Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Valentine Cotillion Next Week Prom
ises to St Cleverest of Series.
Calaitdar Begiae Pill, wltk Promts
Ta4 rkrurr Will Be Uveltet
Moatsi Tku Juurf
Hm Been.
The Maa la the Ptaw Silk Hat.
Oh, tha Jaunty straw and tha tourist oap
A pa all vary wall In their way.
And tha honest derby la liiat the thing
For th waar of every day.
Th Panama la a swell affair
If the kind you ran cruah quit flat;
But tha man who rata hla money's worth
la tha man In tha naw Bilk hat.
It la smooth and shining and black as Jat,
With the makers name Inside;
It la ltnd with aatin aa snowy whlta
Aa the drees of a dainty brldo.
It stilts the man who la tall and thin,
Ad the man who It short end fat.
And tho crowd mtckae way rtuwt fully
For tha man In the new Knox hat.
The colleffa man with hla coat of tan
May dajic with tha girls ail night,
And may tiavn hla pick of the fairest buda
For a atroll In the pale moonlight;
But they all forgot In a flush, you bet,
Hla fame at the ball or bat,
When tho conquering hero comes In Bight,
Tha man In the n-w allk hat.
Prnapemua, elegant, up-to-dnte.
Right In tha latent atyle,
Crown of tha cltiaen well-to-do
Hall to the glossy tile!
The man arrayed In the fur-lined coat
And the man in the white cravat,
Must rtockt their pride and step aalda
For the man In thp new allk hat.
Minna Irving In Iallu'a Weekly.
Tha gonial Calendar.
MONDAY Mra. Ramuel Burns, Jr.,brlnge
party for Mra. F. N. Hay Ilea of Chicago;
Monday BrldK Iunrheon club meeting
with Mra C. M. Wllhelm; Momiuy UrldKe
club trusting with Mra. rhttrlos T.
Kountae; Minn Marlon Connell, bridge
Party; Mra. Hrndnfr Hlaughtwr, luncheon.
TrWSDAV 11-Weekly Urtdtte club meet
ing with Mlas Muy Eaatinan; Miaa Ger
trude White, luncheon: Mra. O. W. Me
geath, luncheon; Thimble club, Mra. Ri
mer Clnrke; Cllx club dancing party Bt
Home; Bermo club, Mr, ii. T. IJndley;
Tuesday Whist club, Mra W. O. Klcfi
ardaon; Tuesday Night Bridge club, Mr.
and Mra. Olfford.
WE7DN KSDAY Wedding of Miss Mary
Kaydcn and Mr. Adolph Btors nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. FMwnrd Hiivden;
meeting of the amateurs with Mra. B.
8. Caldwell; Mid-Week Itridge club meet
ing with Mra. Kdwln T. Hwnbe: Mine
Helen Hlbbel, hmohcon for MIfs Hlgglns
of St. Uouia; Mr. end Mra. Ward llur
geaa, dinner party; Mra. f). TL Ruah and
MYa. Plndell, IVund Down clubt wed
dlng of Mian Blanche Murphy and Mr.
William M. Gunlock; K. K. K. club, Mra.
O. R. Purdy.
THURSDAY Mra. W. fl. Um. lcenalngton
for Kapia Kappa CUcmma aororltv; Mra.
Bugen Duval, C T. Euchre club: Na
tional Whlat club, Mr. and Mra. Robert
f'humblov: Peerlewi club. Mra. H. Rye.
FRIDAY Junior Bridge club meeting wltll
Mlaa laabel French; Mra. T,ee Herdman
ond Mm. A. F. Smith, bridge lunoheon
et the home of the former.
SATURDAY Orpbeum party and cafe
supper for Mr. and Mra. Oeorge B. Prlnx.
given bv members of the Original Cod
ing club; Omaha High school. Junior
prom, at Chambers': Mra. William II.
Carter, reception from 4 to 7 o'clock at
her home.
Tha aoclal calendar la beginning to fill
out again and Indication! are that Feb
ruary will be a livelier month than January
haa been, The Charity ball, the Vtaltlng
Nurses' annual birthday party, one large
fashionable wadding at least, and probably
another one. beaidea other Uiinga that peo
ple are sure to crowd In aa the time grows
nearer when such gaiety muet be bus-
Tbla Initltutlon ! tha only on
In the central weat with separate
bulldlngi situated in their own
ample ground, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering it possible to
classify cases. Tbe one building
being fitted for and devoted to tbe
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The other, Rest
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to tbe exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
Where to eatj
What Makes the Best Im
pression on Omaha Visitors?
