36 TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JANUARY 23. 1000. $35,000 STOCK OF FINE SECURED FROM THE WELL KNOWN SHOES EWER'S Single and Double Breasetd Pure Worsted pncuncn nunc on Doston uri.iiui.il QIIUL bU. Mass. JUST RECEIVED FROM OUR NEW YORK BUYER. 200 Woman's Winter Cloaks Opera. Coats WORTH up TO $40. AT 1" Th winter clraki are smartlr madn of brack And colored broadcloths, mix tures and heavy cloths a doeen new and classy style features, such as you always find in $36 and $40 cloaks. Also stunnlnr evening wraps In dainty shade have been greatly admired In the window values up to $40 each, Baturday, 2d floor, at Great Sale of Hosiery Tan, black and fancy-hosiery for-men. women, girls and boys some mercerized, full fashioned foot, double sole, worth up to 36c, at per pair ' lOC Women's lmpotted hosiery, fast blark and colors, 60c f "T f values, at per pair ejC")jC Infant's black and, white, all wool, cashmere hose, g silk heel and. toe, at per pair IDC SPECIAL SALE OF UNDERWEAR Misses', children's, and boys' heavy ribbed n union suits, worth 60c, at mJC Children's fine anid heavy ribbed f i underwear at lawC Women's wool vests and pants, n worth 75c, at jJC Women's fine and heavy ribbed jn fleeced underwear, at 1 C 10c and 15e Handkerchiefs at 3c and 81c Women's and men's all pure linen Initialed hand kerchiefs; also fine cotton Initialed handkerchiefs, some mercerized, many worth 15c, at 3c and 8Hc. Saturday - Special Sale of Gloves Short kid gloves 2-clasp, single row or Paris point stitch ingtan, brown, red, toupe, green, black AQ 01 CA and white, fitted to the hand, at, pair, . J0C"$1IV Women's and Children's Cashmere and Golf Gloves All colors worth up to 35c pair, 1 at, pair UC PYROGRAPHY OUTFITS Regular $3 sets, at $2.25 Regular $3.50 sets, $2.98 Special prices on all burnt BR.ANDEIS I! if jA FOOD CENTER JJ H SPECIAL at Lunch Counter In Basement 15o Flat Dinner. GROCERY Holland Rusk, per pkg 70 While Klbbon Toilet foap, per cake. at 4o Una Red Hot Stove Polish 6o Hup Corn, per lb . .. 3o J lb. cana Tomatoes, per dos S1.00 Colorado 1'otatoes, per bu... SOo Kxcellence Clour, per sack.. l.a Honey, per frame llanioni1 C Soap, per box.. 13.75 pretrels, per lb 60 Mixed Nuts, per. lb ,la0. New Vurk Made Cheeae, per lb. 80o IVleat Department 1 00 Boneless Hump Kuust, lb. 8lo i mm i,.. it,inriHS l luik Roast. Per it. om Boneless PlK Pork Hams. 10ltO lionde-s Pis Pork Hoaat, ie 1 000 lbs. per lb. 2 ooo lbs. per lb. M)0 lbs. Veal Breast, per lb... avjo SOO lbs. Shoulder Koam. id lot" 1 000 lbs. Hib or Uoin Roast p. r lb 14' 'l U00 lbs. Morrclls Iowa Pride Ple- leerfoot Fsrni Sausage, per lb. 300 Saturduy P. M . 1.60O lbs. Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak, per lli.l30 rrom t to 10 P. M , we will sell LOW lbs. Veal Roast, per lb...ito 1.000 lbs. Choice Lamb Roast, per pound , Ani 100 lbs. Choice Rolling Reef..40 .600 lbs. Country Saukage, lb.4Vte Liquor Dept. fxcxaxs Straight Whlskev. full quarts. 60o Monogram Vhlke. full quarts 7 So While Malt v m-key, (very old). quart, (or TSo Peach and Apple Brandy, bottle. Too 'Banana. Strawberry and Cherry Cordials, per bottle Oo Port Wine, regular 40c bottle. 3o Port Wine, regular 7oc bottle.. 00 Douglas 4T Xnd. Aiaie, FrWate wckMi connects all depts. onrtney & Co 1TU and Bong-las St s. Omaha. SPECIALLY PRICED Regular $4.25 sets, $3.50 $5.00 sets, at $3.98 wood. Omaha's moat convenient and moat pleasant restaurant is lo cated on our saoond floor. SPECIALS l.ye Hominy, per quart 100 New Evaporated reaches, lb. lOo Prunes, per lb 60 t'ountry Butter, rolls, per lb. B9o Best Creamery Butter, per lb... 34o yueen Olives, quart Jars 6O0 Manzanllla Ullves, per qt. Jar 8 So I rill Pickles, per dozen 16o Johnson'a Sweet t'lder, per gal. 40o 36c cans Sliced Aprlcota .... 