisher's
price BOc, special B. & M. price,
at 15
price Inducements thin wek on hth
grade engravlnsr. Do not confound
thin with the cheap printed kind:
100 Cards from old plate, ror . ...eoo
100 Cards and plate In script . ...B9o
100 Cards and plate In Old English or
Roman, for (1.39
100 Cards and plate In shaded Old
English, for 98.00
Tl'KSDAV Any woman's belt, hand bat;, or purse, at,
WEDNESDAY Any woman's fancy comb or barrette,
THt'RNDAY Any solid gold piece of Jewelry In stock
FRIDAY Any gold filled piece of Jewelry In stock. .
...25 OFF
...25 OFF
. .20 OFF
.'. OFF
...15 OFF
The Winter Style Book
A big handsome 150 page fashion magazine
full of style hints. Only costs 5c when purcluwed with any 15c In
dies' Home Journal pattern.
SATURDAY Any piece of silverware In stock
ALL WEEK Any umbrella 25 OFF
y i u n
y h vM km n
i v m
r.. r
.19o I II 11 II J till B I J
I o
y a
I if
4 J1
(J. J. Nelson, Mgr.)
. A delightful place for
noonday luncheons or
while shopping.
whipped cream and waf
ers, very delicious, ser
ved dally for 5
We also serve Soups,
Sandwiches and other light
lunches at extremely mod
erate prices.
Try It when down town.
One Week of Immense Clearing Sales With Every
Department Taking Part
This is the final clean up of the Winter stocks $150,000 worth of seasonable merchandise must be turned into cash during the
next six days. The manager of each department has been instructed to do the biggest week's busiuesss his department has ever
done. He must put out such values that will pack the store with buyers. The entire management has been turned over to the
department heads for one week. Twice a vear we do this giving each buver a chance to reduce his stock in his own way. lie
It Is now when the greatest bargains are offered, not only spasmodically but In every section of the store In every department. The pictures of the
buyers responsible for th week's bargains are printed herewith. Not one has overstated facts. Nothing In American retailing ever approaches these esnil
annual eventa at Benntt's. HALE OPENS MONDAY MORNING.
Sale Dinnerware
(C!us Hub, Buyer.)
The B. & M. sale brings marvellous bargains on high
grade French China.
$110 French Pouyat Dinner Set, 100 pieces, white and
gold design, sale price $8o
$125 Pouyat Limoges Dinner Set, white and gold with
black reed design, for $98
Special reduction on open stock. Coalport and Pouyat
French China patterns, 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT.
Wonderful Cleanup Sale FRENCH CHINA PLATEi. All Sixes
Ha vt land. Pouyat, Doulton, Crescent, and D. & H. Ware
Plata worth $9.00, $11, J12, Plates worth up to $24 dm.,
$14 and $15 dos.. eaih..68e each 9ao
Plates worth $18 to $22 dos., j Plates worth $30 and $35
each 79o I dux., B. & M. uule, ea. 91.33
(W. O. Ware, Buyer.)
For the entire week this
department offer choice
of any framed picture In
the, house including Oils,
Watercolors, Pastels. Car
bons, Etchings, etc., any
size or style, regardless
of regular values, t
25 Off
f - r I III L -
I-mM mr saiifiaiiiiMihSfai
Gloves and Handkerchiefs Most Radical
Clearing Known to Omaha Retailing
Bargains are simply astounding for it's the world's tx'nt merchandise we are offering.
No Juggling of prices. No inflated "former values," evcrjtliiug just an quon-d.