Zs It
Claaa attraeta,
Beautiful SoSMtJ,
Vaoeilemt Car arrleaJ,
Tin a Hallway Stations
YXS, But Mora So
Hanson's Cafe
Haa adeertlaed Omaha mora than any
On tiling during the lttui ten year.
Tat boalaessinan's Favorite Va
A Dainty Meat
My Ctopsuey hat a bountiful sup
ply of importd mushroom, iprouting
ptat, rut'U and tsndsr nwats.
It it tUamei in foreign aue$ and
aromatic corxiiaij and ii delicious uinl
nvtritiou of vningi.
HIS FarnamUpitalr$.
Table d'Hoto
at the
Meal Book Free at
Table d'Hote Dinner
Every Suadsy and Holiday
pended for a time at least, are among the
things scheduled. February 24 will be Ash
Wednesday, which will bring Easter April
11, bo late In the aprlng that there Is lit tie
probability of anything large after that
and which meana alao that tha aeaaon of
1W-1J09 will practically close .In three
Tha next garman given by the Cotillion
club will be Thursday evening, February
11, at Chambers' academy. Mr. Samuel
Burna, Jr., will lead the cotillion and will
be assisted by Mr. Frank Haskell, Mr. T.
Frank Kennedy, Mr. Loula Clarke, Mr.
Kliner Cope and Mr. Frank Pollard, and
promises to be one of the most elaborate
of the aerlea given this winter. It will be
a Valentine cotillion and tha favore are
to ba especially attractive and appropriate
for a February dancing party.
Good cotillion leadera are always In de
mand and to be a clever lender takes more
brain, and Ingenuity than the averaare per
son la inclined to believe. And cvn those
who attend thean affairs frequently have
little Idea of the originality ant actual
work of planning tha "stunts" and then
finding or trying to find appropriate favors
for these figures. It means hours of plan
ning to get aomething unique, for unlesa
the germ on la rare In Uetall, expensive
favora are needed to fill In. Some of the
hosteseea In other cities who do not wish
to have the expanse of elaborate favors
hare Instead tha Impromptu cotillion, led
st tha eloaa of a aupper or dinner party
and danced without tha tinsel effects.
The "favor" cotillion Is not ns popular
sa formerly, as the f,vors are both perish
able and useless and unless they are the
means of producing much merriment or
are especially attractive they are thrown
away almost Immediately and this marks
the advent of the aoilvonlr favor, when
moat of tha figures are danced without
favora and the latter part of the evening
aorne prettty souvenir Is given which makes
a pleasant memento.
A certain popular member of tbe "Fight
ing Sixteenth" la said to be chafing at
Fort Crook for a chance to go south on
furlough. His "next friends" are doing
their beat to help him keep tha secret of
his unrest, and In spite of tha fact that
he save "It" la not a secret It has been
noticed that whenever tha subject la hinted
at ha haa something that requires his atten
tion elne where.
The visit some time ago of a vivacious
southern belle to the post Is rumored to
be. the cause of the officer's longing for a
furlough or transfer to the sunny south, for
gosatp haa It that soon ahe will drop her
southern name and take that of tha officer
of the north.
Pleaanrea Paat.
Mr. Oeorge Krug entertained at dinner
Saturday evening for Mlsa Bowie who
leaves shortly for Europe.
Mr. and Mra. Royal Miller entertained
the Saturday Dvenlng Card club laat ev
ening at their home In Dundee.
Saturday evening the Misses Tlllotson
entertained Informally for Miss Cook, who
Is to be one of the February brldea.
Lieutenant and Mra. Oeorge H. White
entertained at supper at their quarters
at Fort Crook after the dance Friday
Colonel and Mrs, Cornelius Gardener
entertained at dinner Saturday evening
at Fort Crook In compliment to Captain
and Mrs. W. C. Dennett's guest, Mrs. D.
J. Bluckmore of Cincinnati.
Miss Fay Hercog entertained at a mat
inee lunoheon Saturday. Lunoheon was
served at the home of Mlsa Horeog'a aunt,
Mrs. Samuel Kats, and was followed by
an Orpheum party. Those present were
Mlaa Fannie Roaenatoek, Miss Nellie El
gutter, Miaa Blanche Conn, Mlsa Haael
Degan, Mlsa Erma Gross, Miaa Erma
H ad r a and the hostess.
Captain and Mra. Bennett entertained at
tractively Wednesday evening at dinner,
the table decorations being delicate pink
candle shades with center basket of Japa
nese design filled with pale pink carna
tions. The guests were General and Mrs.
Hayes, Colonel and Mrs, Gardener, Captain
and Mra. Hayea. Lieutenant and Mra.