30o lb. tins Vienna Sausage So Muscatel Peel Grapes 95o IS lb. cans B. 11. Beans 13Vo Nic IlimiH, per lb 10Ho 1.000 lbs. Iowa Pride Bacon, mar row strips), lb I8V1O 1,500 lbs. Armour's Star Ham, (best brand), 12 lb. average . la So Jut received l.ooo lbs. Philadel phia Scrapple, per lb 160 We carry a complete line of 1'sinK'l Mil. Sausage and David Heine's Kosher Sausages. Courtney a Selected Pure Pig Pork Sausage, per pound a5o rVe Recommend The Beer Yoa Like Cases 2 dozen Oft. Large Bottles tJj.yU Cases 3 dozen tel Oft Small Bottles fJ.VU An allowanos of II to will be mad upon returo to us of the empty case, aud all o! the empty bottle la good order. Order will be taken for Luxui In leu than cue lot at the follow ing prices: $2.00 per doz. Large Bottles $1.35 per doz. Small Bottles ev The first sale of the Omaha Auction & Commission Co. will take place Saturday morn' ing, January 23d, at 10 o'clock, at its new location, 16111315 Davenport street Household goods of all kinds will be offered, such as Furniture, Catv pets, Stoves, even Beddings, etc., will be sold to the highest bidder or at your own price. Auction Begins at 10 OTlock Sharp Do Not Miss This Big Opportunity. Omaha Auction & Commission Co. THOMAS L. HULL, Auctioneer Keep Well "in ounce of prtvtnlatire is tcorih a pou nd of cure. ". Always keep a bottle of Hiller's NVhlsky or Brandy In your home. SPECIALS: California Sweet Wines Sherry, Angelica, etc., 60c bottles Calumet Whisky, $1.00 bottles Canadian Valley Malt Whisky, $1.00 bottle. . . Guckenheimer Rye,' full quarts Cedar Brook Bourbon, full quarts Port, 29c 79c 69c 95c 95c HIUiKK'S WHISKIES Always the Same. Full quarts 80c, $1.00 and $1.25. Telephone for a Bottle We lcllver Promptly. Both phones Doug. 1211, A8241. HILLER'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE 1309 Farnam Street We Ship Three Dollar Order Prepaid Sugar 23 lbs. . $1.00 We want your Tea. Coffee, gplce nd Baking Powder trade and we will save you money on good qualities. our corrzn leadzbs. X-O Blend. 85c 4 lbs. $1.00. M. & J. Blend 36o 3 lb. 11.00. Our sugar offer only for customers buying $1.00 worth of other goods. MOYUNE TEA CO. 408 Worth 16th Street. Telephones Doug. 844. Znd. B3440. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CImsm aud beittnf th hair. Promote ft laxuriftnt frawth. Mover Ttlli to Bettor Ormy Bir to its Tomhfiil Color. Cunt icttp diiMM hair IsUliojc. HOTEM. Boston's New Hotel Btdt you end your friends hearty welcome. No pain will be spared to make your next visit a longer one. Eicellent cuiaire with service the best, amid surroundings (astidiously appointed. Everything new, attracfy bve and cosy, with prices teeaonabte The Brewster Cor. Boyliton and Washington St. ' TEL. 41440 OXFORD, Dinner partiti before and after the theatre will receive our special at tention. Ladies w!en shopping will find it most convenient to have luncheon here with every known comfort and exclusion. Ainslie & Grabow Company, Operatlaa Hoteb Leaoa. TuilariM A Empire, Sestea New Ocean Hoewa, Swaaosweatt Hotel TttchAeU, Jamaica, W. L HOTEL C0LLINGW00D win ItTl IT. NXW T0IK art Ob tka sUoak SthAve.