Women's Silk Lined Suede Gloves In broken
sizes, also Pique Street Gloves In all colors and
sizes, $1.25 goods 98o
Women'. six-button Blarrlls Gloves, elastic wrist,
actual $l.i i gloves, (or 91.19
Men's Pique Cape and Kid Gloves, regular und
cadets, $1.25 values 9Uo
Men's Ireland Muke Cape Gloves, spear point back,
$1.50 kinds 91'19
Women's Pure Linen Henistltrhed Handkerchiefs,
H-iui'li licinn, luc values, at Bl3o
Women's Pure Linen Hemstitched Hundkerchlefs,
very sheer, 25c values, at 13Vo
Women's Pure Linen Hand Kmbroldered Initial
Handkerchief s, 2uc values 17o
Men's llIe Silk Handkerchiefs, with fancy bor
ders, all 50j goods, for 35o
Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, fine
values; 3 fur 91-00, or, each 35o
, . - 1
B. & M. Sale Shoes
C. W. Emrlch, Buyt-r.
The shoo buyer announces the best bargains lie ever
made for this occasion. All through the department un
nuttchahlc values abound. JuNt note tliese, to illustrate.
Women's red and hlack D'Orsay House Shoes, kid lined, hand
turned soles, $3.00 goods; B. and M. sale price 98o
Women's Soft Kid Four-strap Slippers and One-strap Slippers,
with bow; Cuban heels, $2.00 values; B & M. sale price 91-39
Women's pink, blue and white Sailor Tie Evening Slippers,
patent leather pumps and strap slippers, $4.00 and $3.00
values; sale price 91-3
Men's Patent Colt Laced and Blucher Shoes, hand sewed,
sizes to 8 !i only, best $3.50 values; B. & M. sale price 91-98
Sensational Sale Trimmed Hats
(A. C. Hand, Buyer.)
The opportunity of a life time to buy a striking new up-to-date trimmed Hat
t a ridiculously low price. Commencing Monday In the B. & M. Sale. Choose any
hat, including models from Lichtonstlen, Joseph, and other Imported patterns.
Most all are $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Hats. A good many were more than this.
All la a grand sweeping clearance to sell' quick. Stock Is divided into 3 Great Lota.
$1.50 - $3.50 - $5.00.
Never such a sale with such magnificent Hats in it in Omaha before.
Bennett's Domestic Coal Is high in
quality arid as Inexpensive aa the
cheaper kinds.
Domestic Lump, ton... $5.25
Domestic Nut, ton $5.00
This is the best coal you can buy
for the money.
'ti''J r-'
i Price on Table Cloths and Napkins
J. J. McDonough, Buyer.
Most Important linen announcement o n extra size pattern cloths and napkins
Hal f Price.
Six Cloths. 2ttxM4 yards, rerulatty $.00, B. & M. Sale Price 93.00
Six Cloths, $Hx2tt yards, regularly $9.50,
Three Cloths, 2Vi3 yards, regularly $.00, B.
Two Cloths, 2xS yards, regularly $11.50, B.
Three Cloths, 2Hx4 yards, regularly $15.60, B.
Two Cloths. 2Hx4 yards, regularly $17.60, B.
Two Cloths. 2V4x4 yards, regularly $18.60, B.
$1.35 Crochet Spreads, for 91.00
$2.25 Crochet Spread, for 91-69 Crochet Spreads, (extra size) for 93-10
& M. Sale Price, 94.75
M. Sale Price 94.00
& M. Sale Pries 95.75
A M. Sale Price '. 97.75
& M. Sale Price 98.75
M. Sale Price ,....99-85
27c Bleached 8-4 Just It Shooting 83o
3ic HleHched K-4 Just It Sheeting 94o
85c Bleached 10-4 Just It Sheeting . ...87ViO
Dress Goods, Silks, Embroideries
Franz Cramer, Buyer.
We announce for this week one of the most Important dress goods offerings this store
haB ever made. Great counter heaps of the choicest fabrics in every desirable color, includ
ing the new shades, fine pure worsted materials, 54 Inches wide, and worth $1.50 a yard,
B. & M. sale price 69c.
1 9-
r ..i
Clearing Sale Ilrtmdi :tlis Our .entire
line street shades (only blacks and
evening effects excepted.) About 100
pieces In staple and all the late color
ings, regularly $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and
$4.50 yard, all HALE P1UCE.