White, lieutenant and Mra. Carter of
Omaha, Captain and Mra. A. C. Bennett,
Mis. Bennett.
Mlsa Florence Power entertained in
formally at brldga Saturday evening at
her home for Mr. and Mra. Karl Foster
of Lincoln, who are visiting relatives
here. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Foster, Mr, and Mrs, Fred
Ryner. Miaa Marlon Haller, Mlsa Helen
Rlbbel, Miss Ida Smith, Mr. Vail Purdy,
! Mr. Fred Thomas, Mr. Clement Waldron
and Mr. Ilillls.
Captain and Mra. Martin Crlmmlns
gave a dinner at their quarters at Fort
Crook Friday evening preceding tha
dance In honor of Mra. D. J. Blackmore
of Cincinnati, gueat of Captain and Mra.
W, C. Bennett. Their gueats ware: Cap
tain and Mra. W. C. Bennett, Mrs. Black
more, Cincinnati; Miss Mary Galbralth,
Messrs Lieutenant Short, Lieutenant
West. Lieutenant Nulson and Lieutenant
Mr. and Mra, F, J, Btraa of Hernia park
entertained at high five Saturday even-
lag at their home. The guests present
! Included; Mr, end Mra. John W. Towle,
Mr. and Mra. R. A. Swartwout, Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Millard, Mr. and Mra. G. II.
Rheam, Mr. end Mra. Saul Levy, Mr. and
Mra. Oeorge F. West, Mr. and Mrs. H.
W. Anderson, Mrs. Tolf Hanson, Mlaa
Inverts, Mr. George Raamuxeen, Mr. K.
A. Stringer and Mr. F. Z. Norall.
Mra. Henry B. Lemere entertained at
luncheon Saturday, at her home, a num
ber of former suhoolmates at Browpell
Hall, in honor of Mrs. Starr of Platte
mouth, Neb., formerly Miss May Crane
of Council Bluffa. Covera wers placed
for Mrs, Starr. Miss Grace Ware, Mlaa
Mildred Merrlam, Miss Louisa Mac Far
land, Mrs. A. W. Hunt. Miss Marlon Ty
ler of Council Bluffa, Mra. Gaylord Mar
tin. Mra. William Mlekel, Mra. Barnard
of Baftsett. Neb., and the hoats.
Captain and Mrs. Otto NeainltU enter
tained at dinner Saturday evening at
their quarters st Fort Omaha In honor
of General and Mra. William H. Carter.
Covera wars placed for General and
Mra. Carter, Colonel and Mrs. ' W. B,
Uavla. Lieutenant and Mrs. W. V. Car
ter snd Captain and Mra. Nesmlth. Fol
lowing tha dinner party there was an In
forms! reception, beginning at o'clock,
for the officers and their wives at the
Mr. and Mra. N. C. Anderson entertained
a pretty horns purty Friday evening, the
occasion being Mr. Andereon'a birthday.
Tha evening waa spent playing cards. Miss
Maria llalbrooa and Mr. It J. Bhankey
won tha prima. Lunctuxm was ssrvttd th
latter part of the evening. Those praent
were Miaa Blanche Rodefer, Ethel Barker,
Ulllan Rodefer. Mr. Wlllla Halbrook.
Mr. Oeorge Hasan. Mr. Wayne Halbrook.
Dr. and Mra. fribbenow, Mr. and Mra. R.
J. Bkankey, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Rodafer,
Mr. and Mra. N. C. Anderaon.
The members of the V. D. olub were en
tertained Tuesday evening st tha home of
Mlaa Katharine Shields In South Omaha,
Cards waa tha game of tha evening, st
which Miaa Freda Glbaon won high soors.
Tlut hoalrse wss given a hand-painted
plate. Those preernt were) Meedaraee
O' Leery. Mlaaes Minnie Calrna, Kfce Gua
taveaon. Freda Glbaon, fetnlla Olaon, Ve
ronica Dacy, Flora Siemm, Uinma Guetave
(un, Jennie Nelson, Kathrrine BlileIJi,
Orace Calrna and Roae JVspelrluk.
Tbe next meeting will be wlthh Miss Stella
Olson at her home Monday evening.
In return for a leap-yewr rmrty given a
few weeks ago the men guesta on tbat oc
casion gave a party at Chambrra academy
Friday evening to the young women. Over
d-.uicera were on the floor during the
evening. In addition to a large number of
parents and friends of the young people
who looked on from the grlletiea. F.nter
talnmemt waa alao provided for those who
did not danoe. The denotations were In
blue and whlta Tho greats thoroughly
appreciated the affair, wnlch waa In the
hands of the following committee: Messrs.