&B'way Offers eetaet aoootnodatlotie to eUaw crlmlpxlnsT people. ABSOLUTELY. IRjtPHOOF, aa4 affords every faaUlty for the oocn Xort of gueeta. aitnated In the very heart of the city. In a very quiet neighborhood, eon venlent to all surface, Subway and ele vated railway llnea, and In the naloet tt the ahopphng and theatre district. Eooma With Bath $2 and Up. npaassl raws by the snoots, or aei nHiaursni a ta IITII K. ssOBaXBT, . Formerly of M.w Htven House, Mew Hives, Pe n PS ssnsv Our $3.00 We believe we can outshoe, for the mopey, any man that wears $3.00 shoes and does not buy them here. Our shoes were made ac cording to our specifications by a shoe manufacturer that turns out some of the best men's shoes made. THE LEATHERS ARE SPLENDID THE SHOEMAKIXCt PERFECT THE STYLES ARE CORRECT. BUTTON. LACE OR BLITHER, If you wear $3.00 shoes, sir, and have not been buying here, you have certainly been missing the best $3.00 shoes made. FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOERB 10th and Douglae Streets. Do You Droad February and March? Do You Mind tha Cold? New England Hutternut Bread is the best source of body warmth. It It the match that starts the regu lar fuel burning. Juat a little Im proves the Hppftlte; a little more warmth builds up and strengthens the whole body. Thousands of Oma ha families are unlng It dally. I)o not be deceived lntribuylng any other than the original loaf, a there are many Imitations on the market. Your only protection la the above label. Look for it. HEW ENGLAND BAKERY 8217-19 betveiiworth Street. Phone Douglas 1507. If You Want the best qualities at prices very clone to cost, turn your thoughts in our direction when making up your order. DOUQXirUTS Fresh, home J made, per dozen ww OsVaVxTOiia 25- size; firm, ripe, sweet trult, per 1ls dozen TOMATOES Large cans, full standard, l-o quality, fit per can Ow BKUIKES Extra 6c quality, strong well made, K two for FAjrcAn rx.oua ah best brands, two packages 15c BUTTU Best Creamery, OOa any brand, per lb www OOVVTBT BUTTER Sweet and fhood- Pr 28C liXIl LIOI 141. per lb IJ FOT BOAST Lean, tender. 0 Julek. per lb ww TEAIi BOAST -f O 1 per lb at JC FEAS CSood Karly June, Q per ran WW WHITE CAKES Three layer, quality unequaled, OC each SiwC B1IAD Our fine, home ma4e milk, four lostes 1c. for IOC Johnson & Goodlett aotri and Lake Fbonss Wsb. 1576, Znd. B-1575. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best of All Far us Papers. Actual $15 Values Sale Price Actual $5.00 Values Sale Price Men's Shirts Wortb $1.00 and $1.25 Sale Price 48 GUARANTEE CLOTHING COMPANY 1519-21 Douglas St. svj n Winter Shoes FOR The Boys The rold weather that Is ahead of us will require some good, substantial, warm shoes for the boys. It doesn't pay to buy cheap shoes for the boys they give their shoes harder wear than a man does, and the best is none too good. Don't waste your money in cheap shoeB for the boys. Our "STKKL SHOD" shoes for boys have stood the test for years. You make no mis take when you get a pair of them. BOYS' SIZES 2V4 to 5 $2.50 YOUTHS' SIZES 1 to 2 S2.25 LITTLE GENT'S SIZES 10,i to 13.... $2.00 Bring the boys in Saturday and let us fit them. Drexel Shoe Co. I 1119 Farnam Street Thousands of Homes Right Here in Omaha are Being Beautified by Collecting S. & H. Green Stamps, Some of them your neighbors, perhaps. Why not start right now? It la surprising how quickly books fill up. SATIROAV SPECIALS. . 90c can Maple Syrup C5? 