. M - - m m - - Special Sale Items of Unusual Importance in Every Department of this Store for Monday nn Annual Sale of Undermuslins untqditi Bargains Muslin Undergarments Tilid-Winter Manufacturer's Sale Embroideries, Laces and Dress Trimmings Monday Seldom do such bargain opportunities present themselves here or elsewhere. You can't afford to miss one itemi 35c Wide Skirt Flouncings 15c Beautiful designs in Swiss and cambric, an elegant line of 53o val ues for selection, at 15c Laces at Just Half Price French and German Vals., Linen and Cotton Torchons, Point de Paris, and Oriental included, in 5 great lots, values from 5c to 25c yd.; choice. 2l2c 3V2Q 5c 7V2C 12V2G Fancy Tuckings, Chiffons and Allover Laces One big lot in cream, black, white and colors values to $1.50; to close at 19c Dress Trimmings, 3y2c, iy2c, 12l2c and 19c Spec ial bargain offerings at these prices; Monday in order to quickly reduce stock. 50c and 75c Elastic Belts, on sale Monday. . . .39c 25c and 35c Elastic Belts, Monday at 19c Hand Bags, well worth $2.00; choice 95c LnJ THE RELIABLE. STORE. Foulards and Messalines Lead for 1909 The popularity of these beautiful fabrics for this and the coming spring season is very pronounced and our "splendid assortments Insure the pleasing of all. TWO MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL OFFERINGS MONDAY: $1.00 All Silk Satin Foulards Lat- Beautiful Mescaline Dress nation est light id dark shades In varl- ' Pure 'e' '1 wh,te' blck and a full line of colors, extra ous sized dots, rings and figures, fne quality. A great snap at Just 25 pieces In the lot, Jd GO? sale price, yard 75i? Thousands of yards of plain and fancy silks, including Foul ards, Rough silks, 27-in. plain and fancy Taffetas, 27-in. fancy Louisienes, 27-in. Wash Taffetas, Messalines, Poplins, etc. values from 75c to $1.50 yard, in two lots at. .49c and 69c" UNUSUAL BLACK SlIJi OFFERINGS. 91.23 Black Swiss Taffeta, .oil boiled, 36-ln. wide, medium weight, matchless quality, at, per yard 79 Matphless Offerings of Strictly First Class Merchan dise at Prices Below Cost of Production in Our High Grade Linen Department Monday One case pure flax 7 0-inch table linen, grass bleached, our regular $1 quality, Monday, yard.5J) Ten pieces heavy, durable damask, table linen, full 72 Inches wide, dew bleached, worth $1.50 yd., Monday, yard 80 Fifty dozens 24-lnch napkins materials and to match above da mask, worth $4.50, Monday, dozen $2.75 Fifty dozens high grade, 22-inch napkins, all linen, full bleached, worth $2.75, Monday, dozen, at $1.75 Twenty pieces pure linen toweling, round thread, Bornsley make worth 15c yard, Monday, yd.J) Fifty dozens hemmed and hem stitched huck and Turkish bath TowelB, some slightly mussed worth up to 4 5c, Monday, at, each 19 Special reduced prices on all our high grade bath mats, are differ ent patterns, commencing, at, each 30 All mall orders receive our care ful and prompt attention. High Grade Wool Dress Goods Monday closing out all odds and ends of wool dress goods; also a large range of high grade remnants at very low prices. 100 pieces of Priestley's high grade black wool dress goods at, a yard 96c 100 pieces of German imported all wool dress goods, in all colors, at, per yard 84c Several other specials during the day. Monday Special Lace Curtains, Portieres, Couch Covers and Madras at prices to please our customers. Lace Curtains, in cable net and filet weaves, at, pair, $7.50, $6.50, $6.00, $4.98 Mercerized corded Portieres at, pair, $4.50 and $4.98 CO-in. Oriental Couch Covers $8.50, $7.50, $6.00, $4.98 Madras, 45-ins. wide, in red i . i rrrr Madras, 48 inches wide, all shades, at yard, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 Madras Portieres, that sold at $7.50 a pair, go at, per pair $3.98 Madras Portieres, that sold at $5.00, go at, pr., $2.98 Mail orders promptly filled. Monday's Cut Price Sale in the Laundry Department Wash Tubs, heavy galvanized, large, medium and small size 39 40 and 59- Worth uuu hie. 75c foot tubs, large, strong, gal vanized, at 39 New, strong, wooden skirt or ironing boards, 6 foot long, 6 foot and 4 foot, 4J) ) and 75 $1.50 folding Ironing board with stand 98 25c padded shirtwaist sleeve boards 10 Large, one pound cotton mop, worth 25c and 15c mop stick on sale Monday 35 36c Heavy Zinc wash board, Mon day 25 OTHER SPECIALS MONDAY 50-lb. Japanned flour cans.. 75 75c mail boxes, steel 39 No. 303 Enterprise Food Chopper, worth $2.50, largest size.. 08 Closing out Sausage Machines, Meat Grinders, Etc., worth up to $5.00, Monday, each. .. .