L. A. Ilarnliart. O. L. Johnson, 3. K.
Hlckey, I. B. Block, Glen Wright, C. M.
Warner, Ben Milder snd Prof C. H. Boyles.
Mlaa Irene Thompson entertained some of
her schoolmates Friday evening at her
homo (211 Nicholas street. Prises were
won by M1ae Helen M. Johnson, Mr. Bay
Hoffert, Mlsa Elisabeth Beldhuwn and Mr.
Wllaon Jardlna, Lunoheon waa served the
latter part of the evuning. Those present
were: Misses Elizabeth Ftldhunen, Doro
thy McAllister. Helen Johnson, Louise Htr
rlman, FSla Noone, Marie Noone, Dorothy
Shrlver, Luclln Darby, Gladys Hodglns,
Madge Walla, Ruth Weeks, Gertrude Fehrs,
Margcret Sorenaon, Helen M. Johnaon,
Bertha Stagga, Avis Nichols. Messrs.
Jesse Darby, lOdward Fehrs, Bay Hoffert,
Wllaon Jardlne, Harry Kill, Carlyla Dona
hue, Philip Gavin and Bert Johnson.
The members of the 8 an Souct club were
pleasantly entertained Friday evening at
the home of Miss Maude Wilcox. Cards
was the game of tho evening, at which
high scores were secured by Miss Stella
Olson and Miss Jessie Robinson. Consola
tion prises went to Miss R. Andreesen.
The hoatesa whs given a hand painted plate.
Thoaa present were Miss June Corey, Mlsa
Bertha Pixton, Miss Stella Olson, Miss
Nellie Hurst, Miss Jessie Robinson, Miss
Flora Stemm, Mlsa Clara Curt la, Miss
Maude Wilcox, Miaa JeBsle Corey, Mlsa
Durham, Miss R. Andreeaen, Miss Char
lotte Peterson. The. next meeting of the
club will be with Miss Charlotte Peterson
Friday evening, February 6.
Prospective Pleaaarea.
Mrs. G. W. Mcgcath will give a luncheon
Tuesday at hor home.
Mrs. Barton MUlsrd will be at home to
her friends Tuesdays at 205 South Thirty
seventh street.
Mrs. Bradner Slaughter will give a lunch
eon party Monday at her home In Kountae
place for Mrs. Mary Dundy of New York
The Round Doxen club will meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mra. S. R. Rush and
Mra. W. II. Plndell at the home of Mrs.
General and Mra William H. Carter
have taken a houee at Thirty-eighth and
Harney streets. Mra. Carter will be at
homo Thursdays.
Mra. Lee Herdman and Mrs. Arthur F.
Smith have Issued Invitations for a bridge
luncheon for next Friday st the home of
Mrs. Herdman, 3604 Harney street.
Miss Marlon Connell will give a bridge
party Monday afternoon at her home for
Miss Alma Hlggins of Bt. Louis, who la
the guest of Miss Genevieve Johnson at
Fort Crook, and for Mlas Gladys Crulk
ahank of Hannibal, Mo., guest of Miss
Francea Weasels.
Mrs. Wlllam H. Carter, wife of General
Carter, the new commander of the De
partment of the Missouri, has Issued carda
for an afternoon reception to be given next
Saturday at her home. Thirty-eighth and
Harney atreeta, between the hours of 4
and T o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy will en
tertain at dinner Sunday for the members
of the Gunlock-Murphy wedding party,
Sunday evening Mr. Gunlock will give a
bachelor supper st the Henshaw and Mon
day evening the ushers will give sn Or
pheum party, followed by supper at Han
son's cafe.
The Biweekly Bridge club will meet next
Tuesday at the home of Miss May Eastman.
The members of the club are: Miss East
man, Miaa Louise Lord, Miss Katherlne
Powell, Mis Gladys Peters, Mlas Dorothy
Morgan, Miss Jessie Barton, Miss Louise
Kennedy of Fort Omaha, Miss Katherlne
arable. Miss Mary Rlohardaon and Miss
Jean Aycrlgg.
'i'ha current toplco department of the
Woman's olub will hold a Kensington Fri
day afternoon, January 29. at the home of
Mrs. B. C. Brookfleld. California
street. Mra. Brookfleld will be aaalated in
entertaining by Meedamea C. W. Hayes, I.
Douglas, C. D. Burnney, T. R. Ward, JI. 3.
Rhoades, Samuel Rees, F. R. Straight, W,
L. Board, S. Collins and R. IL Walker.
Come and Go Gossip.