27 and 54-In. embroidery
flouncing and beautiful
corset cover widths, ex
quisite patterns for dress
es, skirts and combina
tion suits, worth to 69c,
18-In. coraot cover, em
broideries, insertions and
bands in all widths, fine
nainsook and Swiss ef
fects, worth 30c, at 15j
Extraordinary Silk Bargains comprising
the newest silk, 27-inch plain and fan
cy taffeta, 24-lnch spot proof Foulards,
Black Taffetas and Messallnes in nearly
all colors, absolutely season's best
values, $1.00 and $1.25, at G8?
150 pieces fancy flannel
ette in all shades, 2 7 and
36 inches wide, double
fold goods for house
dresses and kimonos, J 8c
values, for 5
General Manager.
Phenomenal Sale Women's Apparel
(M. A. Long, Buyer.)
Monday a sale of suits such as no store ever made. Suits worth to $39.50 for $5. Think
of it. About fifty suits in the lot. Handsome voiles, panamas and light worsted fabrics
last spring's suits that sold at $25, $35 and $39.50, B. & M. sale price, Monday.......
Grand Clean-Up of All Coats
Women's new stylish, long I Women's long coats, very
seml-fltted, $10 coats
at $5.00
Sale Pine Black Skirts
Magnificent voiles and
taffetas, worth $15, $18
and $20, U. & M. sale
l'rico S4.95
Brown Panama and light
worsted skirts, worm
$6.50, B. & M. sale price,
at $2.05
newest models, actual
values $15.00, at $7.50
Lot odds and ends
Women's Long Coats
and light colored Silk
Dress Skirts, not
many, be irly, choice
r $1.00
Any colored cloth coiit in
the house, positive $25
and $35 value $10
Lot $5,00 coats cut to $1
Coats 6 to 12 years, worth
to $8.00, for $3.95
Coats 6 to 12 years, worth
to $12. for $5.00
Misses' Coats, 14, 16 and
18 years, worth to $20,
for $10.00
naMnmmasvHawwiuiwuii..wu 1
Overcoats Less Than i in B. & M. Sale
(C. E. Barker, Buyer.)
Trices on Overcoats and Suits have never before been no unspiirlngly sacrificexl.
Considering that every ganueut is a model of perfect tailoring and style, tills makes
the best bargain opportunity Oinalut men have known.
ANY OVERCOAT in the house, and there
are plenty of them, many superb styles
In black and colors, that retailed up to
$30.00 your C 11.75
pick, for MPJ.I
Choice of $0.00 Overcoats, for $9.75
Choice of $13.50 Overcoats, for $6.75
OVERCOAT for young men, positive
values to $15.00 for $7.50
$7.50 Overcoats, for $3.75
.1 to 15 year size.
Values to $7.50. for $3.75
Values to $5.00. for $2.75
Men's Suits, values to $30.00, $17,50
n . iunm inni. . mini 1 1 i
, - ' , '
Extraordinary clearing murk down
on room lots of wall paper. B. & M.
sale price 2 and 3c roll.
Many other papers worth as high as
35c B. & M. price, roll.4 to 10
35c Ingrain papers, all shades, 10c
roll; flittered borders, yard..lO
Moulding 2c foot. Plato rail X2c
Double Stamps Mouduy.
B. & M. Sale Hosiery, Underwear
M. T. Malonv, Buyer.
Bountiful varietli of seasonable merchandise thrown out in most sensational
clearing ever known. Thoroughly reliable goods. Matchless bargains uU through, the
fii miimimii smui ,.
Women's 25c mercerized hose, for 17
Women's 35c imported hose, extra size,
tor 21 1
$1.00 and $1.25 hand embroidered lisle
hose for 69
$3.00 to $5.00 fine silk hose ft OFF
Wonien-'s 76c "Doufold" fold vests and
pants, at 39
$1.25 Vega Bilk vests and tights white,
pink and blue, for 79
$1.50 silk and cotton vests and pants,
at 89
Women's $2.00 Wool Union Suits
at $1.19
Women's $2.50 silk and cotton union
s suits. Buyer's and manager's price
at $1.49
B. & M. Sale Fine Corsets
(Mrs. E. T. Wright, Buyer.)