$1.00 25c Coal Hods, last sale, each 12 H $1.00 large hand saw, special sale 30 This is a bargain seldom offered. Monday Is washing machine day Western Washers, Monday each $.-50- BUY ZION CITY LACES fl.no Black Dress Taffetas 36-ln. wide, medium weight, matchless quality, at, per yard 08 91.no Muck Satin Dutehcsso Suit able for waists, dresses and coats, 36-ln. wide, yard 98 $1.75 Black Messnliue A beautiful 36-ln. fabric, Just 3 pieces in the lot to close, yard SI. 19 Mail orders filled if received by Tuesday noon. Send now. We fill Mail Orders from all daily ads except in case of hour sale. In nearly all cases lots are reserved for our maU order customers and can be filled up till Wednesday noon. The magnificent assortments mean perfect satisfaction in selection; the qualities are a delight and the prices insure a splendid saving in all lines. You'll find all garments whether sim ple or elaborate, generously propor tioned and well made. Match them if you can. Skirts, worth up to $5.00, beautifully trimmed with laces, embroideries and wash ribbons, in 3 lots Monday, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98 Skirts, worth up to $10.00, greatest values ever shown here or elsewhere in Omaha, at, each $3.98, $4.98, $5.98 Ladies' Gowns, every imaginable 6tyle, beau tifully trimmed yokes, every garment cut long and full, matchless bargains, on .sale at 50c, 75c, 98c, $1.50 Drawers and Corset Covers Daintily trim med, values to $1.00, on sale in three lots, at 25c, 39c, 49c Combination Suits Corset cover and drawerB, corset cover and skirt, or corset cover, draw er and skirt to match. The most beautiful line ever shown In Omaha, prices 50 to $25 From 8 till O A. M. Corset covers worth to 50c, each and embroidery trimmed choice 15 From 9 to 10 A. M. Ladles' gowns, worth regularly to $2, broken lines, at. .69 From 10 to 11 A. M Ladles' skirts, deep' lace and em broidery flounces, values to $3.00, at 08 Matchless Bargain Offerings in Women's Garments Monday, the fourth dav of our M an uf ac-filmfe turers Stock Sale, sees gSig5gSS5 many new and even 1 superior lots added the greatest bargain day of all. 300 Handsome Cloth Coats, in black and colors, popular new styles, are lined throughout, values to $30.00, on sale at $10.00 XXXX Near Seal Coats Just 75 inf the lot, regular $50.00 values, 1 L L CP J 1 - h greatest snap ever unereu, uu bu.iv at $22.50 Genuine American Beaver Coats Garments that would cost you in most stores $110.00 and worth it; just 10 of them, while they last, at $45.00 Women's and Misses' Coney Fur Sets, $7.50 values, matchless bar gains at $2.98 Manufacturers' Stock of Silk and Net Waists, $4.00 to $7.50 values, a splendid assortment for selection, while they last at $2.95 jfilll mwm mm Everything in Infants' Wear Baby Bazar, 2d Floor. See our display of the New Spring Suit Styles. 280 Fine Tailor Suits, in beautiful chiffon broadcloths, all the newest styles and colorings; garments well worth $30.00, choice in this sale at $14.90 Beautiful One-Piece Dresses Silks and broadcloths, in all the newest shades, $25.00 values, at. .$10.00 Dress and Walking Skirts An en tire manufacturers' stock, in great assortment of styles, voiles, pana mas and fancy mixed fabrics, ac tual values to $10.00, on sale at, choice $4.95 Women's Long Kimonos, that would sell regularly at $2.00, on sale 98c Women's Dressing Sacques Regu lar values to $1.50, in Monday's sale at 49c Women's $5.00 Long Silk Kimonos, Monday at $2.95 A splendid line of New Spring Dresses Now Shown. Unparalleled Value Giving on Sheets, Pillow Cases and Bed Spreads in Our High Grade Linen Department Monday. si. zo sneets, size 81x90, ea.go $1.10 sheets, size 81x90, ea.75 $1.00 sheets, size 81x90, ea.Q) 90c Bheets. size 81x90. each.