A ann was born Wednesday to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bingham Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Hamilton have taken
apartments at the Hotel Loyal,
Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Mslchlen left Satur
day for Excelsior Springs, Mo,
Mra. James M. Pahlmsn Is home from
a visit with relatives In the east.
Mrs. Wolf of New York City la the guest
of her alster, Mtb. Palmer of Dundee,
Mlaa Daisy Doana will entertain Inform
ally at aupper this evening at her home,
Mlaa Mabel Bunnlaon of LeMara, la., has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Hamilton.
Mr. Will Dulaell, who haa been In Call
furnia fur some months, has returned home.
Miss Florence Stern of Savannah, Ga.,
la visiting Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. M. S.
Mlas Agnea Burkley la spending the week
end With Mlsa Genevieve Johnson at Fort
Mr. Ralph W, Moody returned Friday
from a three weeks' trip to Boston and
New York.
Mrs. Hugh McDonald of in ay, Wyo., Is
tlie guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, L.
A. Harmon.
Miss Ottola Nesmlth of Fort Omaha Is
exported horns today from an extended
astern trip.
Mrs. Herman Kountse hua returned from
Dunkirk, N. Y., where she waa iiallud by
the nines of a relative.
Mr, and Mra. Walter Preston left Satur
day for Seattle, Waah,, where they will
visit relatives fur a month,
Mrs. EU Lutta of Tekamah Is the guest
of her cousin, Mrs. Will A. Campbell,' 1814
North Twenty-eighth street.
Miss Mary Ualuratlh Is spending the
week-end at Fort Crook, the guest of Cap
tain and Mrs. Martin Crlmmlns.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney of I-oulavllla, Ky.,
who have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Lewis
'Reed, return to their home today.
Mr. and Mra. Gould Diets, Mra. L. A.
Diets and Mrs. Leonora Diets Nelson will
leave this evening for a trip to Mexico.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frank will be at
home Informally this afternoon In honor of
their guest, Miss Oberfelder of Chicago.
Mrs. White of Birmingham, Ala., who
has been visiting Mr. and Mra. Fdson Rich
for eeveral weeks, returns to her home this
Mlsa Ruth Holmes snd Mlas Juliette At
wood, both of Lincoln, were guests of Dr.
and Mra C. A. Hull for several days this
Mr, snd Mrs. A. L. Stuart of Walnut,
Is , will ba tha guests of honor at a supprr
glvrn this svsiilng by Mr. and Mrs. Jsnua
Mia- D- J. Blaekmore of Cincinnati sr
rlved Thursday to be the gueat for a weuk
of Captain and Mra. W. C. Bennett at Fort
Mra. Esther Rose of Ashland, Neb., who
was the gueat for a few days of Mr. and
Mrs. n H. Weslerfleld. haa returned to
hef home.
Mr. and Mra. C. K. Johannea will oeoupy
the apartments of Mrs. IxiiiIb Bradford In
the Hamilton during the latter's absence
In Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse, who are on
thetr wedding trip, sailed yeaterday from
San Francisco fur an extended stay In
Honolulu. II. I.
Mrs. Famond. who has been In Fort
Wayne for several months, Is visiting her
daughter, Mra. William Donny, and will
remain for the winter.
Mrs. O. W. Clahaugh, mother of Mr. O.
W. Clabaugh, who came on for the wad
ding of her granddaughter, Mlaa Ellen, left
for her homo In Philadelphia Tuesday.
Mra. Daniel E. McCarthy returned Satur
day from a three weeks' visit In Chicago
and Terrc Haute, Ind., where her daughter.
Miss Gurtrudo McCarthy, attends school.
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, who has been
quite III with pneumonia In New York CMjr,
la now out of danger. She may take a
trip to Florida before returning to Omaha.
Mra. F. R. Spannard and little daughter
Francea have returned to their home In
Chicago after a prolonged visit with Mrs.
Spannards parents, Mr. and Mrs. J I. G.
Mrs. Isaac Coles and Mrs. A. O. Beeson
left Tuesday for a visit of aevaral daya
with Mrs. James Green in Lincoln, after
which Mrs. Coles left for Beatrice, where
She Is the giiest of Mrs. S. C. Smith.
Captain Wlldinan of Fort Leavenworth
arrived Saturday to spend Sunday In Coun
cil Bluffs, where Mrs. Wlldman Is the
gueat of her mother, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs.
Wlldman returns to Fort Leavenworth the
latter part of the week.
Mrs. E. L. Lorn ax will leave next week
for New Yo'k. from where she will sail
February 6 on the Auguste Victoria for
Europe. She will Join her daughter, Miss
Mildred Lomax. In Berlin, where they will
both remain until summer.