50c rjt. can Maple Syrup. . . -35 Strictly Fresh Eggs (guaranteed), per dozen 33c4 Meadow Gold, Ideal, Wdgewood, Diadem, ldlewlld Butter, lb. 35 Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 1-lb. tin 39tj" Knox Gelatine, per pkg 10 FIlKKIf VKGKTABLFS New I'ntatoes Cucumbers Head Lettuce Radishes Hpinach Cauliflower Hiring Means Khuharb Sweet Potatoes Cranberries Kellevue rwarf Cilery I-'resh Tomatoes Sommer Kros. KiponcnUt of Good Lit lug. 28th and Farnam Sts. Pants TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Dollar War. ON SALE SATURDAY sJAYDEHs TNB RIUABLI STORE ABOUT HALF ACTUAL VALUE Men's $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes In Patent Calf, Vioi Kid and (iiinmctal, button or buckle style, on sale at, pair $1.93 Men's $4.00 and $4.50 Shoes From the Spencer Shoe Co. ptock, all the newest styles and leathers, tho greatest values seen in Omaha in years, at our sale price $2.50 Women's $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes A splendid line of popular lasts, in patent, eolt or punmetal, lace or button welts, on sale while they last, at per pair $1.98 With the most discriminating women, it's Queen Quality Shoes first, last and always. There's a good reason for it. Let us fit you once, and you'll recognize the cause. We're exclusive Omaha Queen Quality agents. t t Big Reduction Sale of Gas and Electric Fixtures Hero Saturday ALL OUR OAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS AT HALF PRICE Gas Stand Complete, with tubing, burner, chimney and mantle for $1.69 Upright Burner Complete, with globe and mantle 25c Inverted Light Complete, with globe and mantle 59c 3 Upright Mantles for 25c 3 Inverted Mantles 25c ALL OAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS AT HALF PRICE. DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Street Gar Because People: 1. Persist in getting on or off moving cars; 2. Get off, facing towards the rear of the car; 3. Eun after a car and attempt to board it while it is going at a high rate of speed; 4. Cross behind one car and step in front of another car coming from the opposite direction; 5. Turn their vehicles sharply in front of a car; 6. ' Use no caution when driving across street car tracks; And Because Children: e 7. Are allowed to make the streets their playground; 8. Or steal rides on the cars. 1 Won't YOU Bear and Assist Us in Omaha & Council Bluffs o your shopping at Omaha's Market high grade eatables are MEAT DEPABTstllTT. ln.nno ih Fresh Ft- Fork Xiolns. lb Tic Armours or Oudaliy's Hams, every one guaranteed first-class, 'f Q isaks, cbolce steer beef, OC 3 lbs for atwC 6,000 California Hams, 7 f No. 1, lb 4W Batter, Ttt end Cheese Department IFECIAX. FOB IATUBOAT. V.fgn. Public Market Special 35o Fancy Country Roll Butter 38o Peanut Hulter. In bulk, per lb... 30o Good Butterlne, 2 lbs 8S0 Phonis: Doug, 2IU Ind. A-2II7 OMAHA'S PKOV1SIOX CENTER. D. C SCOTT. D.V.S. to Dr. BL La. Tlsmsncrtettl) Oftkk Tssnsrssy, an COm Protaptly inemd at All Remrf, IT PAYO Accidents Fa These Things in Mind Preventing Accidents. Street Railway Company Popular Trading Plure. The Public sold here for less than elsewhere. for Saturday TXA AHD COFFEE DEFABTXCXHT. Io you have trouble Betting- good coffee? Then try our famous steel cut sifted goods, with all dust re moved. We know we nave the beat coffee In Omaha, and (rood house keepers are rapidly learning tho fact. No more muddy coffee if you use our goosd. Mocha Mixture, 35c; 3 lbs for (1.00. Exclusive hlend, 85o. Market Special, 20c. Branch of W. 1. Musterman & Co. THB COFFXB Mini. Acrns From Boyd's Thsatir K -A-w-F jjga There is no better remcdv for a ' cough, cold, sore throat or lung trouble than Howell's-Anti-Kawf Try a bottle, Itej ajs4 . IOWIU MM CM.. 1 iktlldle the ! . Hotel xrU