(J5 80c sheets, size 81x90, each.4( 96c sheets, size 72x90, each. 75 90c sheets, size 72x90, each. 65 75c sheets, size 72x90, each. 59 69c sheets, size 72x90, each.55 COc sheets, size 72x90, each. 36 12 c Pillow Cases, size 42x36, each ) 15c Pillow Cases, size 42x36, each 10 15c Pillow Cases, size 45x36, each iqa 18c Pillow Oases, size 42x36, each 14 80c Pillow Cases, size 45x36, each 14 Fifty full size hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, worth $1.98 each, Monday, each 31.10 Fifty full size, fringed Marseilles Bed Spreads, worth $3.50, spe cial, Monday, each 82.25 Special attention to mall orders this week. Muslins, Sheetings and White Goods SSaBSSBSBSBaBSBBSSSBBBSBSBBaSBBSSBBSBBSBSB)SBBS In Tht Domestic Room 86-inch unbleached muslin, heavy, Btrong, 7c quality, at yard 394 86-inch unbleached muslin, regu lar seling for 8c, at, yard.5 86-lnch bleached muslin, regular selling for 8c, at, a yard. .5 36-inch bleached muslin, regular selling for 10c, at, a yard.. "7 9-4 bleached' Bheetings, regular selling 2 2 Vie. at, a yard.. 18 9-4 unbleached sheetings, regular selling for 20c, at, yard.l7H Remnants of table linen, at. a yard 25 30 and 40 India LJnon, regular 10c grade, at, a yarl 5 India Llnon, regular 12 c grade, at. a yard 6K 40-inch Lawn, regular 12 o grade, at, a yard. - 8H 3C-lnch Linen Finish Suiting, shrunk, at, a yard 10 15c English Long Cloth 10 19c English Long Cloth.. 12H Wash Goods In the Domestic Room Eiderdown 27in. wide, In all col ors regular 36c quality, at. a yard 19 Regular 50c quality, at, yd.35 ISc flannelettes, at, a yard. 10 12 He flannelettes, at. a yd-694 Arnold's Scotch Cloth perfectly fast colors 36-in. wide, regular price 25c, at, a yard 10 36-ln. percales, at, a yard.gH 12 He Outing Flannel 74 10c Outing Flannel, for 5 26c Dress Ginghams 15 7 hie Apron Checks, in good, long lengths 3?s BLANKKTS Heavy cotton blankets, in large size, with fancy borders, in gray or tan regular selling for $1.25, Monday, pair 80 Heavy All Wool Blankets, regular seling for $4.50, at, pr..$3.5 Midwinter Furniture Sale Many sample pieces, odd lots and some of which we have too many of a kind, will be closed this week at most surprising bargain prices. Come early. Stove Department Specials We have about 500 Oak Stoves with 15-inch fire pot, full nickel plated, air tight checks, double steel casings other dealers ask $12.00 to $17.00 for similar stoves. We will close the lot at, choice $6.95 4-hole Cast Cook Stoves 18-in. oven, great snap $7.89 Gas Radiators, cast base and top and steel tubes special at ...$1.98 Large size sheet iron, air tight stoves, with nickel trim mings, at $2.25 $27.50 Solid Oak Buffet Built - of fine quartered oak, very handsome and a great bargain at $19.75 An elegant line of Sideboards and Buffets, in solid and quar tered oak, at prices you'd usu ally pay for imitation goods $18.50 Sideboard Solid oak, golden finish, large plate mir ror, a snap at price. .$13.75 $17.50 Dressing Table Solid oak, 45-in., round top, with ped estal; a matchless value at sale 3-Piece Parlor Suite Genuine leather upholstered, mahogany finished, $27.50 value, on sale at $21.50 $4.85 Kitchen Cabinet, two bins, maple or oak finish; a splendid bargain at price $3.65 price $13.50 Couches in Plush. Chase and Genuine Leather at Bargain Prices. $24.60 Couch, leather upholstered, full steel construction, -special bargain at special sale price, Monday. . . .$19.50 OU'CHKrt IX PU SH, CHASE LEATHER AM) GEM'IXE LEATHER AT HARGAIX PRICES. A good Velour Couch, sprtng construction, neatly and strongly made, regullar $6.60 value, price $4.50 Many other specials this week too numerous to mention. Come. DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYS Big Flour and Sugar Sale Monday Wheat has advanced again this week from 6 to 10c per bushel. This means 5c per sack on flour. We secured 3 carloads before the ad vance, and, as we always do, give our customers the benefit of our shrewd buying. Monday only for this special sale, we will sell the highest patent flour per 48-lb sack 81.25 We are selling the best pure cane granulated sugar at lews than Jobber's cost. 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 253 lbB. fancy Japan Whole lUce...2jo The beat domestic Macaroni, pkg. 8'e 4 lbs. beat Pearl Tapioca or 8aKO,25c 8-lb cans solid packed Tomatoes . 8 Ve J-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin 8c 8-lb. can Lye Hominy Ho Condensed l ream, per can fVfeo The best Soda or Oyster Cracker, per lb tic Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pkg 7 ftc Butter and Cheese Bale Monday. Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 23c Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per Hi Jtio Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, ll).28o Fancy Full Cream New York Cheese, per lb 20c Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb lc Fancy Full Cream Brlrk Cheese, per lb 18o Dried Trait Sale Prices. Choice California Prunes, per lb. 3 He Fancy Cul. Cooking Figs, lb Tto Fancy Oregon Black Prunes, lb,7Hc Fancy Mulr Peaches, per II Di Fancy Cnl. I)rled drapes, lb 7 Vic Fancy Pitted PIiiuih. per lb ll'Sc Fancy Moor Park Apricots. lb..12Vic Fancy Kvaporated Pears, lb.,.12'?c Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb 7vc Fancy larffe Muscatel and Cook in KalslnH, per lb 7ic Presh Teg-etablss From the Boutk. Omaha's Greatest Market. 1 heads fresh hothouse Lettuce for 6c jhancy lleud Lettuce, head ... Bc-7 Vic 2 bunches hothouse Radishes lor..,ic 3 hunches fresh Onion for 10c Fancy No. 1 Cauliflower, lb Be Fresh Beets, per bunch io fresh Carrots, per bunch 40 Fresh Turnips, per bunch c t rejh Cucumbers, 2 for la Fresh Hplnach, per peck 20o Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes m0 fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, it..l4c 2 bunches fre.-h Celery for...?. . 6c FHnry Klpe Tomatoes, per lb... 1 Wo Fresh Cabbage, per lb.. j JJ Fancy Bed Onions, Carrots, Parsnips Turnips or Butabasus, per lb.... i Lutku juicy Lemons, per do ISo HIGHLAND HAVEL OBiNOI BAXiB The Highland Navels are the finest grown; liiey are sweeter and Juicier and more richly flavored than an' Uill Monduy s sale w will B-s-ular 12 V4c sice, per doi TUc Itex-i ar 2Uo size, per doi... illc Kenu r 26c slxe, per dos.... I0o tegular 3r,c size, per doi... 25X KeKular 40c size, per doi . . 0o A Bunch of Short Stories ' Ilia SI arm Down. DISHEVELED rr.an. much the A I worse for liquor, staigerea our I of 1 Maine "speak-easy" anl I wj..lu nronned himself HUVIlWIi.', - " against the door. For a while ha owllshly surveyed the pasa- Buddenly his foot slipped and lie In a heap cn the sidewalk. A moment Uter be was snoring. A hurrying; pedestrian paused reflectively surveyed the fallen man for a few seconds, and then poked his head In the door. 'Oh, Frank." he called. -Frank. Comi here a minute." Presently the proprietor of the Joint, imoking a fat cigar, emerged. lie blinked n the bright sunlight. "Hello. Hud," he said pleasantly. What's wpf - Hud Jerked Ms thumb toward the slum kerer ci the sidewalk. Tar sikn has tall down," ba explained. ers-by. collapsed ut and briskly resumed his walk uptown. Everybody's Magazine. Iloable-Rn trr Bookkeeplag. Jim Saunders, the veteran oyster dealer of the village of Windsor, was mad. His honesty had never before been Impeached. He stood In the open doorway of his one room shanty down near the station, catch ing each passer-by In turn and pouring Into his ear a rehearsal of his woes. The country doctor was the nineteenth by ac tual count who had passed that way slncd early morning. "It's probably your system of bookkeep ing, Jim," suggested the doctor. Jim drew himself up proudly and, wiping the tobacco Juice out of the corners of his mouth with his coat sleeve, answered stoutly: "'Taint, doctor "taint that. I keeps double entry Jest Ilka all the storekeepera hereabouts, I reckon, and I never ever-chargi The doctor smiled quizzically. "What do you understand by double entry bookkeep ing. Jim?" Jim stared at the doctor, astonished, his big, slothful eyes opening wide as he ran his hand through his shock of whitening brown hair. "Well, do tell, doctor; don't you know? An' you a college man! Why, man. It's Jest as simple as rollln off a log. A man comes along and asks fer orschers and you gives 'em to Mm, and ef he don't put his money down on tha counter then you e lergj him up In the book for thirty days. Then ef he don't pay you In thirty days, or, say, sis weeks, you puts him down In the book again. There ain't that simple?" New York Times. Almost Ueneroas. Harry M. Daugharty of Columbus, who, some persons believe, may aoma day ba United States senator from Ohio, while In the national capital recently told this storyi "Two Irishmen wore discussing the death of a friend. "Bald Pat: 'Sure, Caaey was a good fellow.' - lie was that,' replied Mike, good fellow, Casey.' " 'And a cheerful man was Casey,' said Pat. " "A cheerful man was Casey, the cheer fulest I ever knew,' echoed Mike. " 'Casey was a generous man, too," said Pat. " 'Generous, you nnyl Well, I don't know so much about that. Did Casey ever buy you anything?" " 'Well, nearly,' replied Mike, scratching his head. 