A corset Bale that ought to crowd the department tomorrow
with eager buyers. As an unusual attraction for the B. &
M. Bale we offer 50 dosen very high-class models in ba
tiste, fashioned on newest prevailing lines Imparting rut
new, long, straight line effect that the late gowns call for.
The corsets are heavily boned and non-rustable, daintily
trimmed with embroidery and have two pairs supporters
attached. It'a the best $2.00 corset made In America to
day. On Bale at tha very attractive price
of .
Wonderful Low Pricing on Ruchirigs, Ribbons,
Notions, etc., in B. & M. Sale
All silk taffeta ribbon, good, heavy quality
No. 8 width, black and all best shades
worth 26c, sale price. ......... .15
Box liuching Neat, narrow strips, six as
sorted pieces to box, regularly 50c, spe
cial 30
Narrow Huchlng Now tha popular craze,
all best colors, at, yard 50
Women's Pad Hose Supporters in all col
ors, regular price 25c, In B. & M. sale,
at, pair 10t
Darning Cotton in black only, put up 12
6pools to box, B. & M. sale price, per
box 10
Bone Hair Pins 1 dozen to card, in shell
or amber, special 5c
Dress Shields, all sizes, very special, per
pair 10
Furniture, Carpets, All Reduced
' f.-..
4 1r 'ij,,fc.
R. K. KnitUe, Buyer.
A sweeping markdown for the entire week on Furni
ture, Carpets, Draperies, Etc., nothing reserved..
Many other special items are on sale at still greater reduc
tions, for Instance:
lianta Axmlnater Rugs, full 8xlZ feet, at less than mott dealers
pay for them ...918.40
Kxtraordlnary bargains on Cediw Boxes, Panel Screens, Couch
Covers, Portieres, Lace Curtains and 8wing Machines,
This la not Job lot goods, but all new our regular stock. Th
opportunity of years seldom ara raaucttuna o g-eneral on every
Item In stock. .
Remember reductions bold rood for entire week of Buyers'
and Managers' sale.
B. & M. Sale of Trunks
A. X Anderson, BuyerN
Sample trunks la H tnc
M 00 Regular Trunks
for 9-85
810.00 Regular Trunks
for 98-00
11. 00 Regular Trunks
for 9S-60
l-lo.OO Regular Trunks
for 913.00
118 00 Regular Trunks-
for .
t 'h 00
$30 00
Regular Trunks
Fkirt Trunks. .18 00
Iresser Trunk. 918.00
lresser Trunk. 980.00
UllSW'j iuv " " '
' f . .' .
if' "
Big stocks must dwindle under the influence of tremendous price reductions. Absolutely greatest clearing wale
Tailored all Bilk and linen waists that
were marked to $5.00, now $1.50
Beautiful Net Waists in many styles,
choice of garments worth to $6.00,
f0- $3.95
Messallne and Net Waists, elaborate
effects for evening wear, values to
15.00. at $4.95
Large line of new Flannelette Dress
ing Sacquea and short Kimonos,
worth regularly $1.00, B. & M. sale
price 50
Long Kimonos of fleeced materials,
black and white effects, $1.50 kinds
for $1.00
Women's Flannelette Gowns, white
and colors, worth to $1.75, $1.00
Children's white Flannelette Gowns,
worth 75c, sale price HhC
Women') fine new styles Sweater
Coats, in red, white, grey or blue.
worth to $2.75, reduced to $1.95
The final clearing embracing every
piece In entire stock, black wolf,
fox, etc., minks of all grades, all
sizes and styles, at HALF PRICE
39c Corset Covers for 25
58c Corset Covers, for 39
98c Corset Covers, for 59
48c Drawers, for 2o
69c Drawers, for libt
bargains Omaha has ever known.