Miss Bowie leaves today for Topeka,
Kan., where ahe will visit this week, leav
ing Saturday with the Misses Page for
New York City where they will sail Feb
ruary 4 on the steamer Arabic for the
Mediterranean and a trip through the Holy
Land. Later they will go to Scotland and
England for the au miner,
WeHldlnsrs and Enataaemenla.
At the home of Mr. and Mra. Ralph L.
Bhepard, In Kountao Place, Saturday, Jan
uary 23, occurred tho wedding of Miss
Mlna L. Wood nnd Dr. MUo M. Loomls,
the ceremony Wing performed by Rev. M.
V. Hlgbee of Knox Presbyterian church.
Dr. and Mra. Lonmis will be at home after
February 15 at 21 North Twenty-fourth
Mr. William Maurice Gunlock of Detroit,
Mich., whose wedding to Miss Blanche
Murphy will take place Wednesday, arrived
In Omaha this morning, accompanied by
Dr. John D. Ellis of Chicago and Mr. John
D. Rowe of Cleveland, O., both of whom
will be In the wedding party. Other guests
from out of town will be the groom's
mother, Mrs. J. C. Gunlock, and sister,
Mrs. O. J. Norbury, of Detroit, and Miss
J. Maloney of Chicago, all of whom will
arrive Tuesday morning to be the gueats
Of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy.
Among the weddings scheduled for tha
week Is that of Miss Mary Haydon, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayden, to
Mr. Adolph Btors, which takes place
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the
bride's home. A small reception will fol
low for tha wedding gueata. Only Intimate
friends and relatives will be present. Mr.
and Mrs. Storx will take an extended wed
ding trip abroad, sailing on the steamship
Grosser Kurfuerst, whloh leaves New York
February II. The Itinerary Includes Gibral
tar. Algiers, Genoa, Haifa, Jaffa, Bey rout,
with side trips to Gallllee, Jerusalem and
Pamasous; Constantinople, Athens, Alex
andria, with aide trips up the Nile to
Cairo and the Pyramidaj Naples, Rome and
Pompeii. Returning to Genoa they will
make an extended tour through Swltaer
land, Germany, The Netherlands, England
and Francs, visiting the principal cities
and places of Interest In these oourHrles.
They will sail for Naw York from Cher
bourg, France, arriving some time In June.
Pally Court t'lrealar Abolished, Fol
lowing; Criticism for Talking
Too Much.
BERLIN, Jan. JS Emperor William, who
ordered a considerable curtailment of the
dally court circular, after popular excite
ment had been caused following the ap
pearance of the now famous Interview with
him as published In the London Dally Tele
graph, has new decided to algnallae his
fiftieth birthday by abolishing the dully
court report altogether. This report haa
Htherto been given to a semi-official press
bureau for distribution to the newspapers.
Hereafter, however, Instead of tha circular
there will appear a brief summary of the
emreror's official activity. This wllf bs
published bl-weekly In tha Redchs Anselgir,
His majesty's decision, It is said, la the
recult cf recent press criticisms of hla
reading a niagaxine article to the com
manding generals on January 2. These
criticisms goatly embittered hla majeaty
end ho has now reached the conclusion that
It will be best for him to keep out of news
papers as far es possible. Ha expresses
the hope that editors will respect his wishes
In the matter and confine themselves to
reporting only the Relchs Anselger'S aun
A Pleaaant Burprlae
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. Jfco. Foi
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
The churches in the Hawaiian lnslands
Cumber I'd, iind the memhrishfp is ,ij;!.
ul tile accetKions last year were only i'j.i
less than 9 per cent.
An unusual record 1 that of Rev. Felix
N. ttxff uf the Human Catholic diocese of
C'lexelund. I'pon the Ui uth of liisliop
Horstmann Father Buff became for tha
sixth tune administrator ot tli diocese.
Methodists In the t'nltod States and Can
ada will erect a memorial monument to
Barbara Hji k. the founder of Methodism
In America. The monument is to bo erected
on Die L'anad'un hank of the St. Lawrence
rivnr, clote. to the spot where the body (if
the fcrundur Is burled.
The Uev. William Y. Chapman of New
ark. N J , thinks Itiat the uplift move
ment should tie ext mled to the kitchen
girl, "There Is not one," he Uecla'es, "I
sympathise with so much as the woman
who serves tilings upon dishes and tlin
hits to wash the dishes again. It la the
most thankless Job en the planet,"
Mli-s L. R. Smith, sister of the Rev.