'One day he came Into Fla herty's bar-room, where me and my friends ' were drinking, and he said to us: "Well, men, what are we going to have rain or snow?' "Washington Post. Eligible to lb Club. Sir Archibald Ge.k. th .ln.v)ngu!shed geologist, who will t.rohably sJcc-d Iiril Baylelgh as presldii't of th Hoyal society, tells a good story la tils casual book of Scottish Reminiscences." "I was quite sure you tad been In our neighborhood," a friend said to Sir Archi bald. "I met the old farmer of O , who bad a strange tale to tell me. " Dod, Mr. Cslthcart." ha began, 1 ran across tba queerest body the other day. As X was eomlnjt tut tba saad. ut Uisk rlangti X thocht I heard a wheen tinkers quarrelln', but when I looklt down there was ae wee stoot man. Whiles he was chappln the rocks wt' a hammer, whiles he was wrltln' In a book, whiles fetchln' wl' the thorns and mlsca'in them for a that was bad. When he cam up frae the burn, him an' me had a large confab. Dod! he tcll't ma a' about the stanes, and hoo they showed that Scotland was ance like Greenland, smoored in Ice. A very entertainln' bod, Mr. Callhcart, but an awful', awful' leear." Tlt-Blts. Wealth of Adams County (Continued from Page One.) library, large business blocks and credit able lesldences. Many Industries have al ready been established and all are doing well. Four large brick plants turning out millions of brick annually, a large roller flouring mill In operation night and day, a harness factory, clgnr factory, and minor enterprises, are earning large dividends for their Investors. Hastings offers many advantages In the way of education. The development of tha fjjl fQi, axatafla. baa ry a&a sxll bo. growth of the town. J hi re are five ward school buildings, all .f brick, and a high school building, which U the largest and best equipped in the iltlr, outside of Lin coln and Omaha. Instruction Is given In all grades from the kini'eigarten to high school gradua'.i-).i. Hastings has b.-er well and economi cally governed. The tax rate Is com paratively !ow, especially when one con siders the numerous advantages which are not enjoyed py residents of the average town of muo.i arret prpulutlon. Its public school system, i's water system and Its electric ilgiitrirf fcyMem, are all conducted according to -ne IVhest standard of ef ficiency. It has three beautiful parks, one of which Ind lies a lake and Is adjacent to the grounds of the Hastings Country club. Probably no city of Its size In the west has mora churches and more enthusiastic congregations than Hastings. Services were held upon the Hastings townslte before the municipal corporation was formed. Tha first services were held In a sod house. There are now eighteen church organiza tions tn the city, most of which have mod ern and substantial buildings. XL, r Inacaaaa la tha deposit In various banks of Hastings tells a gratl fylng story of the rapid growth and pros perity of the community and reflects tha unlimited confldenco the people have In tha stability of the Institutions. The four banks have on deoslt over IIOO.OCin. C. J. Miles Is the twenty-first mayor of Ilnstlngs. and he represents. In an eminent deSree, Ml the qualities which fit him for this position. The oft misused word "stal wurt" is accurately used when applied to Colonel Miles. In physique and mental furnishings and all moral quulitits, he sug gests nothing else so nmcn as genuineness and rugged str.-nsth. Colonel Miles Is In the prime of rugged manhood and his knowledge Is confined In no narrow scope. He rarely talks tn private or p ibllc without giving his listeners something worth know ing lie Is one of Hastings' mint devoted citizens, giving freely of his time and tn erry to advance the commonwealth. Col onel Miles Is serving his scenth year a mayor of Hastings and he holds a balanc ing hand over every branch of city affairs Ho Is giving the city a good government and the city Is glvmg hlra a royal support The efficient police fore stands for gool oraer. iwcniy-rour howg , duys In tta wetk, r a 10. -