75c Drawers, for 59
$1.25 Drawers, for 75
50c Gowns, for 39
$2.00 Gowns, for 9S
$2.50 Gowns, for $1.50
$1.98 Chemises, for 08t
$2.50 Chemises, for $1.48
Entire stock of Skirts at uncom
monly low prices in this sale.
SpecialsToilet Goods
CL F. Schneider, Buyer.
Armtmr'B Sylvian Soap
la many odors, also Ar
mour's Virgin Violet, 3
cakes to box, worth 25o
per box
Chamois 9UOa Soap, very
fine, three cakes to box,
worth HSc, for is
eatoaca ftoap, worth lOo,
tor go
Bathaa-weet Bloa Powder,
worto 160, fur.M loo
kii ly ,1 1. 1 1 ., .1
The Week's Sales in Meats
Jos. Kulakofsky, Buyer.
The great t-t meat market in all tlie west, of
fers values this wck. Nowhere duplicated. Or
der liberal supplies during this B. & M. sale.
10.0OU lbs. Swift's Premium Hams 10 to 16
Its. average, including 30 stamps with each, at,
per pound 13 H
Komll'a reaoook Braad Breakfast Baooa Narrow,
lean strips, regular price 12 He; B. and M. sale
price IT Via
Choice of ten brands pure Leaf Lard, in 10-pound
palls. Including 60 stamps 91.85
Holland Herring, per keg, Including iO Stamps... T5o
B. & M. Sales Specials
Bennett's Breakfast Coffee. 2-lb. can 48o
And 60 istamps.
Bennett's Challenge Coffee, lb 18o
And 10 Stamps.
Teas, assorted, lb 48o and 60 Stamps
Tea Sittings, lb 15a and 10 stamps
Capitol Baking Powder, lb. 94a and 10 Stamps
Clam Chowder, regular 2uc cans, Uurnliam'a,
at two cans for Sfio
Olive Ripe olives. 6o cans for 30o
Bennett's Excelsior, sack. 91.70 and T6 Stamps
Hour, pride of Bennett's, 91-50. and 60 Stamps
Cornmeal, white or yellow, g-lb. aack loo
10c pkg. Batavla Gloss Starch oc
in the. Big Grocery
Balslns Grlffen's select seeded raisins, usu
ally 12V&C. at two for 15c; lb Bo
Olive Oil, Galllard's. qt. can 80o and 40 Stamps
Bloei splendid quality 10c Japan Rloa, 4 lbs. 8So
Cleaned Currants, three lba. for 8So
Country Batter, for cooking,
pur pound 84a and 14 Stamps
Maryland Cove Oysters, SOc cans for loo
Pull Cream Cheese, lb. SOo and 10 Stamps
Dumeaitlo Swiss Cheoea. Px. 8 so and 10 Stamps
A. B. C. Cataup, 25o bottle for ISO
Kpg-O-See Breakfast Pood, 4 pxgs. 86o
Cracker Bala I ten's Sodaa,
three pkgs. for 15a and 20 Stamps
Ccu-oanut Taffy Cooklea. lb., ISO and 20 Stamp
Salted Peanula, lb 10o
B. & M. Sale in Hardware
(I. H. Arey, Buyer.)
Monday big sale Turquoise Blue and Wldte
lined Enainelware, every kind of kitchen uten.
sil In the line at 23 PER CENT DISCOl XT.
60c Floor Brush Brooms, sale price 48
76c Floor Brush Brooms, sale price . ...f0?
69o Galvanised Wash Tuba, sal price ....39t
79c Galvanised Wash Tuba, sale price ....4t
20c Galvanised Water Palls, saia prioa ..l!t
25c Garrantzed Water Palls, sale price -17?
26c Bread Toaatera, sale price ....... M 1 5r
50c Coat Hangers, dozen. Bale price . ...3f?
30c Galvanized Open Coal Hods, sale price 11
$1.60 Asbestos Bad Irons, sale price ....$1,15
v.S;' Vv