J. H. . tmlth. eurste of All Plaints'
Soutiipuol, England, has been invited to
become pastor of a Urge English Con
gregational church, lilia has nut yet mad"
a reply, but if she should accept the call
she will ba the first woman In England tn
taka charge aa minister of a Congrngatlonal
Christen Endeavor haa been reaching
fartlirr and farther Into the remote places
uf the earth, and has proved to be as well
adapted t i the nruits of the negro, Malay,
and Mongolian raises aa tha Caucasian,
according to reports from ita heariu,uuricra.
Tha 19f! t'lirlstian Endeavor slwn;ic re
ports 7e n.ti swie'irs of t'lirlstian Endeavor t tlie world. In aeveniy-tlitrr
Cvuntrlra and groups of Islands.
At present the Burred college Is com
posed of only fifty-five cardinals, ona of
whom was created hv Plua IX, thirty. nine
by Leo XIII ami fifteen by the proaent
pope. During he pontifical uf Pius X
twenty-five cardinals died, seven of whom
died during la. Several of tha living
cardinals are vvvr bo vvais of age and In
Lad health.
Great Value Giving
In the Continuation of Our Sa.le
This, tho last week In January, marks the
closing of our immense Clearing Sales.
We mention in particular a score' of $19.50,
$22.50 and $25.00 Cloaks, on sale tfr A A
Nearly a hundred Coats, formerly $25.00,
$27.50, $35.00 and $45.00 values, the JQ HF
most astonishing values ever of fed. Vvel 0
Win ait Aran I JBIdl?
No reasonable offer fails of making a sale at the auction of high class goods
now going at the jewelry store of
IVIaiwIhiSoinKsy St IR.yaiini
An invitation is extended to those attending the sale to select any article
from the stock and it will be put up at auction without delay.
Special Auction Sale Monday IMlfjut at 7:30
made many friends this week by his punctilious regard for the offerings made by;
the ladies present and his attention to their desires.
NOTE The Mawhinney & Ryan Co. desires through The Bee to thank the
ladies of Omaha for their very generous attendance during the sales held this
week and trusts to see them in equally large numbers
Miss Lyford Resigns ts Head Presi
dent of Omaha Social Settlement.
Slith Dlatrlct Of Hebraaka Federa
tion of Wonien'a CI aba Will Hold
Annual Convention In the
. Early Spring.
The resignation of Mlaa Iyford, head
resident of the Omaha Settlement House,
which came last week, will be a distinct
loss to the settlement work. Miss Lyford
resigns to be married. She opened tha set
tlement house last fall and has brought the
work up to Ita present well-organised con
dition. Mlsa Lyford will leave rebrusry
IS but nothing definite has yet been done
regarding her sucessor.
A new phonograph, the gift of Dr. Har
old Olfford1, la one of the much appreci
ate additions to the house, The Janu
ary meeting we a held Wednesday sfter
noon at the home of Mrs. Howard Ken
nedy,, In the "nig Sixth.
Tha women of the "big sixth" district of
tha Nebraska Federation of clubs are mak
ing an effort to hold a district convention
soma time In the early spring. Mrs. it.
Q. Simon, dlatrlct vloe-prealdnt, reporta
the Country Culture olu of Bronaon post
office, with fourteen members, as having
affiliated with the stale organization. If
It can bs arranged the meeting will ba held
at Alliance, Tha district Is so large and
club women have to coma se far that two
meetings have been oonaldered. one st the
cast and the other at the west slda of the
dlatrlct, In sptte of dlatanees, however,
club work is flourishing and all the clubs
are in good condition.
Francea Wlllard Memorial.
Women's ChriBtian Temperence unions
all over the atate will observe February
17, the tenth anniversary of the death of
Frances Wlllard. with suitable memorial.
Unions that do not hold a special meeting
have been asked to observe the regular
meeting day that cornea nearest that data.
It la the annual custom of unions in many
States to obaerve this day with a special
memorial collection to be used for speolal
work In advancing the temperance cause
to whloh Mlas Wlllard devoted her life.
Clme Meetings.
Dr. Harold Olfford will address the so
cial science department of the Women's
club Monday afternoon on "Some Mlsoon
captions of stoolallsm." The meeting will
ba called at ;30 o'clock. Expecting that
Mrs. Burah Piatt Decker of Denver, for
mer president of tho Gi-neral Federation of
Women's clubs might pas through Omaha
she waa Invlttd to be the gueat of the de
partment Mondsy afternoon, but It Is not
known yet whether sha will be able to
Tha current topics department will meet
in the club parlors Tuesday sfternoon, Jan.
usry to. at I o'cluok, Mrs. C W, Jlayaa,
leader. Tha attitude of congress toward
our president will ba dlecuasad by a promi
nent eltlssn. KeV. F. T. House will review
the book "The Servant In the Houae," Ths
remaining program follows: Current
Events Heme end Foreign," Mesdames
Douglas snd Hiss; "Property Wghts," Mrs.
M. O. Andrews; Vocal Solo, ilia Lenhart;
"The W. C, T- t Convention at Denver and
tho Francea Wlllard Tnlon," Mra. C. K.
The meeting ef the art department will
be held at 10 o'clock Thursday morning In
tha club rooms.
The Women'e Auxiliaries of the Episco
pal churches of Omaha end Boiith Omaha
Will iiH-et Friday afternoon. January 2), Bt
J:S5 o'clock at Bt. Paiil'B church.
The Omahs Woman'a Paptlst Missionary
quarterly will meet next Friday at Grace
I'artifct church, Tenth and Arbor streets.
DwotlonuJ servks will be held at 11 o'clock,
followed by luncheon, served by the women
of the church. The program begins st t
o'clock. The address of tha aftarnoou will
tm given by Kev. Charles T, Klggs.
missionary from Constantinople.
Tha educational maetinga of the Omaha
Women's Christian Tmprence union will
Taffeta Waists, all with long sleeves and the
newest winter models shown, values fl A QP
up to $7.50, on sale at
New Silk Petticoats
Monday we place on sale a hundred new silk
petticoats, regular $7.50 and $8.75 QC
values, on sale at. V W
Reduced Prices on Cloth and Fur Garments
From every etandpolnt our garmonts are light quality, style, fit and workman
ship. The moat fastidious could ask no more.
Worth-east Corses
Furs made, remodeled and repaired
greatly reduced prices.
We are doing this to make room
F. M. Schadell
"Gooch's Best Flour"
Gooch MilUngand Elovator Co.
os new Tor a
Miss Blanche Sorenson,
Studio, G48 Ram go Dlk.
T.1. Imlf 8MT. A-28ST.
Schoel ef
urn 06. Aillne-toa Block.
Practical training fcr atage or
plntfurm , ...
Htudy Includes class und private In
atruction. 1'uplla may enter at any
llm Singing, Dancing, Make-up.
Engaxemente when competent.
be held Wedneeday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John A. Dempster, ju iorin
Twenty-flftli Btrret, at J:u o'clock.
Klra at Princeton Tausea Leaa of Be
tweea Misty and Seventy-Five
Tboaeend Dollara.
PRINCETON, N. J.. Jin. S3.-Revlsed
estimates of ths loss caused by a fire which
orlglnau-d in the terminal building early
today plecea the figures botwe-n ItiO.OOU
gnd I7S.0H0. The ten small frame buildings
were destroyed. The Inadequacy of the
water supply caused much anxiety for the
safety of the university buildings, but the
good work of the volunteer firemen and
many of the university students checked
tho flames sbout 100 feet from Nasaau
street on thf opposite side of which the
university buildings front.
The student body nearly all went to ths
fire. Practically the entire faculty, In
cluding President Wilson and Dean Fine,
glao were on hand to lend any assistance
necessary. The students worked Uks
beavers, helping the puUte to csy
ajtaids front Ute store.
lath aad Xovard an a.
tn correct style and best workmanship at
for ur epring etoclc.
& Co.. lS2lZl1"
Flour of All Flour
The Best In the World
From Nebraska's Hard Whsat
Hie Building.
almost ever time. No dangerous cog.
nietlcg or electricity, no steaming or
massage, do injections, rollers or
masks, but a simple, wonderful scien
tific discovery that is marvelous la It
workings, Jt gives a
without the least discomfort.
A clear complexion and rounded face
woman's best assets. After diligent
research I discovered the secret. It Is
harmless, takes but a few minutes and
can be) used without the knowledge of
any one. Address Amelia Rita. Suite
IBS, 163 Pulton street, Jamaica, N. y.
Omaha's Best Ladies' Tailor
is new loeated In hla naw quarters on
fcouth ltih Htrekt and will bs pleased
to meet liU many patrons there. Hie
Is ahowlng a splendid line of new
Prrtng materials and atylea and will
niukv Home special pries reductions
for a abort time only,
606-BO8 BOUT SI lSTaT tTBaaT
rmoma ooxraiai eoes
aVefereaceai Thompson, Helden A Co.,
Tlioma klipatrlck it Co., J. L. Brand I a
A Bona
Practical Glove C leaner
Established IMS.
Oeevee Heat by Mall Promptly Xsxurn)e